HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-8-6, Page 5k 'i BUSINESS CARDS. AAT H. MoOItACKEN— X I • lamer oL Marriage Lieenaos. Of. flue at 0rouery,Turuberry wiser, Brussels, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teaoher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES • litre In the. Y08t O518O, JelhOl, 00-4 K. O. T. M. Brussels Tent of the luaooabees, No, 29 hold their regular meetiu8e la the Lodge Rum, Beaker Blocs, on the let and 8111 Tuesday evenings of often month. Visitors always welcome. A, SOMER8, Oon1, A. MaGUII1E, 13. 04. JAMES HARRIS, A int lIowick NZ ntnal Fire Insurance Company OOI50 and Residonoe— WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND issUBANON, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. ill S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ' . inns, will sell Mr better priuoo, Le better moa in 101111 alma and lees chargee than any other Auatio neer in haat Huronor he won't 'Marge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged et this otMoe or by p are mal application, ROST. H. EARN/SS BLUI4VALF — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Wee arranged for at the Whoa o1 Tau Pea%, -Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. !Y_ A. CUR NINGLiAM— L7r • Rotor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary college, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeetlortted animals do a oompot• ant meaner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and AEI Fever. Oahe Promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Taruborry at.. Brussels, Thom 42 it LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. N LAlR— iYl.Sl U Oouvo anoer VV • Barrister, Soles—E1 i Y �Y ' Block oO-eLewnrts r 1'ubllo Jct. Uffi Notary 1 door Nor 5 theCentralMetropolitan Hotel SonoiLor for the Metropobtau Bauk. tpti0UDF0O'l', HAYS 4 BLAIR— BARItiSTEl.tS, S 10IUOI'J(018, NOTARIES PU1W. rllonmroOT,'10.0. 1i. 0. Bess G. 1'. 110010. Ofiloes—Those formerly Lamented by Messrs Cameron h Holt, • GODSIIOn, ONTARIO. MSS 4� •r,:9 A. H. MONTf=ITH 11..1 Macdonald. Solicitor, Eilaildurd91bank Brussels. OR. .HAMILTON Dented Burgeon, Olfiee opposite the poetolltoo. rs' W lln01 visit110' of unoll mfirst 01,, and third nt OR. T. T. M' RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; IJooutiate and E9rnduate of the Uoilege of Ally - Widens raid Burgeons, Out, : rest.ivdnape OI1lcag0Bye, :irar, Nose Rud Tlri•oat _Hospital, Ohiearo, Ill. Exdtov00 Burgeon to St. Mich- ael's 130spitel T0001,88. Office over il. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone connection with Oranbrook at all hours. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, It11N'rIST Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Dental Burgeons of Uutario and Firet•olaee Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Oaloe next to Brew see Photograph (ialler7, BRUSSELS. ate.e.hw ay erNiiir X utk Ivor BRUSSELS G0180 110(1011 1li1 00180 11011111 llspress Il :0t,o n 51811ass 18.454 a n1 Express ,.. 8:00 p m Express 8161 p 1n WALTON To Toronto To Godorloh Express 8:41 a m'Express ..,,. 11:80 8 1n Express 11:11 p n1 I Express 7:47 p m M:tStri•cf Cetus Atwood David Morrison, of Okotoks, Atla., left for his home on Tuesday morning after a three weeks' sojourn with rela- tives at Newly. During those three weeks Mr. Morrison buried his mother and his brother John. His was indeed at sad mission. Jno. Mann, Townline West has re- turned from a trip to the Old Country looking hale and hearty. 'Itis report- ed that Mr. Mann was looking atter the interests of the Mann's family, in a large fortune left by relatives in the Old Land. Have you Borne? There is but one painless cure—. "Putnatn's." Takes out the corn, root and branch—does it harmlessly in twenty-four hours. Insist on. Put- narn's Painless Corn Extractor only. Belgrave Mrs. Ward, of Campbellford visited Mrs. W. Olark. A little baby boy cause to the house of Johu Armstrong, of Belgrave. 0. P. Carlisle received by express a thoroughbred cocker spaniel pup from Nebraska. Miss Hanna, of Portage la Prairie, formerly of Seaforth, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sproat. Mrs. John Proctor, jr., and Mrs. Kelsie of Pnhnerstbn are guests of 0. and Mrs. Robertson 4th line Morris. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, Philadel- phia, P phia, were visitors at the former's parents, F. and Mrs. Anderson's, and other relatives. