HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-23, Page 6Eileletelell'ileSeiresleterieiesele. Se*
Llgbt, summery fabrics are fascinal,
In. Paris the short sleeve is already.
The ere; de chile coat Is a great fav-
All Myles of coat sults are being fash-
ioned of linen, crash, and the popular
The smartest col'ars Oris summer aro
those of striped madras, or linen embroi•
tiered In scallops around the edge.
The satin coat is an excellent example ,
of present craze of assoclattng a cloth
or veiling skirt with a wrap of satin.
The happiest restate may be achieved
?ry the seedier after stendernese lh.ougn
a medium of the corsage siert.
Pompadour ribbons applied es skirt
borders and waist decoration Snake a
delightful trimming for a ela,ess.
The woman of small means should
not indulge in an accordion plaited
amens gown, as one season ends it.
It is but a step from the absolute se-
verity of the Mase filling tailored sleeve
to one of the most extreme versions of
the. deep oriental armhole.
The empire and the Grecian are a par-
t:.cu'arly, happy <ombinat'on far a sum-
mer evening gown, the tunic lending
itself admirably to tdre long skirt.
The cape is a practical garment which
every one rejoices to welcome this year.
It ie seen in long, medium, and short
lengths, elaborate ere plain.
Cellars, ties, and belts are of the ut-
most importance with the shirt waist
suit, where simplicity demands the
grea'esL nicety in all of its accessories,
Waists have bloused little at the belt
line for some Lime pact, but the corsage
skirt tohs them of even the slight full-
ness ordinarily allotted them.
There is an almost imperceptible
thread of blue in the design of cant=
which, was seized on as an excuse for
the vivid blue of the linen coat that ac-
cnmeanies it.
Have a pendant or two of unattached
chiffon floating about you—it makes lit-
tle difference where—and the success of
your gown will be established.
For the mare dressy tailor Thede suit
a new combination of white skirts and
colored coats is making its appearance.
The little red golf jaeket also has re-
. One of the best examples of the ty-
pical small sleeve is used in the tail -
leer. It is full length, of course, close
fitting, and with no perceptible fullness
at the ermhole.
No su minerria
f kis =replete tete i
n without
Es yard or two of supergu•^us chffan.
16 is a tad presenting su_h alluring pos-
stliifties to the feminine mind that it
cannot be ignored.
Not yet has the long skirt come to be
accepted for other than dressy wear,
yet the makers of fashion recommend
O for more constant use and women are
ario.pting it slowly,
A new use has been found for batste.
It now makes its appearance in the guise
of coats heavily embroidered and braid-
ed and worn with colored, gowns or
crepe de chine pongee, and cashmere.
Coast are made of wide all over lace,
the filet being especially smart and ef-
fective. They require little fitting and
are finished with a lining of chiffon and
silk, or are unlined as may be fancied.
The small sleeve, when not carried to
an extreme, is always becoming. It is
one of the few fashion manifestations
which the stout woman may gaze on
with equanimity and the slender woman
without Incipient distrust
For evening gowns and soft dresses
on the lingerie order there is a delight
MI vemen of the rucked. mousquetaire
sleeve .that will be much used. It is
particularly attractive with a suggestion
of drapery in the upper part that goes
Zell with the Greek costume idea.
It will take a powerful magnet to
draw the mother's attention front the
childrrees frocks to her own. But who
ran see the new voiles and mulles and
ierens in the exquisee shades of delft
and gobelin blue*, dryad -greens, and
mauves wliheut being seized by a mad
desire to plunge recklessly Into the
manufacturing of lingerie dresses, lin-
en suits, and trailing evening gowns?
_.ovcilr ,Peggy stopped in the midst of
our afternoon walk, ,picked up a horned
teed, sat down upon a stone, and bade
Me follow her example,
"Now, Girlie," said she, "this is your
observation lesson. Observe, first, this
horned toad, belongs to the lirzard
Second, the body is short, broad and
depressed, ending in a short tail.
Third, When fully grown, it is from
six go eight inches long.
"Fourth, it is oeverod with rough to -
Hercules; the head Is short and armed
behind with long spikes. The early set-
t'ers called them horns; hence filename.
"Fifth, It is gray above and canary
yellow below.
