HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 13BUSINESS CARDS. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. K. 0. 7T. M. Brussels Tent of the Atuceabnes, No, 24 Bold their regular meetings JR 1111) Lodge 11)010, Backer B1o01', on the let and 9rd Tuesday eveun,ge of snob month. Vloltora always weleomo. A, SO NIERS. Com. A, MotUIILE, R. E. JAMES HARRIS, Agent I -lowish Mutual Fire Insurance Company 011100 and Rosid0noe- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN INe011AN0E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. RS. 11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- S. • spa, will Boll for bettor prises, to better moo,in less time and lees obargos than any oher Auotioaeer in hast Huron or ne won't charge anything. Datesand orders can always be arranged at this o0ioe or by p•.reoual application, ROBT. H. GARNISS IILUF.VALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arrangers for at the 0(1X11 of Tim 0000, Brusaele, 2201 VETERINARY. !'1 A. CUNNINGIiA.NI- l7• Honor 134010110 of Eno Ontario Vet- erinary College, le prepared to.treat all dis- eases of domeetioated animals in a oumpot• 01,1 MAMMY. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and M,la x'uver. Culls promptly. attended be. 011ioe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tnruberry et„ nrueeele, 'Phone 471c LEGAL ANI CONVEYANCING. %IN/ M. SINCLAII3- Y T • Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer, Notary Public, arc. Uilioo-Stewart's Block 1 door North oFUenlral Hotel. solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, 1)ROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BAIt14IS'rERS, 000I0100105, NOTARIES 0041030, ETC.. W. PROURVOOT, K.0. 14. 0. BATA G. F. CLAIM. Oillees-Those formerly occupied by. Messrs Cameron it Holt, 0001041041, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R.PFEILD, DENTIST Graduate of ibe Royal Oolloge of Dental Burgeoned Ontario and First.olass Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Olaao neat to Brewer's PhotographGalley v. BRUSSELS. a CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. is the lending business training sobool iu Western Ontario. We give a Wm, ov b, praatioul training on Oommer- a Mal Subjects. Isaac, Pitman's Short- li baud Town Typewriting, and iu Oom 11 menial mud Railroad Operating. it Each department is in the bands of experienced instructors.. We Roulet ve students to positions. Our graduates r e re alw a s euoanod for our oou e e a Y d fYtl 551510 1(e Rn 1,0 t bot G4)000 a g �j''rF➢ 1(o s C6 ��learn more about 1(e. You may cater yp , now. ELLIOT'r !Se AIo0A0HLAN, 1F Prinoipnle. 8.D h Summer School... a' Our management trains more young people than any other In Ontario I .1 14)1140 moat be a reason ; write for It, Special course for Teachers, Mall courses, WiNGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 5 �y� Cleo, Spotton, Prb,alpnl, 4SYAm gaImarerarewlrurt,ayiscatctcaer,S.iv€+rF G'v. s� BRUSSELS G0,00 Soumat 140100 YoaTli Mail 7;U6 a l0 Express.., .....10:66 n 111 Express 11;26 a o, Mall 1:44 p m Express 0:0.2 p ni Express 8:51P In Cama idAf ?a6''' EPW `' WAL.TON INGEI SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST!. Machines may' be seen at MORAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for,. I also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT BUGGIES WAGONS 1f you want a really good article iu the Buggy oil Wagon line go +• to the old reliable ()ober Carriage Builder on Market Square, Brue- sels, where you will 8nd a first- class assortment. Best of hand macre Farm Wag- ons with different widths of tires and different heights of wheel's. Extra large hand made Wheol- barrowe, Re -rimming Light and Meavy 'Wheels, Repairing, Re -painting and Re-trimtning attended to on 011311est nodes. JOHN GOBER To Toronto Express 7140 0 in EExpress. 5:95 p m To Goderiob Express 11:110 a 111 I Express 0:25 P m ry listrict Cetus Atwood North Perth Farmers' Institute Ex- cursion to the Experimental Farm, Guelph, will be ren on June 24th. James Mitchell left last week to act as fire ranger in the district North of Cobalt. It will be a pleasant out- ing. 