The Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 14t ,i1,:>R,.i,r,�t,a-'t"�t•a•�t'r�'t..l t„t,.1.4.4.; Fashion Hints. •'�•�r�t..;.ri..t.,t..t.,�,�,,t..t,. fl,.h.�..�•,i"8�r FADS AND FANCIES, The Pio rot ruff is fluffy and saucy and pale. St:sties and neckwear show touches of bmfget cores, 1 n A.Urdugh loth tulle and net clam:s- ettes are worn, the fact that the latter le washable =low it the wiser elan:ee, Many a the Leas this spring are not bees at all, but close fitting collars, wattle the larger Qum are Rustled by tassels. A i;ew coat from Paris is keg, com- blg within a few in+he's efe the lattom cf the . k t t and is mode of etude caged tv:th silk !raid. Some en tee coats have h'g'1 turnover altars, whine fail at each .stele, raining a levee estate lapel, which is !mislead with braid. Pretty lee:rta with gaiters ate the fav- orite styes juet new, a1Ui ugh tact.: up shoes to velmeh leather, or Wes with stet decrees, are far more egant. A young girl wears all the youthful shades,, iuclud.ng a pearl gray and a S ars the d h nl � lavender. She also wears Cev a -n i 1cr this which are sup fashion- able a hiott- ab.t. the: year. The panel which is so popular in adult fashions .s adopted frequently in eh linen's el elks. The. sta,hetl sl: eves are aim effective. Thew are outlined with end jetned by white braid. Bleak and white is stili immensely ro- pulur, but if ono w sties to he "in grand chic" ore Roust gel, the wbi e ani ehau- dron cr cep' rr plaid c'ki.t. with the cut- away empire jack=t cf seed chaudrt.,n. Unf riunetely neither harmony nor contrast appears to leo a rec<esi:ary Me- te in choosing a veal. Judging from any of the eombinnlit;ns of hats and veil's sh:wvn in the :haps, a clos'ring of colors wt,u'd scan L be the de :red fea- ture, When spring styles were launched in the middle of February cerise and kin- dred :lead=s were 1-_adE•r;. Now the col- ors mese sought we ehaudron and em- pire given. The latter is a brazen hard term of given, less vfeid than en:erakl, yet with mere c tera:e':r than olive. . Stemes n;; a waistcoat is decided upon for the Mier made suit, it well to oensider cretonne which has a Fght and spring like air not to, be achieved by velvet or even by brocaded sill. The hat miglLt well be a match to the vest, ter the cretonne covered. models of the moment are extremely pretty. Sometimes in the dress the princess effect is more etrephesized by the ease •:f a front panel which is costinumet in warm and skirt. This drew is suitable alike for the soft sinke, suet. as Iwai and surah foulard, printed crepe de chine, embroidered net, the printed and Larder - ed lawn, gingham, and linens. The fashions are characterized this seeso:t by eimplicity and beccm'ngness, for wemen are learning more and mete that to he fashionably gemmed they must be- dra,sed with infinite care as to what ,oils !heir per onaity. To this end the sat'ent features of different periods have been adopted. but so modified that the result is ha.rmonints. In tinting lace .or lingerie the chief thing to be avoided is the streaking of thee garment. When the method used is that of dipping the material in coffee, cam she,u d be taken kr thee:mg:11y wet the garment Lefo.e putting it in the dye. Warm coffee should be used, and It is preferable that the previous water bath should Le of the .eine leml•erature, The Shantung shirt is offering itself in great variety of styles this epring— often fn gulls severe shirt build and try- ing to share honors with the standby then. These are the types of shirts in vvlteit to match the tailor -sl' suit, .A s:rge, for lnatance, might have a shirt et I lite and white striped: linen, or navy Shantung. A novelty that occurs en .net vests and bieuses aka: is a heavy worked lozenge spot in flux thread, the ubiquitous filet being crucify seleete.i es the ground week. \Vi!h all the will and desire in the: weed .0 encourageeconnnrical spirit it wilt be the exeeptien to find the ama- teur making a svcces.s of them vests, trill me Iheugh they be. Alai t fr: m the muilifu:1t•us eddrnents that go, to their on n esitien, they require to be se ac- euret^ly fileted and