HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-9, Page 141i 4:1 „ 4 _ VOL, 37 NO x BRUSSELS, ONTARJO, THURSDAY, yETLY 9, 1908 W. 11. KF.RR, Proprietor New Advertisements Local—P. 3, Smith n , isurance—IL Garry, Loma—T, kloGrogor. nots-1. 0, Richards, Umbrella lost—TnaPORM. Horse blanket lost—Tun POST. Imperial shoes—I. 0, Richards. HI for sale—George Williamson. Pal tertn—Elliott Business College. Pal term—Uentral Bost nese College. Sweeping reductions—G. N, McLaren. istritt Reims Wingharn 17E01EED i 01110A00,---ThIS WAS the natiVe place anel Tonnes house foe many years of the late Fainly Gil- more, who has been found foully murdered in Chicago. It was berealso that she grew up, the youugest of a family or five sisters and three brothers. lier father was •the late Robert Gilmore, a SOMellillAt See.011- 1140 011ArAtter, who died bete many years ago, De WAS th pensioner of the Beitieh Army, and saw a varied service hi both the East and West Indies, some of the Wee children having beee bovn in Teincomolee, Coylou, and others in the Baelnicicee. The family formerly resided for a time in Blyth but aftetwards re- moved to this piece, where the old pensioner, as he WAS called, kept a little market gassieu and a couple of cows, the milk of which Fanny, as a shy little Canadian gitl. at that time, delivered to a few well known families in the town. Not long atm" her fathers death, her mother married again, and then the family was rapid- ly broken up and ecattmed to different Places over the United States and other -places, the eldest son joining the Notthwest Mounted Polica and after- wards settling near Fort McLeod, Alberta. Soma or the others led a sadly brief and tragie existence, among nem being the eldest girl, who had joined a travelling circus, and was said te have afterwards met a violent death in Texas, and has never been heard of since, thoegh diligent search Was made for details, but with- out avail, Another sister was mar- ried it Canada, but was afterwards divorced and subsequently became an actress in New York. Another went to Colorado, where they tan an opera house at Alemosa. Moiesworth Not very many men who work every day on the faun are as full of athletic ginger as T. R. Bennett and it is not many who Call 0131100t WM. livArerguaL.-01.1 Thursday, June 25, at 2.30 o'clock'Miss Annie Belden, for- merly of this locality, was united in marriage to John 0. Staikos. The cer- emony was performed at the rectory of Father Dairy, Fremont., Seattle, Washington. The happy couple have taken furnished apartments in Greater Seattle for the present. Mr. Staikos, who is ari electrician, is a Frenchman by birth and has only been in this country a year, hence cannot speak English very fluently yet but is study- ing the 'language and hopes to soon master it. He speaks eight different languages, As Mrs. Staikos was the last of the Belden family of the bound- ahy to ineary she considers it; an event worthyof note. Many old friends here wish her end her husband a happy and prosperous life. Smoot, Barmer.—The following is the report of S. S. No. 10, Howie& and Grey for the month of .Tune. Results Are based on weekly exams and class work :—Sr. Armstrong, 200; "L McTavish, 148. Jr. IV.— A. Robertson, 280; *C. Grainger, 180. Jr. LEL—E. McKescher, 800; T. Mc - Karcher, 822; *A. 'Velem 108. Sr. 31 —R. McDonald, 440; L. Hislop, 380; W. Grainger, 8130; *J. D. McTavish, 180 ; *B. Robertson, 109; "W. jacklin' 106. Jr. IL—W. Aemetrong, 332 • 0. Grahiger, 205. 'Part IL—L. Arm- strong, 414; V, McDonald, 385 ; M. Bennett, 850; 3. Doig, 318. Sr. L—G, Hislop, A. Armstrong. Jr. I—J. Mc - Keleher, D. Doig, M. Bennett. Those marked *missed 'mem more examina- tions. Ttomotions,—Sr. I to Ji'. IL—G. Hislop, A. Armstrong. NORMA Sehashiss, Teacher. Wroxeter Vhlage Couseil will meet en Tnes- day 2144 inst. Miss Cook, of Vordwich, spent Mon- day in the village. Miss Jennie Miller returned to Tor- onto Junction last Thin•sclay, Miss M. Douogh left for hes home in Mount Forest on Saturday. Frank Sanderson spent several clays of last week at hie home here. Mrs, Crosby Leckie, of Wingham, spent several day here recently. .Tas, and Mrs. Smith, of Galt, visited relatives in the village on Monday. Miss Van Evety, of Rochester, is visiting with F. V. and Mrs. Dickson. Jno. Sanderson, of Cobalt, is spend- ing a few weeks with his pahentshere. Miss Nellie Bleak, of Harriston, is spending a week syth his parents here. A. union