HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-8-6, Page 8R Pure Pickling Spic Pickling time is here ellen more and as the (favor of the Nickles is either right tir all'wroug according to the spices used it is well to get the best that can be pro - Cured, Auything that is used for this we have pure anti full strength. Below are some of the many Spices We Stock : —Whole and Ground Black Pepper Whole and Ground White Pepper —Ground Cayenne Pepper —Red Peppers —Whole and Ground Allspice —Whole and Ground Cinnamon Berle —Whole and Ground Ginger Root —Curry Powder, Celery Seed, Tumeric, Garlic —Whole and Ground Mace —Mustard Seed, Teen's Ground Mustard —Whole and Ground Cloves Also all sizes of Corks for Pickle and Catsup Bottles ; Rubbers for Glass Jars Bottling Wax in tins ready for use with heat, loo per tin, Did you know we keen the principal ingredients used in making those Cool- ing Summer Drinks—Tartaric Acid, 5c per oz, ; Citric Acid, roc per oz. ; Essence of Lemon, roc per bottle. F. R 4 DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. Coctdl gCltj'I .ttIrts i MESSRS. JEWITT & BATEMAN and Geo. A. Best each shipped a car of hogs dur- ing the past week. AUGUST. READ the advts. Rosa, a schools open on Monday 17th. A. O. U. W. meeting Friday evening of this week. PA•iioNlzE your home merchants. Read their ads. WHAT a funny sensation one has when he eats a bread label by mistake. THE crescent brooch advertised in THE POST last week was found and re- stored to its owner. Civic holiday was a quiet day in town. A. few went to Guelph but the large majority who left town visited Kincar- dine. Reporter Naftel, of the Goderich Signal staff, spent Sunday in the "prom- ise land"—the land flowing with milk and honey. Fonts brown Leghorn hens the pro- perty of Rev. E. G. Powell, have made a record by laying 500 eggs since the opening of their season. CLIFFORD is running an excursion over the W. G. & B. next Tuesday to Kincardine.. This will make the fourth to that port inside of a week and a half. BRUSSELS Creamery shipped (i87 boxes of their choice butter this week to the Western Dairy and Produce Co., of St. Thomas, receiving 231 cents per pound for it. THE brick work is being pushed ahead on the Ewan & Co. new block and, with good weather. Iess than another week will see the walls finished. It will transform that corner. REV. F. POWELL, of Ches-ley, was mar- ried on the 5th of Aug. to a Kiocardine young.lady, a High School teacher. They sailed for the Old Land in the Tunisian on. the 7th, on their wedding tour. LOCAL registrars according to the new AM are required to make their returns of births, marriages and deaths quarterly and the fee for each is increased front 20 cents to 25 cents. Heretofore the returns were made half yearly. THE dead letter office is being flooded with l etters bearing only halt atercent- enary stamp. The stamp being twice size of tbe ordinary the sitwo-cent sticker ' and having the two heads thereon, some people cannot see why they should not cut off the one head and use thestamps by halves. THE Medical Health Officer advises all parents whose children show signs of sore throat to keep the children in the house and send for a physician. Diph- theria continues to spread in town, and it is only exercising the greatest care that 51 can be driven out. By taking these precautions parents are not only protecting themselves but also their neighbors. Woonsi'ocx Sentinel Review :—A use has been found for the English sparrow at last. Over in New York State it is found that the noisy little fellows are doing splendid work for the shade trees by waging war on the white winged Linden moth. A reader of the Sentinel Review is responsible for the tstatement that the English sparrow may also cultivate a taste for potato bugs. MISS BESSIE MCCAMVS THE CHOICE. -- At tbe special meeting of the School Board Thursday evening of last week 38 applications were presented by Secretary Skene, many of them A I. After due deliberation Miss Bessie McComas, daughter of Rev. D. N, Mc - Comes, of St. Marys, was chosen and a telegram forwarded to her which brought an. acceptance. Miss McCamus has filled a similar position. in Blenheim town school and comes well recom- mended, She wilt be here for the open- ing in September. MISS GILEOY. DECEASED.—Monday F. H. Gilroy, manager of the Metropolitan Bank here, was summoned to Mount Forest, owing to the serious illness of his sister, Eva, who had been in poor health for some time. Despite all that could be done she passed peacefully away to her reward on Tuesday. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon. Mr, Gilroy will be accorded sincere sym- pathy its his sorrow. Deceased was a fine young woman who enjoyed the love and esteem of a wide circle of friends. A TREE of ripe apricots has been one of Nature's novelties in a Northern clime in A. Strachao's garden. THE•snow by-law would be a season- able topic to discuss. Will we have to shovel snow next Winter, just as usual? DON'T overtax yourself these very warm days. The human frame has its limit of endurance. Careful diet and seasonable clothing are needed. POSTMASTER FARROW finished rg years of service in Brussels Post Office last Saturday, Aug. 1st, The years slip away very quickly indeed, THE thanks of THE POST staff is due Abram Cook for a basket of harvest apples May be never know what it is to lack abundance of everything. 35 CENTS, in advance, gets THE PosT to Jan. rat, 1909 to any Canadian sub- scriber. Don't borrow another min- ute. Maybe your neighbor don't want to lend either. A SUBSCRIBER ASKS.—Isa man justi- fied in poisoning a dog that makes the night hideous with his howls a.td mur- ders sleep ? or should he poison :he per- son who owns the dog? SOMEBODY with sinister motives, broke a large pane of glass in the front door of Frank Smith's drug store early Friday morning. After doing the dam- age the prowler cleared off '.for about au hour and on returning to supposedly' secure some booty was dissuaded from his course by the voice of a citizen not far off. Kingston will be bis new post office address if there is a repetition of the offence and the law can fasten the guilt On hits. 0 �— SDavANT wanted to do general housework. MRs, H. SmstvA a r, Sea forth. LOST --Maple Leat stickpin, set with pantie and opal, between Queen street, Brussels, and Walton. Finder will ranch oblige by leaving it at Tire POST, Brussels. RRirEM71aR the date of S. L. Taube's visit to Brussels and if there is anything' whatever wrong with your eyesight make it a point to consult him at Fox's Drug Store, on Friday, Aug. 14th, until 5 p. m. Evans loyal citizen and every householder should be desirous to see thetown of Brussels grow, extend its limits and increase in popula- tion. and MOGRDOOR for money, honor tion. y enterprise. 85%of headaches are the result of eye strain- Proerly fitted glasses will give permanent re- lief. Ir you are troubled that way consult S. L. Taube, Eyesight Specialist, at Fox's Drug Store, on Friday, Auguat 14th. c- The Bothwell Times in a welcome edition to their Old Boys' reunion gives a portrait of Rev. W. J. Ashton, B. D., brother to Mrs, las. Johnston, of Brus- sels, accompanied by the following per- sonal note :—Rev, W. T. Ashton, B. D., pastor of the Bothwell Methodist Cir- cuit, received the degree of B. D., from tba Wesleyan College which is affiliated with McGill. and is an eloquent and fluent speaker. Mr. Ashton is doing good work here, and is always alive to the interest of the church, having nom- pleted arrangements for Old Boys' ser- vice next Sunday at a a. m. and 7 p. In. OBIT.—Monday evening Miss Lottie A., fourth daughter of John Budd, died at the parental home. John street, after an illness extending over a year, from Graves disease. aged 32 years: She had been in the West for 4 years arriving home last Christmas and at times was a great yet patient sufferer, The closed this life came peacefully and in a trust- ful confidence she entered into her eternal rest. Mrs. Budd died tx years ago, The other members of the fancily in addition to Mr. Budd are Joseph and Mrs, Carson, of Glenboro' Man„ and Misses Jennie and Annie at )come. Funeral took place Thursday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev, Andrews, of Bluevale, Interment was mode at Browntown burying ground, The bereaved share in the sympathy of the community. Wow AND LOST. --Fri Clay last three ricks of bowlers from Brussels took a run up the line for a day's bowling. The first call was made at Ripley where they had a comparative easy victory over the kitty finders of that tidy vil- lage, The scores were as follows t -- PAM—Friday afternoon a pretty young lady, and well dressed, who said she came from Appin, arrived in Glen- coe with her hand bandaged up. She went around asking for help stating that she had been engaged at the prihtiug business at Appin and had had her hand crushed while working at a press. The story that she had her hand injured on a printing press at Appin at oboe gave rise to suspicions, as there is no printing