The Brussels Post, 1908-9-10, Page 6Ai_LING SICKNESS
Fite, Epilepsy, St, Vitus' Dance,
Nervous Troubles, Dto., positively
euroclby LIEBIG'S FIT CUR. rive. trial.
bottle sent free on application. Write
t1,o LIEBIG CO., Phoebe St„ Toronto.
t i,.l,.j l..f .l l 1.x,.1 f .i..1, I } 1• f^� -
Fashion ;
"What shape will hats be 3 Will
they be smaller than hats liae
been during the summer Will
the crowns be high or low'! Will
they be trimmed elaborately or will
they be comparatively simpler
At last, dear madam, Poria bas
stirred herself to make prognosti-
cation concerning the answer to
your question. 'Truly, there is no-
thing novel in the style that she
predicts will be the thing for win-
ter wear.
Where straw was, felt will be
used, even in the same shades. Silk
hats will be lined with a contrasting
Color of velvet, and vice versa; felt'
hats lined with colored satin. All
Jere extremely big and on the mush-,
om order. Of course, fickle!
Dame Fashion may at any time l
change her decree—just as she sud-
denly decided that high crowns
were not the thing and low crowns
must bo worn instead.
Autumn hats are low—that is one
fact to start with—although only
he largest wholesale houses in
Paris have begun to make them
with the single exception of Lewis,
who has already been showing some
taffeta hats for early fall wear).
Many of the autumn models have
din in the brim—either to right
rr left—and some show the low
crown on the tam-o'-shanter order,
while it is predicted that the trim-
ming will consist mainly of wings
and bows—leaving the ostrich fea-
thers for those hats to be designed
a little later in the season.
A smart hat of black grosgrain
silk is faced with a buff satin and
is trimmed with long, curling quills
in black, while a stiff bow matches
the lining of the brim. This is es-
sentially a hat to wear with a fall
suit, for there is nothing about it
to suggest dressiness.
A hat with broad quills—or pos-
sibly ostrich feathers—is of white
felt, the brim being lined with the
palest shade of salmon` pink. The
feathers all start from the left side
cf the wide brim and curve grace-
fully back over the wide crown.
The lady wearing this hat also
wears a neck ruff, which fastens in
a huge bow at the right side.
A smart hat for a young girl is
that with tam-o'-shanter crown of
blue taffeta. The whole bat, in fact,
is of the same material, and the
band around tbe crown is nattier
blue embroidered in gold.
A hat in a pale mauve—or satin—
is trimmed with a black satin scarf,
while a rosette holds in place a
huge black aigrette. This is more
on the dressy order than any of the
Fats shown.
A hat to wear with one's autumn
suit is in beige -colored felt, with
a scarf of black satin and a large
fanlike thou of the same. It is
lucky that this hat is of such soft
material, otherwise it would be dif-
ficult to get through the many doors
that one must'pass in daily life.
A hat in shades of amethyst is
that of dark taffeta, bound with sa-
tin in a lighter shade. The same
Idea is carried out in the trimming,
where the velvet band around the
crown matches the color of the hat,
while the ruching round the top of
the Brown is of taffeta to match the
binding. This is worn with a dark
amethyst -colored ruche of chiffon,
tied on the left side with a big taf-
feta bow to match the ruching and
binding of the bat. It is a very at-
tractive creation and amethyst bids
fair to be a popular color this sea-
Which Pe-ru-ria Relieved in a Short
.Y::. .
200 -Year-old Scottish Church lu
Covent Garden Coming Down.
The most famous London build-
ing in the hands of the housebreak-
ers at the present moment is un-
douibtedly the old Scot-
Church in Crown Court, Cov-
ent Garden, a little alleyway which
runs north out of Russel street,
opposite the stage entrance to
Drury Lane Theatre. It is—or was
—a veritable London landmark. It
has, however, for long been too big
for the calls upon it, and has been
paying under stress a very large
ground rent to the Duke of Bed-
ford. It will be rebuilt upon the
same spot, but on a muoh smaller
plot of land. Meanwhile the servic-
es of the church will be conducted
in the Newton Hall, Fetter lane.
The old church in Crown Court
was originally built about one hun-
dred and ninety years ago. It rea-
lized the designs of its founders in
a normal fashion for a long while.
