HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-23, Page 5} BUSINESS CARDS. Ma R .OICEN-- H. aA Lleenoe . 01• 1 ► • oceae, e1 Marriagee tl°o at Gr°°ery,:ruruboxry, otruoLi Brussels, MISS LAURASPENCE- Teaoher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND, ISSUER 01 MARItIAGI, LICENSES Moe In *110 Y'dN* 4H11ec, lithe?. 10.4 KJ' 0. T. M. Brussels ,Tont o1 the Maooabecs, No. 29 hold their regular inpatient 1u the Lodge Boron, Booker Block, on the let and 8rd Tuesday evenings of (mull month, Visitors always woloouln, A, BO V ERS, Com, A, MoGUIIOE, it, E. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howielc Mutual Fire Insurance Company 011loe and lto9idenee- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • sat, win set for better prices, to.. bettor men, in lees time and less °barges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't (Marge anything, Dates and orders eon always be arranged at tole ollloe or by p er00na1 application. ROST. H. GARNiSS BUJ T/VALE - ON T, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonnblo.. sales arrauged for at the of110o of Tics Poem, Brussels. 226f VETERINARY. 1"1_ A. CUNNING[IA1t- NJ; • Honor Graduate of tltu Ontario Vet- erinary College. is prepared 1.0 treat all dis- eases of domoatluotod animals In a compete nut manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Never. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turuborry Bt„ Brussels, 'Phone 47 h LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. viT M. SINCLAIR- 1' 1' • Barrister, Solicitor, iOouveyancer, Notary Yublio &a, O1Hoe-Stowart'e Block 1 door North 01 MHotel. Solicitor /or thea Metropolitan Bank. P110I1DFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARItIS'rF,RB, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU, W. rnouo00011, II. O. 11., 0. RAss G. P. BLAIR. OlIIooe-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron. k Holt. 00DEau0U, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. Be rraziT Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8u moons of 0 utarlo and First-olase Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity. Moe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, • Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS'. AN on Leven auds 1numbered' Manitoba, *askstehewui aud Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, the sole bead of u familby, of person male over 18 yearn of age, to the extent of one-quarter eeeti0n of 180 00200 micro or lees. Entry maybemadepersonally at the local laud 002ae fur the dietrlot in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the coutlitiooscouneoted therewithunder one of the following; plane (1) At least six months' residence upon aud cultivation of the laud in oaell year for three ye010 (2) if the lather (or mother, if Otho father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm In the vioiuity of the laud entered, for the requirements as to red - donee inay be satisfied by 00011 1162000 re- siding with the father or mother, (8) It the settler bite bis permanent raid - donee upon farming hand owned by him in the viotuity of 1112 11omeete0d, the re- quirements as tore01d0000 may be satis- fied by resldeuee upon the Bold laud, Sixmouthe'notfoo in writing 211ou1d be given to the Uommisaloner of Domluiou Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply tor patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of Ibe Minister of Interior, N, 1, Uuauthm9aod publfohttion of tbie ad- vertisement will not be paid' for, BUGGIES WAGONS If you malt a really good artiole in the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable Coheir Carriage Builder 00 Market Square, Dro- ols, where you will find' a first. 01088 assortment, Beat of hens made Farm Wag- ons with different widths of tires, and different heights of.wheela, Extra' large hand made Wheel- barr'Owf, Re -rimming Light and Heavy. Wheels, Repairing, 'Ile -painting and ire -trimming attended to on shortest' notice. JOHN COBEii .;s;,,a:w.41:+^+,+."•u *:�tdas:..wwti«:... 1124.12 ..'xlrnr e,:.,wm.ua, BUSK ess Garda .4. H. MONTEITH Barrister, 801(016or, Notary, &c., eu0aeesor to A. IL baCtoi!Jd, 'Mace over Standard Sauk, Brussala OR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon, Ofa0e 9 1108I1e the postuftlee, #o2'VUt vlalt.Gorrte the first and third Monday of 00011 isuoth. 