HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-9, Page 8New China Received This lot includes some beautiful things. The decorations are exceptionally pretty and some of them different from anything We have ever had before. Just the thing for Presents or any of the pieces makes a valuable addition to any China collection, In 'the lot are Salad Dishes, Celery 'frays, Fauey Bread Plates, Bread and Butter Platen, Cups and Saucers, Spoon Trays, Create and Sugar Setts— at Surprisingly low prices. We have also renewed our stock of Limoges China. Visitors to Town when looking for Souvenirs will do well to see what we have. Everything that's new in Picture Post Cards we have it. 1 Kodaxs, Brownie Cameras 8upplas F. R. I IIS DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. Korai .etvs itil� PLENTY of rain. CtY your burdocks and thistles. HAND THa Pon the name of your visitors, Samoa BOARD will meet on Friday evening of this week. THE Orangemen of this locality will go to Listowel next Monday to celebrate. NEST Sunday will be the memorable "12th." The celebration' will be held on Monday. BASE BALL match Friday evening on Victoria Park between the married and single then. A. J. Lowiv's residence and Mrs. John Howard's have been improved by new dress of paint. PERSONS are cautioned against the use of firearms within the corporation. A By-law prohibits it with penalty attach- ed for disobedience. QUICK DELIVERY. --J. J. -Gilpin sold to Jas, Bolger, of Morris, on Monday morning at to o'clock, an Elmira hay loader. The machine was shipped from Elmira and was in Mr. Bolger's barn at 4 o'clock the same day as sold, six hours after orderiug. This is hustling things all right. HENRY HAIST has disposed of his house and lot on Queen street to Samuel Crawford, of town, for the sum of 5465.00. Mr. Heist will remove to tbe U. S. Mr. Crawford, who was propos- ing to mcve to the West will remain in town, to which no one will object. SABBATH SCHOOL EXCURSION.—The annual aeon Sabbath School Excursion to Kincardine will be run by special train on Tuesday, August 4111. Terri- tory includes Palmerston to Lake Huron on the W. G. & B. Arrangements are being made for a day of real pleasure. Keep the date reserved. DIRECTORS of East Huron Agricultur- al Society are asked to meet in the Coun- cil Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday af- ternoon of next week, at 2 o'clock sharp. Several matters pertaining to the Fall Fair and other questions of importance re mem- are to be dealt with. It you a her attend and help the cause along. CARD of THANKS.—James Sharpe and family wish to convey their sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends for their kindness and thought- fulness during the recent illness ani. subsequent decease of a true wife and and vi words Their loving dear mother. g deeds will long remain fresh in our memory. NOT Marrs- LIKE HIM,—THE POST has beard of a Brusselite so industrious that he has been seen in his garden at 2 a. m. with a lantern busy hoeing pota- toes. He was always a hustler and now as he canters up towards 7o Summers be appears to be unable to cut down his hours of labor. The town should pro• vide free electric light for a person so anxious to toil. SAD CASE.—Some weeks ago Miss Maggie Beattie, of Wiarton. formerly of Brussels, whose health has not been good for some time from nervous ten- sion, was taken to a sanitarium at Guelph for treatment. Last Saturday her body was found in the river which runs immediately past the sanitarium. The interment was made on Tuesday at Wiarton. The sad news was received here with many expressions of regret as Miss Maggie bad many friends in Brus- sels. She eluded the nurse and com- mited the deed. STANDING FIELD CROP COMPETITION• —Following are the entries in the nom- petitiou in Standing Field Crop Com- petition under the management of East Huron Agricultural Society, the crop being oats ,--T. R. Bennett, David Milne, Rebt. McDonald, Donald