The Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 4C 1•rttoscis Vast
T1IURSEAY, JUNE t1, 0908
An Opinion From the West.
Dealt Sta.-.
As yoti wished a few lines from us the
will do /to now, The Spring )las been
fine and the work will be done early ell
over the West giving a good chance for
the new settlers to get ahead with their
work in breaking up the land. A large
number of new settlers moved in with
their effects this Spring, some times
whole train loads. One night a few
weeks ago 28 cars passed through here
and a great number of cars were left at
Battleford at different times, mostly
from the States for the ']'ramping Lake
Leaving your land what might be
properly called tlteland of deep snow, we
found a large amount all the way to
Chicago. Ou the trip both ways a lot of
snow shovelling was being done in that
city. It has been costly to the city but
somewbat ofa blessing to the poor and as
in other parts of the world the work
seemed to be doled out to the poor.
The day previous to our passing Clown
the Chicago Tribune fed at their hotne
of shelter, 74o for dinner, conditious
being very similar all aver the world
and especially in the large American
cities. lust imagine what poor con-
sumers of the produce that the farmers
have to sell. Now we always main-
tained that there has never beeu an over
production but an under cousnmption.
While in the Windy city getting a
daily paper for one cent we read in
glaring head lines 1 -Two murdered, 18
wounded and 35 arrested. It was only
a gallon wedding John Barleycorn bad
been the chief guest of honor and had
takenalong bis friend Nickandof course
there was bound to be a row. In Win-
nipeg, amongst the foreigners at wakes,
weddings and christenings this a regular
thing. Chief Justice Howell lately
stated that much better could not be
expected of the Galaeians under the
conditions they were used to in their
own country, being looked upon as no
better than beasts by the landlords of
their country. Yet your Canadian peo-
ple are so igoorant, are so devoid of real
common sense and proper intelligence
that they provide rivers of intemperance
floods of damnation, whirlpools of ini-
quity to fill your prisons. Rooms to
destroy your homes and discourage the
members of your families and this con-
dition of affairs is especially applicable to
the foreigner and did not the Roblin
government sit tip nights and Sundays
fixing up naturalization papers without
a personality to sign them thinking to
herd them to the poll like colts, Mr,
Bole's speech lately at Ottawa with the
affidavits. But the Galaciansarea thrifty
and industrious people and a great num-
ber of them are students at the different
colleges in the West. We were shown
quite a number in Manitoba College,
Winnipeg, The main trouble is the stu-
pidity of your Canadian people in pro-
viding the devil's firewater as Shakes-
peare puts it to steal man's brains away.
The Roblin Government at last session
gage in to have the majority vote rule
only poor Ontario stands out for the 3/5
vote. Ontario, the premier Province of
the Confederation, at least should be the
premier in intelligence and are you not
a better living, better Sabbath observing
people than almost any other part of the
globe. Your standard of education is as
high if not higher, outside the classics,
than any country m the world yet you
say the man who goes to jail to• -day and
the one who comes out to -morrow are
more valuable as voters than the Christ•
ion minister and your school teacher,
It will take 3 of the latter to equal 2 of
the former. The two you tax yourselves
to provide jails, juries, judges and police
forces to lock after and for the three
you tax yourselves to educate. build
schools and colleges to properly educate
and give timely warning to the traveller
on life's pathway. Is not the gambler
one of the generalling forces of evil? A
little more than a year ago were there
not about 6o of them arrested or subject
to arrest in one of your cities yet it will
take et voters of your generalling forces
for good moral suasion to defeat the
efforts of those for evil. When people
say that such a condition is proper it
clearly shows that their intelligence is of
a very degraded quality.
Life has been likened to a voyage on
an untried sea. In the commercial
world everything is done to make the
mariners' jouruey safe. Beacon lights
are set at rocks and other dangersare re-
moved, but for the youth of your land
on this their journey on the untried sea,
to destroy your homes, to bring dis-
couragement and desolation to many of
your families, to fill your jails and tax
yourselves to feed paupers you open the
floodgates of hell and let in the greatest
curse the world bas ever known or ever
You well know the opinion of the
great men of tbe world. Gladstone and
the now prominent John Burns both
have put drink as the parent of most of
all the crime. All railway men put
most of the accidents as caused by drink.