00.01h DR. T, T. NI' RAE Bachelor or Medicine, University 0r Toronto ; Licentiate and 0r0du0te 0r the College of Ph - Maians and Surgeons, Ont. 1'000-urldu0lve O n00go laye, Ear, Noso. nnd Throat1io1(1(101, Uhioitaf,°, Ill, Ex-Rou00 Norma to St. Mich- ael's Hospital Toronto. Oillce over Il',1i, Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone oo nreotlon with Uranbrook at 011 hours. BRUSSELS Gam Sown G0l00 NORTH Mull ?:00 it m Ex rocs 10;05 a nr Express 11120 u Ar Moll 1191 p n1. 18xpr 000 ,. 8:02 p to Express 8:51p m CaNdaUsre 011070 WALTON To Toronto To Godorioh Express 8:91 a on Express 11:1'1 0 01 Express 8;11 p m I Express 7:17 p Aral news tarts 'rosy say shut drowning is an easy de'uh, but it is just eta :Roll 1.:0 any other kind. COUNTERFEIT ten dollar bills of the Standard Bank of Canada are to circu- lation iu and around Toronto. ELEVEN Port Arthur hotelkeepe's, druggists and restaurant keepers, were allowed to go on suspended sentence for selling cigars on Sunday. "Dots IT PAY," said the man, "to ad- vertise in your paper?" "Docs is pay to advertiseiu my paper? You bet itdoee." the editor replied. "Look at Sands, the cash grocer, for instenee, Sands adver- tised for a boy last weep, and the very next day Mrs. Sands had twins -both boys." TIME will be no grouse or partridge shooting in Outario this year. The growing scarcity of, the hirci has led the Government to pets an order -in -council prohibiting the taking or killing of the birds for one year from September 15111 ieoS. The open season for these game birds ordinerit32 opens oe that' date, and continues until December tsth. DoM1Nl0N Parliament has established a new re, ord for length of session. Since the opening u(1 the House -in Nov• ember last ago days have elapsed. The previous longest session was that of Igoe, which lasted 227 days, Proroga- tion took Mace 011 Monday, and the present session lasted seven months and tit dl eel(1s67g 1d1 previous records by ',even days. 1 A FARMER nem' Cargill, Leeds County recently hired a 111[1 to help him do chores. One morning he told him to take some stilt and salt a calk out in the pasture. The boy took a quart of salt with him and thoroughly rubbed it all over the calf. working it into the hair. A gang of colts scented the salt and got after the calf. They licked n11 the hair off the calf and nearly took the hide off ton.. FARMERS shouldkeep their eyes open for any new weed that may appear in their fields this year, especially those who used any of the frozen wheat from the Northwest for feed. An exception- ally noxious weed by the name of French weed, or stink weed, as it is called out West, has made its appearance in We* ern Ontario, in this way. It will cost the farmers of this section thousands of dollars if this Reed is allowed to gain a foothold. THERE appears to be war in sight be- tween the Wholesale Grocers' Exchange of Canada and the different retail as- sociations of the Dominion. It appears that at its recent meeting in Quebec, the wholesale exchange decided to prac- tically abolish the system of discounts for cash. Formerly there were three off most goods for eo days, and also other ,liscotinte. Now it is said the discount for cash is one off for sugar for to days. The retail Associatious are favorable to pooling theirinterests and purchasing from manufacturers in car load lots. A Minister who Knows - Rev. Mr. Blanchard, of Clail'inount, knows what he says in stating the only sure euro for Hay fever is Oatan:rhoz0u0. "For two months of the year for ten years I suffered. Oatarrhozone cured me so perfectly that the disease has not returned. Others in my parish 1 know have been permanently cured by Catarrh - ozone, which I strongly recommend for liayFever, As6hmaandBroncliitis. $1,00 at druggists. L, 5, N G„ 5, A Maguire 11, h V. G., his. McGillivray L. 1. V. O., 11. Hinsoliffe ; 1i. S. Et., W. 13ritton t L. S. 5., G. C. Fianna ; Chap„ J. W. r 'fr, E the a )Hill ) ofthe limine . At t 141 1a l j nos'.ndgi'the lrrrnlb 1 131111.11.0f1 to 11[ 1' 1 ('1ta.1110111, 11°hll.l' ('Ph'e0himclltH wrr served, Listowel J, M. Wilson,, of town, has beau aI1- min Led on the Prnvineial Cunstabu- Laryy Yurce. Fred. IC/netvile 11118 pUrrlla8ed 1.t listo'y (ULhl1 in Paris and will hove hie family there, Only two members of No. 8 Com. pan ', Listowel, out of over a4 dozen applicants, were selected for the 28th Re not n1.. Composite Company to go to Quebec fol the Ter -Centenary cele- bration. Sorge. Harry 16101.0 cuel Private Roy Musser were the lucky hien, and they left on less than half stn hour's notice, barely catching their trail?, The O. P, 11. trade is being extended from the station to Meyers' Mill. A temporary crossing ]las been mane over 1110 0.1 R sidingsatElmahtleet < e The G P 11 lade cross Elm& and Maio streets as nearly on