Robert- son, W. J. Hemingway, Wen, Armstrong las. Burgess, Eli Smith, Alex. Mc- Lauchlip, Jas. Shurrie, Tno. Broadfoot Miss T. T. ALLAN, eyesight specialist, made her regular visit to Brussels on 'Thursday and attended to the wants of her patrons. MtrsT NOT Do IT. --Any person or persons removing earth, sods, , &c from any of the streets in the corporation of Brussels, without tbe consent of the Council, will be prosecuted. By Order. AT the Stratford Bowling tournament on Wednesday Brussels rink, composed of T. Ferguson, H, L. Jackson, J. Hab- kirk and R. Downing defeated a Strat- ford quartette by 20 to 17 in the first round for the trophy. There were 37 rinks in the competition. Ttssnm' of this week Hugh McIntosh left Brussels for Calgary with a car of settlers' effects, including 5 horses, wagon, buggy, agricultural implements, &c. He purposes farming South of Calgary. Mrs. McIntosh and children will follow in the near future. We wish them success in the West. --o— UP•STAtR romps to let. atApply 5DSTORE, UMBRELLA loot between Brussels and Wal- ton. Will the Ander kindly leave it at TSE Pon, Brussels. Bosse Blanket lost between Leadbury and the lath Con. of Grey. Ovrner will be greatly obliged if it is left at TEE Po5T, Brussels, 118DVO8D nr PRIOE.—The prise of milk for the Summer months at the Woodbine Dairy will be 6 cents per quart. C. RozaLL. EVERY loyal citizen and every householder should be desirous to see the town of Brussels grow, extend its limits and increase in popula- tion. T. MCGRPGOR, for money, honor and enterprise, OasraTaRY OARETAxING. — Parties having lots in Brussels Oernetery may have the same fitted np and kept in order by applying to the Caretaker who will be at the Cemetery each Tuesday and Fridayafternoon and may be seen there or at his home, Turnberry street, South. ROBERT DARK, 60.4 Caretaker. -- 0 -- HICKS' FORECASTS FOR JULY,—A re- actionary storm period is central on the 4th. 5111 and 6th. The storm period cen- tral on lune 29111 will last into the rat and and of July ; storms of that period, however, will bave worked past the cen- tral parts of the country by July 1st. followed from the West by rising bar- ometer and change to somewhat cooler. On and touching the 4th, 5111 and 6111, love and respect felt fol her. List was look for reaction to falling barometer, as follows Pillow from the family ; and change to much warmer, Clouds- wreath from three sons-in-law ; spray from Toe and Anna Sharpe ; spray from Sandy and Nettie Sharpe ; spray from Milton Sharpe ; spray from Elec- trical ; circle ' T-' n Detroitr trical Workers' t ..o from W, M. society ; spray from Knights of Pythias Lodge, Detroit ; spray from Bell Telephone Co, staff, Listowel ; spray, Tas. and Mrs. Fox ; sheaf from W, A. Pratlen, Tor- onto ; spray from Mrs. P. Ament and Mrs, D. C. Ross ; spray from Misses L. and G. Ross ; spray from Misses M. and J. McLaucblin ; spray from Miss M. Ament ; spray from R. Brown and S. Scott ; spray from J. and Mrs. Mooney ; spray from Mrs. Moffatt ; spray from Mrs. D. Denman ; sheaf from Methodist church choir. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were :—Mrs, John Day and son, Gerrie ; F. G. Poole, Ingersoll : I, M. Heury and wife, W. and Mrs. Eck. Bier, W. and Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs, Gill and sons, of Ethel ; Mrs. J. Hogg, Milverton ; Mrs. Joseph Sharpe, Tot. edo ; Mrs, John Sharpe, St, 'Thomas ; Russell Lowry, St. Thomas ;' iii , Lowry, London, and J. W. Kiugswood and sou, London. At the service in the home the appropriate quartette "Face to face" was sung by Misses Carrie Hingston and Alta Pryne and Roy Pryne and J. Hunter. A Good Habit to Gulta'at Special Ott 'rhe way to independence Is to reserve +emething from your earnings eve week i then regularly deposit the amount ($ 1.00 will do to begin wit iR the Sevhtgs Department of The Metropolitan dank Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000,00 lteaelrve rand a,Ixti Und.VIae&_Profits, $1,241,1 32,2d lntere5 at Savings Accounts allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. No delay in withdrawal, yrs anion given to FARMERS' BUSINESS. SALE NOTES Promptly Collected. DRAFTS AND MONET ORDERS Bought and Sold. I BRUSSELS BRANCH, F. H_GILROY;'blanager FR/CE DOWN.