The Brussels Post, 1908-9-10, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS.
• issuer of Marriage 14808088, Of,
Apo at Grooery,Turuberry street, llrueeele,
Teacher of Plano or Organ
Mee le the Pont 0111co, Enrol. 80.4
K. 0, T. M.
13roe0018 ,Tont of the Maooabeoo, No, 24
hold their regular meetings iu the Lodge
Room, Becher Moak, ou the let and 8rd
Tuesday evenings of each. month.
Vieltore always wolconm.
A, 80ME1118, Obw. A, ANGUISH, R. K.
Agent IIowick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Moe and Resrdeuoe—
• nn willsell for hatter prices,to
bettor meoin .lase time and loachages
than uny other Auctioneer in Fast Boron or
he wont charge anything. nates and orders
can always be .arranged at Ma °Woe or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Hales arranged for
at the ()Mae of Tat Posse, 13rueeole, 2211
• Heuer Urad8ad0 of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oollege, Is prepared to trout all dis-
eases of don10011030M auimu.le iu a compet-
ent manner. Part1^.ular attention paid to
Veterinary Deutlatry uud ifmik Novdr. Culls
promptly attended to. ()Moe and Infirmary
—Pour doors North of bridge, Tnruberry at.,
Broseels, 'Phone d7 k
VV • Barrister, 001101tor, ,O01108Y 10er,
Notary Publio, &o. 011100—Stewart's Block
t door North of Ooutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank..
isUBId0, ETC.
W. PRoODy6OW, K. U. R. O, BATE
U. P. 13L11I8.
0006e—'1'boee forme11y 030epiell by Messrs
Uamorou & 81040,
Go11h'lttaa, 0)1',8111610,
1.6 TINT
Outgo oo of the Royal College First-ohmsof pant
G ativa a f T r o and iversity.Honor
next to B of Toronto Photograph University. Offl()e
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
1007 SHIMS,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numborodleeotion of Dominion
Lauds 10 Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by auy person who is
Ore sole head of 8 family, or any mule over
18 years of age, to the extent of ono -quarter
sectiono1100 acres more or Tess.
Entry may be modepersonally at the
local land °Moe for the dietriot in which
the laudis situate.
The homooteader ie required to perform
the oouditious connected therewith under
one of the following plans :
(1) At least six mouths' residence upon
and.oultivutiou of the laud in ea0h year for
three years, •
to deceased) d)t of trio homesteader, residue
upon a term in thevicinity of the laud
e h requirements a to rest-
uucein y the u s
se Ing wit be a father
11 snob person re.
siding with the father his sperm
(n) It the Bottler nae hipermanent rind.
In use upon farming h land owned b nim
in the vicinity of his homestead, the tea
quiremeuts as to repide:me may he satin-
ned by reeldeoae upon the Bald land.
Six months' nonce in writing Should be
given to the Oommieeloner of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to a;tply for
Deputy of the Minister of interior.
N. B. Unauthorised publication of thio ad•
vertieemeut w111 not be Dodd for.
1f you want It really good article
cin the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Oober Carriage
Builder 00 Market Square, Brus-
sels, where you will find a first-
ola00 aeeortment.
Best of hand made Farm Wag-
one with different widths of tires
and different heights of whole.
"ham large hand made Wheel-
Re -rimming Light and Heavy
Wheels, Repairing, Be -painting
and Re -trimming attended to on
shortest notice.
faPieilneIIa Carl`ip
Barrister, Suharto•, Notary, &u., siamesser to
A. B, Newman Ulnae over Standard Bunk,
Dental Surgeon. Office opposite the poste/Sloe,
Ix• W ill visit Gordo the Ant end (hind
Monday of esoh month. 60.8m
Bnoheloi' of Medicine, University of Toronto :
Licentiate end Graduate of the Collogo of Ph YY
81010118 slid Surgeons, Ont, Post.grodu t'o
Ulnaugo Eye, Eiu', Nose and Throat no8p4101,
Mimeo, 111, Ex -Bong Surgeon to St. M1uh-
nel': H6epital Toronto,
Olfloe over ll It, Smiths Drug Store. Tele•
phone connection with Uranbrook at all hours,
&ad emtit domes /avi ?
