HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-6-25, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
Teacher of Plano or Organ
ETHEL, ONT, ._._
K. O. 'T. M.
Steatite 1Tent of the Maooabnes. 140. 24
hold their regular meetings In the Lodge.
Room, Seeker Stook. op the let and Ord
'ruoeday ayouiogs of wilt Mouth.
Visitorsalways Aliae
A, SOIESOwn, ei7(R N7, R. If,
Agent Howie(( Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
omoo and 12021401100-
j •
Nen, will two for better prices, to
better meo, in loss time and lees oburgee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't ohargo anything, Dateo and orders
cap always be arranged at this Moe 6'r by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Efuron County.
Terms reasonable, Sales arrangedfor
at the °Sloe of TEE POOT, Brussels, 2221
VI s Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erivary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated. animals In a 0 nnit-
ent manner. Partinular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and M,10 20ver. Oalls
promptly attonde d 60. Otilue and Infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry et„
Li resole. 'Phone 47 lo
1 I e Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer
Notary l'ublio, &o. Oalce-S tewart'o Bled
1 door North of 0entral Hotel.
Senator for the Afetropolitan Sank.
W. Paounrcom, R.0. R. 0, HITO
011foea-Those formerly ()coupled by Messrs
Cameron & Bolt,
Gonanion, ONT►1110•
DR. R. P. FEiLD,
Graduate of the Royal Ooliegqe of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and 9irot.olase Honor
Graduate of 'Toronto Uuivorolty. Olgoe
next to Brewer's Photograph .Gallery,
iila the leading business training school qy
in Western Ontario. We give a the'. Q,l
ougb, praotical training on bomwor-
ehal 8ubleoto, Ieaac Pitman's Short-
hand, 'Pouch Typewriting,and in Com-
mercial and RailroaOperating.
Each department is in the bands of
11 experienced instructors. We assist of
students to positions. Our graduates M
always succeed, for our courses are Yr
the beet, Get our free catalogue and W
7f learn more about us. You may enter 4F
1.2 now. li
Machines may be seen at
MoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheim•
el' Piano.
If you want a really good article
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Other Carringe
Builder on Market Square, Brus-
sets, where you will Rea n first-
a15es assortment.
Best of band made Farm Wag-
ons with different widths of tfree
and different heights of wheels,
Extra large hand made Wheel-
Be -rimming Light and Heavy
Wheels, Repairing, Re -)minting
and Re -trimming attended to on
shortest notice,.
Sace" arca! rixia raw at a
ummer School.** 0
Oeour mayo
aagoulentburrains (0030 ung
thou any other iu Otltarlo 1 .'
S i � rebore
must he a reason ; write for it, r�"
Bpeclel Course for Teachers,
(.11 Man Course¢,
Geo, Spo60an, P1'Inolpal.
atea`tavn 1'1'( d'IfOPd!^Xii'
Goma Sowell (30100 WORTH.
Mall 7:05 R 1'a Expres. , .,..10:55 a m
Express 11:25 a 111 Mal! 1:44 p m
Express ....,,,, 8:02 1 81 Express 8:51 m
p lIN p
Ype moaD' z 6'' ?acme
To Temente 1 .. Goderio0
Express .,...... 8:41 a 1n Express 11:119a m
Express 11:11 pinI Express,..,..,,, 7:47 p m
ICS 1 letvs Items
Punt.1e School closes on Friday, June
S.IA(ON GRANT has been making im-
provements to his home.
A NOISELESS lawn mower is another
tiling we are all waiting for.
PERHAPS there would be less danger if
the automobiles carried sleigh bells.
FOURTH Division Court will be held
in Brussels on Wednesday. July 8111,
Titit20 to an opening at Tile Pose' for
a lively boy, town or country, who
wishes to learn the printing trade.
Apply personally at the offence.
1F'ruxes of the Canadian inland
revenue department for the last six
months show that there has been a de-
cided decrease in the amount of liquor
Tee Lucknow Sentinel has been sold
by Mr. McGregor to Mr. Naylor, of
Essex. The former will continue to
reside in the Sepoy town, We wish the
Sentinel continued success.
Pug Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture is making plans for the further de.
velopement of the Women's Institutes,
450 of which have now been established
throughout the Province, For this
season's visiting campaign the services
of Olrs, Mollie MeC. Allen, ot Oswego,
N. Y., and Mrs, W. T. Bates, of Broad
Ripple, Ind., have been secured while
Mrs. Dr. Rutuam, of Ceylon, will also
assist. This year the lecturers will con
fine their work to demonstrating dishes
made from eggs, milk and cheese.