Then suddenly came a time when it
was famous. John Cumming, who
had been licensed to preach in May,
1832, by the Aberdeen Presbytery,
was acting as tutor in Kensington,
when he was invited to preach in
the old church in Crown Court.
In August of the -same year he re-
ceived a "call" from the church.
It was then small and inconvenient,
and the minister's income was not
over 2900. But his preaching soon
attracted a huge congregation, and
the church was rebuilt in 1847 at a
cost of $5,000. It was opened in
1848 w'th sittings for a thousand,
persons. The income from pew
rents reached £1,500 per annum,
but Cumming refused -to accept
more than 2900, the remainder pay-
ing off the debt incurred for re-
building. The church has remained,
strangely picturesque and grimy,
until to -day.
Now the fashionable congrega-
tion has drifted westward to the
new church in Pont street, Chel-
sea, and the old Manse, or dwel-
ling as they call it, built for Cum-
ming, is being pulled down with the
rest of the building. The big or-
gan is to be sold and Lady Fran-
ces Balfour, one of the last patron-
esses, has, it is understood, secur-
ed the possession of some of the
woodwork, which is beautiful and
valuable, in the Manse.
m165 SUSI1i M. Ji.lN(ib-
WORTH, 466 Quebec St ,
London, Ontario, writes:
"I began using Peruna last Jan-
uary, when I had such a bad cold,
and I could not got anything to
help me.
"My nose and head were all
stopped up, so that I could hardly
get niy breath. I thought at times
that I would smother, especially at
"I have no troublei with
The noise in my e
"I know Peruna will do just what
you say it does. I cannot praise
Peruna too highly, as it has done
s, much for me. I hope my letter
will reach other sufferers."
Mrs. S. J. Kountz, 1015 Scovel
street, Nashville, Tenn., writes:
"I have had a very bad cough
nearly all my life, and I am forty-
five years old. I have taken al-
most every kind of cough medicine
that has ever been made, but none
did me much good. I would have
spells of coughing that I thought 1
would cough myself to death_ I
took Peruna, and last winter and
this winter -I have had no cough,
and I know that Peruna cured rue."
A medicine that will keep children
well is a great boon to every mo-
ther, This is just what Baby's
Own Tablets do, An occasional
close keeps the little stomach and
bowels right, and prevents sickness.
During the hot weather months
u .
t '317
stomach troubles speedily turn to
fatal diarrhoea or cholera infan-
tum and if a medicine like Baby's
Own Tablets is not at band the
child may die in a few hours. The
wise mother will always keep a box
or Tablets in the house and give
them to her children occasionally
to clear out the stomach and bow-
els and keep them well. Don't
wait until tbe child is sick—the de-
lay mayecost a precious little life.
Get the Tablets now and you may
feel reasonably safe. Every mo-
ther who uses these Tablets praises
them and that is the best evidence
that there is no other medicine for
children so good. And the mother
has the guarantee of a government
analyst that the Tablets contain
no opiate or harmful drug. Dea-
lers sell the Tablets at 26 cents a
box or you can get them by mail
from- The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Sure Regulators.—Mandrake and
Dandelion are knpwn to exert a
"Hard times are bound to be powerful influence on the liver and
full of unpleasant shocks and stun- kidneys, restoring them to health
ping surprises," said an old man ful action, inducing a regular flow
of the world. rI remember the last of the secretions and imparting to
financial panic and a sermon that the organs complete power to per -
a minister preached thereon. The form, their functions. These vain -
pastor, in a powerful discourse, able ingredients enter into the cam -
urged economy and retrenchment pcsition of Parmelee's Vegetable
on his congregation. In view of the Pills, and serve to render them the
hard times, there should be no ex- agreeable and salutary medicine
travagance, no useless expenditure, they are. There are few pills so
he said, but every outgo ought to effective as they in their action.
he pared down. The congregation --
held a Church meeting, and unani- Costing about as much as a good
niously reduced the man's salary horse, the camel's speed is equally
from $2,000 to $1,600. great, and his life much longer. He
g. is. moreover, able to carry three
A. CONTEST WORTH ENTERING. times as much as one horse.
"Do you know, my daughter, that
every name means something. For
instance, Charles means brave,
William resolute, Gorge—"
"Oh, I know what George means,
"'Well, what is it 1"
"George means business. He told
me so last night."