built that they are a hest M themselves, Ling -tic hots for small. gide ate more feeetnating than ever lb's season, and yet they rat simple. One of the 'ev+lt- eel models seen was of fine 41111)1afd •rr4.1 bat'st', the crown et :diem••r lac', mode Tam fashion, and the brim c 1 the edging, The under brim was, faced with finest plain l,at`sbr, and the trimming a Fall ribb n twisded nroundi the crown and tied in a prim loot int! bmv (with chert ont'.Ie in the back, These served as a background for a how knot. of tiny pale pink roeebuds. It was simple, but so Frenehy. There fere unmistakable :teas -trances that the lovely block she-. 1 u't'•n is go- ing Li le ixeltcd in rank u.nt.l ;t rivals the .ep'ender of the modern hatpin. Along enth tete newly Inaugurated prac- tice of mingling tinted teenier with block Iva come u yearning for iontething more d, con ive, then the termer dinrfy tasten- er, nr:d tilready boots t:lnspecd with large pearl buLtane are d: erns J decidedly or- tlo-i',x, Next yam we shrill Prot ably witness e.nrlorial schemes, in which the shoe hutIons rualah the buttons on the e'4af, and the coat buttons consult the steam eidern'ng the hatpin, Rapidity tieing the order of. the ?ley, O'nee workers have simptifled the gllelnt but slaw way of erneelctng by grouping straight. plena in beehive sells, dha- monde, Ionice work, ellrvrons, and the like, The some !typical devices are ad, }mien lo, but baby ribbr+n of the con- tra'ding color is employed 10 delineate °la 011 conee:ts on children's frocks on $ergo or rs;hmei'it. Thus ono single stroke, of rlkbon defines the, slanting ines trent ane angle of a diamond or Van Dyke to another in such it, way as lee dispense with the minute shitclies and eyelet any strain en tiro eyesight. At a distemee the rateed effect of the ribbon, • say 'Melo er pet:Keckt• bine, le rto'tleesble, While in the aldlgldry way the fancy lriiftcliol wind be amidst Izsvisible, INDIGESTION CAN BE CURED Dr, William's Pink Tills Stteoeed After Other Remedies Fail. There are twenty drugs to help yotlr digestion for a time, but there is only one medtelno that can positively cure your indigestion for good. To any one with indigestion a half dozen boxes of Pills ' 1 worth nl � wU 1 1 ar Pink E11 P I s Dr. Williams' the purgatives r atives and mixtures in the. u country. After all theme things have failed Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have cured lila worst eases of -indignation by Bring straight to the root of the Irou- bic in the bleed, You can take a purgative to tear through your Jewels and make a clean sweep of your food, whether It is diposi- n-I or not. You can take stomach bit- ters to curate a false appetite—if you eerie care what happens after you swal- low your meal, You can drug your stomach with tablets and syrups W di- gest your food for you—if you don't care bow anon you ruin your system ante viler. You can do all these things -- but don't call it "curing your indiges- tion." Thera is only one way to cure indigestion, and that is to give your system so much geed, pure, red blood that your stomach and, nen have strength enough to do their natural work In a healthy and vigorous way. 'Pleat is why Dr. Williams' Pinar Pills aura fndigestfcn-they actually make new blood. Here is the proof. Mr. R. eleCorkell, St. Thomas, Ont., says: "About. a year age my system beenme generally wrecked. My stomach was always in a slate of nausea. The sight of any kind of food often turned my stomach and I would arise from the table without eating, Doctors advised different medicines which I took with- out benefit. Filially 1 became so run down that I had to quit work. For two months I tried to build myself up with the aid of doctors, but as time went on and my condition did not im- prove I became much discouraged. Then re friend told me he thought Dr. Wil- liams" Pink Pills would help me, and 1 began their use, In three weks time 1 was so improved that 1 went back to my work, but I continued using the pills until I had taken twelve boxes, and now my stomach is strong, and I am ready for a good meal three times a day, and life now really seems worth living." It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new. red bleed that they cure such common ailments as anaemia, with al. its headnehes and backaches, rheu- matism. neuralgia, Sl. Vites dance,par- tial paralysis and the secret ailments from which women and young girls suf- fer set much. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxcar for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. OLD-FASHIONED KIND. Old fashioned manl Simple his plan, Plain at a glance. Pays wlmt he owes; Nothing he knows Of high finance. To put away Something each day Is his design. Not very slick; Getting rich quick Not in his Iinc. Old fashioned manl Head of a clan, Ilappy his life. Kids all about, Betsy and stout, And just one wifely en CHILDHOOD DANGERS. No symptom that indicates any of the ailments of childhood should be allowed to pass without prompt attention. The little ailment may soon become a seri- ous one, and perhaps e little life pass- es out. If Baby's Own. Tablets are kept in the house minor troubles can be promptly cured and serious ailments thus averted. And the Tablets can be given with equal safely to the new horn babe or the well grown child. Mrs. H, Gendnm, Martinville, Que., says;—"l have used Baby's Own Tab- lets and have foundthem in every way satlsfaeto'y. 1 always feel safe when I have them at hand.' S•eld by medicine dealers er by entail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. P Most men fire up when you throw cold walker on their schcntes. The Demon, Dyspepsia.—In olden limes it was a popular belief that de- mons moved invisibly through the am- bient air, seeking to enter into men and trouble them. AL the present day the demon, dyspepsia, is at large in the same way, seeking habitation in those wito by careless or unwise living Invite him. And once he enters a man it Is difficult to dislodge frim. Ile that finds himself se possessed &hornet knew that a valiant friend to do battle for him with the unseen foe is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready for the trial. When an honest men is in haul luck hr. doesn't want chelity so cinch as an opportunity to dispense with charity. TONS OFIRON eonanmed each year In medi- cine. In "Varmint,. the Lest conic, it to so cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly fret an passible nourishment and beneat from it. Grecian capes, fashioned from a big circle from which the skim have been cut, are favorite evening wraps, The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the effect in weak stomachs of setting np inflamma- tion, resulting in dysentery and cholera means. The abnoqrmal condition }will continuer if not attended to and will cause tut exhaustive drain on the nye- tem. The best available medielpe is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's bysentery Cordial, 1t clears the seam$ch and bowels of nee, tants, oountereets the Inflammation and meets the drgene to healthy adder!, CHINESE TO SAVE FORESTS. S412aaI of Forestry Steen to be Opened —Where Wood is Seared, , Tho Clllnese are saving their forests. The almost wet dente movement to pro. Met and eslublieh foresee. has reached he Celestial Empire, and the fie M- eese school of forestry shotty will be opened fn 111ukt'on. Tho Chinc•e realm sometimes is point - at out as the worst exIUn.ptc anion modern naif.tns of forest destruction, The 11: ods which periodically ars pour- ed dawn from tiro denudeeI muunlain.s arc destructive n o teVn d co m Fnrnan with these of any other and the: want ther country, ,. 1 u Is Isas oedema as the cause. \Vo d is scarcer in China Uven in al- most any other inhabited region of the were], 1, altil ugh the country is well .ninptcd to the grewing of trees. In the e-lahlishment of a first school the Chi- nese, Government gives evidence that it realizes the need 01 beginning its re- fcrostalfon in a s^:entifle manner. eT, A Magic Pill.