HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-9, Page 5Y • Y. .10 x BUSINESS CARDS. Si S RD . '( H. ModliAdliEN- Y�. lasuor of Atarriage Lloonaoe, 03. floe at Gr000ry, Turuh0rry street, 11200010, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Oran ETHEL, ONT. WM. SPENCE CONV.EYANC1r]R min ISSUER oar MARIIIAG]i LICENSES Glee /n the Post Wilco, Ethel. 80.9 K, O. T. M. Brueonts :pout of the niauoaboon, No. 29 hold their regular meetlugo lu the Lodge Boom, Booker Block, ou the let RUA 8rd Tuesday evenings of each mouth, Visitant always weloowo. A, 60ME1013, Qom. A, Mo(iUIl181, R. S. JAMES HARRIS, Agent klowiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company Wilco cad lioeltlonoo- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND 140013 elox, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUO'J iON- • x1118, will sell for bettor prices, to better mea lu loos tune and less charges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or be won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this odloa or by personal application. ROBT, H. GARNISS BLUE VALID - ON T. Auctioneer for Huron County. TOMB reasonable. sales arranged for at the 011100 0f Tutt PORT, Brussels, 2231 VETERINARY. G• A. CUNNIN(I'HAM- Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animate in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention old to Vetertuary Deutistry and Milk Paver. Calle promptly attended t0, OJOae and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Toruberry st., Brussels, 'Phone •Ir 1t LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A`, M. BINCLAIR- 1I • Barrister, Bollaitor, 'tY1.1 Notary Public, ho. 011300-8tewart'O 131ook I door North of Oen tntl Hotel. • Soliei1or for the Metropolitan Bauk. 1)It01JDFOOT, HAYS de BLAIR- BA1taI6TE1(6, 80LI01T0RS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC, W. PROVO/MOT, K. O. 1t. 0. HA70 G. 1`. 131.000. 1 Ofiloes-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron tC Bolt, GODat1110, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 1111NTMT Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and First-class Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivorsity. 0113ee nest to Brewer's Photograph (seller*, 131113888.1L8, ails'. Bassi nese Osttrde A, H. MONTEITH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Seg, 00000814Wto Macdonald, 011loe over Standard Bank, ' 13russels. OR. HAMILTON Dental Will visa Moo thefii s tatoi Chir 11o0. l�f\VIII and 17 00 81 the drat :Ilia third Monday of 13130113 month. 5U•Om , OR, T, 7'. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto 1 Licentiate and Gra(ruato of the ()tillage of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Out, Post -graduate 011hungo Bye, lour, Nose and Thrust OccipI,ital, Ohio'�go, Ill, 10x -Monne Surgeon to St. Dtloh• eel's 308pital Toronto. 011ie° over 11'.11. 131111th's Drug Store, Tele- phone connection with Uranbreok at i,11 hours. 0,tr ,l n Z1 1'r: vin Rarmra? ' BRUSSELS Genet Souw'l( Gonne Na11T11 stall 7:05R m 1Expr0Ou 10:65 11 m Express 11 :26 a M 1311311 1:14 p m Express 8 302 p nt Express 8:01 p m CagvanzamPac,.a WW WALTON To Toronto To Goderielt Jkscpross 8:41 a InExprs 11:80 a ni 12xpress, ...,..., 8:11 p m Ies(Express 7:97 31 111 is t,>: i.ct Balls C Forestville (Intended for last week) Mrs. T. R. Bennett is visiting in Totem to th18 week. number from. this lecalit a in * took Alm numberu excursion to Guelph. All repo[ t having a good -tines Did you find the owner of the white faced cattle last Sunday night -Bob ? Clover hay cutting is on the tapis. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even uumberodlseobton of Dominion Lauds in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of A fondly, or any male over 18 years 01840, to the extent of cue -quarter sootion of 100 acme more or less Entry may bo made personally at the local laud Moe for the district to which the laud is athlete. The homesteader le required to perform the conditions 000000ted therewith under one of the followlug plaits : (1) At least six mouths' residence upon and oultivat(ou of the laud 30 (aol, year for three years, `2) If the father (or mother, if :the father le• deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the violulty of the' laud entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may bo satisfied by moth puritan re- siding with the tathor or mother. (9) If the [tattler has his permanent reel. deuce upon farming laud owned by him hi the Vicinity of hie homestead, fila re• quiromeute as to residence may be set's - fled by residence upon the said laud. Shimonthe'nutloe in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa Of Intention to apply for patent. W.W.001NY. Deputy of the Minister of Interior, N. B, 2Juauthorizoa publication of this ad. vurtisoment will not bo paid for. BUCCIES WAGONS If you want a really good article ., in the Buggy oe Wagon line go to the old reliable Oober Carriage Bulkier on Mallet Square, Brus- sels, where you will and a Srst- olaea assortment, Beat of hand made Farm Wag- ons with different widths of time and different heights of wheels. Detre large hand made Wheel- barrows; Re -rimming Light and Heavy Wheels, Repairing, ].to -painting and Bo -trimming attglnded to on Aborted notice, JOHN OOBER Leadb u ry (intended for last week) -Edward Driscoll, who has not been enjoying good health lately, is im- proving and able to be around. R. C. Lowland, teacher in No. 01eft for his home in Fergus on Wednesday where lie will spend the holidays. John Boyd has placed a cement wall under his barn and had a very large bee drawing clay to the gangway last week. Joseph IIaniltoo and wife enjoyed a pleasant outing with friends in Mornington township and Stx'atford last week. David Crawford has sold the barn on the old Ellis farm to .Joseph. Bolger, of l'lorvis, who will move it to his farm next Winter. A large number took in the Fann- ers' Excursion to the Model Farm l'n•om Walton on Saturday last and report a pleasant time. Porter Dennis, who has been under the doctor's care at .Mitchell, has re - tamed hone feeling very mach better nuclei' the treatment. John Stafford is doing a large busi- ness in the strawberry line. He has a good sized patch and tine yield has been large and of fine quality. it ti. 1 ITaekwell and Peter (Gardiner are beck from a trip to Alberta whore they went on the landseekers'excur- sion. They speak well of the country and the prospects fora large harvest and are interested in a large land deal in that Province. Invented Safe Headadhe Cure Away with headaches. be (lane with (tizziness, bad stomach and biliousness. A cure has been found --use Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills and enjoy the )health they so surely bring. Nothing but health- ful vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. They cleanse and purify estet the whale system, act as a p f tonic. Safe for children, girls, women and men. Sold in 25c boxes by all dealers. Atwood The Municipal Oottncil met in the Agricultural hall on Saturday for general business. Thos. Barton' sold a heavy draught snare and foal to Ohne. MoMaue for the handsome sum of $300.00. Orange Lodge No. 100, Atwood will" much. to St. Alban's church for ser- vice on Sunday afternoon July 12011. During the six months ending Jwle 80011 there was registered for the municipality of ,'C3 hna at the Clerk's 0l'Ifee 45 births, 1.1 marriages and 25 deaths. On Thursday evening before the departure of Rev. and Mrs. Bond for Toronto, where they intend to make their future home, the members of the Atwood Methodist church gathered at the parsonage to spend a social even- ing and 00 take opportunity of mak- ing an address and presentation of gold coin to the two honored people who had been in their midst for the past two years. Rev. i1'lr. Reid, the new Methodist minister.', tool[, charge of the work here last Sabbath. Fordwich There were five baptisms in Trinity church during the month of June. Rev. Mir. Ball and family formerly of Tilbury, arrived here on Wednesday of last week and occupied the pulpits of the cn'enit on Sunday. The