The Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 3to.V()UNO
000Gl=Do-a;ao+a o c}oo aaa•o
Of Course you knew that water boils
e212 e-
' heated locul ]nit re S d
wlltn 1l dat p r o
grecs. Nu smatter stow much heat you
clay apply tl iL Uu'n, the temperature
will not ba ,al r 1, La the 'staler will
only be the 111 ee rapidly turned into
steam, for that le what Meiling does,
There Is n w•ny, however. In whirl, yot
may raise the hluperuture „f water nbov
214 dogroes, ihe,ugh nes; t p, r. ons weellt
telt you Dint it is Liri i rh!e, To mak
tllo Lest and prove 1t, yon will need
small ehemtrai thermometer, Ihul is, on
without a Lin cess, These are sold at
modtrntc price in Me stoics, or, if yo
pi der, you can eeiverl un ordinary Utes
milometer into a chemical one Ly cure
fully ecrntching I.he divisions of that seal,
00 the glass tulip Ivilh a filo, and Lhen
reInnv111j; il. from the lin rase. If yo
will Rt it In a wooden ease, so that i
e 'tout l . u • in
will gait Inthe mil without n Ur
Rio bottom or the. side of the vessel,
will he complete, like those that are used
for taking the temperature of baths,
When you have your thermometer, lhti
some water for fifteen minute, and then
let 11 stand undisturbed until it cools
Then keeping it perfectly still' heat 1
again, and you will find that the temper
ahme will go a few degrees higher than
2:12, without amusing the water to boil.
If you now drop sante pieces of metal
into the water, it will at once begin to
bell. The explanation of this Is that tho
air is expelled from the water when 11
boils, and water with air In it, boils mora
quickly than water without air In it, so
that, at the second boiling, a higher tem-
perature Ls reached before belling be-
gins. When you drop Lhe scraps of metal
Into the water, they carry air with them,
besides, they reduce the temperature of
tho water to the boiling -point.
Another experiment may be made by
putting some salt or sugar into water,
and then botling it; you will fend that it
will take a higher temperature than purr
water, for lite reason that. some heat is
required to separate the salt or sugar
from Ute water before the latter can he
converted into steam. You may in this
way prove for yourself Ihe degree of heat
fo- boiling various substances.
Still another Interesting experiment
ocrlstbts in boiling some water In a glass
flask; then, while it is boiling, cork it
tightly. and remove It from the flame.
When it stops boiling to the flask, pour
some cold water over the outside, and
it will begin to boll again. Or plunge
Bic flask into cold water, and the same
thing will happen. You may be able to
tro this several times with the same flask.
The explanation is that in a corked flask
of boiling water there is some steam
alieve the surface of the water, and the
application of cold winter causes the
steam to condense, which at once re-
moves some of the pressure from the sur-
face, causing it to boil, as the bubbles of
steam can then escape.
Another Modern Miracle
Paralysis Permanently Cured
(leo Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet --Encased in Plaster of
Paris for Nine :Months—Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Cure After
Four neaten Had Failed—The Cure Vouched for by a Well
known Olergymane
e Paralysis, mi malt+'r how silken, is a
1 terrible impletion, but to be peralyeed
e from tvalst to lira keb, to he a helpless
t cripple, totally dependent ndent a ion what
ullt• rs do for you, is ti rat mmliLk n ns
wretched tis minor could poss:blly boar,
Such was the elate of .or. Allan J. Me
Dnald, of Rica Point, P,1d.1. For over
n y ear he was n- helpieeS invalid, lie
wee paralysed from his wake try his
u fa et and for nine men the lay in l;od
enrasmd in a Mester err 1pnris cast. Fuur
mil the best deice -wet Prince h Pit .e � tw rd
l..t a
Nina were unable la it Intl) him and he
seemed donned bo a life of misery
and despair. But hope come to him
when Ito read of what Dr, \Villtarns'
Perk fills had demo for other sufferers
from pa.ralysis. Ito procured 'a supply
E of
,the Pills and began taking them,
Gradually they brow Ihe chains of dire
ease that bound him, and .!Merl his
whole body with new blood, life and
vigor. Mr. McDonald says:—'t alit a
farmer and In consequence have a
great Ileal of hard w+tarit to, dn. One
day while about my week 1 bijured any
back, but at the time I paid little at-
tention to the injury and continued
my work. As Lime went. . on, though..
