The Brussels Post, 1908-7-2, Page 6Fashion e t} YY t1M d��ts• 4.1-17.10-1,4-14+111,41,4401,441 FADS AND FANCIES. galloon in faded tints, worked with gold, Is es -ed ter crown bends. Entire hats are trimmed with rose petals in a succession of sizes and tones. Bread, satiny gauze quills of iridcs- eent colors are smart or Sumatra hats. Jet pins, cabochons, and agraffes re - ester the present millinery craze for jtit. Small tomatoes on late millinery mod- els encourage almost a hops for reayon- neise dressing. Sashes are everywhere on a frocks and arranged in every conceivable fashion. Tho latest Charlotte model is the re- volutionary cap of enormous proper- t!ens• Of the new enters one favored by the 1pilhners is "blue after rain," a tint of pale blur Betel -Make and cachemine ribbon, edged with "pekine" borders, are the latest thing in nlillirtely, Many sailor bats are heavily trimmed all around the crown or across the front with flowers, foliage, wings, and plumes. Cherries have once again come back to their kingdom, but are sharing the place of honor with clusters of ripe epri- Cot$. pi e bler the back oexceedingly fa go n, providing finish gthe Skirt be long and absolutely untrimmed, la a double row of tiny buttons—from neck to hem. The flower hat, by reason of the cheer- ful contrast it affords with departing somberness, is noted in the new model trimmed with irises, which is bolding its own against all newcomers this sea- son. Lace jabots redeem the simplest blouse from plainness, and, failing over a fit- ted tailored Coat, they strike an agree - Wale nose. Frilly Brussels net ruining edged with baby Irish is a suggestion. A clever touch of black may be added Le any costume, elaborate or simple, by the use of a narrow lie, knotted in front at the base of the cellar, its short ends flnlshed with tassels or small bails. Brides Barry a bouquet or a prayer took, as they desire. The wearing of jewels also is a matter of choice, though if tvarn they consist of but two or three pieces, the gifts of the groom or near- est relatives. Chlo is the square coater, barely reach- ing the waist line, of moire or ribbed Silly. This teeter; Is sleeveless. The breadth of the coat, front and back, falls slightly over the sboulders. The empire style sail is prevailing. It Is making a long stay with me probab- ly because no suitable successor has yet made its appearance, the tight direc- 'Vire skirt suiting so few figures and being within the power of so few dress- makers. Soutachs is used In a variety of ways. It works out the pattern in laces, is used in place of embroidery on linen and batiste gowns, and is most effective in a tree hand design on filet and Rus- sian voile and marquisettes. It is ap- plied flat or an its edgge• For the house for afteonoon or even- ing wear fie.sh colored` stockings are be- ing worn, whatever the molar of the gown or slippers, even with black or while. For afternoon wear, for visits and the ram=s, again one sees fashion- able women wearing stoekings of a dif- ferent color from the gown or shoe. A curious feature of the rose foliage of the present season is the tact that the leaves are only partially uncurled and give almost the suggestion of buds when seen at a distance, the smallest examples being chosen in lieu of the huge exaggerated leaves which last sea- son carried all before them. Princess gowns, or rathee princess skirts and the lower portion of the waist enwrapping a corsage or blouse of lace, enbrotdered tulle, or embroidered linen, are to be seau, the tightly lilting sleeves 'he the waists having a series of plaits from shoulder to elbow, encircling and giving a kind of draped and habille ef- fect. For a long time now we have given lukewarm all -glance to one of our sto.nchest allies in the millinery world —namely: the ostrich "tip," which costs Infinitely less than the huge plume, and which does yeoman service when remora ed and steamed long after the original hat Ls Consigned to the limbo of the past. Dy -ed pongee, which only a few years ego was scorned by flue fastidious shop- per, has conte to to the leader among all summer fabrics. It makes up not only in plain tailor mades for travelling and walking and coals for all occasions from automobile to evening wear, but also appears in some of the handsomest semtdrese gowns