G01140 Soumii GOING 310)8,841:
Mall 7:08 u 111Ex retie 10:58 n m
Express 11:25 n in I 51041 1:44 p ni
!Express 8342 p m Express 8:81 p m
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express .... 8:41 a in I Express 11:80 a in
Express 8:11 p m Express 7:47 p
Mistri.Ct Revs
Voters' List Court on the 28rd inst.
Misses Montgomery, of Edmonton,
Alta„ left for their home after a
sojourn of several weeks amongst rela-
tives and friends in Howick.
The Tp. council met and decided to
renew roof the of the Tp. Hall. The
contract was awarded to W. J. Mundy
and the material will be galvanized
At Howick Council it was moved by
Underwood and Hainstock that the
Council risk for application for asses,
sor, the assessing to be Clone in October
of the present year, assessor to be ap-
pointed at Sept. meeting, Carried.
There is some talk of a private party,
patting in an acetylene plant for town
Mis. Geo. Williams spent a fewdays
in Dundalk waiting on her sister, who
is seriously ill.
Robt•. Gibson, of New Liskeard, is
visiting his parents, Postmaster and
Mrs. Gibson. He will return about
the 12th hast.
W. G. Ward showed the editor of
the Record an egg measuring 8i inch-
es one way and 0} inches the
other way. •
'Will. Adams, Fulton Wallace, Wil-
fred McLaughlin, Archie Halliday loud
Misses Pearl Ashton and Myrtle
Spence are attending Harriston High
School,. H. V. Dobson, Wiugban
High School and Misses Nora Cook
and Vera Edwards, Listowel High
He Died of Kidney Disease
How often wehear of thesesad cases.
Thu back pains and headache were
noticed—but not treated. Dizzy spells
frequent calls and languid condition
appeared, but nothing was done till
the disease was far, advanced. Cure
invariably results from Dr.Hamilton's
Pills. .They restore perfect health,
destroy every symptom of diseased
kidneys, build up constitutions that
defy furtheroutbreaks. Because pure-
ly vegetable and free
from in1
materials, no remedy equals Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills for kidney and liver com-
plaint. Sold in 250 boxes by all deal-
Alex. Stewart• had to lay off work
several days owing to an injury caus-
ed while playing ball.
The exterior woodwork of the Main
street Methodist church is being im-
proved and beautified by a fresh go of
L. H. Dickson is the proud possessor
of the gold headed cane won by the
Exeter rink composed of Messrs. Hu1'-
don, Dickson, Lovett., and Heannan at
the Moult Carmel picnic.
Thornton Baker met with a nasty
accident. He had taken a traveller to
Clandeboye and was unloading,atrank
.when his foot slipped on the edge of
the walk and overturning the ankle,
made a painful sprain.
M. Y. McLean, M. P:, for South
Huron has offered $5 for the best and
most useful farmers' driving outfit,
horse buggy and harness, to bo owned
by a farmer and to be judged for use
for farm purposes at 'the conning
Exeter Fair. 1st, $8 ; 2nd, $2.
Tell Hay Fever Friends
Let them known, if they have Hay
Fever or Asthma, that Catarrhozone
ernes permanently. Relief is instant
and results guaranteed in the worst
cases. All dealers sell Catairhozone
for $1.00. Try it.
Belgrave '
Miss Susie Johnston, who has been
in poor health for a longtime, is some-
what improving,
Rev. W. J. Brandon and daughter,
of Port Colborne, were visitors at the
horns of J. A. and Mrs. Brandon.
The contractors are at work on the
iron bridge a few rods West of the
village of Belgrave, Geo. Barkley,
of Brussels, has the cmltraot for the
cement work and Taylor Bros. the
iron orkw.
Wm. Watson, of Belgrave, has the
contract of Jas. Noble's hoose in East
Wawanosh. The dimensions are 80;
20 feet, two-storey cement cottage.