As for the benefit to labor from the
raking of drink statistics show that for
the same amount of money return there
will be only r for drink to 3o in other
lines of manufacture. Statistics of the
U. S. by Caroli D. Wrigbtfor 1900 show
that in years of depression and years of
good dines there was a difference of 2
(4 and 6) per head used of wheat,
We all, no matter how poor, have the
crust of bread. If there is such a dif-
ference in it how muchgreaterdifference
will there be le the other food products,
meet, cheese, butter, fruits, etc., which
scarcely enter at times into thousands of
the homes of the poor. If the people of
Great Britain, United States and Can-
ada would quit drink tomorrow and
spend their money properly their would
be at least an increase in consumption of
foods of as per cent. Now where would
you get enough to provide that amount
it is not ie the world and any farmer
knows what the increase of price would
be and the natural increase of price
would easily raise the price of every acre
of land from $,r.00 to ago. But, some
will say that the amount of grain used
in the trade is a benefit to the farmer.
In t88o in Britain the nmonnt was shout
73. million the resiclae lett attar dis.
tilting used for feed would actually re- I
duce it to half that amount We presume.
In the United States there are near
2,600,000. bushels of core 'grown 9n a
year. This is used largely for feeding
for meat besides the amount of other
grains, screenings, malt, residue, .Rte. It
with a 25 per cent of more meat con -
sealed what a large elaouatof corn extra
there would be needed, Last year with
a einallseetion under protection the price
doubled. As for wine a prominent wine
grower once stated that be grew coo
pipes of wine and sold 1o,eoo 1 i0 z5
was genuine and you well know that
there was near civil war -in France over
that very question of adulteration last
The whole goestisn of finance in a
nut shell is the proper compensation of
the $ that is earned. Mills said "mon-
ey spent iu indulgences gives vary little
benefit to a community, but when the
earnings is spent in drink no proper
compensation is received and a
large under consuuhptiou of the
very things that it is earned for to pur-
chase such es toed stuffs, clothing,
furniture, homes, etc,, and also cause
a heavy tax to pay for tlle cost of pauper-
ism and crime." The Secretary of the
Scottish church last year in Winnipeg
stated that there were in Great Britain
3 million receiving parochial aid and 3
million living in the slums. What an
army of poor consumers of foodstuffs.
The revenue how are you going to
get al'3ng without it? This is a system
of taxation that is unequal and unjust
bearing most heavily ou those least able
to bear it. Three farmers near this town
have in their possession about 400 acres
of land within a few miles of the town
and they do not pay a cent to this sys-
tem of taxation while 25 other's are con-
tinually paying and for every $ they pay
from $ro,00 to 820. 10 to the bar keeper
as a collection of the a" to the revenue.
All the rich corporations, railways,
mines, &e., who hold the great bulk of
the wealth, scarcely pay a cent to this
system. The I. H. Co. who bave ship-
ped to the West this year over 3oo cars
of implements will pay more to this
system yet they contribute to pay for
poverty anderime. We pay a little taxes
in Winnipeg and every day's paper we
recognize the fact that drink and crime
resulting from it forces the taxpayer
in that city to pay a good deal of the
heavy tax which it causes. But why
build up a moral wall and then arrange
with the forces of evil to tear it down.
Appoint committees to receive them.
If the Russians had sent a committee to
arrange with the Japs for tbe latter to
place boons and mines under their sbips
it would not be a bit more inconsistent
than the course pursued. But drink is
doomed more than two-thirds of the
Townships in Illinois have cut it out.
Twenty-six thousand men ofoue railway
system in the U. S. have signed the
pledge. The "Prohibs" are on the
crest of the hill and will soon be on the
tobogan slide, Lookout there Mr. Bung
as John Burns would say yon willget run
over and killed. Those in the nefarious
businsss will do well to set their house
in order. Yours respectfully,
Maidstop, May 26.
Everyone in 'Brussels has a
Right to his overt opinion
'While everyone has a fight to his
own opinion, yet it is wise to always
consider what others blink and profit
by it.
Nothing makes life so miserable, or
intel'fers so widely with the usefulness
of the average person, as indigestion,
and it is well for us to give fair con-
sideration to what others think about
this remarkable affliction.
Sas. Fox is positive that in Mi-o-na
Stomach tablets theyhave an absolute
cure for indigestion and the many
disagreeable symptoms that follow
this disease, such as distress after eat-
ing, coated. tongue, bad taste in the
mouth, dizziness, flatulence and ner-
They sell Mi-o-na with satisfaction
guaranteed or money back. They be-
lieve in it and so may you.
