HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-7-2, Page 4i Vall55C1.5 "r a t
.11"1.1' x. 1'rl'i
tore, Dr. Whitely noticed the odor and the bridal pair left on the C. P. R.
of liquor from deceased, At the con- afternoon train or au Eastern trip,
evidence the coroner The bride's going away dress was of
elusion eofd the rd
rn.t trimmed
, 11
a 1 1
f �o nLn
fawn colored L ,
rulclressnd the girt' who after a apart fa n 1
' 1time presented the following verdict 1 with brown pan velvet, and she wore
"That deceased came to his death a brown mohair hat with pink roses
Ethel from a clot on the brain, it being a bot and Dresden ribbon, The presents
- day and deceased being under the were such as to testify to the high
tended to the Cl. T. R. depot. The tele
phone litre ot. be 1"t influence of liquor and having fallen." esteeul and afi'ectiou with widish the
Coroner 1V. J. 1,*, liolwee conducted bride is regarded by n wide circle of
Nest meeting of Grey township l the au nit', Relit. Thompson was; friends. the grooms pie cut to the
Counctl will he held here on 'Monday, 1 y
Jul eu Ito"',` 1 of the jury, and county at' I frale s. a net room s aulet t and
3 ,,4 tOVney;:lea er watched, the case for pearls. The bridal pair have the
Petr prof a -ma villages thlur g,
!the nx•otvu,
Tile remains were eoneyy- sttfcerd: good tr (slurs of a large circle of
Ethel, Not a few of the properties • eon \Weihusdav for in- friends.
e1 to Bluer• al
are.rery neat and tasty, { torment, lcuurivtl took plate 'Ttun's-
A new driving house has been n built clay.
on the fate) of Thus, Bones, Westof 1 .... y
Ethel. It will be a;rivet convenience, GI triton Stomach Comfort
Messrs, lleitswortll R Eckuuir have The firiyuris of lies. B. Clement will
ceiuclil contracts in the South -easter -110 pleased to know that, be is rrcover-
ly section of the C'ounty. They do I be pl as his kn w illness, and is 1r- It's of Special Value to Many Here in
Mi-o-na Means
root1 work.
g lit
writing from Fairfax, Manitoba,.
on. Juno 14th, David Dobson *innerly
of Ethel says 1 ---Prospects are very
bright for a grand crop this year.
New topic cards have been issued
for the cowing six months in con-
nection with the Endeavor Society of
the Presbyterian (luumb. The Soc-
iety bottle its Meetings every Sabbath
evening. Present officers are: -Hon.
President, Rev. D. B. MCRal ; Presi-
• dent, Dick Davies ; Vice Pres., Miss.,.
Annie Cunningham ; Bee. -See., bliss
Marion Campbell Cor. -See„ Miss
Alice Davies ; Treas., bliss Lizzie.
McLeod ; Organist, Miss .)label
Lamont ; Assistant, Bliss Mina Dun-
bar : Catechist, Bert. Grimes.
Tt'RIBERRY COr 0eXL.-.Minutes of
Council meeting held in the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, Monday, June 222nd.
Members of Council all present.
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted on motion
of .)Iessrs. Moffatt and Rutherford.
Communications were read from K.
W. McNay, St. Thomas, re Municipal
Association, filed ; - also from Chap-
man ttz-Co., Toronto, re Marconi Wire-
less Telegraphy Co„ filed. The Clerk
wasinstrueted to notify all patties in-
terested in the Zetland \Itmtcipal
Dram, Con. B, to attend next meet-
ing of Council to make arrangements
for cleaning out drain and save them
Engineer's expenses. Following ac-
counts were passed and cheques is-
sued :-Peter Fowler, gravel and darn -
Maps, +$d.13 ; S. V rmstone, gravel
and damages, $11.58: A. Wheeler,
gravel and damages, $7.40 • A. Long-
ley,,gravel and damages, $2.75; Geo.