for elterncon use, In spite of the craze which exists for the empire and Greek gowns, \el% sheath.. like skirts clinging to the figure like the calyx of a bud, or with flowing draperies of a classical simplicity, the specialists o1 the world of dress are de- voting agrenL deal of •n!ten ton to the quaint utile fichu frock fashioned In the fltgarlh, Romney, and Galneshorough styles, CHOICE OF TREES BY LIGIITNiNG. Now (hat the season of thunder• storms has arrived, this long -debated 'subject assumes fresh interest. It has boon rediscussed by Dr, A. W. Berths stele, in '".Notei freer the Rotel Botanic Garden. of Edinburgh," who ceneludes that no tree is immune, and that lighin- ine will sl.r:ke ono spades quite se read- ily as another. In opposilion to the pe- p -eine aeltef that 1L11 1s quite safe to stand under a beech, while the danger under a resinous twee ot4et cel is, re- seeetvely, 15 or 50 tines as greats Docler Berlhwickn s s y that the taco' is strode quite os frequently as any elher tree Apparently thetroller trete in ay noigllbcrhood are the ones Meet liable lobo struck. When a.woman lefortns a man that Mores going to tell him something for iris own good It le fixes for him to stand Irani under, ARMY GROWING SOBER. Figures Which Show That Tommy Al. Miss Is brtnkine Loss, The Iirttlah army is getting more so- ber every day, In every military nen- fro the Arany Temperance Society is growing in size and influence Tommy Aldrins 1s becoming a model of stbilely. Among the Windsor garrison ---exclu- sively composed of guard—there is se little drunker -meet among the troops, ei- ther horse or foot, that the \VIndsor arra islratea ave not hadaol odder be - fere them Charged with drunkenness fel many menthe, There nifty be mild cases, but they are dealt with by the regimental authorities. Very little wine is now drunk et the officers' mess In the Brigade of Guards. Mineral waters take the place of strong drink nt lunch- eon, and even at dinner the olllc rs are very abstemious. ii WEEKLY 111ARKET-,LETTER. A. J. Pulttson k Co., Toronto., In their weekly market letter, report as follows: The Canadian Banks report an in- crease of over $6,000,000 in deposits of the Canadian public, and a decrease of loans in Canada of $5,700,000 for the month not an unusual oondllion for this time of the year. Mexican Power to which attention has been called when selling at 46 as probably going on a dividend basis, has advanced to 87, and as intimated, a dividend of 1 per cent, has been declared payable in July. It is not stated that this is a quarterly pay- ment, but the earnings warrant this ex- peetatien. Filo will materially reduce expenses by the completion of the water power system, coal being an expensive fuel In that district. The net earnings should show large increase within the next sixty days. The American mar- kets, whloh have suffered a reaction ow- ing to the Presidential nominations, of- fer attractive dividend investments °n such standard issues as Northern Paci- fic, Great Northern, Pennsylvania and St Paul. Industrials have advanced steadily, but still show largo earnings In prices quoted ler standard corpora - Liens. We doubt if the present condition o° trade in United States warrants the advances, but certainly no more prom- ising crop conditions have existed for many years than are now general throughout Canada and the United Stales. Cobalt shares have advanced general- ly. The expected dividends on a num- ber of shipping mines have been rea- lize¢ Crown Reserve 4 per cent,, '1'e- mLskaming 3 per cent and City of Co- balf, 5 per cent. are among the recent declarations from mines which have not heretofore been regular dividend payers. It Is stated on s:pparently good au- thority that Trethewey will be plaoete on a dividend basis within the next month. Recent earnings appear to warrant from 8 per cent. to 5 per cent. quarjerly. Re- ports from the mine show sufficient de- velopment to warrant expectation of a continuation of dividends. McKinley - Dar. Is also expected to declare quarter- ly dividends, beginning in July. Recent quotations are: Crown Reserve 47-49x div; Temiskaming 44-46; City of Cobalt 1,72,Trelhewey 82.84,buyers 60 days, 90; hfeKinley-Dar, 76, 68. LaRose, the new Cobalt merger, which was placed In New York at $4,75, has sold up to $5.13. Shipping Cobalt mines may be consid- ered a fair speculative investment. Wo tihlnk that the other slacks should be left alone for the time being until the properties have given evidence o1 values. '6' IN DANGER. Ancient lady (about to lecture a tramp for his good)—"My man, were you ever married?' Tramp (hurrying away)—"Wowl I forgot this was leapycar,' A Pleasant Medicine.