"Sixth, :each foot has five long fin-
ger-like toes, ending in long, sharp
"Seventh, its defence against birds is
its color, bring that of a stone over-
grown with Mellen;against t ep
blas, is
its horny 1703 Y',
"Eighth, when 1 drat its hack, it flat, -
tens itself; when I pat it on its head,
1t closes its eyes.
'Ninth, it has a very wide mouth,
and,' as she opened It, a pink, tongum
handl inn that ant, and watch toady
swallow` it. From which you'll observe,
tenth, it feeds. ,upon insects; It bustles
lIselt, 10 sleep.
"Eleventh, observe my finger covered
with blood; the .toad can squirt blood
Isom els eyes, If it wishes to."
"Why's that?" 1 asked, growing' inter.
"Why did you cry Iasi night, Girlie?"
"I wee mad," 1 enswcred,'the color
]tiring to lay face.
"Just se with toady; it wan mad. Spine
people think that the blood is poison,
flet it never hurt Inc.
"Twelve, observe that when you
watch it, it ,Plays possum, Turn your
head anti its gentr. They roll With
great rapiellry,'r
htei es fm tette, IQr4 , S0.
Tiyup' 1 hoe, NerroSid W blvos e
Biirg tgpknrse ebvgld wilts the
U00CG P. la K(ag etrpet,Toron
�r et fetal boette of therr Tie Cure and
n eo, hhuoles° 104 for postage ae
enol 1pg,
One packot
has actually
killed a bushel
of Bios.
t 10e. per packet,or 3 packeto for 25c. ,
will last a whole eoasort
Send for frco catalog,
No, 75,
The Boll P101100113 °FOB co., N., GUeIUh, OBI
Home .Employment for Ladies
Such as any lady can do and enjoy.
Any lady who wishes, and sees lb's ad-
vertisement may, if she writes soon,
secure this opportunity to be rode endl-
eat, earning a good living in a very
easy manner. Work any lady can do.
For particulars address
Correspondence Department,
Windsor, Ont.
how much money he could save by Using a
Fairbanks -Morse Su, b.of-Eli-Trades Gasoline En-
gine to saw wood. pump water, grind feed, .bo.,
we would not be able to supply the demand.
Cut this ad. out and send t0 us today, and we
WillSendyou our free catalogue.
The Canadian Fairbanks Oa, Limltcd, Toronto, Out
Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver.
PIRACY IN 1.908.
Piracy is Not so Nearly Extinct as is
Generally Assumed.
Tho seizure of the Neuvro Tigre in
the South Pacific, as reported from Syd-
ney recently, might have happened in
the days of Captain Kidd. The master
end Snare were made to walls the plank
in the bad old style, after which the
name of Ube stolen vessel was altered
to the White Rose, and her course set
ter the coral islands, on one of which
she ultimately went ashore.
Then tlhere was the case of the
French ship Baleineen, which was loot-
ed by Moorish pirates off Cape Juby last
February, and whose crew of nineteen
men were only saved from imminent
death by the opportune arrival of Lord
Mountmorres. whoof them
g by a ruse
on board a little thirty -ton yacht he was
Somewhat earlier en the year, a little
further to the southward, a horde of
black pirates attacked and looted the
German steamer, Ascan \\'oermaain.
Near Shanghai, during the same week,
twa Munches were attacked by several
hundred pirates while steaming down
the river, three passengers belug killed
and cargo valued at $15,000 carried aft;
while only the other day a d.etcrrrrinee
attempt. was made by nomad Arab
triiosnren to capture a British Meunier
plying on the Euphrates, several of her
passengers and craw being killed or
wounded by rifle fire.
Nor do the above instances by any
means exhaust the list of outrages of tate
kind tiret have occurred during the pre.
tient year, for between January 1st end
JvIerch 1st, according to an American
Consular report, no fewer than eleven
craft of various sorts- a
ss hese
Men captured b ire
bac p y pirates in and about
the Philippine Islands.
Sometimes it makes a girl blush to
think how a certain young man aright.
i,ave kissed her, but elehet.
The Name of
Black Watch
On a Tag on a Plug of
Blau Chewin Tobacco
Stands tor
What Is Going fin In the Highlands
•nd Lowlands 111 Auld
A man has been ilv,al $50 for street
betting in Part}glc,
Govan Schee] Board ,this year
quires $307.500, raised by rates.
up to date Govan has spent over
8025,030 on its electricity scheme.