When completed, it will be a very
desirable residence.
Russell Wrey left the home of his.
grand -parents in Belgrave for Fort'
Pierre, South Dakota, where he will
40)13 liis 4)1380110.8. He went by Chicago%
Russell has been at Underwood with
his uncle, Rev. R. Thynpo for a couple,
of years, and going 'to school, ivhere
he passed the Entrance for the High
Mrs. Gideon Hood. of Saginaw
Mich., who has been visiting her aged
Little,o the
and3nflrm father Wm
last couple of weeks, decided to take
him home With her and locit after him
the remainder of 1115 clays. Ile was
refused adnlrttatice..across the limes at
Port Huron necessitating her return
with trim, and having to leave hint.
with hie sail, Tobe. ,111 the 4141 line of
Municipal Council of the Township
of Elmo. met for business on Saturday
Miss Lizzie Thnntiinson left for
Peteriboro' where she has secured a
situation as teacher.
Remember the Anniversary Ser-
vices of the Baptist Church on Sunday
and Monday, Sept. 18th and 14411.
Alis. AleX Silrlp801l Wits 31.1'; T0l'0lt0
attending. the inti', 11'1'0. Simpson
entered the butter making contest.
The annual Ineel'iuh of the North
Perth Liberal Assoeuttim will bt'
held in Cook's Ball, Milverton, 011
Friday, Sepenlber 25th. at 10 a. u1.
Wm. Young, who lives on the 8th.
con. East, suffered a severe loss
when his barn and straw sled with all
this season's crop was completely de-
streyed by fire. The cause of the fife
is not known. Only a small insurance
was on the buildings.
Pity this poor Girl
Growing fast—yes. into weakness,
but withoutstreugth. Tired of coarse
she is—pale and thin too. She doesn't
eat enough and digests far too little.
This contrition is so 00111111011, but how
seldom noticed even by fond parents.
Give her Ferrozone—then watch her
appetite improve—see her cheeks and
lips glow ruddy—watch her spirits
rise. This gain is simply the. result of
eating and digestin1g, euoegh, and
thereby nourishing blood, blain and
nerves. To a woman Ferrozone re-
stores strength she has lost—to a girl
it brings strength perhaps she never
You'll r _perhaps
Oc at all
knew. ioi try Ferrozone,
—Death has removed another of the
early settlers of this township, in the
person of Wm. Storey, who passed
away on Tuesday of last week at the
age of 75 yearn. Mr, Storey was a
native of Donegal, Ireland, and when
quite young camp with his parents to
this country. They came out at. the
Dame time as the Hays and a number
of other families who were among the
pioneer families of the Huron tract.
They first settled in the county of
Waterloo, near Maysville, but over
fifty years ago Mr. Storey came West
to McKillop, and took up the farm on
which he spent the greater part of his
life and on which 11e died, M1'. Storey
was three tinges married, and in
addition to his wife is survived by two
sons by his first wife and three dau-
ghters and three sons by the second.
The deceased was a genial, companion-
able man, a kind and obliging neigh-
bor, and was held in the highest es-
teem by all who knew him. Mr.
Storey had not been in good health
for some time, but a couple of weeks
ago he suffered a paralytic stroke,
followed about aweek later byauothel'
stroke, which proved too much for a
man of his years, The remains were
interned inthe Maitlandbank cemetery
Friday. The sympathy of a large
circle of friends Will be extended to
the bereaved.
How to remove Warts
It's really a simple matter to remove
warts and callouses if you apply Put-
nam's Corn and Wart Extractor.
Cure is certain -failure impossible—if
use you ' t e "Putnam's."
W Ingham
Wingham Fall Fair Sept. 24th laud
Miss Ethel Musgrove ]las returned
home from a several weeks' visitin the
Miss Marjory Fisher left to take
her position as teacher in the Leaming-
ton Public school.
Bandmaster Jarvis has removed his
family to 'Montreal where he has a
situation in the G. T. R. shops.