—There are some pills which have no other purpose evi- dently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patent, ad- ding to his troubles and perplexities ra- ther than diminishing them. One might as well swallow seine corrosive ma- ierial. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious pro- perty. They are easy to take, are not unpleasant to the taste, and their action Is mild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic, "I won't say marriage is a failure," he said, angrily; "but some aro more fortu- nate in what they get Than others." She laughed annoyingly. You ale right," She said. "You, for instance, got nye; but I—got only you.' The heat of the Tropics fades rev), checks. It takes away the energy. 'p'errovim" is the beat tonin to brace you ups, It atimulatea the system. tako Malcom lodruggists sestrong. It is pleas- ant remarked the talkative youth, "they say is bliss." "0h, that probably accounts for it," rejoined the old gentleman. "Accounts for what?'' queried the youth, "The contented and happy look you usually wear," the other replied. Mother Graves' Worm Exlerminr."iris pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have ivied it with best results. "Luck never manages thins just right," said the irritated one, who disc Ekes music, "It might have peen the other way round, hilt it wasn't.' "What is the trouble now?" "My daughter, who plays the piano, has o sere throat, and the one who sings has a sora finger," Wino and women may be alike in scree respects, but age improves wine, Men should took for fig la g on Chewing Tobacco. It guarantees thehi gh quality of Black Watch The PIg Black Plug. FROM GIRLHOOD TO MIDDLE LIFE A11 Women Need the Riau, Rod Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make, From rlhoecto middle the heall, n and happiness of every woman depends on her blued. If her blood is poor and watery she becolues weak, languid, pale and nervous. if her bkod supply is irregular she suffers tram headaches and backaches and other unspeakable distress which only women know. At every stage of a woman's lite Dr, \V11- 1•'tms' Pink Pills are hue best. friend, be- cause they actually make the rich, rest Heed which gives health and strength and tone to every organ of the body. They help a woman just when nature makes the greatest demand upon her blood supply, Mrs. H. Gagnon, who for twenty years has been one of the best known residents of St. Roches, Que., says;—"Dr. Williams' Pink Pl:ls have been a blessing to me. I was v eak, were out and scarcely able to drag nmy- eelf about. I suffered from headaches and dizziness, my appetite was poor and to attempt housework left me utterly warn oust. I slept badly at night and what sleep I got did not refresh me. For nearly three years I was in this Condition and was constantly taking medicine, but found no benefit from dl. One of any neighbors who had used Dr, \allliams' Pink Pills with much benefit, advised me to dry thein, 1 did so, and the whole story is doll in the words '1 am well again.' There are Limes yet when I take the pills for they seem to me a guarantee against the troubles which so many women suffer." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not act on the bowels. They contain just the elements that actually make new blood and strengthen the nerves. That's why they euro anaemia, indigestion, rheu- matism, lumbago, headaches, backaches, heart palpitation and skin diseases like pimples and eczema, That is why they are the greatest help in the world for grooving girds who need new blood and for women who aro troubled with irre- gular health, Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca„ Brockville, Ont. FOR YOU AND ME. Other suns will shine as golden, Other skies be just as blue; Other south winds blow as softly, Gently drinking up the dew; Other golden -rod and asters With the sun and skies agree; These for other men and women— Just to -day for you and