HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-23, Page 8UfTV1 MER: COMFORT
We have many things in our store to aid e0mfua
in the hot weather and make you enjoy the good
old Smiler time.
Toilet ! idwdl rr3 We have Eethymol Powder, Crushed Rose Talcum, Cot -
gate's Cashmere Boquet Talcum, Colgate's Violet Tal-
cum -very refreshiug and keep the skin in a healthy
Beg Salt If yen cannot go to the sea side, get a patatage of sea Salt soil use
it in the bath--
10c., 20c. and 2Gc. Packages
many a liar Road IS made cosy be using Nyai s Foot Ease'Er-price
z50 per package, Used For tired, aching, swollen
or blistered feet. Also destroys the odor of per-
HAMMBCK wElTRER they This is the time when can be appreciated. We are
Showing a splendid line this year.
Kodaxs, Brownie Cameras gypppea
rad 'gays Mels
SHIPPING iS quiet.
THE POST. telephone is No. 20.
Civrc Holiday Tuesday, Aug. 4th.
Cul the weeds on the vacant lots.
Tuts is beautiful totnato ripening
FRIDAY of next week will be the last
day of July.
RASPBERRY picking has given some of
our residents a busy time.
THREE rinks of Brussels Bowler's talk
of going to Wingham on Friday.
THE evening train Tuesday evening
was fn on time. This is worthy of note.
A LOCAL bowling competition is on
between the 4 rinks that went to L' isto-
THE editor returns thanks to a num-
ber who are squaring off back subscrip-
tions to Tens POST.
PEN Summers have evidenced as
numb lawn, garden and boulevard itn-
provement la Brussels as this season.
A VERANDAH of modern type is being
built by R. Leatherdale at his residence,
corner Turnberry and William streets.
Howrcx Mutual Insurance Company
Directors will convene hi their monthly
meeting at Gorrie on Saturday of this
ATWoon Sous of Scotland are running
at excursion to Kincardine Friday even-
ing of next week. Train will leave
Brussels at 8 a. tn., the return fare be-
ing 85 cents.
FORESTERS, -The annual sermon to
the members of Court Princess Alex-
andra C. O. F., No. 24, Brussels, will
be preached in St. John's church on
Sabbath evening, next, at 7.00 o'clock.
Brethren are asked to meet at the Lodge
room at 6,3o p. m,
annual :inion Sabbath School Excursion
to Kincardine Will be run by special
train on Tuesday, August 4th. Terri-
tory includes Palmerston to Lake Huron
on the W. G. & B. Arrangements are
beingmade for a dayr
0ofreal pleasure.
a least e.
Keep the date reserved.
OWING to theswelling of the Maittaud
by the heavy rain of last Friday the
planking in the gateways at the East
side of the mill dam were swept away
and will be required to be renewed.
The foot bridge was also in danger of
meeting with the same end but the
most of the timber and trestles were
saved and pulled to shore, It should be
more closely watched in time of high
Civic HOITDAY.-Arrangements are
being made for a very enjoyable time at
Kincardine on Tuesday, August 4th,
Brussels and Lucknow Civic Holiday.
There will be Bowling, Tennis, Base
Ball between the Juniors of the two vil-
lages aforementioned, and a short pro-
• gram of races for the children. A Lea-
gue BaseBallmatch between Goderich
and Kincardtne-is among the probabili-
ties. Arrange to go.
REV. G. F. SALTON, of Stratford, for-
merly of Brussels, left for British Col-
umbia, where he will spend a couple of
months touring the country. Mr. Sal-
ton will spend some time also In Victoria
and Vancouver. It is probable that if
...,travelling accommodation in the moun-
tains permit the reverend gentleman will
take an extensive photographing ap-
paratus with him. Mr. Salton recently
stated . that he believed there was a
greater future for the Western Province
than is anticipated, The country is yet
only Sightly known, and Mr. Salton in-
tends to penetrate into some of its most
wild and picturesque regions,"
grain of attractions for this year's Ex-
hibition is one that -will furnish instruc-
tion and amusement for everybody,
Kemp'e Wild West Show and Hippo-
drome performance is the largest coni -
petty of people ever presented to West-
ern Fair visltors-Tr8 people, 35lndians,
Cowboy Band, 65 horses, breeches,
mules, etc. Chariot races, stage coach
capture, etc,Samfoa, "King of the Air,"
the Rickett Family, White & Lemart,
Ktonoman Bros., the tunny people; I
Panatiscu Sisters, Deike Sisters, and
many; others. Fireworks each evening, s
concluding with the "Railway Disaster" a
and the "Destruction of Mount Pelee."