business in that town, She Was taken by the constable to the office of the reeve, Mr. Moss, and requested to en. bandage her heed, She demurred at this, stating that there was lad dee there to bandage it up again, She was there- fore taken to the office of Dr, Walker, Where her hand was found to be quite uninjured. She was somewhat confused ,nitons it, and stated that it MS the first titneshe had ever tried smolt atriclt and that it wenld be her Iasi She was air lowed to go. Brussels Farrow Leatherdale Strachan Ross, skip. Ripley Brettt McKenzie Chapman 13 Graham, skip ...sty Treleaven Preston Jackson McInnes, skip 6 Jones Danford Cameron Habkirk, skip....25 Denny Martyn Currie Bowers Downing Coultis Monteithkip„..24 McLennan, skip.t3 Totals 6a 54 Brussels won 28 shots, Front Ripley the rinks travelled back to Lucknow where they engaged the ex- pert sphere twirlers Who proved them selves victors by 2t shots. Habkirlt'e rink was beaten by Murdoch's by 22 to i4 ; Arlin beat Ross 28 to x5 and Mon- teith's quartette tied. with Mut chigoe. The clay cons much enjoyed .awl ti,,., •Scuts of Scotland exoursien traits to and from Kincardine gave easy access at suitable ban to our bowlers.' The Metropolitart Bank Deserve Cund and Undivided Profits $1,241,532.26 Capital Paid'11p $1,000,000 .00 savings Department ,0o or more opens an account. Interest allowed from date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times a year, Farmers' business a specialty. "Joint Deposit Accounts" arca convenience by which money may be deposited or withdrawn by husband or wife, MONEY ORDERS AND DRAFTS SOLD AT LOWEST RATES FARMERS' SALE NOTES COLLECTED res BRUSSELS BRANCH, F. H, GILROY„Manager 11 BRUSSELS. Voters' Lists for igo8 are out and ware first posted up on Monday. There; are 351 names on list divided as follows :—Part I, 256 ; Part Il, l 14 ; Part III, it, x59 are qualified as Jurors. Two due cement walls and two wing VIRUS have been built during the Just week by Gordon McDowell, at the East- ern side of the mill dam where the water gales are located. Messrs. Pryne are determined co have the most modern arrangements and when completed they hope the new gates will stand fot many years, The old Ovalis hall been under- mined by the water. 'Phe Kincardine Reporter says :—John Hunter, Brussels, was here on the ex- eursinn Tuesday renewing old acquaint- ances. Mr. Fleeter has passed his Both year and looks hale and hearty, He lived for 35 years in Huron, but for the last 23 years has resided in Brussels. He spent a large portion of the day with his old friend John Watson, their farms having joined one another in Huron. To SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS.—Weare sending out accounts to all subscribers in arrear tor one year and over for THE POST, and trust that we sball recieve a ready and prompt response. The news paper business, like other branches of industry, bas feit the late financial stringency, and publishers are compelled to look closer after their accounts than in more prosperous periods, While there is every reason to look for a revival in trade and easier money to follow the excellent harvest prospects throughout Canada; the better times can be hasten- ed by all who are in a position to do so to pay auy accounts they may be owing, and not forget the printer when doing so. NEW MOUNTED CORPS.—Announce- ment was made at Ingersoll that an ef- fort is being made to form a mounted infantry regiment in the counties of Oxford and Waterloo. It is proposed to have a squadron in both North and South Oxford. In theeveut of organiza- tion Ingersoll will be the headquarters for the South Oxford squadron, and it is believed that T. R. Maybury, NI, P. P,, will be appointed major of this squadron and that the captaincy will go to W. A. Edgar. The project is of much interest to Ingersoll as it will probably mean the erection of armories there. Mr. Edgar is one of the most prosperous cheese ex- porters and is well known here having resided in Brussels for some years. vexagNil Get Your Photo. Taken at Brewer's I am sure if you want a Photo. we can give you satisfaction and our prices are right. Visitors to the town are invited to call and look over our work. Views taken on short notice (u t extra charge for going to your home.) Copying and Enlarging. We have a large collection of Post Cards of Brussels, Ethel, Walton, At- wood, Cranhrook and Bluevale for sale; 6 for 250. Also have a nice assortment of Frames and Mouldings Give es a call. H. R. BREWER WEDDING BELLS.