me. Other fruit of winey flavour Wanderers will pluck and eat; Others birds with winsome voices Other songs will sing as sweet. O'er the dappled brook will midgets Dance an hour, then cease to be; All the world may have to-morrow— But to -day's for you and me. Other gardens will be planted Fair es this which we call ours; Other blooms succeed in shaming These benign, old-fashioned flowers. i311 the glories of the sunset In the sunrise one may see; That which others call the dawning Is the night for you and me. BRINGING IT TO A CLIMAX. "I lamer what's passing in your mind," suddenly sald the maiden as the habitually silent caller stared at her. "II know, too, why you are calling here night after night, appropriating my Vane to yourself and keeping other nice young men away. You want me 10 marry you, don't you?" "I—I dol.' gasped the young man. "I thought, so. Very well; 1 will." "THE NEW FOOD" Have you tried a package of "THE NE\V FOOD"? It is made of the Choic- est While Wheat, then steam-cooked'and flaked. No icltchen can produce a bol- ter made or cleaner article for human consumption. In order to introduce "TRE NEW FOOD" a prize has been placed in every pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue Cards calling tor LADIES' GOLD \VATGIIES, have been- redeemed, and SEVENTY- FIVE Red Cards. Each one of these bards has been found in a package of "NEW FOOD." The Red Cards give the finder the choice of the following articles: Boys° Nickle Watch. "Our Pride" Gold' Nib Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Pattern, Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square, Dai mask. Baily Ring, Solid Gold. Sideboard Covens, Two Yards Long, Linen - Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Top. Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogers' Best ,Make. Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place foe Photos, Ladies Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Sal !With Brilliants. S'gnel Ring, 1.Ole Gold, Place for five Initials. A new Int of prizes have been placed in the packages. Ask your grocer for a po.ckago of "TIIE NEW FOOD." A LOOK AHEAD. Oueen Alexandra, of gracious presence herself, attended last spring's annual Nettleton Howie fele in London, and be cause of that ousplclous fact there Le a tale Vn WI, an!i Wor(LI itis wade. One of the diminutive flower maidens was both pretty and plump, and when her nlajasty staopped for aro instant .lo smile down upon her, what did she do but put up her wee mouth for kiss, wi'oh she rereivcrcl, Alo:l nc r ! d e Y 11 r sal.^' 111:'x, after the distin under, Itod ,, .r .ynlshMl vis{tor lied n sed "I :Am on. .1w could you?" sa °ee oftie' 0110 °" "it 'iid od reileon, r 1 f bd in1reelui'totee my e Vrandehll)ecn," RESCUE S(SlOOL. WEl Learn flow to Rescue Miners In ro 01 , Recent leroCa'Ib'-e collkryAccidentexplosions will draw fresh attention to the new Rescue Training School which has been °stab• fished in Lancashire, England, This se3lool is filled with an imila• Von coal mine gallery, kokilog from the h,s!da of the hall something like a huge aquarium, having a plate glues Rant, :o that spectators can sec what le going On. Some test "rescues" were recently made in the imitation gallery. Miers, attired ill special safely metes o <1 car eying safety lamps, traversed the week- ings of the gallery, with the object of r -.icing other others elm were sup- pooed to be entombed. An atmosphere rendered deadly ay donee fumes of sul- !bu.r had been injected into tl:e gallery, and the "rescuers' had to Mod and bring away a dummy figure, sull.pCsad to le unconscious, and weighing over 12 stone. White working In the gallery the "res- cue" parly had lo overcome all the ohslaolos usual in a aline cI- a -ler. Dan- gerous portions of the roof had to be membered, piles of debris cleared away, and the apparatus used in mine venti- lation had to be put into operation. it was a fight• yard by yard, and the first test occupied two hours, during which tome the men remained in Iha deadly al, nomphere, anedioal ofllcers, of course, being in attendance to render aid should any of the competitors be overcame. At this Laaiaaehlre school men can bo trained so as to form rescue brigades for service in the real disaster which aro so constantly taking place. CRAMP ICINGS. Once fliehly