'The passing away of airs. John Mc - Court, of the 12th con•, East, on Wed- nesday morning, June 3rd, cast a gloom over ,the whole community. Being of a bright and happy disposi- tion, though a sufferer from bronchitis for a number of yea'xs, she was loved by all in the community. Mrs. Mc - Court's maiden name was Eliza Gil- mer and she came to this country fidin County Down, Ireland, with her brother John, who now lives on the 12th eon., about 44 years ago.. A few years after their arrival she was mar- ried. to John MoOouu•t, who now, mourns the .loss of a faithful wife. She was the loving mother of eight children who are Mrs. H. Roe, Mrs. Bart, Mrs. S. Petrie, Mrs. J. Henry, Misses Lizzie, Edith and Emma and Robert, the latter four being at home. Andersons have lived In Toronto, Previously lhey resided In Huron county, where lnha•non taught before going to Renfrew. Ile tlld Bottle In- sttranee work at Renfrew, het was tin- • able to obtain a school, ilio Was sen- tenced to 7 scars in Kingston pen nh ntlary. Audersou taught. school 111 Grey township at cue time. He has elrterc01 the penitentiary as number 504. He will likely be given the appointment of school teacher in the prison, Instruction is giVeli illiterates for forty minutes at noon,. and for an 1mm in the event ug, At present the prison Is slacked with Host -clam (quoits, Grey Annual pic-nie in connection with S. S. No. 8, public and Sabbath Schools combined. will be held in A. Bishop's grove, 81h con., on Friday, 26th lust., commencing at 1 p. in. Swings, ball games, lunch, &c., will constitute the program. A leap year swing 1s one of the novelties promis- ed. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the School Report for S. S. No. 6 for the month of May :-Class IV. -Wesley Brewer, Sr, 3rd -Roy Hall, Luella Jacklin. Sarah Hutchinson, Eva Mitchell, Joseph Jacklin. Jr. III:. - Willie Mitchell, Wesley Yen, Reuben Brewer, Annie Ward. Sr. II.-Bertie Vodcleu, Geo. Hall, LelaVodden. Jo. IL -Gertrude Ames, Hazel Rose, Earl Lowe. Pt. II. -Bernice Flood, Mary Rose, Lotto Ward, Lily Jacklin, Russel Yeo. Pt. I Sr. -Stanley Hall. Myrtle Lamont, Robert Jacklin. Pt. -1 Ila I jr.-Edith Ames, Clarence Me ry Milton Flood, Isac Rose, Olarenee Flood, Lawrence Lowe, Mabel Wald FLORENCE ARMSTRONG, Teacher. TAUGHT SCHOOL IN GRVY.-The arrest of John E. Anderson, inspector of schdols at Brockville, and formerly principal of the Public school at Ren- frew on a charge of bigamy, con- tinues to astound the people of Ren- frew, where Anderson enjoyed the highest reputation, and where Miss Florence Jamieson, his victim, lived. Miss Jamieson is the youngest daugh- ter of Rev. W. S. Jamieson, of the Renfrew Methodist Chinch. Rev. and Mrs. Jamieson have been attending the MethodistConference in Quebec and the news was only broken to them there. As Mr. Jameson has itest been appointed to his new station n Stanstead, Que., lie was to have preached there Sunday, and no ser- vices were held in the Methodist church at Renfrew. Miss Jamieson. Anderson's second wife, is only tweuty-ono years of age, and along r sisters, who alone ' • n her two 1111111 s with are at hone, was prostrated withgrief and medical atteudaneo had to be. culled. Anderson's first wife is living at present in Toronto, and he is said to have nine children, five daughters and four sons, two of whom are mar- ried and have children, His first wife's name was Eliza Jane Walker, and the marriage took place on May 24th, 1877 at Wingham, it being cele- brated by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, Metho- dist minister of that place. His own brother was a witness of the marriage anti the certificate showed that he was twenty-three years of age at the time. His correct age would be 54 but at his' marriage in April his age was registered at 80, It aPpears that till communication with his family was carried on by Anderson through his son, and Andeisou has done noth- ing towards the support of his family for at locust three years. Just before his second marriage, it appears that he caused. a letter to be sent to his first wife from out West, saying that while on his way to a school in British Columbia, he caught smallpox on the train and was forced to get off at Banff, while at the same time was ar- ranging for his marriage in `Renfrew. After his marriage in April it appears that a marked copy of a paper con- taining the account of the wedding fell into the hands of his Wife in Tor- onto. Information was then laid by the family to the department of Justice atf1.'