HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 12cb( �p r new bridge, w�en bitlit, be an the alt• l t x�l ir�� sits i5t of the old, Tho engineer was authoris- ed to sell the timber of the old J;athwell TJiVRSDAY, JUNE 18, 1908 bridge, in Stanley, bet that no further action be taken. 'That no action be .�"_ ..— taken towards the betiding of a bridge EAST BORON FARMERS' INSTITUTE, ! 'J'hattno action be.takeu in reference to The anneal meeting of East Huron Farmers' Institute was held in the Couu- cil Chamber, Jiressels, on Friday after- noon of last week, with .President Me- Vlillan in the chair. Minutes were read and' .assess, Executive Committee's report Was read showing that 1 x meet- ings were held and 49 addresses given. The total expense fur year was $226.78 leaving a balance of $159,09. There are 308, members, A Farmers' Club was formed at St. Columbian with a membership of 23. Report was adopted. Auditors' report was presented by auditor A. D. Grant and accepted. Directors were elected as follows on motion of Mr, Bennett, seconded by Ale, Simpson :— Howick :—Alex. Gibson, A. A. Graham and J. Armstrong. 'Pprnberryi—las. Elliott, Jno. Mc- Naughton and Jas, Orr, Wroxeter:—T. A. Gibson and W. Knox. Morris:—J. Lawson, R. Nichol, W. H. Fraser, Walter Smillie, Thos. Mc- Call. Grey .—Too, McTaggart, Amos Smith, Jas, MoFadzeao, S. T. Campbell. Brussels:—W. H. McCracken, G. Thomson and W. H. Kerr. McKillop:—Jas. Simpson, A. Gard- iner, R. Scarlett, Jas. Evans. Hullett :—Tas, Watt, T. McMillan, Jno. Brigham, Charles Rogerson. Auditors, T. R. Bennett and A. D. Grant. The attendance was small for an annual meeting. At the meeting of the Executive Thos. McMillan was elected President ; W. H. Fraser, Vice President; P. A. Mc- Arthur, .Secretary -Treasurer. On motion it was decided to affiliate with the Winter Fair, the fee being $5.0o. $25.00 has been offered by the Co. Council of Huron to supplement prizes in fat cattle classes at Winter Fair to amateurs from Huron Co. Those who have taken ist prizes at Toronto, Ot- tawa or London Exhibitions or Guelph Fat Stock Show are barred as competit- ors. A grant of $io was made to the Central Woman's Institute for the rid- ing of East Huron, Huron County Council Regular meeting of the County Coun- cil was held at Goderich. A letter was received from the Secretary of the On- tario Provincial Winter Fair askiug for a grant ; $25 was granted, to be offered for amateurs only, for this county, and for beef cattle only. Application was made tor an increase of salary by the Turnkey. 'Phis was refused and a committee appointed to revise the salaries of all the county officials, with a view to putting them on a permanent basis for at least five years, said com- mittee consisting of Messrs. Fraser, Hawkins, Baillie, Leckte and Harris, Application was made for a grant to- wards the Clinton Hospital ; it was agreed that a grant of $400 be made when it is shown that the hospital has passed government inspection, and is recognized as a public hospital. The Warden was empowered to settle the claim of Angus McLeod for damages done by a committee of council in tread- ing down grass and leaving open gates, etc. On tnotion $2o was paid to the Huron Co, Stock Show at Clinton. An application for a grant to Hensall Horse Show was refused on the ground that conditions had not been complied with. A similar application from the Ford- wich Stallion Show was refused. Ap- plication from the town of Goderich, for a grant of $300 towards paying the ex- penses of themilitary camp, was refused. The sum of $75 was granted to the Hur- on Co. Rifle League, and the sum of $25 to the Huron Co. Poultry Association. The sum of $50 was granted towards transportation expenses and $25 for prizes to exhibitors of the county at the Provincial Horticultural Exhibition this Fall. It was decided to notify the Council of Perth not to open certain bridge tenders until the Road and Bridge Committee look into the matter. It was moved, seconded and carried that Stanley township be refunded the sum of $119 price of bridge on Lake Shore road, said bridge being a County Bridge. This