Recommended by the Medi- cal Profession in England. Formerly it was customary for kings of England on Good Friday to hallow certain rings, the wearing of which pre- vented cramp or epilepsy. They were made from the metal of de- cayed coffins and consecrated with an elaborate ceremony, some details of which are still preserved. They were "highly recommended by the medical pro- fession" about 1557, for Andrew Boorde, itt his "Breviary of Health," speaking of cramp, says: "The Iiynge's Majestic hath a great helps in this matter in hal- lowing Crampe Binges without money or petition. Occasionally cramp rings played a per- suasive part in diplomacy. Lord Deniers, British Ambassador at the Court of Charles V., wrote In 1508 "to my Lorde Cardinall's grace" for some cramp° ryngs," with frust to "bestow° them well, by God's grace." ANXIOUS MOMENTS FOR YOUNG MOTHERS The hot weather months aro an anxi- ous tiro for alt mothers, but particu- larly for young mothers. They are the most fatal months in the year for babies and young children, because r she great prevalence of stomach and bowel troubles. These come almost without warning, and often before the mother realizes that there ds danger the Mlle one may be beyond aid. It is the duly of every mother to use all reason- able precautions to ward off summer, complaints. For this purpose no other medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets. An occasional dose will keep the stom- ach and bowels free from offending matter, and will ensure the ]idle ones good health. If the trouble comes un- expectedly the Tablets will speedily cure it. Every home, therefore, .should keep the Tablets on hand always; they may he the moans of saving your child's life. They aro guaranteed tree from opiates tend narcotics, and may be given with perfect safety to a new born babe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. INAUDIBLE AND INVISIBLE. (Scene—Farmers' dinner; tables well filled.) Chairman—"Mr. Thamson, please the say the grace." Mr. Thamson, with bent head, com- mences io whisper to himself. Farmer next him—":Speak cot, Thamson!" Mr. Thamson—"Shut up; I'm no' speakln' tae you," Why go limping and whining about ,your corns when a 25 cent bottle of Holloway's Cern Cure will remove Mem? Give it a trial and you will net regret i L. F FRANCE'S PREMIER A'WORKER. M. Clcmcnceau Dwells lb Modest Awoke—tient. M. Georges Clemonceau, Premier of the French Republic, has been called the busiest men in France, and one of the least obtrusive. Ile cares Mlle for show, but has an immense capacity for work, instead of living to the magnificent palace provided for the enc occupying hes position, M. Clemenccau prefers Ie dwell in a modest apartment an the Rue Franklin, which he has occupied for many years. He lives quite alone, ex- cept for a cook and a ;manservant, and onlerin.ins only his most intimate friends, wbich means very few people. The apartment is on the ground floor and opens on a garden overlooking the Seine and a beautiful panorama of the city. Ills pets Bio a handsome white buil terrier and many large heels, such as storks, peacocks and barnyard fowl. Each morning at 5 o'cteek M. C16111121 - CABS gets up and goes ilu °ugh gylunnas- tic exercises, which m'e ransomed by a cold plunge. At 7 he has Ilie breakfast, which Is his heaviest meal, and cun1!sls of about a dozen eggs and ,DOme cold meal, Ile never drinks anything but t tl'ayel', excurit `Altai eased I d,, other. NASAL CATARRH PRODUCES DEAFNESS RELIEF IN PE -RU -NA, 1 vo, Mr, R. J. Arlen, 401 City IT all A , Montreal, Quebec, is an old gentleman of wide acquaintance, having served thirty-eight years in the (General Post - Moe of Montreal, a record which , peaks for itself. Concerning 1118 use of Poruna, ono letter given below. ir PRA }#g �g4 L s fAs�'z: MR. R, J. ARLESS.. "1 have been ainioted with nasal catarrh to such a degree that it. affected me hearing. This was contracted some twenty years age by being exposed to draughts and sudden changes of temperature. "I have been under the treatment of specialists and have used many drugs recommended as specifics for catarrh in the head and throat—all to no pur- pose. 