The Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 10THE MOST DANGEROUS DEBT
We Are All Debtors, One to Another, and
None Gan Lin to Himself.
"Overs0 Treei enything, but to bate
ono another, —Romeins elle, 8.
Many a man who prides henget an
payag his way and on being out of
debt would Le in absolute bankruPteY
if oempetted to square els aecounte
with life, Se may have paid for all tere
geode he has bought, but he has felled
te make any adequate return for the
good that has come freely to hine
Life is mutt the busInee.s of paying to
the present those debts which we owe
to the past, of meting Into the universe
a.nd back into our humanity at least a
part of that which we have drawn for
our own enriching from these reetirces.
Love is We's vent law, because love
Ls the principle of self-glveng in action.
We are all debtors one le another.
No man can avoid the indebtedness for
the sacrifices weech men have made be-
fore him, tvhich alone make 'possible his
peeseet advantages. Tett may boast that
you ovre no man anything, but what o°
yeur father's toil for you, your mother's
devot on?
Our creditors sl.rolch far back, a long
line beyond our ken. Some man long
ago conceneed a great principle, the
enunciation rule defense of which east
him hes comfort, strength, and, at length
les lite. At that cost he purchaeed• 01111
right to live in the freedom of that prin-
but we do not discharge our debts he
him by the erection of monuments oe
the writing of poems in his honor.
He who talks of !emelt as seifonnde
thereby gives evidenoe of the iheomplete-
nese of ihe process of' his making, his
powers of svff-understandIng nee unde-
veloped. A thousand lives go into the
making et lee least llte. .one can live
eo heneef nor by his own resources. 11
is good to cultivate the spirit of inde-
pendent*, but the fait of indebtedness
none can eseaere.
What self-respectIng man would be
content, to eat at another's table, to be
clothed at another's expense, end make
no sort of recompense? Yet In what
manner does such a course differ from
ours if we live day by day wIth no other
though t than to get, more and yet mere
out of life for ouveelvei. Humanity is
our hese Even the broad we eat and
the Males wa weav we never could
pin for ourselves molded; the ;efforts
of all mankied have been neeteesary to
their prodttel';011.
F'Ven fir (Mr food, our clothe& not
neution other aril greater benellee,
we never emu pey wee menee, .W0
may Cern the loaf, but who shall pay
the sower of long ago. the miller, the
mahme, the thinker, the 3:l0n0e1 who
gave their lives to make our wheat
fides and turn them into bread?
Sheer buSness honesty with tie will
Rime es to ask, How can I pay these
debtors? What eturn can I make for all
teat I have reoeivee?
that we should do tor humanity what
inutionity le doing Mr us. that since we
are recipetits we sinned be giver's, that
WO should be led by that law of love
that already has wrought for our bles-
lo lives of long nge WO OWP 101111
and tree:tom what, edel thinge are our
liVeS passing on to those who follow
us? 11 through the service of our 'el -
hews we ere enriched to -day to what
eXtelll are they eneched lleemgh our
seethe? WO 'lave received; eeve we
g ven?
There is no gain to fee efe Iltat
ell gelling. It loses itselL Suet e 1(10
Is a parasite, an abnerntality and de-
formity in a world weeere is• the
law et Living. No other !fe 4 T.: 1E.? -
empty as that which thezes eel). •1 til-
ing itself and mwer '.1 enneh
Cite Call lay asele all :ooze:rim- here
and Fee a plan busnees; prepesitent.
We are debtors te our fellowe. we ewe
those of the past and those, of the pre-
sent; tvhal are we but defaulter% if,
Mewing these things, we continue evad-
wg the payment of our debts, continue
with greed seeking only to get and
never to give?
Seel a course le the eaddest kind cif
.3111CitiO, Welding 10 self-love the man
Ignores ihe claims of his felon% or hides
them under sophistry and, giving him-
self te gains is surprised Io find life so
bavren, eo dleappointene. Defying lire's
law of love he has lost the power et
loving, tee sensibility of love, the prize
of life iteelf, the power of living.
Leeson MR. Second Quareerly Review.
Golden Text, John 20. 31.
With what beauLiful discourse dtd our
Quarter's study begin? 'What do we
know about our Lords friends. In &th-
ew—about Mary? about Martha? about
Lazarus? Hew do ks the enkacle tee ought
upon Lazarus oompa,re with other ndr-
actee of our Lord? How Is the physical
act he the type of the sp.Mitual lespon?
What did the anointing of Jesus by
Mary really mean? What eriumphal
event occurred between Lessons III and
IV.? How did Jesus teach humility In
Leeeon Whore and wean wore the
worde of Lesson V, spoken? 01 Lesson
VE Recount the incidenee of the be-
trayal and arrest of oor Lord as told
by the four evangel'sfs. Receemt the
incidents of hes condemn/Leon and cru-
cifixion. How many appearances of
our Lord atter hee rosuerection from no
dead are recorded in the Gospeese
Lesson 1.-10805 tha Good Shephord.—
What is the first verso of the twenty-
third Nairn? In ibis lesson what does
cm Lord eall himself How does he
deserlbe his sheep? Whose voice do hts
sheep .recogniee? What other kinds) of
shepherds does the Mester alludo o?