,Everyone should come to London for at t
least ape tray this year. Programs and
all information given on applicatlou to c
the secretary, A. M. Hunt, Loudon. t
3tm-v WEATHER, -A- change to cooler, t
more pleasant conditions may reasonab- C
IV be expected from about the 24th to 0
the 27th. The Moon is at extreme
North declination on the 26tb, in apogee G
on the sgth, and in conjunction with '11'
Perth and sun, or at 120W 1110011, on the
28th, It is possible that change to cool. c
0r may not appear generally from the e
zeth to the27th, following the previous b
period, in which event the temperature o
will continue to inrees% culminating in ti
one of the most intense "hot waves" of
the Summer, counting three days before
and after Tuesday, the 28111, Thunder w
storms of great strength and bliisterwill
he duo on and near the 28th, The in, w
dietitians are that a "heated term will 13
break down, letting in a rcrpt o of some 1;
days of more pleasant weather, lis we c
prtss from ji ly rata Augttet, h
LAST Friday's rain was an old seiner.
BRUSSELS Civic Holiday Tuesday,
August 4th,
A' NEW plank covering is required on
the iron bridge over the Maitland here.
The old floor is done.
MR. CAMPBELL was here last week
judging the oat field crop in connection
with the East Huron Agricultural Socie-
ty competition in this locality. The five
awards will be announced in the near
FROM 20 to 25 hands are employed at
the heading factory of P. Ainent. The
stock is large. A holiday had to be
taken for a couple of days this week ow-
ing to the timber being too wet from the
recent heavy rains to work well.
Civic HOLIDAY. -Tuesday, August
4th, has been proclaimed Civic Holiday
for Brussels by Reeve Leckie, in res-
ponse to a petition presented asking for
that date. An excursion will be run by
special train to Kiucardine that day -
the annual Sunday School outing.
a barrister, of Stratford, was appointed
Registrar of North Perth, succeeding
the late D. D. Hay. This appointmeut
sets at rest the rumor that James Tor.
ranee, the newly -elected member for
North Perth, would be appointed to the
vacant registrarship and that Hon,
Nelson Monteith, Minister of Agricul-
ture, would be the Conservative eandi•
date for the vacant seat thus .created in
the Legislature. In view of this action
those in a position to know stated that
the only way open would be for Mr.
Monteith to resign, leaving h's future
mans for bis successor. It is unlikely
that anything definite will be announced
until the Premier's return from Quebec.
--0 -
Ur-ST.I TR rooms to let. Apply at
SM,wn s Dana STORE.
Ronan Blanket lost between Lradbury tont
the lath Con. of Grey. Owner will be�greatly
obliged if it is left at Tan Post, Brussels,
PEARL crescent pin lost on Queen street,
Brussels. The owner will be greatly obliged
to have 11 left at Tau POST Pubiiehing House.
EVERT loyal citizen and every householder
should bed it o
es us I the h town of Brussels
grow, extend its limits and increase o popula-
tion. T. MOGREtloR for mousy, honor and
()Emmett's' OtRETARnNG. -Parties having
lots in Brussels Cemetery may have the same
fitted up and kept in order by applying to the
Caretaker who will be at the Cemetery each
Tuesday and Friday afternoon and may be
seen there or et his home Turnberry street.
504 Caretaker.
-- 0 -.
-An old, and well known and most
highly esteemed resident of Brussels,
paid Nature's debt on Thursday evening
of last week in the person of Mrs. Thos.
Danford, who passed away peacefully,
aged 77 years, at her home, Turnberry
street, surrounded by members of her
family, in whom deceased had always
manifested so large an interest, Mrs
Danford's demise was not. unexpected
as she bad been in failing health for the
past two years aid bedfast a goodly
portion of the time since last October.
Otd age and the fatlere of powers due to
it was the chief cause of death. The
subject of this notice was bora in Wilt-
shire, England, where she was also
married about 55 years ago to her late
husbabd, who predeceased her 25 years
last June. Her maiden name was
Caroline Dredge. It is over 5o years
since they came to Canada, their voyage
in a sailing vessel across the Atlantic
consuming 7i weeks, After a short
residence in Dummer Mr. and Mrs.