Bohemian District Invaded by
The Prague (Austria) Tageblatt
says that enormous swarms of but-
terflies passed through Asch and the
surrounding country last week.
The farmers and gardeners are in a
state bordering on terror, as it has
been discovered that the invading
army left an awful memento behind
it in the shape of eggs.
Some idea of the extent of the
trouble can be gathered from the
fact that on a single leaf as many
as twenty nests, each containing
1,000 eggs, were found. This
means the hatching out of 20,000
ravenous caterpillars, which will im-
mediately commence their work of
destruction on the plant that has
sheltered them,
The swarm that made it way over
Asch is only one of the many that
are devastating Bohernia. in ono
of the districts given up to the cul-
tivation of cabbages the fields wore
white as if with snow, and after the
passing of the butterflies it was
noticed that the cabbages were
thickly covered with the oval eggs
Of, the insects. This year's cabbage
crop is quite lost,
At Oelsnitz the butterflies flew in
it the open windows of an embroi-
;lery factory in such numbers that
1h° machines became clogged by
their bodies -an'cl work had to be
luspevdlecl for, the day,
A curious fact in connection with
tlicsc awarme; is that Choy appear
invariably to fly south-west,
We don't believe people would be
ilcdra larAnsis 11 that*: were less how,
A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO
DOLLARS is offered by the
ORANGE MEAT people to the ono
sending in the largest number of
bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack-
ages before May 31, 1909. This
means that the winner will receive
FIFTY-TWOOne Dollar EVY, or
DOLLARS e eryCye year,
as long as he or she lives, or they
can exchange it for a CASH PRIZE
Besides. the above there is a sec-
ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes
as follows :—
Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY
Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL-
LARS each.
Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE
DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN-
DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL-
LAR each.
The only condition attached is
that you cut out the bottoms of the
ORANGE MEAT packages and.
send them in to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo
package counts equal to Three of
the smaller size, You should be
able to win one of the above prizes
if you start immediately and get
your friends to help you. Send
your name and address to
ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO-
DAY, and state that you are en-
tering the contest. It is surely
worth trying for,
Give the Children a Chance
It will be noticed in the Singer
Sewing Machine Company's adver-
tisement that there are three ad-
dresses at the bottom of the an-
nouncement. Any one writing will
please address them at the nearest
one of the three places to his post
"Professor," said Mrs. Gaswell
to the distinguished musician who
had been engaged at a high price
tc entertain her guests, "what was
that lovely selection yon played
just nowt" "That, madam," he
answered, glaring at her, "was an
improvisation." "Ah, yes, I re-
member now. I knew it was an old
favorite, but I couldn't think of
the name of, it to save me."
Men should
look for this
Tag on
Tobacco. It
guaranteesthehigh quality of
Black Watch
The Diu lilaelt Plug!.
Spanking does not cure children
of bed-wetting. There is a consti-
tutional cause for this trouble,
Mrs. M. Summers, Box 100, 1 ind-
sor, Ont., will send free to any tures. The buying at these' prices
mother her successful home treat- is probably foreign. The English
merit, wy, full instructions. Send and French investor aro more fav -
yo r chit dren troubleent write her toaday if o•able to South and Central Am -
way r children
you In thieme the child, the erican investments than the Cana-
dian The settlement of Dominion
He criticised her uddings,. and
he didn't like her cake; be wished
she'd make the busouit that his mo-
ther used to make; she didn't wash
the dishes, and she didn't make a
stew, and she didn't mend his
stockings—as his mother used to
do. .Ah, well sho wasn't perfect,
, though she tried to do her best,
until at length she thought her time
bad come to have a rest. So when
one day he went the same old rig-
marole all through, she turned and
boxed his ears, just as his mother
used to do.
Though something about her
struck him when first her form he
scanned, that something, you may
rest aasurred, was not her darling
hand. Alas 1 that rough awakening
from love's delicious dream; it
soured the milk of mutual love to
anger -totted cream. So o'er the
tiff they parted—a thing that oft
occurs. He went home to his mam-
ma, and she went home to hers.
A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto,
state that the recent failure of A.
