The Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 8death to Bugs
This is the result when a patch of Potatoes is well sprayed with our
• Paris Green. It is none too early to get after this post, as there is,
every promise of them being more plentiful than ever, unless killed
now. It is very discouraging, sometimes, after the work is done to
• find that your time and money has been wasted. Such is often the
case after using Paris Green.
Our Paris Green
is the beet we can procure and you can depend on it being strong and
pure, and good results to follow its use. Give it a trityl.
Kodaxs, Cameras and all Supplies for same,
road Rens .glans
Smoot. Board will meet Friday even-
ing of this week.
BRUSSELS gave W. Proudfoot a
'majority of 7 last Monday,
IMPROVEMENTS are being made at Mel-
ville Manse lawn and grounds.
THR residence of A, C. Dames is be-
ing improved by a new dress of paint.
BELL RINGERS Thursday evening of
'next week. Don't miss bearing them.
MtLVERTON and Brussels Friday even-
ting on Victoria Park here. See the
5o omen, , in advance, secures The
Pos'r for the balance of igo8 to any
Canadian postoffice.
Rev. HICKS promises some interestiug
.features in June weather. Forecast may
be read on page 5.
A cell of hogs was shipped on Thurs-
day by Geo. Cardiff. $6.00 per hundred
weight was the price paid.
DR,, FEILD will visit Ethel profession-
ally next Monday and may be found in
rooms over Mr. Thompson's store.
THE annual meeting of East Huron
Farmers' Institute will be held in the
.Council Chamber, Brussels, on Friday
afternoon of this week.
THERE is an opening at The POST for
a lively boy, town or country, who
wishes to learn the printing trade.
Apply personally at the office.
THE Militia department cannot
furnish the steel stoves this year. This
Means that each captain must get a
stove into camp in some way.
' LAST Monday evening's wind storm
blew down several trees, fences, &c.,
but no serious damage was done. A
few fiasbes of lightning were close.
THE names of parties who use profane
and obscene language on Victoria Park
are being taken and they will be asked
to appear before Reeve Leckie if its
practice is continued.
KEEP June 18th clear for the Eckhardt
Bell Ringers in the Town Hall, Brussels.
They are worth going miles to hear and
are a wonderful musical family. Plan
of reserved seats is open at Fox's Drug
Bovis and men who swine at the mill
dam should know that bathing suits are
one of the necessities demanded by the
town By-law when inside the corporation
limits. Constable Oliver is looking after
the transgressors.
TUESDAY evening the North side Jun-
iors defeated the young gents from the
South in a game of Foot Ball on Vic-
toria Park.i
Th s ties theins and
losses another conflict to
will havebe
waged to decide the victory.
THE town company will turn out in
good shape this year. New uniforms
are on the way and it is expected will be
here in time but if the new outfit does
- not arrive on time the boys will have to
fit out in Goderieh during Camp.
CARD of THANKS,—The undersigned
wishes to record her sincere thanks to
many friends for the words of sympathy
and deeds of love extended in her time
of bereavement, It will live long in
memory. e• MRs. JNo. HOWARD.
FRIDAY evening a kitchen shower was
on the program at the home of Mrs.
John Downing, Miss Minnie McNaugh-
ton, who is likely to need the articles
shortly, being the recipient. It was
well planned, well deserved and well
EXCURSION to Model Farm, Guelph,
Friday of next week, Special train
leaves Brussels at 7,53 a. 111. The re-
turn fare is only $r.15, good to come
back an any train Saturday. Children
under re years half rate. It is a great
education to visit the fartn and parents
should give their children the chance.
THE Sewing Circle of Melville eburcb
will bold a social on the Manse lawn on
Tuesday evening the i6th inst. An ex-
cellent program will be provided and
lunch served. Should the night be wet
it will be held in the basement of the
church. Admission 550. Children 00,
Everybody will be welcome.
'WHOEVER wrote the report for the
Listowel Standard of the Listowel—
Brussels Foot Ball match played here
either wilfully prevaricated or else did t
not know the situation. It may be nasty 0
to take a score 08 3-0 but it is better to
swallow it in true sportsmanlike man.
net than to spin a yarn blaming the 0
referee, the grass and the strenuous op-
ponent: They forgot to State that Lis- 0
towel won at Listowel on a penalty.
A NueisER from town are attending
the races at Wingham Wednesday and
Thursday of this week.
CHose t FRIENDS meet next Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock. All members re-
quested to be present.
