HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 59 t BUSINESS CARDS. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETMEL, ONT. K. O. T. M. Brussels Tout nt the Maooabno0, No, 24 hold their regular nieotlugs In the Lodge Room, Banker flock, ou the lot and 8rd 1'nosday evenings of ouob, month, Vleitore aiways weloomo. A, SOBE1tS, Com, A, MoGUIRE, 1t, r1. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Ilowiclr lYtatual Fire Ineurance Company UAico aid Reelasuoe- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND IN011R1N0a, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 11�.ii S. SCOTT A AN AUOT'ION• ! • maWill sell -for better prices, to better wee, In lees time and lone obnrgeF than any other Auctioneer in East Heron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders situ always be arranged at this olfoe or by p nrsona1 application. ROBT, H. GARNiSS tax 4: VA 1,14 - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable, Bales arranged for at the otaae 0t Tam Pon, Bruaeels, 2211 VETERINARY. i A, CUNNINGHAM- Vi • Ronor erabuu,c of the Ontario Vet- erinary (lollop, Io prepared to trust all din• eases of domesticated animals In a aouwet• out me.uner. Particular attention paid to VeterinarY Le tIatrY and Mint Vey r Calls -tofu lel doors North to Delisa and Infirmary et ) 1 Y Y -Four doors North 0t brJdge,'14a'ubarry et.. Or000ale. 'P11000 'ii k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIE- Vr • Barrister, Solicitor, lC11 00yan0er, Notary Public, &o. U01oe-13tewart's !look I. door Nor tb of Uontral Rotel. S011ollor for the Metropolitan Bank. PItOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BAR1tISTE1rS, SOLIOITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC), ETC), W. Pfw8DrooT, K. C. R. 0, Etas G. F. Seem. O1lees-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Oamerou & H011, Oonxaioo, ONd'An10. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEiLD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal Oollo a of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 8'Iret•olaea Honor Graduate of Toronto Vuiveralty. Office nosh to Brewer's Photograph Onllerv, { ]. liUSSELB. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a Ebor- Itougb, practioai training on Cotumor- anal Subioota Isaac Pitman's Short - , hand Touch Typewriting,and in Cow- l/ meralal aid Railroad Operating. �[' Each department is In the bawds of r 4experieucod inetruotors. We assist y'( etudeote to positions, Our graduates id qqtt ulwaye 01(00004, for our 6000000 are DD (a(1 Ebo boat. Got our true aataloguo and i 11 10,1011 more about 00. You may enter yf I now. d9 ELLIOTT & MoLA.OHLAN, - Prim:irate, f}1 i=t-trs iigt = 'ter. INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST Machines may be seen at MoItAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordbeim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT BUGGIES WAGONS If yon went a really good artiole fu the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable °ober Carriage 13uildot on Market Square, Brus- ee1s, where you will And a first- class assortment. Bost of hand macre Farm Wag - one with different widths of tires and 'different heights of wheole, Extra large hand made Wheel- barrows, Re -rimming Light and Heavy Wheels, Repairing, Re -painting and Re-tfintlning attended to on 011001000 notice, JOHN COBER Summer School... � our lnnuagenitagl trains more y0110g VI people than any other In Ontario I .! s There meet be n reason ; writs for it ( Special Course for Teachers. {� •A Mali Courses. 44. p WINOHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE '\ Y�3 Geo. Spotton, Principal. C6y Viz. VIIY VLY VSSY ' VGY "' '`...dam.. ,b•..4. A..s�. ,A�✓A- .S`4✓.Str✓4,..% GAIMEE Tietolvs Rat u' X' BRUSSJ='LS 0o0N0 SOUTH (001x0 NORTH broil 7:06a In Express 40:65 a In Express 11:260 m lvinll..,.. 1:44 p m Express .,8:02 p m Express 0:51 p m WALTON To Toronto To 0odorioh Express 7:45 a m I Express ........,11:60 u x m L At ass.....,618ri p w Express 0:26 p n] Nlstri .ct geius Grey A bank barn is being erected by W. J. !-Loy, lot 11, con. 6. It is 40x50 feet and will have cement stabling. L. Frain has the job of the cement, and Mr. Hoywill do the carpentering xo P B himself. Smoot RnronT.