What is the final wont of the (food
Shephsrer's devotion?
Leeson II. --The Raising 01 LOZertES.—
What noted family lived in Bethany?
Where WEIS this town.? Why did j 4 '6.1
wait severaldays beim starting to
Bethany offer he heard that Lazarus
was sick? What did the sisters say to
him when he arrived? What is the
&tortes verse. tn, the Bible? Why did he
weep? What divine power did Jesus
show in thls chapter?
Lesson Ill.—Jesus Amoineed al Beth-
any—Wheu was this feast gtven? What
noted guests were there? Wiud, del
Martha do? What did Mary doe Who
complained? Why? What 0re.140 did
the alesier bestow? What die he say
of the poor?
Lessen IV.—lereus 'renechtte Hermit ty.—
When did ells event Mc piece? Whet
two things is it saki that Tesus knew
just at this jun:gum? What art of eer.
V100 die be eerforge What ;loot the
• ecene knell us?
Lessen V•—•Oor Heavenly 11,ene,
what verse does this losoun men?
elehat cuter does the Maeler give Doe
heart leoublese What has he prepared
1111 ids followers? Of whet dos Ire give
eiesura nut in thi8 lessen? what poet
gift (Wee he ineureset
Less in VL—The alleelon the ilely
Spieftoelly what name Is the Mete
Spirit called htee? What other Wens;
- help DS to Inuit:et:WV the meaning ef
that woad? 01 whet rielee he eonvinee
.lhe world? Why W08 3 Lotter Pee the
' cleeelplee the, 148118 rillould go wily ma]
leave them? What is the great en,
coaling to thee chnetere
• Leseen en—Seem re 11 -ay 1 end
eletted 31 deetew the
ter? Who beireyee Jeer's fele neer
many times? What motives led him to
eh this act? What differences do You
„ace between the sin of Judas and that
of Peter?
Leseon VIII.—Jesus's Death and Burl.-
al.—ee hat Jewish officials sat in judg-
ment on the Saviour? On what grounds I
was he condemned? Who gave final
sentence that ho should die? What, title
was written twee his cross? What, two
rich 'men burled tome For whom did
he die?
Lesson IX.—.Testis Risen From the 1
Dead.—On what day of tho week was t
Jesus crucified? On what day did he
rise from the dead? What effect did res
death have upon his disciples? Who
were Iasi, at the oess and first at the
tomb? Who first received a message
that Jesus was risen? Did the discipies
believe the testimony of the women?
What three truths does the resuirortion
of Christ make clear and sure to ue
Lesson X.—Jesus Appears to the
.kpostles.—When WS$ this first revela-
tion of (feast made to the apostlesl
flow many of them were there Where t
was Judas? 1,Vhere was Theme Why
did not Thomas Wove the testimony
ot his fellow-disetedese Did they east d
him out of their oompany for his un-
belief? What happened a week later?
Was Thomas present? \Veen he rea-
lized that 'he actually aatv his Master y
ailve again, what did he say? Of what r
account is to us that a man like A.
Thomas was a dIsciple of Christ?
Lesson XL—The Risen Christ by the
Sea of Galilce.—Where did the third u
manifestation of the risen Christ to his e
disciples acme Why wns this.'beglon 1
beloved by them ail? In what plight a
del he find seven of his dieciples? What
had he prepared for them? Of what e
WEIS the draught of fishes a pledge and Bp
sign? What did he say to Simon Petee? re
What wee the apostle's final reply? How et
Melly limes had he denied his Lord? irt
flow many times does he now acicnoev- el
ledge him? Whet is the Golden Text of lc
the Review Sunday?
rue sn.,von mans OF TIM LOWIell
The New Bell Is Ace.essible, But a New
Townsile is Needed tor .
Ms Degree.
A:cording to reliable informatlo
furnished by prospeelors, there are IIP
te'avils of 500 claims Malted at Sliver Cell
1.3 11 te date, and nivel, 300 proepectore
tile ground. D. Beattie Nesbite and part
1103'3, 10110 have recently 041301(4041 th
Keeley claim at a cost of 8300,000' 310most optimistic, claiming that theY 11111In the Keeley one of the great treasur
vaults of the node, widen they will be
gin le open at once. The Keeley vein is
a splendid showing of cobalt, smelter)
and wire silver, with black sulphides
coining in as depth te attained. The vein,
which 1.9 opened up a destance of 80 le
shows an average width of °lose to
foot. A sall test pit is down in orte
place over 20 feet, and the vein still looks
good at that depth. No attempt at sys-
tematie mining has been made on the
Property, but Dr. Beattie Nesbitt Informed
your correspondent teat a forte of $0
men would be at work In a week's time
sinking the main shaft to a depth 01 15
feet, where extensive underground work
will be carried on, and by the time the
winter roads are available a compressor
plant will be installed, when it is hoped
to ke mathe mine a big shipper, Says a
Globe correspondent.