PRICE DOWN.—During the Summer
months the price of milk at the Wood-
bine Dairy will be 5e per quart.
C. RozELL,
BRussELS Creamery disposed of 5 tons
of choice butter to the McLaren Im-
perial Cheese Co. The price was 23
cents per pound.
SOUTH -SIDE Juniors claimed a victory
over tbe North -end lads Wednesday
evening on Victoria Park in Foot Ball,
The score was 3 to 2.
REGIMENTAL orders have beeu issued
in regard to the annual camp. The
33rd Regiment will go into camp on
Monday next, June 15th, instead of the
t6th as previously ordered.
tgth inst., is the date set for the annual
outing to the Model Farm at Guelph.
Special train will run leaving Brussels
at 7.53 a. m. Return fare for adults
only eIt.t5. Tickets good to come back
on any regular train on Saturday.
°AEEAOE plants at McCracken's.
W.&swen.-50,0001bs. wool, Highest market
prices paid. Also any quantity of butter and
eggs. Geo. E. KING. 4748
RE000sn IN PRICE.—The price of milk for
the Summer months at the Woodbine Dairy
will be 5 cents per quart. 0. Resew.
WE have secured the services of Peter Rit-
chie who will in future attend to our shoe re.
pairing department and also build shoes to
order. 7.0. Rrcaaane.
WEEN your lawn mowers will not eat groes
Iean tone, sharpen and adjust same to your
fancy. Will exchange machine and also have a
number of mowers for sale. T. MOGREGoa,
Mill street, Brussels.
T— 0—
IN\ITATIONs are out for the msrriage
of Ira C, Parker, of Wingham, formerly
of towo, and Miss Minnie MoNangbton,
of Brussels, Wednesday evening of next
week being the date set for the
auspicious occasion.
MONDAY of this week Dr. Hamilton
arrived in Brussels and opened his
dental office in the apartments over j,
T. Ross' grocery and where he is now
ready to attend to the necessities of the
public. He comes to town bearing
good testimonials both personal and
Reeve LEcwtE gave his decision in
the arbitration case of Grainger vs.
Ransford. The latter is asked to pay
Mr, Grainger $142,00 for damage to
bis field from the overflowing of
brine from the salt well and is also ask-
ed to provide against nst the contiuuanee
tte complained ' e
stn d of byr
the present standing of the five foot ball
teams in this District in the Intermed-
iate series which will finish up on the
r7th inst
ro q 0
>, a a 3 re
W 0 O •p
Brussels 6 4 ~1 �r 9
Milverton 5 4 2 0 8
Ethel ... -
5 0 3 2 2
Atwood . 4 1 3 0 2
FIRE.—Between is and 12 o'clock
Tuesday night the fire alarm was rung
the cause being a fire in the rear outer
wall of W, Oakley's shoe shop, The
door was burst in and by active effort
inside and out the blaze was put out.
Several panes of glass were broken and
a'portion of the sheeting torn off in get-
ting at the fire. It was evidently of an
incendiary character as coal oil had been
used to more readily assist in the pro-
posed burning. The fire engine was
not used. Building is owned by S, B.
Smale and was insured, Mr. Smale is
not in town so further particulars could
not be obtained. If the culprit is ap-
prehended he will likely have a vacation
for a few years in Kingston.
There passed away at his residence, 133
Winchester street, Toronto, Sunday
morning an old and respected resident
of Toronto, in the person of Chas, R.
Cooper, in bis 68th year. Mr, Cooper
was born in the township of Stanley, in
he county of Huron, and was a resident
f Toronto for z1 years. He was the
on of the late Rev. H. C. Cooper, who
or 90 years was rector of Etobi-
oke, Weston and Mimics. Mr, Cooper
was connected with several religious
rganizations, was rector's warden of
Little Triuity for several years and as-
sistant superintendent of the Sunday
school, one of the directors of tbe Up-
per Canada Bible Society, and was on
the Executive of the Church of England
deaconesses' house. He was an ener-
Qetic and successful member of the
ueen City Curling and Bowling Club
and was proprietor of the Toronto Salt
Works, He leaves a widow, one son
and one daughter. Trinity was draped
Sunday, and the rector spoke feelingly
Of the work of Mr, Cooper. The funer-
al took place on Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock, Mr. C;oopee was a well known
resident of Brussels fcr a Itumber of
yams and Wwhile here interested ed himself
in church, municipal aid sporting
circles. The members of his family will
share in the sympathy of many old
friends ip Brussels and Inanity,
Thomas Times of June 4th, speaks of a
son of James Sharpe of Brussels, as fol-
lows :—John H. Sharpe, grocer. Talbot
street, leaves on Friday for Ottumwa,
Iowa, where he will be married en Wed-
nesday next to Miss Jennie Duncan,
daughter of Wm, D. Duncan, who for-
merly r sided on Balaclava street, St.