members of the L O. L. No. 042 are having a sermon preached L() them ore Sunday, July 120b, in the Episcopal church at 2.80 p In. by Rev. T. H. carr. Wm mat Mrs Watters spent a few clays with W. H.and Mrs. Downey, of Windsor.. They took du the excursion on the. steamer, Greyhound, from Goderich to Detroit. Principal Leggett presided at the 1Eutranco examination in Wroxeter. There were 27 candidates up for exam- ination. Principal Van Velsor pre- sided here, 1.8 writiugon Entrance and l from 9, ,9. No. 0, Howick,' on the Public School Graduation Examina- tion. HILL-G11lSON WIED:WM -At high noon Tuesday, June 3001the mar - nage took place of Margaret, Ar•tiell, yougosidaughtot' of Postmaster and Mrs. Gibson to Alexander Illill, of Mitchell, Rev, A. 13, Dobson con- ducted the ceec 11Ony in the preeellee of the immediate friends. The wod- rlieg march was played by Miss Pearl Smith, of 1 istowel. The bride WOW, an 1(1npn e gown of White si11t mn11 0100)1 taffeta with. Oharkltto Corday hat and 0aeried a sheeny bogmet 0f valley feen. Valeria Mlles of the 0111 61131) f u al ata l y Willieu a and Rcit IInl1 is, niece of the bride, act(cl 11s Aug (1331.13)))and 91 vt 1 girl, respectively,ih" former dressed in pale blue 0111;, and eiteli (3u'yin„ tt basket of pint; and whit[• 1)1,)1: with '(n maiden plait h r u '1, h gro:1111'8 un' s gift.'tu the bride \vasa 1u.odsome gold 10aledt and 11301)11. 1"ollowing the e 101311ouy a d1111(0y lune)) was Nerved and Ill'. and ales, Bill left un the evening train 14or 1Sltstel•u 1/011(18 to upend their honeymoon, 'I lie bride travelled in a (alloy Hull of erl(let blue with tan hal and gloves, 111'. and 5110, 11111 will reside in 11 101101, Clinton Music exanlil1atiens wcr held lu•,,e Mitt week. Poet the Loudon 1021) `1'nrou- to 001 ieeJ.'vat-01'ie8. At 30 1'l)('OII 3., 11')') 10(4 of the Oddt'el- WAIN 01 thio lista ict, .Jacob Taylor, of Clinton, waft tleet(d district deputy grand 1)1310 tel'. L. (1 Fleming of 1210eterr, has en-. torod nn 1111 dnllcs 118 county Y. 11i. O. A. secretary. Ile will move to (11in- ton, and melte this Iris heltdgnav tors. '('1e president of the Clinton 1Cnit- ting Coin pie ry 1)H so well sat i sitd 'with the business being done that the emu - pa ny have decided to largely increase clic output by putting in additional machinery. I0. R,. and Mrs. Chant entertained 11, 61111111)1'I' 010 their friends on Friday evening et their home on Rattcnburj' street, end during the course of the evening. it true quietly announced that the gaLherinl; was called to celebrate the 25(li uon: vclsary of ahem werldiug. It came as 0.g 2 3)0,t surprise to those presentwho were ant awitre of the pp c :. before he uc guests t e )t0•Lcd t1 feet, andt 1 suitable toast was proposed and ch'ank and Beveled complimentary speeches made. Che singing of Auld Lang Syne made a happy closing, and nilnly remarked that they hoped to be present et the golden anniversary. Several of the guests present had also attended the wedding 25 years ago, and to those especially the evening was most. enjoyable. Mr. Chant is mechanical superintendent of the W. Doherty Piano and Organ Company, and n prominent 'figure in Masonic and OthlfeUowsitip circles. Do You Feel Ueed Up7 YOII't'e discouraged and played out- scarecl)' enough energy to think, rand less to work on. The reason? You are run (100011, 1)100d is thin, • nerves are like India rubber, not like steel 6.e they onglit to be. Use Fe1'r0zone and the hired feeling will go -it can't stay hem teerirll nutritious blood and the bodily vigor hel'n'nzone Makes, crowds out weakness of every kind. Use Ferrozonc and you'll 'feel like a fight- ing king --full ofenergy-•-filled up with ambition -ever ready to work. No strengthening tonic so potent. Ne- glect not it day longer. All dealers sell Fev1'ozouu in 50c boxes. Blyth 85 tickets wove sold at Blyth for the Aide] l+ar111 Excursion. - co011ief Westlake has been off duty ()whit to dog bite, clod has been ting up at Ooderich. Miss Pearl Gidle.y I)assedanrcessfully the junior counterpoint examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Last week Rev. W. II Cooper, the newly appoi110od pastor of the Metho- dist church here, accompanied by his family, arrived from Wellburu and are now in possession of the Person- age. At the League service on Tllestllly evening of last week that Society pre- sented Rev. Mr. Anderson with a leatiher suit ease. The address was read by D. D. Crittenden and the presentation merle by A. Wilford. litepastor relied in suitable words. Dominion Dcinion Day a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the bride's home in 14IcKillop, when Miss Annie M., daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Mann, was united in the holy bonds of mat- rimony to Fre 1. Anderson, well known to the residents of Blyth and vicinity. Rev. J. L. Small, B. A., pelfolm0cl the eeveluony. Iu Blyth on Monday repast Week Mr's. A. B. Carr passed :.tvva,y from earth to her home ie heaven after a • 1011(4 and trying sickness. Her age was 50 years 0 months and 9 days. Besides lhee husband she leaves one son, Prank, of Toronto, and three daughters, Airs. 1Viglttman, Alberta and Lily all of Blyth. The • fnuer'al took place. on Wednesday and interment Was macre in the Westfield eelnetery. A large lumber of friends and hummers at- tended the service at the house and grave Rev. S. Anderson conducting the 8e 1 \ 1eeS. Ov3'ruABv.-00 Dominion Day the residents of 131yL1, Were Harr), to hero' that Miss Sushi Wilson had died after a year's illness Deceased had about 7 years ago attended 0ohool in Strat- ford, after graduating 510111'ed a posi- tion 111 Toronto as stenographer where she was employed till last May wheal She came home suffering from a bad cold. l too that on she hall beeu uu- well and at last was unable to leave her bed. She leaves to 1310111'11 31e1' loss, her mother, (1 brother, James, of least 1VaWauoslh : and three sister's, Mrs Robt. Vint, of Mollie ; Mrs. J. A. Orerar, 00 Shakespeare ; 111)1) 113 1 r 7 1' , ed war r 1'farf tt t itpin., �@ NaH l3 e. Ile' o' the '' sb t r'an chine11 member x t ) ! to yt r arid was a blight 3610 goal 11 ruing woman. The Eerie Til on Friday aft< rei, on wee(' .uu(lliet. d by her pastor, Rev. J. 1...:•ml.a1. 1»Istowel 1,isto0'o1 Fur'nitur'e ('o, shipped a n car rli' furuitn(r ria (, 1'. it, le Maple Creek, ,g11sk, 'Phis was the first ear of freight, 1,0 leave Imre ley the hist 31- wel-Llnwoorl bl'au01 Miss I', .1. Sproule and A. 13. Srhdu- bein, (1)' )own, fife entitled l0 131411'31. 11, alley their mn1)00, having sltrcc:ls- fully passed the final exalilmthons of the Ontario Medical Couu1✓i, h. ti, ,lellningri residence, on Wall- ace steeoheleg•h1 dye Troon the pipes ovt•r 1110 k11cli^I1 stns, aid but 1'03' the OP01111/1 kerion of those first. on II; H('ell(' (1111) 1(11' lire brigade would have been destroyer), The fire had rim up up between Cie partitions and got tinder the roof, and it took a little time Dolthe 1ireinen to elfeetuall.y :frown it July 1st 0.6.0 a (31 del. holiday in town but It markup an event of much lnn- poh'tatllce to this place it being the day on which the (1, P. ft. opened the new branch 11,11' brtO•ren Listowel tied Lin- wood, The road has been tinder con- struction for over a' year, and its com- pletion has been looked forward to with numb interest 1( (1111 eitizen0 marl the, people of the surrounding clis1rict. The Company have expended a large amount o1' money in buying right of Way and building the road, laying out extensive station grounds. here, :..o c 'N1-e/sse(1 and erecting- 1t lt6.nds 1'n 1 1 bred 11lt58e11 et station, 11150 feeigh1' sheds, etc. IOvcrytlling (10,0 been done in a litoststlbetallt111 manner, and 11010 that the wont is almost completed, it gives proof of the perfectness aimed at 1111(1 carried out by the con- struction department of the C. P, R. Don't Neglect Your Cough You may dislike tatting medicine - but coughs are best curer) without medicine. The modern treatment is "Catarz'lhozone"-it isn't a drug -it's a healing vapor full of pine essences and healing balsams. It, spreads over the surfaces 