service will be held in the Presbyterion church next Stinclay eveniug, John R. Gibson left for the West on Tuesday whew: he will spend ttvo months. A number .from here attended the excnrsion to Erin ftom Gorsie on Tuesday. Geo. Towe and family leeve for Toronto this week, where they will in future i.'neicle. Miss Laura 'Jennings'of Toronto, is enjoying two weeks holidays with her parents in Ternberry. J'ae. McPhee% of Tuettberey'is to be congratulated, having passed his third year in the Law course with honors, 0. Cook and A. Hemphill, of Hen- son, spent Dominion Day in the vil- lage With the letter's pereets, Thos. and MiteshIernnhill. • Principal Van Velem mid 'family have gone to Aylmer whme they will spee(1 the swat -tom Misses Effieth and MeArthm, Ches/ey, were visitors with Mre. IL Smith over the holiday. Joh Muteh and bride, of Wingbam, were guests of the formers Urethras R. Mach for a few days of last week. Angus White and family 118,170 re- turned to Burk WM!, N. D., after spending some time with Neil White. hies. Alex. Campbell and two Bens, of London, are visiting the formers mother, Mrs. jno, Leckie, and other relatives here. John Brawn and a number of friends came up in au automobile from Tovonto lust week and spent the holiday in the village, Miss Millie Harris retutned from the Wingham hospital on Monday Where she has spent the last three months.. liar many friends will be pleased to note that she is greatly hp - proved in health. John Morrison, who for a great many yeare has resi dad i u the village, left for Hanover on July 1st, where he has a good position on the C. P. R. Mrs. Morrison end family will remain Isere Avail the Fail. A prize was offered by a Magazine Publishiug House in Scotland, in the shops of a free trip to Norway for the best essay on the live emestion "The besismeans of securing contributions for Missions." t was won by Rev. R. S. G. Andersom of Glasgow, formerly Presbyterian minister here. The reverend gentleman wielded a very facile pen and his many old. friends here congratulate him on his success. A. 13`, & A. M. --On jtme 24t1i Rh W. Bro. Brown, D. D. G. M. of the 5th Masouic District installed the fol- lowing officers ia Forest Lodge, No. 162, A. & A. M., Wroxeter :—W. M., ,T. R. Wendt ; 8. W., C. Reis ; W., G. Davidson ; 013.ap., R. B. Rah- ris ; Treas„ J. Devidson ; Sec'y., jno. Booth ; S. D., W. M. B. Sinale ; T. D., Robt Black ; .T. G., F. 0. Edwassis ; Tyler, Jas. Stewart. Jamestown New topic cards have been issued for the Young Teeple's Society here. A. Yeomans, of Toronto, was 0 vis- itor at James Strachala's on DOMilliOn Day. Mrs, J. Cat split Dominion Day, accompanied by her mother, with rel- atives at Tara. Last Sabbath evening Me. Carr, of Wroxeter, took the servrce in Vic- toria Hall and gave a good discoutse. .A. law snit over an assault between two of put neighborhood was on the program last week but was settled be- tween the parties. These was 0 large attendance last Friday afternoon at the funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Coombes. The setvice was conducted at the home by Mr. Sykes, of Toronto, end Mr.. Knapp. Pallbearers were Job King, Thos. Smith, Andrew Simpson, FAL- ward &wane, A. Pollock and, White. dantly and that tie you go forth into yout new field of Intim you may be strengthened by His grave to do great wosk roe the Master. May the grace of God go and abide with you until we all meet together as one unbroken family to praise 111111 forever nod ever. Rev. Mr. Currie replied in appropriate berme Inc It i I tsel I' and wife and w is I 1 ed Walton Circuit Methodists Godspeed, A munbee of young people went tO the depot on Monday to wish the re- tiring pastor and Mrs. (lunge good- bye as they left for their new home at Oil Springs. Walton EilleVrAL.—Dr. Pend will visit Walton on Monday, July1010 an31 every two "Weeks:after that dete. He may be consulted in Mrs. Me - Kim's Hotel. 