—During the Summer 55:322. The address incorporated ti e months the price of milk at the Wood- story of the Man in the Moon, its orig n bine Dairy will be 5c par quart. and Christian teaching. C. RosELL. INTERESTING LECTURE.—Last Friday THE grader has heeu busy during the evening Dr. Oliver, formerly of Tor - past week shaping up a number of onto, who is home oa furlough from streets. W. T. Palmer's traction engine India, where she has spent the past 6 supplied the motive power and R, years, gave an address in Melville church Oliver managed the grader. under the auspices of the W, F. M. S. BITTEN BY A Doo.—Harry Qnerin had that was replete with information and a nasty gash inflicted on one of the encouragement, After short :iutroduo- fingers of bis lett band by the teeth of tory remarks in which people were urg• Jas. Ballantyne'shound with which he ed to rouse themselves in the great was playiug. The cut is healing nicely work of missions the lecturer took her now. hearers on a trip through Italia, many 'THURSDAY ..t last week Mrs. Quirk stereopticon views being thrown on the died at her hone in Stratford, aged 45 canvas illustrative of people; places and years. The emeriti took place on Satur- pointers on the work. No one could day. Deceased was a sister to Mrs, Pat. doubt the greatness of the mission in Moore, of Stratford, formerly of Brns- India and the necessity of 110 mainten- sels. Her maiden name was Elelen Cul eine in a broader scale than in the past Ioten and Brnsselites of 25 years residen- after hearing Dr. Oliver's timely talk. ce will remember her pleasant, comely A very appropriate duet was sung at the face, opening by Misses Gerrie Duncan and Joslra TanMIPSON DECEASED,—The Jessie NfcLauchlin, and the illustrated Hamilton Spectator says of a former hymn "Abide with; me," was a fitting Brnsselite :—"Joseph Thompson died conclusion. Rev. E. G. Powell, who early Wednesday moruiog, July 1st at manipulated the lantern and views and his home 22 Clinton street. Mr, Thomp_ did it in expert fashion, was thanked son had been ill only a few days, suffer- for bis assistance. The pastor Rev. A, ing at the end From hemorrhage of tbe C, Wishart, B. A., presided trod spoke a lungs. He was employed in the W. A. few pointed sentencesbefore introducing Freeman Coy's Works as a cooper and a the lecturer. Dr. Oliver is a clear, few days ago met with a minor accident ready pleasing speaker whose addresses that contributed somewhat in hastening through Ontario should be productive of bis death. The funeral took place on a large fruitage. She urged the young Saturday at a o'clock from his home to people to obey the call and prepare for Hamilton cemetery. Rev. H, G. Liv- work in some mission field. The offer. ingston, officiated. The pall bearers ing amounted to $2t.00. were S. Syer, J. Roberty, S. J. Cowan, Jesti.au.—The loth or Jubilee year of John Thompson, John Bray, Alf. Heath. Brussels Methodist; Sabbath School Mr. Thompson was 65 years of age and will be celebrated in a fitting manner on was born fn Gananoque. He was a Sunday and Monday. Sept. 6511 and 7512. veteran of /886, having received a Sermon will be preached to. the school medal and land grant. A widow, two Sabbath morning„; open session of the sons and two daughters are left, The school in the afternoon and address or sous are, J. M., editor of the Kemptville addresses to the adults in the evening. Telegram, and W. C. Thompson, of the Monday afternoon which will be Labor Canada Carpet company. The flowers Day and a public holiday, will be de - were : Wreaths, employees of W. A, voted to sports for the school followed Freeman Co., Stanley