.oronto, and investigations were ilmttecliately begun, which final- ly.led to his arrest. Having pleaded guilty on being brought before the magistrate, be was asked whether he would prefer to be tried by the magis- trate or by a jury. He chose the former. but refused to have a solicitor for his We, as lie saw that the evidence was too strong against him. De was taken to Pembroke by Chief MODe1'lnott. As soon as lie entered upon his (intim at ,Brockville Ander- son tools an active interest in ppltblic ti,ffairs, more particularly church work, only a few days ago delivering an address on "'rho Ideal Man" before 3110 ,young Men's Club of a local church, Anderson was in Toronto last ring oil A visit to his wife and family. For the last few years the La Grippe Coming Again Europe is DOW 111 it's g1Alsp, and i1( aL short tame America will be over run with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive Treasures. Build up a. surplus of vigor by Fcrrozoue, and in- hale Oatarrhozone three times each day, Nothing destroys the grippe germ like Catarrhozone It'f cures the cold breaks, up the fever, relieves the headache and destroys every vestige of t'atari'h and sore throat. For Broil - Millis, Grippe and Winter it Is Catarrh - ozone is best. Sold by all dealers 2.5c and $1.60, Blyth 0. .11. Besse was attending the Millers' Convention at London, Frank Me.tealf has been appointed 0 notary public by the Whitney (4oyern- went. Thus, Coulter has purchased the well-known standard -bred trotting stallion, Hackard, from Wm. Hugill, of Constance. Court Morning Star No. 80, Blyth, of the Canadian Order of Foresters, attended service in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Albert Sanderson, 18th con., of Hut - loth received a severe injury which might Have been serious. Ole was working with a crowbar on the farm when it Hew up and struck him on the cheek below the right eye. J, Brnnsden & Son, of Londesboro', implement agents, have purchased the property formerly owned by Chas. Hamilton, North of T. J. Huckstep's block, and will open up are agency here shortly. J. C. Brown, Ancient of the Detroit Medical College \NILS successful in pass- ing his third year examination with fh'st-class honors. John is now in charge of the hospital at the Great Lakes this Sunnnor•imbc1 Solway hospi- 1 tal in the Fall. Sunday, Jane 21st, will be Flower Sunday in the Methodist church, Special sermons will be preached by Rev. Anderson and in the afternoon a special program will be given in the Sunday School. Jos. Tally, student in charge of St. Paul's church, Wingham, preacher. Sunday morning and evening in Trin- ity church and Rev. W. H. Hartley took the services in St. Paul's church Winghaux and achninstered the L'ord's Supper. She is white as a:Ghost Is it a matter of pride to be pale amt. lily, -certainly. not. What every woman wants is strength, color, vigor. Br 0 allC} and health are he right of every woman, and these she need not lack if she only uses Ferivzone It gives appetite, creates stlergth ear - riches blood, gives vigor to the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes. Ferrozoae is at once con- vertible 11x114)111 into health,beautytL v strength. There is power in Fer- rozone,-try it, and. know *hat you have missed, 50e at all dealers. . w Fordwich Rev. H. Farr will preach the annual Orange se1'in(1n 011 Sunday July 12111. A. A, Dobson, who has completed his second year at McGill University, Montreal,visitingat his home here. is The old Arlington stable which has been in at dilapidated condition for several years toppled over and is now a heap of ruins. We are pleased to report that Thos. McLaugblm, who went to Colorado Springs, Colorado, over three mouths ago, is improving in health having gained over 16 potieds in weight. , ria iso E. Mrs. Wade,accom- panied l JI l in pauiecl by Pearl and Orval, ]eft x Tuesday morning of last week for the Canadian Son, where they will spend about two weeks with Isaac and Mrs. Downey. They will also visit 'Wm. Mad Mrs. Montgomery of the American Soo. • There was general satisfaction ex- pressed when it became known that the rector Rev. T. H. Farr had decided not to accept the offer of Shelburne parish. Mx'. Farr is popular, not only - with his own people, but with other communions. The canons of the church calls for this parish to pay 5800 and rectory. Mr. Farm's stipend has been advanced to this sum, Brussels Greenhouse PLANTS ANO FLOWERS Any quantity of 'Pomata, Cnuli- flower, Celery and Cabbage Pltmta. 