HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-6-18, Page 141:
VOL. 36 NO, 49
W. H. KERR, Frofrieior
New Advertisements
locals -O, Rozoll,
strayed -J. J. Sellers,
Tie Pin lost -Tart Pose.
Farm for sale -R, A, Kagy,
Phaeton for sola -.H, (terry.
Death to Bugs-lt. R. Smith.
Tenders for gravel -]r, S. Scott,
listl;iet Reims
Monday evening Atwood defeated
Ethel Foot Ball team hero in the In-
termediate W. F. A. series.
Listowel Intermediate Foot Ball
team will play le iclay evening of this
week and Brussels will be here on
Monday, Lively games nee expected
as both teams are after the District
championship hot foot.
FATAL Acomenea•-While adjusting
a rope in the coal grinding ciepaet-
nment of the cement mill Monday
morning at live minutes to six Samuel
May was caught and wound round a
shaft, receiving injur•ieR from which
he succumbed about live hours after.
Medical skill was on the spot in a
short tilne after the accident, and ail
examination proved the right twin
was broken in two places, both feet
terribly bruised, a number of ribs
broken on the right side and very se-
vere internal injuries, Mr.'
May was
a very careful workman and one of
the most trusted employees of the
company, and his unfortunate end
has been a severe shock to the com-
munity. He was 0 young mean of
twenty-eight years, and had been
married about 3 years. Much sym-
pathy is felt for Mrs. May in her sac.
bereavement, The funeral service
was held in St. Alban's Church Wed-
nesday afternoon -
Om' Intermediate Fuol. Ball team
was defeated at Milverton on Tues-
day eveuingg,�. the score being 1-0.
Abort 8.30 o'clock Monday horning
fire was discovered coming from the
residence of F. Rogers' house close to
the Methodist church, ou Inkerman
street, and before the: fire was got
under control the house was pretty
well wrecked and considerable damage
clone. The oireumstauce in this case,
is somewhat sad, as Mrs. Rogers left
the house with everything in perfect
order a little while before the fire was
discovered on some errand, and when
she heard the alarm she was not
aware that it was her house that was
on fire.
BADLY BURNuD.-Emmerson lile-
Laughlin, a boy about, 14 years of age,
while standing close to where the
bonfire was started Tuesday evening
to celebrate the Government victory,
some young boys brought a measure
of gasoline and threw it on the fire,
and almost instantly it leaped to
where the boy stood and his left leg
was burned' the full length very
seriously. He was taken at once to a
doctor's office, where he received
medical treatment, and later removed
to his ]some 111 town, tie will be con-
fined for a short time, brit no serious
results Are feared,
DSNP00. Dr. Pelld, dentist of Brussels, will
be connsultedo n rooms overethehThompso
liay will soon be ready to mow.
50 cents gets Tms POET to J011. 1st,
The League is arranging for a Lawn
social on the evening of June 241h.
Election returns were received here
last Monday evening and not a few
surprises reported.
Rev. J. HenderSbn is placed at
Ethel for the coming Couference year
we are pleased to state,
A number of Ethel public school
pupils are preparing for the coaling
Highs school exams. We wish them
.Wednesday of next week Ethel Foot
Ball team will go to Milverton to play
the return game with the club of that
A majority of 20 was given at this
poll for Mr. Proudfoot last Monday.
Numerous electors did not appear,
only 96 votes being recorded out of 160
011 the list.
Ethel and locality will be represent-
ed on the excursion to the Model
Farm at Guelph Friday of next week.
Special train leaves Ethel at 8.05. Re-
turn fare is 81.15 good to come back
on Satnrclay.
aeThe members of the Odd Fellows'
Order who live in this locality have
been invited to take part in the decor-
ating of the graves of their 3 -linked
brethren in Brussels cemetery next
Sunday afternoon.
We observe by the official program
of the Connnencemen1 Exercises of
Alma College, St. Thomas, that Miss
Ida Cole comes up for graduation in
Elocution this week. She was to con-
tribute to the program on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings and will no
doubt do herself credit.