U. Brown & Co„ of New York will
not affect Canadian investors, as
their business was carried on in
Canada through Canadian brokers,
and if the firm do not pay in full
the brokers will be the losers. The
New York market has been active
and prices advanced beyond any
immediate warrant -with recent re-
ecessions, However, every one
knows that Wall Street anticipates
events, and there is certainly
narked improvement in trade con-
ditions, which promises to not only
increase, but to be permanent. The
well-established dividend paying
stocks are undoubtedly a safe in-
vestment and at present prices will
pay a good rate of interest. They
will sell higher after the Presiden-
tial election—if not before. In the
Toronto market the advance 'n
Mexican Power which we recom-
mended to e'lr clients at 50 to 75
and San Perin to 150 are the fea-
.m....a..�r .Nra.I . liZoNtarl
chances -are it can't help it. This
treatment also cures adults and
aged people troubled with urine
difficulties by day or night.
An African woman, to be consid-
ered beautiful, must have small
eyes, thick lips, a large flat nose,
and an intensely black skin.
In the treatment of summer com-
plaints, the most effective remedy
that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel-
log's Dysentery Cordial. It is a
standard preparation, and many
people employ it is preference to
other preparations. It is a highly
concentrated medicine and its seda-
tive and curative qualities are be-
yc•nd question. It has been a po-
pular medicine for many years and
thousands can attest its superior
qualities in overcoming dysentery
and kindred complaints.
In 1840, ninety-six million eggs
were imported into Great Britain,
while in 1906 the number had
grown to nearly 2,265 millions.
ne not give up in despair, you who surfer.
Irom obstinate disfigurements of the skin. Annaint
•ha sore spots with Weaver's Cerate and purif1
Me blood with Weaver's Syrup. All druggists
Geon them.
If our neighbors would only
praise our virtues once in a while
we might be willing to overlook
their faults.
They Wake the Torpid Energies.
—Machinery not properly super-
vised and left to run itself, very
soon shows fault in its working. It
is the same with the digestive or-
gans. Unregulated from time to
time they are likely to become tor-
pid and throw the whole system out
of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills were made to meet such cases.
They restore to the full the flag-
ging faculties, and bring into or-
der all parts of the mechanism.
No man ever acquired a lasting
brand of popularity by knocking.
Put up In Si Yard Rotis. The famous "The
p Ckaah0, sciatica, neuralgiai0010C`�are re lumbago,
ee�oporLs andfamily use
Davis b Low rolls
It's all right for a man to be a
dreamer of dreams providing he
wakes rip occasionally and gets
Stooks, Bonne, Debentures
and Heal Estate.
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stooks of
Canada and United Mateo,
Orders -oxecnted with promptness. Correa,
pendenee solicited.
s2l to 527 Traders Sab Build Ela. Toronto, Ons
Coal -Steel differences will not now
be long postponed, and we look for
a substantial advance in the price
of this stock..
The mining market has been ex-
ceedingly active, large numbers of
shares changing hands. Prices have
advanced slightly. but dividend
payers are still selling under their
market value from the standard of
The American investors are pur-
chasing heavily. Our reports from
the Larder Lake Gold fields are
highly encouraging the permanence
of the Camp is stated to be assured
and the extent of -the gold -bearing
belt if confirmed will make this
came the greatest gold field in the
world. Why not. Cobalt is now
in its partially developedstate,
, the
greatest Silver Camp—they
only a short distance apart.
In china, the property of the fa-
ther must bo divided equally among
all his children.
Much distress and sickness in
children is caused by worms. Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator
gives relief by removing the cause.
Give it a trial and be convinced.
1. The Difference in Sewing Machines
It is a mistaken idea that sewing machines
are pretty much alike, when as a matter,
of fact there is a vast difference.
g There is but one machine that sews better,
than any other—and that one is the Singer•
J This is because the Singer idea is dis.
tinctive—every year shows improvement
in that idea.
g This is because the Singer factories are not
only equipped with tools and machinery,
better calculated to make good sewing ma-
chines than any other, but this equipment
is unique and not to be found elsewhere.'
i This is because a half century has been
devoted to training and specializing men,
each to do one thing best in sewing machine
construction. The Singer's superiority—
its lifetime -lasting value—does not appear,
on the surface.
Ejj One machine does scw better than any
other—and that one is the Singer.
Sold only by
singer Sewi> ad Machine Company
312 Manning Chamber° 673 Board of Trado n:dg Seo Main gtroct
According to Lord Avebury, the
most important things in the world
are good air, good water, good
food, good health, and a good con-
science ; and they are not costly.