It has been decided to improve Cole -
t= village roads at e. oast of $1.200.
Govan parish oouncil is considering a
method of collecting the taxes by in-
The shieyard dispute caused a loss to
Dundee men for otrferced illness of
about $25,000,
Ratepayers in Edinburgh aro to re-.
calve their permils to fish in the Talle
Water free,
The out;ooe of the flint fields and or-
chards of Clydesdale indicates a large
crop of fruit.
At Motherwell, trade in all the public
works hos not Leen eo love boo• .the past
th.rty yenns.
Ninely-five motor cycles and small
ears arrived in Edinburgh Iran Lend=
one day recently.
F,rged L5 n eels purporting to be is-
sued by the Clydesdale Bards, are in
simulation in G:aegow.
Tho unemployed relief fund (36.750)
or GM -mow, is exhausted, hr all there
were 7,341 applications,
H'dyrood Palace Garden: ase now,
end until the end of September, open
La the public ern Mondays,
Mcth&rwell Town Council have vot-
ed $1.25 to the Silver Bend to conduct
mule In the riebile park.
A sloughler eff rats took place recent-
ly at the Barns of Craig farm, near
Mot:Roes -Over 1,000 were killed.
The firm of Jemes Wishart & Sons,
g,neral merchants, Queen street, Leith,
has casnpleted its 100th year of exist -
Kli]nintfiloch's new ges worlds were
formally opened two woek.e ago, in the
presence of a large and representative
Loch Leven trout (shing has been
phenomenally s rreessfel lir s season, A
recent catch NUS 081 trout, weighing
485 hounds 12 ounces.
Andrew Roger, post -runner between
Mutely and Rohailion, teas found ly-
ing dead an the roadside, with Iwo let,
tete in his hand.
A Dundee [minister asserts' that the
Meal mill -girl only requires the refine-
ment of the evening school to become
fit for a drawing -room,
A popular figure to the village life of
Glassford hasas
private sed into rt- ate hIo
by the sppernnuation of Senior Con-
stable Dena•'d Nicolson.
The death occurred at Ballater recent-
ly of Mr. William Gordon, Auchallater,
lnvercauld, one of the best known sheep
farmers in Aberdeenshire.
Edinburgh Town Council recently ap-
pointee Dr. A. Maxwell WIlltamsen,
sanitary inspector for the city, ,tobe
medical officer lain room of Sir Henry
With over 11f(y years' experience on
the road, Mr. James Wilson, Drum-
trichty House. Hydropathic, Methvcn, can
Mahn to be Scotland's oldest commer-
cial tea -yeller,
These working mens wives appeared
the other day in the J. P. Small Debt
Court, Glasgow, in responso is sum-
monses. for the balance of the price of
family Dib'es, each costing $13.50.
A Mother's Praise of Zara -Bole.
Oakwood, Vlotoria.
Dear Sino, -1 have great pleceserc in
stating that Zam•Buk cured my husband
o:.burbe 's rash with twice rubbing. It
also cured my little boy of a dreadfully
bad arm after vaccination, I lenow of
several oilier cures it has affected and
I cannot speak too highly of it. I am
sure if people once try It they will al-
e; ays use it, Yours truly, R. SAVILLE.
Zam-Buk is healing, soothing and an-
tiseptic. It quickly heals. wounds and
slain trouble's. Certain cure for piles.
Sold by all druggists and stores, 500.
a box, 3 for $1,25.
She (passionately)—"Will you ever
love =ether, dearest?" n ? He weary
"No, never, it 1 get out of (lb's affair!"
it Ilas Many Offices.—Before tho Ger-
man soldier starts on a long march he
Tubs his feet with Remy, for his first
care is to keep his feet in good condi-
ondition. If ire knew that Dr, Thome' Ec-
r it would
'mirk O wo d he of much better ser-
vice he week throw away his tallow
and ,pane a few Lollies of the OU In his
knapsack, There is nothing like it,
Merry •Widow Werner—"Can you, tell
me if I can get through tie's gate to the
Mere Man—"I guess so. A load,of hay
just went through."
Stooks, Bonds and Debentures.
Cobalt and all Kilning and 011Stooks of
and United States.