Next Monday evening Listowel Foot
Ball team will play on the park here
with the hone team, game con-
mencing at 6.15. Ethel boys tied them
ab Listowel in the former match and
Monday's contest will be a close one
which we hope our lads will win. At-
tend the game and cheer their along.
This will be the last District snatch
Ethel Foot Ball Intermediates Mon-
day evening played a game with the
Atwood team here. It was a close
and exciting match, marled somewhat
by the wrongful decision of Referee
Ramsay, of Listowel, who gave At-
wood a penalty kick winning the game
ni n
Ask the Man
Who Wears Them!
If you read all the Advertisements you see about
"The Best Clothing," "The Finest ,Clothing,"
"The Most Stylish Clothing," etc., etc., and pay
any attention to them you must be bewildered
about the Clothes business. We frequently refer
to the good qualities of
2Oth Century Brand
Clothes, but you needn't take our word for it.
Just ask the man who wears them. One word
from him will help you to decide. You'll prob-
ably find that he has been wearing theta for
years and wouldn't wear any other make.
You've got to believe your own eyes when you .ses
these Clothes on the best dressers in town. That's
the best way to judge. You know where to buy
them as we are exoiusiee agents: •
We are showing Something very special 111
Two-piece Suits at $8.00 and 810,00. Just what
yeti want for the warm weather.
A splendid assortment of Men's Fine Straw Ilats
on band at $1, $1.50, 81.75, $2, $2.25 St $8,00.
E. C. Ounford & 50n
Clothiers anti Furnishers Graham Bina, brussels
as this was the only score of the even-
ing, A protest has been entered by.
our club against the goal,
Garr, hong wasa visitor het; this
Little Miss Ryan is a visitor with
her cousin, Evelyn Baker.
Di'. T. T. MaoRae throve to •Clinton
last Monday to record his vote at the
Mrs. Helm, of Wingham, who has
been visiting lick' son here, returned
to her home last Friday.
H. R. Brewer, of Brussels, took the
service lu the Methodist church here
last Sabbath afternoon,
WO tune pleased to state that Mrs,
Watson, who has been conlined Lo
her bed for the pet few weeks, is able
be up,
Miss Machines has been under the
doctor's care for the past week. Her
many friends wish her a. speedy re-
111r. Hamilton and bride, of Edmon-
ton, wore guests at Lha: Union Hotel
last week. Mr. Hamilton is a nephew
of Mr's. Long.
The Y. P. S. U. 1!,. of the Presbyter-
ian church purpose holding a Garden
party ori Thursday evening, June
25111, The ladies of the congregation
are asked to supply the provisions.
MATRIMONIAL. -Gran brook Manse
was Lhescene of a verypretty wedding
on Wednesday morning at 10.80 when
Miss Amelia Michel, of Cranbrook,
was united in marriage to W. J.
Savage, of Heckman, Washington
State. The dainty bride was very be-
comingly attired le a handsome gown
of dove colored silk voile elaborately
trhnmed with cream lace and ribbon,
The fine looking groom will shortly
take his bride to his hone in Washing-
ton. The groom's gift to the bride
was a beautiful sunburst of pearls.
Mrs. Savage, who is a general favorite
and her husband have the good wishes
of a large circle of friends.
Robert Ballantyne, of Blyth, was in
the village on Monday.
112iss E. Henry visited at her home
in Whitechurch over Sunday.
Elston Cardiff, of Brussels, was a
visitor in the village on Sunday.
Dr. anti Mrs. W. H. Brawn spent
Sunday with friends in Mildinay.
Herman Morrison, 0. P. R. reliev-
ing agent, left for Harrison on Friday.
Miss Ethel Neilsen, of Toronto,
visited this week with Mrs. Geo. Allan.
Miss Mary Perrin assisted fn a piano
recital given by Miss Skilling in Ger-
rie last Friday evening.
