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The Brussels Post, 1908-8-6, Page 6
*11-11-1-14-41.+4.**ItalaIrlaialsielek. Fash kin Hints. OHIT-CHAT. White embroidered linen frocks for very young girls are always beautiful and always appropriate, but the average woman regards them as outside her means. A very good plan is to buy an embroider- ed centerpiece, not of the heavy white Boon variety, but the kind known as Japanese embroidery, covered with a design including baskets or bouquets of flowers. Having acquired this, some ma- terial mist be purchased to match, as nearly as possible, the founda- tion of the centerpiece, and a few yards of valenciennes insertion or French beading. Tho front of the waist and skirt may then be cut from the centerpiece, choosing, as near as possible, a eomplete por- tion of the design, said these may be set into the material with a band of insertion or beading. What- ever is left of the centerpiece may be used to trim the sleeves, which are finished with the insertion or beading, and a very handsome, hand -embroidered gown is made at little cost and almost no trouble. The material used on each side of the design may he finely tucked and the model for the dress may be em- pire or plain, to suit the taste of the mother. It is better, though, to arrange for a break in the waist- line, for the two designs will be de- tached in any case. A pretty belt to wear with this frock is a boned girdle of Dresden ribbon or of the softest ivory radium silk. As both dresses described above are of such sheer materials, a white taffeta slip should be worn under them, but if this is not procurable, the usual fluffy skirts will look very well with the white embroidered frock; while for the scrim dress a slip made of flowered dimity and finished in many ruffles would be charming. For summer wear a few slips made of white longcloth or nein- sok and two of dimity or lawn would be very useful, and it is bet-, ter to make them now than to wait until later in the season when the new styles are settled and summer gowns must be made, For the very young girl no selec- tion of material could be better for this season than a bright gingham made to wear with a guimpe. The latter, by the way, will take a most important place in summer gowns for both mother and daugh- ter, and they might as well be made now. They must be of batiste, French nainsook or lawn, trimmed with va- lenciennes, insertion or hand tucks and seam beading; while a few of them will be made of all-over em- broidery or flowered lawns. The newest colors are strong in tones, and are either very. becoming or quite the opposite. Lines of black serve to tone down the vividness of many of the new materials. They are applied in stripes, in scutache and in lustrous braids, outlined with hand -braided strands of heavy twisted silks. Butterfly bows have been worn ever since stiff collars returned to popular favor, but an entirely new wrinkle is the butterfly bow of brown leather or kid. The great advantage of the innovation lies in the fact that it does not wilt, what ever the number of bargain sales the wearer may have attended dur- ing a morning's shopping, and it looks well in contrast to the snowy linen collar. As for cleaning, any harness po- lish will do the work, or, if the bow is kid, gasoline is cheap and ef- fective, though great care must be taken while the explosive is in usa. A feature of all the new skirts is the panel effect in the front and back. In many skirts the front panel extends above the waist line and forms a portion of the girdle, These panels give a perfectly smooth fit and are universally be- coming. Elaborate braiding is seen on many of the newest models, the nar- row soutache being the most popu- lar, Braiding, combined with heavy embroidery, Is particularly effec- tive on broadcloth or velvet. The young man was leaning on the garden -gate chatting with the object of his affections when the latter said, hesitatingly :-- I'I am going to ask a great favor of you." It is already granted," he an- swered, devotedly. "A very great favor," she repeated, as if doubt- ful of the propriety of stating it. "'You're sure that you won't think it presumptuous or forward of me?" "Never," ho answered. "I glory in this evidence of your trust and confidence, Only tell me whet 1 eon do for you." "Well," she re- plied, with evident reluctance, would you mind nob leaning on that gate. Father painted it this afternoon, and he will be awfully provoked if he hag to do it all over regain." "I say, waiter, this cod steak is Pot half so good as the one t had here last week." "can't see wily, Oita TVs off the Same fish,"" SuAhrore