a, level with the sidewalks as possible, and when the ballasting is completed willscarne- Iy be noticeable. As the extension to the 111i11 will only be used for shipping freight, there win he little if any, 111- terfere)1c•e in the Ilse Of the streets. Heavy planks have bast: laid betwcru the fail,. WI ngham Civic holiday and Sunday School ex- cursion, on Thursday,. July 80121. Mr. Moore, for 17 years C. P. R. agent at Teoswator, has taken up his residence in Winghaul. Dr. H. F. W. Tamlyn was in Nia- gara Falls attending the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge. W. 1I. Green engaged several cabs. and took his Sunday School class 'for an outing at Point Farin, on the shores of Lake Huron. Hartley Paterson, son of ..Arch. Pat - mon. Inas again been suocessful in winning a $260 scholarship at the Col- 11Illbia.University in New York. Miss Edith hall', a pupil of Prof. Campbell, Oluton, passed her Conser- vatory of Music examination in Piano and Theory, taking first-class 'honors in ?piano. 11'c congratulate her. The following are the officers of Wiughaln Masonic Lodge, recently in- stalled .-Dr. I3.11W. Vainly)), I. P. At, ; A lbs Crawford, W, M. ; D. 1)1)10 - ley 5, D ; J. W. McKibben J. D. ; Dr, J, E. Tamlyn, Chaplain.; J. A, Morton, Sec. ; J. Ritchie, 'Treas. ; 'b'V'. A, Campbell, S. W • J. E. McGuire, J, W, ; E. liamniond, I, G. At the regular meeting of Maitland Lodge, I. O. 0. le., the following officers were installed by District Deputy Grand Master McCracken, of Brussels 1 --Noble Grand, Jos. Guest'; V. G,, Nornian Fry; Ret Sec„ John F, Groves • Vim -Sec., T J. I3lliott ; Trees„ 1J 13.: 3111)0126 ; Warden, R. A. Cruickshank ; Con., J. Walton Mc11b- 11011 1 O G J. T. Lennox ; L. G., J. 11'. Dodd , 11, S, N. 0., John Lamont ; What causes "NOrv001" Most people say worry ---they are wrong -tire teasels in the blood which is thin and lacks nutriment. To cure "Nerves" more blood, sinew and flesh are required. You get these quickly by taking Ferrozone,.. No health bringer is An 2er)4111, no nerve strengthener more potent, no system tonic so well adapter to the wants of the run-down, nervous or sleepless. LetFerrozone build you up, let It fill yon with viae, eneegyaudsuplus vigor. Ithea clone this for thousands. Blyth On the 20011 of July and the 2nd. of. August, Rev. Dr. McLean, ofGoderich will. 02(30)y 5t. Andrew's pulpit. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hartley left 011 a two weeks' holiday trip among friends at Sarnia, Detroitand Windsor Blyth Lodge No. 808 A. F. & A. M. was represented. by Wmn. Watson, of BelgrlLve, at the Grand Lodge which Met at Niagara Falls. Miss Hazel E. Hagar, niece of Rev. W. H. Cooper, arrived -here from St. 11'Iarys where she wrote on her exams, mutt will make her home at the Par- sonage. The pulpit of Trinity church was or,- mpiecl Sunday evening by John Hart- ley, of ClintonSunday Next morp- h-1g 1orn i116 •audesenolg Chalencejohuston of Chilton will tales- charge. - We are pleased to hear that Miss Bernice Anderson, daughter of Rev. S. and Mrs. Anderson, passed her Primary piano exams at the Loudon Conservatory with first-class honors. Rev. B. H. Spence, of Toronto, Secretary of the Spence, of the Dominion Temperance Alliance, spelt Sunday iu Blyth and preached in the Presbyterian church at 11 a. 111. and in the Methodist rhnl•c11 at 7 p m. At 4.15 a mass sleeting Was held in the Presbyterian church. The many friends of 151rs. J. G. Moser, s1'., and mother of our towns- man J. G. Maser, will be surprised to hear that the old lady passed away Sunday eveningl'12t'11 inst., at Ben - miller. She was in her 85th year and her death was due rattler to old ago than to any specific ailment. The de- ceased Was born iuoormmauy and came to this country with her parents when about- 20 year's of age. The 'family settled in Eliice township and Mr's. Moser remained there until the death of her husband 28 years ago. For about six years after that she lived at Blyth, and since then has made her home with 11er son-in-law, 1v. O. Durst, at Bemniller. She is survived by a sister, Mrs, Deusteclt, in Ellice township, and. ca brother, Christopher. in Fullerton township. Six children e(2vil e, 701111 G. Moser, Blyth ; Rev. 1101117 Moser, of Sheri'iton 111. ; Ed- ward Moser. of Napierville 11).: Mrs. Michael Schwartz. of Colborne tn... ; Mrs. Durst, of Benlnillei', and Airs. Wisner. of Slnniyside, Wash. • For the peat half 'Century the dcoeased had been a member of the Evangelical association. The funeral took Ohs. On Tuesday at Sebt'ingville, lir, and Mrs. csetattending. al town, twelve 1.r( - At 1.w 1l I ).n a Tu ) la of last ", s $reek 12 (10)1'1 wcddilig with celebrated at the home u1) A. 13. Carr when his second daughter, 1111ss Alberta, w118 married to 1.rneat Bender, a popular inert:ballt of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. 