W. Mitchell and Jas. McTavish left
on Tuesday morning for a trip through
the Western Provinces,
Mrs. 0. Cook and little daughter, of
Hensall, are visiting with the forrner's
parents, Thos. unci Mos. Hemphill.
S. Rasmussen has purchased the
building on Main street, formerly oc-
cupied by the Star printing plant.
JOr. J. P. Mitchell left for Toronto
on Friday where he will spend a year.
In the meantime Dr. Nickel, formerly
of Barrie, has charge of his practice.
A load of member's of 0. 0. F.
Lodge, as well as a nnrnber of citizens
attended the funeral of the late Major
Keine ju Gorrie Wednesday after-
noon of last week.
There was a large gathering in the
village Saturday evening to witness
the game of foot ball between the 2nd
of Turnbexry and Salem. The game
resulted in
a tis.
Harris Hamilton and bride, of
Bloomfield, are spending a part of
their wedding trip with the former's
parents, Jno. and Mrs. Hamilton, ar-
riving here on Monday, and are re-
ceivnt g congratulations the ,
attilations of many
old f•xie friends.
Miss Tina Rae left on Tuesday for
Toronto, where she will spend a week
before leaving for Raddison, Sask.
She was recently presented with a
handsome snitcase by the choir of
the Presbyterian church and a gold
chain by leer Sunday School class.
Township Oonueil ruet last 'Wednes-
Wilbert Hodge, of the boundary,
lost a valuable natbr0 last week.
Will. and Miss Lizzie Lamont visit-
ed friends in Wingham last week.
Marshall had Harrison ac a valuable
mare killed with lightningltn�u
day night.
Duncan McKay, 16111 con is Maude
offing his residence and fitting it up
with modern convelneuces.
Wesley Speiran and his sister, Cora,
who have boon visiting friends in
Blanshard, have gettumed home.
Several of the young men of this
neighborhood purpose going to camp
next', week et Goderich with the 28tH
Several of the schools bac' holidays
last Monday owing to the school
houses being used as polling places at
the election,
A large number talk of taking in
the'Oxcorsiof to the Model Farre }iri
day of next week on the special train.
The return ,fare is only $1.15.
Miss J. Rands, the teacher at Mon-
crieff, took advantage of the holiday
on Monday on a00oiln1 of the polling
at the school house and spent it under
the parental roof,
Mrs. 3310001, of Thamesvil'e, who
was lately bereaved of lior husband,
is at present at her old home, 10th
con. Her many old friends syn
pabhise with her in keg deep trouble.
B. W. and Mrs. McIntyre returned
to their ]home in Buffalo on Saturday
'after an enjoyable visit at the lima of
Mrs. ,ohm ' n
T hlcKu non- 8111 eon.
McKinnon accompanied
them 4r rid
will spend some time visiting friends.
Ln.'Ivie SOMAL. ---A Lawn Social,
under the auspices of Roe's appoint -
meet to be held on J. Jttekson's lawn,
51.11 con, Grey Wednesday evening,
,Time 170h. Lunch served at 7.3
o'clock. ' A tefreehlnent booth ^will
also be in order. Adlnissiun 15 gents.
A good program is in preparation and
a good time expected. Everybody
There was a large unpolled vote in
(Trey last Monday. Various reasons
are.asslg4,lled the chief one being that
Centre Huron is a hive and between
over -confidante and indifference eke -
tors did nut turn out. The Liberal
majority was 150.
Rev, A. McKibbin, B. A., of Wyom-
ing, and (Gordon Gaukl, of Kippeu,
spent ent Sunday at Wm, Armstrong's,
ast of Brussels. The reverend
gentleman is a brother to Mrs, Arm-
strong, and 117:r. Gauld is a son of Rev,
Win. Gaeta, of Formosa, who is hone
00 furlough.
A Lawn Social, under the auspices
o1' the Union Epworth League, will lie
held at the home of Wtn. Robinson,
lot 31, con. 14. Grey, on Tuesday June
10111, Brass Band in attendance and
a choice program rendered. There
will also be a refreshment tent ou the
ground. Everybody is invited,
Annual pith -ilia in con auction with
0. S. No. 3, public and Sabbath.
Schools combined will be held in A.
