The Brussels Post, 1908-9-10, Page 8AGo.C6
Baking Powder
Have You Tried Ours ?
,e,*essestersetereeIetlaell7e-e. -.Per-Tee"
The lightness of the eelce depends up
on the Baking Powder used and it m
most important that the best should be
Our Batting Powder
is a pure Cream of Tartar Powder care•
fully prepared be ourselves and we
guarantee it to be absolutely free from
any adulterants. The price is 25e. per
lb. -no higher than the poor Powders.
Try it and secere results that will
please you.
rownie Cameras
Printing Paper
Post Cards
And all supplies for this work.
Our No. 2 "Brownie"
Camera at $2 has given
great satisfaction.
We would like to see
You Interested
Ma' geb3s 1teras
It41I.UNERY openings come next.
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even-
Tele Evaporator gets to work next
Scaoot Board will meet Friday eveu-
ing of this week.
GORDON MCDONALD'S black mare took
3rd piae at the Labor Day races at Her-
WINOtAM Citizens Band has been en-
gaged for East Huron Fall Fair. They
play well.
BEL0RAVE Base Ball nine may play
here Friday evening, game commencing
at 4 o'clock.
NEXT week London Fair will bein full
blast. Tuesday and Thursday will be
the excursion days when a return ticket
only costs $1.85.
25 eziees in advance, secures THE PosT
to any post office in Canada, to Jan. est
1909. Take advantage of this offer and.
send it to the absent friend.
NEW fronts are being placed in the
stores of W. A, Grewar and Miss Strath -
an. The tooth of time bas been making
havoc with the timber which is being
superseded by cement,
afternoon of next week, 19th inst,, at
3 o'clock, a meeting of East Huron Fall
Fair Directors is called to complete ar-
rangements for the Fair of Oct. 1 and 2.
:There should be a large attendance.
HYMENEAL, -Will. C. Thompson, for-
merly of Brussels, was married at Ham-
ilton on Thursday, Aug. 27th, to Miss
Bertha May Claringbowl, of that city.
Mr. Thompson is now salesman for the
Canadian Carpet Co. and he will have
the best wishes of his numerous friends
for a long and happy life.
SOME person had the nerve to eater
the home of Barrister Sinclair last Mon-
day morning shortly after r o'clock.,
His movements awoke Mrs. Sinclair
who called her husband. While Mr.
Sinclair was making a search for the
burglar the latter quietly slipped out of
the door. It was fortunate he did as
the householder had a revolver ready to
give him a warm reception.
DIED IN CALIFORNIA. -We are sorry to
hear that Albert, son of Arthur Hing-
ston, a former Brusselite, who now re-
sides at Hillyard, Washington, died on
August 17th, at Los Angeles, California,
of pneumonia. He was 23 years of age
and had been in failing health for a time.
Deceased was a nephew of R. T., Hing-
ston, of Brussels, and was a fine young
man. The old friends of Mr. Hingston
and family here will deeply sympathise
with them,
MATINEE -Last Friday afternoon there
were three races on the program of the
third matinee on the Driving Park here
which attracted a large attendance.
The judges were F. 5. Scott and ino.
Hewitt and the starter Geo. Muldoon,
Following were the winners :-A-G.
McDonald, rst ; Joe Miller, znd ; Robt.
Thomson 3rd, B -Ino. Galbraith, Ist ;
W. Currie, Wroxeter, and ; T. Heffron,
Blyth, 3rd. • C -M. Jackson, 1st ; C.
Backer, 2nd ; J. C. Tuck, 3rd,
BABY DIED. -Last Sunday Alma Ger-
trude, the tittle daughter of A. E. and
Mrs Hersey, of West Toronto, died
aged 4 months and 8 days. The remains
were brought to Brussels Monday night
and the funeral took Mace Tuesday af-
ternoon from the residence of John Bate-
man, Alexander street. Mrs. Bateman
and Mrs, Hersey are sisters. It was just
2 years ago Labor Day since Mr. and
Mrs. Hersey buried their first baby here.
The .parents will visit here for a few
weeks hoping to recuperate Mrs. Her-
sey's health. They are deeply sympa-
thised with,
death occurred Sunday, the 6th inst , at
his late residence 362 Albert street,
Stratford, of John li. Wilbee, in his 5oth
year. The deceased came to his death
as a result of injuries received by falling
from a scaffolding at the Grand Trunk
shops on Wednesday, the 2nd inst, Mr.