'Inn Posh gives the news. Timothy hay for sole. See advt. in another column. Miss Jennie Armstrong spent part of last week visiting friends here and in Leadbmw. Regh and Mrs. Ramsay and son, of Wingbam, were renewing olcl friend- ships in this locality this week. Wm. Neal left Thtutclay for Peter- boro', where he will spend a few weeks with his sou, Dr. Frank. Several here saw one of the bal- loons, which left Chicago on Saterday pass over the village on Sunday last. Teesclay of this week Cranbrook Foot Ball team played with our team here in A. Sholclice's field. Score 0-0. Wm. Rae, B. and 'wife, of Edmonton, Alta., are at prestsnb visit- ing at Mr. Rae's fathers residence here. Owing to the uufavorable weather Tuesday evening the Garden Patty, Which was to have been held on Duff's church manse lawn, was taken to the basement. Notwithstanding the wea- ther there Was S, very good attendance. Proceeds about $50.00. Ticket agent McKay ticketed the following for the West on Tuesday —Mrs. H. Jackson and daughter, Vaecouver 13 0 Master George Campbell, Cypress River : Miss Annie Oampbell, hiiss Alice Smith, Wm. Smith, Harding, Man. . ADDRESS AND PhississhhhioN.—Be- fore Rev. and Mrs. R. 1. °eerie left here Inc their new circuit at Oil Spvings the following address was read to them by Mrs. .las. R. Fulton and Mrs, Tolle Bernath presented Mr. Otirrie with a finely bound Bible and Mrs. Ourrie with a Hymn BookR.31v. hND MRS. CURRIE, DEARLY BELOVED PASTOR AND SISTER t—It is with feelinge of deep- est sorrow and regret that we now come to the time of parting with you as pastor of Walthu circuit. Gladly would we setoin you for another year, hub as Cionfeience has seen fit to rch move you to another field of loboWe subMit to the ineViteble feolieg that the Divine who sulee over all is doing all for the best and our loss will ha the others' gait. During yorirstoy on the Walton circuit you -have clone much for the aphuilding of God's cause stud fm the advencemout of His Kingdom here. Our beloved sister, Mrs.'Currie, bas indeed proved beeself to be tt helpmate Mcleod 113 all your pastoial labors and has won a plane 10 the hearts of the people Of Walton that can be filled by none other, It is now therefore with much pleasure that we preseut to you owl Mts. Currie this Bible arid Hyrrohhook hoping that as foci has blessed yon in the past he may bless you still aud 'more abuse. Blyth J. twia Mrs. Ontt and Mr. and. Mrs. 0001111108 Were at Jamestown lash Fri- day atteuding the funeral of Mrs. Joseph (localities, Mrs. Oaths mother. She was a fine woman. Doeks'r Pa ye—A fine or $1.00 WAS 1111p05ed 011 Saturday ou George Sanders and Sara Sanders, his wife, ($50 each) ror blackmailing Dr, Milne, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Handers live in Clinton and the blackmailing con- sisted 10 um attempt to extort, money from the doctor by writing threaten- ing and scurrilous letters, Ethel • DIONTAt..—Dr. Pend, dentiet, will visit Ethel on Monday, July 18th, and every two weeks after that date. T10e PONT gives the news. 40 cents in advance, gets it to Unitary lst 1901). Miss Myrtle Lamont is spending part of her holidays here at her grand. - parents in the village. Harvey Dobson is having a new shingle mof p.14013 his bah,. Ile has a tidy convenient farm and. looks well after it. B. Laiug is improving the looks of his place by pointing his stable. He has fixed up his place a good deal since purchasing it and has a very tidy property. Township Council met here an Monday ad put through a good share of work. They adjourned to meet on Augnst 11th when the Court of Revi- sion on the Walton drain By -Law will be held. Miss Ethel, daughter of John Dun- bar, who had not been in good health for some time, underweot a medical operation at; Guelph hospital on Tues- day. Iler many friends around hello hope she will soon regain her old. time vigor. A. load of ladies interested in the Women's Foreign Missionary work drove to Brussels last Friday evening to hear the illustrated leanly deliver- ed by De. Oliver, a lady missionary ill India 111110 is home on furlough. The lecture was enjoyed. very mach. Two of the Ethel Foot Ball team, Ed. Stevenson andAndy jacklin, were 44 Wroxeter on Dominion Day sub - !Attains, 00 Brussels line up against the cracker -jacks of Mildmay. Buis - „els won by 24. Out boys played their part in extra good font. There passe0 away at his home in Frahm:ton recently David Davis, an smote of Miss Elsie Pomeroy, aged 45 years. He had been ailing foe some thine and underwent a medical opera- tion at tlie hospital bet without avail. Mt. Davis wes a fine man whose demise is regretted. Fred. Richardson, of Oolmnbus, paid $450.00 for Hopewell's Best” a 2 yeas' old stallion, bred by W. Coopers new horse "Hopewell." The colt took the red tickets at Toronto and Ottawa Shows -and sweepstakes also at the latter. A 3 yeas eld gelding from the same sire Monist $250.00. Chlosois ANIMAL Ptraonhesah—Last week