The Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 9411
.1."' •
VOL. 36 NO, 50 ,
W, H. KERR, Proprietor
New Advertisernents
Clartl-11L. Hamilton,
Local -44M .sc IL A. Pryno.
Don't scold -f. 0 Hicharila
Cow for solo -J. a McNair.
Tenders wanted -John Leckie.
Bimetal vidues-G. N. Mc Loren,
Tanabe'. wanted -P. A. McA.rthur.
Doing all we can -Ferguson & Roos,
Notice to creditor -W, M. Einolnir.
Cemetery caretalcing-Bobert Dark,
Mistrict Bets
The *deeitth occurred in McKillop
Thursday evening of last week of
Jessie Warden, beloved. daughter of
Henry and Mrs. Warden. Deceased
Wee but seven years and eight menthe
old, and the sympathy of a wide
-circle of biends iid relatives is
tended to the 'bereaved. The fu.44tal
took place from her father's reeidehce,
lot 20, cou. 0, Saturday to the place of
idermen 1 in Maitland bank cemetery..
The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's church
heel the first garden party of the
season in town on the park Mooday
evening. The band was in attends
Rev. W. G. Howson occupied his
own pulpit in the Methodist chtireh
Sunday. In the morning his subject
was "Our Childree," In the evening
the subject was "The Philosopher's
Stone and the Elixir of Life."
On the last day of the races a gentle-
man by the name of Thompson, after
several warnings, persisted in flim -
flaming a number of our farmers by
some shell game. Constable Phippen
got after hen and landed the shell -
game man hams, j. A. Morton, J. P.
who imposeil a, tine of $50 and $1.50
A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., has re-
sumed teachmg. Mr. Thompson, of
Stratford, who shpplied for Min dur-
ing the election campaign, ?eburned to
his home On Seturclay, Mr. Musgrove
will teach anti] the end of the year,
when his parliamentary duties will
necessitate his withdrawing from the
teaching profession,
R. A. Wilson left Friday for Win-
nipeg, where he hoe taken a position
in the office of a large milling com-
G. E. Parkes and R. 13, Cooper, M.
D., attended a Masonic function in
Stratford Friday night and report; a
most enjoyable evening.
velgrave Orangemen Will celebrate
the twelfth with their brethren at
Goderich. Bluevale Lodge will go• to
Listowel and Wingham Orangemen
and Young Britons will celebrate at
There died in Bluevale on Friday
one of the pioneers of this district hi
the person of Mrs. Archibald Ander-
son, aged 81 years. The funeral took
place to the Wingham cemetery. She
was the mother of Anderson, the
bigamist and forger, but, it is said that
she never heard of her son's disgrace
because of her condition for some time
as the result of a paralytic stroke.
A Garden Patty was held here last
Monday evening under the direction
of the Willing Workers of the Metho-
dist church. Supper was served on
the lawn at the parsonage but owing
to the cool weather the program was
rendered in the church. In addition
to short addresses by Rev. Messrs.
West, of Bluevale ; Russell, of
Wroxeter and Powell, of Brussels,
the Salvation Army Brass Band of
Wingham discoursed musical selec-
tions. An interesting feature of the
evening was the presentation by the
young peoples' class of mi silver fruit
dish to Mrs. (Rev.) Baker, who will
he shortly removing to Oorenna with
her husband the highly esteemed past-
or. Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Orediten,
will succeed Rev. Mr. Baker here.
Bluevale Methodists held their an-
nual garden party 011 the parsonage
lawn Monday evening. leer. 111e,
Baker- and family leave in n couple of
weeks for their new field of labor at
Crimmins In the Sarnia district, and
will be succeeded by Rev . Mr.
Miss Mary lifting with
Henry Sender/ton returned from
Muskoka last week.
Wm. Melees' spent a few days hi
Wellesley recently.
Miss May Davidson is the guest of
relatives in Winglia,m.
Chas. Hinde, of Harriston, called on
old friends in the village on Sunday.
Hanes and Mrs. Hamilton left for
their home in Bloom -field on Friday.
Stewart Gillies, of Spry, was a visit-
or at the home of Reeve Harris this
Mrs. Nukes bat for Tlittesalon on
Monday where she expects to spend
the Summer with her son.
Mrs, 3. he AJ.lan, accompanied by
/ter brother, H. Brawn, spent Sunday
with relatives in Listowel.
. frohere witnessed the
Milverton vs. Bvussels Foot Ball game
in Brussels last Friday evening.