-Tho following is the School' Report of S. S. No. 5 Grey. Nantes in order of merit. Highest possible mark 400 :-Sr,-Ile. 1214a, Macdonald, 331 ; Bert Dunbar, 278 Alex. Collins, 21:2. Jr. IV. john Me - Cush, Ernest Clark. Class Ill. --Elsie Rea,855 ; Willie Campbell, 325 Edith Y Flod, 274 ; Frank Lindsa , 211 Ross Cowles, 209; Isaac Clark, 194. Class II Jas. Collins, 375 ; Maggie Coates, 871 Lyle Bradford, 810; Lizzie Kleins- rhroth, 271 ; Alex. Macdonald, 200 ; Alenia Clark, 217 ; John Savage, 100 ; Hr. Pt, I1. -Gordon Macdonald., Harry Iiuclson, ],vat :Hudson. Jr. Pt. II. - Ida Bremner, (equal Harold Bradford, Henry Kleinschroth. Sr. I. -Gordon Rea, joint Armstrong, Mabel Clark George Campbell. Jr. L -band Dix - Dix- on, Rbeccah Kloinsehtoth, Carl Mac- donald, Harvey Flood. L. A. MACKAY, Teacher. The girl that is pale She is in clanger, her system run down, weak -sire needs nourishment needs richer blood. More than all else she needs Ferrozoue, Leeds it because it beings back the nerve energy which rapid growth and study have exhaust- ed. The to eke time , !I vigor, happy spirits g 110 P anclnew strength return )11 Ferro - zone.new sLie r xettur \\ t 1 ern zone. The clel rate maid is energized, strengthened and rebuilt. Isn't it worth while using Ferrozgne when it surely dons so much. At all dealers in 50c boxes. Morris A Riverside Social will be helcl at the home of Jas. Russell, Sunshine, an. Ttiesclay evening, June 10th, under the auspices of the Sunshine Methodist chiu•ch. A splendid time is expected. Keep the elate in blind and be stu'e to attend. Srfnx». REPORT. -Following the is report of 5 S. No. 5, Morris, for the mond of May, irased exaunatl s and class work :-Olass V -Dora Wat- son. Sr. IV L. Watson, M. Span', E. Clark. Sr. III -M. Wheeler, J. Al- cock. Jr. I11 -J'. Coupon, M. Speir, K. Shutrie, A. Brarlshaw, J. Passmore, H. Kerney, H. Nichol J. Little, W. Denman. So. 11-E. Nichol, G. Mc- Neil, S. Alcoclt, E. Oonuon, W. Clark, A. Nichol. Jr. II -I. McArter, R. Bradshaw, N. Spell', V. McCracken, 3. McNeil. Sr. Pt. I -R. Marks, 13. Bradshaw, R: Oloakey, A. Little. ,Tr. Pt. I -A. Alcock, M, Clark, 0. Marks. E. M. WxLTON, Teacher. MORRIS ,STATISTICS. -The following particulars are copied from the Assess- ment Roll of 1908 by THE POST scribe: Acres of lance • 55,093 Acres cleared 44,290 Acres wood 4,106 Acres slash 507 Acres swamp 5,111 Value of lance $ 1459,750 Valle of buildings 705,700 Value 6 Business tax 4,050 Income tax 600 Total value of lands.,2102,850 Ohilth'en front 5 to 21 years473 Children from 5 to 16 years514 Total population 2,210 No. from 21 to 00 years 072 Only 8 names are on the non-resident roll. The London, Huron & Bruce railway is assessed for $6,065 ; the W. G. & 13, for $4,170 ; and the Guelph- Goderich road $4,325 ; Bell Telephone Co. $1,450. There was only one appeal against the assessment and it was dis- missed by the Court of Revision. As- sessor Watson has been doing the as- sessing for the past 80 years, a period not 1)11en exceeded by an official in this illipOi•tallt (lepal'tlnellt of munici- pal service. The salary paid.by Morris Council for this work is $70,00. Never pare a corn It's a sure way to get blood poison- ing. Ilse Putnam's Corn Extractor. It's safe painless and sore to cure in a day, Goderich Wm. Marlton is the latest addition to the autoists in Gocleridh. W. L. Horton has been awarded the contract for the season's dredging at (3oclerich and Kincardine. Trout fishing has been fairly good at the reefs the past two weeks, but inshore is deserted by trout and white fish. Jamas McLeod, son of the late Cap- tain Dan McLeod, of Goderich, has re- cently been appointed physical direct- or at the Central Y. M. C. A. Toronto. The name of the flag station to be opened shortly on the 0. P. It, at the top of Dunlop's hill will be "Meneso- tongg Park station" instead of "Setting Park" as first proposed. The town clerk has received a law- yers letter claiming clatnages from the town for a lady who stopped into a hole near Mir. Morningstar''s gate the otterdayand sustaiiled.serious injury, A now time table goes into effect on the C. 1?. R. on Jule 151,11. Tho pro- posed changes affecting Goderich are OS follows Morning train out to kayo 111,8 a, M. instead of 7 a, in,; are hiving at Torotito at 12.10 t4. m, ; after- noon train reit tit 180 p, in, instead of in„ arriving iu 'Toronto at 6.35 ; first trtain in 10 arrive al 12.80, evening )ling train to nl'rlt'e int PI.12 p. in. instead. el Lead bury (J,vtDI(N )'AR'T'Y. -'191' Letitia(' !11(1 of Bethel Metoist rbur n will held to Cowden Party at the residence of John DItl1(hrs, Nast of Leadbtu'y, on Friday evening, June 12t1, 001)101 1tn.01 Line (0'xp'eted. 011 the program will be a fall ball mntel), Breus Band, short addresses, vocal selections, readings, &e. T1,001 will alto be arefreslunent tent on the giminds. hverybody- invited. Molesworth ScifooL R11 Olrr._ :The follswing is the report of 1 H No. 16 1lowick and Grey Hr, 1V -Irene McTavish, .ni(a Armstrong. J1 I V ---Annie Rohn l.