Wright, gravelling 85.0(1; John Bur-
gess, part salary, $50.00 ; John .)lc-
Tavislt, salary and postage ; Duff ,t
Stewart, lumber for boundary, $11.88;
A. Moffatt, covering bridge, $4.00 ;
Henry Nevi:ley, gravelling, $33.00 ;
Henry Meu klcy, gravel, )11.30 ; Gen
Edwards, inspecting gravel, $0.00
Moved) Mr. Moffatt, eec•ouded by
Mr. Kelly, that this meeting do now
acljolrttto meet in the Clerk's office,
Bluevale, Monday July 27th, at 10
o'clock a. m. JoriN BURGESS, Clerk.
To Move offa Cold
Cough mixtures "dope" a co 1
(tont, cm•e Above all else, keep the
bowels regular, stimulate the el0mtirl-
ating organs. Huth more valuable
than any cough syrup are Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. They clear the system of
every trace of cold --the dull headache
;whims limbs and cough disappears.
Take the pills before retiring, they
work while you sleep, and by rent-
ing your told is broken and passes
quickly away. All dealers sell Dr.
Hamilton's Pills in 230 boxes.
John Wilson St•h con.. )Vest left on
Tuesday morning of last week for Ed-
monton, Alta.
Percy Greensides, of Brantford, is
spending a week's holiday under the
parental roof.
The Mina Council will lacca in their
usual place on Saturday, July Jth, for
gelne.I'aal business.
12 pupils of Atwood public sternal
were writing on their Entrance
exams. in LLstowel last week.
It is believed. that Atwood le going
to have a cement walk laid from the
railroad track to the bank earner this
.On Friday evening, June liltli, eight
More Italians arrived in Atwood by
the 8.21 train and are engaged at the
•Gement works. A shanty is being
erected at the works for the Oren to
live in.
An orchestra has been organized in
rtnulettion with the Suutl0y School of
Wesley dutch alio took part in the
services on Sunday.101 the first lime.
;)Mister Harold, Cantelan, son of
Pelet Cantelon, is laid up from the ef-
fect. of ivy poisoning. The peculiar
thing about it is that it Was last SulIl-
111et' lie fust experienced. it.
Miss Edith Jolitfh, who has been one
of the nurses at the Sick Childreu's
Hospital, Toronto, has had to give it
up as it. was too trying on her health,
and is taking a rest at house.
'191e Millers of the waterworks well
struck the rook at a depth of about
001 hundred feet olid are now fifty
feet into it. They' expect to go about
three hundred feet before a sufficient
flow of water is reached.
The interior of the Baptist church is
being papered and painted and a bet-
ter system of electric lighting is being
installed. The exterior is also being
painted so that inside and out the
church will have a greatly improv-
ed appearance.
A. new feature in connection with
out -door sports washeld in the athletic
park here Friday afternoon and proved
to be a decided) success. (Considerably
over a thousand scholars with their
parents being
o the grouted,
schools in town and in the country the
miles around. having made it a half
holiday. Nearly all brought their
lunch and everyone had a happy and
enjoyable time. The scheme was
launched by Aid. Jacksen and heartily
approved by the school trustees in
both town and country, and will n0
doubt be made an annual affair. The
merchants and others gladly gave
prizes and contributed to make it a
success in every way and the weather
man gave of Ole best he had. The
tug-of-war between the Goderich town-
ship scholars and the Clinton public
school scholars was won by the latter.
The baseball match between the first
and second forms of the Collegiate In-
stitute and the public school club
was won by the latter. In all there
were over thirty contests, with a large
number of entries in each.
Is Your Corn Troublesome?
Wily not cure it-erraclicate it with
Putnam's Corn Extractor? No pain
of al'C -` 1 Utllalll't;' is a. guaranteed
001 •100, try- it.
)'tops look good.
Joseph Grashy has hacl lightning
rods placed on both his barns.
Men are busy rushing ahead the
work of the Cole 'Municipal Drain.
Goon PROSPECTS. -A letter from
Jno. Amts, of. Hanley, Sask., written
on the 10th ult., says 1.-"YOur paper
reaches us regularly
fruits a welcome tuvitar. )'Vt are
having ing the very r y best of growing
weather and everything is itn1011 fur-
ther ahead than at this date last year.