Wilbee who was a carpenter by trade,
wasabout to leave Stratford for Hamil•
tone and had his ticket bought, when
hearing of a position at the shops, he
w across and nd was hired. He at once
took his tools off the train and started
work. Very shortly after his starting
the accident happened. In some way be
missed his footing and fell about 16 feet
to the ground, landing on his back and
injuring his spine. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbee
gent to the city from Brussels two years
ago and during their short residence had
Made many friends, Deceased was
born le the village 01 Westmontrose,
'Woolwich township. fie is survived by
a wife and five children, John, Eardly,
George, 13ertie and Cherles, all at home,
Ile waS a 50th 0f Mrs. Henry Wilbee, of
Brussels, who ie still diving, and is also
survived by the following brothers and
sisters: William, of. Galt; Walter, Jesse
and Mrs, Ament, all of Brussels. The
funetaf took plane Tuesday afternoon
from the family residence, Albert street,
to Avondale cemetery and was under the
the direction of the Oddfellews, De -
0281,2(1 was a member of Brussels Court
of Caeadiau Order of t'orester% Mrs,.
Wilbee and family will share in the
sympathy of many old friends here who
knew deceased for many years.
MILLINERY apprentices wanted, Apply to
Miss Strachan..
SIX year old mere for eels, will drive single
or double. For further particulars ask at Tan
STERLING: silver brooch, with circle of 6
Maple leaves, lost on Saturday. Finder will
kindly leave it at Tan POST.
Lose. -On Wednesday morning, Sept. 9th
between Cranbrook and Brussels, a lady's old
082, Brussels, will oblige
ffic, Ornbo.
COMFORTABLE home wanted for a bright
boy of 10 years of age where he might have ad-
vantages of school and become a member of
the family. For further particulars ask at
EVERY loyal citizen and every householder
should be desirous to see the town of Brussels
grow, extend its limits and increase in popula-
tion. T. MCGREGOR; for money, honor and
OFTrcin.-Dr. A. E. H. Groupe Optician and
Eye Specialist will again be at my Jewelry
store on Thursday, Sept.e17th. Examination
and testing free, glasses are supplied
the price is moderate and only best lenses
used. The Dr. stands high in his profession
and his work gives satisfaction as many hi
this locality testify. Come and see him if
your eyes give you any trouble.
H. L. JA02001, Jeweler.
two rinds from town went to Wingham
to the Bowling Tournament where keen
competition was on the program for the
valuable prizes offered. A. H. Mon-
teith's rink consisting of A, Currie, J.
G. Jones and John Hewitt were slain in
the Trophy competition by the McCurdy
rink of Stratford. Brussels' other rink
met with better success and won first
place in the same series after 5 wins,
securing 4 elegant plush upholstered
Morris chairs as their reward. Their
scores were as follows :-
J. J Habkirk W. Rogers
. F. Rowland H. Skates
t2• F. Downing J. Marsh
D. C. Ross, sk.,.2o Dr. Beacom, sk ...r7
Ross, sk
T Bolger
A E. Coulson
G. E. Parks
19 J. C. Greig, sk ... 12
Ross, sk...........20
Ritchie, sk 15
Habkirk Jno, Shine
Rowland Juo. Bolger
Downing Ed, Bright
Ross, sk 26 J. M. Best, sk 8
A. D. McKictrick
Rowland W. H. Bowies
Downing G. E. Brown
Ross, sk........... 16 R. H.Robinson,sk io
The chairs have been on exhibition in
R. Leatherdale & Son's furniture store,
meanwhile the winning quartette has
received hearty congratulations.
People We Talk About
Mrs. 3. G. Jones and Miss MInerva
are away to Toronto on a visit.- Mrs.
G. Skene is visiting her daughter in
Toronto. -Mr, and Mrs. Hahn, of Ber-
lin, were visitors with J. and Mrs.
Querin.-THE POST is sorry to state that
Mrs. Jno, Downing fell last Sunday in
the cellar and sprained one of her
wrists, We hope she will soon be as
smart as usual. -Donald and Mrs. Men-
zies, of Molesworth, visited at Mrs. John
Sinclair's Princess srreet,-N, and Mrs,
MvlcCaulay enjoyed a few holidays with
relatives at Chesley.-Miss Jeanie Howe,
of Wroxeter, was renewing old friend-
ships and attended the Jubilee of the
Methodist Sabbath School. --Miss Attie
Smith, of 'Toronto, and Miss Gannett, of
Bluevale, were visitors with Mrs. Wat-
Ainlay.-Mrs, and Miss Maud Dinsmore,
of Goderich, spent Labor Day with H.