J. N. Lainout and Thos. Vodden pmehased a handsome Statulatd bred trotting stallion. It is black in color and sired by Oliver Wilkes. Ibis a very choice animal and can scarcely be beaten for style, action and cow - 'sadness. It is at Mr. Lain.onths farm ab present. A. change is on the progam of the Methodist ch.oir theough the vesigne- of Miss Laura Spence who.has render- ed splendid .and appreciated service es organist. Miss Bernice Slemtnon will be her successor and should com- petently fill tha important post. The choir" render good service for Which the pastor and congregators have it right to be gratefel. Two of Mrs. Spence's sisters, former vesiden Se of this village (Mrs. D. W. Milne and Mts. Minis of former days) me visiting here. The latter, whose home is m Bay Othy, Mich., WAS ill Toronto burying her daughtee Witted, we repot to state, It is 20 years sine Mrs. Milne left Ethel. Nummons changes are policed but they dre greeted by nanny old friends. Before Miss Elsie Pomeroy, assist- ant teacher in Ethel peblic school, left for her halite She was treated to a party at the home of W. n. ad 3I.enders, when. 40- yotmg people were present mid enjoyed a good time. Miss Pomeroy will be greatly missed both in and out of the school es she was alwoys Willing to hind, a hand to any good copse. She earned with her ntaneimis tokens of love and. friend - shim Miss Pomeroy will pursue her studio in desiring to attain higher ctedentlals in her profession in which math, old friends heve wish her the b.e0.13 of succese, Mhhosstosnsts—Eiltelites Will be in- terested hi the following tts Miss Sher- lock, referred: to was it one thinreel- dent :—The marriage., Of two life-long friends took place in Toronto, June 244d, when the positions and. 'Cline - tions of bvide and bridesmaid, groom and groomsman, WOre revereed to sett the occasion. The hides were Miss Louisa, Sherloek, daughter • of 'Rev. Benjamin Sherlock, and Miss Jessie Dithers, both public seise& teachers. Alise Sheeloek Married Rev. A. 0. • W. 'Foreman, and Miss ()ever's. Reh, A. •Marshall. Miss SheiSocles weddieg Was solemnized first, being celebwits ed 44 Ttinity "Methocliet church, tter father gave her away, told 11,1SO took • part in the' marriage ceremony, at which Rev, 11., M, Mothers, Of P1303.' old, and limy. Dr, Wilson, pasts», of the church, offielatect A. weleome visitor Wits nailing olt old friends here this week in the per- son OI 11. IP, MeAllister, of New West - 1111 tiger, B. C., a former merehant id Ethel Mr, MeAllister is well pleased with the 'West and ham a comfortable home and the family in the enjoyment of good health. The visitor Mid his aesociates lutve purehased 1200 FUT N of timber at 'Chimera, 13. C., mid may put up a mill there. A good general idea or the layout: of things rimy be obtained by 0 chat, with Mr. Mae, as he evidently traVels with both eyes open. Cranbrook Ilhiss Mabel Menzies is visiting in Bullet; Valls. Teesdale and Mrs. Whitfield, of Blackstock, visiting his Mother, Thomas, 12th con. Garden Party Thursday evening of this week ab the Methodist ch•ureh gromele. Winghtun Band supply the program. Ms. and Mrs. McIntosh, of Portage in Prattle, were visiting relatives aed friends in the vicinity. They have not been here for 27 years. Somebody who thinks we are the only pebble on the beach does us in- justice by mixiug us up with Oran - brook, B. 0. Our "Mayor" never does anything Danghty, The item re- ferred to says :—From Oranbrook, Ont., conies a eircular, issued by the Methodist and Presbyterian ministers of the place, pleading for action by the authorities toward eeforcing the liquor law. It is said that the At, torney-G enures Deportment entirely neglects its duty, and that the bar- rooms of the place are wide open. on Sundays. The Mayor also refuses to take action, the excuse being offered that the hotels in neighboring towns are likewise open on Sunday. Won- der how many of the temperance Mell of those towns "tooted." for Whitney in the recent election campaign, and praised hinhfor keeping his promises to rigorously enforce the license law Henfryn Quite a whither have started haying mewed here. Ross Fraser, of Ethel, is visiting his consin, Walter Thompson. F. and hits, Betimes, of Morris, paid I-Tenfryn a visit last week. E. and Mrs. Collis visited friends in Atwood on Dominion Day. Quite a number are going to Listo- wel on the I3th from ;wound here. Tom and Ides. Lucas and familyhvere visiting