- sou Ula 0Grainger. tin6(1. Jr. L1 -- Everatt 2111011her, Annie Hislop, Tyndall 14lclierrller, SL, II -Robbie McDonald, Lawrence Hislop, Webster Tacklin, Birks Robertson, 3. D. Mc- Tavish 1:Wilbeit Grainger. Jr. 11- �. Willie Armstrong, Carl Grainger. i t. TI -Lloyd Arnistlong, Verne Mc- Donald, Jean Doig :::Muria Bennet,. Sr, I• -Addis Armstrong, Gerrie Hislop. Jr. i --Della Doig, James Mlc- Kereher, These marked:I: missed one or teen -00 exams. N. SPARLINO, Teacher. Clinton Mr. l'Vheatley, of 11)1\0, tuts sold iris fsctw in (20001 ir•11 'Township to 0. J. Thompson. Mrs, Neil Matheson, au old and re- spected resident, died at hoe home last week. The contract for suppliesh o r the House of Refuge were given to H. Bartliff for bread, W. Linder, for groceries, R. Fitzsimons & Sen for meat. .T, B. ]Lindsay, of Clinton ; Johan Eraser and wife and Miss Ililiotl, of .Bayfield, are away to Winnipeg at- tending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church. The home of Mrs, Thompson,son Albert street,was the scene of a very pretty weddig Wednesday of last week when her daughter, Violetta Beatrice, became the wife of Gen. Me'Ihggart, G. '1'. R. stationmaster at Blyth. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for the Pacific coast via Owen Sound, A wonderful cold cure Just think of it, a cold cured in ten minutes -that's what happens when you use "Ca 4 u r llOco 1'. i1 W i You inhale 3 hale its •oo ;hiebalsams,. s f (seri out nes the g coli-suifllcs are anted t goes 1 eadarhe is cured -symptoms of catarrh and grippe disappear sat once. It's the healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics in Catarrho ;one: that en- able it to act so quickly. In disease of the nese, for irritable throat, bron- chitis, coughs and catarrh it is n mal.' - vel. Safe even for children. 25c and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. Wingham Rev. W. G. Howson was attending the London confereuce•this week, be- ing held m Exeter. Jno herr and 10. Buchanan were lay delegates front hex e. Miss Mamie youngest daughter of Peter McLaren, treasurer of Turn - berry, and resident of this town,'was married. to D. Stewart, of Detroit, on Wednesday. Rev. D. Perris was the officiating Minister. Dr. Bethune intends to leave Wing - ham and will. reside with his son, who is a physician at limo, 250 miles from Port Arthur. 5lilce the accident that fractured his leg, Dr. Bethune finds it diffleult getting around. Prof. Geo. Cline and his large choir gave his cantata, "The Nativity, of Ohrist," in the Blyth Presbyterian church, on Wednesday evening of last week. There was a good attend- ance, and the choir received many compliments for the manner in. which they rendered the program. George 0. Young, son of our towns- man, A. Young, who for the past three years has been representing the (11 of Lewis Bros. Ltd.,Montreal, form- erly o < erly in the Nest and for the past few Months in the East, has accepted a. position as manager of the Northern Engineering azul Supply (Jo., of Fort Wi lien. A. wedding took place in East Wawanosh on Wednesday of last week, at the home of Jas. and Mrs. Nethery, when their youngest daugh- ter, Frances Matilda, was vaulted in marriage to Thos. Fairservice, of Bul- let. Rev. W. H. Hartley, of Blyth, performed the ceremony in the pres- ence (1f a large number of guests. Never in the history of Huron Comity were there better prospects for a bountiful crop. Spring grams cover the ground. The absence of usual late frosts and the warm weath- er, with occasional showers, have caused marvelous growth, and it is said vegetation is a month or at least three weeks ahead of last year. The outlook is certainly encouraging. HICKS' PREDICTIONS ' fOR