Everything at present promises 0
bountiful harvest. Mir. Aides was 0
foi'nwr Mortisite and 1s pushing the
sale of farm machinery, buggies, &1',
SODDEN DisATH,-Tire Goderich Star
of last week says :-On Tuesday about
210015 Frank Bell went into 'Win,
Thompson's blacksmith shop, spoke to
the owner, and then passed behind
turn, lir.. Thompson being engaged at
is bench. lir.. Thompson hearing a
noise and looking behind saw Bell had
fallen down. He told 1+1111 to get up
but as he slid not rifle, he lifted hhir,
and noticing he Wag sick, sent for a
doctor, who was on hand in five min-
utes. Deceased was placed, in the
back part of • the building and made
comfortable, with the windows and
doors open to give plenty of air, but
be died about 4m m. An inquest was
deemed necessary, and Dr. Whitely,
Who Was just called in, and who made
the post-mortem examination, said
deceased died from a clot on the brain,
that the body was generally well
nourished, but tho blood vessels were
congested.. The winless said the clot
mi rt have been caused by concussion
through the fall, or through the, heat, pP brocaded. silk, over -indulgence in alcohol., When lace, and aL jumper of
Bell entered the strop :110 WOS 'under and sli' carried white and pink roses.
the influence of liquor.- He (ailed J, Mist Jordan, nrganilt, of Krol
With an ordrr 1conl Jonathan :Miller church, 1)107111 the wedding march,
for. a 0110 dollar watch held by Tbinnp- and Miss ()lino Smith sang.swootly alt
Ron. Mr. Thompson did not know appropriate 801o, Congratulations be-
13ell, as he had seen him but once':be• i ing over, a dainty wedding breakfast,
Hotel (loderrich opened for the sea-
son, with .1. P. Newsome, of Detroit,
as office manager.
The W. 0. T. U. ladies will serve
first-class lunches at harbor Park dur-
ing the 121,11 of duly celebration.
)Vater Commissioner MegaW has
built an automobile. Imam at the back
of his dwelling to }louse his recent p r -
The grnnnd round the library has
been put in order, the appearance of
the building being considerably im-
proved thereby.
Rev. A. E. Albin, formerly of Gode-
rich, was ordained by the Saskatche-
wan Methodist Conference which re-
cently met at Saskatoon,
A large number of conveyances
were in use the past two weeks, tak-
ing parties to the Goderich Camp
gro n's, the fee being 25 cents fur the
journey to and fro.
.i1 monster Sunday School excursion
is being arranged at Clinton to, come
to Goderich on Thursday, July Otlt.
Central Methodist church, Stratford,
will run an excursion to Goderich on
the 7th of July.
Two young patients, a boy and girl,
both strong and healthy, arrived at
the Alexandra l'farine and General
Hospital, on Sunday, twins born to
lir. and. Mrs. Alclouse. Jean Alexan-
dra is named. after the hospital, and
Howard Taylor after the muse and
doctor. All three are doing well.
Deputy Reeve Elliott introduced at
the town council a motion to have a
by-law prepared to regulate the
hones during whibh restaurants could
keep open on Sundays in the town.
The kee.ping o
n of such. places
Sall innovation
Sunday Wa
and was not necessary. In the case of
places serving lunches the council
could not close them tip on Sundays
but it could regulate the hours, and
Mrs. Elliott's suggestion was to close
uta such businesses from 2 to 5 in the
a.f ternoon and front 7 in the evening.
Councillor Munnings seconded the
motion and it was carried imani»10t1s-
1yMITCiIELL----ADAISO--A pretty, but
quiet June wedding took place on
Wednesday of last week at Montt
Pleasant, the residence of David
Adams, Colborne, the contracting
parties being his youngest daughter,
Alexandra Catherine, (Lena) and Jas.
Mitchell, editor of the Star, Rev.