Mark Heeds of Buffalo is one of the
big operators in this new district, with
nye properties formally owned by Shone,
adjoining the Keeley on the north, and
the Ilaileybury Silver Mining Company
on the west, also the Logan property, H.
P. 24, which adjoins the Haileybury Sn-
eer Mining Company, and the Logan pro-
perty, 7,210, to the north of the Joweey
ciaim, On lee Montreal RIver Mr. Harris
has LWO claims, Captain A. G. Terrill of
the Soo is in charge, and at present is
working a force of eight men, to be in-
creased later on, Mr. Harris is very op-
timistic, and having profiled by his ex-
perrence in the Cobalt camp, thinks very
highly of Lotver Lorrain. In the Cobalt
camp Mr. Harris has recently acquired
control of the Sliver Heels property,
101(1011adiolns the Hudson Bay, and is
only 1,320 feet from the Buffalo mine,
also four properties on the Montreal Riv-
er in Coleman township, close to the
Edison mine, where development Work
is being carrle,d on,
As regards accessibility this new belt
Is very fortunate, but there is plenty of
hard work ahead for the prospeetor.
Hewever, in view of the large number of
men employed there, good results will
be obtained this summer, and next whit-
er should see at least one or two shIppers.
3. new townsite is perhaps the greatest
teed of this new district at present, with.
gold hotel accommodations, stores, etc.,
so that prospectors and their friends on
arriving can procure their supplies and
gel good accommodation. All things con.
Metered, the location on the southwest
my 01 138 Is the best adapted and by far
he most popular amongst the prospect -
ore for a townstte. Messrs. Maloney
tiros, have made a wear( which will be
extended further into deep water during
the next few days. The company in
charge of this tewnsite have decided to
cite it: Lorrain City, which has been sur
veyed, and a considerable number of lots
have already been sold. Mr. L. J. Ben
net, who is in charge, will begin the
erection of a good hotel during the next
few days. Two or three general stores
wie be built in the near future, and every -
Mg points to success to Lorrain City,
\nide is favored so much by location,
being considered the centre of the new
will proceed during the summer with the
erection 411 31 stamp I31111 03141 concentrator
81011101 1131188 the size of the present 0011.
centeating plant. Ileasottably lege ship -
meets hoe been made recently from the
property, but mostly low grade.
Mrs. Phlignentitrew Suggests One That
Might Du in Some Cilees.
"In to own case," e811141d Mr, Pleigmin-
throw, "1 And that tamale preweede
largely Dem worry over money. Nly
nerves are all right and 1 MVO a cast leen
' stomach. 1 '000 eat anything and enjoy
O it, and as a general peoposition 1110 looks
e- pi'etty rosy to me; but still 1 do eeca-
eionally have nights when I 00111 sleep
o when 1 Ile awake worrying over how 1
o ant goeng to make both ends meet.
"I never deliberately consider fleanciel
questions at night, but I de 1)1141 ihrtt,
completely comfortable evening—firm-
sometimes—end this may be after a most
eat questions obtrude themselves upon
me after I have gone to bed.
'"In stave off these unpleasant Ties-
a lions and enable myself to forget hem
so that 1 could go to sleep 1 have tried
various familiar methods; I have got out
of bed and stood up to make myself
tired; I have recalled and dwelt on plea_
sant journeys; 1 have colleted from ono
up to a million, more or lees! I have said
the alphnbet backward over and over
again; I leave tried litany things, but do
you' know what In my ease 1 fine most
efficacious? itis a story that I tell lo
myself about bow 1 are going to become
comfoetably rich, and 111338 free from. all
financial tumbles.
"It took me me coosiderable tito 11111141up this story In such shape that it just
suited me, so that it seemed natural, like
something that might have happened,
you understand, and then I filled In the
anima that was coming to me, making
that enough so that ihe income from It
would be sufficient to provide for all ot,-
dietary wants and as well tot' a few mod.
013 luxuries, including a little 11(051-0pleasant prospect to dwell upon, And
by the time I had this story completely
built up it took me some time to telt it
to myself, with that snug little foetune
that was to save me from ail financial
worry coming in at the end.