Bishop's grove, 8111 core., 011 1 ridgy,
20th inst., conferencing at 1 p.
Swings, ball garner, lunch, cat., will
constitute the program. A leap year
swing is one of the novelties promis-
The barn of Andrew Lamont, 10111
con., was struck by lightning on the
last Friday of May but by prompt
action of the proprietor with water
applied inside and with the help of
the heavy rain on the roof the fire was
extinguished before niuth damage was
dune. About 20 feet of shingles were
torn off, the lightning following a
rafter. Mo. Lamont was insured. It
was a very close call indeed.
Prrtua-cn•tie tie pin lost near the hotel
stable in Walton lash Friday evening. The
finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tns
Poor Publishing Rouse.
This week Jno. McDonald received
two car loads of cement,
Miss Florence Hunt, milliner, of
Brussels, Sundayecl with Nos. J. W.
Several will attend the Milverton -
Brussels Foot Bali match in the latter
town Friday evening of this week.
Tho election Monday aroused ver
little interest here and the majority
the okl Government received carne as
a surprise.
The contract of laying the cement
sidewalk on the Morris side of the vil-
lage was let to Hoegy Bros.. Work
was commenced last week.
Rev. lir. Ourrie, 33. A, who has
been pastor of the Methodist church
for the past two years, will go to Oil
Springs as his ire xt appointment.
Rev. Mr. Tyler will succeed him
hers. We wish both success.
hlxssiox rErir.-Rev. F. H. Lang-
Forcl, the Missionary Campaigner of
the Goderich District, will give an ad-
dress in the Walton Methodist church
Friday evening June 19th at 8 o'clock.
He will have a stereopticon and a
complete set of one hundred original
views -Of great interest bearing on our
Missionary work. The rev, gentle-
man will thus accompany his adclress
with an entertainment highly pleas-
ing and instructive. Everybody will
be welcome.
• Station Agent McKay ticketed the
following persons who left for the
West on Tuesday on the Houle Seek -
mos Excursion :- I
A exlnrclerand'
G max•
and rife to a g ar
v 1
C Christopher
Barrows and wife to McLeod ; Geo.
Grigg and wife to Calgary Wm,
Smith to Moosejaw ; Freeman Hack -
well to Calgary ; Frank Hackwell
to Oalgary ; Peter B. Gardiner to
g Y .
Cal • Jas.1
1tow Y bra to Calgary Cal
Jno. McDonald to Saskatoon11rs
Geo. Olnistopher to Winnipeg ; itirs
Noll Dnncansou to Seattle, Wash.
Next meeting of. Morris Council will
be held on Monday, June 20th.
Rev. Mr. Ashton, 13. D., of Both-
well, preached in the Jackson church
last Sabbath afternoon.
1Vi11. anti Mrs. Russell and two
children, of Duluth, are visiting at
James Russell's, 51h Inc.
A goodly number from this town-
ship drove to Brussels and Wingham
031 Monday to hear the results of the
Mortis gave ama1
majority of
23 for J.
T. Currie last Monday as compared
with a Oonscrvativo majority of 0 at
the former election
John Sherrie, 4111 line, is away at
Niagara Falls this week attending the
High Court of the Canadian Order of
Foresters, as representative of Brus-
sels Court.
At the garden party to be given at
the farm of James Russell, 511x like,
Tuesday evening of next week, the
Wingham Band has been engaged to
supply a musical program.
The question being asked by many
is are you going to the Model Farm
on Fridays excursion, June 19th P
Everything looks fine at the farm this
year so report says. Return fare by
special train from Brussels is $L15.
Special train leaves ab 7,58 a. in. and
roturning leaves Guelph at 0,30 0. m,
Wednesdhy of this week W. A.
Shaw, a resident f rine'
c x x s dent of this town-
ship, arrived hero from Wisconsin on
a visit to relatives and friends. He is
a son of Angus Shaw, lith eon. It is
16 years since Mr. Shaw was hero so
notes numerous changes. He will
spend a few weeks in this locality.