was agreed to by the Road and Bridge Committee. The Clerk was instructed to keep a book showing the cost of erecting and maintaining each permanent bridge in • the county. The Engineer was instruct- ed to prepare a statement for the Coun- cil showing the cost of all permanent bridges that have been erected during his term of office. Dr. Milne was appointed a delegate to attend a Consumptive meeting during the holding of Toronto Fair, Messrs. MoDermid and Lane were appointed delegates to the Muuicipal Association meeting in Toronto. It was decided that the Council should visit the site of the Holmesville-Colborne bridge, which it did on Friday morning. The Committee and Inspector of the I4onse of Refuge were authorized to at- tend to the fire protection of the House of Refuge, 'The House of Refuge committee re- ported that the front hall of the house had been papered, and the woodwork painted, es well as other improvements. The committee had instructed the In- spector to have a cement foundation planed under the steps at the main en- 'mince,and a porch to be built over the door in the North angle of the main building. They found that the new part of the building bad no proper fire protection and recommended that the same be provided at once, or the incur - once rate Will be increased. They found the building neatly kept nod the inmates clean and contented, The crops on the farm are looking well. The following is the acreage of the different crops , Oats 3, barley 5, mangolds s-+ carrots 1-4, sugar beets 2, potatoes 2 3-4, hay to, the balance in pasture. ROAns AND nalbGEs 1'"2 The Chairman of tine R. & B. com- mittee, reported that the Council had met et the Holmesviile bridge and ex- amined the seine, together with the locality of the proposed new bridge, The Committee recommended some re- pairs 10 the old bridge in ease a pew one is not built this Summer, and that the Dewar's bridge Stauley, it never being legally a county bridge, That alt i bridges requiring it, be painted. That the bridge built by 'Pnekersiuith and Stanley, be assumed by the county. That Rapson's bridge, on the base liue between Hullett and Goderich township be taken over, That the Riutail bridge be built this year if necessary. t EINANCP, CONI4ITTEE The Finance Committee reported that the total equalization amounted to 8142,501,40o : the Treasurer's estimated expenditure amounts to $81,062 and estimated receipts, $8,8o9, leaving a bal- anee of $72,252 to be provided for which 1 require a rate ort7-10 mill the wit eqwmills dollar to be raised on theequalized value of all the property in the county liable to taxation, Estimated Receipts and Expenditures. EXPENDITURES Administration of Justice. ....... ,..$ 550o jail account 2200 Division Court Jury Fund ,..,loo Schools . rs000 School management... . 2800 Miscellaneous grants.. 2000 Municipal government 5500 Stationery, printing, etc Lunatics and charities Interest County property Miscellaneous Industrial Home. Roads and bridges. Sterling debentures Currency debentures RECEIPTS Registry office, ..... .,...,...... $12oo Licenses Soo Surplus Igo? 6809 1000 Boo 500 1500 too boon 30762 2000 $sro62 $8809 Great Danger in Headaches It's often dangerous to consider headache a trifling ailment. If the head aches the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be im- pending. To tone up the stomach, to give it healthy action, nothing in modern medicines is so successful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. The concentrat- ed vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills have a quieting healthful effect on the stomach and remove all disorders, Your headache will be cured and they won't return, if you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold everywhere. CENTRE HURON. Following are the official figures for the Provincial Election of Tune 8th for Centre Huron:— SEAFORTH. Prend foot No, 1 88 2 37 3 22 4 23 5 42 55 212 238 Majority 26 CLINTON. No. I 59 2 71 3 43 4 48 22I Majority Porter 69 49 34 31 No. f 3 4 5 6 Majority No. I 3 Majority No, I 3 4 Majority No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Majority