"And then when those money questions
used to pounce on me after I'd gone lo
bed and threeten to keep nut awake I'd
start off and tell no -self that story, as in
truth I have done many times. And
sometimes I'd have to tell it to myself
two or three times over in succession
In drive away the spectre and then again
once would do, thet money coming in at
the end ,of it soothing me to sleep and
then I have eometimes not even been
copelled to tall it all through once; I
lune fallen asleep before I had finished
it. before I got the money, SO sure was
1 that it was comto
The rush up the Montreal River from
eatchford continues, and every boat car.
les a. full load of passengers and freight,
t Pork Rapids a narrow gauge rail -
'ay has been built and a boardwalk for
he passengers. Small cars are being
8e41 for transferring at ee portage,
retch help handle the large amount of
'eight going tip the river. At Elk Lake
dock 115 feet long is being built, which
ernishes a landing place tor the steam-
y; with their cargo of freight and pas-
ngers. Development work in the die
rent sectione of this large area of min-
.alized territory Is being rushed along
a. very sattsfaciery manner. There is
0 shoetage of good buyets for 010(1103'.
08 properties, a large number of which
s changing hands from week to week.
Although several selee have been put
through at reasonably high figures, pros-
pecters nre in many cases arranging for
operating companies to put up the money
to develop their claims, and the fnet that
their confidence is being displayed in this
way fs the best recommendation the
country can possibly have.
Charles Gifford of the Moose Horn
mlne, while in Camp ties week, staled
that, with the present summees work
completed, lie wns confldent that dove].
content work would have reached a
point where regular shipments and 6(00-
110,1 of a eoneentrator plant would be
justified at the Moose Horn mine,
In the Cobelt crimp increased forces
are the order of the dny. Increased ship.
monis every week spent: for themselves
and the people of the cemp ere so saes.
tied on armlet of so many really rich
Wily% havIng been made hem month te
month for the lest coirple.01 years some-
thing out ef the ordinary must be encoure
tered W excite more than a passing in-
Al the Sevege Mine Co. undergroond
work is being carried on at pregene leo
a large fore° of mon will be kept busy
teenehing on the surface during, the sum!
mer, end next winter extensive muter.,
ground work will be earriecl on, 'Al the
efeleinley-kenrengh the lend is being
cleaned tip and lenined off. rerring the
glimmer the hence of Ile: let le 1110
south of Cobalt Leto will be litoreughly
frenehed rind prospected ort the surf/ice.
10 the menntene tee enderground work
will be kept up 85 14508) and the compute;
Vree Play in Sale of Patent Medicine in
Great Britain is the lumpy hunting
ground of the medical menek, if one eari
believe a menthe' of the Chemists' Asso-
ciation of London. He is quoted in Der-
rIck's British leeport as saying Hint two
yew% ago the armed sale of proprietary
medicines in Great Britain atnounted to
In the United Slates and in most INN
opean counties some legielalien either
exiels or has teen altempled lo limit or
Stop the throe in seem remedies. In
finglend, absolute free play is given to
It it line been eoprill expedient, for the
safely of the public to regulate the sale
el' poiemie, but patent medicines, cur-
leitsly Demme, were exempt Non the
movedoes of the Inw, 0 privilege which
they ;new keener with legally (malt -
fled precelionetve
in most countries flu) &Mine in melt -
renal drugs rind chemicals Is reeerved
only In per8011S quellfiee by inning,
efeitee; end exeminnlien—lhat is, lo
ph 0 PmaPiAl ln England, by a curienis
nilonelereinieling of Ihe funellone eff a
ennoweei, he is reaignIzed 117 env
;Tile. as n "pelson seller," and tiny eine
bo plenees may greedy the puhlie
Me pitmen, or purity or there-
to:lie Annie of white) he may be :lb-
liiiely ignored. mei by lee eireeee
of peeking num 0,1 n medicine end
;ping the rentipneition secret be is nble
reams of advertisement, to substitute
nspir fer competent and qualified ser.
17 Jrt IN 1711 plAtt (J:F) 14110 38) 1,0
occur? At what throe? Whet 3000/1/1,3
ludee to do Iles tiring' 13'ho fellewed JOT
14,'611.5. Mete off? Wire denial 1111111 114)10 vie
Monkeys Are Protected by Martial Law
at Gibraltar.
A recent periodical gives a picture of
"Major," lhe chief of Me highly prized
and carefully protected tribe of Barbary
apes which inhabit the Rock of Gibraltar.
"Better kill the governor himself than
Major" is a saying of the redress. There
are only about twenty left of this band
of monkeys, which in some mysterious
manner came over from Africa many
years ago and claimed citizenship in. Eur-
ope. They are protected by martial law,
and any addition by birth to their num.
be is carefully chronicled and menounced
in the local paper.
The apes change Blair place of resi-
dence from the highest peaks of the rock
te lower and more sheltered portions,
and back again, according to the stale
of the weather. They sliow their sense
of humor by throwing stones at the sold-
iers, but they aro often not seen for
weeks at a time. save in the early morn-
ing. One visitor to Gibraltar did not
get a glimpse ot them at all. In "A S1.1111 -
mer in Spain," published in 1874, Mrs.