--DSsp.eps'a is a foe with which men are constantly grappling hal cannot exterminate. Sulielued, and to all apparances vanquished ht one, it makee its appeurnnce in another direc- tion. In many the digestive apparatus i; as delicate as the mechanism of a \vetch or scientific instrument in which even a breath et air will make a varia- tion. With such persons disorders ,f the stomach cnsu,e flair] Lha most. trivi- al causes mrd cause nmeh suffering, '10 these Parmelces Vegetable Pills are re- commended as mild end sure. VALUE OF IIUMUS. 1. humus is decaying vegetable nat- ter in the soil, 2. 1t is the storehouse of nitrogen, Inc most expensive and the most necessary of all plant foods. > 8. IL contains lite ford upon which (he soil organism, live, whose function is to convert organic nitrogen into nitrates in order to be available for the use of plants. It materially assists in decom- posing the mineral constituents of the soil, such as potash and phosphoric acid, asking theta available for the use of plants. 44. 11 increases the power of the soli to hold water without beceming water- logged, 5. It makes clay soil more open and friable. It serves to compact sandy soil and increase its droulh-resisting power. G. 1L prevents washing to a great ex- tent; thereby diminishing the loss of fer- tility by that cause, 7. Sail filled with humus more readily admits the air so necessary to all useful print growth. 8. There appears to be a distinct re- lationship between the amount of humus in the soil and the amount of available nitrogen therein. It has been observed that when it is absent from the soil, there is a distinct reduction of the ability of that soil to grow crops, Hence in prac- tice in order to oibjain the best crops we have to resort to barnyard manure rather than the use of concentrated fertilizers. DANDRUFF ISA D SEASE end the foreronner of baldness. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD WASH HER HEAD ONCE A WEEK with 'y Sutherland Sister , Hair and Scalp Cleaner. It ki11, the dandruff germ, beautifies and strengthens the halt. All druggists Sec, or postpaid from Seven Sutherland Sisters Sample sent for :cc. 179 Ring St, W., Toronto LYNCH LAW IN CHINA, The Chinese deo not hang criminals, even when the mob lakes revenge. In the remote mountain districts the people burn the robbers. The passes are watched, after a robbery, all Avengers or suspicious chnrefers are arrested, and, when sat'stieJ that they have their man, they get dry wood, kerosene, and yell'.rw oil beans, chain the culprit, and then burn him olive. The yellow beans cruse Inc Lanes to inchlerata. The victim seld°m cries out more than three times, and the bystanders have a holi- day, A Chinese military °Mal once asked the people to release one of three rebLers to him in order to torture him an l get the names of his confederates; but 11.e people declined, saying that burning was better than decapitation: Three welt burned one morning, and the sable night another robbery, close by, was oommtttod. PANGO. Money paid will be refunded where Pango foils, when applied as directed, to relieve pain. Specially recommended ter Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Gout, Catarrhal Cblds, etc. I'or sale 50 cents at all druggists or Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, wholesale druggists, ao- ronta. • HARMONIZED, Papa Titerox—"Whntl 'You want to become engaged to that measly little Simpkins? Why, he isn't a bit of use." 'Tottie'Tilerox--"Why, papa, ho is per- fectly lovely, His hair and complexion match my new spring suit exactly, so there!" ISSUE NO, 24-•-C8, Fod Products aeries riled legit Unlike the ordinary dried beef—that sold in bulk— Libby's s P erless Dried Beef Peerless i comes in a sealed glass jar in which it is packed the moment it is sliced into those delicious thin wafers. None of the rich natural flavor or goodness escapes or dries out. It reaches you fresh and with all the nutri. ment retained. Libby's Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great number of high"grade, ready to serve, pure food products that are prepared in Libby's Great White Kitchen. Just try a package of any of these, such as Ox Tongue, Vienna Sausage, Pickles, Olives, etc-, and see how - delightfully dif- ferent they are from others you have eaten. Libby, McNeill& Libby, Chicano NO SCOOP ON A.A. "Millie," said the young