Orders executed with promptness, derres-
pondonde solicited.
021 to eSl Tradore mink Bullding, Toronto, one
Phone Main 020,
The widow of a German officer pre-
sented herself et the office in Berlin for
the purpose of<Reeving the pension due
to her. She handed in the necessary
certificate from the mayor of tine vil-
lage 3n which she lived, to the effect
that she was still alive. "This car tlfi-
cate Is not correct," said the emcee in
charge:. "What is the matter With it?"
asked the lady. "It bears the date of
December 21," Was the stern reply, "and
]your pension was due on December 1&'
"What kind of a certificate do you
Seth?' asked the disappointed applir
Molt have 016. "We v a certlfica
dtato stat,
fns Blot yon were a)lve on December
kG, said the eflbcel'1 with great, fine -
llnless the Blood is Made Rioh and
Iced Health Cannot be Restored,
Throughout Canada ,there cue there
sands of growing girls and women held
in the deadly clutches of anaemia. Slow-
ly but surely a deathly pallor settles on
their aheelcs; their eyes grow dull; their
appetite fickle; their steps dangled,
Daily they ere being robbed of alt vi-
tality and brightness. Their sufferings
grow more acute If neglected, until the
signs of early consumption become.ap-
parent. df your wife or daughter or
seeter completes of weakness, pains in
the side, heedechas or backaches; if her
appetite and temper are uncertain and
she is often low spirited anaemia has
bei In Its deadly hold. What she heeds
is new, rich, red blood. Give her Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
without loss of tine, for they actually
make new, red blood. They make girls
and women well and happy, hnpart an
appetite and steadily bring back the
charm and brightness of perfect, regu-
lar health.
Miss Carrie McGrath, 26 Fenwick St„
Halifax, N. S., says:— "I believe Dr.
Williams' Pink Piles saved my life.
Three years ago 1 ,suffered from anae-
nett in a severe forth. I was all run
down and es pale us et sheet. I could
scarcely eat anything, and what I did
lake did not seem to nourish me. My
hands end feel were much swollen and
the least exertion would leave me
breathless. and my heart beating vio-
lently. I seemed to have pains and
aches all over. I was so weak .I could
not even sweep a floor. At different
t: mer I was tinder ehe.caro of three doc-
tees, but did not get any better. One
doctor said I had eleopsy and that my
blood had all turned to water. My
friends thought I IVES in a decline and
that I had but a short time to Jive. 1
was completely discouraged myself,
when ono day a lady friend called to
me me, and told me Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills had cured her daughter of anae-
mia and urged. aneto try then, I de-
cided to try them, and in the course of
a few weeks fell somewhat better. 1
net elk doctor one day and he rernar::-
e" how much better I was looking. 1
told him 1L was not his medicine but
De. \\ illiams 'Pink Pi)Is that, were help-
ing hie, and he (old me I had letter
keep on taking there. I continued to
do so until I had taken snottier half
dazen Loxes, when any. health was per-
fectly restored. I am more than grate -
fel for what these pills have done for
me and strongly recommend them to
all weak girls."
Thousands of men and women, now
well and strong, g,
praise Dr.Williams'
•Pinie Pills for havingcur anaemia,
general weakness nm
ined ou't nr
indigestion, rheuma-
tism, neuralgia nervous dmidees para-
lysis and the ailments of girlhood and
womanhood. These Pills do this by
making new, red blood, which feeds the
starved nerves, drives out disease and
strengthens every organ, in the body,
Sold by all medicine dealers or by maid
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
Prem The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
Guest (in restaurant)—"I say, welter,
have you any oysters?"
Waiter—"No, sah. We all ain't got
no shell fish 'with' eggs, sah."
A Tonic for the Debilitated.—Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly
but thoroughly on the secretions of the
body are a valuable tonic, stimulating
the lagging organs to a healthful ea -
lion and restoring them to full vigor.
They Can be taken in, graduated doses
and so used that they can be discon-
tinued et any time without return of
/he. ailments which they were used to
Wile—"Fanny has given notice."
I ebby—"Why?" Wife—"She says you
spoke in a brutal mariner to her on rho
telephone yesterday." Hubby—"Yester-
day? 1 thought I was speaking to you!"