No. 1 2 3 4 000ERlCH 57 58 75 59 36 74 —41 The Hen and the Doorknob Once upon a ti 115 Caere was a fool hen who sat 00 is china 11. ork00b for three weeks expeettug to get n family. The only thing she did get 1858 experience, The advertising field is full of 'china doorknob proposition;'—exumpies of merchauis who expect good eewspepers to hatch money out of had egg business, or who put 8oand 110.81 eggs under the wrong "advertising lieu," There are three princ;pies to follow in an advertising campaign : First of all, find a business that will stand advertis• Ing ; secondly, find the newspaper that will make the advertising pay ; thirdly Political Pointers give the newspaper time t t pay. -' The Ottawa correspondent says :— Dr. Chisholm, Conservative (East Huron), acted the part of the clinoid friend Friday evening and spoke out plainly against the waste of time which has resulted from the tactics of his party. Though he did not specially blame the Opposition, it was impossible to doubt that he had in mind the willful obstruction on the part of his political associates when he declared that they were acting like a pack of schoolboys. At any rate tate Liberal members inter - prated the doctor's animadversions in that light and cheered accordingly. Dr. Chisholm made it plain that he shared the views of members on the Govern- ment side, who in the course of a dis- cussion precipitated by Mr. Owen, came out boldly to favor of an amenthnent of the rules of the House which would ob- viate such senseless obstruction as has been the practice by the Opposition 1 since the beginning til the session, RHEUMATISM Eats Up Strength Racks the Joints Prevents Sleep. when yogi have founts what to advertise, take care that you place your copy in a newspaper that can turn the trick. Dow% delude yourself with a chino door. knob, end.don [confuse a "rooster news. paper" which speeds its time euek•a- laiu1 1nl,, for a "ben news paper" that is too busy hatching out dollars to strut about crowing.' Have you Warts? Ton tau 131'1' them pahiltsely by Putnatti c Corn and War! Es tram i.e. ' Never known to fail, Be1:15 sou get "Putnam's," in 25e bottles, You can't start in to breed dollars in less time than it takes to hatch them any more than you can pull a hen off the nest before she has had time to incubate. In both cases you simply waste what has been invested, 11 you stop too soon you will get a rotten e • ii to f chick- en. egg is ado a LI ic6- en. Advertise something out of which you may reasonably expect returns, and FI RST -CLASS Buggies Have a choice stock of Buggies manufactured by the Barrie Carriage Company for sale. Both steel and rubber tyres. They are A 1 'and sold from $60.00 up. Guarantee with every rig, Don't buy muni yeti visit my show room. You can save mon- ey thereby. Sr Nt Jackson, Brussels Bodmin Lime WORKS S is headquarters for Fresb, lure, No. 1 Lime. Highest recommends given as to the quality of it, having proven itself No. 1 on Government buildings. 25c per Bushel, Delivered \Vrite or Telephone to A, NICHOLSON & SONS, Seagrave Brewer's Art Studio The language of Photographs is the clearest form of expression. It speaks in all tongues and to all peoples ; it is understood by the ignorant and appro. 59 ciated by the cultured. Don't forget to 86 get a nice Photo. taken to leave with 76 your friends. We are second to none 58 in our line and guarantee you satisfac- tion. Did you get a Photo. of the baby? 279 Now is the time. - 58 I intend to keep in stock a fall line of Amateurs' Supplies, and also Kodaks to rent. I will develop and make your pictures, Give us a call, H. R. BREWER 8o 87 77 56 48 76 34 400 458 58 BRUSSELS. 32 35 40 207 7 MCXn.LOP. 59 69 48 49 225 33 GREY. 46 47 57 49 58 63 56 376 155 }I IILLE'r'T. 44 54 28 68 17 6 45 7 33 Majority 1 Y No, I 2 3 4 289 50 COLBORNE. 