Mills & Co., L. by tea on the church lawn if weather and Miss Robinson ' crests, S. and permits, if not in the school room of the Mrs• Syer (Toronto,) S. 3. and Mrs, church, In the evening there will be a Cowan ; sprays, W. A, and Mrs. Dob- public gathering when a varied program son, Miss Viola Benedict, W. A, Free. will he presented. Invitations will be man Co.. C. R. and Mrs. Shannon. Miss sent to former pupils and a reunion of Myers, Deceased and family resided old scholars arranged for. One remark - in Brussels for a number of years. airs, able feature of tbis golden anniversary Thompson and daughters will have the is the fact that B. Gerry, who was the sympathy of many old friends in their first Superintendent and who held the bereavement. office for 19 years is still a teacher in the MRS. SHARPE'S FUNERAL.—The floral Sunday School and has always been as - tributes placed upon the casket of the soetated with the work since its instep - p tion. There are 20 classes in the school, late Mrs. James Sharpe were numerous a 7 piece Orchestra, Cradel Roll, and and beautiful and silen.ly bespoke the Missionary record not easily equalled over $ro0.00 being contributed annually for the past s years. $tu5is the amount aimed 01 and to be attained this year. The jubilee is being looked forward to with no small interest and will be a red letter day in the school's history, The present Superintendent has been in office for 28 years. ness, rain and thunder storms will visit many localities on and next to the 5511 and 6th, es low barometric areas pass eastwardly over the country. The crisis s of electric excitation will fall on and touching the 6th. As these storms pass off to the Last, rising nanometer and change to cooler will follow closely from the West. A somewhat remarkable con- junction of astronomic phenomena falls within this period, namely, the inferior conjunctions of both Venus and Mercury —Mercury on the 4th and Venus on the 5th. Added to these, Earth is in con- junction with Neptune and the Sun on the 6511, and within a fete hours falls the opposition of Uranus, or the passing of Earth between Uranus and the Sun. See "Sun and Planets for July" for illustration and explanation. We be- lieve that phenomenal barometric fluctu- ations, with great magnetic and electric unrest, will result at this period. If the Moon were in either conjunction or op. position, earthquakes would be a cer- tainty on and about the 6111. BASE BALL.—Last Friday evening a game of base ball was played on Victoria Park, Brussels. between the married men, plus Cline Scott (borrowed to assist in twirling) and the more youthful diamond cutters, It was a great match and elicited no small amount of sport to the onlookers. There were times during the progress of the play when it could be grammatically referred to as good, better, best, but there were other spasms when the English language is inade- quate to describe the features so as to have them properly understood by tine reader. 'The game had to be witnessed 8c Son, leo. Robb, Jas. Speir, W. Thuell to be understood. Some of the bene - Miller Bros,, Rebt. Nichol and Oliver diets showed old time form and remind. ed the sports ot how ball used to be played, It was not expected that they would be in it withthe bachelors but the score shows them easy victors by 15 to 5, The official soorer, J, F. Rowland, reports as follows :-- HAs•Benes— 2 2 0 Turnbull. 4850.0o is being offered in prizes, 155 815 ; 2nd, $12 ; 3rd, 81o; 4th, $3 ; and 5111, $5. There must bels acres ot crop and the judging will be done by experts appointed by the Dominion De- partmeut of Agricelture before the oats are harvested. The crop of course be- 'ongs to the farmer. THE LATE MRS. SNIDER.