from Pita, Epilepsy, 38L. Titus' Dane*, Norroue Troubles 0r trolling Sickness should write the L1iE/.la, cA, Ile Ring street nt for a trial bottle of their int but, 00 Tri ea Itos106o 100 tor pose DE The Mild Climate of Virginia often splebdid oPPortunitlea for stork raising, fruit growing, dairying and .general farming. Winters aro- short. Climate) healthful. Laud lsed and selling below its value but increasing a value each year, Many Canadians aro living 10 Virginia. Writs for information to u. W, KOONNR, Commissioner of Agriculture, Va. Librarians GREEN BEST COLOR. Saves the oyes and the Tempers says a Doctor. "If the whole of London were painted green it would have a won- derful effect upon the health and spirits of us Londoners," said one of London's leading specialists, to a Daily Mirror representative. "Eyesight and health are most closely connected, and among town dwellers eyesiglr) is steadily deter- iorating, "The next generation of London- ers Will be afflicted with short sight, "If I had my way I would have every house in London painted a fresh foliage green. Then in a lit- tle time we should have a brighter happier London than has ever been known. "Green is one of nature's cures for worry and fatigue. Watch a man how often he will wander to a and Library Boards will do window from which be can gaze on a well to consult Library tree in leaf. Instinctively his eyes Bureau of Canada before seek the restful green of the foliage. ordering Book Stacks, Fur- "A great deal of the good obtain- niture, Charging Systems, ed from a visit to the country is or Card Catalogs. We are from the incessant environment of the recognized authority on green fields and green leaves. Library Equipment and "A green room, too, is a splendid Supplies. - thing. 1 know of a case of a popu- lar actress who could never under- stand why it was in a certain room Ib' her house she could always rest so much better than in any other one. She mentioned the fact to me one clay, and I pointed out to her that the paper and furniture were entirely green. "Big cities like London are sur- ely deteriorating the eyesight of those who dwell in them. It is the lack or horizon that does the harm. "To look at a thing in the distance is no strain upon the eyes, but a rest to them; the muscles are simply relaxed. But in London the farth- est one can look is, as a rule, but a few yards. The eyes consequently get no rest. "On the other hand, town dwel- lers suffer far less from cataract than do country folk. The traffic of our London strets does undoubtedly prevent this terrible affliction, "In a city street to watch a veh- mmediatel icle Nil PIM Mom Go., NI., Guelph, Ciel to turn t • one a feyards w feet and distant, ana so on, necessitates a constant change of ocus, a thing which is ex - 1 cellent for the eyes, and one which keeps away cataract.. "It is your country shepherd, who sits for hours gazing at one object that seldom or never moves, who goes blind from cataract "Yet the Iack of rest for the eyes, I the dull grey of everything and the brilliant eye -straining glare of the artificial light is playing havoc with our sight, and a green London Would do much to counteract these evil effects. "Looking at the color green ac- tually causes the formation of a 1 chemical mixture in the eyes. When That most animals have some most other colors are regarded this specific function to perform is well chemical substance is broken up. known. Now, scientists claim that "Colors have a very marked effect a species of fish exists in Australian upon temperament. Red, as most waters which feeds on the larvae of people know, excites and afterwards mosquitoes anti so reduces the pros - depresses. A red -papered room will pests of malaria. It belongs to a drive some people mad. Green, on family of carnivorol,;s or flesh -eat - the other hand, rests and soothes ing fish which is frequently found in and improves the eyesight, and if in the temperate and tropic zones, and a walk through London one could usually in shallow water. Very see wherever one looked something small in size, being only about one green to rest the eye the effect upon and a half to two inches in length, the people would, I believe, be as- it has, in the male, yellow and black tounding." striped fins, while the eye is of a ' bright blue. The fins during cer- tain seasons of tL.a year acquire great brilliancy. 