HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-16, Page 5BUSINESS UAHD3,
H, bit t (1
YY If.
lo•o Af
e t , ( are n't Lioe
1 Gt usoe. GG
ncu a4Grueary,Turuberry e4rsnb, Brussels.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
lure in lite Pop( 0111ee, Isnwl. 80.9
K. O. T. M.
13ruaseis ,Toub of bho• Ivlttoottbeoo, No, 24
hold their regular meetings in the Lodge
Room, hacker Ricoh, ou the 101 and 1lrc1
'Pnesday evenings of each month,
Visitors always welcome.
A, SOMLERS, Com` A. AioGUI14E, It, If,
Agent Howi°k Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Oflloo rind Liesideueo-
INeil r E
f ANo ,
nen, will sett for better prices, to.
better men, in lose time mud less ohargeo
than any other Auetloueer to Nast Huron or
he won'tobarge anything. Dates mud orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal appiteation,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
'farms reaeou0ble. sales arranged for
et the office of Par Poste, Brussels. 2211
• Honor Graduate of the 006410io Vet.
erlaaay College, is prepared to treat all die
sages of domesticated animals Ina aomeet-
out manner. Particular attention vald. to
Veterinary bent1Btry 14144 Aidk Voter. Calls
promptly attended to, Ofaec mud Iuarmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Ttiruberry et.,
Brussels. 'Phone 4.7 If
Ilarr'istor, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Pnblio, kc, Otaoo-13()'wort')' Block
I door Norah of (louts( Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
W, ramon:mote1(, U. 11. U. HAIN
k1. V. Want.
Oatoeo-Those formerly 000uplod by Messrs
Cameron tt (3010,
UonEttlen, UNralno.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and First-class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, OlIloe
0011 to LI0000r''s Photograph Gallery,
7 a11j'.Hrr.I.M:i
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even nnmborod'seetion of Dominion
(lauds to Manitoba, Saekatohewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any pitmen who is
She sole head of a famill y, or any male over
38 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
000tioo of 160 noroa more or loos
Entry mut be wade personally at the
local lewd Oise for the dletriot l0 whlob
the laud is situato.
Tho homesteader is required to perform
the oouditlonaconnected . therewith under
one of the following p1a10 :
(1) At least six months' 100160000 upon
nod cultivation of the laud i11 eachyear for
three years,
(2) If the father (or mother, if 16110 father
is declaimed) of the homesteader resides
upon afarm 10 the vicinity of the land
entered for the requirements as to reel -
donee may bo satisfied by such pem0ou re-
siding with the father or mother.
(a) It the Bottler has his permanent rest•
donee upon farming laud owned by him
in the vtoJui'ty of his bomeelead, the re-
quirements ma to resideuoo may be Bathe
mei by reeideuoe upon the said laud,
Bixmonbbe notice in writing should be
given to the Oommiaelouor or Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for
W , W. 003,11f
Deputy of Ilia Minister of Interior.
N. 13, Unauthorized pub100411iott of Ude ad-
vertisement will not be paid for,
If you want a really good article
i11 the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Oobor Carriage
13eilder on Market Square, Brus-
sels, where you will find a fleet•
elites assortment.
Best of hand made 'Farm Wag-
ons with different widths of time
and different heights of}wheels.
Extra large (hand made Wlieel-
Be -rimming Light and Heavy
Wheel)', Repairing, Be -painting
Mid Re -tri tuning Mended to on
shortest 4101100,
Business °albs
Ila' '
loSolicitor Notary, err., aIIIlo tr
A. 8. Alodotedd, 011lo440r Stxatlnr4
Denial Surgeon, Utiles opposite the postohloe
1 Tyr• Will visit Currie the drat anti third
Monday of 000)4 month. (teem
liaeheler or Medicine, Ilnfvorsitq of Toronto ;
bit:tenet° and Graduate of the Uollee° or Ph '•
einem rind Surgeorhe, Ont. Post -graduate
Ohmage Eye, Nur, Nose and Throat Bosuns),
01doago, I11 Ex -House Surgeon to Ht, A11014 -
eel's )(capital, Toronto.