Dunford came West to Brussels, then
called Aiulayville where their home was
continuously until called away to the
Better Home in the skies. Five sons
were born to them viz t -Harry and
Phos„ of Langdon, North Dakota;
Edward, of Brussels ; Walter, of Great
Falls, Montana ; and Jas„ of Clinton.
All were present excepting Walter, who
was unable to come owing to illness.
Mrs. Trollop, of Peterboro', a sister of
deceased was also here. Mrs, Dunford
enjoyed the good will of the community
in her long residence bete. She was
industrious, neighborly, ever ready to
end a helping hand and always with a
kindly word. In church relationship
he belonged to the Church of England
nd had the abiding hope that reaches
beyond the terrestrial. The funeral
ook place Sunday afternoon, Rev. II.
M, Lang -Ford. rector of St, John's
Introit, conducting a suitable service et
be home. The service concluded with
he always appropriate hymn when a
Kristian passes away, "Safe in the arms
E Jesus." Pallbearers were W. H.
McCracken, Thos, Farrow, Ales. Ellis.
eorge Birt, Wm, Oakley, of town, and
hos, Ainlay, of Listowel, Interment
Was made in the family plot in Brussels
emotery. There were beautiful floral
mbiems placed on the casket, The
ereavecl bsve the sympathy of many
Id Mende in tills and other c0mmtlai
es in their sorrow. Mrs, Harry Dun -
ford and [laughter and Mrs, Thos, Dun -
ford and daughter, were also hole as
First Step Towards independence
Open an Account in the Savings
Department of
opens a
corn -
Capital Poid Up - gt.boo,Ooo.00
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $1,241.532.26
Farmers with families are specially advised to
open "Joint Deposit Accounts n bywhich money
can be deposited or withdrawn by husband or
Wife, and in the case of death by the survivor.
F, H, GILROY,;Mauager
35 CENTS, in advance, gets Tile Pos'r
t0 ,Jan. rat, ag00 to any Canadian sub-
scriber. Don't borrow another min-
ute. May be your neighbor don't want
to lend either.
W. C. T. U,-r4lrs, Paulin, of Gode-
rich, the Co, President of the W. C, T.
U., will deliver an -address in the Metho-
dist Church ou Thursday evening of
this week, commencing at 8 o'olocic. A
good program in addition including if]
RAC00ET.-J. H. Cameron and Jas
Fox played a game of tennis at Listowe
on Tuesday afternoon with Messrs
Brooks and Meyers, on the lawn of J, W
Meyers, The visitors won, the score
being 6-3, 3-6, 7-5. A return game i
FOOT BALL. -Wanton Foot Ball team
played friendly match with Brussel
,juniors last Saturday evening resulting
in a victory for the home lads by a score
of 3 to o. Cline Scott, of town, was the
referee. 'Phe line-up was as follows :-
Brussels, Walton
Henderson Goal Harold Grigg
Gerry.....,, 1 Banka t Porter
Armstrong ( ) - Toe Garter
McDonald........,. ( Coutts
Ewen }},Banks{. Blair
Moore ) t Grigg
Leckie J. Carter
Bell ......... „McIntosh
EMio�ilian......... , Forwards _ MrTfilu
,.D Dodds
od a
��� ' �iytillo McDonald
Postoffice Department has issued a
special series of stamps i 1 commem0ra-
nee of the tercentenary celebration at
Quebec. Thestamps areof most artistic
design, and are larger than the ordinary
size, to allow of adequate representation
of historic scenes, portraits, etc. The
description of each deugmination is as
follows :-Half-cent, grey, picture of
Prince and Princess of Wales ; one cent
green, portraits of Champlain and Car-
tier ; two -cent, red, King Edward and
Queen Alexandria ; five -cent, blue, rep-
resentation of L'Habitation de Quebec;
seven -cent, yellow pictures of Montcalnr
and Wolfe , ten -cent, mauve, picture of
Quebec in 1700 ; fifteen -cent, picture of
the Parliament of the West of the old
regime ; lw'cuty-cent, green, picture of tt
courier du bois with Indians.
BOWLING. -Four rinks from Brussels
went to Listowel on . Tuesday and had
a bout with the expert sphere twisters of
that town. The afternoon was a very
enjoyable one and resulted in a win for
Brussels by so shots. Several new skips
were on deck and piloted the various
quartettes in veteran style. The per-
sonnel and score by ends was as follows:
Lrs-rowEx, BRUSSELS.