James A. Anderson, B. As, of Knox
cluircll, perfumed the ceremony in
the presence of members of the re-
spective :Families
e-spective:Families and a few intimate
friends. Dr. L. M. Mabee acted as
groomsman, and 'Miss Jessie Adams,
of Montreal, sister of the bride, of-
ficiated as bridesmaid. The bride was
most becomingly attired in a dress 01
white triiii'oidered, Messellne, with
bridal veil and orange blossoms, and
she earned a beautiful testament
boiled in white kid, the gift of her
father. The bridesmaid wore pale
green erel.1e de ehene, with bodice of
Mad' esprit, trimmed with Maltese
o o that
�+ t 'gt'ln ,l`1'\' and lel
A uotttbh Lt t
appeals especially to inttny' people in
Brussels is the combination of stom-
ach help in the Mi-o-tla treatment.
This preparation works wonders in
case of indigestion or weak stomach.
It acts directly upon the 111111s of the
stomach and bowels, strengthening
and stimulating them so that they
readily take care of the food that is
eaten without distress or suffering.
Sri positive are the rood effects fol-
lowing the use of 11i -n -ria that the
remedy is sold by Jos. Fox under an
absolute guarantee to refund. the
Money if it fails to cure. A 5U cent
pox of Mi-o-na will do the good the
stomach needs which is simply to
make it do its own work.
Blyth Orangemen will go to Goderich
on July 12th.
hiss Fannie Mason has taken a posi-
tion in the post office.
The Methodist Sunday School will
hold their annual plc -rile an July Oth.
Methodist Sabbath School pic.nic
tt'i11 he held next Monday to a grove
South of the town.
S. A. Poplestone wasth1 representa-
tive of Blyth Lodge I. 0 0. 1g'„ at lite
district meeting in ..
The. St. Andrew's Sabbath School
held a "Patriotic service on Sabbath
afternoon. Offering goes to help the
Work on Social and doral Reform.
Dan. Kennedy, ivlrile working at E.
Livingston's faotory, received a bad
cot on his forehead. Ile was turning
a pulley when it flew up and }tit him.
It made a bad wound.
Rev. J. L. Small preached annivers-
ary sermons in Hickson (Stratford
Presbytery) on Sunday and Rev. S.
M. Whaley, of Hickson, conducted
services in St. Andrew's church.
There was a great turn out from
Blyth to Goderich Thursday of last
week to see the Military review. Ow-
ing to the lateness of the train the
sham battle was about over before the
excursionists arrived.
The engagement is announced of
Miss Katherine E. McLean, youngest
daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. AIc-
Lean, of Goderich, formerly of Blyth,
to Rev. J. Ure Stewart, B. A. of
Detroit, Mich. The wedding has peen
arranged to Lilco pla,ee tory quietly
the end of August.
Rev. Er. Ryan, whose parental home
Le in McKillop, took charge of the ser-
vices in the R. 0, church here last
Sunday morning and evening. As
this Was his introduction to the impor-
tart office large audiences assembled,
many driving long distances. The
young roan did well and his ministra-
tions were enjoyed.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Anderson preached the closing sermon
in a successful pastorate covering the
past 8 year's. There was a very large
congregation and general regret is ex-
pressed over the removal. The
reverend gentleman goes to Lonclon,
moving on Thursday of this week.
Rev. Mr. Cooper is the successor of
Rev. Mr. Anderson and will be heart-
ily received. He preaches tris intro-
ductory sermons next Sunday.
In A Breath
There's Rest
Breathe Hyomei and be Cured of
Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Nature has a remedy for catarrh,
epidemic colds and bronchitis that is
far better than dosing the stomach
with medicine and drugs.
It is the healing oils and balsams of
Hyomei which medicates the air you
breathe, reaching the most remote air
cells in the nose, throat and lungs,
killing all catarrhal germs and restor-
ing health to the mucous membrane.
Hyomei acts like a curative internal
ah` bath, and has the sante healing
and antiseptic effect as the air where
the Pine and Eucalyptio forests give
oil 'heir fragrant and healing h (1. aura,
Di:vathe healing Hyaena and neo
how quickly you will get relief from
catarrh and )lead colds. If it does not
help you there will not be a penny's
expense, as Jas. Fox agrees to refund
the money, The routplete Hyomei
outfit costs only .`11.11)).
Mrs. Laidlaw, of Detroit, is vislting
friends 111 town.
,)lis. Morrison and her gritndda»gh,
ter, Miss Cola Dodds, went to Detroit
for a months visit.