Thomas, Mr. Sharpe will beaceompani-
ed by his brother Milton Sharpe of Brus-
sels, and after a week's stay in town,
Wilt return to the city with his bride and
take up his residence here. Mr. Sharpe
is cue of the city's most popular young
business men, while tbe bride -elect is
well known in St. 'Thomas, which she
left with her parents a year or so ago.
,Their many friends will wish them
p life of happiness and prosperity,
First Step Towards Independence
opens a
Open an Account in the Savings
Department of
corn -
times a
Capital Paid Up - - - - $1,066,606.60
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1Ls,241,532.26
Farmers with families are specially advised to
open "Joint Deposit Accounts" bywhich money
can be deposited or withdrawn by husband or
wife, and in the case of death by the survivor.
F. H. GILROY, Manager
THE Posv telephone is No. 20.
LAw8'I'ENNIS is giving a number of
local racquet wielders some pleasant
HEAR the Bell Ringers in Brussels
Town Hall Thursday evening 18th inst.
They are worth going miles to hear.
Plan of Hall at Fox's.
De. T. T. MCRAE has leased apart-
ments in the Leckie block over the drug
store of Frank Smith, and they are be•
ing fitted up in modern style for him.
ivir, Leckie has moved his office down-
stairs to the store recently vacated by
Mrs. McKinlay,
day afternoon the members of Western
Star Lodge, No. 149, I. O. O. F., Brus-
sels, will hold their annual decorating
service in the cemetery. The brethren
are asked to meet attheirhallat 4 o'clock
and march to the cemetery and they are
also invited to fetch boquets.
HvscENEAL.—Wednesday of last week
Rey, D. Perrie tied the matrimonial
bow, at the home df the bride's father
between Duncan Stewart, druggist. of
Detroit, formerly of Brussels, and Miss
Minnie, daughterof Peter McLaren, of
Wingham. The happy couple took the
afternoon train for their home. The
groom is a son of Alex. Stewart, Queen
street East, and be and his daughter,
Miss Maggie. and Peter Stewart and
wife, of town, attended the wedding.
The many old friends of the groom here
wish him and his bride many years of
happiness and prosperity.
From the Chico (California) newspaper
we are pleased to clip the following in
connection with a report of the W. C,
T. U. meeting at Magalia :—"Ono of
the most touching parts of the day's
program was when the people of Mag.
alia and Butte County tried to express
their love and appreciation to Miss Car-
rie Bryden, the founder of the W. C.
T. U. in Magelia. Miss Bryden, after
eleven years years of service, leaves for
her home in Canada. As a reminder of
her faithfulness and their esteem she
was presented with a gold watch.". The
lady referred to was a fornmer resident
of this locality being a sister to Mrs.
Walter Innes, now of Moorefield. She
s a devoted worker and deserved this
THE Western Fair of London, Ontario,
will be held this year Sept. 11-tg,
Those who have been in tbe habit of at-
tending this exhibition in the past will
scarcely recognize the grounds and
buildiugs this year. Over seven thous-
and dollars have been expended ou new
buildings and additions, and "the whole
of them haveheenpainted white. making
a very beautiful appearance, being a
complete "White City." More accom-
modation has been provided tor horses ;
Grand stands have been built, and other
buildings extended and enlarged,
that although it is expected this coming
exhibition will eclipse all
ps others in
entries there will be ample room for all
exhibits. Ail information regarding the
exhibition may be obtained from the
Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont.
made to the tidy village of Milverton.
last Friday evening, by C. P. R. from
Walton, by Brussels pig -skin chasers,
accompanied by a number 01 their sup-
porters. These teams have met on sev-
eral former occasions so were not strang-
ers and each played to win. Brussels
scored 2 goals in the first half, P, Row-
ley and Gordon McDonald doing the
trick. From that point lively rushes
were occasionally made till the time-
keepers called the end of tbe hour with-
out any change in results, viz., 2 to o in
favor of the visitors. Referee was Mr,
Devitt, ot Berlin, who has a few things
yet to learn about foot ball.