Rev. A. L. Russell took charge of
the Young Peoples meeting in the
basement of the Presbyterian church
Sunday evening.
Miss Maggie McKereher and Mrs,
John Gibson sr. left list Thursday for
Scotland where they will visit a yeay.
We wish: them a safe and pleasant
A bicycle and several other articles
were stolen from R. S. Laing's groc-
ery store last Monday evening, en-
trance being obtained through a back
Thos. Rae and son, Allan H. Rao,
left for Toronto on Tuesday- where
they will join Miss Tina Rae and pro-
ceed, to Radisson, Sask., where they
will reside.
413719 Walk
F. & R.
Doing all we can
All the time to please you. Giving you heaping measure this
time so that you'll come again. Giving you the same the
second time so that you'll not forget us when next you buy.
Looking at that any way you like it seems logical and right,
doesn't it ? Proving it is greater satisfaction still: Go through
our stock and don't forget to ask prices.
Buy your Clothing for yourself or your Boys from us—itmeans
money in your pockets if you do. Our Ready -to wear Clothing De-
pattMent contains positively the finest assortment and hest valises in
Mao's and Boys' Clothing ever Shown in Brussels, Let mis prove it to
yon by beintallowed to show yott the goods and quote prices.
Here is a slight idea of the inducements we offer. This
week we purchased from one or the most reliable Canadiau
Makers 40 Men's Suits which we put on sale along with ahont
33 Boys' 3 -piece Suits which go at exactly Manufac-
turers' prlces.
The Correct Suit
For the Canadian Boy
We want to draw your attention to the above
out which is a complete representation of the correct
style for all Canadian Boys. The special features
beeides the Correa styles axo—
ne wide, concave shoulders.
The long, wide lapels.
The padded shoulders.
The double elbows
The dnuble seats and double knees.,
The double -stitched seams and pockets.
The Guarantee that goes with the Suit if it has a Lion
Brand Label on the Coat and Knickers.
The Best Made and the Best Fitting Boys' Suits in Canada and we are the only
people here selling them.
Boys ! Come to us for your Clothing and get the Best
Tile time has some to get a nice Straw or Crash Hat for the Warne Summer Days we are
to have for the next few months: We "httve our new stock in all the Latest Styles and at
prices to suit the purchaser.
Highest trade
price paid for
Butter and Eggs
Ferguson & Ross
Maw. Barton, of Belmore, visited
with Mrs, W. Wilson last Thursday,
John Robinson, of Invermey and
Alex. Robinson, of Fordwiele paid the
village a business nall this week,
Mrs. R. Miner, of West Toronto,
and Miss Jean Gibson, of Scotland,
are guests of the latter's cousin, Mrs,
P. V. Dickson,
A monster celebration is being ar-
ranged here for the 41st anniversary
of Canada's Natal day. in addition
to contests between the Wingham
and Harriston base hall teams, the
Mildmay and Brussels Foot Bali
teams, also a game between the Salem
Shamrocks and lronsides they have
seemed, direct from the Toronto Ex-
hibition, the renowned Paler° Bros.
in their clever laughable act Fun at
the Mili, introducing the structure of
a mill on which they perform a ser-
ies of acrobats and trick manoeuvres.
Miss Eva Cuthbert, of Toronto, will
also appear in character and costume
clawing on the grounds during the
the efterneen. There will
be a number of races and con-
tests. A 17 jewelled Waltham gold
watch valuedat $20 will be awarded
as first prize in the 5 mile Marathon
race open to all within a radius of 10
miles of Wroxeter. Valuable run-
ners' medals will be given for 2nd and
3rd prizes. Wingham Citizens' Band
will be in attendance all day and dur-
ing the cowrie in tits evening which
will be given by Chas. Emery, humor-
ist, of New York, assisted by Palero
Bros. and Miss Eva Cuthbert.
Mrs. W. Brandon is visiting her
sister Mee. Thomas Proctor.
Mits. Chas, Howe, of Blyth, was the
guest of Mrs. W. Wray and Mrs.
Rev. G. W. W, Rivets has returned
from Conference. We are pleased to
have him with us for another year.
Ladies' Aicl of the Belgrave Metho-
dist church will hold their annual
lawn social on the evening of -dune
26th, Strawberries and other re-
freshments will be „served. The
Wingham Salvation Army Bancl will
furnish the program for the evening.
All are welcome.
H. Murr's brother's children of
Monk ton, spent Sunday here.