L. and Mrs, Jackson. -J. T. Wood is
away to Eastern markets with samples
from the Excelsior Knitting factory. -
Jas, and Robert Thuell, who went West
on the Harvesters excursion, arrived
home last week. They were not much
taken with the management of the hun-
dreds of wheat field helpers who went
out and think a change in the system is
Thema Gerry badlyrequired.-Missu
v is
holidaying in Toronto. -George Irwin,
of Toronto, was renewing old equaiut-
ances in Brussels for a few days. He
has a good position in the Queen City
and is doing well we are pleased to
state. -Mrs. A. Strachan and son were
visiting old friends in Toronto. -Jack
Leckie hes been taking in the Toronto
Fair and visiting relatives and friends. -
D. Ewan was in Toronto accompanied
by W. C. Smith, in the interests of the
forrner's Carriage business. -A former
resident of Brussels was here during
the past week in the person of 3, E,
StefBns, of Pasco, Wash., U. 5, The
visitor is in the real estate business,
He has done a large amount 01 travel-
ling since he lived here and tells many
interceding incidents of his trips. Mr.
Stiffins is related to the Ronald Me -
Naughton family of Brussels, ---S. C.
and Mrs. Wilson were at 'Toronto •.last
week. They also visited Niagara Falls,
"going by boat froth the Queen. City, -
First Step Towards Independence
' opet'!S a
Open »n Account in the, Savings
Department of
times a
Capital Paid Up - - - 81,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $1,241.532.26
Farmers with fam:li.1 are specially advised to
open "Joint Deposit Accounts" bywhieh money
can be deposited or withdrawn by husband or
wife, and in the case of death by the survivor.
F. H. GILIWY, Manager • II
H. C. Fawcett, manager of the Mer•
chalets Bank of Portage -La -Prairie,
Man„ was a visitor with his brother,
W, J. Fawcett, of the Metropolitan
Bank, Brussels, He was accompanied
by his little neice Ola May Fawcett, of
Harriston, who is to make her home at
the Portage with her uncle and sunt, -
Samuel Carter spent a couple of days in
Toronto in a combination of business
and pleasure, -F. H. Gilroy, manager
of the Metropolitan Bank here, Left on
Saturday for a few weeks' holidays. W.
le Fawcett is supplying during his -ab-
sence,-Miss Alice Fleming, of Fergus:
was holidaying with relatives and old
friends in Brussels. -Mrs. Garrow and
daughter, of Webbwood. Ont., were
visiting Mrs. Leckie, Mrs. Slemmon
and ether old friends in Brussels, -Drug-
gist Fox paid a business trip to Toronto.
--W. L. Leatherdale is "doing" the
Queen city this week. -John and Mrs.
Ferguson and children are holidaying
with relatives in 'I'eeswater.-Miss Pell -
nock, of Drew Station, was a visitor
with 511155 Gertrude Ross. -Mrs. C. R.
Perkins and children, of London, are
visiting at Sliady Nook. -Miss Nessie
Kay, of Winnipeg, and Miss Helen Kay,
of Stratford, are the guests of Mrs. W.
H. Kerr et Riverside Villa.- Miss Smith
of Galt, was a visitor with relatives in
town. Miss Marion Smith, of Drayton,
was also home for Labor Day, -Dr. and
Mrs. Graham are away on a holiday for
a few weeks at Toronto and other
points. -Mrs. Geo. Lowry spent a few
days at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Forrest, at Brantford. -Roland Pinner,
of Clinton, was a visitor in Brussels for
a few days. -Mrs. John Pngh, of Mitch-
ell. was a welcome visitor with oil
friends in Brussels during the past week
-Miss Ruby Plum is enjoying a visit
with Mrs. luo. Pugh, of Mitchell. -Mrs.
Aikins, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. M.
Buchanan, Turnberry street. She is a
sister to Mr. Buchanan. -Barrister Mon-
teith speut Sunday under the parental
roof at Stratford. -W. J. Kennedy, of
Seattle, Wash., was in Brussels last Sun-
unday, driving over from Seatorth. He
was a former assistant postmaster in
Brussels and called on old friends. -
Mrs, (Dr,) Knechtel, of Winnipeg, is
here on a visit to her parental borne with
D, and Mrs. Moore. The Dr. may take
a. run Here before his good lady returns.