Crop reports from Wisconsin are very
promising. •
L. Marsden, of Syracuse, N. It., was
here foraf t
x vda s r
a on a visit
to his
Miss LilyThe visitor has the
rnauagemunt of the office of the
'[Underwood Type Writer Co. in the
above mentioned city and is a bright",
active young roan. It is needless to
say Mies Lily greatly approoiatod the
wining of herr brother and we hope
it will toad to her 0ottveleseenee,
M, P. P. for Centro Huron
w5 head of year old cattle have stray-
ed from North d, Lot 25, Con. 5, the
property of Jno. McArter.
Last Monday evening lightning struck
the bank barn of Peter Oantelon, 0th
litre, and destroyed it. Mr. Cantelon
was not at home at the time. Mie.
Oantelon and grandson, named Pas-
smore. a lad of 12 years old ran into
the stable when the rain came on and
were both badly stunned by the light-
ning. The former rallied first and
crawled oat of the burning building
dragging the boy with her. A doctor
was speedilysurnmoned.and itis ]loped
both will soon be o. k. once more.
Passmore had a very close callfor his
life. This is the second time Mr.
dental= has lost a barn by fire, which
is hard lines. We understand the
building was insured. ;Fortunately at
this season of the year the live stock
is generally in the pasture fields and
the crop stored fight but building
material and labor areso high to erect
a new barn soon reaches a big figure.
Mr. Cantelon, who is an old and well
known resident, is sympathised with
in his trouble.
THD POST was unable to secure the
complete retm'ns for Centre Hiron be-
fore going topress. Retuning Officer
Johnston makes his declaration Thurs-
day. The Municipal majorities ate
reported as follows 1-
Proudfoot Porter
Goderich 58
Colborne 03
Clinton 58
Hullett 50
Seaforth 20
Majority for Proudfoot 174.
The official figures will be
next week.
Following are the Municipal maJ
Kellerman Either
Goderich Twp.. 198
Stanley 155 24
Stephen 223
U'sborne 100
Bayfield 62
Exeter 121
Hensel). 8
Majority for Eilber, 867.
Brussels Council
The mouthly sleeting of the village
Cotulcll was held Tuesday evening,
Peeve Leckie and Councillors
Jones and Beeker present. Court of Re-
vision business was token up0.rst. Only
appeal was that of Christina Sinclair
Askin to be assessed as)o'
sse tent owner with
her Mother Catharine Sinal it
sheat. This J
was granted and the Roll
as amended constituted the Roll for
Regular Council business was then
taken up and the minutes of last meet-
ing read and passed,
The report of the scales for the month
of May was 825.05, reported by Weigh -
master Oliver.
Following Recounts were paid on
notion of Councillors pones and Bsekcr:
Robt. Oliver, salary 433 33
Jno. Cunuitrgbaln street work,,,, r 05
Angus Campbell, street wont 4.50
J. Leckie, miscellaneous,..,.. . 13 75
Municipal World Recount...,..,, 7 75
An account for $19,40 for timber and
work at the footbridge was ,presented.
On motion of las. Jones, seconded by
A. Baker that 81s,00 be paid and as it is
a private affair that the Council assume
the responsibility and that notices be
posted up notifying the people 00 to it.
A discussion engaged the Council as to
improvement on verities streets as to
grading, gravelaud ditches and the high-
ways will be improved as soon as pos-
The {reeve ststed that he would write
Co. Engineer Pnttcrson in reference to
a new floor en the irons: rid e this
g s
work basic be done bythe Comity,
Street t liver w
ills e0 Or () a5 ttiCtl ltctecl
to give permission to any one desiring
to cut grass on the sides of Streets 50
torte es the work i, properly done and
all the grass removed.
Moved, seconded and curried that
tenders be asked for Rsupply et screened
gravel for street purposes.
Connell then acljoerned,
1-11 r t. J. P0Wh to y Wins the Day
His Majority Rigger than Ever.