Mrs. Cook, of laicknow, spent Sen.
day with her sister-in-law, Mrs. A.
Mrs. Cunningham and' Mrs. Lam-
bert spent a couple of days last week
visiting Gorrie friends.
R. Cunningham, the foreman of the
brickyard, is stashing business these
days. He has a kiln of tile burning
G. and Mrs. Fletcher and family, of
Glammis, spent Sunday with E.
Fletcher. The e gentlemen are
Mrs. E. Fletcher and Mrs. R.
Ritchie and son attended the annual
meeting of the Womens' Institute in
Ethel on Thursday of last week and
report a good time.
William Moses is visitiug in De-
troit and Sarnia,
Ed. jacklin is one of the hustlers on
Ethel foot ball eleven.
Mrs. James Strachan and Miss Elsie
are visiting at Detroit and Kingsville.
Walter McMillan, of Palmerston,
spent a few days with Jas. Strachan.
Last Sabbath evening Mr. Carr, of
Wroxeter, took charge of the service
in Victoria, Hall.
We are sorry to hear that Elijah
jacklie, 2nd cone has not been as
well as usual during the past week
but we hope he will soon be o. k.
Miss Jessie McDonald, of Toronto
Medical College, is staying with her
aunt, Mrs. Alex. McDonald. Miss
McDonald successfully passed her
2nd year in Medicine.
Tau POST gives the news,
A. Reymann is in Detroit attending
the wedding of his niece.
Excursion to Guelph Friday of this
week will catcliea, numbev in this local-
Jake :Fisher and J. Hustler are
serving their term in Goderich this
Mrs. Pollaril has returned to Lis-
towel accompanied by Miss Allis
We are pleased to state that H. and
NV. Tyerman and Will. Cameron 'Sieve
been successful M passing their exams.
Will. Otunevon was playing foot
ball with Ethel team this week against
Listowel and Milverton. He it's a good
pleyer. •
Miss Jane McNeil is home on fur-
lough from her missionary labors
among the Indians in British Col-
ninbia.. She is a welcome visitor.
It is 4 years since she was here.
Thursday evening of next week the
Garden Party under the auspices of
the Yoseig Peoples' Society of the
Presbyterian church will be held on
the public school grounds. Good pro-
gram, lunch, &a. The ladies of the
congregation two asked to supply pro-
The Oranbrook Foot Ball team for
1908 played the Bethel team, Mcleils
lop, et the Bethel Garden Party last
Friday evening. Tho game was well
contested considering the condition
of the ground, The Orambroolt team
looked well in their new uniforms end
was an honor to their home towe.
"Murphy" in particular played a
strong and effective game. !Oho Cran-
brnok boss succeeded itt pubtieg the
Eight pig -skin through the Bethel
goal 'mute in the &Abell and the
soots veinained unthanged, standing
1-0 in fa,vov of the "Ironsides." H. D,
Ainlay gem' satisfaction as referee to
both teams. After the game &l re-
paired to the tables where a Mini -
twos repeat awaited them to Wimioli
all did ample Netted, interspersing
the meal with a few well appreeiatcd
musical selections, The line-up was
as follows :-Goal, Blake ; backs,
Heather and McTaggart ; half backs,
McDonald, Hunter and Gorsalitz ;
right wing, Cardiff and Oster ; left
wing, Cameron Smalldon ; centre,
Ruether. The Bethel team may play
a return meta in Cranbrook and lbs
the Oran brook team has never lost a
game it will prove interesting.
Township Council will meet on Mon-
day, 20th Mee.
Garden parties are keeping people
busy this week.
A number of Morris. ;mei Is will
write at the coining ex -emulations.
The (atop prospects were nevelt bet-
ter. We hope nothing will mar the
coming harvest.
Several. front this township alt tided
the Parker-MeNaughton wedding
at Brut -eels on "Wednesday evening of
the/ week.
Friday evening of this week a Gar-
den Party will be held at Albert How-
lett's, 7th line, the proceeds to be ap-
plied for Sabbath School purposes.
Good program,
Bemoan Loses -Black enamel, set
in gold, flower shape, with pearl set-
ting, lost at the Garden Party at Jas.
Rbssell's, Oth line, Tuesday evening.
Finder please leave at TOE POST,
Last week Miss Rebecca Shurrie,
4th line, underwent a successful med-
ical operation et Loudon and her
many friends trust she will soon be
fully restored to first-class health.