In the absence of A„Lowry, Will, Hen.
derson played on the left wing. Milver-
ton will be here on Friday evening to
play the return match: Among the
ladies who went to Milverton were
Misses jean and Margaret McLaueblin,
Nettie Brown, Eva McCracken, Winnie
McGuire, Lulu Rutherford, Mildred and
and Alta Pryne, Mrs. Ballard was the
chaperon. They were quite taken with
Milverton, Our team speak in the high-
est terms of the geniality and hospitality
of the Milverton team and hope to re-
turn the compliment when they visit
Brussels on Friday of this week,
People We Talk About
Mrs. Eddie is visiting in town.
Robert and Mrs, McCallum have been
visiting with old frteuds in Tuckersmith.
Mrs. F. P. Moore, of Teeswater, was
visiting Alex, and Mrs. Bilis, Queen
Mrs, Lang -Ford, of Granton, is visit-
ing her son, Rev. Mr, Lang -Ford at the
Miss Edith Aclama and Miss 13uaston,
of Fordwioh, were calling on old friends
in Brussels,
George Buchanan has gone West
where he will teach during the Univer-
sity vacation.
Mrs, Goo. Miller and son, of Wing -
ham, were visiting relatives and old
friends in town.
Mrs, Jno. Walker, of Seaforth, was
renewing old friendships li Brussels
during the past week,
Rev, J E, tIunter, of Leamington,
was here r for a few days on a visit to tile
parental home, John street,
Joe Wilton has entered the service of
the Standard Bank as Junior, 1 -Ie
should make an efdeient hail;
Brussels Greenhouse
Any quantity of 'Tomato, Cauli-
flower, Celery and Cabbage Plants.
Tomato Plants 100 a box or Sc a
dozen loose.
Fine Collection of Flu ,rering
Plants, Choice lot of Geraniums
and Annuals for bedding. Boston'
or Japan Ivy can be put out any
time 111 Summer—r5, 20, 250 each.
Floral Designs made to order.
Agent for Dale's Cut Flowers,
Miss Kelly.
Mrs. and Miss Jewitt are hone from
Lambeth. The former is snaking favor-
able progress in the restoration of her
Thos. and Mrs. Grant and children, of
Wroxeter, were visiting the fornmer's
parents in town for a few days.
Miss Lottie Badd's health has been in
a very precarious condition during the
past week. Her many friends would be
glad to hear of improvement.
Chas. Ritchie was away to Niagara
Falls this week as delegate from Court
Princess Alexandria, C. 0. F., Brussels,
to the High Court meeting there.
Misses Rosa and Alma Lascbinger, of
Elmira, were visiting at their uncle and
aunt's, J. T. and Mrs. Wood, of town.
The former is a nurse in Cleveland.
Ivan Crooks, son of George Crooks,
Queen street, Brussels, has passed the
Pharmacy exam. and is now a frill
fledged druggist. We wishhim success.
Mrs. Harbottle and daughter, Miss
Kate, of Welland, were here during the
pest week atteuding the funeral of the
late John Howard, the former's father.
Adam and Mrs. Roe, of Pickford,
Mich.. have been visiting relatives and
friends in Brussels and locality. Mr,
Roe is a son of Richard and Mrs. Roe,
Brussels South.
Miss Minerva Jones, of town, played
the Wedding March at the marriage of
Miss Hazel, daughter of Robt. and Mrs,
Johnston, formerly of Brussels, at Wing -
ham on Wednesday. The fortunate
groom is C. Beil, of Southampton,
Wilford Hamilton and bride, of Ed-
monton, Alts. who have been the guests
of their gnandpnrents, Thos. and Mrs.
Ennis John street, left for Toronto on
Monday. They leave Toronto for their
home in Edmonton 00 Thursday of this
Miss '1'essieits of Toronto,
Robe on orante
was visiting her cousin Mrs. 'Phos
Walker and Miss abkirk. She
sang a beautiful soloeAif
in Melville church
at the Sabbath evening service. Miss
Robertson is a daughter of the late Dr.
Robertson, who was Superintendeut of
Missions in the West in connection with
the Presbyterian church.
The Presbyterian Assembly, in session
at Winnipeg, voted in favor of church
union, atter a frill and free discussioli,
by a vote of 156 to 32.
Next Sabbath Rev. A. C. Wishart, 13.