Ramsay snye:
"We did not, see the monkeys, If Ave
100111 11(0 In the morning they kept hidden
((0111 310011. If we went in the afternoon
every monkey had taken its walk early
in the day. Once We were told that e.
largo ape had just been sitting on the
gun WO Were leaning against. One of
otir friends saw Men large, ones and
two babies. The mothers put the little
ones down and mado them Mom about."
A few years ago, on arcount of the
diminishing numbers of these animals,
some apes were procured from Barbery
and fumed loose upon the rock. 13tit
resident monkeys instantly killed them
alt. Although so fierce to intruders of
their own kind, they never attack human
beings, and are greatly beloved and es.
The lawyer sheer* his Angel* warningly
at the weness, and said:
"Now, we want 10 hear just; what you
know, not what someone else knows, or
what you think, or anything of that kind,
but what you 1111054'. Do you under-
"Well, I know," said the witness'with
emphasis, as he leant forward 085117lly 13)
the box, el know that Jim Clay said that
Bili 'Thomson told him that he heard
John Thomas's wife tell Sid Smith's
daughter that her huebancl was there
when the fight took place, ape he said
that they flung each other about in the
nierielow pretty consideeable
"But I don't know you, madam," the
brink cashier said to the woman who had
p11105uetintledisa 0whectqnuarl.
n, instead of saying
haughtily, "1 do not wish your acquain-
tance, stet" merely replied Witit an en-
gaging emilet
"Ole yes, yoll do, 1 think. I'm the 'red-
headed old virago' next door to sem
whose 'scoundrelly Mile boys' ere at -
nos re:idling through the fence 01141
picking your, flowers,. When you started
to town 1111e morning your wife said;
'Now, Henry, ft yoe went a dinner fit
le tat this evening you'll have to leave
me a Illtle money, 1 can't keep 11115
inese on plain water and ten cede a
yeur Tenney, madem," isaid the
eadder, peeling 11 towards her and
ughing Ioiidly
Nous OF INTEREST mom non
Wien Is Going On In the Ilighlan
and Lowlands of Auld
Dundee pollee have got their Wages
coneliterebly Moe:Isere
The 1WW 0,1,11 Market at Gargle es
041(3111140.1 to 0ne1 4150,000.
Creden Bee' Abirdeenshbo, hoe a
Molten tenet ten ks beaand 111301 eyes.
which will held 800 pupils, at a cost
07:3‘olamoowbuild a 11804' 1111111(0 eeihoot
No fewer than eight of tho 0104401111'tree mien 1501,01%9 ure eel), woeking
Mite d.nys week,
There Is a probability of the Scotch
110111011.3'compunies reietng tho price of
memo ticket, fares,
11 has been roeolved to wIden Craig -
lieu.% mad and the Midge over the
sunurban ealway ill 1114.1:111/1141.
The beelly of a. men named
employ,ed at Otter Ferry, wa3 found ly-
ing on the beech al Brenilold, nom' Ard.
eishaig, recently.
Ono of the three large swans On
Netistand Loch steered tee elver day
and was killed, through hying against
alt electric wire at Clyde bridge.
M. John Gladstone, afterwards Sir
Jelin Gladstone, Bavt. of Pascoe, the
great Premier% (ether, was born in
Leith, and carded on 1108311058lor yeavs
The Runny of 'Mr, Ceerge Christie,
Arbroath, who was fatally injured by
a gas •exploston en the street, has re -
niece 55,500 in convene -ration teem the
Tn owCouncil.
The other day, on the ete of sailing
to join her husband in America, Mrs.
Sarah. McCulloch committed suicide by
Gutting her throat he her 101110(9 house
tn. S'evensfon,
Quo.,termaeler-Sergt. Erasev, Banff,
has been asicod te term ono of e learn
of 'Bninsh marksmen to take pert in cer-
1/1111 conleste at the forthcoming Olyna
etc games in London.
A new building scheme of an dater -
ate nture
ais on fool, M Berwlelc. Plans
have. been prepared by a local firm te
a•roletects and have been loeged welt
the eeneary autherelee
lle coel export nem Leith since etc
begeming of the new . year compares
unfavorably wee. that. 111 tho same eerwel
of' 11/07. The feline off 'amounts to
eomething The 40,000 tone.
Fears enteiedned regarding the pee -
see° domeleteen of the.old tether -front -
house in the Canongate, Edinburgh,
bele, In 1570 by the Marquis of Hone -
ley, luzvo tor the present been dispelled
Four huge Daniell hounds wore deco-
rated weft placards in the Kincardine-
ebtre eleellen and paraded, ono of the
dairies. The four 1011'.) (51 one sele in
politics, and there was 11101101010 11.0 dog
T 50111 annivereary of theer wed-
ding wee celebrated. recently by ex -
Defile Mid Mrs Ore, Of Janeville,
Mr. Orr is a native of Irvine, and start-
ed busiehe there °Vet' 50 oears ago as
a grain merchant.