28 75 43 221 Majority 63 RECAPITULATION, Seaforth 212 Clinton- 221 Goderich 400 Brussels 107 McKillop 225 ilrev 376 llltllett 289 Colborne 221 5051 Proudfoot'tt Maj. 166 30 42 28 too 32 44 57 59 192 36 30 21 20 38 37 39 221 49 43 29 30 31 26 31 239 4.1 33 59 25 158 238 279 458 100 192 221 239 158 18833 After Once Tasting l no one wants an old-fash- ioned cod liver oil prepara- tion or emulsion, because Vino' is a much better body- builder and strength creator for old people, weak children, and for coughs, colds, bron- chitis, etc. If it does no good we will return your money. James Fox, Druggist 111108301,8 CANADIAN PitAC1F1c North-West Excursions Leave on Tueitteyo June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Return 2nd Class Tickets From ell Ontario 8tetlomte Winnipeg, Catgsry, Edmonton end principal pointe to and Manitob [Saw atchewan AlVERY LOW RATES TICKETS GOOD FOR CO DAY Bertha in Tourlet Bleeping Care of small extra coat, If eaoured le advance, Apply to any C.P.H. Ticket Ageht for full Information and free copy of Homoeookers' Pamphlet, or wrlte C L FOSTER, Inst. Pols. Arent, Toronto UNCHECKED,—It Finally Strikes the Heart and Kills its Victim It originates in the blood and de- velops most quickly in the system of persons who are run clown and lacking in vitality. y The only specific of all forms of rheumatism is Ferrozone, which is perfect solveut for uric acid And a splendid stimulant for the kidneys and liver. No remedy is so successful as Ferro - zone. It has never failed to cure, be- cause it attacks the cause of the dis- ease in the blood. It neutralizes the uric acid poisons, quickens the slug- gish circulation, and relieves the sys- tem of all irritating matter. Every distressing symptom is cured, i swollen muscles and. aching joints are relieved of their pain. The disease will not return if once cured by Fee- rozone, which sloes its work thorough- ly. Its cures are lasting. Unlike other treattnsuts, Ferrozone sloes not depress the heart or deaden the nerves. It rebuilds the system, promotes better health, establishes good appetite, soundsleep and freedom from weakening pains and aches. The perfection of all rheumatic remedies is found in Ferrozone. It is in tablet form easy to take, convenient to carry, guaranteedto aura, and costs only 50e per box, or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggists ; don't fail to test Ferrozone. Listowel The electric light and waterworks by-laws will be voted on on Monday, June 22nd. Capt. Meyers and the men of Com- pany No. (1, of the 28th Regiment at- tended divine service in Christ Church on Sunday morning. Dr. P. D. Rothwell and Mrs. Roth- well, of Denver, Colo., are the guests of B. and Mrs, Bothwell, Main street. It is nine years since Dr. Rothwell last visitedhis old home. A. M. Simpson has woo the Glashan gold medal in mathematics at gradua- tion from Toronto University. Mr. Simpson received his pre -academic training at the Listowel High School, Miss Edith Carthew left on Tuesday of last week for Winnipeg, to visit her sister, Miss R. Stevenson, Miss I. Kidd and Miss Morrison, also Mrs. Mann left at the same time to visit friends in the Canadian `Vest. Robert Taggert, Bismark Ward, who is in his 94th year, walked to the' polling booth on election day and poll- ed his vote for Mr. Torrance. His son-in-law, Alex. Phillips, who is over 70 and who has been bedfast for several months, was also brought out and carried into the poll and voted. A meeting of Elma farmers interest- ed in the Burnett drain was held at the. Grand Central hotel in town, Reeve Hamilton and members of the council were present, and a warm dis- cussion ensued in the effort to reach a settlement. While nothing definite was accomplished at the meeting it is likely to result in reaching an under- standing without incurring any more expense than is absolutely necessary. "Show Me" Proof That Is what Hyomei will do in all forms of Catarrh and Troubles of the Breathing Organs. It's nota question of Hymnal ]lav- ing cured some one else but will it reach your own particular case. 11' its Cold in the bead, Catarrh, Bron- chitis, Pneumonia, Croup or any nf- -reetion of the breathing organs ,Tas. Fox stays Yes, and will refund the ]noney if it fails. No other prepara- tion for the same purpose can success- fully do this, becanse the llyomel system of treatment is difiiererit fx'oln anything else. You simply breathe and inhale its medication in dry ail' forst which de- stroys the germ life that •asses op- pressed breathing, •Nasal Catarrh Throat Irritation and Lung Troubles, It beings to these muttering organs the balsam laden air they would got in the Pine and Hucalyptic forests, The air that stamp• out BrOuehild troubles. 