friends in Monis on Sunday. E. Fletcher is busy getting the cellar ready for the new house on his farm. Don't forget the Garden Party on Thursday night on Mrs. Rowlaturs lawn. A. few of the Henfryn ladies and gentlemen held a pie-nic in Mr Cole's bush no Saturday afternoon but owing to the electric storm they left and went to Mt. Cole's barn where they put a swing up and had some other games such as skipping and teg-ofWar. (intended for last week) R. and Mrs. Ritchie visited friends in Brussels over Sunday. Mrs. Wes. Somas's, of Brussels, paid Henfryn a flying visit this week. Henfryn takes no back seat as there was one electric light put up Saturday. A. Hamilton is on the sick list this week but we hope he will 50011 be all right. Mrs. X. Adams, of Wingliam, speut Dominion Day with her cousin, Mrs. E. Fletcher. Mrs. j. Adams, of Wingham, and Mrs. hi, Fletcher, of Heefryn, paid Atwood a flying visit this week. On out way to church on Sunday morning we were more than surprised to see the electric lamp ancl Harry Mors coming with a dandy horse, har- ness and buggy all complete. Mrs. Harry jeckain and deughter, Miss Mande, left for thinueihm 011 Tile:ill/1y, They "impishe being away for two or 1 Mee mouths and will visit relatives and friends at. Winnipeg, Tisdale, Estevan, Delosaine, Von - were& B. C„ Victoria, Dunean and other points, This will give the ladies a fine Leh) width we fruet, they will hetietily enjoy. Setwoh Revamp. —The following is • the report of S. S, No. 6 Morris for the month of Mac and june. 8r. IV, —Ethel Sellers, £25. Jr. IV.—Mabel 13one373 ; Ruesel Currie, 8(113; "Hervey Henderson, 110. Mi. 11 ishaussel Bone, 377. jr. III,h*Gertie Shaw, 351 ; Lila Wilkinson, 300 ; ',Hattie Riley, 252. 8r. II—Harold ( herte, 432. J3',h-IL—johnIhfill, 380; Isabel Shaw, am I Chaelie Sellere. 3413 '1 hem wins- inson, 290 ; *Ward Sellers, 108, Sr. L—Jim Riley, (fair). Jr. Pt. I.— Mack Shaw, John- Bowman. Those marked * were absent for one or more examinations. 0, M. MeCashoms, Teacher. Grey Timothy bay for sale. See advt. Dan. Savage, 4111 line, has finishe(1 burning his kiln of lime. Misses hiary and Lou Duke took hi the excursion to Detroit last week. Roy McLeod. has the coffiraut of putting up a straw 'shed Inc John lAndsay. Thigh Lamont, jr. and Miss Kate were visiting at 3. N. Lamont's on Sunday. Mrs. Malcolm McNichol, 4th con., has not been enjoying her usual good health lately. Miss Hislop, of Arcola, is renewing old friendships with the Ifislop and Davidson ss R. Docket, who WAs visiting his brother, Richard in Mina, New Ont- ario, has arrived home. Robert Davidson, of Toronto, is a visitor at. the home of Thos. Davidson, 11t11 con. The gentlemen are broth- ers. Mrs. Duncan TAvingstone is honte from a visit of three months with vel- atives in Detroit. She may return next Fall. Mrs. Robt. Pearson has returned home from Emo where she was called to wait on her daughter, Mrs. Viepond who was ill. Alfred Ward, who "was seriously ill we are pleased to state has taken a change for the better and we trust he will soon be o. k. A standard bred roadster stallion, "Costumer .Tr.," has been purchased by Donald IllcKinnin, 8th con., from Fletcher Spatling at a good price. The horse is a trim one. Russell Wheeler and Loftus Stark, of Toronto, were visitors respectively at L. 'Wheeler's and Eli Smith's. They came on the Olcl Boys' excur- sion last Saturday. Misses Blanche McRibbin and • Attie Smith, of Toronto, and Miss Jennie McKibbou, of Leadbury, are the guests of their cousies, Misses Floren- ce and Jennie Armstrong. THANICS.—We desire to thank the many friends who did so many things that were helpful and kindly sliming the illness and death of our daughter. May the good Lord abundantly re- ward every one of them WM. AND MRS. MANN'. IVIorris Haying is general. Miss Olive Fitesimmons, 2nd line, Morris. was visiting friends in Olin- t;011iss Mary MeManc, of Atwood, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Nichol, of M°Itisi Mlice Paul, of Bluevale, spent Sunday with Miss Lola Agar, 2nd line, Morris. Mrs. W. Wilkinson, of Morris, is able to be out again after being on the poorly list for some time, Township Council and Court of Revision on Drain 13y -laws will be held 011 St11111rdAy Of tine week. A Imp 11 story kitchen hes been built at the sesidence of Welter Yuill, East: gravel road. We are glad to see these evidences of prosperity. The introductory sermons of Rev. Me Andrews at Browntown and John- ston's churches last Sabbath were well received ancl we wish the tewcomer succase in his labors. We congratulate Miss May Wilkin- son, 4611 line, 011 being suceessful to her prinier•y piano examination. She sysote at Olintoa. Miss Lizzie Bow- man is Miss Wilkinson'e tettehor, Smoot 1112001(T.