-W. H. McCracken spent a few days
sightseeing at Toronto Fair before enter-
ing on his Fall Fair campaign. -Miss
Inez Hirous is holidaying at her home in
Blyth. -Misses Laura and Alice Con-
stable, were Seaforth visitors on Sun-
day. -Miss Kate McDonald, of Bay
City, Micb., was visiting her mother,
Mrs. Arch. McDonald, Mill street. The
old lady has been quite poorly but is
some better we are pleased ; to state.
She is 88 years of age, -Postmaster Far-
row is away for a holiday and will visit
T•lronto, Colliugwood and other points.
-Miss Marjorie Ross spent Sunday at
Jas. Stretchau's, Jamestown. -Hear the
Minstrel Show at Jamestown on 'rues -
day, Sept. r5th. Special attraction,
Uncle Eoen's Quartette. They are
worth hearing. -Miss Carrie Jackson has
returned from Toronto and has taken a
position in Miss Strachan's millinery
rooms. --Miss Edith Bailey has secured
a millinery position a! Uxbridge. The
Uxbridge people will find Miss Bailey a
veru competent young lady.-Dotgald
and Mrs. Ferguson and Miss Zetta Fer-
guson, of 'l eeswater, accompanied by
Mrs. Norman McDonald and son Doug-
las, were visiting relatives in town.
Mr. Ferguson has recently returned
from a tour through the West -Miss
Mary McNaughton is away for a visit
with Wawanosh friends. -Mrs Ira Park-
er, of Wingham, was visiting in town
for a few days. -Mrs. Thos: Bone is
visiting in Toronto. -Ernest Miller
spent a few days in Mitchell. We'll
have to see about these visits to Perth
Co. -Miss Sadie Driver and her sister
Mrs. Wilson and children, of Rochester,
N. Y. were visiting old friends in town.
They were former residents of the town
and will be remembered by mauy.-W.
and Mrs. Hartry and Thos. and Mrs,
Rands and daughter, of Seaforth, were
welcome visitors to Brussels and locality
during the past week. -S, and Mrs.
Panabaker, of Hespeler, were holiday
visitors with Jim. and Mrs. Cober.-Jno.
and Mrs. Cardiff, were visiting their
Wishes to announce to the Ladies of Wal-
ton and surrounding country that she has
opened up a Millinery Parlor, over
Ferguson's Store, having secured
the services of Miss Edmonds, of Lind-
say, as Trimmer.
All orders promptly attended to in
Ladies' and Children's Headwear.
Millinery Opening
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25th & 26th
,•-,,•',•-.,--_-_v-•-,.0`►TT1 s'®T7T-gITT -'V '•V
Brussels Evaporator
Oil and after Friday, September lith
2O0. PER BAG .
will be paid for all good paring Apples de-
livered at the Factory. No shall or soft
apples wanted and if brought will have to
be culled out or taken home as there's no
market for them.
it iOTC R
Accumulate Capital
Your talents, which now yield you a comfortable•
income, will some day lose part or all of their earning
power. Then you will need other capital that does not fail.
A small sum deposited every week or month with
Established 1873 OF CANADA, 51 Branches
Will, with Interest compounded quarterly, provide a
comfortable income for your old age. One Dollar will
open an account. You cannot begin to save too soon. 63
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Branch also at Walton.
daughter, Mrs. Harry Bartliff last week.
-Miss Jessie McLauchlin arrived home
last Saturday from an enjoyable visit
with relatives in the East. Miss Lizzie
is continuing her stay. --Geo. Thomson
sr., is holidaying at Galt. -Mrs, W. A.
Grewar is enjoying a visit with Toronto
friends. -Geo and Mrs. Thomson spent
Labor Day with Walter and Mrs, Innes,
at Moorefield, -Miss Hawkins, of God-
erich, was the guest of Misses Downing.
-Thos. Grills, of Harriston. and James
Grills, of Elora, were visitors at R.
Leetherdale's. They are brothers of
Mrs Leatherdale.-Mrs. Allan and Miss
M. Reid, of Wingham, were visitors
with the family of C Friendship, 01
tows, for a few days. -Miss Evelyn
Brown, of London, was holidaying with
her grandmother and aunt, Mrs. and
Miss McKay, -W. Pryne spent a few
days in Toronto combining business and
pleasure. -Mrs. and Miss Maunders
were spending a few holidays with rela-
tives at Berlin and other points.