The many friends of Mrs. Geo.
Spotton will be pleased. to learn that
she has recovered sufficiently to return
from Listowel to her home in town.
F. Patterson left for 'Walkerton
where he has the contract of building
a green for the lawn bowlers. NIr.
Patterson has similar contracts at
Paisley and Graucl Valley.
The annual meeting of St. Paul's
branch of the A. Y. P. A. was well at-
tended. The elL•ctiou of officers re-
sulted as follows :—Patron, Rev. 0.
E. Jeakins; President, Miss 17. Porter;
1st Vice -President, Miss L. Robinson ;
_ 'l
2nd Vire ' . D,Robinson ; See Miss
Lizzie Plenty ; TreasureJ, 131. Mc-
H. N. Roadhouse received on Aug.
27th, a.l:Iank draft for $1,000, 6)11781(11•
to lairs, A. IS, Simmons, in 13et,lcment
o' certificate held a the late A. E.
i leltlli etc 1 1 1 y 11 t,
Silnnluus, Air, f3ilrluigris had been a
Member of the Knights of the Marna -
bees for 12 years and .4 months and
had paid in dues and assessments the
sum of $140.
A. J. Cooper left for Detroit, the
having been appointed a judge on
grain et the State' Fair 111 that city,
Apple buyer Robert Elliott shipped
four oat's of Duchess apples, two ears
to Winnipeg, one to Deloraine, and
one to Brandon.
Labor Day, the congregation and
Sunday school of Knox church hold a
picnic in Douglas' grove, on the bank
of the Maitland!, near the G. T. k,
Friday evening, 11111 inst., at 8
o'clock, the Victoria Church Leaguers
will give a reception to the students of
the G. 0. L who Have come to this
town from outside points.
George Laithwaite, of North
Dakota, a brother•in'law of the
Messrs. Murphy, of Clinton, and form-
erly a well known resident of Gode-
ric11 Tp„ is in the field as a Republican
candidate for the State Legislature.
The dredge took from the Harbor
the other day a boulder that would
weigh 5 tar 0 tons. It lay in the line
of the Maitland previous to the build-
ing of the breakwater and was in
about twenty feet of water.
Gardener Charlie Wells has again
shown his industry and capability of
raising three crops this season from
one piece of ground, the first being
spinach, t second econd p otatoes and the
third an excellent sample of string
A special meeting of the 001111011 of
the Board of Trade was held, Presi-
dent Rumball in the chair, It was cle-
cicled to extend an invitation to Hon.
George P. Graham, Minister of Rail-
ways and Canals, to visit Godei'ich
this month, as he will be in this
neighborhood attending the political
demonstration at Clinton on Sept.
Miss Ria Brine has been indisposed
for the past week, suffering from a
slight attack of pleurisy.
Miss Greta Watson left for Lindsay
where she accepted a position on the
staff of the Public school.
The annual Fall Fair, ander the
auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural
Society, will be held on their grounds
in Seaforth on Thursday and Friday.
September 17th and 18th.
Tiernan is suffering from an
attack of typhoid fever. This is the
third time he has been laid up with
the same trouble and his many friends
will regret to ]rear of his illness.
A number of the local poultry fend-
ers were exhibiting fowl at the Toron-
to Exhibition. Among the number,
J. F. Daly, white Wyandotts • J. L.
Brown white rocks ; John H. Cooper,
white Wyandottes.
James and Mrs. Broadfoot, of
Ell; ns, West 141110 h, r,+ vis.
iting the fol'uler's mother, DIis. John
Broadfoot, Fred. Broadfoot was also
home for a few days returuing to his
position in New York.
Miss Mabel Govenlock, who has
been spending the past, couple of
months visiting her parents, J. R.
and Mrs. Govenlock, left for Sackville,
B. duties to resume her 1 res t ere as
teacher of Domestic Science.