man, es he elipped the engagement ring on her finger, have you told your mother about tins?" "0, you. Innocenti" exclaimed Miss Millie. "\Vhy, Clarence, mamma knew it six months before you did. H "THE NEW FOOD" Have you tried a package of "THE NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Chola est White Wheat, then steam-cocited'and flake -3. No kitchen caa produce a bet- ter made or cleaner article for human consumption. In order to introduce "THE NEW FOOD" ,a. prize has been placed in every pack- age. Already TI-IIRTY-SIX Blue Cards calling for LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, have been redeemed, and SEVENTY - :FIVE Red Cards. Each one of these bards has been found in a package of "NEW FOOD." The Red' Cards give the finder the Choke of the following articles: Boys' NiNaie Watch. "Our Pride" Goll: Nib Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Paltcrn, Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da mask, Baby Ring, Solid Gold. Sideboard Comm, Two Yards Long, Linen, Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Top, Cold Meat Fork, Silver plated,, Rogers' Best Make. Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place for Fhetos, Ladies Beck Comb, Tortoise Shell, Set 1V1'LIh Brh1}lanhs. S'gnet Ring, 10k Gold, Place for Two tnitiats. A new bot of prizes have been placed in the packages. Ask yav,r grocer for a peonage of "THE NEW FOOD." • .1. SELFISHNESS, "Why do you say that Brown Is sel- fish?" "Because he always wants the things that 1 want myself," PANGO. Will afford Instant relief from pain caused by Neuralgia, Headaches, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample 50 cents. All druggists er National Drug Co., London, Sometimes a woman after paying $20 fee a hat tells her friends it cost $80, and her husband that it cast $10. Corns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- way's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pant is saved. CALL FOR A NEW WATCH. jury to it, to drip it even from that Ole - elation on the si+le'tvnlls 1s almost certain to jar it out of kilter; and my boys are jest as Likely to deep their watches on the sidewalk as they are to chap them at home, and llloy'ts simply got to have watches, and so a good part of my in - c ed need, in keeping them thus sup, "Yes, I've thought of buying stork of thti emnpnny wine! wnlehes I lily for my boys' use, end !hue, Ihrongh the divk1 tide, gelling the watPe,e •i d1101 - cilly at a lower crisis• but while this would he saving something, still it would be only a. sort of makeshift pro- p,cAlon. Whet 1 want is a wetted that MallLrrok when it is dropped; and1 have Ivan ]Ills subject .s: mr Ilton bi. h 6 1 "1L nestled to ole el fin;\ Thee lnuyhe an outer case 01' covering of some sort W.(uld do, a case cushioned all around inside, in which the watch Dente! be car - lied When worn, the inlrr:or sushi n. fog being designed to break tiro shock en the watch when it fell and so pre- eervo the machinery them derangement.. And i thought that, ih•ly would do all right, mrd 1 think so still. but the Iran - 1)11 uboce it would be that a watt with such. an outer protection case around it wouldn't, lade like Ilhe other rasters watches, and I urn afraid that would be a fatal objection; the boys wnu:d;t t carry thorn; and so 1 have -given up that idea, and what strikes me now os the thing is the; ".You want a watch having all around th, works, out of sight within the usual r u er ca._a a seil:s of springs, these ] srings to Le sufficiently e:nelle ant yet suffl lily strong. to serve as shock ab - sorters, and sa arranged that they w alt save the watch wherever and in wha'erer way you dr yppcd. it. 