'Tis Well to Know a Good Thing, said Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Know - well, when they met in the street. "Why where have you been for a week Mack?" "Oh just down to the store for a bottle of Dr. Tho- mas' Ecleetrie Oil," and Mrs. Sur- face, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she contracted a weak back there was another customer for Ecloetric Oil. Information sant free of charge on application, Library Bur eau of Canada LIMITED, re BAY 5TBEET, TOnoNTO, ONT. Is THE NAME OF CANADA'S BEST a 6. S Kin them all, Mattoon flies lying about when used ma directed. DRUCCISTS, GROCERS AND MIEFIAL STEMS toe. per packet, or 3 pockets for 25o. last a whole seanon. If Every Farmer Knew THE TORTURES WOMEN SUFFER flan be Relieved by Keating the Blood Supply Rich With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A woman needs a blood building medicine regularly just because she is a woman. From maturity to middle life, the health and happi- ness of every woman depends upon her blood, its richness and its re- gularity. If her blood is poor and watery she is weak, languid, pale and nervous. If her blood supply is irregular she suffers from head- aches, backaches, sidoaches and the other unspeakable distress which only women know, Some wo- men have grown to expect this suffering at regular intervals and to bear it in hopeless silence. But women would escape mach of this misery if they took a box or two of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to help them over each critical period. These Pills actually make new blood. They help a woman just when nature makes the greatest demand upon her blood supply. They have done this for thousands of women throughout Canada, why not for youl Mrs, Joseph Kinney, Gilbert's Cove, N. S., says :—"For ten years L suffered from netv..ousne ss and those trdubles that make the lives of so. many women one of almost constant misery. At times I would be confined to my beet for weeks. I spent sleepless nights and seemed to lose a]1 courage. I tried sever- al doctors, but they failed to give me any relief. The last doctor I consulted told me frankly that he could not undertake my case un- less I would undergo an examina- tion. It was then I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After taking six boxes I was much improved in health, but I continued to take the Pills for a couple of months more when I felt like a nc-v woman, and was enjoying such health as I had not experienced for ten years before. I have had no return of this trouble since, but I have used the Pills once since that time for the after effects of la grippe and the result was all I hoped for. These are plain facts from my own experience and I have always felt that I cannot too strong- ly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to the many women who suf- feras I slid " You can get these Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six. boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. A FOE TO MALARIA. how much money he oonid cave by using o gths0ur.'-'- oocl,ack-op grindifee a gin•. PILES CURER AT HOME gine to saw wood. pump water, feed, ,bo., We would not bo able to supply rico demand, Out this ad. out and send to us today, and we willBy New Absorption ]Method, send you our fres catalogue. Name - Address '150 Canadian Fairbanks Co., Limitod, Toronto, Ont hfuotroai, Winnipeg, Vancouver. It looks very much like ram to- day," remarked a milkman, as he; trial, with references from 'your handed a housekeeper her supply of milk."Yes," agreed the latter, as she peered into the jug, "it usu- ally does 1" If you stiffer from bleed- ing, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for In the causes of infant mortal- ity cholera morbus figures fre- quently, and it may be said that complaints of the bowels are great destroyers of child life. If all mo- thers would avail themselves of so effective a remedy as Dr. J. D. Ifel- logg's Dysentery Cordial many a little one could be saved. This Cordial can be given with safety to the smallest child, as there is no in- jurious substance in it, "Captain, we are entirely out of ammunition," said an orderly ser- geant to his commander on a field - day. "What? Entirely out of am- munition? exclaimed the captain. Yes, entirely out was the re- ply. "Then cease firing," said the captain. own locality if requested. Immedi- ate relief and permanent cure as- sured, Send no moneys but toll' others of this offer, Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 102 Windsor, Ont. If you want to spring a surprise on yourself sit down some evening and count the number of white lies you have told during the day. Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroy er of the age. • COULDN'T RESIST IT. "Look here," began the man, as he entered a butcher's shop and displayed two black and blue eyes, "you have fresh beef for sale 7" "I havd," replied the butcher. "And fresh beef is good for black If people would do half the things eyes?" they are going to do to -morrow "It is." what, a progressive old world this "Very well. I have the eyes, and would be, you have the beef. Do you think you can sell me a pound or .so without asking how I got orna- mented I" "I will do my Lest, sir." Tho butcher then est ,off and weighed the meat, and roeeivod his money for it without another glance at the customer. That was not the endr however. A sudden leave of Pay what you will, and go vliera curiosity swept over him, and he laid the money down, and Mid; you like, you cannot get a better; "gore, I'll 'make you a .resent VIM' or mold delicious tO th of the meat, NOW toll nae all about Ii'Setladd;.:1t fill0 fight, l: The optimist invests in a box of polish and gets busy with the dark side of life. Nrinister—"I made seven hearts happy to -day." Parishioner—"How was that?" "Married three cou- ples." "That makes only six." "Well, do you think I did it for no- thing 1" Yee, indeed, "blood will aanndd tiall," when 'blotches lnsiSyumamrkateheabsokrnwWrokavooaolCarad Ind skin troubles. "I contend," said the lawyer for the defence, "that a tomato, how- ever well aimed, could not have caused a blank eye." 'But it was in a tin, your honor." First Mother (reading letter from son at college) -"Henry's letters always send me to the dictionary!" Second Mother (resignedly) -- "That's "That's nothing; . Jack's always send me to the bank." IfSS'UE NO. 31--68, CLOCII: FEEDS HORSES. English llicrellant Invents Ingenious Contrivance. A provision merchant in Oldham, England, has invented an ingenious contrivance by which he is able to feed his horses without personal attendance through the medium of an alarm clock. In a small office adjoining the stable the clock is placed on a shelf. Attached to the winding key is a piece of copper wire, and this is fastened to a small brass roller that runs over a wooden rod. At the end cf the rod is a heavy weight. When the clock goes off the wheel is drawn over the rod and releases the weight, which falls to the floor. The corn box is filled over night, and when the weight is released a small door at the bottom of the box flips open and the corn falls into the manger. The horses never fail to rise at the sound of the alarm, knowing what is to follow and when the drivers turn up the animals are ready to be harnessed, .q. A CONTEST WORTH ENTIERING. A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS is offered by the ORANGE MEAT people to the one sending in the largest number of bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages before May 31, 1909. This means that the winner will receive One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS every ear, as long as he or she lives, or they can exchange it for a CASH PRIZE of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Besides the above there is a sec- ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes as follows:— Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY DOLLARS each. Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- LARS each. Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN- DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- LAR each. The only condition attached is that you cut oat the bottoms of the ORANGE MEAT packages and send them in to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo package .counts equal to Three of the smaller size. You should be able to win one of the above prizes if you start immediately and get your friends to help you. Send your name and address to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY> and state that you are en- tering tering the contest. It is surely worth trying for. SHARED THE HONORS. Jukes—"Who was the best man at the wedding?" Jenkins—"Well, I'm not sure. The bride's father had all the bills to,pay, the bridegroom had to buy diamond brooches for the brides- maids, and the guests had to give handsome presents; upon my word, I think the best man was the cler- gyman—he was the only one who made anything out of it." A Cure for Fever and Ague. — Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will be found to preserve their powers in any latitude, In , fever and ague they act upon the: secretions and neutralize the poison' which has found its way into the blood. • They correct the impuri- ties which find entrance into the system through drinking water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided, Jakey-"Fadder, a shentlemans half fallen troo de coal -hole 1" Isaac—"Clap re cover ofer him, kervick, mein sohn, vile I runs for a policemans. Ve must arrest him for tryin' to steal to coals, or