HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-23, Page 3The Habit of Ir itability By Mary Eleanor O'Donnell RE you a victim of the irr.ta- bility habit? Do you go to pieces nervously, if you are obliged to repeat a remark to sonoone who did not un- derstand you? Do you mance yourself and everyone else wretched if a chair is out of place, Or a meal a moment late, or some mem- ber of the family is tardy at dinner? Does your temper sly loose over trifles? If it does, you are a sufferer from Irritableness -which is a habit, as much as the drug orliquor madness, andyou had better reform. Irritability and all the personal an- noyances that go with it are nothing but nervous tension. The ease with which they mey be overcome seems something like a miracle to those who study for a better guidance to their bodies. i And of all worries, from the big worries with real foundation to the miserable, petty, nagging, irritating worries, it Is the latter that will wear out a woman's nervous system more than will any amount of good, hard, steady, all -absorbing work. There is only ono way to overcome. this disagreeable irritability habit, and it lips wholly within oneself. It Is to wake up every morning with your mind made up that you willl Ilnd pleasure In your work -not view it as an irksome task, and begin the day by getting a good, nice, decent thought into your head. Don't start It by bating somebody, or planning some wretched little mean- ness to play even with some realor imaginary elight, Then, after getting your mental house In order, dash Into the bathroom and have a good plunge. Turn on the cold or tepid water, fin- ing only the bottom of the tub. Fall in and rub a Sew handfuls of moistened salt over the entire body, pummeling It on good. Then dip your bath brush hi the water and scrub, After that a quick cold spray, a jump out on the rug, a good rubdown with a coarse towel and oh! butyou will feel strong and peaceful. That's the way to fight irritability. Then downstairs to breakfast, not forgetting your good -morning to those you love as well as to those you don't.. Have a nice dish of cereal, one cup of coffee, a bit of fresh fruit, or a baked apple. Don't choke down meat and po- tatoes. A soft boiled egg and a crisp, brown piece of toast are all you really need. After breakfast you aro supposed to go to work, You can do your breathing exercises »hila wallthig down the block to the street car -the policeman won't arrest you, for he won't know a mortal thing about it and you can drink In deep, chest -expanding, beauty -giving breaths. They are true health givers and well - armed warriors against the irritabiity habit. At luncheon eat something sane. A lettuce sandwich and a big, red apple make a good combination, Then there Its chocolate,and bread and butter, atnd a lot of :good things that won't snake one's stomach rebellious. If'you eat chocolate eclairs and lob- ster and plum pudding don't write to the beauty department and say that your complexion blossoms after the fashion of the ruddy speckled trout and that you are very Irritable and that rateandDestiny aro against you. It's neither ono or the other. It's in- digestion, And you have your own silly pated self to blame. Alter luncheon get a 111110 more fresh air -morn deep -down breaths, Take a minute Or two of the luncheon hour to turn the searchlight Into your heart and put a check on unkind im- puises. Ask yourself: "What sort of..a morn- ing did I have? Unpleasant? There was that argument with the maid- really didn't f .:ower myself in my own estimation a bit? 011, well! this after - :moo is going to be totter." To overcome irritability travel to- wards perfection. You aren't going to get there, but you will find the way pleasant Thal soil°way try to get in a lit- tle reading during the twenty-four !tours. A little sound reading;, tho land that willmake you say, "There's a lot in that, isn't there?" For the right kind of reading Is the soft light that oasts ,ohe0ly glows in the dart, weary spots of life, After dinner not bit of: work should Me done. It's a big mistake 110 go and drag