J. W. Meyers F. H. Gilroy
A. W. Featherston A. Currie
R. A. Climie W. L. Lealherdale
Jos. Ainlay, sk J. j, Habkirk, sk
Listowel 000050IITIrolo,oatot2-r8
Brussels z
3r4 oz0000020,01001oo-T7
J. Howat T. Farrow
E, V. Stewart A. Strachan
J. E. Boehmer pr. Feild
W. R. Logie, sk H, L.- iacksou, sic
Listowel 000aiolo4037o2to1o141-28
Brussels ,,.,,,t3.1oo3oto400zoozor000-y$
G A. Hay J. Jones
R.Cassels F. Rowland
A. E, Windsor R. Downing
E C. Thornton, sk A. H. Monteith, sk,
Listowel 2011I I 0002000r Totems -It
Brussels 050000153092100106h41-27
J. Kibhler Jas. Fox
J. Smith L, S. Dunford
A. St, G. Hawkins J. Ferguson
T. Schinbine, sk. J. H. Cameron, sk.
the only pebble on the bench and the
"rooting" would do credit to Toronto
or Buffalo. Robert Downing, as
umpire, proved himself worthy of hav-
ing his name added to the list of martyrs
bnt heeded out "the medicine" with
dispatch. The spectators thoroughly
enjoyed the play and npplatded either
good or bad work, se generous were
they. Many more things might be said
e but time and space will not permit more
than to say that the game of base ball
is a good one and should be promoted
next season earlier in the year. The
score was as follows :-
s W.Grower, p 0 2 Geo. Ross, ib.... 1 2
s N F Gerry, rt 0 8 R Brown, Ob,..,,.,. 1 2
A Currie jr, if .,12 8 are ......:: 0 0
J$ Rowlandss,lb b 2 1 0 Henden, ns 1. 1 1
D 0 Ross, lb 0 8 W ;Henderson rt 0 2
it Durdle, c.,, tl 1 A K Zaphe, ef..,,. 0 1
F Stratton, 8b0 1 A Smith, I1 0 2
Rev. Powell, er.. 0 1 O Hoboes, 0 1 1
J Habkirk, Ss. 0 2 0 Scott, p. 1 1
516 515
Renedints 0 1 0 2 2-5
Bachelors,,,,. o\ r 3 t 0-5
Listowel 001200000aoaozsoo3oto-•t5
Brussels /Too111420ro300r70201-2o
A TIE GAME. -Another 5 innings
game of Base Ball was played ou Vic-
toria Park Thursday evening of last
week between the married and single
men, the third of the series. The two
former matches were favorable to- the
benediots and this one was fi tie. For
the married men the twirling was Bene
by the veteran, W. Grewar, with about
27 different cut yes and shoots, who was
Welt supported by F. Durdle, who can
play base ball about as well as he cau
make A x butter, 1st base:wasdearefully
looked after by D, C. Ross, who held
down the bag for many a winning
game in the bygones. J, F. Rowland,
took lessons on the diamond in the East,
and was in charge of base No, a while
Frank l. tretton, one;of the old lime 9,
was given permission to catch auythiug
near third base. The fine points of the
game were learned et Blyth by John
Habkirk so be Was plaped on dpty to
get the hot shots as short stop Right
field, where the grass was long, was
wher 1 Noble Gerry was sent to pasture,
A spry bail chaser was a necessity In
centre field so Rev. E. 0. Powell was
stationer, there and then to preserve the
balance Andy Currie, jr., carailed the
sphere in left field 'Things loolced a
trifle seary for the '"old gents" et the
end of the 3rd innings when the score
stood 4 to 1 against them but they pulled
2 out in the 4th innings mid 2 More in
the stir while the best . the "gaffers"
could do was 1 in the same 2 innings,
the result being A tie. It was thought
the married men were one ahead, a run
being credited that was not countable, er
the game might have been golo. cm
yet, The juniors played good ball at
tones but "flew off" whets cool heads
etre requited- "Dint" Scott and Carl
olntes.did Vety respectable Work as
alters and the basereel and Beiders
were 1101.1 hr. • ••«n,,ra ,l}.' '101110 file';
ere missed by both sides and nota few
attars poinded the alt, Sprinting
buses showed that Longboat is not
ere the members of Jas. Dunforci's w
(amity from Clinton. Mr. Dunford sr., H
es well known in the earlier history of b
ruasefa ]laving cha'go of the rtrayinq 1
u •miss from r ],cite to aeatorth before w
nr railway Was constructed and then I b
mulled the freight from Brussels depot, to
Cause of Bolls explained
Even in health there is a large ac-
cunlnlation of matter in the system
Head Office
• • Tal°pito
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household.