The amoral Flower Show in connec-
tion with the Seaforth Horticultural
Society will be held on Sept. ll0h and
12th. All plants and flowers for ex-
hibit must be in on the afternoon or
evening of the llth, Exhibit will be
open to the public on the afternoon
and evening of the 12th. No prizes
will be given and no admission charg-
TBR LATE 110BN HAYS.—The death
occurred in Seaforth on Wednesday
evening. August 20th, of John Hays,
in 1118 80th year. His death took place
at the residence of his son-in-law, S.
Everett, and followed a lengthy ill-
ness'duo to ailments attending his ad-
vanced age during which 11e was at-
tended by his slaughter, Mrs. S.
Everett, assisted latterly by his sister,
Mrs. Samuel Domaine. The deceas-
ed was born in Donegal, Ireland, in
1825 and • was tine third son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hays. When five years old he
came to America and with his parents
resided in the States. They later
moved to Maysville, Ont., which was
named after their family and where
the father of the deceased had the first
tanning factory in that section.
Let us show you
how easy it is to shake the
cella" Furnace
The "Hecla" has four
grate bars. Each one
can he shaken separ-
ately— , This means
that you can shake
down just the part of
the fire where the
ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals.
With "Hecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you can
get 'rid of all the ashes—save coal—keep the
fire bright and clean—and do away with sifting
ashes, because no fresh coal or half -burnt
clinkers come down in the ashpan.
We would be pleased to talk ovet the furnace question vitt yon
and show you, part by part, just Wily the " Bids" Furnace is
'it tut 111110.
h faryou to a tome 1 v
the best buy.
Mede by the melees of "Peeeloon I'crlInsnlar" Mange&, 8
— �tl2� V11,N
This sigh is permanently attached
Maim building. to the front of the,
the Lydia E. Pinkham Medlene
Company, Lynn, Mass,
'SV 13at Does This Sign Mean ?
It means that public hlspeetiolt of
the Laboratory and methods of clohlg
business is honestly desired. .1tmeans
that there is nothing about the bus-
iness which is not"open and above-
It means that a permanent invita-
tion is extended to anyone ,to come
and verify any and • all statements
made inthe advertisements of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Is it a purely vegetable compound
made from roots and herbs—with-
out drugs ?
Come and See.
Do the women of America continu-
ally use as much of it as we are told ?
Colne and See.
'Was there ever such a person as
Lydia E. Pinkham, and is there any
Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick
woman are asked to write?
Come and See.
Is the vast private correspondence
with sick women conducted by
women only and are the letters kept
strictly confidential?
Come and See.
Have they really got letters from
over one million, one hundred
thousand women correspondents?
Come and See.
Rave they proof that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
cured thousands of these women?
Come and See.
This advertisement is only for
doubters, The great army of women
who know from their own personal
experience that no medicine in the
world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound for female ills
will still go on using and being ben-
efited by it; but the poor doubting,
suffering woman roust, for her own
sake,be taught confidence forshealso
might just as well regain' her health.
After his marriage Mr. Hays moved
to McKillop township where he farm-
ed for a couple of years on the farm
now occupied by John Mcllroy, who
will be 90 years old his next birthday.
Leaving McKillop he returned to
Maysville where he conducted a store
and post office going from there to
Milverton to engage in the milling
business. He later disposed of luxin-
terests in Milverton and went West to
r -s fortune in the new e
t ht f tt
settling in Manitoba, near Griswold
now called Bradwardine. He Iived in
that district for 18 years when follow-
ing the death of his wife which oc-
em'ed 8 years ago, he went to reside
with his slaughter, Mrs. S. Everett, of
Maysville, now a resident of Seaforth.
Of a large family of children only one
son and two daughters survive, name-
ly, Wm. flays, of Oke River, Man.,
Mrs. Neil of Bradwardine, Man., and
Mrs. S. Everett, of Seaforth. He is
also survived by 2 brothers, T. and J.
Hays, Seaforth, and one sister, Mrs.
Samuel Darrauce, of McKillop. The
funeral took place on Saturday morn-
ing from the G. T. R. station to New
Hamburg for interment.