Huron Co. Inspectors
The Inspectors for both East and
West Huron made long and interesting
reports on school matters in this connty
at a meeting of the County Council,
which was in session last week. Both
these officials dealt with the question of
teachers' salaries.
In East Huron, Mr. Robb said the
average salary paid the rural teachers iu
5907 was $68.5o higher than in r906, but
owing to the abandonment of the prin-
cipte of minimum salaries the average
for 19c,8 would dhow a de01'ellse of about
835, but, he said; ''ibis year I have
noticed a commendable liberality in the
sale'ies paid the teachers, many of the
salaries being as lush or higher Than
those paid meter the minimern salary'
New schools erected dtu'lug last year
were at Belgrave and Centralia, in West
Huron, where new school sections were
formed, and at school secti050 No, to,
Have a choice stock of Buggies
manufactured by the Barrie
Carriage Company for sale.
Both steel and rubber tyres.
They are A 1 and sold from
$6o.0o up.
Guaranteewithevery rig.
Don't billy. until you visit my
show room. Yon ecru save mon-
ey thereby.
0, H. Jackson, Brussels
Robin U
is head -quarters for Fresh,
hire, No. 1 Lime. highest
recommends given isa to the
quality of it, having proven
itself No, 1 on Government
250 per Bushel, Delivered
Write or Telephone to
Art Studio
The language of Photographs is the
clearest form of expression. It speaks
in all tongues rind to all peoples ; it is
understood by the ignorant and appre-
ciated by the cultured. Don't forget to
get a nice Photo. taken to leave with
your friends. We are second to none
in our line and guarantee you satisfac-
tion. Did you get a Photo. of the baby?
Now is the time.
I intend to keep in stock a fall line of
Amateurs' Supplies, and also ICodaks to
rent. I will develop and make your
pictures. Give us a call.
After Once Tasting
no one wants an old-fash-
ioned cod liver oil prepara-
tion or emulsion, because
Pmol is a much better body-
builder and strength creator
for old people, weak children,
and for coughs, colds, bron-
chitis, etc. If it does no good
we will return your money.
James Fox, Druggist
McKillop ; U. S. S. No, 11, Morris, :ifc-
1{illop anti Carey, and S. H. Nu. s, , Me,
of r. 1.uhb gave the following 1) Lri'u'at.
1115) figures 1 The 'towbar of children
enrotleiin hist Heron in 1906 was
5,3751 iu 1907, 5,077, 11 decrease in the
Year of about 300 pupils. in 2999 the
number enrolled In the mull schools was
5,673 1 in 1907, 3.892, 15 dein-ease 081,781
or over 31 per cent. During the sante
terns the attendance in urban 5451)00ls
has risen by 178. file entire decrease
for the inspoeturate is2,150 in tlnc seven-
teen years.
Inspector Tom, of West Huron, said:
The amendments to the Public Schools
Act, 1907, changing the minimum salary
to be ,laid raral school teachers, and
providing for the payment by the Legis-
ature of 40 per cent, of salary pnici over
the township grant, appear to give geih-
eral satisfaction. The 40 per cent. is a
practical stimulus to school boards to pay
a fair salary to their teachers. The
average salary paid to male teadlers ten
yearn ago in this inspectorate Mr. Toni
gave as 4838o aid to female teachers
9126r. while the average fur last year
were $5o6 anti 8412 respectively, The
time and'expense, Mr.'I'on said, "neces-
sary to qualify for teaching and the
arduous nature of the work should in
duce those interested iu the education of
the youth of our laud to pay adequate
salaries to the teachers, and thereby re-
tain the services of the best teachers.
The strenuous work necessary to
success in the many badly -lighted, ill -
ventilated class rooms soon wears out
the faithful teacher. Many give up
teaching to en tet' upon more rim umere-
tive work, while others leave teaching
on account of failing health. Only
those who have done holiest service as
teachers realize what hard work teaching
Emergency Danger
When a Harsh catarrhal Gold
Fastens on *he Breath-
ing Organs a life is
There are times when a Hyomei
outfit is worth a life and having it at
hand will save a life, no safer precau-
tion can be suggested than calling at
Jas, Fox's drug store and getting a
supply for use in following cases.