They will also give information as to
the food value of cereals, especially
breakfast foods, methods of cooking,
PR SEy'rERlAN 0120RCl2 Sl'A1'ISTlce -
The total contributions of the Presby-
terian churches during the past year as
reported to the General Assembly a
mounted to $3,629,748. an increase of
$268.465 over 1906. Of this amount
$2,280,129 represents the stipends paid
to the ministers. The reports showed
increases nearly all along the line. In
the churches which now number nearly
4,000 there were 11,607 more communi-
cants ; 6,8o8 more families under the
church's care ' 11,194 ,More pupils in
the Sunday Schnols ; 38 more preaching
laces and Ch1 1ch property • d inm•e
n 1111 Aa
p 1 P Y
ed $1.486,956. Tee total value now
amounts to $16,077,368.
'rhe State of the Wot•k committee re-
ported :-Missionary contributions were
$57,261, an increase of $q.000. Thele is
also an intense spiritual life through the
church, and a manifestation ot the pres-
ence of the Holy Spirit. The i(pworth
League Committee reported as follows,
337 Young People's Societies, 9,065
active members, 4,729assoeiate members
13,792 total membership, $9,129 for
missions, increase, $1,215 ; $17,987 rais-
ed for all purposes, increase $1,032,
The statistical committee reported as
follows: 49.6b7 full membership, 1,ogs
on probation, 50,702, total membership.
289 increase, 1,494 catechists, 2,021 bap.
tisms, 1.623 marriages, 1,6o2 burials,'
$57,261 missionary contributions, $9,214
increase ; $5,527 education contribution,
$2,090. increase ; $12,181 Woman's Mis
sionary Society. $235 increase ; $25,817
raised by Sunday Schools, $1,033 in-
crease $9,.61 5 raised .E , by Epworth 0-h Leag-
ues, $831 fucrease ; $34,126 raised by
Ladies Aid, $17o,145 raised by trustee
boards, $261,890 raised for circuit pur-
poses, $142,493 ministers' salary, 82,448
increase ; $500,634 raised for all pur-
poses, $56,210 increase. The treasurer
ot the Sunday School aid and extension
fund reported the total amount received
being $681.62.
FOO'I11Air.-The Milverton Sun of
last week Says: -The Milverton Football
team journeyed to Brussels on Friday
via G. T. R. and sprang one of the
biggest surprises o0 the team of that
town that has happened for many a day.
After being beaten by a score of 2-0 on
their otvu grounds everybody believed
that Milverton's chances of a victory
Were very 511111 however, ° the boys in
green are never beaten till the last
whistle blows aid on Friday evening
demonstrated the fact. The game start-
ed about 645 p. m. with the position of
ground slightly in favor of Brussels,
they having won the toss, A rush on
Milverton goal resulted in a goal kick
from whish the forwards carried the
ball into the home team's territory,
where, after a few ininet08 scrimmage
McDonald deliberately fouled a sore
shot by Sommer thus giving Milverton'
a penalty kick which Robertson shot
between the posts, Oa a rush of the
Brussels forwards a scrimmage took
plane on the border of MilVerton's
penalty area, the bell bonneed and
struck Reis on the arm and although
the foul WAS unintentional it was allow-
ed by the Referee and Brussels evened
the score. From this until hall time
things were about even, neither team
being able to locate the goal although
good combination was worked by itotil
forward lines. The half time rest seem-
ed to benefit the Milverton boys and for
a short time they kept the Brussels
defence going the limit. Time After
time the boys worked the ball on the
home team's goal only to have their
rashes broken up by the splendid work
ot Brown, the sturdy centre pelf of the
Northern town, With about eight
minutes to play Milverton forwards
combined for a rt1s12 and on a neat shot
Robertson scored the winning goal.
Although the home team worked like
Trojans to stave off defeat they were un-
able to pass the 8tone11t11 defence of the
visitors. Mr. Flath. of Tavistock,
refereed 2230 game and although at times
his rulings s00Oled a tittle unfair the
blame did mit rest 011 tum afoot 115 2111,
1 11201111(M wort. b Ali hlru :4)rl,. residents.