A., will be at Asbfleld assisting at the
Communion service. Melville church
will be supplied by C. A. Mustard, a
student of Knox College, Toronto.
At the Methodist Conference held at
Exeter, W. H. Herr, of THE Poar, was
elected as President of the Layman's
Association of London Conference for
the ensiling year. W. J. Fawcett, of
Brussels, is the past President and was
placed en the Exectitive.
Head Off co - - -
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household.
This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member
can attend to the banking when in town. In rase of death, the money may be withdrawn
by the survivor without delay or cost, Write or call for further particulars.
interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Branch also et Walton.
There will be High Mass and sermon STE,rARl—MnLAnEN,—A1 the hone of the
in the Catholic church, Brussels, next bride's parents, Wtnuhn,n, on ,Tune Brd, by
Sunday at 10,3o a. tn. Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Duncan Stewart, drug.
gist, of Detroit, formerly of Brussels, to
Rev. Mr. Raney, of Kirktoa, conduct- Miss Minnie daughter of Mr. Peter Me -
Laren, of Winghnm.
ed the services in St. John's church last
Sabbath both morning and evening.
Last Sabbath was missionary service
in'the Methodist Sunday School. Miss
Minnie McNaughton gave a readiug and
Miss Gerry's class a good chorus. Offer-
ing was $6.14. The proposal of the
school this year is to support two child-
ren in the Kanazawa, japan, Diphanago
and also maintain a cot in the new
Hospital in Chentn, China. $ros is the
contribution aimed at for the year,
"Standing before God” was the pas-
tor's subject last Sabbath morning in
Melville church. 390 communicants
were present for the Communion, the
largest in the history of the congrega-
tion. 02 new members were were added
to the roll. The membership is
now 485. Friday afternoon at the
preparatory service Rev. Mr. Cranston,
of Palmerston, preached a very appro-
priate sermon from the text "For His
The service last Sabbath morning in
the Methodist church. Brussels, was in
charge ot Harry D. Ainlav, He ills.
coursed on "'Che Water of Life" in a
most creditable and practical manner
and worthy of continuance. Rev. D. B.
McRae, of Cranbroolt, occupied the
pulpit in the evening and preached a
good sermon. The pastor was attending
Conference at Exeter.
CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS,iug is a list of the pastors in the Meth-
0dist churches in Wingham District for
the coming year as made by the Confer-
ence held during the past week at
Exeter:—Wingham. William G. How-
son, Nathaniel S. Burwash, superannu-
ated, Theopbilus Hall, supernumerary ;
Kincardine—H. T. Ferguson, 13. A., B.
D., John C. Pomeruy, superannuated ;
Luckuow—James E. Ford ; Brussels—
Ezra G. Powell ; Teeswater—R, S.
Baker; Ethel—John Henderson; Ford-
wich—John Ball ; Gorrie--Hector W.
McTavish ; Wroxeter—Alfred L. Rus-
sell ; Bluevale—J. W. Andrews, Web-
ster W. Leech. superannuated; Ash
field—Thomas E. Sawyer (Lucknow ;
Salem—Hugh Watson (Teeswater;
Bethel—Morley Madden 13. A., (Thos.
R. Fydell) ; Ripley—Thomas W.
Blatchford, B. A. Bervie—William
Patterson(E. R C.) ; Tiverton—los-
eph E. Cook ; Whitechurch—Welling-
ton A. Finlay ; Belgrave—George W.
W. Rivers, B. A. B. D. ; Andrew C.
Haynes, College, Chairman, T. E.
Ford ; Financial Secretary, E. G.
Powell ; S. S. Secretary, T. E. Sawyer.
Other changes are :— W Baugh to Ben -
miller ; A. I. Brown to Staffa ; las.
Livingstone to Mitchell ; D. M. Me-
t -emus to St. Marys ; Wm. Godwin to
Parkhill ; Ino. Kennedy to Ailsa Craig ;
J. Garbutt to Pe is
trol R. Cur-
rie toit
O Springs • , R. Reds
Redmond to
Am neistburg ; and J, B. Freeman to
It prevents sore throat
No simpler way to kill a cold and
stamp out sore throat than by apply-
ing Nerviline—rub it in freely, and
then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster
on the chest. These remedies hunt
outpiain, destroy every trace of con-
gestion, cure the cold and tendency to
bronchitis, Thousancls_fiilcl Nerviline
inestimably the best remedy for pains,
aches, bruises, neuralgia, sciatica,
colds and Winter ills. Not only is it
penetrating and powerful, but it is
safe and economioel. All dealers sell
Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for
25c„ the plasters sante price. Beware
of substitutes,
SAVAea—Mr rreti,—At the Manse, Cranbroolt,
on June 10th, by Rev, D. B. McRae, Mr.