Chico over 11. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone connection with Uranbrook at all hours.
WrlOM) TI'lIJb'X±P �t albl7'ai '
C•1o8 00 Sollars Goma NOKT1f
Mall 7108a In Express 10:45 n rn
Express _.....,.11:25 n in 141011.,. 1:44 p 111
Express 8:02p 10 Express ,,.....,. 8:51 p in
To Toronto To C9oderioh
Express 8:444 a m Express 11:88 a m
Express. 8:1) p of I Exproes 7:97 JI
"goat (kits tern
THIS will be a great year for beech -
111.116, 'l'Ihe beech trees are fairly IOuded
with thein i 1 tliisseetion.
Jo you want an honest, reliable, clean
newspaper in your borne get THE Pos•r.
No fakes to bolster yon or cause bother
in the family.
WREN going away for the Summer do
not forget the dog, the cat, the husband
and otter domestic pets, who are too
often allowed to suffer,
Tit1.1,'PHa Pose, your visitors' names.
We do not Want to uverloolc one 11118
Summer. Call tip Nn, 20, 110)111 ii card,
or tell any one of the staff.
SEVERAL, citizens have complained to
'rile POST 11'00111the slaughter of robins
and other insectivorous birds i11 town.
There is a penalty fol killing such birds.
WHILE there will it is true be no
more Jure brides on the market for a
year, we understand that Cupid claims
the jury variety is something just as
'1'ite company which is to represent
the 33rd Regiment at Quebec will be in
command of Capt W. W. McVicar, of
Brussels, well Lieut, 14, C. Dunlop,
Godetieb find i.ieut, W. 1. Seaman,
Bus1NEss then or others requiting
office stationery of any kind will find a
complete stock of note heads, envelopes,
hill heads, statements, circulars, etc.„ at
'1x1, POST Publishing House. Satisfae•
tory work and reasonable prices. Don't
order from outside travellers.
Defeated by Dr. Hamilton
In no Way is health so menaced as
by constipation. It leads to indiges-
tion, insomnia, all/791111a and a hund-
red ills. Ordinary remedies fail -they
relieve -don't cure. The worst case is
defeated and dared quickly by De.
kltuuillon's Pills, which cleanses the
intestinal track, stimelateki
ys a
liver, thepores ofthe s.14) open,
Yonll never have stomach
yellow complexion or headaches it you
use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are a
perfect system tonic, 25c atalldealers,
ON the Bret day of July the new act
respecting the standard weight of bread
came into force in all 021111(0. All
bread other than fancy bread must weigh
either one and one•half pounds or three
pounds per loaf. {Fancy bread must
weigh either r6 or 2oouucesperloaE, and
must have affixed to the hotto1n of the
loaf a label showing Ole name of the
maker. the weight of the loaf and that
the bread is fancy bread.
A GANG of workmen are at present en-
gaged in scaling off the encrustations on
the iron interior of the great St. Clair
River tunnel. It is expected that the
work will be completed within a few
days, after which the interior will be
thoroughly whitewashed and illuminated
with numerous electric lights. The
whitewashing is not much of a job, as it
will be clone by a mechanical sprayer
from a fiat -car, and will be accomplished
in less then 3 hours' time. No more
kisses in the tunnel
THREE of the 13elgi0ns at Atlllerst•
berg imported to work in the beat fields
got into a scrap on Main street, Tuesday
atfteruoou and their language resembled
the chromatic scale played by a,beginner
on a hand oi
Without 1o 1
re -
it was impossible i 1
to knew w whether
they were reciting poetry or merely say -
Eng thein evening prayeti rhe fight
drew a large crowd in a few amnutes,
but they decided to retreat before the
police appeared on the seene,i
Prevent Taking Cold
Often you come hone, cold and
shivering -feet are wet, throat is raw
chest a little sore. .A. bad cold is just
beginning. Pet a Nervillne Porous
Plaster o11 your chest, rub your throat,
with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of
Nervillne in hot water. This prevents
a chill and checks the cola instantly.