the +Bay's tasks .into the night, You haven't tiny right to do it. It is the time of tho twenty -Pour jiloure for rest, and by rusting you Will tit better equipped for alta next day's. ycflortC'to Overcome your moan disposi Evening le the time for recreation,. noaling hours, tor relaxing, dropping it10Wn in lazy 00rner0.among ohsillone. sand thinking of Idle, pleasant things- mad sometimes the seriolle things of Wo must tanto lite all we fid it, het - ter it If wo can, but certainly thorn Is Am sense 10 throwing stir steads against the stoma wall of absurd telnpOrs and tmnecoessary poeVlsln10s0. There are anany exercises for quieting 'the norvos, Snit eVoryon0 requires that you first, Cain control Of yourself, And the girl Who has enquired the irritability habit cannot Overcome It until e11a reoogniZoO d'rxrrer WA -VW -171 WIFE .l 171..6e5' Resistance Movement's for Muscle Bl>'ilding AVARY interesting set of physical culture exeroises is classed un- der the head of resistance and vibratory movements. They consist of various muscular flex- ions and extensions brought about by the lifting, pulling and pushing of imag- inary objects. The bleeps can 130 developed just as well by this movement as if you were using a wallpull. Gripan imaginary handle, the other end of which Is at- tached to a stout spring. Then pull to- ward youas if "making a musole," Tho resistance of. the muscles on the under side of the arm, of oeurse, affords the pull that a real spring would give. Reversely, in coming back, the reluctant El 9 -oz e. ,'CS<rZet a- .4-4/0:M:52" yielding of the biceps causes the oppos- Ing set of muscles to do their best work.' For exercising the u- pper limbs and thighs imaging a rope 1000 passed just above the knee, the other end being tied) to a weight. Raise slowly about throe times. In lowering the limb the oppo-' site set of muscles will be exorcised to the same extent if you still continue to imaging the downward pulling effect of the weight. A splendid form of - exercise for the muscles of the shoulder joints, chest and upper portion of the back is that illus- trated. Give yourself up to the notion that you aro standing between two walls which are gradually closing upon you. Force the palms of the hands out and push as If you were really in the situa- tion described. Raising a heavy weight. In tho posi- tion shower concentrate the mind on the idea thatecou are lifting a heavy weight with both hands. Rise slowly to an erect pose. Muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and waist aro brought into play by this movement. If you can stretch theimagination to.' the point of believing yourself on board ship an extremely beneficial form of exercise will result. Pulling ata rope In hand -over -hand fashion throws the entire upper portion of the body into action. This exercise develops wrists, arms, shoulders and cheat. It consists simply ofimagining that you are lifting.a heavy box over your ]read. It may be elaborated upon by starting from a kneeling posture, grasping the imagi- nary box as it lies on the floor, and slowly raising it until over the head. To- Retain Youthful Appearance. 74 14IEEIICAN women are said to be the best groomed women in the world,and yet they have much to learn in the art of retaining their youthful appearance. Those - who dare' to disregard the rules of. hygiene Aeon find they aro slowly but Surely losing their former po0Or, and must give way to those who have wisely profited by the aids at their disposal. It is every woman's duty to look her Bost and to preserve as long as poseible all the charm with which nature en - dowel her. The time spent in improving the ap- pearance is a good investment, and will yield a royal Interest, providing it is well directed and not carried to ex- doss. Fifteen minutes each day devoted to filo intelligent caro of the complexion will do more good than three hours on00 a month and nothing lender it. greater oharnito a woman than a per- fect .complexion. To be well preserved .moans: to be Well groomed, but it le qulte possible t0- be well groomed and not well pre- served. Many