—PoiloWing is the standing of the pupile Mr the mouth of Semi for S. 8. No. 4, Mottle :—Sis IV, exam. hi Gram., Arith., Writing, Lifs, Read., total 500—Roy Timell 478, IVIarthe MeCutelwort 304, Jt, IV, ex- am. in }Its., Grins, Lit., Arith., Spell. and Writ. 'total 500—Harrhfi y cCut• Omen 485, 'Willie "Phuell 407. Jr, III, exam. in Lits Geog., Oomph Gram. Hist., total 700-11essie Jordan 6881 Jennie Scott 008, Joseph Thnell 552, Thuell 502, Rarvey McChtteheon 408- Jr. IT, csam. In Arith, Gong., Lit, 'Writ., Comp„ total 450—Florence Scott 410. Pt. th total 850—Eaniest Smith 810. Sr, Pt 1—Exeellent—Ide 'Ketnaglute, Anwie Timell, Alvin Badgley, Myth» joislitn, Jr. Part I —Mary Me:Fadden (exeellent), Ruby Kernaghan. (good), George Oakley and Wesley McCiltcheort (fair). Issetst MeNitst, Teethes,. Considerable excitement was oc- casioned in the South Easterly part of Grey last Sunday by the arrival of a Chicago balloon. It landed on jas. Moffatt's faun about a 3 mile from Oarmuuuock, Logan township. .A. big =wit went to see it and chatted with the two men who made the perilous trip. The balloon was shipped back to C)hicago from Monicton on hlonclay. A. Toronto daily says of a brother of Henry McNaught, of Moncrieff member of the Legislature, Mr. McNaught has bee u an alert and conscientious servant of the public. The Mead Act is one valuable measure which stands to his cseclit. If he can improve the milk supply, he will, in- deed, earn the gratitude of the com- munity. A very pleasant time was spent by the pupils and parents of 8. S. No, 5, Grey, on Tuesday afternoon when a picnic was helchat ROA. Bowes' grove. An interesting feature of the after- noon was a 1;0111'3 of foot ball between Trowbridge and S. S. No. 5, which re- sulted in a score of 2-1 in favor of the visitors. A program WAS rendered by the pupae, sts Bradford performiug the dishes of cloth:man efficiently. OUITtrAitY.--Af ter a, prolonged. 111. ness of over six months Jessie, eldest clanghter of Wut and Mrs. Mann, Ifith cob., of Grey, was stinutioned to her eternal home on Monday of last week, despite all that medival aid and kind mirsmg could do. She was 18 years and 25 clays old and a bright little girl who Iscire her illness with great patience, always cheerful and smiling. Ilhei• going &way couseel her no alannes she assnred bee loved ones left behind 113.81. 5110 was going to het heavenly home to await their comieg. She leaves besides her mother and father, three brothers and one sister a host of friends to mourn the loss of het ever cheerful face, for where - eves Jessie went she was loved by all with whom she 00010 in contact, The funeral was held on Wecloesday afteenooe Mina Centre cemetery and was very lamely attended. Ser- vice was taken by Rev. D. 13. McRae, of Cvaniwook, eight of her school- matee singing "Asleep 81 Jesus." The white casket was laden with beantiful flowers among them being au Anchor from Bethel Sabbath sehool, of which deceased wee a faith- ful member and wreaths from Ethel and Oranbrook friends, Nicholson family and Greig family. The pall beat's were clecettsed's two brothers, Willie And George, three cousins, Willie, ;James and Alexander Mann and Vraek Harrison. hits and Mrs. Mann Mid felinity are syMpethised with in the loss they IletitS sustained. • The members of (11'y towttehip Connell went, 10 Tuckersmith thiS WP1,1( i0 see a stone crushing machine at work with the probabilities if it suits that they 3115.7 purchase. Phie ie a wise move and one that eo rate- payer should object to. There is plenty of *done in different sections ef Grey where gravel is not available and no better material ean be found for permanent road construction than broken stone properly put down on the highways, O SC11001, likPORT.—Following is the report of S. S, No. 5, (trey, for June. Names are in order of merit—Sr IV.