F. L, Willis returned. from Bayfield
and reports 0 good clay's fishing,
bringing home smile twenty black
bass, all good specimens and int. pick.
Rev. and )
ts. George e Buggin and
daughter, Mrs. James Beattie,left on
of last week on a trip to the
W. J. Cooper, Proprietor
This well bred Clydesdale Stallion will
make the following route this season :
Monday, leaves h16 awn stable Lot 80, Con,
10, Grey, and goes North via Iienfryn road
to Jae. Donaldson's, Lot It, Con. 7, Blurs for
noon ; then South to 1001 Line and then 'West
to hie own stable for night. Tuesday -South
to Marshall Harrison's Lot 82, Con, 16, Grey,
for noon ; then West 24 miles, then North 2i
miles, then to Long's Hotel, Ornnbrook, for
night. Wednesday -South to Donald Camp-
bell's, Lot 16, Con. 16 Grey, for noon ; then
West to Jas, McDonald's. Lot I, Con, 18, Grey,
for night, Thursday -North vin grovel rond
to Anlerioan Hotel, Brussels, for noon ; then
to Tiros, Mo]wen'9, Jamestown, fur night,
Friday-li idles East, then 4.i min's North,
then Bost to Geo. McDonald's, Lot 18, Con 1,
Grey, for noon ; then East to the Soehavor
Will go Molesworth,
vorth,iles, then West Saturday -
Will ,Tmues
Pearson's, Lot 20, Con. 4, Grey, for noon '
then to Putiuttdrs Hotel, Ethel, from 6 to 8
o'clock ; then to his own stable where he will
remain until the following Monday*.
and Telegraphers r
le a
ism= trained by our management
last year. Experience vomits. ;
p. Graduates moat successful. Special
Course for Teachers. Mail Courses. 1
Send postal for particulars. •
Geo. Spotted, Principal.
June, July and August leads Into
am 1811 Term a:ithnnt any break.
Enter any time, New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
The Largof its klest, mond.st Reliable
W. 11, SHAW Principal
Yonge & Gerrard stn , Toronto
Our delicio .i, Cod Liver
preparation without oil,
Better than old-fashioned
cod liver oil and emulsions
to restore health for
Old people, delicate children,
weak run-down persons, and
after sickness, colds, coughs,
bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles.
Try it on our guarantee.
James Fox, Druggist
of Business in Brussels is full 11.001 of the superior qusl-
24 Years
ity workmaushipand durability of the wheeled rigs
that Ewan & Co. turn out. Our business is increasing
every year and nut' Buggies have improvements this year that they
never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheel:; are all the hest stand-
ard make with extra deep rims, Have you seen our clash sermon
braces 7 They can't be surpassed, so there will be uo more broken
dashes. This is a preventative. Our 'Tops are of the BE'S'T and we
have a patent for the back stayes to prevent theta from getting loo80
or flapping. 'Trimmings are the very best of No, 1 leather with eight
different cleelgns in workmanship. We use the lead ancl color paint
and the best standard Varnish nu Ole market, Bot 11 Islet acid Heavy
Buggies to snit any customer and have also Rubber fired Buggies of
all kinds, A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that whet we any is true,
Also a number of Farm Wagons always on haul oracle from the very
best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak 8nbs. Any width of lire 1011 wish,
ails0lany height of wheels.
Old Buggy 'Tops lined and covered complete and male as good as new
at small coat. Our famous Artist, W M. C. SMI'I'11, is litre in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday anti spend his whole time in
R1w511'6 paint shops and show r000111 and Kee what we have end what
we turn out. You wilt be convinced to bey both buggies wad wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Cos tip to•clate Carriage
Shop, Call and get oar terms and prices anti buy 'rant a reliable firm
and support home industry.
The Poopiete Golumf
(011.0T1TFIORN 0017 for 11110, due to eulvc in
Apply Curt 10, Grey,e,
, P.