the pain became more severe and 1
Deon found myself undlble to lilt any-
thing no. matter how light. It was
not long before 1 had to slop work al-
together and consult a doctor, ole
treated me but his treatment did not
help me and I rapidly grew worse, 1
had to lake to my bed, and lin the hope
that my spine might receive strength
I was encased in plaster of parts
east. This did not help me and 1
could feel the (paralysis slowly creep-
ing aver mo Lill I was totally paralys-
ed tram my waist to any feet. I lost
a'1 control over my bowels and bind -
der and my Legs had no more feeling
than if they were male of \\road. 'three
other doctors sh•Ived to cure Ins, but
their treatment also was a failure, and
for over eeven ,months 1 lay in bee.
unable to move, Dr. Williams" Pink
Pills wee° then advised and I was
shown testinioniais of others who had
been cured of paralysis through them.
1 bought a supply and in Ie, -s Ulan
This is a reel "good time" game. It is
generaly played in the open, but a large,
empty room on a stormily afternoon is
just as good.
There Is a "catcher," and the rest of the
ccnlpauy are statues which have escaped
from I'm museum and aro romping.
around. The entchor is after them, and
the fleet one caught must assume at once
n rigid position, at the same time think-
ing of the stable he or she is trying to
represent. It the catcher can guess who
it is henay move the statue back to the
nmmmseunt. If he cannot guess, the statue
may romp again with the other escaped
prisoners. If the catcher fails to guess
for the third Lime he Is dismissed and
another catcher is chosen in his place.
The statues must be sure to keep as
much as possible ltlee the marble or
bronze they are trying to represent.
The boy or girl with some lcnowlecige of
history or mythology may find scope for
Imagination in this game.
Nations Do Not Relish Being "Touched
in Their pockets:
Although the recent unplensan:ness
between Chine and Japan, duo le the
seizure by Ihe former of the Tatem Meru,
has been °Ricictlly declared to have been
settled by Ihe release of the impound-
ed steamship, it sr'ens not unlikely that
war may yet, breae out owing to Ihe per-
sistent boycott tv'hich. China is now de-
claring ega:,nst mill Japanese goods.
For history tants with wrens dile to
this veuy cause, An.1 Lilnt although the
word only dales buck to 1880, when e
certain Captain Boycott, of Lough Mask
Farm, in Ireland, was so servoel by his
intligmtn1 neighbors,
But time pre+;lice was known long
previously; To it was duo the wap' which
lest the British Empire the foe si•mpie
in all !base rich and mngnifleent terri-
tories that now comprise the United
Stales of America. The colonists would
have none of Britain's eo•.ds, nor goocls
borne in lrilish ships. They threw
overboard in ilosbon flatter Lhc.lett Bre
tarn sent them, and made bonfires c1
other more inflemnnable communities.
Then Britain landed troops to compel
them to de otheetvise, and hostilities
broke out,
To N11f:oleen's Berlin decree, agate,
vvas due, more than to anything else,
the share Britain look in the series t f.
wars that lel to 1114 downfall, 1L de -
eared n, bnyc:rte—the biggest on record
--egotist British commerce the world
over: 1f it had succeeded their, would
io-tiny have been no British Empire. Our
tercel Dens, shrewd, herd -headed., old
chills, I. r. saw This, end forthwith voted
8;550:000,(0o for les overthrow.
And ns died lrILnim then, to very like-
ly rimy ,rnpan do to•dny,. No more than
individuals, der nations relish being
"touched 1n their pockets."
Melba• -_Now, Johnnie, I don't Went
i+ aver catch ,you In that jern•obosat
Johnnie (eolshfng)—Aed I done', wont
you to, ,noithert
three menthe they made n rornat'lcnblo
elinut•,i in sue, 1 was table t., get out
.if 1 -id owl crawl along the floor on my
heard% arm bs sirs a, tirmivally nr.v liurhe
1 r nnt<1 t;ir<1tr„cr. Soon 1 could walk
t,ith the aid of a 01111•• and insider •.f
term mrailLs utter 1 ifnd• 1enun the um -e
.d' the fills I was totally cured, and
once more ai1'e to do tight work. Now
1 am us slrvng has -ever ! was and can
der my work °Ment the farm without
the least trouble. 1 think Dr, Wit -
limns' Pink fills aro w'bIhcut alt ritual,
1,r, beside m own ego', 1 know of
I ' ether et es'Analysis
o I t of cured by
them. Two young girls who had Leen
crilrp!es and Wheal I advised to try
the Mlle.'