111111 are Weak and sore Nom coughing. Every spot that's congested is healed, irritatinii is sooth- ed away, phlegm and secretions are cleaned. out, and all symptoms of cold and catarrh are cured. Nothing so quick, so sure, so pleasant as Catarrh. ozone. in 25(1 and $L00 sizes at all dealers. Ooderich 91) candichttes wrote on the high school entrance examination There. The H'arnu.l0' Institute excursion over the C. I. R. from Goderich to (Guelph attracted about 40 passengers from here. Rev. G. N. Hazen and Mrs. Ilazen I left on Tuesday of last Week for Lon- don, where Air. 1Hazen's neve sphere of labor will be as pastor of the Centen- nial 'Methodist church. Rev. Dr. Dougall, of Walkerton, i0 itis succes- sor. The results of the examinations at the Collegiate Institute , for the Peter Adamson meulo.il1 scholar- ship and for commercial diplomas are "Imperial" Shoes We're doing a larger trade in ladies' shoes, based on the fact of better styles and qualities than we have ever owned before at popular prices. The "Imperial" is a shoe we can thoroughly recommend and ladies are coming back for "another pair of shoes like the last ones I bought here." - W e carry only reliable makes, and the "Imperial" is one of our leading link's Repairs in Boots or 011008 promptly attended t(1. )1. C. Richards Solicit your:trade. We carry the lordost and most complete stook In this section, oomprl&Ind �I1�1H rdware,' Woodenwore, ® Cutlery. Garden Seeds, Iron. Steel. Carpenters' Tools. Paints. Varnishes and Brushes If you nood a finish for FURNITURE, FLOORS, OR ANY INTERIOR WORT( Wo Sell and recommend ICAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN 20 years on 01,6 market, It always dives satisfaction it Arles quick and h,•-" Molten n durable f' 10 COLORS C" l�cKaY a n. e,( 1 ( 1 r en ,': nil 1'l li 1 1 utIt run 11 t c 1 -o 'v 118 t 5 • ,. t l tis 1 pet Il,llushlrr teas 0 l I l ll�t 11 11111 .-c St Hel.110 1113(1 1133• n. h )ar- sine for general prelleieneywas 0cn( by 1forme, J,owill. 01 hen. 61111111'. '1'Ill' (10)11:6 of Revision of the assess- meut, roll of the Town of (rodclieh 0011.0 held last week and it reduction of $100 only 031113 made !rem the asses - $01..8 Ilgorea. The total 04w-4011enl of the town, 3133 revised, 18 $1,957,000, au iuerertse over last year's o1' $01,00)1. '('Ile population this year da •3,1182, (u1 io1.1'e(tse (net' last- year ur 124. A Sarnia le porter speaking of Code - mays :---The town is laid out on the pl'Inniple of a 3011ee1, with the 0101(01 around ]u a circle, and the soli - tail, man 83110 toedk trio much wits found walking round, aid round in it circle in a hopeless 81101.11 to atrdve. saurewhere. Ile told the police he had passed 37 drugstores on the street alveady, and had walked fifteen Mlles. Up in a Balloon. Saturday was tin) date of the Ititer- national race between balloons fuChicago and a very exciting race WAS the result, soverwl of the aerial ships landing 011 Sunday in Ontario. Only nine of the balloons starter) in the race, the "1 Will" being with- drawn. All took a Northwest by South course, sailing over Lake Mich- igan, and Were quickly lost to view in Ute even' ng musts rising from the lake. The first seven balloons kept well L wards the earth, taking full advan- tage 1)00113ta•3 of the 0and which v s blowing from the West Southwest at tile. rate of about 15 1111100 an hour. Before the Illinois and Chicago had been released, however, the wind had died (100011 to about half its former velocity and the pilots of these car's cast out ballast with a liberal hand, shooting to a height of 10,000 feet and catching there a fresh hit current that carried then in the dieeetio 1 taken by their com- petitors. When the Ville. de Dieppe left Chi- cago it Was inflated to only 75 per cent. 131' its capacity owing to a patch on the gas bag, the strength of which 00010 problematic. The balloon had travelled less than five miles across the lake when it suddenly shot' clown like a stone. The basket was almost submerged despite the frantic efforts of 'Mueller and the