—At high noon Tuesday the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. E. i• Powell, at the home of the brideMill street, Brussels, in thePreseoce of about loo guests. be- tween Frederick G. Longtoot, manager of the Stratford Cartage Co., and Miss Carrie M., daughter of George and Mrs. Edwards. The contracting parties, who were unattended, stood before a bank of shoe e sweet peas and ferns. a floral horse with initials F. and C. and a floral bell adding to the scene. Bride was given away by her father. Miss Lavinia Edwards, sister of tbe bride, sang "The voice that breathed o'er Eden” in good form and Mrs. R. Thuell presided at the organ. A very becoming costume of brown silk, trimmed with tuscaf silk lace and insertion, was worn by the petite bride who carried a beautiful briquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern, Congratulations over the guests sat down to an excellently pre- pared luncheon. The wedding gifts, consisting in part of hand painted china, out glass, silverware, &c., were choice, valuable and useful, Aniong those from a distance who attended were :— MR. and Mrs, Longfoot, Miss Devonia, rs, Geo. Longfoot and Miss Jessie, Mr, Myers and Mr. Dunlop, of Strat- ford ; Will and Mrs, C. Leppard and Miss Pearl Moore, of Wingham ; Wm. and Mrs. Edwards, of Belmore, The wedding party was conveyed to Walton in the evening by the groom's cousin, Mr. Leppard, in his auto, which was decorated with flowers, where the bride and groom took the C. P. R. for Gode- rich from whence they proceeded per steamer to Detroit and other points for a wedding trip before settling down in their home ie the classic city, A load of young people accompanied them to Walton and the amount of confetti, rice, and old shoes bestowed on Mr. and Longfoot showed the generosity of the jolly company. Many good wishes will accompany the bride and groom for a long, happy and pt'osperouslife, spent some trine during his probation in mission fields. Miss Wishart accompan- ied tier brother to Elora. Mr.Cranston a student, will supply during Rev, bitr. W ishart's vacation, Next Sabbath morning the service in the Methodist church will be taken by W. J. Fawcett and the evening meeting will be in charge of the Epworth Leegne. The pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday here was well filled by Rev. ivir. Purchase, a probationer, who is campaigning Wingham district in thein terest of the Forward Missionary Move- ment. In the morning he spoke from II Cor. 4 and 13 tied in the evening his text was "Follow Me.” He is a good preacher and should prove a success whether his future services are given to the church of his choice in Canada or in the mission fields of China or Japan. Br usse Council The usual monthly meeting of Brus- sels Council was held on Monday even- ing, Reeve Leckie in the chair and Councillors Jones and Lowry present. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. The following accounts were pre- sented :— Geo. Kerr, on gravel account $a5 00 R, Oliver, month's salary ., .,.,, 33 33 Fire Co,. engine tests 7 II printing „ accountI THE POST, on prim 5 o0 Gerry Walker, miscellaneous 13 64• John Wright spreading gravels. 15 75 W. J. Pelmet.,hauling gravel3 6 75 R. Thu ell, elmsrl,!ing >;•'nvel t5 75 G..It4c1J„nnlI, work on street75 On motion of J. G. Jones, seconded by D. A. Lowry the above accounts were ordered tn be paid. d. P. Report of scales for July showed re- ceipts to be $24.45. Moved by J. G Jones, seconded by D. A. Lowry that Wm. Tewitt. Mill st, be notified to have share of ditch passing through his property cleaned out inside of ro days or Engineer will have to be brought on. Carried. The use of Victoria Park for the after- noon of Labor Day -was asked by the Methodist Sabbath School for a short series of games and sports in celebrating the jubilee of the school, On motion of Councillors Lowry and Jones the request was granted. A general discussion was indulged in in relation to misconduct on the street at nights, damaging property, &c., and ways and means are being devised to trap those who are abusing their privil- eges and infringing 011 the tights of others. Council Hien adjourned. Church Chimes Regular services will be held in St. John's church next Sunday at the regular hours. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Wishart dealt with the church at Sardis and at the evening service "Saul and the witch of Ender" was the theme, A fine illustrated lecture on Japan was given in the Methodist church school room Monrlav evening by Rev, Mr, Pur- chase, The lantern was in charge of J. A, Hunter. R. I. Hill, of Hamilton gave a short address at the Methodist Sabbath School last Sunday afternoon. It was Monthly Missionary day, the offering amounting to li 5.95, a total of 1325.64 for the past 4 months, Rev. R. F. Cereerttn, B. A„ of Georgetown, will conduct the services in Melville church next Sabbath in the absence of the pastor ' who left en Wt•" t tine fur 11 is hclidays He will visit at his parental )come at Elora and will also take a tour through Not•tltertt Ontario where he (6' "i'a,Cu3'wm win YTRESTAD OF CANADA Head Office - - - Toronto BANK JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two Members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In caseeooff death, the mrneylats yf wphdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost pa interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 151 11110.0.1.8990 BRUSSELS BRANCH 7. F. Rowland, Manager , Branch also at W®1toa, Canadian News The French cruiser, Admiral Aube, left Quebec. One hundred and four children died at Moutreal last weak. Lotto, the high diver at Scarboro' Beach, was injured in his leap. Admiral Kingsmill is visiting Guelph• for the Old Home Week festivities. Two Belleville youths charged with robbing stores were arrested at Niagara Falls. Another deputation of tbe unemploy- ed waited upon the Board of Control at Toronto, Elliott J. Kimball was committed for trial at Tilbury for shooting William Healey. Duncan McKenzie. a Bruce township pioneer, was killed in a runaway at 'Underwood. Many Toronto fire insurance compan- ies will lose heavily through the fire in Fernie, B. C. The forest fires started up aga;n in the Kootenay Valley, and the town of Michel was burned. Mrs, Lamothe committed suicide at North Bay by shooting, after a quarrel with her husband. Edward Walker, of Shannonville, dropped off a tug in the Wehnapitae River and was drowned. Edward Barnett was drowned by a boat upsetting while crossing from Morristown to Brockville. Toronto vessel men emphatically denied the existence of a combine among vessel -owners. The C. P. R. are said to be preparing to make Montreal the Summer port for their Atlantic steamers. A new temperance policy will be pro- posed at the meeting of the fifth general Anglican Svnod next month. Caption Beachey's airship sailed over Torouto from Hanian's Point, going around the City Hall tower. The vote of the C. P. R. mechanics against accepting the award of the Win• nipeg Board was 97.3 per cent. Many persons went to Toronto by `rain anti boat exporting 10 sec Lord Roberts but were badly disappointed Harry R. Mitchell, chief clerk in the Toronto & York Radial Company, was drowned at Honey Inlet, Georgian Bay. A little boy named Charlebois, of Coteau Landing, tipped a cart coatatn- inga stove over on himself and was killed. $o `hitch fruit and vegetables were thrown on the Toronto markets Tuesday that prices went down to a very marked extent. Rev. T B. Silcox, formerly pastor of Bond Street Congregational m regationalY Church, Toronto, has accepted a call to Kansas City. Mo. Half hundred foreign ice cream ven- ders met iu Si. George's Gall, Toronto, to discuss their business and allegations of poisoning. The business of the Ontario Accident Insurance Company has been taken over by the. London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Richard Newton, the Grand Trunk brakeman who was sentenced last April to nine months' imprisonment for crim- inal negligence, has been pardoned. An explosion took place in J. Head's repair shop at Hagersvilte, caused by gasoline. Mr, Banks, of Brantford, was probably fatally burned, and the tsbop and several other buildings were destroyed. - BORN EEALEY.—In Morris, on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Healey, a daughter. RntD.—In Mullett, on July 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid, a daughter. SOMBER—In Blyth, on July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Somers, a son. tt Eff17022311Mratellit=anelEts ° a .f ce Met Sas 'Perfect Heating without Gas, Dust or Siinoke. The "Hecla" Furnace is the only Furnace with .Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron partstogether at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are 'permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they will not work loose or leak, They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel -1 illbed Fire Pot used onthe f° f iecla" Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot, It will save fuel for you and give you more heat, It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwise go, up the chimney. Let n8 show you the 5908 " Eecla" and explain all the latest improvements le detail, Mode by the nu eklrei Lel. "i<'Eertess Penixctsrllct•" Uhagca. WILTON & GILLESPIE, DRUSS M MARRIED LONGUOOP—Bewanns.