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even numbered' section of Dominion Lauda iu Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 aynd 28, not reserved, he Mayole head of homesteaded family, person male ovho er 18 years of age, to the extent of ono -quarter motion of 100 notes more or less. Entry mty bo made personally at the Igcal laud 0110e for the district iu whiob the laud is situate. The homesteader le required to perform the emulitione oouneptod therewith under one of the following plans : I least six o u i months' r esoden o upon Atie and cultivation of the laud in each year for throe years (2) If the lather (or mother, it Oho father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may bo satisfied by snob person re- eding with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent resi- dence upon terming land (Amid by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quiremente as to reeideuee may bo mate - lied by residence upon the said loud. Sixmontbs'. notice in writing should be given to. the Ootnmissio1er of Domluion Lunde at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent' W.W,OORY, Deputy of the Minister of Interior. 11. B. Unauthorised publication of -this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, BUGGIES WAOONS If you wan6 a really good article in the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable Cober Carriage Builder on Market Square; Bens - eels, where you will find a first- class assortment. Beet of hand made Perm Wag- ons with different widths of tires and different heights of wheels , Bette large hand made Wheel barrows. Re -rimming Light and Heavy Wheels, •Repairing, Re -painting cord Re -trimming attended to Ao 0li0rtes6 notice, The choir singing n the Methodist church last Sunday wee rendered by male menthe] s of the elude, the ladies taking a rest Robs. Currie. her,pm'tlba•uil a ,it+ Dom W. F. l d.utiLolM', and will build a blacksmith shop 011 it, next to Ilii. Jobh's implement shop. Virulent Hay Foyer. Hay Fever promisee tide year to be Very severe and many are already suffering. .l'he most positive ruse's "Oatarrhozone", which destroys the germ and gives iuizetl)ate i'eli,•1'. Cures quickly, Sold by all dealers. $1.00 for two months' treatment. —tloderieh The illeuesetung Canoe Club hen de• tided on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, August 10, for the hold- ing of the annual regatta. This will be fn the same weekas the tournament of the Goderich Bowling Club, and so a good wish's amusement is in store. The Goderielt Tennis Club held the opening of their new courts on Picton street Wednesday of last week under very a11sp1ei0Ue circumstances. So far this season the club bas been par- tially disorganized, owing to not having grounds foe courts, the bowl- ing club having vented their former grounds along with the ohl bowlhll, greens. Now, however, that the club has secured new courts (1 good season's sport 15 assured. Five o'clock tea was served Weduesday afternoon at the courts by Mrs. W. Proud.foot, to whorl the club was greatly indebted for the success of the avert. Do you Belch Gas? This is a disagreeable result of food fermentation that Ner•viline stops as once. Take ten drops of Nervihne in sweetened water. The stomach is warmed and soothed, digestive troubles corrected, the rising of gas ceases and you are well. When such a simple re- medy does so much it's foolish to be without it. For indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and sick headache you'll find nothing half so efficient as Poison's Nerviline. Get a 25c bottle from your dealer to -day. Wingham 'R. E. Samirlel's, tormei•ly, 111 imei- less Here, has re-entered the ministry. The Citizens' Band go to Blyth for a garden party on Aug 12th. The transfer of the hotel license held by M. W. Algie for the Icing Edward hotel, Wingham, to Mrs. Diusley has been asked. 0. Thornton had the end of one fin- ger taken off. He was working at a drilled well and had his band on one section of the pipe, when the 'party holding the upper pipe slipped : the pipe came down and the forefinger was caught between the sharp edges of the two pipes, taking it off lust be- low the nail. Iu the case of the appeal of the WesternFoundaiy Oo.Limited, again- st their assessment for business tax, Judge Doyle has given his decision in favor of the Co., basing his decision on the exemption clause in the mort- gage given by the Co., dated 1000; this, the :fudge holds exempts the Co. from taxation except School tax, for a terns of six years, Seaforth Rev. D. Rogers left for a two weeks' vacation in the neighborhood of Bow- manville. Mrs. and Miss Rogers are spending their holidays at Behnore. Tuesday night was literary night in the Epworth League and Leslie Reid, at the request of the League gave an account of the Y. M. C. A., work iu which he is engaged in Haver- hill, Mass. Mr. Reicl has been spend- ing a pleasant holiday with his parents, J. and Mrs. Reid, Jarvis street. Tuesday afternoon of last week Heigh Bunter, an employee of the i Engine and Thresher 00., received a gg ratwound.He was work- ingluer nasty in 'hoot of the lathe and was filing a disc. Qac end of the file happened to catch in the lathe, and the other enol which Med* nu handle on, was thr'u'st into his side, inflicting au ugly wound. Mr. Hunter is doing aswell as could he expected. Jack Best died at his home, North Main street, early Wednesday morn- ing. Some three weeks ago he was taken to liis bed with a very virulent attack of typhoid fever. Monday night he was operated on and recover- ed nicely from the operation, but nothing could stay the disease and death was 'the result. He leaves as wife and two little children, the eld- est less than three years old, and the youngest six months. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to Maitlandbauk cemetery, and was under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which deceased was a member. Rev. P. 000coran, of St. James' church, has started ou a tour through Europe. Rome, as the centre of the Catholic world, will be specially visit- ed by him, after which he intends to visit Egypt and Palestine, the lands in which nearly all the events recorded in Holy Scripture took place. It is 25 years since Father Oorcoran„had a vacation, and he goes on this one both i'or Health and fey instruction's sake'. 1 -ie will be accolrrpanied by two "111»1' Clergymen, of Londondiorese, lierlla. J. J. Guam, of La Saintly, and A, .1. Loieelle,ni I.lry ;cla1'. We wtoh the reverend gentlemen a pleasant voyage 1611(1 It safe return withimproved health 1 and rigor. • Listowel Miss ('rills has returned home from Saskatchewan, where she has been en- gaged teaching. Mrs. J, 0. Kidd is 111 Ayton attend- , fug her mother, who is 94 years of age, and is at the point of death, Mr, Marlatt of St. Thoulae hal been visiting his danghter, Mrs, (Rev.) R. i). Hamilton, at the Methodist person- a•c, .Flerition Kraft, of the Garroch cigar factory, is laid off work witb. blood poisoning. which started from NM abrasion on his finger and has spread to his arm, 1•I. B. Morphy, Bolton Morphy, J. N. Hay and W. CRIME were to Tor- onto on Friday represent resentthe Lioto- zep 'vel Giolf (flub at the L aizibton tourna- ment week. The grant from the Oounty Council to the Listowel High School has been 20 as the '•o t 1 0 increased lr m $SW o $ , , result of the interview with the County Council by the deputation frim the B. S. Board. Alex. Yule of Harriston, brother of Andrew Yule, of Listowel, won the International Championship Bowling at the Crystal Palace in London, Eng- land, on Tuesday of last week, defeat- ing Ross, winner of this year's inter- national, by fool. shots. This is the second time Mr. Yule has won out in three years. Listowel streets, which have been in darkness for some months, may be lighted again, temporarily at least,. providing the test light set up on Wallace street proves satisfactory, The tight is fernished by a "Royal Gem" street lamp, which is manufac- tures by the Royal Gas Light Co. of Chicago. Each'lamp post is arranged to hold four gallons of gasoline and sufficient air pressure to Mum for six- ty hours, the gas being generated in the post and passing upward to the letup through attube. The lamps are .claimed to give 1,000 candle power light whlie burning. Fordwich - The Williug Workers of the Metho- dist church will llolcl -their annual lawn social clueing the mouth of Aug- ussou, t. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Brown of Dick - weeks' D., are spending a three weeks' vacation with her parents, S. and Mrs. Johnston, and other rel- atives. ' Dr. T E. Ball and A. Spotton B. A. of Hazriston two old Howick boys, purpose starting on a trip to the Old Country. They will sail on the noted steamer Lusitania, from New York and land at Cork on the South West- ern shore of Ireland. Touring the old loud, they will visit the Killarney Lakes, (0103, said uulliiirg about Blar- ney Stone,) Dublin, Cavan and Fer- managh counties, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, London and Liverpool, whenee they will sail for house on September 4th. An old and respected resident of Howick township passed away at his son -3n -laws residence on the 22nd ult. in the person of R. McLeod. The de- ceased was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, 78 years ago and emigrated to C7auada with his parents in 1355 and spent about a year around Elora and Guelph. In 1857 he settled on lot lei con. 10, Howick and in 1869 ho married Miss Margaret McGill of Howick, who predeceased him thirteen years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss one daughter, Mrs. Jos. McLaughlin of Howick and two sisters, Mrs. John Craig of Howick and Mrs. John Barr of North Dakota. Deceased was a yuan of quiet unassuming disposition and was highly respeetcd by all. The funeral took place on Friday after- noon and was largely attended by old Proof Is inexhaustible that Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures female ills and carries women safely through tbe. Change of Life. Mrs, Letitia Blair Cannifton, Ont., writes to Mrs. P Lr . illkjia m '• I was sick for five years. Une doe- t,r told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing down pains were terrible. I wrote to my sister about it and she Li advised me to take Lydia, B. Pinkham`s Vegetable Compound. It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely througeb Change of bite.