An Intereseng document has found
a 'vesting place in Dumfries, being t3e.
original orders and instructens ter dis-
banding the Dumfries Yeomanry. The
oevoldeniw, jgdnuat Jeelbyeleareoehrg2e1,1111800. , andl is
A preposal to add to tho attractions
of Berwick by eslablishing swim-
ming baths, has boon made, and the
in:others 13erevick A.11111.1eUr SWIni-
ming Assoefatfon have decided to peti-
tion the mutilate; authonity to move ire
L110 Metier,
da Case of German Officiail Purr:lee Doc-
tors — Remains me In Per -
Of what use are a cat's whiskers? Are
they 048047 lo give puss a handsome,
medial appeara'
nce or have they a dis-
tinct, ole? The101185es the 08.80. They
are organe of boucle each One being
cennected with the nerves. of theelip The
slightest contact of these whiskers with
any objet is, therefore, fell by the ent-
itle], although. the hates thernseive,s aro
histeneible. When a lion is stealing
thcough the jungle his whiskers warn
lien of any obstacle which may retard
his progress, or ot any bush which
might rustle if he touched it in pass,.
ing. So Ms whtst:ors, in conjunction
izeth 1131padded feet, enable him to move
through Me thickest growth with a dead-
ly sileuce.
There is the story 01 (1 clergyman in
Scotland who reused three limes lo unite
In hOly wedlock a man and a woman,
because the man had indulged too freely
131. 11Ql00.
days laler the same thing 0E1-
curred with the same touple, whereupon
the minister gravely remonstrated wile
Me bride, and Said they Mira not present
themselves again evith the bridegroom in
811(111 11 Siete. .
"11111. sir." 3351c1 1),,, ''ride, "he 10)011111COMO whet he's sober,"
A gentleman event into a fancy store to
buy 'something, As it was eerly, the
storeiceeper had to go upetales to get his
cash -box in order to peocure some
Before doing eo he went into the little
Poem next to, and whLepered to
his little son, "Watch the gentleman that
he don't steal enythIng."
Then, bringing the boy out, sat item on
the counter.
As soon as the storekeeper returned,
the chile sang out, "Pa, he delta steal
anythinI watched him,"
Pure Iron in the presence of pure oey-
gen does not rust. •
Meseta Is Contemplating the construe -
trot of n. • huge new waferwey across
SiberM, nearly parallel With the course
re the Teane-Stherlan Railway. le is
propeeed to connect nee greet Siberian
rivers, the Tebbe lishine Miele Ob Mid
Yerdoesei, and other less. impenitent
stherrane, by erentiee er light vallwaye,
end with ,e, View of this lila Misstate
Geeternieteet hos Weed exteenefee etre
veys lo be taken.
feet .1100111t.
Prefeesee Stelenburg, the enthrone
'5ga 1!1:11011:1141tAiset'stisot yet111 : 01'61llon 11:0111,,e14,,i‘e113,ca7itc, Ifs:1111:lecydasliodi ign.
case of a Government °Melte, named
ll(iuOUsly Inc 11.iloiping 1131'
there pees and swen menthe.
Profes353' hilikldiurg attributes Arn-
heines strange enrebtion lo an acadent
whiter hapeened before he fell asleep.
when he struck the back of Ids het
by a fall. A.1111E141% medieat alien
ant at that the was unable 1.5 d1901W-
00 any injury lo tee brain, but ten days
eater the ace:tent he fell asleep, and
has been sleepIng c.mlintionsly over
since. Molest:or linlenbuig crew), the
feliowing descvipteen of the pal.811
"He is lying on leis back i» bed, the
head Izeing slightly inclined to tee right
stde. The forehead is wrinkled, as
Illeugh the sleeper were dIsturbel by
bad dreams-. The (Mina can le freely
moved. The skin has lost its eeesttive.
noss, and deep 'wade pecks do 1.ot pro-
duce the slightest, effect, Other illeiS
tons in the (lest'manful for normal
beings. have no effect, on the seepize;
dfafen'ng noises made Mrs) to his ears
fall to muse hino and a dazzling light
turned on his eyes is likewise tierce-
Arnheim Is fed regularly. lle
chews the food placed h's 11)01(111
8101013', and swallows instInotWely.
"During the whole 43 menthe Ann -
helm Iles never once- opened hes eyee;
lies neve spoken a syllable, and never
betraYee the least sign of consciousness.
Sometimes Arnierims wife, win fends
him incessantly with patient care, re-
11101'ea 11110 fr011e the bed; clothes him.
and peaces hen in an arnichem In
llliisonprneasitoloo.n Ivo presents a surprising
'This ghastly pale man, sitting with
closed eyes, hes something uncanny
about him. The sleeper then remes ir-
resistibly those wax figures plaeol in
natural positions in waxwerk shows to
elecelve naive vlseors into the bdief that
they are real humeri beings'
Peefeeseer Eulenburg considers a sue -
den awakening to be possible. Many
medical experts hoe visited Arnheitn,
and have watcheil lee sleeper for leng-
thy jxriods, without coming to any de-
finite conclusion as le the cause of his
long „sleep.