The people of the 5th line are sorry
to lose Mrs. Keys and family owing
to their removal from the farm to
:Brussels, but hope they will enjoy
life in the town. Will. musee hustle
roinicl and secure a housekeeper.
Next Tuesday Jemesand as. Dunc-
an, 4th line, will leave on a pleasure
trip to the West where they will visit
relatives and friends. They have two
sons out there. We. wish theut an en-
joyable tine.
The pathmasters have their respect-
ive road work gangs at work busily
employed for King Edward. We
don't know whether His Majesty
thinks they are doing a good -job or
not, Some of his subjects don't.
Sabbath afternoon, 28th inst., Rev.
S. Anderson will preach the closing
sermon of his pastorate in Jackson's
church. He will remove to London
leaving many warm friends in Mor-
ris. Rev. Mr. Cooper will be his suc-
Al the annual meeting of East
Huren Farmers' Institute W. H.
Fraser, 1st line, was chosen Vice
President for the conaing year. He is
a practical tiller of the soil and de-
serves the promotion accorded. him.
Other young men should be encour-
aged to do likewise.
Owing to increasing years and in-
ability to properly work the farm
Peter Oantelou, 7th line; will not re-
build the barn, destroyed by light-
ning, but will sell the foam if a pur-
chaser ofSers. He had WO insurance
on the bare and $200 on contents.
Mrs. Oantelon and the yomig lad who
received so severe a shock are getting
along all right after their close call.
A very pleasant time was enjoyed
at the Riverside social on the farm
of James Ressell, 5th line, Tuesday
evening, There was a good attend-
ance. The Salvation Army Band
from Winghiun supplied the large
share of the progesin. A huge bon-
fire was kindled lighting up the sur-
roundings and the evening's perform-
ancewas novel as compared with the
ordinary garden party.
TOE POST gives the news.
Several G•rey boys are away to
camp at Goderich this -week.
Work is in progress at Councillor
McFadzean's DM barn Vith con.
Orchard spraying has been engaging
the attention of some Grey farmers.
A baby daughter has come to the
home of Arthur and Mrs. IVard, leth
Ms. D. K. Livingston' and daughter
were visiting relatives at Behnore for
a week.
Mrs. Thomas Davidsou was visiting
at Walton clueing the past week with
Evidences of last Monday night's
frost is seen but no serious damage
Among those who talk of goingWest
on Tuesday are Wm. and Mrs. Telfer,
Win. McGa,vin', Mrs, J. M. Moore and
Surveyor S. R. Orerar left last week
for Winnipeg. He will spend the next
few months laying- out; worlesfor the
Grand Ttunk Pacific.
Mrs, Malcolm Lamont, Sth acme
was taken ill on Monday noon and a
doctor sent for. She is somewhat bet-
ter now we are pleased to state.
Next Sabbath morning Tenses Pear-
son will conduct the service in Roe's
chmtch. He is a student at Victoria
University and a bright yoking man.
Miss Magee Bozell home from an
extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
Engel, at Paw Paw, Mich. We are
pleased to hear the latter is much im-
proved in health.
Neither Tim, D. bleleTeil nor Peter
McNeil are enjoying the vigorous
health they would desire but we hope
improvement will be in order end that
they will soon be convaleseenis
Last week .T. D, McNair was ab
Nieves Falls attending the High
Court of the Canadian Order cif For-
esters 48 repteseetative of Crenlecook
Court. He visited tet liamiltorn and
Dundee" also and bad ami enjoyable
.A. largo crowd attended the G•arclen
Party at, Wm. Robinson's, 14t1mcon.,
Tuesday nights Pi oceefis amounted
to about $801, Itt addition to the good
program supplied by :Brodhagert
brass Band the church choir provided
a number of excellent numbers,
Everybody had mi gond time.
Mrs, A. 1. McTaggart and &sights
and Mrs, Foster, of Chicago, hair
been weleome visitors at Dougald M
aggart s, 10th con.
S. S. No. 3, both Sabbath school
and pebble school, will pic-eit in ,A.
Bishop's; grove, itith con., on Friday
afternoon June 2fith.
eallerti. Rands, 1211) con., were
away last week an aholiday visit with
relatives and friends at Seaforth,
Clinton and Tuckersraith.
Airs. W. II, Salter and children, of
Toronto, arrived on Wednesday for a
holiday visit at the former's parental
home, Chas. Rozell's, Oth con.
Miss Maggie Grant is at Berlin
where she is taking a special course of
medical treatment with beneficial
effect. We hope the improvement
will continue until she is fully restor-
ed to her former good health.