111 kept. the genie eleau thruu'
W111111 Was DO 21111801111 job as both
teams were out (0 win and depended
more o11 seienee 110111 weight. The
Brussels team did not live up to the
"rough house" reputation given I hem
by Listowel hut played the game like
gentlemen (rein Stant to finish,
Fa.21 CAl.23Aay.--1)a0k M(Call, forin-
nrly of 13ressels, who is now employed
with the firm of Graham & BUSI011l hs,
undertakers, embalmers, &a , writes
'fele Pos'r, EIS follows 1- We had a lovely
Wiuter and Spring. although the latter
leas been a little damn, railing every
day for ten days, I came here. on the 3rd
of November 522(1 the rain referred
was the first since illy arrival to sped
of, The Dominion Pair is -to be held
here from June 29111 to July 9th. Great
preparations are being made for a
crowd. I joined the Central Methodist
church. Rev, W. Kirkby is ',egos and
Rev. 11 Pearson assistant. They are
doing a good work especially among the
young men, We have a Young Men's
Club which meets Sunday nfternoou,
Sometimes as many as 400 are present.
I miss Brussels Sabbath School and
Epworth League, We Have a niee
League of about 200 int the 5, S. is
composed largely of small children,
quite a difference I thought from Brus-
sels. I expect to visit Banff this Sum-
mer and may have occasion 10 go up as
far as Field slaliuu, If 1 do 1 will write
you a description of the grandeur of the
Rockies as far as I possibly Han. Am
enclosing a picture of an avenue in
Calgary. The house on the right is Dr.
Jno• McDougall's residence. He is a
son of the late Rev. George Mc-
Dougall, the pioneer Methodist mis-
Have You Stomach Trouble ?
When yon wake up with headache
and bad taste in them0uth, something
to settle the stomach is needed. Tllat
(11111 heo,vy feeling mast be lifted and
appetite mmstb1 created. Get atmnb-
ler of water, some sugar, and then
pour in a stili' close of Nerviline. You
will feel tip top ill a few minutes.
Nerviline invigorates, braces, tones,
puts vin. and snap into your move-
ments. You'll be fitted for a hard
clay's work by taking Nerviline,-
nothing better. Large bottle 25c
The Record is holidaying this week.
A..1. Lowick shipped aL car of flour
to Demerara. West Indies, via Hali-
The Record is inforined on good
authority that no hotel licenses will be
issued in Howickthis year.
Annual Orange sermon will be
preached by the rector, Rev. T. H.
Farr, on Sunday July 1202), at 2.30
Rev. Dr. Hussey closed his pastorate
here this week and preached his fare-
well sermon Sunday evening. He
left for Dutton the following Thurs-
day. Mrs. 12115801' took charge of the
morning service. Rev. Mr. Hart will
be Dr. Hnsser's successor.
Oar(. -It is ill o : sad duty this week-
eekto chronicle the death of Edwin A.
McKee who diet( at his home here on
June 11th at 11 p. in. Deceased had
been in poor health for some time,
suffering from pernicious ansmnia, but
had been better for some days and
hopes were entertained that he Might
be again able to go about. But on
Thursday evening while the Dr. was
in the room a pant seized hien near the
heart and after suffering most intense-
ly for two hours his spirit winged its
flight to the celestial world. Mr.
McKee was a young mall in his 45th
year. Ile came from the city of
Peterborough about 12 years ago and
settled o1 the farm.hist West of the
cheese fact01y and has enjoyed a
beautiful hone'o'
t 1 those.
While he took a great interest n pub-
lic affairs he was content to remain
with itis family aronucl the home and
enjoyed singing 2L11d 1121510 to the
extentand has a taken 14P
inert part in musical e0roles. That
Mr. McKee had many friends was
shown by the large funeral on• Satur-
day afternoon to the Listowel depot
whence the remains were taken to
Peterborough for internment. Rev.
Mr. Salton, of Trowbridge, conducted
the service in the absence of the pastor
Rev. Mr. Burnett and spoke feelingly
to the friends. The pall bearers were
70110 L. McKee, H. R. Spence, John
FPlliott, Robt Stewart, John Stewart,
his immediate neighbors, and C. E,
Lepparcl ofHarridan. Three brothers
of deceased were at this funeral, John,
of St. Thomas, Sam., of London and
William, of Moleswo'th. A widow,
two slaughters, Pearl and Roxia and
one son, little Clarence, are left to
mourn a kind husband and father. A
sorrowing fleighbo'hood extends its
A Cane of Poisoning?.
Not Uore uently ('211150(1 camsecl by cheap
acid corn salve.
Be safe and use
Putnau.'s Corn Extractor. Purely
vegetable, harmless and always cures.
Insist 011 "Putnam's."