—Etta MacDonald, Bert. Dunbar, Alex. Collins. Jr. IV—Ernest Clark. Class III, -Ross Coates, 'Willie Oan1P- bell, Elsie Rea, Iettae Clark, Frank Lindsay, Edith Flood, Class 11— Maggie Coates, Jas. Collies, Lyle Bradford, Ample Clark, john Savage, Alex, McDonald, Lizzie Kleinschroth, Sr, Ph II—Uordon Mcd)onalci, Berry Hudson, lilva Hudson. Jr. Pt. H— ide Bremner, Harold Bradford, Henry Kleinschroth. Sr. I—Gordon Rea, Johnston. Armetrong, Mabel Clark, George Campbell, Jr. 1-...hiand Dixon, Rebeceah Kleiniscroth, Carl McDonald, Harvey Flood. L. A. Mhe-Kay, Tenehee. Leadbury David Boyd is improving the an: pearanee of his house with a mat of paint. Miss Minnie Dwidas spent a few clays in Shot:fowl last week the guest of Miss Hattie Sibbens. Miss Mary Haekwell has gone to Detroit, where she will visit with her brother, Dr, Hitckwell, for a time. A large number from this neighbor- hood intend taking in the Orange ex- cursion to Goderich on Monday next and spend the day on the balmy beach of hake Huron. The Union S. S. pie-nie held at Wm. McGaviti's last Friday proved it grand succese. Miss Mamie McEwen, Who had the entire charge of the program deserves great credit for the able way the loug list of different pieces passed oif. The proceeds amounted to neass. ly $80. GOOD T1ME.—The Pic-nic on Friday last under the auspices of Leadbury Unites Sunday School was quite a suc- cess. The weather was hi its favor and a large crowd assembled at W. H. ilicGavin's grove. Following was the program 3—Chairman's address ; instrumental, Miss Cora . White; "Motto Song" by nine little girls; gramophone selection ; recitation, stliss Ida Driscoll • song, "Cabin near the Mississippi Shiite," by three little girls; gramophone selection ; club swinging by Class of young ladies ; action song by class of girls ; quar- tette "Come where the lilies bloom," Misses Rackwell and hichlwen and Messrs. Hackwell and Reid ; solo, "Killarney," -Miss Mary Ilackwell ; address, Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford ; gramophone selection ; fancy drill by eight girls; address, Rev. A. Mac- Nab, .21. .4..; chorus "The Maple Leaf Forever." The National Anthem was then sung. Superintendent John Scarlett occupied the chair. Dominion Day Celebrated in Grand Style At Wroxeter. Wroxeter has assuredly won a good name for the Dominion Day Cele- brations they hold and the one mark- ing the 41st anniversary of our be- loved Dominion, Wednesday of last week, was no exception to the rule, The business people, are a unit in car- rying to a successful cuhnination the program and the Committee faithfully adhere to the advertised program thereby establishing a record for do- ing all they promise. Wednesday smiled most assuredly ou the doings as far as sveathee was concerned and early _in the forenoon sight -seers were wending their way to the celebration. The village was neatly decorated and the hotels were well prepared to supply accommodation for both man alid beast. The Put - land shooting gallery and ocean wave swieg occupied a prominentl place at the gore in the Easterly end of the village anti afforded opportnnities lo while away the time. The first item on the day's prognan was a lively tussle on the Foot Ball arena between two shusly elevens eepresenting the Iroesicles of Turn - homy and. Salem. it was a closely contested game eventuating in a win for the former by 1-0. Waldo Miller was the referee and kept, the play well in haul. The line up was as follows Demons SAMOA SMeNnuglitoil Goal E Moltersie 3111e12v,,ettBentham A McElwee ..... Ihtelts 1. i E liennings G Hestia backs 3 Abraham J MoNaughton... Walmsly lte4 13 MoBwen L McEtven P AteRwon Yorwnsels Robinson T &tiideeso,1 3. Onsemore Dinner time had arrived and a hustle WAS made to attend to the upholster- ing of the internal department. Base Ball—always an interestiog feattme—was put onimmediately After p. 10. two well known teams, Wing - ham said Harriston being the competi- tors, Both elubs wove in good fettle and while there weresome bad. inninge Tor errors the nines wore well matched anti ended by a score of 12 to 11 in favor of Wingham with an innings to spare. The teams were Constituted as under 3— Vettasussi IS 0 HAMMON It 0 W Britten 3 8 Dimmers 1 4 Perrin 2 5 Philter 1 8 Barrett 2 2 IdcQuibban 1 4 Yackey 1 4 Bates 1 4 Cruickshank I. 1 Sinelair 0 4 All 0 8 ltens i (4 Britton ...... 