—,Last week the referred to the demise of the late Mrs, (Dr.) Snider, formerly of Brussels. A note from Cayuga says t --"A gloom li el peen cast over Cayuga by the sue' coon loath of Mrs. E, P. Snider at her inle home after an illness of twenty-four hours. She had been one of a party u ho went down to Dunnville in her leisband'9 motor car and spent the et tertlobn rd.thehome of JudgeDouglas. Shortly after returning she complained 05 a dizziness in her head, and about Midnight received a partial stroke, from which death resulted on Thursday evening, just twenty-four flours after the first seieuro. Her remains were in- 11 9 81 Scott 17 m Stratton W F Durdle, jf Currie, A er Elliott, Cline Roes, Jae T Roos, D 0 GTWSSV A Curr e,'A. Jr UI'STARTa— Handerson, W SSmitth,tArt g Minim, r1 55 Leotde Jack Soott, Welter Lowry.Herb lfabiirlr, 1.7 81 0 1 1' 0 1 1 1 1 0 10 16 1014 26 to s B 0 0 0p 1 0 1 0 2 r o erred in the Cayuga cemetery n Sat - Ad::: at-Hd : the nineteenth anniversary of her a riding day. She is survived by her i i :hand, Dr. E. Snider, one daugh- • tee :,.:brothers,, living at a distance, and 1 1 •'!SOF who resided with filer," r will en.ue It is expected auotli ar battle Friday evening of this week on the scone of last 'reek's conflict, Both tin- dertnking estnbliuhrni:nls ore heresy warned and it 50 be hoped most of our medical men will hot be far away. • Church Chimes During the absence of Miss Jessie Mc- Laaehlin Miss Margaret McLauchiin will preside as organist in Melville church. Rev. E, G. Powell discoursed last Sabbath morning on "Hobab of Sheba" and in the evening "The lepers of Sam- aria" was the theme of a brief but prac- tical discottrSe. "The Church at Sardis" was the sub- ject of Rev. Mr. Wisharee sermon Sun- day morning in Melville church. At the evening service "The downward course of Saul" was dealt with. At the monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sabbath School last Sun- day afternoon short addresses were given by W. H• Salter, of 'Toronto, ace Rev. E. G. Powell, Miss Maunders gave a very appropriate reading. lFhe collec- tion was 86,72, or 81.15 in a ce of July 1907. On Sunday last at II o'clock church held a special Stind service, The members of th sembled in the basernentat 1 each received the S. 5, ba o'clock all marched into the occupied the front seats. was appropriate to the o choir rendered an anthem parts beingtakenken by Mi d J. G. Jones. At service Mr. Zapfe Batt coptubly, The aeric form of an address t based upon the lath he's of THESWIDi BANK OF CANADA Head Office o - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a betaehold. This form of account is specially suitable for those tiring in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In cavo of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or can for farther particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 11A BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. 1Fa Rowland. Massager Braasch also at Walton. Mrs, Knox and daughter of Gaylord, Mich„ are visiting at John Budd's, Misses Martie, Luetta and Bide Col- vin, of Teeswater. spent Dominion Day at A. McKenzie's Alexander street. J. H. Wilson, wits and family, of Galt, were holiday visitors with their aunt, Mrs, Habkirk, during the past week. Willie Addison, Of Mount Forest, has been holidaying with his uncle, P. H. Gilroy, Manager of the Metropolitau Bank. Mrs, Wood, of South River, Is a visitor with her grandmother, Mrs. Newsome, and her aunt, Mrs. T. Mc- Gregor. Mrs W. M. Sinclair was holidaying with her parents, J. D, and Mrs. Ronald and Mrs. (Rev.) W. T. Cluff, her sister, 'at Stratford. Walter Scott lett Wednesday morning for a holiday outing with relatives and friends at Woodstock, Ingersoll, Lon- don and Hamilton, Mrs, Fletcber Sperling and Wyman were at St. Marys for July 1st. Miss Emma Stacey, a niece, returned with them for visit to Brussels. Miss Claudia Broxn, of Wiogbam, spent the past week with her g1 and - mother, Mrs. Geo. McKay, while en route 5u her hone in Loudon. The friends of bars, W. H. Pension, formerly of Brussels, wil be sorry to learn that she is in very poor health at her daughter's home, Seattle Wash, R. T. Hingston