When a child shows the first sign of
croup a breath of Hyomei through the
inhaler will check the trouble perman-
When through catching cold you
seem to be chocking up, difficulty to
breathe, pain on soreness over the
lungs and other symptoms of pneu-
monia, the instant relief from Hyoiuei
air is marvelous.
It penetrates quickly to the inner
recesses of the bronchial tubes and
lungs where no liquid or moist medi-
cine can reach.
When an asmathic, condition pre-
sents unusual wheezing or oppressed
breathing, Hyomei will bring rest,
complete outfit $1.00.
Gorrie •
DEATH OP 11'IA,7011 KALYE.-,Seldom
has it been our duty to record as sud-
den a death as that which took place
here on Sunday evening, 31st ult.,
when Major Kaine passed away. The
Old gentleman was on his way to
church in the evening and when near
Wm. Evans' residence, on Victoria
street, he was stricken suddenly ill.
He was immediately removed to the
home of his daughter. Mrs. Sanderson
where a Dr. was summoned, his case
being pronounced a light attack of
puelminnia. All that could be clone
was faithfully done, but seemingly to
no avail and he passed peacefully
away at 11.30. A gloom spread oval'
the town Monday morning when it
was whispered from one to another
that he had passed away, as it came
as a shock to many who knew noth-
ing of his sudden illness the previous
evening.' He was invariably a good
neighbor and aman who had encounter-
ed the many stages of life and met the
reverses with a pleasant smile incl
there was 'no happier family circle
than his. But he is gone and another
name is stricken from the ever lessen-
ing roll of our old settlers and a
widow in the sunset Of life, and a large
family are left to attest how sadly
theywill miss him. Deceased was
one of the most prominent residents
of the township and was known by
every one far and near, hav-
ing occupied all. the offices from Cos.m-
Don't Miss Hearing the Celebrated
in the Town Hall Brussels Thursday Evening Next June 18th
Under Auspices of East Huron Agricultural Society.
Plan at deserved Seats at Fox's drug Store
As Musical Experts they lead the list
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im-
proved formula, is a genuine
hair -food. It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens, invigor-
ates, The hair grows more
rapidly, keeps soft and smooth,
and all dandruff disappears.
Aid nature a little. Give your
hair a good hair -food.
Does not change the color of the hate.
Formula With earth bottle
Show it to your
Ark h1,u about It,
than do as ha say.
You need not hesitate about using this
new Hair Vigorfrom anyfearof its clang
ing the color of your hair. The new
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents premature
grayness, but does not change the color
of the hair even to the slightest degree.
'-Malo by the J. O. dyer 0.., Lowell, Mame.-
WANTHD: A person with some money to
Join in an extremely profitable business
in which large profits can be made withouli
risk. References given. Investigate.
L Box 24,13rissele, Ont.
Dental Surgeon, graduate of Toronto llniver-
sity. Office over J. T. Ross' grocery, Brussels.
Will open Monday, .Tune 8th.
^DARTER AORE LOT, with six -roomed
`C house for sale, Cellar full size of house ;
walla built for veneer. Stable and drill-
ed well on the place. Enquire of R.'1'. BING-
STON, Millet., West, Brussels. 481f
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &e., successor to
A, B, Macdonald. Office over Standard Bank,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Janet Speir,
late of the Township of Morris. in
the County of Huron, widow, de-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Statutes of Ontario,' 1897, chapter 120,
and amendments thereto, that all creditors and
others having claims against the estate of the
said Janet Spear, who died on or about the
2456 day of May, 1908, are required on or be-
fore the 20th nay of Auto,1008, to send by post,
prepaid, or deliver to ,T, W. Sinclair, of the
Village of Brussels, in the Oounty of Huron,
Solicitor for Allan Speir, the Executor of the
last Will and Testament of the said deceased,
their Christian end surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full partioulare of their
eluim., the statement of their accounts and the
nature of the securities of any) held by them.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the said Executor will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas-
ed amon st the parties t eloe ants 1 d
0 thereto, g t he oto having
regard only tole the that said ire sho
tion have notice, andthatthe said Executor
will not of, liable for the said ons of orw any
part thereof, e Eo any person or persons of whose
notice shell not have been received by
him a the timereel such distribution,
Dated at Brussels 2nd any of :Time, 1008.