Miss Eiltnla Mnlvre.y left for Den-
ver, Col., where she will spend a0 year
with her sister.
8 Mrs. Geo. Langston and two little
cln,nghters, of Havre, Montana, are
visitors at J'no. Ansley's.
L. Kennedy and E. Moore have de-
cided to close their restaurants every
Wednesday evening from six to nine
J. D. Campbell, son of Pete.' Ca4np-
bell, of town, reeeutly passed anemias -
folly his fourth year's examination at
Toi'otlto University.
The Western Foundry Co, has ap-
pealed against the decision of the
Court of. Revision regarding their
Business tax, of $14,800. The County
Judge will have to decide the matter,
u 1fi,ev. 0. 17. Jenkins, B. i1.., B. 1),,
rector or Huntington,u( resi sled
to accept tl charge of .5t, , Paul's
rhumb, Wingham. Be. comes to. fill
the vacant rectorship at Wiugham
and 15 a son of Rev. T. 13. Jenkins, of
Waterloo .- le. about thirty
,(fit ,anti' is bo t ity
oars of age. He was educated 11t
erthie' Grammer 8011001 and Magee
University, Montreal Diolesan Theo-
logical College where he was Medal-
list in 1901 and was ordained the.11ln0
Fear.. He obtained his B. 11, 311(121'
1113 Protide Lal Synod Reside! lens in
i l8 81,
r nu I report o
A l a 1 i 1 f the Methodist
church shows thatl the different, de-
of the ellteeth 23.1 Relive
I and 1nco811e1'in2. Among the
I arnou1111 raieed are ; _-- pitsai011-
ary funds, 892425 ' Woman's
:Missionary Nneiety, $165.74 ; 5nheran-
intat1(111 fund, $128.Ol4 , Sunday N,chtlol,
4077.72 ; Ladles' Aid, 8128.421 Coupon
offerings al,.oun0ed to $1079514 ; lux(
looso 2nllectious $128.89 ; pew rents,
$520,00 The tehrn'('I) fti,2de 112121211 dim-
ing the year for other than local 12111'-
110508 11122011111,1d. to $487t).00. The
Sunday 1)01100( reports a total of 458
on the roll, and its Missionary givings
$1110,10 in advance of last year. The
Epworth League has 71) active and 42
associate nit 111be1's, and its missionary
o2 81111gs were $$15,00. The junior
League has 81) active told 40 associate
members. The membership roll of
the Church shows 71 removals during
the year ; members received, 47 ;
present membership, 531.
The bowling green is the favorite
plate for 11 number of our citizens.
Miss McTavish left for Cupar, Sask„
to visit her niece, Mrs, (2)31) Stuart.
((Miss Lottie Bentley left for Cali -
Node where she will i(siale for some
Frank Metcalf was attending the
811premle Court, of the 1. D. F. in Tor-
onto last week.
Recently John McMillan purchased
the lot owned by Isaac Brown, East
of the old Standard office.
Robert Slater represented Court
Morning' Star No. 80 of the Canadian
Order' of Foresters at the Grand Lodge
which was held at Niagara Falls.
BLACK -CARTER. -On Tuesday of
last week at high noon the home of
W. A. and Mrs. Carter was the. scene
of a very pretty wedding when their
daughter, hiss Eva Mae, was married
Lo Charles Black, of Goderiolt. The
ceremony WILS cOndun,ted byRev..1. L.
Small, 13. A. The bride entered the
thawing room with her father while
the Wedding March was rendered by
Miss Lizzie Darter, sister of the bride.
The - bride was gowned in White
point d'esprit over white silk with
tulle veil and. carried white roses.
Miss Daisy Coomber; of Molesworth,
acted as bridesmaid, gowned in pink
sills 1111111 and carrying pink roses.
Prof. J. 11. Jordan, of. Goderieh, was
best men. After the ceremony the
guests sat clowo to the wedding din-
ner. The gr'oom's gift to the bride
was a bracelet set with rubies, to the
Allan RoyallLine
--0 -
Corsican sails June 20
Virginian snits ..... Tuly 8
Tunisian Bails Taly 10
Victorian sails July 17
Tuly 24
.Tely 81
Aug. 7
Aug. 14
Pretorien salla .................... June 27
Hesperinn sails July 8
Ionian sails July11
Grampian sails July 17
July 24
July 81
Aug. 7
Aug. 14
Sardinian sails
Corinthian sails
July 4 Aug. 15
July 15 Aug. 22
Aug. 1 Sept. 12
t For sailings, lists and full information apply
Agent Allan Line. Brussels;
Bodmin Lime
is bead -quarters for Fresh,
Pure, No. 1 Lime. Highest
recommends given as to the
quality of it, Laving proven
itself No. 1 on Government
25c per Bushel, Delivered -
Write or 'Telephone to
Summer Session for Teachers
It and others during July end August,
Remains open throughout the Sum- i•)
rater and many students enter at this �t
time. We have a greater attend-
ance this year than error bofore.