In eorrol:oration of what Mr. 'Mc-
Doarald says, rho Rev, D. Mnel.nren of
Chark,lletotvn, P. 11. 1„ winces;—"1 vbme
Red Mr. McDonald many tines during
his Meese. lie was attended by three
or more doctors and put in piaster
pens, and everything imaginable
which plight he of benefit was done for
him without :success. He had lost all
:,ower of his body, from his waist otown,
and 1 lhinlc he was nearly a year un -
dor treatment before he began lo use
Dr. Williams' Pink Pili -s, I was with
hire the day Imo first moved his big too
and from that time on he gradually
improved and for the lash few years
1'4) has been rerfeetly well. 1 cin
vouch for the cure Dr'. Wtl.belns• Pink
Pills effected in his ease."
If you are sick and the [matinee',
you ore novo toeing does not help you,
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a• fair
trial. They have cured thousands af-
ter doctors and other medical treat -
meet had hopelessly failed, These
Pills actually make new, rich, red
Mood, feed the starved nerves and
being health and strength to every
cart of the body, This is why Dr, Wil -
hems' Pink Pills curse such apparently
hopeless cases as Mr. McDonald's, and
it is why they hove oared thousands
and ttmousnnds of sick, (Discouraged
people in every part of the world. Sold
ly all medicine dealers or by mail at
50 cents n lox or six boxes ,for 82.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,,
Brockville, Ont,
Mao on Tomaiok's and Pmnpkimis—flow
It is Dona.
It is a simple natter to print photo-
graphs upon Ihe ordinary red apple,
Ihe tomato end smooth skinnerl pump-
kin if one ,goes about it in the right
way. The akin of an apple, tomato or
pumpkin, particularly et a certain stage
of iL; r'pe•:ing, boars a strong lrsenrb-
lanee to p: otogrmphic plates a•:d' print-
ing caper, fur the reason hat it Ls sen-
sitive 0 light. 10 Is ibis sineitivtne s
that where a leaf intervenes so us to
cut oft the light Clues to the pumpkin,
app'0 or tomato, will print, a sehouetlo
as 1t were In green upon, the red or yet
bony ground. -
"1 first hunt d out an apple having a
leaf cheer t\ its surfac',”' says a writer
to Sl. Nicholas, "placed a piece of glees
beneath the leaf and on it cut my in tale
with a sharp len fe, I thee removed the
gimes and peeled the leaf firmly to the
eppta so it vv'outd not be blown away
by the wind, rind left 11 for a week.
"At the end of that time I took the
apple. soaked off the leaf and leund my
inil.fnts in bright red on a light green
ground having the outline of the leaf,
My success prompted' :mo Lo try an ac-
tual photograph, oe one printed Irom
a, ph oto;eraphie negative.
"1 eeeeled scone Tipples of the red va-
riety That were yet green and encased
'them idl bags made of the black paper
in wheel plates and paper arc usually
peeked. Theso bags were MEI on for
tel days to exclude the light and add to
the sensitiveness of lin surface,
"At the enc! of this lime the begs were
removed and itlm liege Lives' were posted
in cos hon by using the while of an egg.
'This whiles of an egg I found lake' to
1r,1 the only adhesive Uiat would not
show 111 the print.
"in olden• that ell except the ,beings
when printed m•g11t be von, the apples
were again. enclosed In the protecting
bogs. Ihls time 1tt eventing a liltbo lar-
ger than then p0 r:ratt Lehng out opposite
the fl.nm, This acted anuch as would a
vignel0 ng device oyer a prinlhtg frame
and greatly enhanced the results.
'Other apples recorded negatives mnde
by scratching monograms, initials and
sketches in eimOfIed rioter with an etch-
ing knife and attached in the sumo nrnn-
ner, and provided with the same Pro-
teettnn for the remainder .-f _the surface,
The richness of o'er and wont) o1 de-
tail Mat can Le secured ire Lhis way is
"A tveelc was ello\ved for printing
"Tiro fin', steep red of ilia ,picture upon
the delicate green of the ground muse
:be seen to be hilly Appreciated, On:y
nature could give just the exert, tones
of the Iwo colors that would lrarltlonl'ru
se perfectly. The method for printing
011. to111a10OS or pumpkins is the same as
for apples.''
Adventures of n Young Englishman in
Money is being raised in Japan to re-
store the monument of Will Adams, the
Mot English resident of that ronntry
end the founder et the Japaneso fleet.