Holloway's Corn Cure destroys
all kinds of corns and warts, root
a,nd branch. Who, then would en-
dure them with such a cheap and
effectual remedy within reach 1
Gentleman (indignantly) — "You
praised your kitchen coal up to the
skiesand said it was most economi-
cal. 'Why, it won't burn at all!"
Coal-Ddaler (coolly)—"Well, what
conld you have more economical
than that I"
Teacher—"Johnny, you may spell
the word 'neighbor.'' -o r "
Teaccan`you'stellght. me whatwa
Tummy, „
neighbor is?
Tommy—"Yes, ma'am, It's a
woman that borrows things."
"His success in a financial way
has been something marvellous."
"Yes 1„
"Yes, sir. I've often heard him
tell how, when he came here fifteen
years ago, all he owed in the world
was a dollar or two, and last week
be failed for ten .thousand,"
bly neighbor's child just will te-
stroy ;
He takes delight in breaking;
Plain mischief is his.greatest joy,
Ho ought to• have a shaking.
My little man pulls things apart
To sec what's in thorn, bless his
Much fault with him ono cannot
It's just his bright, inquiring mind.
"l)eat.11 from lead -poisoning," is
the polite 1 erm used by Colorado
junios to spc"ify a gambler's fate in
a shooting affray.
No Alcohol in It.—Alcohol or
any other volatile matter which
world impair strength by evapora-
tion does not in any shape enter
into the manufacture of Dr. Tho-
mas' Eelectrie Oil. Nor do clima-
tie changes affect it It is as ser-
viceable in the Arctic Circle as in
the Torrid Zone; perhaps more
useful in the higher latitudes,
exposuire oitheuelect to olds
At the age of 40 a man gets busy
and looks. for some of the money
be threw away a t the age o
f 21.
Satisfact on means "that which
Satisfies." tlso "Salads" Tea and
you will appreciate this definition.
Sold by all grocers in sealed load
tlaeketc oull', - -
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
A.J. PA Y Il l S V N &CO
Bonds and Stocks Bought
and Sold on all all Exchanges
Correspondents — Chas. Heed & Co., flemhers
Now York and Boston Stock Exchanges.
Tin 'anless & Co. have a continental reputation
for good Jewelle ry. Their entire stock is to be sold
by Oct 1. To do this prices have been greatly reduced.
Attend this sale when at Toronto Exhibition, and se-
cure some of the bargains.
'VW m13�,'.f�3s
and 010001ne. Thin h a .peolelty with .1,0
Bond part iou(lT0 by poet and w0 0r0 Miro to sat I f9
Ad,tr••a Dox 150. Montreal
q ty, �sq�}^ �,p Members of Standard
I�tite w;�atl Cu ,,et. `utook andnMining.
LO1IOWO11d 18 Adelaide 5.,
BROKERS Toronto.
main 7460.
COBALT STOCKS 43 1n'""61'
New Yo( AITY,
Bell Organs are
also world farmed
Send for Free catalog.
filo 11611 &Id Mai CO., MI6., Cn01p11, 011
ISSUE NO. 80--08.
Every packe
will kill
More alas than
300 shoats
er stit;ky paper
— soLn nY•
loc. par packet, or a ptaakala far 213a:
will last cs whole caisson,
It takes the strongest kind of
love to survive the. onion test,
The Mild Climate of Virginia
offers splendid opportunities for stook raising,
fruit growing, dairyingand general farming.
Winters aro short. Cmate healthful. Land
good and .selling below its value but increasing
In value each year. Many Canadians are living
In Virginia, write for information to
G. W. 14050811,.
Commissioner of Agrloulture
• Aichmoutt, vo,
,Knew .
how much money he could nano: by using a
i,alrbanlrs•Mn,:vo,7eok•of•nli.I'rarins rlavaiino Ito.
gine to caw wn,rl, pomp nater,' grb,d food, Seo,,
Ivo Would u,t bo ab;o i, euppiy,t11d dolnaud.
Out this rid. nut mud soml to us today, and We .
will Send you our free catalogue. - -
tlamo. '
dlt 1rosti -
750 Canadian l'5ft halite 06., Llinfted, 70 cute, 05,
:. lioSttoal, wl»nigte,