LEAFY MONTH June, according to Prof. Ir} Hicks, will be heralded 111 by a few clays of fine Mit cool weather but by the 4th and 5th storms are predicted which will terminate in severe electrical dis- tn'bsauoes later ou. These electrical storms, according to the niofessol', will be pretty general during after- noons and evenings throughout the whole month. Ilis predictions arc 1- A regulate 0110110 period is central on the 6th, extending from idle 4th to the 9th. This period is coincident with the Mercury period, which is central on the 7th, covering the 1st to the 14tH, Moon is in apogee on the 4th, at the first quarter on the 6th, and on the celestial equator on the 0th. The reactionary storms of the last May period tt illdisapl)ear in the East about June 1,, leaving behind them two or three days of fair, cooler weather. By the 4th and 5011, the barometer will bo felting in the Weat, 'with, rising temperature and g1(Withg storm clouds. During the (Itis to tiro Otlt these oon(litions will be visited by very decided electrical storrnk high • I- INGLE HARNESS May be Among Your Wants wings and heavy downpours of ruin. 'Phis period, like all the remaining fpellotes of the uluilth IS affected hy ile June solstice, being 6100 61 the beginning of the annual J1n)e maxi- mum of electro magnetic disturbance wlu(lr falls every year 1:1.0111 the 811) to the 12th of June. Sluing East cur- rents, and other manifestations of ex- cessive magnetic and electric activity will be fluted at this time. The (,Janes are that thunderstorms dur- ing afternoons and evenings, will con- tinleo\1Ithe 1)L h 11th [' ilk OW next storm period. A rea'tiouary stored period is cen- tral on thel2th, 13111 and 14111. Op- position of )loon With Earth and Hw1 or Pull Hoon falls 001 the 11111. Ill addition to nlurlied tendency to elec- tl.lcal storms, it will be found that volcanoes tt l "n 1 1 t o 11S c parts of I 1 the earth will be disturbed and seismic shales will be numerous abcutthls period. Following the first two of three per- iods In Tune as the areas of high baro- metric pressure displace storm areas, sharp, unreasonable revulsion to enol - 'r weather 1'o1' a day or two hill be uatoral, especially In high latitudes, A regular storm period 1s central on the. 17th extending from the !.5th to 19111. Moon is nearest the earth or in perigee, on the 10tH. Darin this period . minty afternoon thunder storms will he natural, Without very low readings of the barometer. As a rel' 1a yearly lnaxinuun of rainfall is to be expected, generally, during the June solstice ; hence daily tains and thunderstorms often mem. at this time, with the barometer about the normal Leading. If the barometer falls to vexy low readings at any tinge during tine .Jule solstice, it is almost an infallible warning that storms of momthan ordinary !y violence and clanger 1. are bowing. If you have a reliable I3:ygtonleter and will watch its indications you will always know whether light or heavy rains are going to fall with the approaching storms. Remember, the water which is to come clown in the form of rain is al- ready in the atmosphere about you be- fore the storm comes. If tlxe atmos- pheric humidity is great, your hy- grometer will tell von even before any elands appear, and the precipitation will be heavy in proportion, as the great cnudensing storm -rake comes along, gathers it up and tumbles it down A. small percentage of a 1 6 humidity and a low barometer may give you a vicious storm of wind and thunder, but not a heavy, sustained rainfall. We believe that heavy local rains or '(cloudbursts" will occur here and there during this month, also in July and August, but that the atmos- pheric conditiotis will. not allow a general distribution of normal rains over all the country. A reactionary storm period is cen- tral on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th. The- nmOrl is at its last quarter and on the celestial equator ou. the 21st, and these facts will cause decided tendency to electrical storms a the beginning of this period. The acme, or turning point of Sommer solstice is coincident with this reactionary period. The Saturn period is still in active force, and the Jupiter period will lend its de- parting' influence. Hence we may reasonably look for a period of eh - normal electrical activity covering and next to the 