This form of account Is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member
can attend to the bulldog when in town. In ease of death, the money may be withdrawn
by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for further particulars,
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Sraasoia'aln0 at Walton.
Church Chimes
Mrs. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, sang
a choice solo in St, John's church here
last Sunday evening. Sne was a former
valued member before her marriage.
The District Epworth League Con-
vention will be held in the Methodist
church, Wingham, on Oct, 711t and 8th,
Executive met on'1'ueseay to draft the
program, W. J, Fawcett is President,
Services in the Methodist Church last
Sabbath were held iu the school room
owing to the auditorium being in the
bands of the painters. The pastor's
theme in the morning was "Power"
and in the evening "Joy."
Next Monday evening the mock par-
liament ander the auspices of the Ep-
worth League, will meet at 8 o'clock.
Theisubject for discussion is "Which has
exerted the greater power for good, the
printing press or the steam engine?"
Last Sunday Rev, D. Perrie, of Wing.
ham, occupied the pulpit of Melville
uhurch and gave two fine discourses,
"His name shall be called Jesus, &c,"
was the morning text and at i be even-
ing service the words chosen were "In
petience possess ye your souls." Rev.
Mr. Wishart was at Wingham, •
which if notclestroyecl, breaksthrongli
the skin in the form of pimples and The G. T. R. freight handlers at
boils. No remedy so cleansing, so Depot Harbor are on strike.
stere to drive ottt boils as Dr, Handl- Southern Alberta wool growers will
ton's Pills. They brace up the system, hold 400,000 pounds for a rise.
rid it of humors, restore health anti A new electric railway between- Ot-
absolutely prevent swellings, pimples, tswa and Brockville is projected,
blotches and boils. Because mild and. The Dominion Government will be
certain, anyone can use Dr. J-Ianliltou's asked to keep the port of Montreal free
Pills. Sold by all dealers. From disease.
Joseph Rodgers, aged 14, of Barrie,
Summer Dont's drowned unnoticed while swimming
-- with companions.
Don't worry about bills for coal. Charles S. Scott. 'of Hamilton, is
Don't quarrel with the ice roan. president of the Institute of Chartered
Don't get exhausted trying to keep Accountants of Ontario.
the troths out of your fur -lined over- W. Zachecko, a Galician, was killed
on the C. P. R. near Hazel Ridge while
sleeping on the track.
Mayor Fischer of Waterloo refuses to
sign the hydro -electric power agree-
ment passed by the council.
Don't try to crowd into a narrow
beside 2 fat man.
Don't grumble about your wife's
Union Sabbath School
Tuesday, August 4th
Special Train, Time and Fares as Follows :
LEAVE Time Fare, Adults Children
PA.LMEI};STON...... 7.3.5 a. m. $1.15 60c.
GOWANSTOWN . 7.25 1.15 60
LISTO WFIL...... 7.42 1.10 55
ATWOOD - 7.58 1.05 55
j3ENF.'1j,YN 8.01 1.00 50
17111111 - 8.08 95 50
BRUSSELS s,20 g), 45
BLUEVALE 8.85 30 40
WINGHtiilt 8.46 70 85
WHITEOIiUBCH 9,00 65 85
LUCKNOW ,.. 9.17 55 80
RIPLEY ...... - ...... ........... 9.35 40 20
Arriving at Kincardine at 10.00
Returning will Leave Kincardine atrS.30 p. m.
Tice e n
t is foe p c ed a
g T lit. }syr u�i'oilj;'£1torli l nl>,rc tston to ApwOod,
inclusive, Which ate good to n c'bprn f )31kt ✓ill day,
Arrangements are being made for Tennis,
Lawn Bowling, Foot Bali, Base Bali
and other Sports at Kincardine
Everybody Should Arrange to Co
and Spend the Day at the Lake.
J!YYI N, M, long -lord, d, N. Cameron,
7neumbent St, Jobit'a 0h. Supt, A2e3yllia
W. iI, herr,
Supt, MetL. A, 0,
Fire did $23,000damage to the Crown
Hat factory at Galt,
t,Stumpege dues in New Brunswick are
now $1.25 per thousand feet,
Motor fain vehicles were a -great fea-
ture of the Winnipeg esbibitiou.