11. Cooper. The bride wore a dress of white silk gioria and earned a hoquet 01 =sun roses. Congrtatulations. over 0 very dainty luncheon Wali served. The happy couple left on the 3 o'clock 1:, 1 R train for Toronto and other prints Last. The bride went away hi a black talfetta silk dress with hat to match, On their return they will take up residence 011 Drummond street. Many down with Pleurisy Doctor's say the country is full of it. First conies a chill, thele cold develops --the inflammation grows --you can't draw a long breath -lungs and sides get sore, and pleluisy sets in. A gf7ood home tore contests in talcing twenty drupe of Nervibine every four hours. Supph Inentthls by vigorously rubbing the sales and chestwith Ner- viline and when warmth and circuity Lion are establshed, put a Nerviline Porous Plaster over the aching spot. Nerviline Treatment is always suc- cessful in rinds, ueuralgiall,ild ,pleurisy. '1')'y it ynn1:';3lf. Fordwich Miss Cora Lowick returned from Toronto and will spend a fete weeks with, her parents hero. Rev. A. B. Dobson and fancily are spending a month's vacation on the lake shore near Ripley. W. 13. and Mrs, Downey, of ' ind- sur, are spending their' vacation W 161 file ds in the village and vicinity. Mr. Downey is principal of one of the city schools. After being closed for over two months, the Albion hotel has been re- opened for the aeropunoclation of the travelling, public .T. Schaefer, of Moltke, being the new landlord. Mr. Schaefer will keep a Temperance house and should have the support of all. Geo. Rattan. and bride are spending their houeymnon with his parents Deal• Lancelot, Air. Ruttan has broken the general rule by getting his bride in the West and coming East on their bridal trip. lir. Rattan is now one of the teachers ou the Brandon College staff'. The largest and most expensive casket ever seen in Forthwith WAS ordered by W. A. Edwards & Son from the National Casket Co. of Tor- onto. The dimensions were 6 ft. 3 in. long, 2 ft. 4in, wide inside, 2 ft 0 in. wide. outside, 2 ft. 5 in. deep. It WILE Inndlof oak with three iron bands covered 1ub tact and with rolling ofd trtmmul with masonic ornaments and having eight massive hanclles 'finished in ebony aud copper. The case and corpse weighed about 800 pounds and the cost of the casket was about 5250. The casket was used for the late 1V, J. Hamilton. L. U. L. No. 642 has purchased a seamless silk flag, manufactured by A. M. Puree, of Randalstown, Ireland. The banner, which is a beautiful ex- ample of the banner -makers' art, has on one side arepreseltatiou of the late Queen Victoria presenting the African chief with a copy of the Word of God, and on the obverse a picture of Xing William on his white charger. At the walk in Listowel, it attracted a great Ileal of attention, great muubers of people coming to look.,at it and. admir- ing it Very much. All the members are highly delighted with it. The cost will be over $75.00. B. S. Cook, Thcs. Goggin and J. H. Johnston were the purchasing committee. Worse Than Onions Bad Breath From Indigestion Cannot Be overcome With Perfumes. . Nine -tenths of the offensive breath 1s IL result of stoluach. trouble. It can- not be overcome by breath perfumes or any other palliative 1peasures. If you have a bad breS,th ; if there is heartbuun, flatulence and gulpings of undigested food ; if the stomach burns or marts ; if there is sleeplessness, cradles' fine shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another " just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part or the buying. Here are a few:- Donpolll, Buttoned or Laced ..... ..........' 1 150 Gongola Blucher .130215, :tine 2 00 I+yxtra fine 'ILid 131ncher dais ............. 