'tomato Plants 1 o n box or Se a dozen loose. Fine Collection of Flowering Plants. Choice lot of Gernniums and Annu010 for bedding. Boston or japmi Ivy cin be put out any time in Summer ---15. 20, 250 each. Florid Designs made to order. Agent for Dale's Cut Flowers. Miss Kelly. Pr`ITT77�'�'TT� The members of the local blanch of the Woulan's Institute drove to Ethel on Thursday of hast week to attend the amoral meeting of the last 11111011 Woman's Institute held at the house or Mrs, John J.rkinier. Supplementary meetings in connec- tion with the Women's Institute will be held in the Foresters' hall, Ford- wich, on Friday evening June 103111, There will be an afternoon and even- ing. session. A good program of en. ri music mid addresses velli be given. Miss Laurel. Bose, of Guelph, will be one of the speakers, To atop a Crying Baby It may be cramps, perhaps collo, pain or cramps on the stomach, -but in any ease a few drops of Nerviline soothes the pain and allows the child to sleep peacefully. Nerviline cures minor ills such as colds, headache, in- ternal and external pains as well as any doctor, -safe to use because a small dose is required. Mothers you will lied Nerviline an invaluable aid in preventing and curing sickness. Keep a bottle right at haud, some day you will need it badly. Sold everywhere at 25c. Walton W, S. Brewster, h. C.. the newly 111114&•d 11. f?, I . for f$ u1h I;ranl, i4 a rnuvf n of I. B, rgt1 n, of VVingham. R. 1_'. bparling, of Dauphin, Man., a former Well known resident of Whig- ham '4fn'- hutu was spending a few days with his old friends in town. ' The semi-annual )neetdllg of .the County Loyal Orange Lode of North ' Huron will be held in the Orange Hall Wingham, on Monday June 22nd. Chief Ranger Beckwith and H, B. Elliott, Fin,.Sec„ of Court Maitland, were attending the High Court of Foresters at Niagara falls, Ont. A quiet :lune wedding was an event of interest at the residence of BMA.. and i11rs. Jolnaslun, on Wednesday last week when their only daughter, Miss Hazel, became the bride of Clues. M. Bell, of Southampton, formerly of Wingham. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. Lowe, n'f London, at two p. in., in the presence of the near friends of the bride and gr•oniu. Miss Minerva Jones, of Brus- sels, played the Wedding March. Misses Jean and Margaret Sranstone, nieces of the groom, made pretty little flower girls. The bride and groom left by afternoon train for Eitel, and on their return will reside in South- ampton. Their many \\Inghanx friends wish them a happy future. Belgrave John L. Stewart Was attending the High Court of Foresters at Niagara. lvl.r. McCurdy, 5th line of Morris, will erect a new house this Simmer, Mr. Watson, o1' Belgrave, has the con- tract, Mr. and Mrs. McCartney, of Tucker. smith, and Jos. Sproat, of Seaforth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sproat, of Belgrave. Jas. Taylor's house, South of Bel - grave, was struck by lightning on Monday evening of last week and slightly damaged. Jas. Me.Calltun, D, Sproat, Wm, Isbister and Geo. Taylor attended the Warden's Reunion Banquet in Godo - rich and had a good time. Miss M. J. Brandon has returned to hes home, atter spending a few months with her brother, Rev. W, J. Brandon, of Port Colborne. Onrr.-Wednesday, June 8rd, there 1)0000ed away an aged and highly re- spected resident ot tliis village, the be- loved wife of Geo. Dalgarno atter au illness of about three months. Mrs. Dalgarno was horn in Inverness, Scot- land, 75 years ago emigrating to Canaclawith her parents when .tsmall Pgirl, settlingin the township of usiiuch. When she married, they moved West to the township of East Wawanosh, near Belgrave, 47 years ago, where she with her husband en- dured all the hardships of a pioneer life. About 8 years ago they sold their farm and moved into the village, where she lived until her death. Ms. Dalgarno was of a kind and generous disposition, always willing to lend at helping hand in eases of sickness. She leaves to mourn her loss an aged husband and three slaughters, Mrs. Clark, of Guelph, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Scott, ot Best Wawauosh. In religion she was a devoted Presbyter- ian. leer remains were laid to rest on Friday hi the Wingham cemetery. The funeral services were conducted castor, Bev. 3. J. Uastu. her v byt , MissmNARY.