No fiction of advcuLure is more rookie -
tic end seemingly iuuplorab',o 'ben is
Lire glory of this l(en0:sit pilot of tier
sevenk'onth eentt(ry, Air, Latecmtlio
,learn, in 0110 of his books on Japan,
tette the tale of the young . Englisum.
mans rise Le fortune,
In 1000 Will Adorna. Arrived tri Japan
in tennnlencl al a Dutch ape,. Adams
had pnrlalcen of many (nem adventure,
and had probably been brought in Con-
tact with Hawkins, Drake, Sir Richard
Grenville and the other celebrated voy-
agers of that clay, lie says h m cif, in
hie account of his life, Met ho carved
Mr Alaska' and Moil in her Majesties
On lending in Japan, Adams was tak-
er, prisoner and sent 10 Osalca to the
great Emperor lycsyasu,
"As ,noir es I came before h'm Inc de.
mantled of me of what country we
were," says Adams. "So 1 answered
hlnl on all pohlls. He asked whether
our country had warms, I answered
him yea. 110 aeleed as M the way we
cane to the country. Having a chart
cf the whote world, I showed him
through the Straight of Magelan. He
v:otvrtl mea well and seemed to be won-
derful favorable."
Tho emperor trenched Adams to his
personal service, and Inter we read of
the Tate pilot leaching his royal master
"ye_,nletry end understanding of the art
of mathenrelicks."
Atlants was tvell provided for, and
commanded to build ships for deep-sea
.ailing. Before long he was created
Samurai, and an estate was given frim.
Surely no romance of that romantic
ege was stringer than the 111se of this
plain leugllsll pilot, with only his simple
lione-sty awl Drammen ono to help •hint.
1h: eveslin. such extraordinary favor
with the genteel: and shrewdest of Ja-
panese ler.o that we read in a contem-
porary account: "The Emperor esleem-
eth hym much, and he may goo in end
spoke tr hym at all times when llyn-
Ies and Princes are kept out."
Adams' only cause for regret, in his
elevation to foieune was the fact that
he was never allowed to visit hies na-
tive land. elle seri•teeswere regarded
as Leo precious to Le spirem' iI. 'Clic emr-
I�eror never refused him anything bol
111is one privilege, and Adams del not
dare to urge the matter too many limes,
as he writes, t asked 008 loo
m« nv rise s the Ould Eunj.erour sass si-
kn 1.
Have you, tried a package of "THE
NEW FOOD"? It is made or the Choic-
est White Wheat, then sham -co lcedand
flame. No kitchen can produce a bet -
ler made or cleal1er article for human
censumhpt!on. In order to introduce
,a prize has been placed in every pack-
age. Ab:rcady THIRTY-SIX 131uo Cards
'callleg for LADIES' GOLD WATCHES'
have been redeemed, °nit SEVENTY -
'FIVE Red Cambs. Laclr ono of these
Curds has been found in a package of
The Rete Cards give tits finder the
'Melee of the following arL'.eies:
Boys' Nirklo Watuh.
"'Our Pride" Gold: Nib Fountain Pen,
Bureau Giver', Duchess Palttern, MI
Table Cover, One 'yard Square, Da'
rilBnhy Ring, Solid Gold.
Sideboard Cairo's, Two Yards Long,
Linen, .
Open Salt Cellars, Gut Glass, Sterling
Silver Trop.
Cold Meat Fork, Sher• -plated, Rogers'
Best ehike.
n<cit Chains, 148 Gold -1111M, Placa fob
Lather Beek Comb, Tortoise Streit, Set
/With Brilliants,
Signet, Ring, 101c Gold, Place for 'Peva
A new lot of priros Have bean. plated
in the packages.
Mk your grocer for a package of
To ,be Acquired by Belgian Gbvern-
A question relative to the preservaii
ion of the laud of \\ at 41 r, in its pie•
sent Mote having been °;ked in the Il' 1•
gena Chamber, the Uuve/al,:ant'•f (]ret
c•i untry have just, r holed Urn( tie ul .
f<.el is under cons ler•atmn i l ere. is
art id a grin ted. 11 is Ll) iir.51. by Chi,
;, , e 1,
having t t„ 1 1 I •r
b i 1 i e a y n l m I ) lirit
would be a geoid thing, to buy up I1
11 steirie plain en 1 ee p it, in ;le 111e -e9
c •u,IiVon 1b o v m 1' n, Gu•m,, rl Ic "
sreurid mid pm's' m,L
11 is ditheult le r. e\ mrUv mhal pr,.