Greduntesreadily seoare employment. EWrite tonl
day for handeoe ostalogne.
It pays to attend the best.
Cor, Yonne & Alexander sts„ Toronto, el
t 1010 3 211
Julie, Tt11y and August leetrs into
our Fail Term without any bresk.
Enter any time, New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
Tho Largos*, Mast Reliable
trent, kind.
W. 0. SHAW Principal
Vonge h Gerrard fits., Toronto
0hl111d' Pgenoa11d)11amapnrnr1l (muPrP111111'2'1. 011(11'
ln'Lr11's 11 elltio0 gown vsas Week lave'
008T rose 001o1'ed silk and her travel-
ling iltireft.t
1 nr'lrn.-.: WAS blown tweet -kb -Oh with
'1'.i t. S v 'n
lel) 11 walstandll 11vn 11+11 lamuU h.
The happy couple left on the 4 o'clock
train fol' Port HI112mu 2011(1 Detroit
W1101.0 their honeymoon will be spent
after width they will return to God -
.rich where the young couple will
emnmenee married life. The wedding
Rifts were Many and hanrls(nnt', shOw-
1ng the high eetee111 the happy couple
7111' 11(•121 111 by their many. friends,
11I'MPINEAL. -The marriage of Miss
Alberta Carder to Fred, A, Lewin, of
Arthur, took plates Thursday 1.20-21
Inst., at the residence of Dr, D, D.
(Stetter. At 3 )1. 01. the bride entered
the parlor leaning on 1216' 121111 of her
father and looked charming 111 a dress
of white sills, exquisitely trimmed
with 5111111 ribbon, and tal'l'ying in her
hand a large baguet of bridal roses.
The groom was supported by his bro.
thee, T. Ashley Philips, of New York.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. 12. Hartley, only a few relatives
of the contracting parties being owe -
mit. 'After partaking of a tasty wad-
ding )nisch bride and gi'00141 h41, for
(:astern points on the 5.20 6'. P. 11.
train. They will take i12 Toronto,
Rochester, Thousand Islands, New
York, etc., on their two weeks' wed-
ding torn' and will th' n settle in
Blount Forest, TIie good wishes of
their many friends in Blyth go with
theta to their new home.
The Strenuous Life
Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it
Must Have Help
The stress and strain of strenuous
life in both city and country makes
stomach troubles. Five people suffer
to -day where one did five years ago
with sick headache, dizziness, flat-
ulence, distress after eating, specks
bef010 the eyes, bloating, nervousness,
sleeplessness and the ninny other
symptoms; of ilicligestinn•
All who are suffering with 0t011102111
troubles and that means least
1 1, at two
out of three in Wessels and other
towns, should use Mi-u-na 8tnml0ch
tablets. Nothing 01se can be so
thoroughly relied. 'upon to relieve all
troublesfrom indigestion as M1-o.na.
So reliable is 1Ii-o-natbat Jas, Fox
with every 50 rent box they sell, gives
a guarantee to refund the money u11 -
less the remedy cures.
D. D. Hay Passes Away.
D. D. Ilay, Registrar of Deeds for
North Perth Cur over twenty years,
passed away unexpectedly at his home
iu Stratford Sunday evening. Mr, Hay
had been ill for a few weeks, but,it was
not ihu1g:21 seriously. Even Sunday
morning he appeared well again, but at
7 p. m. passed away, as the result of
heart failure. Deceased was born in
Dumfrieshire, Scotland, in 1828 and
carne to Canada as a young plan, For a
number ot (‚(1(25 be was Reeve of hams
township, and was also Mayor of Lis-
towel, To Ills endeavors to a large
extern the construction of the Northern
ravel road one of the lnAin tlrol•ou h-
g g
f 'e 06 Ole country,was due,and mail
u sY
other public works which in early clays
were considered esseutial to the
country's welfare were ably supported
by Mr. Hay. Mr. Hay was always con-
sidered one of the strong men of this
county and of the Liberal party. In
1874 or thereabouts, he was elected M.