fell backward from %a pile of lumber at the Ament factory the other day and receivers quite a shake up but no bones were broken fortunately. Misses Lizzie and -Jessie McLaucbliu have gone on a holiday visit to relatives and friends in Toroc.to and Easterly Ontario. We wish thein an enjoyable stay, Mrs. A. M. Kay, of Stratford, sister- in-law to Mrs. W. H. Kerr, town, has gone ou a two months' trip to the British Isles and may possibly visit Europe. Mrs. Jno. Belt and son, of Sheltes- peare, and Mrs W. Baker and children, of Granton, were visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. F. Oliver, William street. Miss Mary Kernaghan, of Baden, is visiting her cousin, Miss Eva Cameron and other friends in Brussels and local- ity. She was a former resident, of Morris township. Mrs, Jas. MOArter and her daughter, Mrs. S. R. Crerar, are away to Graven - burst Eor a holiday outing at the home of the former's sou, Niitton McArter, formerly of Brussels. Rev, Di, L inseott, of Brantford, was a visitor in town on Wednesday. He gave an excellent address on Systematic Giving at the prayer meeting in the Methodist church that evening. Russell Brown has been playing Sen- ior Foot Ball with the Seaforth team since Brussels Intermediates retired 10001 business. We doubt if he is superseded by any half back to be found in Ontario. Alfred J Lowry has gone to Poet Stanley, where he will take charge of a restaurant during the holiday season at Fraser Heights Summer resort. R. Crone is managing Mr, Lowry's harness business in town R, W. and sets, Tack, of Toronto, were renewing of t r'endsbips in Brus- sels and locality."They were former residents of Brussels and Cranbrook, It is 03 years since they removed from town. Mr. Tuck is a brotber to Mrs. D. Robb, of Brussels, and T. C. Tuck, of Grey, People We Talk About Miss Gordon is visiting at Laurel. Mrs. W.Baeker aud Georgie are visit- ing at Walton. W. J. Fawcett made a business trip to Toronto this week:. Alex, McKelvey was in town this week from Toronto. Carl Emigh bas been rusticating with old friends in Walton. Ernest Dunford, ot Clinton, was in Brussels over Sunday. Miss Bessie Bone is visiting relatives in Toronto for a week or so. Miss Mary R iss is home from her millinery situation at Moukton, Misses Alice and Margarite Wilton spent the holiday last week at Atwood. James Thomson, of the Farmers' Bank, Pontypool, Ont„ is house on a visit, s Annie McQuarrie, milliner is home from Loudesboro' for her vaca- 5100, Miss Agnes Dunoansol, of Paris, was renewing old friendships in Brussels aid locality. Miss Winnie Moffatt, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Mabel Zimmer fol' a few days. Mrs, Quick, of Harrow, Essex Co., MIS a visitor with Mrs. S. C. Wilson, Flora street. ' Mesdames Harris and cbildren spent Dominion Day at Atwood with relatives and old friends, Miss Linda Colvin, who has been employed as minima' at Zurich, is mere cm her vacation, J. H. and Mrs. Cameron are in Tor- onto. The former is one of the depart- mental examiners, Will. Hunter, of Stretford, has been visiting relatives and friends at Brum- sell and Cranbrook,. Nliss Lauea 13atetnan is spending part of ber vacation with her uncle and sunt et Toronto Junction, Mrs. Feild was visiting friends at Ingersoll. Her sista', Miss Lizzie. Bryans, groompaeiedher. Misses Ella Noble and Belle Thompson of Seaford), were visitor With Misses Ornralaid Stella Gerry. Cayman and Earl Powell have gone to visit their grandparents, near Loudon, ring the school vacation. orge aid Mrs, Patterson, of Toron- 'a visiting G. N. and Mrs. "MeLar- he ladies are sisters. ilay arrived back from afternoon where he ,111;13 aPete, of Toronto, was weekenjoying a bleeds, Mrs. Watson Ainley was at kJWhite- chureh last week visiting her brother, J. H. Sparling aid family. D. M. and Mrs. Scott have returned from the Northwest and spent a few days with their parents at "Blair Athol" before going to Hamilton where Alt. Scott