walnen are scrupulously clean, but novor aeon to realize the necessity of -guarding against the formation of wrinielde,•.crowsfeot, largo pores or 1110 Ugly. br1Wn spots, -which to the web- trained eye is 1511 evidence of neglect. Woman's first effort should be dlreot- ed to the prevention of wrinkles. Learn to use but not abuse the face. ' i''ae101 repose should bo taught la our schools, and practleod by tho elders, then we would not see people in con- versation i'tising their eyebrows 16 the roots of tho hair, drawing them to- gether until titer feria great, deep fun- rowe between the brows, or drawing. their month- to one 5140 In a vain at- tempt to be imprasslV0. Tito exprtssioq should deme front tho .eyes and mouth and not the forehead, The mouth can be tiuito as expressive when stralght as whorl drawn to ono side, Ane can hull/ 54 heartily; with t10 7,r?V.F; W42-6257' LPFUL T w,I, eyes open and nose unwrinkled as by screwing both into a mass of wrinkles. /racial contortions are responsible for more wrinkles than age. Vauoaire Remedy. Bust developer for Florence II, Mrs. M. B, and M. E. H. Liquid extract of galoga (goat's ) 10 grams Lacto phosphrueate of lime10 grams Tincture of fennel 10 grates Simple sirup 900 grates The dose, two soapspoOnluls in water before each meal. Superfluous - Hair. N. G., Baltimore:-Alsotrolysis is the only means by which this growth of hair can be permanently removed. The depilatory given inthe paper will only remove It temporarily, Electrolysis 15 a perfectly safe method, and when given by ono thoroughly understanding the. work the ]lair will never return. To Darken Hair. A.. D,, of W.: -A harmless Vegetable. dye, which by repeated applicatione. Will turn the hair quite blade, is made of:,- Mullion flowers rt ounce (4ouista :A ounce.. Stoop In water tilltheliquid is black; apply with a brush, Blackheads and Pimples, Directions for treating blackheads and pimples for el Friend, Caroline 0. and Matltlidel:- Cleanse the fano with the cloaneing cream, remove at ono° with a 5021 towel, bathe in hot water andapply the blackhead lotion; if there are pimples and no blaelxheads, apply the pimple lotion. In the morning bathe In hot and cold water alternately stverat thnee; into the last Cold water put a low drops of benzoin. 1 Ones a week steam the face over a basin of boiling water, covering the head with a towel; partly dry the Moe and with an instrument that worries for the purp0s0 lzr054 out the blackheads, and If the pimp es have formed a yel- low head conte Its of thee° also may be expelled with tho instrument. Mas - sago tor ten minutes with the massage cream for pimples; remove all the cream from the Pace and bathe with the toilet water. Blackhead Lotion. Boracio acid 1 dram Alcohol 1 ounce Rosowater 2 ounces Pimple Cream. Lanoline - 114 Ounces 011 of sweet almonds.,114 ounces Sulphur precipitate Ij;; ounces Oxide of zing 5 chants Vlolet extract 1 drain Cleansing Cream. Orange flower water 4 ounoes 011 of sweet almonds 4 0unee5 White wax 2 ounoes Molt the wax and oil In a double boil- er, remove from the fire and beat in the orange flower water; beat until 0001. Cleansing cream Is alwaysapplied with the tips of the fingers in a rotary motion and removed at once with a soft towel. • Eyebrow Grower; Thin Arms. Dear Bebe.-I?loaso toll mo what to do for scanty eyolashesand browsand telt ixxe IIOW often to apply the grower, .Also could you recommend something for thin arms? Apply this tonin to tho brows and lashes,. with.. a fine sable brush, using great carethat, nets will enter the 0)105:-- L avendor vinegar .... 21,1, ounces Glycerin 135 ounces Fluid extract of jabot, and! ,. 2 drains Massage erea111 fur. thin 111115t -'- Tannin ju gram Lanoline 00 grams Oil 01 sweet almonds ,. 