Success In Life Is dependent upon good health.
oIt'eo then bastltonic, fe911 bottles.
Anmedicnre dealers.
Sho—'IL is said that cats have a great
dread of water." 1lc -"Oh, I don't
Pilaw! Our cat seems to drink that milk
the milkman brings est"
To Prevent is Reeler Than to Repent,
—A little medicine in the shape of the
wonderful pallets which aro known as
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, administer-
ed .tit the proper ,time and with the dl-
reetions ,adhered to often ,prevent a seri-
ous attack of sickness and have money
which would go to the doctor, In all
irregularities of the digestive organs
they are an invaluable corrective and
Ay cleansing the blood they clear the
skin of imperfections.
"Mr. Brown is such a charming com-
panion!" "Never noticed it. els gener-
ally says nothing," "Yes; but he says
it so beautitullyi"
Are your sorter harder to remove than
those that others have had? Have they
not had the same ]rind.? Have they not
icca cored by using g Holloway's Cern
'Cum? Try a bottle,
"Now, don't deny it, Rose. You
were my shoes."
"Only once -my Leet hurl me so, and
I wanted ;something comfortable,"
"Johnny, you meet comb your hair
before you come to soltaol.' "I ain't
got no comb," "Borrow your father's:'
"Pa ain't got rro oomb either." "Doesn t
ho comb ImIs Mir?" "Iia ain't got no
PubtieUy anekes a product noted,
quttlety brings fame, "Salado," ' Tea
is both doted and fatuous.
Hopeful Spetuel of Progress Nortelng In
Rural Dtetrdcts.
Ger.erel Smuts, speaking at a rceent
'meting at Claremont, said that great
pixgre5e had been made In the Trans -
veal during the past five ,l'ears, Land
that was once bare veldt new had
Jeep flocks of sheep and droves of
cattle on lt. Moalbe fields were rising
ale over the country, houses were ap-
pearing everywhere, and things were
better in many respects since the war.
There was a spirit working in Lha rural
districts of fire Transvaal which was
one of the bast and most bopefui signs
to the country, People were copingw -••
their dlllculties, and working herder
than before the war; a far larger axes
of the colony was under cultivation,
and the work was being done by the
farmers' own hands and by the sweat
of their brows, and not by ICaliirs. This
was ono of the most encouraging things
tin the Transvaal to -day.
The reports of the various depart-
ments of a great Railway system,
would, if made public, often surprise
the readers of current news. 1L has
been gathered that the Grand Trunk
Railway System bas spent, within the
past few years, not less than fifteen
million dollars in double tracking the
main Tine, and that the pioneer Can-
adian Railway now operates tiro long-
est stretch of double track under one
management, in the world.
in 'addition 10 this they have spent
other millions in stations, strops and
other ianprovements, thus increasing
the carrying capacity of the road con-
tributing to the upbullnling of the coun-
try, and at the sante time affording ad-
ded security le the lives and properly
of fis patrons which the installation of
block signals on a single tracked line
could never secure. 13y the expendi-
ture of all these millions in Canada, they
are distributing the Revenue, or a good
share of it, aanong the people.
Mistress --"What you ignorantly tern
11re snail's horns, Bridget, are really its
Bridget-ea:cry be! Phwal an litigant
arrangement fur lukin' through a key -
"This dog," said the fancier, "fs a per-
fect type of a setter',"
"Well, perhaps he is," rejoined Uta
prospective customer, "but wliat I want
is a hunting dog, not a type -setter."
of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS a yenr as long
as you live, or SEVEN HUNDRED DOL-
LARS CASH, is 'the Flest Prize in the
carton contest now be: ' ng advertised by
the OR.ANGIE MEAT people. Tboro are
a great number of other large Cash
Prizes, and ell that is required of you
to cuter tlii, contest Is to send your
name and address to ORANGE MEAT
Kings/ore and connnenee saving the
bottoms of packages of ORANGE MEAT,
Vinke a start TO -DAY.
ORANGE MEAT and Milk supplies the
most perfect end overly balanced food
the human subject can secure.
Fish hooks have nob materlrllly
°bangocl in 2,000 years. For that met-
ier, neither have the fish.