A pic-nic under the auspices of S. S.
No, 8 will be held in H. Atwood's
bush, lot 20, con. 10, on
Tuesday, 80th inst. Swings, races,
foot ball, &e., are to be ou the pro-
pgrroamvid. eTiulineeries of the Section will
Roadwork is once more ou the pro-
gram. A much better and saner plan
Is followed by most of the Pathmasters
than used to be. If the grader were
kept going and wisely handled and a
stone crusher owned and worked Grey
township would in a few years have as
good roadways as need be. Some well
defined system should be followed.
WEDDINU,-A pretty wedding was
solemnizetl in the Presbyterian
church, Winthrop, on Wednesday of
last week, when Miss Maggie Scott,
daughter of Wm. Scott, of Leadbury,
was united in marriage to Fred,
Galbraith, a prosperous young farmer
of MeKillop. The church was beauti-
fully decorated for the occasion. Mrs.
A. Ross played the wedding march.
The bride, who was given away by her
father, was attended by IVIiss Beatrice
Galbraith and Walter Scott acted as
groomsman. About a hundred guests
were present at the reception in the
evening. The presents were costly
and numevous.
it as to keep the team in practiee. At-
e wood and Ethel may arrange• lune°
' and home games,
DaNTAT..-Dr. Fond will visit Walton an
noaddi ,e,.T unItenmnady, abn.d coovne6ruyi tewao in e exkrsioner
Kim's Hotel,
Quite a., number will go West ou
Tuesday next,
Miss Stevenson, of Toronto, is visite
ing her aunt, Mrs. Kohles.
Miss Roberts, of Seaforth, is a visit-
or this week with Miss Vera McDon-
ald. •
TheSeaforth races were a drawing
card for a number of our citizens this
leett.kfte mi number'will take in the ex-
sctuarisuilodua;n, the Greyhound to Detroit
•Jere. d. McGavin and daughter,. also
Miss Thomson, of Witnnpeg, are
visitors at Robb. McGavinee
Mrs. (Dr,)Waters and chaster Sim
took in the excursion from Goderich
'Isettateuarcldaayyot. Deltoit and will .rurn,
Jno. Gardiner is home from ,Toron-
to, He has taken off his first year in
medicine with honor iteutks, Con-
gratulations John.
Tuesday,everting the celebrated Belt-
hardt Bell ringers were heve and gave
one of their novel and always enjoy-
able entertainments.
Several young men from Ibis
ity are attending camp at Goderich
as officers and members of ao. No. 5
of the 33rd Regiment.
Rev. A. Madstab, M. A„ returned
Saturday from Winnipeg where he
was a delegate to the Presbyterian
Assembly. ele reports a pleasant
Rev. Mr. Lang -ford, who Is cam-
paiguing Goderich Distriet in the Mis-
sionary Forward Movement, will de-
liver an illustrated lecture in the
Methodist church Friday evening of
this week. He is a good speaker.
The Farmers' Exclusion to the
Model Farm, Guelph, over the G.
G. railway will be run on Saturday
of next week. Special train leaves
here at 9.50 a. tn. Return fare will
be $1.00. Tickets are good to -return
ou Monday following.
There is an excursion to Goderich
on Thursday June 25th, the day of the
"Grand Military Review" at Gode-
rich camp, in which the whole en-
campment of 4,000 men will engage in
a sham battle on the banks of Lake
Huron and the Maitland river.
By the change in the time table of
the Guelph-Goderich railway trains
leave here now for the East at 8,41
a. m. and 8.11 p. m., a very- noticeable
change. Going to Goderich the hours
are 11.89a. m. and 7.47 p. m. The
afternoon train from the West gets
here in time for passengers to catch
the stage to Brussels
Meneusforelem-Walton was • the
ecene of a very happy function on
Wednesday, June 10th, when F. W.
Scarlett and Miss E. Maud Sholdice
were united in marriage. The cere-
mony was performed at the home of
the bride's sister, Mrs. W. M. Smith
and eves conducted by Bev. H. M.
Lang -Ford. rector' of Brussels. Guests
from a distance were :---Wm. and Mrs.
Scatiett, London; F. and Mrs. Scott,
Lucan; Miss Hodgins, Lucan, and
others. Mr. and Mrs. Scarlett receiv-
ed many beautiful presents showing
the esteem in which the young couple
is held. They will reside at Lead-
A anut.-Dr. Fedtn,hdemiwst, will visit Ethel
on Monday, June 25th, and every two weeks
after thin date.