0 .1 steDowell 8 1 Workman 22 ligT Dunlop 2 2 2 1 1234 1 1 27 Barton • Weir Insurance 135 GERFibY has opened an office awl will attend lo Fire and Life Insurance, He represents the Sun, the ()Iciest Co. in the world, and the Ontario Fire Ie. co. The Star is me Life Insuranee Cm he does busi- ness for. A Call at the office or a note dropped to bis P. 0, address will have his prumpt atteetion. B. GERRY, TURNIIKKRY Sr. 830 1385511.5. W. E. Vanvelsor. of Wroxeter, offi- ciated as umpire and although his decisions did not always please he stuck to his guns (3.11(1 01010(1 out what) be thusidered justice hi both sides. Wiegliant lual the better battery but Barristers gave them all they could attend to. A. Marathon race has become A household word and (1w4 mile blare - then race had caused 110 small amoUnt of talk, and stir within the 1(3 mile limits When it was called seven entries were in. course was 4 times round the 3. mile track 011 the park where the sports were being neld, then out on the road bowed O. J3ehnore tO Day's bridge, beck to the paisc and then four tulles round the track again. Several of the contest- ants were well faded before the grounds were leashed but Abner Grills, of Bengston, pluckily held the lead unite easily and won the watch in 25 minutes ; Eldon 'Jennings, of Wroxeter, was 2m1 ; and the 82d. prize was awarded to liatry Drage, of Brussels, who made the mistake of permitting the others to take too numb. lead 111 the first mile making it too difficult a task to cshercome. The other competitors Wert, T110S. 8. Bennett, Inauk Harrison, Alex. Cases more and Norman lialbfieisch. Patera Bros. gave a couple of ex- hibitions of acrobatic and trapeze performance and .gave the crowd a good laugh in thew "Pun at the mill." Miss Eva. Outhbert, of Toronto, Ap- peared in Scottish dances, always an attractive feature where the Macs. re s i ld sse . Bsels and Milchnay meeting in a Foot Ball contest svas a, reminder of other days as they had repeatedly faced soneenother 10sthe W. F. As Intermediate series and were well able to take care of themselves: The gentlemen with the German surnames always playecl good ball but never quite fast enougn to win the Laurels twin the carpet town and so it proved on Dominion Day. No goals were scoted in the first holf but in the sec- ond Brussels pub the sphere between ' the posts twiee and throughout the game gave Mildmay a busy time. H. J. Griffith, of Wroxeteis refereed and showed no favors. The teams wove composed of the undermentioned play- Nel:Ensisr Bitusaste ieb } Beaks { Anderson Yruon : W Goal .. Cline Scott Atleetr Bowg Backs Kunkel 3 Henderson Stevenson LlitlerareYiner Ittoklin Miller )derringer Porwards mS tool tpv:e nw. :noel Illsal.Pufna0m0thime absence of "Welly" McDonald the sturdy back and Jas, McGillivray mut W311. Henderson on the forward lino, there were several changes on Brussels line tip, Ed. Stevenson and Andy Jacklin, of Grey, and elite &oft, of town, substituting with good effect. It was a very good • game throughout. The mile race had a very lively hunch of nine in it end the winners were Robt. Wood and 1. Sanderson, both of Wroxeter. Then there was a fat man's race in which A.ndy Currie, of Brussels, plaeed his 230 pounds amoss the tape first closely followed by G. Allan and Geo. Spotton, both heavy weights. Other athletic events were 'won as follows Boy's race under 12, D. Mann, W. Grainger • Boy's race, entitle 16, C. Scott and 1. Sanderson ; raw, under 12, Jean Smith and 8. White; Standing jump, Geo, Boss and T. R. Bennett ; Running hop step and lump, Geo. Ross and W. Brown; putting shot, A. Currie and Jas. Richardson, Wingham Brass Band disconesed goocl intude during the clay and played on the street before thc concert with which the day's proceedings were brought to a suceessfill conclusion. 111 hdditi011 to the pmformers of the afternoon Gluts. Emery, of New York, appeared 113. soag, story and comic sk;:eilefinancial proceeds of the day were nearly $1350,00, .$02 being from concert. No small credit is due the officiary which consisted of 0011. Reis, Teem - dent ; 3110. Booth, Vice Peesicient ; W. E. Vativelsor, Secretary ; and J. R. 'Wendt, Treasurer. They wove well baked up by Committees, con- stables, &c., no that there was no tire- some delays not disordeely conduct, and the whole proceedings pussed off no1 only successfully bet with satis- faction to all concerned. .A. teat stir- plue will be left ie the Treasurer's hauds as a nest egg for 1000. Istritovessiorre are toticeeble along the fronts of nutterous psoperties 1110 way or um boulevards, grass Otltting, IVIRS8a.g. PRYNIt have been able to run their hour mill slime last October with water power, whiz exceptional occasions of a few days when steam had to be ad- ded. It emcee. it big vlug to the firm,