Very many persons• die annually from
(cholera and leIndred Sunniest' cOm-
pieints, who might have been saved if
proper remedies had been used. 1f at-
tacked do not delay 1n getting a bot-
tle of Dr. 7. D. Koll•ogg's Dysentery Car'
Bial, the medicine that never fails to
effect a cure. Those who have used it
say tt acts promptly, and thoroughly
subdues the pain end disease.
Magistrate (about to commit, fir trial),
--"You certainly effected the robb ry 111
a remarkably ingenious wary—n feet,
with quite exceptional cunning." Pris-
oner (deprecatingly)—"No flattery, yea'
honor—no flattery, I brgs on ycr,"
There: Is no more ohuthtate skin trouble than
Salt Rheum. It eometlmes lingers for years, but
weavers Syruto makes insure perort manent sure,so,
"I can't decide," she said, "whether
to lake the hat or not. But is is just
the dearest thing 1 have scan this sea-
son,„” Tho dearest?„ asked the husband,
with a sardonic laugh. "Then its cer-
tain that you'll take it,”
The healthy glow disappearing from
the cheek and moaning and restlessness
of night aro surd symptoms of norms
in children, Do not fell to get a bot,
rile of Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
atcr; le is an .effectual inediclne,
Summer mills by the brick can now
be bought eel mand bei,
giuni, The BelgianLearDengovelomantark lens
given et yearly subsidy of about $50,-
elle to increase the trade, In Copen-
hagen a firm engaged in tris business
makes- a weekly delivery of 300,000
pounds per week, and a great deal of
this goes to dielanb =entries.
Butcher—"I need a boy about your
Mee, and will give you three dollars a
I have } Boy—"Shallve a Chan
weer.ce to
rise?;' Butcher—"Yes, for I shall want
you to be hero at four o'clock In the
The Paiigo
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
Company, •Toronto
LYMAN BIROS..a CO., Toropto' and Montreal; LYMAN KNOX ft
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash of margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.
Ideal Manufacturing Premises
Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each
Stet; r Poorer, Heat, Electric Light
Fire . Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance.
Most Central Location, Four Large
Freight Elevators.
S. Frank Wilson Sz Sens, 73.81 Adelaide St., West
arder City Co
(No Personal Llabhity)
Cit I, m 0,000,000AI
Arthur Dinnis, Contractor, President,
A. S. Wigmore, Mgr. Holmes Electric and Protection Coo Vicc•'Presidenl.
Fred. Armstrong, Contractor, Sec: Treasurer•
F, H. Herbert, Areh:t•ot. 1. C. Holtby, Contractor.
George Duthie, Sr., Contractor. J, 1L Tighe, Miner,
The Crown Bank, Toronto,
Henry Barber, Toronto.
The property consists of 28 40 -acre Claims immediately adjoining the
now famou.s HARRIS MAXWELL, and upon the same amauut of develop
meat should prove equally es good.
100.000 shares are now offered io the public at 15 cents per share. Do
not lose this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY of investing in one of the most prom-
ising properties in the district. For full particulars apply to
No. 8 Colborne Street, Toronto.
TE Tit'if7erz' 3 ' co,X.2,71'XIEC>MLT
43x56 inch bed, cost S2,5oo,
'Will e Sold for $400 Casii
In order to make room for larger and faster machines. It is in good
running order, as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by a competent
The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited,
73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Among the Chinese In the the Shells
Set(ternents, ,and In their own country,
I i ranmmon for he
.Lira u r l co
't is nu res
away, i
of Infante to be east tv y, nsten<i of
being butried. The charitable expinna»
Con is that this is done to save motel
eepenses, The "Echo do Chine" gives
the true reason as being the deep -roared
superstitions belief am•ng them that the
death of a baby orianto out of el:Mehin.
anent to its soul for sins committed in
a"'previous state of existence, It is an
accursed crealtue, whose eafiin no ono
will follow. It is, hence, tf common
s'ghleiti China to see dying babies laid
dt tvii by the roadside tobreathe their
last, . The parents will not, allow them
le dile in the house, the belief being
that infants, after thioles -death, become
wicked spirits, ",o allow them to die
ender elle parents' roof will bring res
tlhing but evil upon the fancily.
"Trail)," remarked the moralizer, "is
stranger then fiction' "Yes," rejoined
1 h dentoralt2er, 'tan<1 the majority of
men sect to be shy of assoetating with
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