'Theta what we want—a watch that 511.x11 bele orewardly like any older watch, but that won't break vvllrn you drop it. "And don't you think you aro svmc- Lhdn.g in this? Dent you know that there oxo millions of fathers now even Lining for their. boys from four to. lve:ve watches a year who woul3 snap, lu rly snap, at a chance to hit} a watch that w'ou'dn't break when dropped? "I tail you that There's money—van lends of money—wait:ng for the man that Invents a boys' nonbreakable watch. All he'll have to do will be to put the wateth on the market and cart the money away." Namely, One That Won't Break \Viten Dropped on the Sidewalk, "You know, I think," said the lather of two boys, "thee there's a large chance a great chance, for a man who should invent a watch that wouldn't break when you dropped it, 1 think so. "Of course, weenies are not intended to he dropped; they are intended to be Carried in the pocket; and so nobody has thought of inventing an anti breslc- able-when-dropped watch; but et the groat Oall to one every father of bar knows anyway, and to his coat cost, "1 have Iwo boys, each of whom ear, ries a watch and they deep their' watch- es, Indoors aInd out, ori fen &veartigo, I should say, of three times a month; and while from the height et which a small boy correte it, you can drop a welch an a (fuck rug perhaps without sei'icus 151' a. A SPL.: N: iD PRESCIIIPTJO'1. For Rheumatism, :mei nil Kidney, Liver, Bladder and Urinary Affections. An eminent physician informs les that he has used the following prescription in his practice for a number of Seers and found it very successful in the treatment of kidney, liver, 'bladder and el: urinary affections, and is =surpass - el for the cure of rheumatism, driving the uric acid entirely from the system. FM claims that a very few doses will relieve the most severe pains in the hack arising from disordered kidneys and impure Model, Tho prescription is one ounce of sweet spirits of nitre, one ounce of com- pound vimosa and four ounces of syrup of rhubarb, taken in dessert-spoonrul closes in water, after meals and et bed- time. These ingredients are harmless and Inexpensive and can be obtninecl at any reliable drug More and mixed to- gether al home. RIGI•IT. Teacher—"If a vehicle with two wheels is a bicycle, and one with three wheels a tricycle, wheel is one with one wheel?" Scholar—"A wheelbarrow." It is the Farmer's Friend.—The farm- er will find in Dr, Thomas' Eclectrio Oil a potent remedy for wopncls or pains In the body Or fen aftections of the respiratory organs .end dor house- hold use •gener'nlly, He will also trend it a convenient friend in treating injured herscs, cattle, etc., or relieving then when attacked by colds, coughs or any kindred ailments to which they are sub- ject. GREAT RELIEF. The other day, when Mr. Avery mar- ried Miss Small, a sub -editor headed Inct report of the ceremony "Avery -Small Wedding," but the compositor knew bet- tor' and set it up, "A very Small Wed- ding." _— LAZY OLD SORBS, painful and disfiguring. will not linger long after treatment with Weaver's Carate has been begun: Also, oleanso the blood with Weaver's Syrup. CURIOUS MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Among the Indian Gonds a bride is carried on her brother-in-law's back to Lhe house of her friends, and 1s made 'to weep with each of them, while they give her small presents of money. When the ceremony is about to be performed at the bridegroom's house the bride hides in another house, and cons "Cool" and the brldegr'oonl's brother -In-law searches for her. As she enters the bridegroom's house two spears are plant- ed before the door to make eta arch, end the bridegroom pushes her through the gird hanging back. On the dn,y el - le, the wedding the bride and bride- groom throw mud et each other for sport. Among Inc Marais, all the Wo- men of the bridegroom's party are shut up in a house with the bride's sister's husband. They all set upon him, and beat him, so that he is usually glad to escape as sone as possible, SAFE MEASURE. Wise 1•atiler (to married son) --."You're living very comfortably, I see, but are you saving any money?" Wase Son (whisperink)—"Yetis; but don't 1-11 my wife" M1 i3tacit Remark - At able for 144,14. richness C and 5;;' pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. ';.1 rite' 290 "HEADACHEi 1► EDSS9 HEARTTROUi3 E!" "1 Suffered With for `ears'--Pe-ru-na Cured Me Entirely." MIea .Albina Chauvin, neo. GO Hue .Agnes, St. Henri, Montreal, Dan,, writes: "I consider Perinea better than any other remedy, as it cured mo when nothing else