Mr. Glimmerton Defines the, Difference
Between Two Familiar Words.
"I haven't Molted 11 up in the eibleon•
ary," said Mr. Glimmerten, "but 1
eliould say that the dfference between
tiled and weary was something ilke
this: A mart is eired when le has work-
ed herd, and weary when he.s Hear of
"And Ins a, feeling of weariness that
Genies met. me now, 1 Wel good, fleet
role; and 1 sleep well and cal well; life
looks pennant to nte; bul f don't feet
a eit like eawing wood. In feet Um
WC0.1 pito ,Lo ('0310110311 31 not clowaright
repulsive to 111e. Whe 1 I want to do,
to be perfectly frank with you, Is. to
turn e•ny leek On the woodpile andv get
aol ontad fella1.
le11,, you 11,11ClerSiend, I don't
erature end the nano -tables 11 1 it's eine
les hack le the woodpile once -more tor
rne, te be content with reading the Me
for me bo go."
Microbe end has not in my bleed; it al -
10018 affects me that Wry, tled 11,1W I'm
and the ecishere, and nature smiles
pos,ffively downright teeny, though for-
me, end likewise tho hikes, end stheams
here, and that's. what I Gall bong weary,
Ornately not too tired to work; end so
go -by and dream 'Plea woods berlcon
ever all; and I want to gei, aWay from
woodpile and let dowo where I could
hear the winds sigh end see 1110 clouds
roandholoi4gog_olososll_lele_.4.epilirtein-1, fwilheitroll'Idi 111h:en
"I surprise it% the eummer vacetion
Radkum My Wring Secret of Age Prom
Old Mother Earth.
Ie, J, Streit, to Breese scientist . f
high stonditg, in the 001113) of a lec-
ture at the Hopei insteullen, London,
1.811 131101, thank° to recent Investigations
of radium, it soon woule be 10:811)1.0 10
estimate tile exact 'age of the earth.
Aceoeting the hypothesis ((101 11011(1111
le oaristahlly produced, at a definite
epee from radium, Mr, Stride peeposee
quant ()neve, estimaleon et 114) iridium
and the helium presen3 in, vateente
ne 0. means cf dentenining teeth
relative ages, 1'1:0i:extent; en senile')
Imes, when onee the Inks at which '0-
41113,10 is leaneernmed should have ixien
estirrintee, a simple operation in arith-
*utak) Would solve the neobleni of the
111.10 ef the {meth.
"1 !lave," seed Ntr. Streit, "been Mile
10 iliul that the age of lents peesent
10 chalk, is only one-fhirtioth ot the
ngo oT the minend that le beteg mined
lo Cornwell. 11 13 to bo hoped that in
this way it will be OOSSIble LO form en
exeet estimate of the dele nn welch
num first appeared upon, the meth,"
CROW npunAnn lel YOUR C11e.e.v1,,
To ceitivate lho vecy finest, rhubarb,
yeu 04 not need any garden ipt t411,hut
just a corner of 10 teller, and en old
tbarertriciel ci;itiresloopo tbyieoeu. 13bunt'rereal df:tzevne1111eitille.
tten, and to few In 1110 bottom tor drain-
age. 'Phen place in it a layer of cin-
ders about live inches dem, a•nd cover
this 101111. ordinary garden. eel. Now
plant yollr roots eider by stele, and Geyer
them with nether layer of earth.
Wider then Masi:really, rind keep zhe
Lep Of the barrel covered with a piece
et carpet, ft is true teat Amber)) can
be botIght very ehenply, hut tett grown
in the way elescribed will 1141 far 'Mee
then any yon &Mee elOesibly bey,
HOW TO 1'ORECAS'1"11113 WHATIaln
wrrnoll oisTittimuNTs.
Ilere 0110 S0010 Very Intereeting 110118
to lbe Amateur Weather
' Prolate.
As a weather prophet, "the man in
the etreet' might be described es a dead
failure, Nut Met he admits els ignore
atm, for one 010010E3, indeed, he no
thee prides etrieself upon what he con- .
eelers10 be Ms platy to foregast the
tteeeho, for the next !melte-lour hours
by the state, ef the wine and sky. And
when you comment upon the fact that
nine out of every ten of his forecasts
are wrong, he blandly emarece that, ot
counte, you cannot be sure of anything
tri this worl I of surpieses.
A great black cloud appears in the
sky, and he ianmedlately cries, "Fetch
out your umbrae and mackintesh," 13u1
the render or this article will not bur-
den himeelf with these things until he
lins carefully examined the edges Dr that
blank aloud.