—In Brussels, on August 4th, by Rev: E. G. Powell, Mr. i, Frederick Lmtg oot, of Stratford to Miss (Jerrie M„ daughter of Mr. and hers. George Edwards, Brussels. DIED Btu/D.—In Brussels, on August mrd Lottie A. fourth daughter of John Budd, aged 82 years. Gumoy.—In Mount Forest, on Tuesday, Aug. 415, Margaret Evan� 8cline TT((Eval, elder daughter of Gilroy manager 01 the' Met- ropolitan Bank, Brussels. WaMeis White, aged 48 yenta and 7 'mo ttlifl AUCTION SALES MONDAY, AUGUST tem—Farm stock, house - bold furniturne, &e., 814 Lot 10, Con. 7 Grey. Bias Bateman, Sale Proprietress d at 5'. 0,a Scott, Ane. Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs Ha Hoge Wool BRUSSELS MARKET 50 70 70 50 28 17 6 66 8 80 70 45 70 60 20 18 6 00 0 12 The People's Column FARM FOR SALE. -100 acre farm for sale known es the Love farm Lot 18, Con, 12, Grey. A drat-oluss grain or stock farm ; all In grass ; will be sold at bargain on easy terms. or price and terms apyly to JAS. A. Mc- LAUOELAN,:box 607, Portage la Prairie, Man- itoba. 6.4 A Good position Open The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the Baited States will be pleased to resolve appli- cations for its General Agency for Brussels and vicinity. To the right man, even without lite assurance experience but who can show a contract will be made record, confidentime ally, if desired, C. T. GTLLESPIE, Manager Egnit• able Life, 24 King at. West, Toronto. 5.1 Yes t, ti. I,.. TAMIL (bonito Wit;nlllcr} Olr_ TAUBE cQ SON WILL BE AT fox's DruljStore, Brussels FH ;. y, Aug. 14 t111 a p, m. and will be glad to have all who are troubled with Defective Vision call and consult him. Taube & Son have been established since 1871, during which time over 000,- 000 cases have been successfully fitted by them. It your eyes bother you in any way, or the glasses you are now wearing are not satisfactory, do not neglect this oppor- tunity of consulting Canada's foremost Eye Specialist at F DRUG STORE p+sESI1IABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Na' far sale in Ethel.—lye nare on which is n comfortable dwelling house containing eight good-sized rooms end pantry ; stable, wood- shed, orchard hard and soft water. Near to churolt and school. Posaeaeion 10 suit purches- or'if by mail to J. M bDA'VIES,ipEthe .lir 64 gnat e AM TO RENT—Being Lot lb, Oon. 8, Grey MAXIM ▪ Township, containing 100 acres, 80 nares cleared. Good brielchouse, bank barn, or• Ohara, &o. Possession on Nov, lot with priv- ilege of: earlier plowing. For further partiou- lare apply on the premises oe if by letter to J OSEPH BAYNAIID, Proprietor, Ethel: 8.8 PARD& FOR SALE—Being S5 Lot 10, Con. 7, Grey, containing 60 acres. 800erea War- ed,balancetimbered. Brick house, e able hog pen, well, orchard, Sta. Possession to suit chaser. For farther portioulars 00 to price, terms, &e, apply to MISS HANNAH BATE• MAN, on titepremises, or Ethel P. 0. 8-tf Voters' List - 1908 Municipality of the Village of aruesela, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that Ihnve transmit- ted or delivered to the persona mentioned in sections 8 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' .Lists Act, the copies required by said oeotione to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said dot, of all persona appearin y the last revised Assessment Roll of the acid Municipality at Eleotionsfor members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elea - tions : and that the said 11st was first posted up in my office, at Brussels, on the 3rd day of August,1008, and remains there for inapeetfon. Eectors are culled upon to examine the said list, and, if any'ornisefone or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to late. Dated this btit day of August, 1008, F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. of Brussels. Brussels New Daylight Store Swee,p i educe In Al! Summer Goods G. St McLaren Ladies' Waists Corset Covers, 1 Skirts 9 Under Skirts, Top Skirts �$o Boys' and Men's Clothing Special Clearing Prices on Odd Colors and Sizes in Boots and Shoes Extra uiiIiie in Towels and Table Linen Men's and Boy s' Cambric Shirts at Greatly Reheat Prices Highest Prlaes for Produce Ala III i� C Goods fright or Your Money. Back