could. I suffered for years and years with heart trouble, hoadaoho and weakness. I never expected to find anything to euro mo. I saw one clay, in ens Presse," that Poruna was oxoollonb and 1 tried 1t. One a been 1 a bottle I o and1E tho price heed W e n m bottle rndn eel a change 1 to 1$ p gp would have paid it gladly. I have taken six bottles and am entirely oared. Please accept my thanks and beat wishes for your Perna." "Please Accept .lidyV Thanks aqui Best p� Wishes,V'or Yon? PE=RU= A." Many oases of heart trouble are caused by reflex disturbances. Derangements of the stomach and liver produce symptoms of heart trouble. Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre- quent cause of sympathetic heart dis- ease. Palpitation, shortness of breath and bloating atter meals are the moat prom- inent symptoms, Manufactured by Perunn Drug Menefee Such a condition of the stomach 10 also liable to produce headaches of the worst sort, Modlcines that palliate the eymptomn will over lead to a cure. It is the effect which Peruna has upon. the atomaoh, healing tho mucous mem- branes and restoring the natural func- tion of the stomach, that causes Poruna, to bring such prompt relief, luring Company, Columbus, Ohio, L'.S.A- DELAYED. She en evening costume)—"Is not my dress becoming, dear?" 1-le—"Wel), it may be coming, but is not some of It rather late?" PANGO. • IS Highly recommended es affording !n- atant relief from pain—Neuralgia, Head- ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample, 50 cents, All druggists or Lyman Bras. & Co., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. POOR PASTURE. Student—"Something is preying an ley mind," Professor—"It must be very hungry." 'rhe superiority of Mather Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children, Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. BIER DREAM. Lady (engaging cools—"Why slid you leave your last place?" Bridget Maloney—"Whoi, mum, the mistress said she cudn'L do \vihout me, so 01 came to the conclusion that 01 was worth mono than she was givin' Rte, and lift at wansll" In Abyssinia, the house and its con- tents belong to the wife. INGWORM AND ECZEMA Miss Wilhelmina McCharles of Pow - Ont: write;: "1 have proved tarn -Surf a healing balm for eczema. My father bed it very bad on his hands and they were swollen very much. One night Le decided to try Zem•Buk. I had .previ- misiy used it for Ringworm which I could not remove ppntll 1 trted Zarp-Duk: This removed the Ringworm In P very short. time. Its the morning father's hauls ware Very much improved I e therefore continued using Zem•liuk, and the eczema is no* all rue, I hold Zam-Bub in high esteem as n healing balm." 1. Henllppg, Soothing, Anttseplre. Of alldntg•.. I(i 51410 and stores Sta. or yyosepnitl from the Zulu. the ,xis Buk Co., Toronto, Wilson's FLY Three hundred times bet- tor than stickypaper. NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT' Bold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mall TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCH DAL1E WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. AOENTS WANTED. A reliable man In ever? city and town In Canada with waterworks to sell' a patent est Melo needed in every home, hotel and ambito building. Sells at sight, hustlers. cad p,nd are marring 80.00 a clay. Write at onto tory ,particulars. Oen. T _Colo, Owen Sound, Ontarior, ARPET DYEING cod C:eaoina. Thle la a epeoletty with the BRITISH AMERIOAM DYEING OQ. good Demonism by vont and Ivo are euro to ed.lof, AMMO Goa tea. Montreal. WANTED. A responsible agent in every city in Canada to represent The Larder City Geld Mining Co., Limited For full particulars apply Henry R. Darrell, 8 Colborne Sl., Toronto. f,nt CANOE C9 •,PSUCna.osa1l.Q„ ro jvrc/eo CA805 00 `y ,r w�a PETERBOROUCFI CANADA rho Beat an0 Cheapest Canoes, Bks, LevnchegEta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND OET OU1, PRICES BEFORE BUYING A. J. ■ A a ll ISO+ \ ec. CO., S3 Scott St.; .TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BOND. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash, COIMESPO,NDENCE INVITE1), ip