No remedies so useful in the home. so
sine to prevent serious illness ars Ner-
villne and Nerviliue Plasters. Sold
by all dealers, 25c each, but be sure
you get the genuine, and refuse any
THit GAEL7c Din IT, -The Kincardine
Reporter says :- During the recent ob-
struction debates in the.Hoasr+ of Com -
mous Due of the Conservative members
whose speaking is hard to understand
and Whoa! the reporters of Hansard and
the newspnpehs have a holy horror of,
because they are tillable to catch h.m,
spoke for over an hour. It Was getting
on in the morning and the members
were dosing or in the ante•t'oonns, At
the conclusion of the member's speech
John '1'ohnicl rose and said he understood
that only two lauguges, English and
French, were allowed h1 the House, but
as the honorable member who hadjust
sat down had introduced another foreign
language he would tape the liberty to
introduce his own cativo tongue. For
the next half hour the metnbers were
treated to a speooh in Geellc and Dun-
can floss, Yale -Caribou declares it was
the best scoring lie has beard the Op-
position get i11 ninny a clay, The Haase
on !hearing that Item was speaking be.
gas to fill and the members who were,
thing of ennui thoroughly enjoyed the
episode, The Hansard reporters had a
brief respite, goo.( humor was restored
and 11lµ tired feeling of no alion(ght `sed'
on 14 r haul.elt ) 1\'hcu (0(314 '1`nitnie
speaks eak•s (s li' i 1 111 '
Gaelic t emit be conn iy
s0 much per page Sir Wilfrid L,ulrier
followed t11r. 'I'olunk L,. ly throllphulll,
he lnulerslruuliuq Goellu fairly well,
though he chow not spe111t
The seceetitry of the public school
boatel has rec'e'ived amide:)', (runt the'
Ontario (loyeenulent that the. Model
school, which hue been conthletrel
here every 1''alt t'ur 80 many years,
will noir he discoid:incied, 84)011 action
being very much Ingrettoil by the
people hero. Stratford will now be
the nearest model school,
The Collegiate Institute offered two
scholarships, one for pupils of the
town and one for those frau( rural
schools, 'Plitt nest of these wa8 (von
by E. Denby Berry and the second by
Thos, • Melody, of St, Columbian
The death took place i11 1 uckei'omith
Township Thursday of hast week of
one of its oldest residents u) the per-
son of Alexander Watt, aged 70 years
and 0 mouths. The Amend tools
place feou his late home on the M 111
road, 1`tickeasnlith, nn ,Saturday after-
noon at o'clock to the place of in-
terment in Jlat pnrhey menet pry,
Preston, senior champinus or the
W, P. A., played the 1'eturn game be-
tween Preston and Heatorth at Pres-
ton Friday night, which remitted 111
a win for Preston by '2 to 0. thus win-
ning the round, as the game played
i4) Seaforth a few weeks agn resulted
in a tie, 0 to 0. Mr. Gunn, of Wood-
stock refereed and gave good satis-
Five Years' Hay Fever Cured
Don't leave hrine-clon't experiment
-just use Catarl'h000ne .-it cures
every ease as quickly} as it (Tic] Thomas
Eaton, of Westwood Ont., who sap's :
"Five years 1 suffered from Hay Fever
and had to leave this part of the
country 14 month previous to the time
of attack. Since rising Oatarrhozone
I have not been bothered. My encs is
Icor Summer Catarrh, Asthma and
Hay fever, Oaterrheznne is guaran-
teed. Get it for $1.00 from any dealer.
Miss Bella McCrae has gone on a
visit to Winnipeg, Portage and
Thomas Pr'oct'or has put up a new
building to be used for pig -house, hen-
house and various other purposes.
Ml', Stonehouse, who hacl his large
toe amputated a month or more ago,
through some trouble of the foot is
not getting better, but rather worse.
Richard and Mrs. Corley and Fred.
have returned from a pleasant two
weeks' trip through Michigan, calling
on friends in Bay Oity, Detroit,
Saginaw, Oahe, and Port Huron.