Church Chimes
C. E. CoNVENTioN.-In connection.
with the Presbyterial Union of Mait-
land Presbytery a Convention in the in-
terests of the young people will be held
in the Presbyterian church, Bluevale,
on Tuesday of next week. There will
be sessions in the afternoon and even-
ing, the sessions commencing at 2.15.
Interesting papers and addresses will
be given on C. E. work and Rev. Thos.
Mitchell, B. A., B. D„ of London, wilt
deliver en address at the evening gath-
ering his topic being "Two big prob-
lems before the Canadian church and
our part in their solution," He is a
fine speaker and well worth hearing.
GALnnAITa.-In Brussels on August 1051, to
Mr. and Mus, Jno. Galbraith, a daughter.
til ma
HE Gertrud wast titer of Sept.bend, 0
Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Horsey, aged 4 mon g l and 8 days.
HINOiert, 80 t Loa Angeles, Cal„ on Aug, 17,
Albert, son of Arthur Hbhgston, of Hill-
yal d, Wash„ formerly of Brussels, aged 28
wumnn.-In Stratford, on Sept. Oth, John
Wilbee, formerly of Brussels, in his 50th
PIM/AY, SEIP. term - Farm stook, imple-
ments. &e. Lot 12, Con. 18, Grey. Sale un-
reserved at t e. ne L. N. WILT assieON, Prop.
F. S. Boom%, Auo.
P01E8547, SEPT. 22Nn,-Farm, farm stock
and intplemente, Lot 88, Con. 18, Mcli;illop.
Sale unreserved ab 1 p. m, lr. S. Scott, Auo.
Thos. Ryan, Proprietor,
MONDAv, September 28th, -baro, Farm
stook, implements. &o.. Lot 15, Oon. 8 Grey.
Sale um'eeerved at 1 o'clock. Joseph Raynerd,
Proprietor. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer.
Wheat 90 80 $0 85
Oats 85 57
Daley 40 50
Potatoes . 60 60
Eggs r 17 18
Hay 5 005 00
glee d 0 6 2O
The People's Column
FOR SALE. -Ono set second-hand single her -
at Lont 20, tConb, ggGyreenyd. oW.rFMNs, seen
10.8 Brussels P. O.
=ARM FOR SALE containing 100 nares, be-
n-isg Lot 7, on the 1051 Oon, of the Town-
ship of Grey. Good buildings ; all seeded
down, For further particulars apply to TOHN
CLARK, Liveryman, Seaforth. 10.4
STRAYED from the premises of the under-
signed, Lot 28, Oon. 16, Grey, on or about
August 1st, 0 good Leicester ewes and 5 nimbi,.
The bombs have long tails. Any information
leading to their recovery will be thankfully
reooived. LUKE 0. SPEIRAN,
10-4 Monerieff P. 0,
ES1RABLE PROPERTY for sale in the
Pillage of Ethel, consisting of i/ acre of
OUNNTNGnAM-MANNINo.-At the residence of lard upon which is a comfortable brick House,
the bride's mother, Norrie, on Sent. 0th by with brick kitchen and frame woodshed ; oleo
Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, Mr. Herbert den- amble. . quantity of emelt fruit, PosAMA ion
ninghain, of Palmerston to Miss Susie E., et, once if required. For further partioulm•a
daughter of Mrs. John Manning. apply to T. KEEFER, Lot 36, Con. 2, Grey, 9tf
Wo aro this week showing
a particularly lino line of
Hair J3rlishes at a Special
Price of
25c. each
They are nicely finished
and fine quality of bristle.
See thom in our window.
note of land for sale, Tornberry street,
North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &e.
Possession could be given at mune. For furter
Premises sALEprice,
MoLALJO 6LIN apply l6 the
Notion is hereby given that a Court will be
h •io Voters' Limb Ac t
held, a Honor 1be the On of
by Fila Honor ti}o Judge ron uP the County Oouo,
or the County nthe
Huron, the Council Roma,
Brussels,0,tt on the he Mock i nrth day of Sento
at ten or the Mock in the forenoon, to
hear and determine complain of errors and
olhilsaio a in the voters' List of the village of
Brussels for 1908.
Deted at Brnsaele this 8th day of Sept, 1908.