3.00 Our Genuine Rubber Mounted Single Harness $22 00 At Cash Price ter• are great, sellers. Fee (hem. Dusters, 'Ply Nets, 07lvlulls, Satchels, Whips at lowest prices. l,r epaihs in Harness, lionl',eoc `(hors promptly (lone• 1e C. RI CHA RDS ue1v0t8uess, headaches or any other symptoms of indigestion, 11030 .111i•D-na st01010112 tablets andet well. A jU cent box of 1141-na stoula.oll lab! iS 1L03103 for a couple of weeks and •, mild ;:' 1.)P ' hard offdozen mill attach, will a Indigestion, w1111e its comthlued use will give all absolute ane! complete ('tit's, .1 its, Fox 11(18 81011 3U 111(211)', canes made by 11511.0-u0 stomach tablet's that he gives a guarantee with every box 11 refund the money if it 1(1.013, Grey AUDIir13S AND J'YI B1,N'1'ATJON,-'l'110 Mettle (Manitoba) Enterprise, of July 0211, Speaks as follows of a former ilrllsselite, a son of Angus and Mr's. Lamont, well 'known residents of Grey township :-At the meeting of the Annie Laurie Camp, No, 108, S. 0. S., held last week an interesting fea- ture was the presentation of an ad. dress, accompanied by a beautiful gold hunting case watch, on the in- side of the case was the following in- scription 1 -"Presented to 1). Lamont as a token of esteem from Camp Annie Laurie S O S Mehta jinn. 1008," The Laid, John Creme, lead the ad- dress and made the presenttttiom. Following is the address. B100'21119130 LAMoN'i' :- As you are aware, Scotland once formed a distinct Kingdom, and can still ,point to a remnant of a Regalia which belonged. to a separate and in- depeudellt Crown, Love of country and devotion to duty were at that, time o11a1'aeteristies of every true sun of Scotland. ,Now however she forms a very important portion of an Empire more powerful and distinguish- ed than anything recorded in her past history. She haslost herindividuality and must be satisfied to take that in- tegral position for evermore, As citizens of that Empire, every Scotch - man worthy of the name bears to- wards the Empire the same love of country and the sante devotion to duty, but while toms loyal to the Em- pire, we du no wrong in cherishing our love for Scotland o1' in retaining a deep interest in all that is left to her. A Scotchinan may have his- pride and boast in being thecountlynlanofthose who wou the fields of Agincourt and Cressy, blit without 105ing the deeper recollection of being a descendent of those who fought at Bannockburn and Flodden. ills heart will swell when he sees the great and noble of the land pass before hila decorated with .the blue ribbon and the garter of that ancient order of knighthood, the St. George of England. But does there not spring up a wanner interest when his eye rests upon the green ribbon aud the thistle badge of poor Scotland's order of St. Andrew. A. Seotchtuan may pay all due homage to the genius of a Shakespeare, a Miltot a Gibbon and yet indulge a i, Y a more home and heartfelt pride in the. literary achievement. of a Buchanan a Walter Scott and a Macaulay. Re- ligious differences cannot quench the national feelings of a Scotchmen to- wards the piety and stern sincerity of Presbyterian Scotland. Nor will any Scottish Lpiscop lian, even the most attached to his okn form of worship, ever fail to pay his tribute of respect and admiration to the old Scottish Ek1e1' of a simpler creed, or even cease to feel a Scotehman's National pride in the stern and unbending piety of men who maintained, at the hazard of life aud property, the Covenant which they hacl signed with their blood. These are the traits which serve to build up the Scottish character and which enable the sons of Scotland to take the leading paxt they do in every sphere of life. As in great things so in small do they exhibit the same devo- tion to duty. You, Brother Lamont, as an officer of this Camp have sthik- ingly shown that devotion to duty which is characteristic of every true Scotohman. You have for years not only attended to your own duties as Financial Secretary, but you have Practically performed an the duties of Recording Secretary and of 'Treas- urer. That you have done so, not for. your own gratification or in expecta- tion of reward, but for the good of the Camp and for the good of the Order, goes without saying. You have given us services freely and ungrudgingly, ever at tunes when calls were made upon you for other services which might have brought you pecuniary benefit. Though you disclaim any credit for the performance of those duties the brethren of this camp can- not allow you to retire from office without in some way expressing to you their high appreciation of your services to the Camp and to the Order u1 general. To emphasize that ap- preciation we ask you now to accept this watch as a small token of the respect which every Switchman enter- tains for devotion to duty. Dated June 80th, 1008, at Melita Manitoba - John Oroattl, Chief ; Wm. Xilkeuny, Chieftain Walter Beattie, Chaplain ; J. A. Ross, Secretary ; James Robert- son, Financial Secretary ; R. M. Graliatu, Treasurer. Mr. Lamont thanked the Camp for the kindness shown him. }le did not think that he had done anything more than his duty ; he always heel the interests of the Camp