Mr. and Miss Owens, of Br'Itee
Mines, are visiting friends and rela-
tives in the vicinity of Belgra.ve. It
their (het visit to this section of (11110
country, notwithstanding their
parents e1eborn at Bel hate
W. F. Downey left for Burlington,
where he has secured a position as
Mrs. Morley (nee Miss
ale y Ay lest rth o
M. Adams) of Toronto, is visiting
under the parental roof in town,
Rev. and Mrs. \V, Mahood and fam-
ily, of Sioux City, Iowa, are visiting
his mother, Mrs. Mahood, of town.
The fence in front of the Presbyter-
ian Chinch property has received a
coat of paint and improves the ap-
pearance of the whole property.
J. Schaefer, of:Moltke, has opened
up the Albion Hotel and there will
now be good accommodation for the
travelling public.
MIss J, J. ALLAN, Eyesight Special-
ist, will he at the hotel FOrc1wi011
Tneaclay July 21st and at the Goften
House, Wroxeter, Wednesday July
22nd from 8 a. in. to 12 noon,
Miss Johnston, who has been teach-
ing school in who
Ontario, is
spending her vacation at her home 011
the 4th con., Howick. She has been
engaged to teach in Wilkin's school,
Minto township, after vacation, hav-
nig resigned her' former charge.
,A^ near boli)'[', lultiaufaetttl'01i by
Bunter Bros , of ICiecardlne, is lo",ng
e. F , , a
installed ill theFo'dw 1 Flour -1111
1 3 .C] u
as the old one was o0ndenmod by an
expert a 70-W a 00.1ca rpt) cull had tt1
bo removed. 7'lltx tvfll ctnth4e (lir.
Lowick to supply the wants of his
emeerou8 patrons at all times of the
veal', The 241(11 has been run thus
P111' titin season by water power. It-
is a 1'0121111011 saying among strangers
w111n vi8itinlj In town, i'1 hat a large
(wade. (111.1.1111}1 1e doing." Mr. LoWir'k
has built up a huge trade by elose at-
tention to business, by supplying his
customers with a ifrsGcla80 article and
by good honest business methods.
A,r i1111.illenlatleal 1nl10101', and (Ji44(
- o .3 A. 'f.,',' Ie' rl
Helena Dadeon, 1 t ! t f
English d ((Moderns.
1, n
Arrangements have been made f01'
On animal union flu14(ty 'lrhool e:'..
(vu•-•un1 to lilltcal'dine, 18.111111 n 11I f •11,r'
alar)' o)1 Thursday, July 80th, li'ol.
owing the usual eustofll, 141ayul'
11140011m11aliday'uhn)'s will proclaim Hilts dadatetitle
I O 0. 1+', exeur'sinn to Haemic and
1 Detroit. will be held oil Saturday,
Aug{,ust 8th, I'useengers will leave on
(,rally imbuing train for Sarnia, 41)1(1
the Pettit')) fare 1'00211 Wing1u1n1 (o
Sarnia, illi
1 1 41 i l e 4)r
141 s y,T t t Hing splv'iatl
1: 022 will have Hafnia at 10 (1. 111, 1411
114 ooilay, Al (gust 10111,
1"artuers' Mutual Vire Inslu'anre
Co., will meet in the Ageieuitural
Hall on Tuesday, July 2181.
54 cars of marl were mixed into
slurry at the Commit Works. This is
the most for any one clay this 8e5,5011,
Rev, Sit', Reid was in St. Thomas
attending the London Conference
League wlxich started on July 0 to 1tf.
The contract for drawing gravel for
the celnrllt walk was let to George
Gordon at 44 wilts a yard, and Sam.
Alberts, of Listowel, has the r'Onth'ittt
of putting down the walk.
The following are the competitors
of the Mina Agricultru'al Society for
the Field Crop Competition. Oats is
the grain 01100031 1-•..\\'111. Holman,
Alex. Struthers, John B. Roach, Wm.