boy, Se]honeck. Sand, provisions. instruments, anchor, drag rope and even the coats of the pilots were tossed overboard. leach grabbed aide preserver, andSchammier trier) to leap into the water, but he was pre=vented by his c0l1Tpl1ni0n. Schoeneck climbed (010 the rigging, but Mueller remained in the car, al- though the dolor Water was above his waist. The Cincinnati passed over them While they were in this plight, and promised to send assistance. Mueller waved them on their course, as the balloon Was already beginning to right itself. Por tea guiles the basket was drag- ged o ver the surface of the water at a rapid rale. Sometimes it dia,peal alarmingly into the waves and at others rose a few inches above the surface. So tightly was Schoeneck compelled to grasp the repos that his hands were cut deeply by the rasping of the cords. Then without warning the balloon swept into a stratum of warm adr and leapt to a height of 7,000 feet. The aeronauts' ear drums nearly burst from the effects of the sudden change, the boy screaming with pain and shivering with cold. Mueller, despite his own nursery, took the lad in his arms and. warmed hint as much as possible. Fortunately the bag die) not remain long at: the high l attitude 'beginning to descend slowly almost iinrnediatelys . Y x13,•++.*1'q,,.,-wsa"wxr�w=•+a+weaw,.auxwrwvuds>�°�^•'k'w?w>.w Provklri II N t and make hila comfortable. We have some Sine ones to loot( at and the price is low to please. Our harness is always to the front for durability and pride can-,-, not he surpassed. Sett our Single HarueHs at $1'2 00 and 0111' 'Pearn Harness complete at $312,00. 1. C. Richards Breathe Help Royal , For Catarrh !Allan man i rte Druggist Fox is Having Splendid Reports From Hyomei Users. Its t11e poison germs in the air you breathe that ereatesand feeds catarrh. Hyomei simply catches these germs on their way to work and. .destroys them. The first breath of Hyomei air kills all catarrhal poison. This makes the air you are breath- ing inward helpful, it goes 011 its way through th(alaSS6. passages, bronchial tubes and lungs charged with germ destroying power that cannot be resisted, it soothes and heals the wounded and inflamed membrane. That is why Hyomei is so instantly helpful for any distress of the breath- ing organs, icolcis, croup bronchitis, asthma or dreaded pneumonia, they are the germ life that Hyomei kills. Complete lete guaranteed outfit $1.16(. Sold by J. Fox. Talk to him about it. How long they remained above the clouds was impossible for Mueller to determine. Without instrmnents he was enable to calculate time, direc- tion or distance. Soon, however, they were able to distinguish the lights of a town beneath them, and they knew that solid ground was be- low. The valve 0010 opetlecl gradually and the balloon settled slowly. At 8.50 o'clock they landed gently in a field three miles from Benton Harbor, Michigan. The American balloon Columbia, nonlpeting for the International bal- loon championship, tinder the aus- pices of the Federation of American Aero Clubs, dropped on the Bayfield road, about one mile from Clinton, at 8.15 Sunday.moruing. It crossed lake Hluron, reaching the Canadian side at Bayfield. Capt. Peterson 10118 110 command, and except for a few cuts in the hands, sustained when the basket- in landing siege]: a wire fence, the captain and itis assistant, 0. H. Leichleiter of The Chicago Record Herald, are quite well. The highest 111titucle reaoltecl was 5,000 feet. Hun- dreds of townspeople were nut to see 1130 balloon. It was expressed back to Chicago on Monday. The balloon Chicago, with Obits. A. Ooey and G. L. Benbauglh as pas- sengers, landed on the farm of Jas. Moffatt in Logan township at 9.80 Sunday morning,. The balloon left Chicago at 5.80 Saturday night, but as the winds were light it was decid- ed not to try for the distance prize, but to try foe' the time record for keeping up in the air. Lake Mich- igan was crossed in three hours, and at au early 1)011r Sunday Morning Lake Heron was approached The balloon passed directly over the city of