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills anclhaspositively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it . Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. friends and neighbors. Service was conducted at the house by Rev. J. Ball, after which interment was made in Fordwich cemetery. The Record says:—One night last week two young rowdies made an opening in Jacob ICrueller's, fence leading to his Fall wheat and throve a horse and buggy through the wheat, destroying at least half an acre of it. They were seen leaving the field and and • • their home later' traced to were are known. They should get their wages in full by the law taking its full course. Previous to this`l'Ix'. Krneller's garden was destroyed this Summer by driving a horse and buggy through it and his stable entered end •t horse collar stolen, but in 0 few days was returned. The salve parties are supposed to be guilty of these van- dallic acts. TAKE NOTICE That the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey intends to build Cement Sidewalks in ithe Village of Walton. Commencing at the North West corner of Mill street, thence South on the East side Town Line between the Town- ship, of Grey and the Township ofMorris, to the Boundary between the Township of Grey and the Township of McKillop, thence East along North side, said Boundary to West side King street, thence North along West side King street to Mill street, thence West along South side Mill street to the place of beginning. And to assess the final cost thereof upon the property abutting thereon, and to be benefitted thereby, and that a statement showing the lands liable to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as they can be ascertained from the last revised assessment roll, is now filed in the office of the Olerk of the Municipality and is open for inspection during office hours. The estimated cost of the work is $1260.00, of which $105.00 is to be provided out of the general funds of the Municipality as per assessment schedule following :— Assessment Schedule OWNER'S NAME. Let or Part Lot m % „ q W4 d wN° dd",�„ g d % cg.,, o Sr 06b . '>4 a DaciUb g E rt',-", Hulce 9 .., '4 E'iU1 ei -4;42t,,, u 1 Am IAnnnalrate per foot Frontage Mrs. McKim A. 0. 17. W. Hall. R. H. Ferguson. W. H. Humphries & Son.,. W. I3. Humphries & Son... McNeil Bros. E. S. Hoard W. M. Smith.,.... ....... T. G. Wagghorn., Win. Sholdice, Mrs. McDonald..., Mts. McKim; 0. M. McTaggart.. .... Orange Hall. R. H. Ferguson .; R. H. Ferguson R. II, Ferguson R. IH. Ferguson ............................10 Win. Kholes Mrs. McDonald .... D. McLaughlin - D. McLaughlin. Municipality of the Twp of Gorey, m,.4•,1$17,(10 1 W pt 2 9 4 5 0 7 8 0 W pt 10 Il pt10 11 pt 12 pt 12 18 14 15 17 18 19 20 inter''s of sus 231 66 66 66 60 06 66 06 60 160 71 231' 40 20 60 66 60 66 60. 6(1 66 281 88 9211 294 264 204 264 204 201 264 264 640 284 921 181 80 26e 26:f 264 201 26.1. 204 264 924 152 $1013 95 40 20 46 20 46 20 46 20 40 20 40 20 46 20 40 20 79 10 24 85 108 95 82 20 14 00 46 20 46 20 46 20 46 20 46 20 46 20 46 20 103 95 1W 00 $ 40 20 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 56 85 20 11 00 46 20 14 80 6 25 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 20 55 40 20 47 25 $ 150 15 66 75 06 75 66 75 613 75 06 75 60 75 60 '75 66 75 114 80 85 85 150 15 46 50 20 25 66 75 66 75 60 75 06,75 66 75 66 75 06 75 1.50 15 152 25 $ 10 01,04 4 45.06 4 45.00 4 45.06.49/60 4 45.66 4 45 4 45.06 4 45.0049/01 4 +15.06 7.62.04 2 3908.26/71 10 01 3 100617/21 1 85 4 45.0649/61 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 45 1 45 4 45 10 01,04 10 15.26 . 40/06 40/60 49/61 ,00 49/01 40/61 49/61 01/81 04 1 06.2 " " rd " Ir 27/e 00 $560 85 $1820 85$ 121 99 Property owner's share, Munipipality's share ................. 10 15 Total annual payment .......... . $ 121. 