45.2 Solicitor for the Executor.
Stock for Service
BOAR FOR SERVICE. - The undersigned
hos pm'chnsed the pure bred Yorkshire
Boar, "Woodetoek Master," from lire oelebrnt•
ed easy feeding herd of H. J. Davis, of Wood-
stock. This animal ie bred Street from iin-
p�ousted stoelc on both elder and ie a good ase.
Teres, $1.00, at tone of service, with etovilege
of returning, on. 12J, M. liNIGB:T, Proprietor, Lot
21, con. 12, Carey. 46-15
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of 1908 a=
RORs. MODONAr,O, Prop.
Monday will leave his own stable, Lot 17
Oon. 0„Grey, and go to Mre. H. Dickson's, Lot
8, don. 11, Grey, for noon ; then to Oliver
Harris', Lot 12, don, 16, for night. Tuesday
to Jno. MnTaggart's, Lot 24, Con. 16, Grey, for
noon ; then to Jno. Rutherfords. Lot 4, 0on.
18. Elton, for night. Wednesday to Levi
Whitfield's, Lot 28, Con. 12, Grey, for noon ;
then to his ownstable for night. Thursday
to Jesse Wilbee'a, Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey for noon;
then to Jim. Smith's, Lot 4, Oon, 8, Grey for
niglit. lrriday to Wan. Cook 8, 10 19, 5th tine,
Morris, for noon; then to Flank Mclilntcheon's !
Lot 28, 8th Line, Morrie, for light. Saturday
to American Hotel, Brussels, for noon ; then
to his own stable where he will remain until
the following Monday.
R. Moier/ver, Manager.
Monday will leave his own stable, Lot 22,
Con, 8, Grey, and proceed West to Jas. Car-
diff's, Lot 8, Oon. 7. for noon ; then to Mr.
Tyermat's, Lot 10, Oen. 12 for night. Tues-
day proceed to Jas. D. Mnll'a ir's, Lot 22, Oen,
18, for noon ; thea to Win. Adams', Lot 1,
con. 11, Elmo, f0r night. Wednesday pro-
ceed to Thoo. Hamiltons, Lot 6, Con, 7, Ellen,
for noon ; then to Thos. Toughen's, Lot 0,
Con. 4, Elma, for night. it'huredoy prowled to
David S. Stewart's, Molesworth, for noon
thminp Boundary to Songster's corners, and
alio, to Joe McDonald's, Lnt 28, 2nd Oon., for
night. Friday proceed to Tvy Campbell's Lot
28,Con, 8, for noon ; then West to Campbell's,
church, then across to 6th Con. to Peter Bish-
op's, Lot 14, for might. Saturday proceed
along 9th Oen. to Vodden'o corner, then to his
own stable whore he will remade until the fol-
lowing Monday morning.
cillor and Reeve of the township to
Warden of the Oounty and was also a
great military lean having had con-
trol over No. 8, 0o. 02nd Batt. for a
number of years and among whom he
was very highly :respected. His best
monument will be the good report he
buts left behind )nal in this 0oln-
1111,111ty wll(1,11 he has 1.'esidecl for so
many years. He was a charter mem-
ber of Coot Gorrie, 0. U. IN, under
whose auspices the funeral was con-
ducted on 'W'ednesday afternoon
and which was one of the: largest seen
here for some time. .,Services were
conducted at the house by Rev. T. 11.
Farr and Rev. 11.W. Mct:Citvish. The
family who aro left to mourn the loss
of a kind and faithfulfatbor are four
soils and size slaughters, who are :-
Rev. C. C., of Courtright ; John, of
Sault lite )Marie, Ont. ; Alex., of Big
Forks, Ont. ; and Samuel at hone;
Mrs. D. Sanderson, of Plarriston
'111 s, I I, Sandm'scu, of town ; Mrs,
IV. Johnston, of town liobina, of
Wiartinl ; l,ncy, of Flesherton olid
Martha at Thome, all being present at
the funeral with the exception of
Alex., who was unable to be Dom-
( municated with in time to be hero, I
The only nourishment that bread words
is that which the flour contains.
Bread baking is merely putting flour in
appetising form.
Flour making is merely putting the nu-
tritious part of wheat in shape for bread
Good milling is the kind that takes from
the wheat all that is nutritious, nothing else.
Royal Household Flour
is made from carefully selected Manitoba
Hard spring wheat.
Every pound is almost a pound of food ;
clean, white, pure and nutritious.