O. un Lot 1
(ruwbruelt 1'. o.J. L. Mt 17A1 R 40•lf
two nsuienue, rising 6 yea's oltl for 01110,
• due to onlve about July 1st. For further
pnrtionlers ripply to,,Toseph Stotry, Bl vssels, or
Donold 115Kht1100(1,015, (100, 8, (+ray,
ANTED, -A person with name mutat' to
,juin in arrexN'aniely profitable business,
in whratt large Tv profits Den 1)0 71111(10 without
risk. given, Investigate.
1 Bus 24, Brussels, Ont.
C0A11101LTAB1.to PI•IAlTON, doable dented,
tummy top end side curtains, for sale.
21)5 in good repair, Will be Sohl at bargain,
Enquire of B. (4ERRY, Brussels. ,W12
FOR SALE, being South. 11 Lot 16
on. 8, Grey, containing 50 sores, All
clear mid in good state of cultivation. Will
sell It with or without the Drop, For further
tnrticulars apply on tile_Promises or if by let-
er to Oranbroolt P. 0. 1i, A. KEYS, 4040
ARM1r00 SALE. -That very valuable farm
ir 8
e undersigned,sotutted
belonging Auto th
tiles from
milesfrom Auburn station cres and 0
Blyth, containing 200 dorsa. bnoh, 01 corner
or lot, , acres of habuildings,
Uellf 2 ed, w of
• rd lint -high tet° ofgwell fenced, wall
eel lend, in n high et a of cultivation in8 end ex.
cellentsoil; one of the best forms in the wan -
try. Terms easy. Apply to THOS. BROWN,
51.8 Blyth P. 0.
Stock for Service
B OAR FOR 85M -roil -The undersigned
has purchased the pure bred Yorkaliire
• "Woodstock Woodstock Master, from. the 0elebrot-
ed easy feeding herd of H. J. Davis, of Wood -
stook. This animal is bred direct front im-
p orted stock on both sides and is a good one.
Terme, $1.Oq at tune of service, with privilege
of returning J. M. KNIGHT, Proprietor, Lot
21, Con. 12, they. 45.14
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Aaron Kei-
fer, late of the Township of Grey, in
Ole County of Huron, farmer, de•
Notice is hereby given unmeant to "The
Revised Stntutes of Ontario,' 1807, chapter 1:0,
and amendments thereto, that all creditor's and
0111015 having elaima against the estate of the
said Aaron Keifer, who died on or about the
25111 day of May, 1008, are required on or be-
fore the 41(1 day of July. 1008, to send by post,
r f 1110
W 1.
Sinclair, o
or deliver to1 A S
prepaid, 'Hur•o»
Solicit of Brussels, in the CouHoffer,
trntrlxt for Mrs.tian a Seller, tees Adminis
011(1 xtheirOhrasthe andaurnames,EddI•ehees
and deoriptione, the fall particulars of their
claims, the statement of their neeouuts and the
nature of the aeaurities ,if any) hold by them.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the enid 160618 oftratrix will
proceed. to 1110 parties
btte the assets the deems•
ed amongst the pentitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which she shall
then have notice, and that the enid Administre.
trim will not be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, to any person or persons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
her at the time of molt distribution.
Dated at Brussels, 17th day of June. 1008.
50.8 Solicitor for the Adatinistratrix.
Aug. 27 -Sept 14
Sept. n-19
Listowel...., Sept. I6-17
Palmerston Sept. 23-24
Wingbam Sept. 24-25
Ripley Sept. 29--3o
Blyth ,,,.,.,...,,.....Sept. 29-30
Time:cis .... ..Oct. 1 - 2
Fordwieh Oct. 2
Tiverton Oct. 6
Teeswater Oct,. 6-7
Dungannon,.. Oct. 7-3
Underwood Oct. 13
7;:icw:To �'1^r
Session F9
� jai �csa
Ohm durlog Y J Jul null August
Item-dnaopen throughout the time- PF
mor and mall), students enter ut thin Ll
time. We have a greater attend-
anco this year than over before. L4
Grnduatea readily 0eeure enlpleylllent.
Write 10.dny for handsome eantlogu0.
It pays to attend the best..