Saginaw, being then at an attitude of about six bemired feet. The Fielding landed near West Shef- ford, Quebec, ai1cl the King Edward, Canada's entry, landed near Port 1Tun'-I oil, Mich,' an. The "Chicago" of 1 110,00 :ubic feet capacity, clone top tart' 431' Atwood, Perth 0ounty, 0 day afternoon according to it -.message received In Chicago. ,,,,tots, C. A. Coey and Oap- elulnblatlgh, We1e well. The 'es lan(1e1 a Mile East of station, Bruce county, Ont. cls Sunday. The Columbia into Canada, and while diel' and Captain Martin nageel to leave the eat' Out., they wore bruised t'becl wire fences.tient 0(1 surgical attendee. dell at (l0vsnnville, Brewer's Art Studio Buggies! '--0-- TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL ro LIVERPOOL Tunisian sails July 10 Aug. 7 Victoriansaila truly 17 Aug. 14 Oor0100» 50118 July 24 Aug. 21 Virginian 801110 July 81 Aug. 28 MONTREAL. N EAL T O GLASGOW W. O 7noin atlx T11 y 01 Aug.. 7 Jul17 Aug. 14 Prahorlan Saxila July 25 Aug. 22 Hesperian soils Aug. 1 Aug. 20 MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONIJON Stallion July ik Aug. 2)1 Oortnthlan sails Aug. 1 Sept. 12 Pomexaaiaaesils Aug. s FOR millings, Bate and full info;' ,ustion apply tv W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels. FIRST-CLASS The language of Photographs is the clearest form of expression. It speaks in all tongues and to all peoples ; it is understood by the ignorant and appre- ciated by the cultured. Don't forget to get a nice Photo. taken to leave with your friends, We ere second to [.one in our line and guarantee you satisfac- tion. Did you get a Photo. of the baby? Now is the time. I iutend to keep in stocks full line of Amateurs' Supplies, and also Kodaks to rent. I will develop and snake your pictures. Give us a call. H. R. BREWER Have a choice stock of Buggies manufactured by the Barrie Carriage Company for sale, Both steel and rubber tyres. They are A r and sold front $60.00 up. Guarantee with every rig. Don't buy until you visit fitly show room. You can save nlen- ey thereby. S. H. Jackson, Brussels BUGGIES and V1AONS 24 Years of Business in Brussels is fullproof of the superior qual- ity, workmanship and durability of the wheeled rigs that Ewan & Co. turn out. One business is increasing every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the, thickness of any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand- ard make with extra deep rims. Have you seen our dash support braces ? Theycan't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken dashes. This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BEST and ave have a patent for the back stayes to prevent 'them from getting loose or flapping. Trimmings are the very best of No. 1 leather with eight different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any skeptic that what the say is true. Also a number of Farm Wagons always ou hand Blade from the very best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels tied spokes and heavy maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish, alsoiany height of wheels. OI(1 Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new at small cost. Our famous Artist, WM. C. SMITH, is here in attend- ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new It would really pay anyone to take a 1oli(1ay and speed his whole time in Ewan's paint shops and show roosts and see what we have and what we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up•to-date Car'r'iage Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy iron a reliable firm and support home industry. SPECIAL RIGS MADE TO ORDER. EWA y a BRUSSELS NATIONAL Roller Flour Milts OUR NEW "fLAKiIVC RiiLL° is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats ".Flaked" before feeding horses 'Try our New BREAKFAST FOOD Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating. Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour is still taking the lend for Bread Flours., Corneola t' 'ri11 kinds of - peeedkept constantly eptconstautly on hand,, . 80 V. Ai B1'NE. BRUSSELS •