Tim POST gives the news.
60 cents gets THE POST to Tan. 1st,
The addition to the Kreuter block
is a decided improvement to the vil-
Our emelt gang is building- bridge
abutments in. the Northerly part of
the township.
Thursday afternoon of last week
the annual meeting of the Women's
Institute was held here and an enjoy-
able time spent.
E'thel cheese factory sold the May
make at 11 cents per pound and 10
days make of June at Hee. rt was
shipped this week.
Isaac Gill has not been enjoying
very rugged health during the past
few months but we hope the Summer
weather will prove helpful.
Mrs. S. S. Cole was at St. Thomas
this week attending the closing exer-
cises of Alma Ladies' College for this
term. bliss Ida Cole was among the
Don'tforget the Lawn Social at the
Methodist chnrch here on Wednes-
day evening of next week. Good pro-
gram and refvestunents in the way. of
coffee, cake, ice cream,strawberries,
lemonade, &o. Admission to lawn is
10c and you pay for what you desire
outside of program.
We aro sorry to hear that Wm.
Cooper had the misfortune to lose his
beery draft stallion, "Ohildwiek
Hatherton," Thursday night of last
week at James McDonald's near Wal-
ton. Acute indigestion was the
cause. The horse was priced at
$2,600 and was uninsured. 11 will be
a big loss to Mr. Cooper.
In a closely contested Foot Ball
match at Milverton Wednesday even-
ing our boys were losers by the score
02 1-0. Outside the protested game
niftiest -Wood tlaiswinds upthe District
series Mayes -ton having won and will
now go into the semi-finals. Ethel
boys have no reason to feel discourage
ed over their first season. They have
got many valuable pointers that will
be of service to there in 1909.
2 TO 1. -There was a large and en-
thusiastic crowd at Riverside Park
on Monday evening, despite the cool
atmosphere, to see the rebore match
between Listowel and Ethel Foot
Ball. teams. In the former meeting
the score was a tie hence a good game
was expected and in that no one WAS
disappointed. Referee McMarte, of
Atwood, was in charge of the play
and apparently gave fairly good .sat-
isfaction although the visitors eines-
tioued,,but did nob alter, his decisions.
The home boys scored twice in the
first half time and kept theiv op-
ponents busy. Listowel \yolked in
goal from a corner kick and thus the
tally stood to the close, Ethel winning
by 2 to 1. Both teams worked hard
but the home team had A decided ad-
vantage and had it not been for the
vigorous defence would have inereased
their score. The local team has been
changed considerably and noticeably
improved thereby and play better
ball than at any time during the
season, Lint up 'aelonday evening was
as follows t-
eh`is r:snCfsie
11 oaak,sRayVenson BaolBamford
00a11°irCameron Rli
Porwards IC soot
.Tc n 4ordon
was theclosinggano far tlesea6
son hove in connection with the Dis-
trict Intermediate games but, other
'mistime Will likely be arranged 50
Brussels School Board
Regular 'meeting of the Public School
Board was held in the Board room Fri-
day evening. Members present, D. C.
Ross, US. Elliott, R. Leatherdale and
J. 1. Skene.
Minutes of last meeting read and ad-
Moved by D. C. Ross, seconded by
Jas. Elliott that the Beare procufe eale
half barrel of door oil for the school.
• Moved by jas. Elliott, seconded by D.
C. Ross that the account of Messrs.
Gerry & Walker for $197,92 for car of
coal for school be paid, Carried.,
Board thee adjourned. J. 0, SOOME,
North Perth
Following aretbe Municipal majorities
for North Perth in the recent Provincial
Election contest ;-
Hay Torrance
Stratford .. 237
Ellice -- 43
Wallace ••• •.62
Listowel •1 t
Milverton ... 65
North Easthope 282
Mornington -- 20
293 555
• 265
Total majority for Torrance
South Perth
The official recount was held at Si.
Marys on Saturday afternoonby Return-
ing Officer Sharp. It resulted in tho
declaring of Mr, Stock elected by a
majority ot,56, The total vote of the
Riding was 2,453 for Mr. Stock and
239 for Hon, Nelson Monteith. There
were 39 spoiled ballots. Following is
the result by inejorities
Sisia, riMstaiary.S 88
fiMoe teith Stock
rbetilticiahretl°1"8 r
Logan 137 ,.
South leasthope e58
Majority for Stook, Ss. '---46; 725
1,011%.1ata Items always welcome at Tut'