70.2 F. S.
k of Brussels.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of John Skel•
toil, late of the Township of Morris,
in the County of Huron, fanner.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1027, chsp1ter 120,
and amendments thereto, that all creditors and
others having eleiars against the estateof the
said John Skelton, who died on or about the
1711h day of August, 1028, are required on or be-
fore the 8rd day of Ootobet• 1908, to send by
poet, prepaid, or deliver to W. M. Sinclair, of
the Village of Brusselx in the Connty of Aur.
on, Solicitor for Betsy 1'. Marshall, William 8.
Skelton and George Jacltson, the Executrix
and 10.ceoutors of the last will and Testament
of the said deoeaaed, their Ohristian and sot••
names, addresses and desoriptlous, the full ppar•
Menton of their claims, the statement of their
seeonuts and the nature of the securities df
any) Held by them.
And further take notice that atter sueli last
mentioned date the Enid Executors will
proceed to distributetheassets of the deems,
ed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the alaime of which they shall
then have notice, and that the said Executors
will not be liable for the said assets, ot• may
part thereof, to any person or persons of whose
alarm notice shall not have been received by
thein at the flute of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels, 7t1 dey of Sept., 2008.
10.0 Solicitor for the .ibo, ,,tors.
Brussels New Daylight Store
15 Days' Sensatini1 elhi
of Ready-to-wear CIitMtm
On Saturday, August 29th, we commence a 15 Days' Sale of High Class Ready-
to-wear Clothing for Men and Boys at prices never before offered in Brussels. The
lots are made up of Children's, Boys' and Men's Suits and Men's Rain Coats. Some
manufacturers' clearing lots, bought at 25 to 3o -per cent. less than regular, as well as
our regular stock goods. Goods at sale prices will be for cash. We need the money.
It will pay you well to investigate these offerings.
53 Boys' 2 -piece Suits, regular 3.50 & 3.15 far $2,48
-Boys' 2 -piece Suits, made of medium and dark
tweeds, good quality of strong linings, in 2x48
Norfolk styles, for boys 6, 7, 8, q and 10 yrs.
old ; reg prices 3.5o and 3 75. Your choice •
27 Boys' 2 -piece Sults, regular 4.50 & 435 far $3,48
-Boys' 2 -piece Suits hi medium and dark color-
ed tweeds, double breasted and Norfolk
styles, strong lining and perfect fitting for.
boys 1r, 12, 03, 14 and 15 years old ; regular
prices 4.5o arid 4 75. Your choice for...,..
68 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, regular 5.56 & 630 for $3.90
-Boys' 3.piece Suits with Knicker Parts, double
and single breasted, made' of medium and
dark tweeds, strong linings and perfect fit- 3ton
tin. for boys r l to 1 ; regular rices
g 7a g
g ) P
S.Sn and 6 on Your choice for ,.,,
75 Men's Butts, regular 13, 14 and $15 for $0,511
--Men's Suits in blue and Meek Serges, fancy
Worsteds and dark 'T'weeds, first -plass lin-
ings and perfect fitting, all sizes from 38 to A
44 iu the lot; regular prices froth $13 to YriYo
$15, Your choice for,
Men's 10,09 Suits for 7,75
-Men's Serge black end bine end fancy Tweed
Suits, well made with good linings, all sizes 7.75 1 5
from 36 to 44 ; regular price $ro.00, Your
choice for.,,, .
1.00 and 1.25 Men's Pants for 75c,
-32 pairs Men's Odd - Pants, dark grey end 759
i Tweeds, all sizes il, the lot ; re alar
fancy g
$l,00 and $1.25. Your choice for ,,
10.00 Men's Rain Coats for 6.90
-22 Men's Rain Coats in dark fancy checks,
first-class fitting garments and well tailored 6.90
in every way, all sizes front 36 to 42 ; regi, -
lar price moo. On sale nt•..,.
8150 Men's Rain Coats- for 5,75
-9 onlyMen's plain greyRain Coate, well
5.75Umade anti
perfect fitting; rLgnlar price 9,50
.On sale at ,..,.,
1,00 Boys' Odd. Rainker Pants for 69c
=47 pairs Boys' Odd Knicker Pants in Serges,
Worstecis and good Clark Tweeds, all SNOB
iIOm 24 t0 33 1 regular price `i oo Your
choice for
Goods Flight or Your Money Back
Highest Price N M
for Produce.
ee F§eterael11Zh Bi