-Rev. F. H. Lang - :Ford, the Missionary Campaigner of the (30dericll District, will give an ad- dress in the Walton 'Methodist church Friday eveniug June Nth at 8 o'clock. He will have a stereopticon and a complete set of one hundred original views of great interest bearing on our Missionary work. The rev. gentle- man will thus accompany his address with an entertainment highly pleas- ing and instructive. Everybody 10111 be welcome. Wingham J. S. Lewd and Levi Lott, of town, were in Gnderich serving on the jury. Tiros. Hicks hasreturued home after spending a few weeks in British 'Col- umbia. RACES. -Wednesday, the first day of Winghaiu races Was a successful one and a fair-sized crowd was in at- tendance. The weather was slightly cool, but the track Was in good shape. Followiug are the results 2.40pace- King Bryson 1 3 1 1 Pe111Otl on 3 2 2 2 Ian Bars 2 1 dr Nellie Wilkes 4 dr Black Harry 5 dr Easy Bert 0'"dr 2 2.204, 2.24 Time,...17.. 2.224, i, 2.21 pace - Tony Bars 1 1 1 Capt. Mack 2 5 2 Johnny K 5 2 3 Botubon B 4 3 5 Miss Swift 3 4 6 Sandy Point 6 6 4 Time, 2.174, 2.181., 2.171. 2.15 pace - Anna V. Brims 4 1 1 1 0 Black Watch 1 1 2 Wisdom King 2 8 2 2 Dot' L 8 4 3 4 Time 2.174, 2.1533, 2.201, 2.18. The second day's events at Wing - ham races wexui witnessed by a fairly good attendance. The track record was lowered to 2.11. Following are the results of Thursday's racing :- p0 �,.,2aoe- p King Bryson 1 1 1 Lady Baxter 2 8 2 RaA 4 2 4 Texaske 111: 8 4 5 Time, 2,2033, 2.21, 2.24 2.18 pace-. J. B. 'Wilkes 8 1 1 1 G, Madison. 1 5 8 3 Deltic 4 2 2 5 Johnny K 2 3 ,t 4 Time, 2.21, 2.171, 2.181, 2.18.1. Free -for -all - Pure Gold 2 1 1 1 Raoul W 1 2 3 4 Collingwood Rooker 3 3 2 2 La Paints 4 4 4 3 Time, 2.164, 2.11, 2.141, 2.16. Fresh Turnp Seed FOR SALE Bruce's N.ew Century Kangaroo 'improved Hall's Westbury Swede1 e o Bruce's Selected Purple Top Hartley's Bronze Top White Swede Banghol m Sutton's Champion Also Yellow Aberdeen, White Globe & Grey Stone All the above seeds supplied by the old reliable firm of 1VIessrs, John A. Bruce & Co. Call and get your Turnip Seeds from S 1. RAC HAN Seaforth Wm. Brine, of Hamilton, was here visiting his mother, Mrs. Brine, Gode- rich street. Gordon GunnY pass- ed has successful) ass - ed his third year in medicine at the Toronto Medical Oollege. George Jackson, of La Toque Situa- tion, Quebec, will spend a few weeks at his hone in Egmondville. Thos. Daly had the misfortune to fall on Wednesday afternoon of last week while working in his stable and break the thumb of his left hand. will first • lac of the sea- son ea- aOLI � Losse game 'ill take .taco at the recreation grounds on Friday evening, June 191%. Cine game will be played between Mitchell and Seaforth. Thos. Dickson, of North Main street. happened with a very painful accident on Monday evening of last week. While digging out a fence post he fell aucl as a result he is suffering from a broken arra and a fractured sh nalder. The annual convention of the dean- ery of Huron, was held in St. Thomas' church, on Thursday 4th inst. There was a very large attendance of dele- gates. Rev. Rural Dean Gonne, 14I. A., of Olinton, presided, and gave an address which was much appreciated, as were also a paper by W. H. Dun- bar, and an address by Rev. Cannon Downie. B. A. At the evening service Rev. T. S. Boyle, M. A., B. D., Rector of Christ church, Chatham, preached an impressive sermon, and a duct "The Spring -time of the Soul," was effectively sung by illrs. H. Spears and A. Middloinost. The Con- ventiton was a success in every Way, and the visitors were much gratified by the hospitable entertainment pro- vided for thein by the ladies of .St. Thomas' congregation. EYCVR910N tO Model Farm, Guelph, Friday of this weeks Special train leaves Brussels at 7,53 a, m. The re• turn fare is only 51.15, good to come back on any train Saturday, Children tinder 12 years half rate. It is a great education to visit the farm and parents should give their children the chance. He i FOD Ti511 MOT/21 FARM . -friday, loth 11(51.. is the Ltlr sol far the aonaal manly; ic'tbr 7.il•dc1 Farm at Guelph. Special train will run leaving Brussels at 7.s3 a m. Y.eturn fare for adults ()illy 51.45. 