purl 115,) inn lar c^rveri Lv sucll cu, a
tion, t r Ihoflo1 l itself ells 1..r•n cntr,�l
etaing d s'ln�O lite f" 1i1.' t' s 1.nrgitt, ;;13
11'0 Duke of \\v leilemi ex• runs �i
when, rimae Line tier ere,'I,. in
the great mound. 11 • t. ,1 i,1 forum nt'
the caulrr1' whleh hid s+,n role!'
groat c'e:els an alt sides, "They hav
rhang( d 111l my bnlC,'li"Li..,
11 wool,! « imam that a certain grow
of ' r. p: s have Lougel. up, or have e
cured premise e,f i oeees s:'„n et, 1011
of, the W<lierloo terms, ilial they ars
therefor,, (Inane:ell in"e�es';'1 in Pili:.
r '
eeivatou „ ,r
t,hefiil f1\rtt ,r,
p I
it is, sure 111's wu :d name r\pr;•pl1l-
lion at their ew-n p seise. That illi; is
>� r
'4`16'1 a
MR' d ST
Mr. C, V. Mutart is a Customs Broker
v and Insura nc Ageet at St, Catharines,
Ont. Ito writes the Zam-1•luk Co, as
fellows , "1 have been a arffefer for years
wap itching piles. 1 hive 11,4nt many
donors nn ndrertimed remedbrsf,:t Piles but
got no relief. rt friend of nine advised me
to try Zam-Ilak. 1 had but tittle faith in
any remedy to cure me, but tried nee t,x
and T got reliant once. 1 have used Lav
boxes and am completely died, Ieonnut
thank you enough fur such a won4rrfUl
curative salve. 1 have recommended Zmint-
Buk to my friends and they too were cured."
r yjSold by 10f1gists andr,lwc. r. l a•
asr hkCo.Torontbu o
iAM tea, r..3ifa'' s��
P ,
se woule sent 10 le proved IT Itae fa
(het the m+,vers are priuelpalfy Ili 'grins
l liiumglieh people ere appa:e Cly bet hi
meelaned about
out the mmat,r. The
feel, perhaps, that the preservabt:n e
Me nation's battlefields all over th
world would lie a rather onerous un
dertaking, anti probably eonsldsr lha
whiii Ilougoumont, with its splendid
memories, remains unteuehed—and, a
this belongs to one of the lending Bei
glen taanllies, there is small fear of it
dcstructien--enough remains for sent
mental interest.
Teat a tramway should Ire construct -
eel across InctPlain of Waterloo will in
no way lessen the attraction to mili-
tary men, who know that already much
of the uneven ground that afforded cover
h Ihe English and French has been
level led,
Proud Father—"Never, child, never!
The Idea of the daughter of a rich banker
throwing herself away on a poor man!
You must marry wealth, or not at all."
Pleading Daughter—"But, pa, Alphonso
is not poor."
"Not poor? How can he bo otherwise?
Break off the engagement without delay."
"Butt he is wealthy—very wealthy, pa."
"How can an hotel proprietor be :weal-
thy after such a season as oris? I'll war-
rant he hasn't got five pounds to his
"But, pn, he is not an hotel proprietor•."
"Nonsense! lie Mt -itself adrift it. dere
is his card. 'Aiphbnso de Blank, White-
cap Ifobele"
I know; but he is not the proprietor."
"what is he, then?"
"The head waiter."
"Oh," that is different. Bless you, my
Disease attacks the Mlle ones
through Ilio digestive organs. Baby's
Own Tablets are the bast thing in tho
weed for all stomach and bowel trou-
bles of children. They act quickly and
ore nbsolulely safe- 1f necessary the
Tablets can be crushed to a powder or
dissolved in water. elm. Wm. F. Cay'.
St. Eleanois, P. E. I., saysn-"I know
at nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets
fee the cure of stomach and bowel
troubles. 1 cannot speak too highly if
this medicine and do not feel safe with-
out n, box of Tablets in the house.'
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams'
eledicine Go., Brocleville, Ont.
Miss Vere—"Mr. Desmond, why did you
go to the dining -room before you greeted
the hostess?" Mr. Desmond—"Well, the
bolos will keep, but the reheshtnenbs
seemed to he getting away."