20 grams 011 of rose geranium 4 drops Use 0f Bongo. Young 'Wile. --1)o not use - - artificial eeier winless as EMI 004' at tun s wlitn- it Is important to look your best. Avery man should want his wife to look web and she should make every effort to do so, but it is better to try to improve the physical condition and the color of the shin will Improve also. I know the liquid rouge you mention, and when carefully applied it is im- perceptible, and I must confess very be- coming to some people. Advice Asked. Mrs. Livingston: -i consider the ar- ticle you :mention' perfectly useless. Exercise is far more effective, I am sorry, you did not asst my advice be- fore Spending yourmoney, To Acquire a Ruddy Complexion. Palo Young Man: -Expose your fats to the sun and wind Whenever yOtt have a chance to do so and eat a simple diet. This Is the only prac- t10a1 way to acquire tho coveted ruddy complexion you desire. To Brighten the Byes, Grate: -Take eight hours' sleep out of twonty-four, Your eyes will soon loop brighter and the circles will -dis- appear. Drink no coffee with the even- ing meal. By no means use drugs in the eyes, as they are decidedly deag01'- sus, - Grace of. li2ove111ent, Velem:-A good dancing teacher will teach you - grace of motion, also' the rules of etiquette you wish 1.0 know. White Spots on Nails. Deur IIebe: I haw a xvhite. -spot on overt' nail, Mid on wino there aro two eh three -what will l'enxovi, LI'I ;VCE. Bub the spots each day with equal parts orpitch and myrrh melted to. anther and they will soon,disappcan Conlpleation Query, A Roader:--Pott 11054110000 expect to ltevo a, good complexion as lottg.as you tante only ono warm tub bath a weep,. Tante a hot tub bath every 111g1111 use good„ soap and a bath 'brush, In the morning, a cold sponge and a vigorous rttbbbing with a Turkish towel. Breathe deeply at all times, In the morning stand before an open window, clothed In a loose gown; stand tall, chest well Held up;, take long, deep inhalations through the noetriis with mouth closed; exhale quickly through the mouth. Personal Reply. Respected Reader, St. Louis. -When a personal reply is desired a sell -ad- dressed, stamped envelope is required. Enlarged Pores. Dear kIebe:--Please tell me how to treat my nose for enlarged pores.POLLY. Cleanse the face witli a good cold cream, then bathe in hot and cold water alternately; this you must do each night. In the morning bathe in hot and told water, and into the last cold water put a few drops of benzoin. Once a week massage the face thoroughly. Biting Finger Nails. Door Ilebe -My little girl, aged 5 years has formed the disgusting habit of biting her finger. na c. I -notice you say under the elrcumstances the nails should be manicured, .ho you not think she is too young? I$ titers any- thing I can do to correct this? MRS. SMITH. Your little daughter's nails should be very carefully manleurcd, regardless oe ,bor tender years, a5 it 15 the only way' to break Ila' of the biting habit. It removes all the little rough particles al (uncle, which is bowed te annoy a nerv- ous tenperament,:young or old. When the nails are in good oomlitioii there is little or no inclination to bite them.. To Bleach Hair. Deter Ilebe:--1 wish you wouid tell me bow to blotch my hair, it is very dark andsI have always admired not thinktillsyfoolisli, Hope you.da• I3:1 LEI . the 0010r by the quantity Of per0Ride., T would advise you etronsly never commence bteaohing 11x0 halt, 1t 15 air endless.. amount of. trouble to keep i0 bleached, and you will stand a good chance 0P losing the respect of all good-, moaning People, ' 'Urso of Ammonia or Borare. I?ear Mebo:--Do you consider am., rnonia or borax In the bath water In- - ]urlous to tine elan of either face o1,• body? 'Which is the best to use? I have been following your directions for; an oily skin with great help. HESS. Ammonia In ,the bath water for the body is very sweetening in warixt weather, but should never be used on. the face. Boras eau be used on both . face or body, but not too strong. Care of Scalp. Kitty Moore:-Ier0t1 your description! it is quite obvious your soaip needs fric- tion, Use the tonic you mentioned every, other day and massage the scalp well for ten minutes every night, ?leo the egg shampoo every two weeks. Chapped Pace. Dear Bebe: -Can you give me some thing for my face? Just as 5o0n as the weather gets cool 1nY face gets chapped ofnany dlcinddasntheykincreuse se, the hair on my face, DAISY L. Apply the following lotion tothe face every night and on going out in the cold: - 011 of rose ... 