Morrison, VV111. Robb, Andrew 1i:oltb,
R. H. Ballantyne, Jos, L. Born, A. R.
Horn, Alex, Simpson, John S. Cowan.
Out of 145 candidates who presented
themselves for Entrance examination
at St. Mary's 100 were successful,
The St• Mary's public school where D.
G. Anderson is principal makes the
following record :-Out of 52 who
wrote 40 passed, 10 received honors,
and 2 ranked equal for the scholar-
Following are the names of the
scholars outside of the Atwood school
who were successful in passing the
1 041440nce exams :--Total 050 ; Horrors,
488 ; pass, 300. H. S. No. 1 -Frances
Ooates, 435 ; (toy Tughen, 443. S. 5.
No. 3 -Jas. Cn11'y, 480 ; Maly Cole-
man, 424 ; Oswald Sproule, 422 '
George Cleland, 412. S. S. No. 4-Roy
Hamilton, 411 ; Daisy Vine, 304. S.
S. No. 6 -Lloyd Lintick, '600 ; Ethel
Gilkinson, 475 ; Maggie Morrison, 4.43 .
LSndsay Morrison 411 ; Jessie Inglis,
400 ; Aggie Ballantyne, 401. S. 8. No.
7 -Alice Richmond, 302.
There passed away in 1111na on Jure
18tH, one of Elma's oldest settlers in
the person of Mrs. Cruclen, wife of the
late Alex. Oradea. Deceased, whose
maiden mune was Sarah Wilson (vas
born hi lnvernesshire, Scotland, and
with her parents came to Woodstock,
Ont., about sixty years ago and resid-
ed there until she was married in
1807. Two years later they moved to
Puna and settled or lot 4, concession
12. Deceased suffered severely for
nearly four years from chronic
rhemnatism and' bore her suffer-
ings withehristian fortitude till death
came as a happy release, The family
consisted of six child(en, Mrs. Win,
'Wherry, Alex„ of 1'am:tweet ; Arch„
of Moose Jaw, Sask. ; John, supposed
to be in United States ; and Arthur
and Ellet at h0 tale. The funeral to
Elena Centre Cemetery was very
largely attended.
Po Your Boots Pinch 7
If so, look out for a tidy corn.
01100 it before It grows big: Putnitm's
Painless (10t') Extractor 1s the 13e81.
'Pry Putila m s."
The Jewelry stores elose 021 Wed-
12esday afternoons during July and
One of the curiosities to be seen on
the Square is a 3legged kitten, which
was shown in hle1wao's store.
Godericlhpost officio is now safe as
far 21)4 hrn'gat:6 are concerned, as all
alarm was put 111 that institution last
Miss Minnie '1.'lou'ott showed the
Star a curiosity in the shape of a
bird's nest with six eggs, which had
been built in 21 clothes pin bag, hang-
ing o11 a post hi the garden. The bag
colrtalued quite a number of clothes
plus, and the opening Was so small
owing to the way it hung that the
wonder is how the little bfr(1 got in
and out during her maternal opera-
tions. -
Toronto evening papers now reach
town by O. P. R. at 7 80.
Mr. P'easby, of Toronto, has been
appointed teacher of English and
moderns in Listowel high School to
succeed Mr. Rowland.
Conductor Ayres, of London, has
been appointed cordncto' on the Lin-
wood -Listowel branch of the C. P. R.
and will take up his residence in
J. P. Walter left for a trip to the
Canacliau \Vest going by Beatty
steamship line to Fort William. Mrs,
Ballard and Miss Ballard also left for
the West on the same day,
With the advent of the 0, F. R„
Listowel is provided with a second
express agency. John Livingstone
jr., has been appointed agent for the
Dominion Express Co. lie has ar-
ranged with Oon. Gilliax to look after
the business.
Thin as a Rail, Are You?
Every day spending as much energy`
as you make -if the -balance goes a
little further, well you get thinner.
On the clanger line to -clay, -to -morrow
may betoolate! Better use17errozone
it builds up -a little gain the first
week, but the gain keeps growing.