NOT ON THE FREE I.1ST,border,"The trusts," remarked the socialistic
border, "give me a pain."
e "1 anderslnncl,' rejoined the Cheerful
- Idiot, "the window -glass trust charges
for its panes."
s Just now when money Is s<arec, it is
t_ well for every one to look around and
5041 when they can obtain their ham
and .personal ,reeds at the lowest cost
The W. H. Scroggie, Limited, Depart-
ment W., ltfoartreal; Que. are fast mak
lni; en enviable repu"nliom for them-
selves as "Universal Providers," and the
people of Canada are not slew to lake
advantage of the splendid money sav-
ing offers this firm makes to Customers
not residing in Montreal This firm
has just issued a splendid large beau-
tifully illustrated Catalogue which ,s
mailed free to anyone wife asks for it.
Beller send for one to -day. \Ve under-
stand that while these prices aro excep-
tionally low they also pay transporta-
tion charges on the goods they sell.
something which no other arm of tn1s
kind In Canada does, They area Ihor-
oughdy reliable house and readily ex-
change anything which does not give
alsolule ealist aclien or you can get
your money back if you prefer it.
Is Highly recommended as affording in -
slant relief from pain—Neuralgia, Head-
ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Caiarrha1
Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists
oe Lyman Bros. & Co., wholesale drug-
gists, '1'olronto.
"1 guess our romance is ended now,"
"Iter folks have moved into the house
that my folks Vacated."
A Cure for Ceestivencss.—Costiveness
comes from the refusal of the oxmrelory
organs to perform their duties regularly
from contributing causes, usually di.s-
ordea'ed digestion. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills, prepared on sciant.flo prbtlp'es,
nye so compounded that certain ingredi-
ents in them pass through the, stomacn
and act upon the bowels so as to roe
nerve Their torpor and arouse them to
proper notion. Ninny thousands are
prepared to bear .testimony to their
power in this respect.
For more titan a week a sebool-teacher
had been giving lessons on the dog, and
so, when the inspector came down and
chose that 5013' subject, there seemed
every prospect of Lim class distinguishing
itself. Things were progressing guile
satisfactorily, and the teacher was con-
gratulating himself on Ute trouble he
had taken, when, attest a question eves
asked whioh made him tremble for the
reputation of his scholars. "Wbmy does
a dog lieng his longue out of his mouth?"
asked the inspector.
Are Much Sought for by Spanish Bog -
Qu.ta a flourishing trod° is done by
the pe e'er classes of Malted, who let.
nil lir r elm ldren to bvgghrs et ,io
meet! ter h•:,ur.
'rho ,n end mg hirer an pl'es le the
soar. M.; of a 1,kely clot,(, the price Is
111reeit upon, a small aneMutt. paid
• <:c•w:l os a gualanhe' 1 r the return of
the !into .nes ar d 1 e l+ gar for Invite,
Ael.; out with his h 1 15 ,rnpiememl of
1t m,! L•,nt.d ba t 0 °•fits
'11 li l ir+ n 0 b o- ' l el it Is ie soft-.
+41 it • h; mitts ef the 1.,. ee. s-hy Sr:" re...
gn.10.1 to In -v 5,,r0 P1 gtr, irt 0110,
i'ln r mu=1 ) V.. Ia<srs
In heel—tote tm eu, and lad rigly,
fir a teal -1,11.1, r., ren,, I.niy
ea ,x1 a 11 tel: ,s et' omit •^Y tv
molly fu:o than a less favored r-ouiI,eit.
While Ilia p •ore e'0 Iat h,yrgir and 1
Ineeies rh:rge ete'Iv13' wipe the
beet; of .ifi,at. trartfat., Ihe fr.ih„r of
he clef 1, u,n f .its l,' 1,1;1. d in 0 tee.
rn 1,-,i it 1.3, his h,,n:c, 1m' m,ll3' remarks
1•, h ' Ib.t• lta:f, as he contentedly sips
\ , I e ilii ,mica r <.•e•
c u J has
1 y
1+ f• r•• hml lie is tan illy three ycnrs
11 end is u1' a iy n Peine '1 content on
1olw'en 'rhe r,ne.ery.rd mart .f Velter'as
,etre0 and the weeder—legged one. of
At titian; As soon us he grows up well
make a beggar of him!'