'The prince of cmtertainershfat.eh.al P. Wilder says 1 Hymnei is easy to ase, and swift (10 cure. :11 i11511205 against coughs and colds. It gives you pure air and kills the germ of disease, It bell�e1s the voice, IIyumei conlpleto oatfit, $1.00 Fine Care Fine Hair It's fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Does not change the cetor of the hair. Ayormule with each bottle 2 chow fde to year doctor about t {/.+� /�9 Auk flint i V/ than do ,a ho eoye Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, is the latest, most scientific, and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the market. For falling hair and dandruff it is the one great medicine. -11.40 by the 2.0. Ayer Ce.. Lowell. Ma.e.-- THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN WANTED.—A person with 0o:pe money to oln in an extremely profitable bubbles, in which large profits can be made without risk. References given, Investigate. L Box 24, Brussels, Ont. OR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon, graduate of Toronto Univor• stn Office over J. T. !toss' grocery, Brussels, Will open Monday, June 811., .4. H. MONTEITH Bnrrieter, Solicitor, Notary, &c., successor to A. B. Macdonald. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. TFIE cosi: of living is an important thing g in most hollies, You may have to figure close- ly in these matters. A little extra on a barrel of flour may look big to you. ' 13ut there is a differ- ence between spending money wisely and spend- ing it foolishly. Sometimes it is econo- my to spend instead of to save. It is in the case of Royal 1 louseholtl Flour. Those few extra cents a week, that give you o A onseho .. Hour In preference to inferior flour, buy health. Nothing contributes so much to the food you eat as flour; and therefore nothing should be more carefully bought. Ogilvie's Royal Household ousehold 'Flour is the .whitest, cleanest and most nutritious flour that's milled. Itis the only flour that is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Montreal. CODIFORTABLE PHe1TON, double seated, -' - = -- - - -- 1510.8 top and chic anrtlbtt, for sale. ,,..94 -1 Rig in goof repair. will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of B. BERRY, Brussels. 40.10 TRAYED from Lot 15, Cott. 8, Mom. :beet ; g Summer Session for Teachers Q1Q1� S May 20th, o Thot•o'-bred Oxford Down 1 dl Ewe, [narked with silver tips in 8015 • also a � (7 and others during .Info and August aMarch ewe lamb. Information regarding the seine will be thankfully received by J..7. SEL- LERS, Bluevale P. 0. FARM FOR SALE, being South 34 Lot 10 Con. 8, Corey, eontalning 50 acre•. All clear and in good •tete of cultivation. Will sell it with or without the crop. For further partioularc apply on the premlees or if by let- ter to Orenbroolr P. 0. 13. A. KEYS. 95-11 Tenders for Gravel Tenders will be received by the Corporation of Brussels for 400 yards of careened gravel to be delivered ns directed by the Council. The lowest or any tender• not neaessarlly aoeepted. Tenders to be pinoed in the hands of [the Uletk on or before 0 p. m. Saturday, 20th fast. By order of Council. 90.2 F. S. SCOTT, Olai'k. Stock for Service BOAT; FOR SERVICE. — The undersigned has purchased the pure bred. Yorkshire Boar, "Woodstock Master," front the celebrat- ed easy feeding herd of E. J. Davis, of Wood - stook. ood- stool. This animal is bred direct from fin - ported stook on both aides and 18 n goad one. Terms, 01,00, at time of service, with privilege of returning. J. M. KNIGHT, Proprietor, Lot. 21. Con. 12, Grey. 45.15 Morris Council The Council met as a Court of Res - vision in the Town Hall Morris on May 29th pursuant to advertisement. Members all present and subscribed the oath required by statute. R. B. Alcock complained of being too high assessed