John M, Cameron's 'Ouse et St:
Catherines was destroyed by lightning,
M. Friedman, an express/Intl OE
Winnipeg, died of apoplexy while iu a
Joseph Bealiff, of Lakefield, was
drowned while swimming in the Oton-
County of Huron.
The list of successful candidates is
given below, Nantes are not arranged
in order of merit,
Braun, M. Mead, le.
Coughlin, R. McMurray, E,
Hill, Edith Short, Gertio
Hill, Roy Switzer, 0, .
Kienzle, R.
Graybiel, Beatrice Kellerman, Leon
Graybiel, Violet Willert, Pearl
Kellerman, N.
Case, E. ' Medd, R.
Chuff, 1. Oliver, I,
Durnin, Myra Shackleton` I14,
Durnin, Vera Sproul, C.
Glenn, E. Stothers, J.
Mcllwain, L. Treleaven, E.
McKenzie, Pearl Wiggins, B.
Grassick, Jean Wilson, W. B.
Petty, Sara
Butchart, B. M. Harding, E, J.
Butchart, S. E. Walls, L.
Onion, -in Senforth, en July 14th, to Mr, and
Mrs. W. A. Orieh, a eon,
rinvciNu.--711 Morrls, on Jnly 8th, to lir. anti
Mrs. John Coming, n son.
The value of Paris Green depends
upon its Ruling power -- ihat'e
what you hey it for and that's
whet we guarantee it to clo--ter
inferior quality is flea' et 1111y
Our Paris Green is bought direct
from one of the leading manufae-
turers, It's quality is gutu'auteed
to us; We guarantee it to you.
Satisfaction every time or money
refunded at
F O X' R'
BENDER-OAttn,-In Blyth, on July 1111,, at
the residence a the bride's father, by Bev.
W. H. Cooper, Mr. Ernest Bender to Mims
Alberta .7, daughter of Mr. Alfred Carr,
all of Blytlt.
D5tL$-L01Otlt.-At the residence of the
bride'sarents Rosebush, Mich, on July
14th, by 1tev. W. H. Hood of Aima, Mr.
Oise A. Derby, of Olare, Michigan, to Mies
Margaret Isabelle, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. D. 8. Lamont of Rosebuslt, and
granddaughter of Mr. Wm. Shedden, of
Morris township.
B.t551 AN.-Tn Grey, on July 20th, Elizabeth
Taylor, relict of the late Elijah Bateman,
aged 84:yenrs and 4 months,
Dnneoan, Ta Brussels, on duly cath, Caroline
Dredge,. relict of the late Thus. Dunford,
aged 77 years,
Moswa -In Colborne township, on July 1211,,
Mrs. J. G, Moser, sr„ in her 85611 year.
BRussat.s MARKET
Barley R
lings ..., r
Bogs of
80 70
0 00
8 00
5 0515
The People's Column
OR SALE -2 good mile$ cows, 1 Spring
cal f 7 Spring pigs, 5 dozen hens. Apply'to ROB'1l. G. DAH -K, T1'urnberry St. South.
=ARM TO RENT -Being Lot 15, Con. 8, Grey
Township, containing 10pSh.aeres, 80 aures
cleared. Good brick house, bank born, or.
chard, as. Possession on Nov. tat, with priv-
ilege of17e1arlier lolwIring. Por. furthe
roS10YH IOAYNAHD Proprietor, Ethel 8.0
FARM FOR SALE -Being 8,14 Lon, Con. 7,
Grey, containing 50 acres. 80 acres etonr-
ed, balance timbered. Brick house, stable, hog
Pen, Well orchard le, Possession to snit pur-
ehuaor. 'I or further particulars as to price,
terms ,Oe., apply to DMIES HANNAH T14TM
MAN, on the premises, or Ethel P. O. 8•tf
Brussels New Daylight Store
Ur N, McLaren
in All Summer Goos
Ladies' Waists, Corset Covers,
Under Skirts, Top Skirts
Boy...sand Men's Clothin
Special Clearing Prices
on Odd Colors and Sizes
in Boots and Shoes
Values is Towels and Table linen
Men _'
MN n s and Bots Cambric Shirts
at Greatly Reduced Prices
HIghest Prices for Produce Goods ou Your or Night g Money Back