21st, 22nd, 28111 and 24th. Some of the- tandeY t, Mostt auoram- ie scenes of the whole year occur, as a rale, at the L, isis of the Jura solstice. As sunset and twilight cane on great banks of blue and black and brassy clouds stack themselves at all points around the 110118oln and charge after charge, flash. after flash., of i -ub bewilder- We are prepared to supply you in Genuine Rubber Mountie g.s , Lnita- tion Rubber 01' Solid Nicker -any of which are popular'rrimmtngs. Our prices will suit You. We have Dusters, Imp Rugs, Trunks and Seteh'k, all at Lowest Uwillfug to let or sella Dwelling above store to let New Covered Buggy for sale. 1 C. Richards ntilcal111'('111roimi(s illuminate the heavens and the earth. While these solstice exhibitions are grand and awe Inspiring, it should be under- stood, especially by timid, nervous persons, that they, as 1a rule are ab- solutely harmless, They are not only harmless but beneficent. Lila' great sauihu'y fructifying tanks of'leetrieal energy and fire, they blaze and burn far through the solstice nights effect- ive agents of our Heavenly Father in purifying the ozone and u mst't•ir g to the growth and health and comfort of human, animal and vegetable life. But it must be known that these mag- nificent, sheet -lightning, thunderless panoramas are altogether different from the resoluta, °meaning storm. Even a child, or lit to birds twittering nervously in the trees and shrubbery', can distinguish the rushing, rising Chander stoles from fon tho harmless cloud pillars of electric fire that flash like endless ranks of vesper lamps all round the horizon, The one may be looked upon in calm fearlessness and admiration ; the other roust be regard- ed as an a(lvan(•iug foe, and watched ! Aftern tem and evoufug thnuder showers may reasonably be counted on about the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th. Haymakers and other. � s whomig ht stetter inconvenience, will r nd loss t " 0 1 a well to watch conditions and plan their work accordingly, through all this solstice period. We repeat our annual warning against the clanger in taking shelter under green trees dur- ing the June thunder storms. If all our readers could see the correct statistics of fatal lightning strokes, as a result of running under trees in June thunder storms, our oft -repeated warming would be more appreciated. A regular storm period begins on the 27111 and extends to July 2 nl. This period is central on the 20th, witil the moon in conjunction with earth and sun ata solar eclipse node and moon at greatest North declina- tion. The crisis of this period will fall on and touching the 23th, 29th and 30103. Within three days of the 28th, seismic convulsions and volcanic erup- tions will reach a general crisis. A vegetable constipation cure Becitllse they contain mercury am(1 mineral salts, many pills all harsh. The easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut They t clean the stomach, intestines 11210tv 1 - bo e s dr nye out waste matter, tone the kidneys and forever erre constipation As a general tonic and system cleanser nothing is so mild and efficient as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Bnttornut. Sold everywhere in 2.5c boxes. Gained Both in Strength and Weight. Another Case That Proves tho Merit of FERROZONE. "'I 11740 in spoor health nearly all last Winter," writes Mrs. Cross, of Wake- field, Ont. "My appetite was variable, I was weak and unfit for work. I suffered a good deal from nervous prostration and palpitation of theher. 012 heart. 1 digestion was general- ly g l out f order. the .Springtime ,y o By I had lost flesh, color and had; a bad Bough. The doctor didn't help me very much, 00 I decided to try Fer- ozolte. It diel me ever so much good in one week. I gsined strength, look- ed and felt a lot better. When I had DIVIDEND NOTICE. THE METROPOLITAN BANK Notice is hereby given that a dividend of two per centum, for the quarter ending Jute 30t11, next (being at the rate of eight per centum, per annum), leas been declared on the capital stock of this Bank, payable at the Head Office and Branches of the Bank, on and after the second day of July, 1908. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 17th to the 80th Juno, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, W. D. ROSS, Toronto, May 10t11, 1908. General Manager. 