It goes farther, does better baking and
is more satisfactory in every way than any
other flour.
Your grocer knows he cannot keep store
so well without Ogilvie's Royal Household.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited,
N la Honi g -
You know from daily expe-
rience, at home or in the barber
shop, that the question is -
't Why doesn't. a razor hold
Its edge uniformly from heel
to head without honing and
grinding?" Whether it is k
safety, with the certain tax of
new blades, or the ordinary
open -bladed razor does not
alter the question. You want
the comfort and satisfaction of
a clean, smooth shave every
morning with the confident
knowledge that your razor
will be ready for instant use
the next time needed.
The Carbo Magnetic razor is
the only razor unoondifton-
ally guaranteed to do this.
Thirty years of study on the
tazon. situation has perfected
a. new secret • process of
positively merges every par-
ticle of carbon (the life of steel)
into the metal -giving a dia-
mond -like hardness.uniformlya
throughout the blade -.some-
thing absolutely impossible
with are tempered steel -used
in making all other razors.
But test this razor in your
own home -or if you prefer,
have your barber use it on you,
Give us your name --
or call and see the "Carbo
Magnetic" razor, and we will,
state our proposition for test-
ing these razors without
obligation on your part to
purohase., together with our
free booklet " Hints on Shav-
ing." This book illustrates
the correct razor position for
;Shaving every part of the face,
Local Agents, Wilton & Gillespie
"I toll you, Boos, people aro so par -
Mettler about the Shoo Polish they
use that they ask mo each night 50 be
aura and use a'2 in 1.•'
should ender 111e ra silo get In the
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Lot 18, Coo, 18, Grey, eoutauiug 100
MOH. Apply to 'WM. WOODS,0ranbrook
P. O. 21 -Et
laud for sale. Oomfottable dwell.
lug; hard and soft water under cover ; ap-
pie, plum and sherry trees, -,bo, Pooseeslon
clan be gFiven at once. For price, terms, Asa,
call at THE POST.
for sale -Albert. street, comfortable
well elotern,ldrepair.
P Posse Possession time, good
further partioulare apply on the promiseeto S. oaAWEORo, Brussels, 48.58
1C nsnalaxzn will keep for service on
Late 17 and 18, Con, 6, Greythe Holstein -
Friesian Bull, "Sir Platertfi Burke," (5126),
bought from P, D. Ede, woodetoek, Pedi-
gree luny b0 aeon on atipllcatiou, Service
52,00 with privilege of returning if neces-
sary, payable February 1st, 1600.
40-2m JOE L WFi,,18f1, Proprietor,
For Sale
In order to Diose the estate of the late
Thos. MoLauslliu the Executors offer fur
sale the real estate ouneistiug of it 00luiort-
able6.roomed house and new aemeut sit•
ohon 10111 iu 1007, 1 acre of laud, hard mid
soft water, together with alarge minima -
ions stable, drilled well and 6 aoree of good
land diagonally across the street from Limn.
ling house, For partioul ars and price apply
to P. 600'11', or A, S1'EWART, Quesu Bt,
West, Bromic • 884f
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered: smitten of Dominion
Alberta, exueptiugt 8 anSaskatchewan 5, trrV d
may be homesteaded by any person who is
Gm solo head 18 years of age, to the „ �tenthtoot'oor f youaquarter
section of .150 twroo m01.0 or lose.
Hntry may be made pors0nally at the
!coal laud emoo for the diebriot hu which
theland is al Mate,
The homesteader to required to perform
the conditions eonneoted therewith under
cue of the following plane t
and) altivaatiou of the laud, in once year ]for
thre(21eIr tyea'
hern intim lot mother, 11' ltho fallen
le deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon afarm in the vioiuity of the laud
entered for the requirements as to rest -
deem' may be Rationed lay ouch person re-
siding with the lather or mother,
(8)Itthe settlor has big permanent roar
donee npoa /menthe land cwued by him
in the vicinity of aro homestead, the ro.
quiromonte ILO to roeldesoo may be satire
lied by real -donee 0p011 the Bald land,
Slxmontio'netico ha writtag elaould be
given to the Oonmieoloner of Domihion
Laud5cust, at Ottawa of Intention to apply for
De u' w.) 001525,
N, B, lluautIo laed publiolblou of ale nd.
ertteomout will not be paid for,