will resume his form- er position as city and district manager of the Northern Life Assurance Com- pany, Mr. Scott saw a good deal of the West during his 2 years sojourn but thinks Ontario 1s good enough for him. Mr, and Mrs. Scott went from Brus- sels to visit at Woodstock before resum- ing the duties of itis position. Brussels Council The regular meeting of Brussels Council was held on Monday evening with Reeve Leckie and Councillors Tones and Baeker present. Minutes of last meeting read aud pass- ed. Following accounts were presented :— Robert Tbuell, street imp s..8 3 00 8 75 2 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 75 so 00 33 33 Gordon McDowell, " " .... Jas. Thuell, Joseph Burton, " N. MuCaulay, " W. Seller's, ' " Geo. Hawthorne, " " F. S. Scott, on ralary Robt. Oliver, on salary.... W. J. Palmer, streets and elec- tric light . 166 00 Moved by A. Baeker, seconded by I. G. loner that above accounts be paid. Carried. 'lenders for gravel were put in as fol- lows :— W. S. Sellers, Sa,00 per yard ; N. Mc- Cauley, $t.ro per yard ; J. M. Mat- thews, 63 cents. G. Hawthorne put a tender in but withdrew it. As the tenders were not satisfactory none of them ,svere accepted as they were con- sidered too high. About 6oc, was the rate last year. Teams will probably be hired by the day under the direction of the Street Committee. A motion was passed authorizing the Treasnrer to borrow enough money, "<Iinnperial" Shoes We're doing a larger trade in ladies' shoes, based on the Fact of better styles and qualities than we haeie ever owned before at popular prices. The 'Imperial is a, shoe we can thoroughly recommend and . ladies are coming bank for "another pair of shoes like the last ones I bought here" ' We carry only reliable makes, and the "Imperial" is one of our leading lints Repairs in Boots or shoes promptly attended ln, I C. Richaards. Green The value of Paris Green depends upon its lolling power -^ that's what yea buy it for and that's what we guarantee it to do --an inferior quality is dear at any price. Our Paris Green it bought direct from one of the leading manufac- turers, It's quality is guaranteed to us; we guarantee it to you, Satisfaction every time or money refunded at X ' s DRUG STORE with the sinking fund, to retire th debenture now clue, yiz. 85,000 on Fire Engine purchase, The necessary funds for loeal aceomit wilt also be borrowed until taxes are Until coining. Council the r adjourned. MARRIED ANDERSON—MARG.—DI MOE-1110p, on Jttly 1st, by Bev. J. L. Small, 13. A., Mr. Fred.. eta end Mrs MissAnnie Mann, f McKillop Of DIED OABR.—In Blyth, on June 20112, Jane, beloved wife of A. 13. 0ttrr, aged 86 years, 9 months and 9 days. MANN. -10 Grey, on June 20th, Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mann, aged 18 years and 26 days. WeaeoN.—In Blyth, on .July 1st, 1008, Susanna Boli Wilson, aged 27 years, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat -- 30 70 30 70 Oats 70 60 Baro Barley etu Butteoes............ . 00 10 Butter Eggs 16 09 Ray 0 OU 7 00 0 10 0 10 a 12 Flogs Wool Hay for Sale 1 10 acres of good standing timothy lay for stile onnp11L!lYyoto, Con. 17, Grey.. For pr oe t.rrms, WILLIAMS1ON, Walt n'P. 0 i Muxh be sold once. 1.2 East Huron Fall Fair Directors. A meeting of the East Baron Fall Fair Dlr- eetors will be held in the Council Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday,July 18111, at 2 o'clock, sharp. All the meintlrs requested to attend ap hnshress of importance hasLECto ha lonidout, Brussels New Daylight Store B. N. McLaren Swee • 9 Reducti 5 In Alt Summer Goods CalliMMISISIBMEMBISMEIIIIIIKEELSERESESCHADDI Ladies' Waists, Corset Covers, Under Skirts, Top Skirts as Boys' and Men's Clothing Special Clearing Prices on Odd Colors and Sizes in Boots and Shoes Extra Values in Towels and Table Linen Men's and Boys' Cambric Shirts at Greatly Reduced Prices Ilfghcst Priced for Produce Goods Night or Your Monty Back G. N. VcLA E N .1 p sir