'About three years age I was induced by a confrere in efl1ce to try Peruna. "Af er s .ole hesitation, es I had dc'tibs as to remits after so many failures, I gave P guns a trial, and am happy to slate that after using eight or UM bottles of Peruna 1 am much im- proved in hearing, and in breathing through the nostrils.' Manufactured by Pcrune Drug Manu- facturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, U. S. A. IIANDICAPPED. Judge—"Remember, witness, you are sworn Lo 1,911 the lMulti, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Witness—'Judge. I'm try!n' my dune erica to do it, but that pie -faced slab of a lawyer over there won't let me!" • TROUBLED. photographer -"You aro all right now, except your expression, Please look pleasant.," Jay Green-"llang It, man, 1 can't lean bow-legged, are len trying to hold my knees tegelller 5o SS IL won't silts', When 1 smile I forglt all about my knees, and when 1 pay attention to my knees 1 forgtt to s111110." Gr'St Things From Little Causes Grow ---JJ, takes vepy little to derange the stomach. The 001150 may le slight, a cold, something eaten or drunk, anxi. el.y', '50113, or settle other simple cause, Elul if Prerautions be not taken, this simple cause may have host serious eonsequenees• Many a chronically de- idliloleal eonsllhllion lo-ciny owes its de- slruetion to simple causes not dealt with !n time. Beep the digestive apparatus 01 healthy condition and all will be well. Pnrmelce's Vegetable i'ills aro better than any other for the purpose, Belle—"You're to be married next week? Why, you told us you were en- gaged for a personalty -conducted tour with a small, select partyl'' Marion— "Yrs, drat; but George is the personal conductor, and I'm the small, select party." It Will Prolong Life,—Do Sole, the Spaniard, lest his life in the wilds of Florida, whither he went Por the pur- pose of discovering the legendary Fountain of perpelual youth," said to exist in that unknown emery. While Dr. Thomas' Eeloctrie Oil will not per- petuate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young old before then' time and harass the aged into un- timely graves. MUSIC CRITICS. Alnoney—"Faith, 01 cud die llstenir' to Tam Callahan play ih' poipes." Donohue—"Far eneself, 01'd prefer a peaceful Ind. Loss of Flesh, cough, and pain on the olmst may not moan oonsamptlon, but are bad signs. Allen's Lung Balsas loosens and heals the cough; Not a grain of opium in it. COLLIDED WITH ELEPHANT. Elephants are one of the perils of rail- road life in Indo-China. The Bangkok Times says that when the morning train from Bangkok was near Ilan IUap an elephant walked out of the jungle on to the track. The engineer sounded his whistle, but the elephant, trumpeting loudly, lowered its head and charged the oncoming train. So great was the im- puot that the elephant was killed on the spec and the engine derailed and badly damaged. The elephant's tusks were snapped off, but when a search was made for them they could not be found. Some- one had walked off with them. Wise at a bk11Cj rte I0 _- BORROWED 1,iGil'r. ";',ars 'quite a star fie an after-dinner epcaker, isn't he?" "Star? file's a rcgnlnr moon, file becomes brighter the fuller the gets." 3n Germany"' the ttlephona nhurges ari7oure 1e only abed $5.00 per 'subs©rlh- er annually. ' lite ®L,S' Oav's .' NitltlomrslL No dead fllee lyingabout aa,, y whsn need ae tis 7!'j i, * iroo00d. r-- BOLD 1..,1,,,,t,-, 0-1'. ...8 6116001378, CRODERB ANO GiNfRai. 9YORi. iICo.porqaakot,r3 packetsfor Mk. 1 w1-ifletaw n b oleoaeort. I ISSUE NO 26••-b8, Through indiscretion in eating green fruit in summer many aileron become subject to cholera nimbus caused by ir- rOoting acids that cel violently en the Tieing of the Intestines. Pains and dangerous purgings ensue and the deli- cate system of the child suffers under the drawl. In such cases the safest and surest medicine is Dr. J. 0, Itelloggs Dysentery Cordial. it will check the in- flammation and save the child's life. Even a shallow man may get deep in debt. AGENTS WANTED.. A reliable man in every city and town in Canada with waterworks to soli a patent article needed in ever home, hotel and public building. Sells At sight. Hustlers can sad are making 65,00 a day. Write at once for partloulare. Geo. T. Colo, Owen Sound, Ontario. PEACHLAND, B. C. "Tho Pick of the Okanagan Lakes°' 0 to 10 dare fruit lots free from stones or under- brush, at$30 an acro on easy terms- lhy purchas- ing through me you save land spoonlntors' profits of at least 503, write me for free informatt n boot any part of ti, 0, as to fruit land or bearing orchards. Samos Brooks, Sax c, Penahland, B.O. CLEANINGwALKINd cWV10 TWITS NG Oda be done perfectly by our dreneb Croce.. Trp It 8NITIsH AMERICAN OYEINO CO, fano aaAl., TOEONn'o, OfrSdwA s queazo LADIES' ... 