on 571lot 19, con. 7, case dm - missed. Jno. Ellis complained of be- ing too high assessed on pt. Ni lot•24, con. 4, reduced $200. Chas. McOrea entered as tenant for Solar property, Belgrave. Thos. Bieiby entered ten- ant N. E. d 12, con, 9. Telford Sellars entered tenant N. W. 120, oon. 3. W. H. Shortreed entered M. F. 5fr 16, con. 9. Jno. Armstrong entered owner 51 1, con. 4 in place of Wm. McCrea. Court of Revision was then adjourned to meet again on June 29 at 10 o'clock a. m. Council business was then pro- ceeded with. Seven tenders were re- ceived for concretepier and abutments for Sommetrville's bridge and tender of Geo. Barkley found to be the lowest. On motion of NlcOutcheon and Camp- bell 198. Barklay's tender at $3.33 per cubic yard was accepted. The Court of Revision on Mason Drain By:law was opened according to notice. Mr. Armstrong appealed against his As- sessment on S. 't lot 25, con. 3 in said Drain By-law, also claiming that the first 40 rods of said drain should be a tile drain, The engineer consented to change the plan to the extent of slak- ing said portion a tile drain and Mr. Armstrong waved his appeal regard- ing the assessment. The Court of Re- vision was then closed. On motion of Campbell and 1'Ic(Jnttheon the Reeve was instructed to attend to the matter of having filling and excavating done at islandou site'of Sommerville bridge. On motion of Slxaw and M000tcheon John Watson wasappointod Inspector of concrete work re Sommerville bridge at $1.75 per clay. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows :— Alex. McNeil, repairing culvert, $1.00; Fred. Armstrong, filling washout at Clegg's bridge, $8.00 ; Joseph Combs, felon bridge on Kelly drain, $15,00; D. McDonald, filling washout, $4.00 ; Ed. Nichol, island for filling material, $15.00 ; .Alex, Conon, island for .ii lling materia] $5.00, 1. A. McLean, lumber for fence, $4.22 rhos, Scott, work on 2ntl line bridge, 38.00 ; fro, Ashton, work on bridge, 75 ets ; 1Vtn. Garniss, work on bridge, 75 ots ; Wim Elston, work on bridgo, $1.50 ; Knox and Garniss, tile. drain, $3.50 ; P. Bishop, repairing tile chain, $2,00 ; A. Crooks. filling washout, $1.111) ; W. 1l. Karr, Mason Drain By-laws and printing bpost cards, $20.00; Nagle,ttc Looby�y, alance due on cement arclhes, $7.00 ; W. Clariz, part salary, 340,00 ; John Watson, Assiessor's salary, $70.00. On motion of Shaw and Taylor the Reeve and Treasnrei was instructed to bor- row $1,000 to moat current expenses. On motion of 111eCutt,hnon and Camp- bell the Omen that adjourned to meet again atm, Court of llevisioll on 31111e 2001, on which date the Court of Revision on the Ormsby Drain By-law Will be held at 2 o'clock p. on W, CLA1tIt, Clerk. aELLIOTT im" TORONTO, ONT. Remains open throughout the Sum- mer and finally studente enter, this time. We haytpa greater attend- ance this year than over before. Graduates readily secure employment. Write to -day for hI,ndsmno catalogue. It pays to attend the best. W. J. ELLIOTT, Oor. Yong• &Alexander ars„ Toronto. 5 o No You know from daily expe- rience, at home or in the barber shop, that the question is— 'fWhy doesn't•a razor hold its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open -bladed razor -does not alter the•question, You want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor will be ready' for instant 021 the next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razor ie the only razor uncondilian. ally guaranteed to do this, Thirty years of study on the razor situation has perfected a• new secret process of ELEOTRIQ TEMPERING that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life of steel) into the metal—giving a dia- mond -like hardnessuniformly, throughout the blade—some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steel—used in making all other razors. But test this razor in your own home—or if you prefer, have your barber use it on you, Give us your name` or call and see the "Carbo Magnetic" razor, and we will. state our propbsition for test Ing these razors withoud obligation on your part to purchase, together with our free booklet " Hints on Shav- ing." This