Mother Greys' Worm Exterminator
has the largest sale of any similar pre-
paratbun said in Canada, 1t always
gives saiisfaeifon by restoring health
Is, the little folksy
An Irishman, having quarrelled with
another left hint with the following vic-
' ieus remark:—"Welt, 1 hope yell niver
be where I wish youl"
Will afford instant relief from pain
caused by Neuralgia, Ileadaehes, Gout,
Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds, Sample
50 cents, All druggists or National
Drug Co., Londony
Goodwin, the American actor, deseribol
et a recent dinner a Turkish bath that
he once took in Mexico. "My rubber,"
saki Mr. Goodwin, "was a strong man,
very strong man. i e laid me on the
slab and prodded and kneaded and
punched and hammered me in a most
rh i etre At the end, after I had
e,r arc v t n, f d
got f up, he carne behind me before my
sheet was adjusted, and gave ane on ;lie
hare Lank four resounding whacks with
the palm of his enormous hand, "'Whitt
on earth did you do that for?' I punted.
"'No -offence, boss,' said the men; el: was
only to let the office know 1 was ready
fo • the next corner. Yue see, the bell's
out of order in this room,'"
"1 am proud to say that my grandfather
made his mark in the world," observed
the. conceited youth. "Well, I suppose
he. wasn't the only man in these days
who couldn't write his name,' replied
hit, bored companion.
In the Ireahmcnt of summer um -
plaints, the most effective remedy that
can be usal is Dr. 4, D. Ieeloggs Dy-
sontery Cordial, I1 is a standard prc'-
p.aretien, and 'many people 0011,1oy it In
preference. to ether Ireparntions. It is
e highly ronceniratAl medicine and its
seiaUce and curative qualities are he=
yond question. It has Leen a popular
medicine tor many years and thousands
can attest its superior qualities m
ov creorning dysentery and kindred coma -
Mrs Jones --"You seem to have implicit
confidence lin your !husband,"
Mrs• Sntilh—"Of course I have, He
never turns pale when I tell hill he
talked in his sleep."
In Nature's Storehouse There are
Cues.—\'eel oat ex. (1'men lhhate's'lown
cg, nclusively that there are medicinal.
virtues in even ordinary plants pawing
up around us which give them a value
(het cannot be cstimnkel. If is hold by
Semis) that, Nature pr'ov'ides a cure for
every disease which negleel and ipner-
anec have visited upon man. However,
thee stay ,be, it 19 well bcnown that Par -
melees Vegetable Pills, distilled from
roots and herbs, are a sovereign- rem-
edy h1 curing all disorders of the di-
Wigg—"So you admit that there vves
one time in your Life when you really
wanted the earth.'
Wagg--"Yes, when I was seasick, a
thousand miles Irom land.'
Money paid will be refunded where foils, when applied as directed,
to relieve pain. Speoially recommended
fir Ncurelgin, Headache, Rheumatism,
Gaut, Carmelite Colds, etc. For sale 50
ousts at all druggists or Lyman, tinox
& Clarkson, wholesale druggists, To-
"Fathorl" -
"Johnny wants a million deilars to
take his sulphur and molasses."
disease of the skin, litre harbor's itch, ll
e cured b
Waimea Ooetts alone. But whore the blood is
loaded with impurity, such as Salt Rheum
Weaver's Syrup also should bo 01303.
",John,"said the political leader's wife,
"you'll hove to get a neve policeman as-
signed to this beat; Bridget doesn't like
ills present one." "All right," said he,
"end while I'm about it P11 get one That
likes his meat rare, len getting tired
of overdone beef."
it its a. well known fact that Ramsays
Paints beautify and give life to every-
thing they touch. Their brlllianey, pur-
ity of color and power for covering
gives them unchallenged leadersiep.
Your dolor sells Mein al a pries that
will plena(' you, end guarantees every
ca,n, Write A. Ramsay & Son Co.,
Montreal, for pack of Souvenir Picture
Pont Cards of Holies.
There was never, a more conscientious
young nran than !;ben Soule, and when ,
he found hoar mtrell absorbed he had be-
come with the mere idea of playing in
the town band, lie consulted his mints,
ter. "Do you rcekein I could give up all
that time to nnusie without falling from
grace?" lie asked anxiously,
The good old Methodist, had a saving
sense of humor. Ile sew that his parish-
ioner was much clisteessed between his
wishes and his emnsoience, but the stints.
ter smiled onhim, mevertheloes,
"It's the horn you're °gleed to play, 1
!rear," he said- Ever had nisch oxper-
knee with it, Ellen?"