W,7..Savage, of Huquahn Washington
state. to Mies Amelia, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Michel, 08 Grey.
Fresh Turnip Seed
Bruce's New Century
Improved Hall's Westbury
Suedes Bruce's Selected Purple Top
Hartley's Bronze Top
White Swede,
Sutton's Champion
Yellow Aberdeen, White Globe & Grey Stone
All the above seeds supplied by the old reliable firm
of Messrs, John A. Bruce & Co.
Call and get your Turnip Seeds from
OOlnBON.--In Turnberry, on Tune dth, June
Nicholson, relict of the late Geo. Coulson, - -
aged 81 vents, l0 m00lios. ARM FOR SALE, beingg South u, Lot 10,
Co0ran.—On Juno 7th, at Bis residence, 188 F Omt. 0, Groy amitah,in� 60 nares. A71
Wiuehestor Street, Toronto, •barbs itob- clear imd to goedv'etate of cultivation, Wili
ert Cooper, sols of the late Rev. 211 C. sell it with or without the crop. For further
Cooper, inhis 08th year. particulars apply ee thepremises or if by let,
ter to Cranbroolt P. 0. H. A, KISYS. 40.18
It is ,just as well to use the
Latest Styles in Stationery.
We have them and they cont
no more than the JOBS t'asbion-
able varieties. O'er stock in-
cludes not only the now things
in box papers but also a large
variety of bulk goods includ-
ing Court Imperial, Wexford
Weave, Puritan Wave, Dimity
and Dutch Fabric for all of
which we have Envelopes to
-match at
9 S
WOheeat . .90 877 7 90 4899
1133a ley 80 0 800
Egg7 18
sr 15 8
Hay 700 8 00
Hogs Wool 0 88 6 12
8 12
canopy top and side curtains, for sale,
Rig in good repair. Will be sold at a bargain,
llh,quire of B. BERRY, Brussels. 494f
STRAYED from Lot 10, Con. 8, Morris, about
May 20th, a Thoro'•bred Oxford Down
Ewe, marked with silver tips in ears • also a
March ewe lamb. Information regardingthe
mune will be thankfully received by J..1,EL-
LERS, Bluevale P. 0.
Tenders for Gravel
Tenders will be received by the Corporation
of Brussels for 400 yards of screened gravel, to
be delivered es directed by the Council. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Tenders to be placed in the hands of the Clerk
on or before 0 p. in. Saturday, 20th inst.
By order of Connell.
45.2 Ir. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Al..:ction Sale
on Saturday, June 13
at 8 p m., that valuable residence known as
the Tufts property, containing tan rooms.
Also, at the same time and place, the follow•
ing personal property :-1 kitchen range in
tolserileachairs, arpenter, obookr.ruie,&`
Auoioneer, Agents.
Good Fotwear
We are Agents for the Following
makes of good Footwear
The Diamond
The Imperial
The Model
The Astoria
The imperial
We guarantee all of the above Shoes.
In Children's we have some nice Designs
—all at lowest prices.
Repairs promptly done.
L Co Richards
Brussels Oaf -light Store tis N. McLaren
June Saleof Elthing
Special 'O'ifering in Men's and Boys'
Clothing for June.
We have one of the largest and best stocks of
Ready-to-wear Clothing in this section. They Fit
Right, Styles are Right and wear well.
We ask you to compare qualities and prices. .
Men's Suits
Young.Men's Suits
Youths' 3 -piece Suits
Youths' 2 -piece Suits
.Boys' 2 -piece Suits
Men's Topper Coats
Men's Rain Coats
Men's Odd Pants
Boys' Knicker Pants
$ 50o to $1600
5 00 to I2 00
375 to 700
300 to 500
2 0o to 4 50
75oto 70 o
3 0o to 80 00
I OO to 3 5o
35 to I o0
Complete Stock in Boots and Shoes
At Lowest Prices
Our Stock of Hats and Men's furnishings
are the I,ateat and Best on the Market.
BIGBEST PRIM FOB PBOMGGE Goods 81ght oh Your Money Back
G. N. McLaren