15 drops 011 of cajaput 20 drone Glycerine .,........., 1 fluid ounce Bay rum 8 fluid ounces. Bed Bands. Dear Nebel -Will you please pub- lish a formula for redness of .hands? • I have used one lotion and then another and so on until it isalwaysthe same, Summer or Winter, only In the latter season It is more serious and the red- ness 1s more pronounced than other - Wise. F. E. L. D. Bove your druggist Prepare the fol Lowing for you and rub It into the hands each night:- Lanoline ight:Lanoline - Vaseline oil Vanillin 011 of rose 10 ounces . 8 ounces 1 grain . 6 drops ' Light Hair. Dear Bebe - I have light hair -it is getting darker. I do not wish to bleach it, but how can I use peroxide to keep it the light color?' PAULINE, The only way in - which you could use peroxide of hydrogen to keep the hair the light color is when you aro shampooing use about a tablespoonful of the peroxide to a quart of water. TMs quantity will not bleach. To Seep the Hands White. Dear Ilebe:-In Winter my hands chap easily, and I often think 1f I pall something other than soap to cleanse them, that I would not have 50 much trouble. Can you tell meof something I can use instead of s aVpi1n?RCxINIA B. This powder will - whiten and soften the hands and is used in place of soap. It is made of two ounces each of pow- dered marshmallow root and carbon- ate of soda, stirred into twelve ounces of barley ' meal. .Carefully dry the hands after bathing. Pimples on Neck and Shoulders. Dear Robe: -On my shoulders and neck I have many pimples. I am very careful of my diet and have tried all sorts of 1111515 to remove them, WII1 you help me, please? DISTRESSED. Each day take a w- arm plunge bath,. using a flesh brush and a lama Soap. and 1150 the following once a day:- Sublimed ay:Sublimed sulphur 1 dram 011 of eucalyptus J drops Ointment of zinc oxide 1 ounce Ointment of rosOWaicr ,1 ounce Blackheads and Pimples. Dear R"b0:-Pleases tell me what 15 good for a rough skin that is disfig- ured with pimplesand blackheads, and Is alW aYs rough and muddy. A FRIEND. I1 you are careful of your diet, avoid- ing fried foods of all kinds, eat sweets moderately, take a teaspoonful of phos- phate of soda in a half glass of hot water before breakfast and follow directions given above for treating blackheads, you will soon have a clear, smooth complexion Bad Breath. H. M. Y.: Disordered stomach, de- cayed teeth or catarrh will cause a foul - breath. If you have catarrh or stonxaoh trouble go t0 your physician at once. If the tooth need attention, go to your dentist, as decayed teeth are both un- sightly and unwholesome. It is always best to find the cause and be treated accordingly. The antiseptic mouth Wash, will sweeten the breath 10m0Or arily. Cinnamon baric boiled In water, strained and used as a mouth Wash; IS Very sweetening and alltlseptio, Superfluous Hair. Dear llebe:-1 Have quite a Vowth Of hairan1»y taco; it is very light but long. I have been thinking of having 11 removed by the electric needle, but hesitate to do so, as I.1tnoW nothing about the treatment. Call 70111a. 111e whether it is dangerous in any 1009? That is, is It injuriotis to parsons of a nervous those having Is the batryusn such a' case large enough to produoo a torrent that will affect the 5y51.01n? For how long a tinge ought ono ter un- dergo the treatment? , nil. E. C. Flaying superfluous hair r0n0V5d by electricity is not a dangerous. operation. It will not affect the nerves or those flavin l t' g heart trouble. The length of time of each treatment should be reg- Mated by the operator.' The only dam - ger of attending the work .is that Un- less the operator is a Skillful 0110 there 15 very apt to be a. edarafter cath Chemically pure peroxide er hydrogen puncture. will bleach the Hair when properly an. - Piied. Shampoo the hair and dry It Tite slain may be refined and made thtorougltly, then apply tile per01ide smooth by anointing It every. Wale With aw tonin brglll. You coo gaug5 With a good skim told, -