book illustrates the correct razor position for shaving every part of the face. Local Agents, Wilton & Gillespie g SHOE POLISH The Perfoot Dressing for Ladies' Shoos, Preserves the flneet leather and gives a brilliant polish that willnot tub oII' or son the daintiest garments, No dealer careful of his reputation will nay anything elan isas good. At all Z)oa1.tra 1Oc, and Sac. tins Notice to Creditors In the matter the estate ofJanetSpeir, n 1 p late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, widow, de - 8 ceased, Notice is herebyIver ureuent to "Tho given p Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1 h • i O t h, 8ll r aper nd and amendment' thereto, that tit a estate lora tbo others ne Spell., dieter theoestate of the mid Janet S7lair, who died on or abort the 24th day of 2Iay, 1908, are required on or be- fore the 2011, day of June, 1908, to send byPost, prepaid, or deliver to W. W. Sinclair, ,,tf the Village of Brussels, to the County of Boon, Solicitor for Allan Speir, the Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian mrd lmhvnnles, addressee and descriptions, the Puff pnrtiaulnra of their Maims, the statement of their aoeount: and the nature of the securities .if tiny) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executor will ed amongst thed to panties the assets of the Laving regard only to the claims of whichhe shall then have notice, and that the 5164 Executor will not be liable for the said nasals or any port thereof, to any person or persons of whom olaim notice 0h81)het have been received by him nt the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels 2nd day of June, 1908, W. M. SINCLAIR, 45.2 Solicitor for the Executor. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. IMPORTANT NOTICES i7ARM FOR SALE, BRING Lot 18, Con. 18, Grey, oontaluing 100 acres. Apply to WM. WOODS, orenbrook P.O. - 21.11 H OUISE AND ACRE OF Land for sale. Comfortable dwe11- iug ; hard and soft water under cover ; 'ap- ple, plum and (berry trees, As. Posseseton eau be given at (woe, For prtee, terms, .ko, call at THE POST, H OUSE AND ACRE LOT,oj for sale—Albert street, comfortable, home 10 good repair. Small stable, Rood won, oistere, &o. Possession any time. Por manor particulars apply on the premises to S, ORAWGOItI, Brussels. 46.11 For Sale osr1otiuerflt''horder aahthe lexeutos oern sale the real estate oeneiatieg of a oum[ort- able e.roetued hou08 aid 1105 nemeut eben built 15 1907, 1 more of laud, hard 811d soft water, together with a large mewed. ions stable, drilled well end 5 aeras of good laud diagonally mimes the elroet from dwel- ling holm. Forpartioulare antl�prico apply to P.. SCOTT, or A, STleWARRT, Queen 0t, West, Bruseeis. 88.11 Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY oven numbered section of Dominion Lauds 10 Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta'excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may behomestoadotl by any person who is the sole. head of a family, or aey 02010 over 18 years of ago, to the oxtect of cue -quarter suction of 150 mires mora or leas. Entry may f be furmadethe p ietriet y w the local laud situs tar the dietrtot in which i the land to situate. 1 The homesteader 1a required to perform the eoedit:0useenneetou that esti th under cue 01 tee following Maus: (1) At least six menthe' residesoa upon and outalvatiou of the laud in each year for three yearn, (2) If the fatbor (or mother, if ,the father 18 1350011005) of the. homeoleadee resldee upon a farm in the vleloity of the land mitered for the requlrsmente es to reel - donee osey be gatedudby anon personre. aiding wltu the father 00 m011er. (8) 1f the settler has big eermauout re9i- donse upon lm'mluit laud awned by 11110 to the v1011101, of hfa homestead, the ro• qulremeute as to r0sideneo MAY bo satis- fied by resilience upon the Sala land, nix mpl,the'!lethal 'lin wining 0111114 be gIvou to the COiuutiseleuer of Dominion l,antla et Ottawa, of iuteution to apply for harem, VV, W 00111. "Deputy 01 Ih8 Mhuiertor• of Interior, ttimuthoriaed publtaattoll of this ad. - i vertisenl8nt will u0t l)3 paid for,