he'll sue us for tamages." II You ore Nervous and Irritable, take "Ferrovlm," the greatnervo and blood tonic;you. will be a new person by the time you have used a bottle. $1,00 bottles. Alldealers. Charitable Man tomel r ' blind lend beggar)—"What 1 have you recov- ered your sight?" Beggar—"Well, you see, it's this way. I've lost my dog; and as I can no longer be blind, .I have become a deaf- mute," Give Holloway's Corn Oure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. Mother—"If you marry Robert, 1 swear that I'll never set foot in your house." Daughter—"Please put that down in writing, I'd like to give your promise to Robert for a wedding prosent." Is goat. the favorite dish of cowards? Those people who do nothing do much harm. 10c. success. The latest l+ i14 The big black plug chewing tobacco. 01205 5o CENTS. The Fango For Reuraigia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. ALL, DRUGGISTS, OR Company, Toronto W HOLSOALE LYMAN BROS, & Co., Toronto and Mantreai; LYMAN KNOX k CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. , A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVEST r;' ENT B, '': DS Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. litillnEEMONSIESMEDIEDErierm armisrmammaammzseauzumommazomemmsormszatzk CTURERSI i E D NT N 1NG TO LOCATETORONTO INT O 'VTO WILL P1N© Ideal Manufacturing 'remises IN TRUTH BUIL Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. Se Frank Wilson & Solis, 73-81 Adelaide St., Fest THE 0 arder Coid Mines kith ,f1, (No Personal Liah%ity) LI MiTED rued Capital, ' - $4,000,0 0x00 DIRECTORS. Arthur Omnis, Contractee, President. A. S. Wigmore, Mgr. Holules Electric and Protection Co., V ce-Presiden5. Fred. Arrnstrang, Contractor, Sec. -Treasurer. F. H, fled-bert, Archd,ot. J. C. Rattily, Contractor. George Duthie, Sr., Contractor. J. H. Tighe, Miner, BANKERS. The Crown Bank, Toronto., AUDITOR. Henry Barb, Toronto. The property consists of 28 40 -acre Claims immediately adjoining the now famous IIARRi,S MAXWSLL, and upon the same amount of develop- ment should prove equally as good. 100not loseis, GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY000 shares aro now *Komi to tof invehe stingic ti0 w 15 eer tts he most prom- isinger share. properties in the district. For full particulars apply to HENRY F. ®ARRELL, s FISCAL AGENT No. 6 Colborne Street, Toronto. A POINT OF ADVANTAGE. "0f course, the railways owe the public a great deaI," said Mr. Dus- tin Stox; `but you mast also re- member that the public is indebted to the railways." - "Yes," answered the critical citi- zen, "but the railways are in a po- sition..to collect." Just the Thing That's Wanted.— A. pill that acts upon the stomach and yet , is so compounded that certain ingredients of it pre- serve their power to act upon the intestinal canals, so as to clear them of excreta the retention of which cannot but be hurtful, was long looked -for by the medical pro- fession. It was found in Parnlelee's * egetable Pills, which are the re- sult of much expert study, and are scientifically prepared' as a laxative and an alternative in one. GOLD IN SOAKED ENVELOPE A London firm recently received from a gold miner in Alaska the fol- lowing ourious letter; "Gentlemen, —Enclosed you will find an envelope which you will tear up in small piec- as and place in a glass of water ;let soak far an hour on so, then stir and: drain, and you will find thirty. grains of gold for which you will send me a stylographiapen wrapped up in a late newspaper." These in• structions were duly carried cut, and the gold, value Gs., obtained, in exchange for which the ingenious miner was sent a stylographio pen and two newspapers, "You haven't explained haw you happened to have Mr, Wacker's chickens in your poseestion," said the magistrate, sternly, 'Tee try- ing to think, your worship. Citi me gime," replied the prisoner, "Y will, Fourteen days 1'> HENN-LE CURTAII'43 and all kinds of house nnnslugs, also LAC. CURTAINS DYED Kt11,1." CE,S® L 'Mita to us short renis. UIT1IlI A0010IDAN DYDINO Da, tlpo 188. Montresl VICTOR -BERLINER 3NANi0P O\E8 Al! prices and styles from $1040 to $2,40. Write for free catalogue. DEPT. D TORONTO GRI1MOPHON COMPANY, 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town, Hotel Combed+•i. nd 9.W, ear, Broadway at 84th st,,. NEW YORK .Noir 80th street Sub- way atm Gard etreob Elevated Station.. • Ideal Ideation Near Theaters, Shops and Central Park New, Modern and Absolutely ;Ire Proof Transient Eaten 0 So. GO with nacho 0111 up, A11outside memo. eon/ tnr i3ooklot, Under the Manegomont of 1 HARRY 0'. STIMSOn R. J. salaam§ e O'lyotilotollmperial 50005 011115,1 Woad5ss,0