Next week not quite so thin. Keep
right. on lots of fat won't hurt you at
all, Your blood is enriched, cheeks
grow rosy, your 11eartand nerves grow
strong antiJ ou don't tare so quickly.
Joyous robust health, a sturdy frame
and a cheerful mind -all these come
with Feuozone. '3(ou'11 try it, only
60c at all dealers.
J. H. Chisholm, formerly of Wing -
1111111. has purchased a feat estate and
insurance business in Toronto.
Commit walks are being laid from
the sidewalk on Josephine street to
the•lrout door of the Presbyterian
Ooutroller Hocken, of Toronto, will
be the speaker at the temperance
meeting to be held in the Town Hall
oh Sunday evening, July 10th.
A change has taken place in the
business of J110. herr. I+',. IL Bird, of
Woodstock, has become a partner,
taking half interest in the business.
L. O. L. No. 704, Wingham, and the
Young Britons attended service in St.
Paul's elnu'eh, Sunday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, of Chatham, preached the
The teaching staff of Wingham
High School is one of the best in
Ontario and will be :-.T. A. Taylor, B.
A., principal ; 3'. C. Smith, B. A.,
classical plaster ; J. G. Workman, B.
The Secret of Secrets
-i N_
One of the wisest of men wrote :
"Stiffer any ID SD to tell me his
story, morning and evening, for
but ft twelve-month, AND HE
TER l"
In the above sentence we have
in a, nutshell, the INNERMOST
TINUITY in the telling of the story
of tho store or enterprise. There
are many other things to be said
of sn000sful advertising, but in
the above quotation is found the
Peal -philosophy, the real secret--
The Heart of the Whale Matte
Try the Oolitiri"1l1'11s of THE POST
DEAR. MR. Kees -No doubt you will
be surprised to hear from me, but lust a
few minutes of your time. Carlyle is a
town of about 300 inhabitants, situated
at the foot of the Moose mountains,
which give the town rather apicturesque
appearance. There are 5 elevators with
a capacity of t7i,000 bushels, 2 fine
brick hotels, 3 blacksmith shops, 2 lum-
ber yards. 3 genera( stores. 2 hardware
stores, 3 implement warehouses, a
jewelry store. drug store, 2 real estate
otfiees, grocery confectionery, bakery,
gent's furnishing shops, tailor, harness
and barber shops, furniture store, Union
bank, postottice, Herald printing oH4ee,
buteher shop, machine shop, laundry,
police barracks, 2 M. D's. and 2 V. S's
and 2 Barristers. The religious interests
are respectively represented by a $4,500
Presbyterian church, a $14 o00 Methodist
church and an English church. There
is a $24,000 brick veneer school house
giving up to -dale equipment and also
taking up High School work. The
agricultural society is vary large here
and they have splendid grounds and
i4)e just at the edgea of
the town, !her
is a skating rink,
tennis courts end basket bat! grounds so
you see we have a very lively little
I like the West very much. The
weather is grand and many are cooling
from all along the litre to spend a few
weeks at the mountains which is a
lovely Summer resort. I ata sending
you a Carlyle paper in which you will
see an account of the Indian sports ixeld
on the 1st of July on the reserve which
is situated in the mouutaius, . '('bey
were the best I've seen for a long time
and I enjoyed watching their amuse-
I have met with old acquaintances, i21
fact one is continually meeting some (me
from Huron and it's quite a pleasure I
assure you. On the tst I saw Neil
Richardson and Miss Anna from Manor.