Cor. Yonge & Alox,utdor ore., Toronto.
bLlmin Lime
is head -quarters for Fresh,
Flus, No. .1 Lime. Highest
recommends given as to the
quality of it, having proven
itself No. 1 on Government
251 per Bushel, Delivered
Write or Telephone to
Rol/al Line
--o -
00001011 911110 511110 20 July 29
Virginian sails July 8 Jnly 81
Gg t.7
Victoria enfls July 17 At g
Victorian amts ' July 17 Aug, 14
Pretorion sails . Tune 27 July 24
He0perhnl soils lily 0 July 81
Ionian snits July 71 Aug. 7
Graulpinn sails tray 17 Aug. 14
Serdinian sails Tilly .1 Aug. 15
Sicilian Jaly I5. Aug. 10
Corinthian sails Aug. 1 Sept, 12
For 0510050, lists and full information apply
Agent Allan T.(ne. Brussels,
West. They will visit with relatives
in Winnipeg, Strathcoua aucl Calgary.
Wm. Hart is home from Toronto
having been obliged to give up his
position on account of ill health.
A large number of our citizens went
on the excursion to Detroit on June
20th. Misses Edna and Gladys Heu cl-
erson, who were among the number,
will spend a few weeks with friends in
Jas. Dick has purchased from Ohas.
M. Zeb, of Buffalo, the well-known
pacing mare, Belle Lambert. The
mare took part in the races here, and
Mr, Dick knows a good thing when
he sees it decided that she was not
going back to Buffalo.
A. Mid.dlemost, of the Robt. Bell
Engine Works waslaid ofwork owing
to having had his feet injiured by a
swege block falling on them, J. A.
Hinchiey also employed by the same
firm had his foot crushed by a large
crank shaft falling on it ancl was also
obligee) to take enforced holidays.
John Matheson, lumber merchant
of Detroit, accompanied by his wife
ancl daughters, is visiting F. G. and
Mrs. Neelans, John street. Mr. Math-
eson brought his automobile with
him, and will make a tour through
Southern Ontario before returning.
\rra1. Burgarcl was brought to the
home of bis parents, J. and Mrs. Bur-
gard, Eglnonclville, on Saturday, June
20th, from the Toronto General Hos-
pital. For some years Mr, Burgavcl
has been employed in Niagara Balls
ill some
takena ma(.lrinlst
'but wast
weeks ago and was taken to Toronto
for treatment.
A heavy eleotr}c storm passed over
this district the other night, accom-
panied by very high winds. Torrents
of rain fell, accompanied locally by
]rail, Not much damage has been re-
ported as yet, the only loss of any
consequence being that suffered by
Dr. J. G. Scutt, whose barn on the
Hugon road, about a utile Westof
the town, was unroofed. The barn
is a large one, but part of the siding
hacl been removed to build an addi-
tion to it This allowed the wind to
get in, with the result that the whol
roof was lifted bodily up and carried
a, few rods into the bairn yard and 01-
ohard. Otto of the gables was also
blown out. Ono side of the roof had
had recently been reshinglod, and the
loss will be about $400.
Are You Slooplbss, Nervous?
Two horrors crowded into one Mo-
tile product of poor digestion and a
poisoned system. There is just one
cure for this terrible condition -plenty
of food -but mind you, food properly
digested ; theta the difficulty to im-
prove the digestive power of'the .stoin-
ach. Get rich nutritious blood,
strengthen the system and drive out
poisons, -then comes vitality, endur-
ance, power. lterlozone dons all this
and nwre, it makes sick people well,
wealspeople strong, changes 'nerves"
itnd insOmamla into robust health.
BRUSSELS Take Porrozone and 1100lth is yours,
50c, at all dealers.
You know from daily expe-
rience, at home or in the barber
shop, that the question is -
"Why 'doesn't a razor hold
its edge uniformly from heel
to head without honing and
grinding?" Whether it is a
safety, with the certain tax of
new blades, or the ordinary
open -bladed razor does not
alter the question. You want
the comfort and satisfaction of
a clean, smooth shave every
morning with the confident
knowledge that your razor
will be ready for instant use
the next time needed.
The Carbo Magnetic razor is
the only razor uncondition-
ally guaranteed to do this.