'ritkets good 10 e0he beck un any regular train on Saturday. Eat What You Want But Find the Way to Digest What You Do Eat SUMER Stfl00t June• July Sud August leads into our Fall 'Perm without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Tho Largest, most Reliable of Its kind. W. 11. SIiAW Principal Yongo 0 Gerrard etc„ Toronto 1113181181111, Han lsYal me Pail TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL To L..JVERPOQI. Tunisian sails-.........:...J315114n01e10 :Lill Jn1yly 7 10 Vlotoriun of u1s 1 Coreiosn sails 211 ,TJulnly 24 Virginian anile Teiy 0 y al MONTREAL TO Gk,ASGO W Ionian sans June la July 11 Grampian sails,,..... Jane 20 July 17 Pretorian.sails . June 27 July 24 liesperlan sails July 4 Jaly 01 MONTREAL TO HAVRE d LONDON Corinthian.... Tune 20 Aug. 1 Parisian sails .� Julie 27 Aug. 8 Sardinian sails July 4 .Pflug. 16 For sailings, lists and full information apply to W. H, KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels, SINGLE HARNESS May be Among Your Wants The first thing to do in the case of indigestionor stomaels weakness is to strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines, so that they will care for the food that is eaten. In no other way can this be done as well as by taking Mi-o-na tablet be- foreeaeh ineal. This restates strength to the stomach 1011301esanti stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices,. then the food digests readily and you begin to get the full benefit of what you eat, Use Mi-o-na whenever you have sick headache, heartburn, bead mato in the mouth, coated tongue, spots before the oyes, s1eeplossnees 21101 many other symptoms that are the direct result of indigestion, Jas. Fox gives with every 50 cent box of Mi•o-na a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures, We are prepared to supply you in Genuine Rubber Mountings, Imita- tion Rubber or Solid Nickel -a110 of which are poptilar'l'rimmiires. Our prices will amt 0(111. We have Dusters, Lap Rugs, Trunks and Satchels, all at Lowest Prices. Dwelling to iet or Sell, Dwelling above store to let New Covered Buggy for sale. L C. Richards McKay & Shaw Solicit your trade. We carry the lordest and most complete stock 0, this section, enmprislnd Hardware, Woodenware, Cutlery, Garden Seeds, Iron, Steel, Carpenters' Tools, Paints, Varnishes and Brushes 10 you need a finish for FURNITURE, FLOORS, OR ANY INTERIOR WORK We sell and recommend CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN 20 years on the market, it Iways dives satisfaction It dries quick and hard Makes a durable finish 10 COLORS CARD FREE BUGGIES and WAGONS otft YB,u\sv'okmiasusBhrinP ssaenlds dfrualbl 4t0Y0 Eooftthhee sw1( pereiloerd ruial s- 24 Veers that Ewan & Co, turn out. Our business is increasing every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best s'and- ard make with extra deep rims. Have you seen our dash support braces? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken clashes. This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BEST and we have a patent for the back stages to prevent them from getting loose or flapping. Trimmings are the very best of No. 1 leather with eight dilfereut designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of ell kinds. A.peep into our two 1m•ge show rooms will convince any skeptic that what we say is true. Also a number of Farm Wagons always on haud made from the very best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish, elsolauy height of wheels, Old Tops lined and coveredeyed complete and made asgood asnew at small cost. Our famous Artist, W:vI. C. SYlITH, is herein attend- ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what we turn out. Yon will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons and get your buggy repainted at Ewau & Co's up•to-date Carriage Shop. Call and get Dm' terns and prices and buy from a reliable firm and support (tome industry. SPECIAL. RiGS MADE TO ORDER. E WA N 00., BRUSSELS NATIONAL Roller Flour ills OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is uoW in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses fry our New BREAKFAST FOOD - �"✓orne ' Made ('rola Wlfit.e Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating. Don't forget that our "White Loafs' Flour is still tatting the lead for Bread Fllours, All kinds Of Feed kept constantly on hand. WM. Se R. A. P E BRUSSELS