961 .701110=0101101111611111. ILELOTIIMMIN8d11.1.1110111011, "It's All Right" CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN The ori¢inal and only real Varnish Stain For Re•stainini and. Vernfshiind Furniture, Floors and Woodwork Prepared hi 1. n CPOOLPULOAR R$ For 901(1 by 110111 six boxes of Perroxnn' I weighed Olyse)!' and found a gain of fifteen puuudl 1''2.00801(1 rebuilt fey C011- nlitnli01i. and ;glade mea new woman. ! 01)11aidcl' Irerrozone worth its weight in gold to every weak woman. ' It (•tu'es-gniekly and saves big doctors' bills. (MI35,) I'1 C1105S." No tonic so certain, so helpful, so safe ; try Ferrozoite yourself, 50e. per box at all dealers. Allan grald Line TURBINE STEAMERS -.o..- MONTREAL ro LIVERPOOL 'Virginian Sa11a Friday, June 6 Jul 8 1'mlistau sails ..,Friday,. June 12 July 10 Victorian sails Friday, June 10 July 17 Oorslooe soils 1+'riday, June 20 July 24 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Hesperinn sails Saturday, June 6 July .1 Ionian sails Saturday, Juue 18 JuIy 11 Grampian sails .,Saturday, June 20 July 17 Pretorian sails Saturday, June 27 July 24 MONTREAL TO HAVRE r& LONDON Sicilian sails Saturday, June 8 Tilly. 18 Corinthian ,tarda 9t y, June 20 Aug. 1 Pnrtalan soils ,...,Saturday, June 27 Aug. 8 For sailings, lists and full information apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels. SllMMH SCHUOL Tti SO, Tilly and August lends into e n A11st o , 1 y g our Fall 'Terns without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for It to -(ley, CENTRAL EVSiNESS COLLEGE The Largo0t, most 11e110(44 Of its hind. W. H. SHAW Principal Tonga dt Gerrard sts,, Toronto Summer mm r Sessi n for Teachers r o L4 and ethers during duly and August . it ELLIOTT //dial TORONTO. ONT. Romain open throughout the Sum- mar and many students enter et this j' time. Wo have a groator attondli - once this year than over before. il Graduates readily secure employment, y Write Coda for handsome o e y it pays to attend the best. p It ry W. J. ELLIOTT, WI 941 ()or. Yonge & Alexander sae., Toronto. p� 9 r'� '.P t....- - ' E• `+l�Yr. yil INCAR�INE to �ETROIT AND RETURN $ 1.5 Steel Steamer Sing Edward Algonquin Central Steamship Line Tickets good Going June 17thl AT i A. M. ARRIVE AT DETROIT 4.45 P. M. RETURN JUNE 19th and 26th Leaving Detroit 9 a. in. Central Time. Meals and Berth Extra H. T. Hi1RDON, Local Agent. T. J. KENNEDY, Traffic Manager. BUGGftS and WAGONS 24 Years of Business in Brussels is full proof of the superior qual- ity, workmanship and durability of the wheeled rigs that Ewan & Co, turn out. Our business is increasing every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand- ard snake with extra deep rims, Have you seen our dash support braces i' They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken dashes. This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BEST and we have a patent for the back stayes-to prevent them from getting loose or Rapping. Trimmings are the very best of No, 1 leather with eight different designs in workmanship. - We use th8 lead and dolor paint and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of all kinds. A peep into our two Targe show rooms will convince any skeptic that what we say is true. Also a number of Farm Wagons always on baud made from the very best bf seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you; wish, also an height of wheels. 01d Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new at small cost. Our famous Artist, W M4. C. SMITH, is herehi attend- ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what we turn out, You will be convinced to buy both buggies sad wagons and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up.to-date Carriage Shop, Call and get our terms and prices and buy from a reliable firm and support home industry. SPECIAL RiGS MADE TO ORDER. EWAN & CO., Ir. au snemmala BRUSSELS NATIONAL IONAL Roller Flour Malls OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation, It will save you looney to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses fry our New BREAKFAST FOOD -d or noala Made froln White Wheat, .EEealthful and Invigorating, Don't forget that our ifWhiteLoaf" Flour~ is still taking the lead for Bread Flours, - 'All 'kinds of Feed -kept constantly on hand. WM & RA. E WJ1' /86E LS