11 they appear eniety above, and in
the form of long sweeping "curtains,"
semetimas called "cows tails," below,
Jelin of C more or less heavy nature will
certainly follow, if the cloud under ob-
servation Is Moving In the dieectlen of
the observer, If, on the enntrary, the
cloud has clear-cut edges and merely a
brown, slereky hue el its general aspect
the chances ere that f1 we) pass over
without eausing any prectpleatIon whee
ever in its paseage. Such clouds as the
latter are
being generally loaded with blight.,
wtciaielit.c.:icrthppoilisisasrfaosgueno.dri ininetese salniadpepoinfnfltsiesnattnel
Often the same form of cloud, under
a slightly different aspect, enay signify
whelly different melee:eine:teal condb
tens. Take, tor Melones. the "mot-
tled clouds," or 'medieval sky" as 11 is
cenemonly known. It Is exceeding'y
pretty from a pictueesque point, of view,
and has ,leeen compared by some lo a
flock of sheep lying -down. It certainly
resembles bundles of wee mere than
anything oleo. Such a sky usuaby pre-
cedes a gale by about hall,, day. 11,
howev, v, lee "wee' is even 18 de'achoct
pieces, it is indleallve of very fine (3300'
1110r of prolonged duration.
Then, again, the apeceraace of cle-
yus—to quote the technic& name of
(hose 41041 1001/, intim clouds, some -
11)105 seen. In fan -shaped groupie, 0W-
c1111111e0gasie'loeqktyatiltelltadty:ftruleterat.,vne°1.ftel2oe'M:'.'annirg—s ,iaanda
Thus, 11 a clear dere eke, on a sum-
mers dry becomes gradually flecked
with light feathers of axes h'e.h juet
rtsboenrgadiu0ar.11,111y 01111011 away rigida, leaving
the sky an even dcecer blue than before
VER 1' EINE 03111.1.711 11111
nmy be confidently anlia:paled. If,11-w-
sei.reirra,loinstliheeicenb.initgrary, ap. 11 r.; in <Di g
out freaseeped
the hor'z in, and being opperently welt
cooled' (.f the term Le allowed) In cm-
no-stralug, a thin Whee eheeteeften cote
°ring blie whole el the sky, and thick.
emeg generally as it rdvanoes,
ve ge
414.811400 Lo Whlell 1110 r001-.0101.4 dm-
robably wind, is eitual-d in ,t,e
may be feel); safely concluded that 1nin,
De not ley to fere:rivet the weather bee,
the changes of the mem, for that lunr
inary hue eo influence whatever on
menrorologieal conditions. Mr. Horner,
he.woree, rhews 110W 0 mem may be his
own telemeter even by remembering
certain ed weather saytnes, which haye
stmel the feet of peectica1 application
in the precent day. In nine cases out
nf ten, for instance, the old saeve' Ran
berme seven, fine before eleven," proves
Aneteer true saying, amply verified
by the weather oe 1007, is "Thunder In
spring told will bring."
How true tele Is may be round hy et-
lewng thous:11t5 lot:awe beik over
a few years. and it w11 instanty ..ccur
to aneone 10110 lakes eny intelegent In-
terest fn the weather that SW ng wale
f; equen li thunderstorms In Mar. h and
AprIl is frequently (erre might say al-
ways) foliewd by cool May and lure,
with more thunderstorms and a good
deal or rain. '
LOOK .1;-----11.11:AD—.
The future's el before you,
Look ahead;
Drop past mistakes behind you,
Look ahead;
Turn not bad:weed eyes, revelling
Over what Is done vein freiting;
But 70131 glance slialghtfoeward setting,
Look ahead.
Life's of obstacles a.. jumble,
1.0011 a need;
On which every .step env stumble,
Look ahead;
"els a path you can't teend blindly,
With good luelt to Meat you kindly;
fleck not of the thorns Unfriendly,
LOok alic;.d;
Therols no limo for' re'rospectforit
reek aheaci;
lf you do. Eine makes direction,
Leek died;
When you've gained at what you've. nine
Further progress keep on rimming,
Melte Ihe future your Own running--
Lonk ahead]
The master of 0110 01 0111` tefingc schonia
was examining erne boye rel a plece at
poetry, whleb. 'in had given them lo pre-
pare the night before, They 011,14e141 It
excellently except ono small boy al the
bottom or the eines. On teeing asked to
sey WS !orison, he snide
"I can't reenenther ft, 51r."
Mester (In a rage: "Why, what% your
head Made for?"
T3oy; "To keep my colter 04), see"
The Secured, the Royal Peltier ret elad-
ie So large 1)1(1113 Weettlit tette •follr
days id go Orel' 11.
Sharica Were pendently ludnewri 111
MP Adriatic Sea 1111 the opening 01 11)5
511801 Ganef; .