at heart, and 'would ever remember Camp Annie Latuie of which he was proud to bo a member. Teach Yourself Now For Your Own -Your Children and Your Friends Sake Diseasedparts of the air passages can best be reached. by tory air. The bronchial tubes and lungs can only be reached by dry air, IR1o1nel is n tory ail' treatment from which you get the Balsamic effect of living in610 1 Pine and Eucalypti() Forests, where catarrhal and bronchial 'troubles do not exist. .T•Iyohnei destroys the germs that (:arse disease of the breathing organs ; you simply by the use of rubber in- haler, 11(1x Ityom.ei air with your in - Wart? broath as it readies the diseased parts where catarrhal, bronchiai, croup or pneumonia germs are snuffed Plying by millions their lifes slfI out, as they are the disease, their ox- Lirlllinalion means qui olcim roveueht. Jigs. Fox has the agency for 1lyomel and ;will, furnish the complete outfit for 51,00 muter guarantee to satisfy, Brewer 0 ArtStudio t No 1.3 pir*S.CLA8S Buggies! The langthage of Photographs is the clearest form of expression. It apenka in all tongues and to all peoples it is understood by the ignorant anti appre- ciated by the cultured. Don't forget to get a (lee Photo, taken to leave with your friends. We are second to none 111 our line and .guarantee you satisfac- tion, Did you get a Photo. 08 0110 baby? Now is the time. I intend to keep in stock a full line of Amateurs' Suppiles, and also 1Codaks to rent, I will develop and make your pictures. Give us a (all. II H, R. REWER B u' Have a oheieesteek of Buggies manufacturedby the Barrier Carriage Company for sale„ Beth steel and rubber tyres., 'l'Ihey afo A I and sold front $60,00 up, Guarantee with every rig,,. Don't buy until you visit my show room. Yon can save mow ev thereby, - a N. Jackson, Brussels BUGGIES and WAGO.NS 24 Years of Business in Brussels is full troofloffthelsuperior qual- ity, workmanship and durability of the wheeled rigs that )swan & Co. turn out. Our business is increasius; every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they never bad before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of suy other buggy on the market, and 'our wheels are all the hest stand- ard snake with extra deep rims. Have you seen our dash support braces ? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken dashes. This is a preventatiVe, Our Tops are of the BEST and we have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose or flapping, Trimmings are the very Lest of No. 1 leather with eight different designs in workmanship. We use thelead and color paint and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both' Light aud Heavy Baggies to suit any customer and have also Rubbey Tired Buggies of all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any skeptic that what we say is true. Also a number of Farm Wagons always on hand' made from the Very best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and Heavy maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish, alsoiany height of wheels. Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as gond as new at small co8t. Our famous Artist, Wei. C. SMITH, is here in attend- ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and whet we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wogone and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up-to-date Carriage Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy from a reliable firm and support Home industry. SPECIAL RIGS MADE TO ORDER. E WA N & CO, BRUSSELS The Secret of Secrets i • • • ersszsamatrames -IN-- STORE ADVERTISING ®CIA One of the wisest of men wrote : "Suffer any man to tell me his story, morning and evening, for but a twelve-month, AND HE WILL BECOME OUR MAS- TER !" In the above sentence we have in a nutshell, the INNERMOST SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING - 1REQUENTLY and PERSISTENCY, UNVARYING CON- TINUITY in the telling of the story of the store or enterprise. There are many other things to be said of successful advertising, but in the above quotation is found the real philosophy, the real secret- • The Heart of the Whole Matter Try the Columns of THE POST NATIONAL Roller Flour Mills OUR NEW "FLAKING OLL" is now to full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats '`Flaked" before feeding horses Try our New BEi AKFAST FOOD a orn01, Made from White Wheat, Ilealtllful and Invigoratin Don't forget that our "White' Loaf" Flour is still taking the lead for Bread Flours. Fill kinds of geed kept constantly 011 hand. • ..LrI. Re A, e PRYN BRUSSELS