Thirty years of study on the
razor situation has perfected
a new secret' process of
positively merges every par-
ticle of carbon (the life of steel)
into the metal -giving a dia-
mond -like hardness.uniformly
throughout the blade --some-
thing absolutely impossible
with fire tempered steel -used
in making all other razors.
But test this razor in your
own home -or if you prefer,
have your barber use it on you.
Give us your name' —
or call and sae the"Carbo
Magnetic" razor, and we will.
state our proposition for test-
these razors without
obitgafIon on your part to
purchase., together with our
free booklet " Hints on Shav-
ing." This book illustrates
the correct razor position for
;shaving every part of the face.
Local Agents, Wilton n &Gillespie
"I tell you, nose, people are so par.
bout= about the Shoe Polish they
use that they ask 1110 eaoh night to bo
sure and use "2 in 1.''
It's easier for mo, too, and you
should see the smile I get in the
Most housewives ledge the purity
of a flour by its whiteness. White
somehow signifies purity. But while
pure flours are always white, white
flours are not always pure,
Royal Household Flour
is the whitest flour that is milled.
It is also the purest. You may think
the flour you arc using is about as
white as Rom can be. Yet if yon
place it beside Royal Household
Flour it will look yellow by com-
parison. Ask your grocer for Royal
Household, and make sure that he
understands that you mean 1t,
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
152 Montreal,
1 .
't1t1 S
Leave on Tuesdaya
June 9,23 Aug. 4,18
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29
Return 2nd Class Tickets
From all Ontario Stations to Winnipeg,
Calgary, Edmonton and principal
points In Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta at
Berths In Tourist Bleeping Can at small
extra cost, if secured In advance.
Apply to any C.P.R. Ticket Agent for full
Information and free copy of Homoseek,rs'
Pamphlet, or writs
C. B. FOSTER, Dist. °ass. Mont, Toronto
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Lot 16, 00u. 10. Grey, 00011110105 100
aures, Apply to WAh WOODS, Oranbroult
P. 0. 21-11
laud for sale, Oomfortablo dwell-
1ng; hard and euft water wider cover ; 91, -
pin, plum and oberry trees, &e. Possession
eau bo given at oven, tier price, terms, &,c,
ball at THE POST.
for sale -Albert street, comfortable
1101161 in good repair. Small stable, good
well, cistern, &o. Possession any Cum. For
further particulars apply on the premises
to 5, 01LAWU0BD, Ilrussela, 48.15
For Sale
In order to close the estate of tho late
Thus. AloLauohliu 1,110 Exeotttore offer ler
Hale the wool estate couoist)ng of a oumfort-
utile (Mounted house and new lament alt.
ellen built in 1007, i aero of laud, hard and
with large omwe •
sons water, drilled
togetherw a 0 d
l able tac well and acres of good
ions stable, 9
loud diagonallyacross the street hum (mei-
ling houe h : pal'teclare and pride apply
to 1 110011 or A, S'TEWART, Queen et.
West, Brussels, 00-11
ciTq �c,c1➢,'tea
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered section. of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, SalIlatehewal and
Alberta, oxoopting 8 and 25. not teemed,
may be bOwotteaded by any person who le
the 0010 lead of a Penny, or any male over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
neotion of 100 amus more or less,
Entry may be 111 11A10 personally at rho
local laud Wilco for the distrait la whish
the land le 0i Mate,
The homesteader is required to perform
the oonditioue cocueoted therewith under
one of the following plans 1
mud cultivation of the laud in aeon u you pfor
three pears,
(2) 11 the (abhor (or mother, if Mlle father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides.
Upon a farm in the 0101utty of the land
mitered for the requirements as 10 7•oai-
501100 may bo satiated by aeon person re-
isiding wits the father or another.
(8) 11 the settler has his permanent reel -
donee upon farming land owned by him
in the vicinity of his homestead, the re.
quiremontene 10 residence pray be Ratio-
ned by reaideuee Upon the said laud.
Bimmoutlis' notice in writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
0)1011(1 at Ottawa of intention to apply for
'W. w, 001tY.
DOM Ly of the Minister of Interior..
N. 0, Unauthorized publication of this ad•
vortitamont Will :lotto paid far,