"Never pried it bet once, but 1 Illce 1110
sound of it first-rate," said the young
"M'ml" Said the minister. "Well, 1
think you needn't be afraid of felling
from grace on eeruuut of bb, but 1 do
hope you'll menage things se your fam-
ily end neighbors Won't have to peas
trough the eery temptation of hearing
you practise toe often, Eben,"
"The sun shines not on all alike,"
Said the maid unto the neon;
"For some girls it merely freckles,
While others it does tan."
wEAT DO rimpr,E Manan who are run down,,
anmmlo, polo, listless? ' Fcrrovint," the hest
tonic. It builds, makes °iron¢, itg vee now life.
There are many tonics but only ono "Frerovim."
hers. Nugget—"I wonder how you'd tike
1; if I got new -womanish and insisted
upon wearing min's clothes.
Nagget—"Oh, 1 haven't any fear
of your ever doing thee llen's clothes
are never very expensive.
A Requisite for the Ilnni_her.--On the
cattle ranges of the \\'eel, where men
and stock are tar fame do, tors and
aeothccaries, mit. Thenuas' Erb, Inc Oil
i kept on hand by the micllieent as 1
ready made medicine, not only for many
poietin ills; but As a horse olid (rattle
,medicine of surpassing merit. A home
and cattle rancher will Mid maiters
greatly simiplibed by using this Oil.
The groat ocean Liner rolled and
p11 Mired.
"Henry," faltered the young bride, "do
yon still love err?'
"Moro than ever, darling," was hen-
ry's fervent answer,
Then Ther, vas a eloquent silence,
"Henry," Oa f, ecd, hmrrring her pale,
ghastly foo h 1 . th,mughf Old would
Hulce 1110 feel b, sett 1 dorso'!!'
"Yes, my troy?" be said , i:p:11f-loolc
inR• bad who held up hiss hent;,
„ .•. ,
light f *cubes was n la's r
h h n \
'Ince his Mill" shouted the Nigel lee
I StJC NO. 2;k(i';,
Mr. Auhur Tennison, e8 London Street,
Toronto, says : "For ss or seven.years 1 was
troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia, Two
much acidity er the stomach, tbo doctors
said, Originated the troubles, 1 lrkd scores
of remedies witbout south Eventually 1. used
Pavcn,nu and this brought immediaterelief
and euro," All druggists or ,tore, See, kro-
pared only by Dr. T.A. Slocum, Ltd. Toronto,
The parents of large famines of child-
ren are usually Soo busy ever to get into
the divorce 00011.
ft is only necessary to read the testi-
monials to be convinced thot I•Iollo-
\vay's Corn Cure is unequalled for the
r•Nnloval of coatis, warts, els. It is
complete extinguisher,
It sounds pretty in a report of a sociai
affair to say that the house was illumin-
ated with candles, but it means a lot of
During courtship a marl's word goes
about eevrenteen limes as far as it does
after marriage.
Sold by all Druggists and 1:3eneral. Stores
and by mail.
Lindsay upright plane and stool, $e55 ; $g,6 cash`
mind Sa per month. i 1.3 octavos, three pedals,
handsome natural wood case, double veneered,
Ivory keys ane tone and =MOIL Ouly in uao
three months. Fully guaranteed. A tine bargain,
0. W. LINDSAY, Limited,
510 St. Catherine St. west, Montreai.
AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in every
city and town in Canada with waterworks to soli
a patent artioie needed in ovary home, betel and
public building, soils at eight. Hustlers oan
and aro making a day, 'Write at once for
particulars. (leo. T. Cole, Owen Sound, Ontario,
and faded sults would look hotter i rod, Il Age.
of ornr Immo. town, write diroet fluutreui, filum 158
to hear from owner having
for sale. Not particular ahnnt 1oc11.tion•
Please give price and doaoription, and rem.
son for Bolling.State when possession man
be had, Will -dont with owners only.
L. Darbyshire, ins 1159, Rochester, N. 5,
BOC sC SSoe,S„re (jvrArye GNOS PO
The Best en8 Cheapest
Cafioers, S,biyya, Larrnches Etc,
�n J. fi ATT1 SON
Shines bought ants •°
New York 1eu_tin1, efunheal and
Toronto 51,,8 liscbaagos for
cash or .mai gin.
Orders for Cnbnit Storks execut-
ed .on Toronto Sli/iing l:x-
eineipe 'or .Itosrom and New
Ytxrlc curb for cash,
PItIVA i' T5" \`t't1111S,
Corl'0spnndenls-Clens, tread la
Co., mombsr s of the Ninv 'lm'orlc
end Pesten Sleek Emcliallge,