6ureor°ra from Flts,lEt,ilepp1 St Vitus' Deno°, Neryon vont oe e Fnlllnl1t lakn"o0 gyhcu d write t 3500,1000.. 171)1f ng etreat,TOrod for trial bottle of ttlolr int Cur° an se. klual045100 for postage ti paoklug, aero cizz.0OP, nv'o spa it 1 Pair finance Is It not? 1511d and implored [arta ofrom Qto to e18 an n to, near good marketet an the "arced Basket" et the Lod g lloy Bas- Machownn," Saskatal,on'an Settlers Land Agency Wauchupe, Bask. • 0 'HIS MASTER'S VOIOE" VICTOR -BERLINER GRAMOPHONES All prima and otyloo hon, $12,50 to $2,10. write for free catalogue, Dept, D. , TORONTO URA1'IOPIIONE COMPANY 264 Tonga Strout, Toronto. Agents wanted in °very town.^ FRES EXCURSION (( T° Valley, nlnoSouthern uBritish arltl°h'Oolnm ale 1' —A Chmmoe to see Kootenay'. Boundary and Okanogan Valloye Tia Smithameen is Canada's moat favored spot, whore 011re allnone, poach, wino grapes, nectarines, 11101011, sweet potato, tobacco and and cub-froppicats attain perfection in the open Mr, without use of glean and all northern fruits grow perfectly. No light crop years. Pour oropa adorer a year. Corn ripens in July, strawberries cherries, a rluata, Jane L Ear- liest fruit district 111 Dominion. No land, mosqultoua or fruit posts. Dry air belt, the land of health and aanehtne, Just opened by building of Great Northern Railway, (Bose to coast and prairie markets. Open prairie lands tree of stumps, stone and brush, ready for plow. Lands low priced on easy terms. See the Simtthamoon its o equal of the best parts of the world Om in fleet -hand openings for business, fruit .growing,stook raising, mixed farming, minng, ind,etrial • openings, homemaking, pleasure and place to rest. ono to retireryy to l,. -tasted ee experiment pioneer but Spend your vacation outing hero where fish- ing, hunting and ,canto beauty aro par excel - once among the lofty Cascades. We operate sfrom easterolal lown and weate stern spoints. Sane month0, July 10 and 25. Address, BEAUTIFUL VALLEY LAND CO., 108 Colony St., Winnipeg, Alan„ or Raremeos, B.C. Phone 7878 A. J. PATTiSOI\ & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1351 INVESTMENT ON a Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, ,> The gusts and Guarantee Co:iipany 43=45 LINO STREET WEST, TORONTO Limned DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice is hereby givens that a hall -yearly dividend for lhs six months ending Juno 30, 1908, At the Rate of SIX PER CENT. Per Annum. has thio day been declared upon the paid-up Capital Stock of the 'Company, and the same will be payable at the alma of the Company, on and after July 2, 1008, and the Transfer Books will bo closed from Juno 201b to Juno 30th, both days inclusive. Taranto, June 12, loos. JAMES J. WARREN, Managing Direotor, For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. so CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLESALE LYMAN BROS. & 00., Toronto and Montreal; LYMAN KNOX & CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. —=FOR FUN OR FOR PROFIT You aro a farmer, you cietivate the set, you grow fruit, vegetables, wheat, eats; you raise cattle, sheep; you arc interesled in horses, le short, you are master of all you survey. Feumers ale the most prosperous class of people in Canada io-day, therefore, yeti are getting rich. No? Bad crops? Drought? Oh, a leak in your costs deptu'(ment. J3oonomy begins at home— plant a Bicycle on the farm and reap a isarvcst of saved Wee, money, and shoe leather. Col' the odd message into town, to the post-omee, to lace store, for a hurry -call tho doctor, the Bicycle saves. time and SAV- CS TIIL 110118B. A horse eats oals-a bicycle wont. The Mersey Silver Ribbon, Cleveland, Brantford, Penfect, Impesta) and Rambler Bicycles ere all bull', for service and satlefaotton la rigid and Cush - fon Frame e models,'rail CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CB , Lltttltpd, WEST TORONTO, CANADA M4Kltas Inf vall Woato'S attar 9tDYOItiS. WRira 1045 OATAt0008 Ila. 7 r 0