P. P. for North Perth, which position
he held for two parliaments. He was
defeated in 1882, and two years later ac-
cepted the position of Registarof Deeds.
The funeral of the late D. D. Hay at
Listowel on Thursday afternoon of last
week was very largely attended.' The
stores were closed during the hours of
the ceremony, and the town bell was
tolled, all combining in a fitting tribute
to the memory of the man who was
reeve of Elma for a decade when the
town was a hamlet, known only as
Mapleton, who WAS reeve of the village
for another decade, and who was Listo-
wel's first mayor. There was a great
the resi-
of oldpioneers at 50-
Hence of Russell Hay, from which the
funeral took place --men ot eighty and
upwards who were pioneers with 2110
deceased in the opening up of the
"Queen's Bush," and the making of the
magnificent agricultural country itis to-
day. These men knew and appreciat-
ed to the full the services Mr. Hay
rendered the district during his long
period of public service and they heard
the eloquent tribute paid to his public
usefulness by the Rev. Mr, Hardy with
hearty approval. Rev. Mr. Hardy,
an old friend of deceased, con-
ducted the services, and in Ms ad-
dress bore testimony, from recent con-
versations with hint, of his steadfast
reliance on the esseutialsof the Christian
faith, whilst allowing himself latitude as
to minor details. The remains were in-
terred in the town cemetery alongside
those of his wife, W110 pre -deceased hits
in 1895. 'Tile town council attended in a
body. Among those present from Strat-
ford were Mayor Gordon, Win, Bucking-
ham, Duncan Stewart, W. M. O'Beirne
and RobertlFrame. las. Torrance, M.
P, P., was also present.
Cause for Alarm
Epidemic Influenza, grippe, Catarrhal
Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing
A market( increase in troubles of the
breathing organs is noted in many
localities. If you will only have
Hyomoi at hand to use with the first
attack of cold in the (lead, Pneumonia
Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness Sore
Thp1roat, Croup, in fact any ros11'atnry
affection, the trouble will be quickly
Ifercothee. lEttaok is neglected and be-
come some, speedy relief will come in
most oases and a persistent use of
Hiyonei will cure,
The directions for rising it vary, hot
the principle is 202100ys the same, that
of destroyiiniig all fire germs inthe (Lir
you breathe and. having it reach the
air passages with dry medication from
the Pine and Eucalyptus f(n'ests,
Remember that liquids or moisture
is barred fromthe Bronchial tubes and
lungs, :It's the dry (til' of ltyontei that
rlineach0s 82t1h1e11s3pec0.1JisilPlox guarantees
DOet Seo: d
Your boys and
girls because
their shoes don't
stand tht strain,
Maybe they
a y y
were not good
Inspect our line
of school boots
and shoes..
Made to stand the wear and tear -good,
stout leather, flexible soles, strongly
stitched, good appearance.
Moderate in price.
Lasting quality.
Here are a few of our many convincing
prices: -
]love Durable Sh,urs .. . , $1.00 to $2.25
Girls' " 90 to 1.75
Children's at all prices, even to the little Tots at 25c per pr.
See our Team Harness, all complete, iron clad6'9 2 00
homes, blind bridles, strong and durable, only.. 3:i ■
los-Repairs in. Harness, Collars, Boots or Shoes promptly clone.
1.0. RICA
Ladies are
for re-stolnlnd and thrash/0d
Furniture„ Wood.
work and Floors
They can do the work
themselves with
excellent results
M'Kay � Shaw
24 Year 0f Business in Brussels is €ell proof 0f the superior qual-
G ity, workmanship and durability of the wheeled rags
w that Ewan & Co. tura out. Our business is increasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they 0
never had. before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand-
ard make with extra deep rims, Have you seen our dash support
braces 1 They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
ashes. This is a preventative, Our Tops are of the BEST and we
have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose
or flapping. Trimmings aro the very best of No. r leather with eight
different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a lumber of Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very
best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with
capped oak hubs. Any
width 1,h o£ tire you u is
alsoany height
of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new
at small cost. Our famous Artist, W M. C. SMITH, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
Ewan's paint strops and shote 700(0s and see what we have and what
we turn out, You will be coavineed to buy both buggies and wagons '
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up.to-date Carriage
Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy from a reliable firm
and support home industry.
Roller Flour Mills
is now in full operation. It will save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
rry our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigoi'atirig,
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.
All kinds of Food kept constantly on hand,
.M e - r
Bftd s$EL,S