During the past few weeks the pub-
lic school has been undergoing
several alterations and the work 1s
now completedand school - re -opened
on Tuesday, September 8th. The
building presents a much better ap-
pearance than formerly, the two
small entrances having been dos-
ed up aucl one large main entrance has
been built instead, thus providing
a better m01U18 of exit for
the pupils. The building has been
freshened by a coat of paint while the
playgrounds have been raised and
leveled. Altogether the place shows
a decided improvement.
Your Food Disagrees,
You're Tired, Lifeless,
Skin is Yellow.
You'll Fool Woreo Every Day Unloes
You Brace Up Quick. Tho Boat
Treatment is Ferrozone.
Every day comes the good news of
wonderful cures with Ferrozone.
In Teterboro it worked marvels for
Louis Meehan—put him right on his
feet—made him entirely well.
"About three years ago" says Mr.
Meehan, "I had the grippe which left
me in a very run-down condition that
finally developed into Dyspepsia. I
was linable to eat but a few things
and had a craving for acid. I gave up
treating with the doctors because they
did tot help me and on the advice of a
friend used. Ferrozone. It has cured
me of Dyspepsia and Biliousness, and
has built up res strength to what it
was before I had the grippe. I can
recommend Ferrozone as an ideal
Ferrozone gives you force, energy,
Et strengthens the stomach elites in-
digestion, prevents headaches—guar-
antees good health.
Thousands use Ferrozone—they all
improve—get bettor health—look bet-
ter—feel better ; try it yourself—sold
in 50c. boxes by all druggists.
Capt, Mcllarg won the Governor -Gen-
eral's match in the Dominion rifle cont.
petition at Ottawa and Capt, McVittie
took first place ho the . Sisley aggregate.
A Grand, Truth express was derailed
near Woodstocll, and a Dumber of pas-
.lentfers injured but not seriously.
John McAlus4, of Guelph township,
' need 83 years, died from a dose of Paris
gr80". taken with suicidal intent,
Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of Guelph
township, was injured in a runaway
at a funeral. Mr, Armstrong was also
thrown out, but escaped with a few
FAs Fltl ?N .,q Fair will
he heid 01)
Thursday 11001 l 1,iday Oce. 1 and 2.
Detroit capitalists are wed to " have
purellus011 the : Leamington lighting
Au Ottawa hololitOepdr has been fined:
for keeping boys in his hotel a11d sup.
plying them with whiskey,
The village of St, Reml, Quebec, was
almost wiped out by fire. I'eo stores
and dwellings were destroyed,'
I �I
The Metropolitan Bank
Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of
Two per Cent. for the current quarter. (being
at the rate of Eight per emit. per annum) on
the capital stock of this Bank, has been de-
clared, and that the same will be payable at
the Head Office and Branches of the Bank,
on and after Oct. 1st, 1908.
By order of the Board,
General Manager.
Toronto, August 25th, 1908.
24 of Business in Brussels is:full proofdofithe;superior qua!-
earsity, workmanship and durability of the ;wheeled rigs
that Ewan & Co. turn out. Our business is increasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they
never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand-
ard make with extra deep rims, Have you seen our dash support
braces ? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
dashes, This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BEST and we
have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose
or flapping. Trimmings are the very best of No, i leather with eight
different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light aud Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms 'will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a number of Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very
best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish,
alsolauy height of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new
at small cost, Our famous Artist, W.M. C. SMITH, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what
we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up•to-date Carriage
Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy from a reliable firm
and support home industry.
Western Fair
of Western Ontario
Full Program of Attractions twice daily, including Kemp's
Wild West Show. Best of Music. Fireworks each Evening
Athletic Day, Monday, Sept. 14th
Come and Enjoy Yourself at Canada's Popular Fair
REDUCED RATES on All Railroads
Prize Lists, Entry Forma, Programa and all Information
given on application to
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
Roller Flour Mills
is now in full operation, It will save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
Try our New
lVIad.e from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating,
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.
II ''All hinds of I3teed kept constantly oh hand.
W rL.T-Jt I 80 r Y RY N E