80 Our National Danger Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete Wreck Results. Brewers Art Studio The language of Photographs is the clearest form of expression. It speaks in all tongues and to all peoples ; it is understood by the ignorant and appre- ciated by the cultured. Don't forget to get a nice Phptc, taken to leave with your friends. We are second ea none' in our line and ;guarantee you satisfac- tion. Did you get a Piloto. of the baby, Now is the time, 1 intend to keep in stool( a full line of Amateurs' Supplies, and also Kodaks to rent. I will develop and make 7011 pictures. Give us a call, H. R. BREWER FIRSTPCLMS Buggies! Have a choice sloop of Buggies menufeetured by the Barrie Carriage Company for sale. Both steel and rubber tyres. They are A r and sold liens $to.00 up, Guarantee with every rig. Don't .buy until you visit my show room, You can sive nteu- ey thereby. Sr Ht Jackson ls iso � russc r BUGGIES and V(AGONS There are thousands, both men and women, who do not take time to efts• properly. They rush through life, and as a result we have an age of indiges- tion, nervousness, irriatability, sleep- less nights, and morose disposition. Our national danger is stomach weak- ness, due to the strenuous life. Mi-o-ua tablets, strengthen the walls of the stomach and stimulate secretion of the digestive juices. They make the stomach comfortable and cure in- digestion. Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow skin and coated tongue are a few of the distressing results of indigestion that Miro-nanever fails to cure. Jas. Fox sells Mi-o-na in 50 cent boxes, and guarantees to refund the money if it does not give complete satisfaction. �l A Court of Revision will beheld on Fei.rlay, 28th tray of August, 1904, at the 'Township Hell 111 the Village of Ethel, �0� 1.. l g Cl t ab the hour of p. m., ter flue l)tlrp000 0f 'rearing eourpilturts against the propuseal. atssassutuut ui as ulAtOy of tree. 11 1. tJl a assessments or any otter complaint which persons interested easy desire to tttake, and which is by law cognizable iy 111e our . ,Ix x Mr1IN'toslr, Olerlc of Grey, 1h ted Jitly 31st, 1008. o n r arra I ' Bodin Lime oftyB, uwnreksms ianBriupsanlsd isdufuraibllroyotthhesweereod querRgl sZ4 Years that )1wao & Co, turn out. Our business is increasing every year and our Buggies have improvements Ibis year that they never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness 0f any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand- ard make with extra deep rims, Have von seen our dash support braces i' They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken dashes, This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BEST and we have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose or dapping. Trimmings aro the very best of leo. z leather with eight differeotdesigns in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired. Buggies of all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any skeptic that what we say is true. Also a number of Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very hest of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish, alsolany height of wheels. 01(1 Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good (10 new at small cost. Our fatuous Artist, W.M. C, SMITH, is here inattend- ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time 111 Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wag0118 and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up•to-date Carriage Shop. Call and get 008 terms and prices and buy from a reliable firm and support home industry. SPECIAL RIGS MADE TO ORDER. EWAN &0O•, BRUSSELS The Secret of Secrets WORKS is bead•quarters for Fresh, Pure, No. 1 Lime. Highest recommends given as to the quality of it, having proven itself No. 1 on Government buildings. 250 per Bushel, Delivered Write or Telephone to A. NiCHOISON & SONS, Belgraue We Sell on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis- faction we will return the. entire. amount of money paid us for it. We mean this— and ask all those who are. sick and need strength to try it with this understanding. James Fox Druggist 00811sst106 e • • 1 —1Z— STORE ADVERTISING One of the wisest of men wrote : "Suffer any man to tell me his story, morning and evening, for but a twelve-month, AND HE WILL BECOME OUR MAS- TER 1" In the above sentence we have in a nutshell, the INNERMOST SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING — FREQUENTLY and PERSISTENOY, UNVARYING. 00N- TtrIUITY in the telling of the story of the store or enterprise. There are many other things to be said of successful advertising, but in the above quotation tatian is found the t real philosophy, the real secret— The Heart of the Whole Matter Try the Columns of THE POST A NATIONAL Roller Flour MV1ills OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation. It will gave you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses )::fry our New orfeoia BREAKFAST FOOD - Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating. Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour is Still taking the lead for Bread Flours. r All kinds of Feed kept constantly on band. �«. A. PRYN L'> BRUSSELS