Our minister is now Rev, Mr. (40(11fe,
He has been there n year tied we like him
very much, 'there are about 5o attend
Sunday School, mostly children and
although I enjoy it I often w1011 1 °child
step into Brussels Methodist school in-
stead and listen to the Orchestra which
I miss very much. I never felly ap-
preciated Ls music until I came West
and found how dull the Sabbath School
was without it. We started a League
last Summer and had a very`fair attend-
ance until Winter set in thee we decided
do close until Spring enol I am very sorry
to say we 12av0 neglected to confimie the
work this year. We have a very good
choir but (tot to be compared with the
one I once belonged to. There are 4
sopranoes, an alto, 2 tenors and 3 base
We are having a quite a few electrical
storms but'uot to be compared with
'those yon are having in the bast, The
prairie is very pretty now, beteg covered
with wild roses aim the craps ars look-
ing fine, I think I've take(( enough of
goer time I will close. Kindly remem-
ber me to Mrs, herr, Yours sfncerety,
Provd your Horse with a fly
and make hilt comful'table. IVe
bare some fine (nos to look at and
the price is low to please,
Our Harness is always to the
front fm durability and price 0511•
not be surpassed. See our Single
harness at $12.00 and our Team
Harness complete at $iii2,00.
1. C. Richards
If.Furrod and Coatod, It's a Looking
Glass Stomach Warning
When it is the naming 111'(6')' the
night before, you do not have to look
at you' tough)' to knew that the
sto111tn:11 is upset, the ]lead is aching,
no appetite, nerves on edge with all
the sunshine of life dodder(.
The areal time to watch the tongue
is all the time. 11 it is coated with a
white fur, or possibly with dark trim-
mings, even though the stomach does
not tell ynu by the acute pains of in-
digestion that it needs help, yet the
coating shows that your are getting
into a bad testy and that there is need
of Mi-O-na.
Mi-o-na is so positive, so sure, so
reliable in its curative within upon
the stomach that Jas. 14'ox, the local
agent, gives a guarantee of satisfac-
tionwith every flue box or money
Art Studio
The language of Photographs is the
clearest form of expression, It speaks
in all tongues and to all peoples ; it is
understood by the igno•a0t and appre-
ciated by the cultured. Do'n't forget to
get a nice Photo. taken to leave with
your friends. \\'e are second to none
in our line and guarantee you satisfac-
tion. Did you get a Photo. of the baby?
Now is the time.
I intend to keep in stock a full line of
Amateurs' Supplies, and also Kodaks to
rent. I will develop and make your
pictures. Give us a nail.
Allan Vir' Line
Victorian toils July 1:
Corsican sails .... July 24
Virginian MIN .... _., .. luly SI
Tunisian sails Aug. 7
Ant. 14
Aug. '41
Aut;. 28
Sept. 4
(xrampton sails . July 17 Ang, 34
Protorian Naito July :8 Aug. 23
Hespertan sails Aug. 1 Aug. 211
Ionian satla -. Aug, 8 Sept. 5
tidy 1t, Aug, 81)-
Corinthian sails Aug. 1 11ept. 10
Pomeroviansafle Aug. '4 - -
b'or sailings, lista 004 full info,,, -)'thin apply
Agent Allan Line. Brussels.
Have a choice stock of 13ugriies
manufactured by the Barrie
Carriage Company for sale.
Both steel and rubber tyres.
They are A r and sold from
hfr6o.00 up.
Guarantee with every rig.
Don't buy until you visit illy
show room.. You eau save mon-
ey thereby.
S. N. Jackson, Brussels
2of Business in Brussels is full proof ofttheisuperr gtnal-
Years n
ity, workmanship and durability of the wheeled rigs
'" I !that 441821 & Co. turn out. Our business is increasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they
never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are al! the best s'and-
ard snake with extra deep rims, Have you seen our dash support
braces ? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
clashes. This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BEST and we
have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose
or flapping. Trimmings are the very best of No. I. leather with eight
different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds, A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a number of Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very
best of seasoued timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish,
alsolany height of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete aed made as good as new
at small cost. Our famous Artist, WM. C. SMITH. is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what
we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up•to-date Carriage
•Shop. Call end get our terns and prices and buy teem a reliable firm
and 1 s e4) (ort
1 Tome industry,
Roller Flour Mills
is now in full operation, It will save you
money to have your Qat,s "Flaked" before
feeding horses
Try our New
Made from White Wheat, healthful and .nvigol'atng,
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still, taking the lead for Bread Flours.
rA11 kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
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