Many people in Ontario hardly saw
how the 'Whitney Government could
be overthrown after so short a tenure
of office but were not expecting the
Waterloo of last Monday as the re-
cords show a very decisive battle in
the figures :-
Conservatives 80
liberals .10
Independents 1
The four new seats in Toronto and.
the four in the Noitherly part of On-
tario all elected Conservatives so that
Government's majority now stands
at 06 or 21 of an increase over the fig-
gures in the last H1)050. Only one
Cabinet Minister, Hon. Nelson Mon-
teith, fell in the fray and. as he is only
6 votes behind he may get the seat --
South Perth -on a recount.
With such an emphatic decision the
Whitney Government should go back
to office to vigorously forward the best
interests of Ontario. There is much
that might be donein the development
of important available resources par-
ticularly in newer Ontario that would
mean much to the Province at large.
'Constructive legislation' should be the
watchword so that the wheels of pro-
gress will revolve in a permanent
and prosperous manner. The tabulat-
ed list of members is as follows :-
Bruce, North -C. M. Bowman 300
Bruce, South -R. E. Truax 75
Grey, North -Hon. A. G. MacKay 88
Haldimand-Jacob Kohler 250
*Huron, Oentre-Wm. Proudfoot 198
Laanbton, East -R. J. McCormick 200
Middlesex, North -Duncan C. Ross 109
Middlesex, 'West --J. O. Elliott 594
Northumberland W. -Sam Clarke 200
Ottawa, East -D. J. McDougall 400
Oxford, North -Dr. A. McKay 403
Oxford, South -T. R. Mayberry 18
Perth, South -Valentine Stock 6
Renfrew, North -Norman Reid 211
Russell-Damase Racine 1070
Simcoe, East -J. B. Tudhope 180
Stormont -W. T. McCarl 1
Wellington, W -James McEwing 47
Wentworth, South -Daniel Reed 130
Addington -W. T. Paul ace.
Algoma -W. B. Smyth 300
Brant, North -John H. Fisher 300
Brant, S -W. S. Brewster, K. 0. 204
Brockville -A. E. Donovan 374
Bruce, Centre -Hugh Clark 363
Carleton -R. H. McElroy 000
Dntferin-C. R. McKeown 44
Amides -Hon. P..31, Whitney 900
Durham, East -J. 3'. Preston acc.
Durham, West -J. H. Devitt 50
Elgin, East -0. A. Brower 508
Elgin, W Finlay G. Maodiarmid 009
Essex, N ---Hon. Dr, Reaume 1000
Essex, S -Dr. Anderson 55
Fort William -Dr. Smellie 412
Fronbenac-J. G. Gallaher . 128
Glengarry -D. R. McDonald 250
Grenville -G. L. Ferguson 310
Grey, C -I. B. Lucas 1,085
Grey,,S-Dr. Jamieson 208
Halton -A. W. Nixon 360
Hamilton, E-A. Studhohne, Labor 76
Hamilton, W -Hon. J, S. Heudrie 1658
Hastings, N -J. W. Pearce 500
Hastings, E-A. Richardson 400
Hastings, -J
g , W W. Tohnson 168
Huron, S-IIEilber 200
**Huron, N-A.H, Musgrove 170
Kent, E -P. H Bowyer 80
Kent, W -George W. Snifnan 341
Kenora-Harold Machin 200
Kingston -W. F. Nickle 394
Lanrbton, W -Hon. W. 7. Hanna 600
Lanark, N -Dr. R. H. Preston 400
Lanark, S -Col. Matheson accl.
Leeds John R. Dargavel 188
Lennox -T. G, Oarsoallen 4
Lincoln -Dr. Jessop 1000
London-Ilon. Adam Beck 1401
Manitoulin -R. R. Gamey 500
Middlesex, E -G. N. Neely 156
Monek-James A. Ross 100
Muskoka -A. A. Mahaffy acc.
Nipissing-H. Morel 200
Norfolk, S-A. 0. Pratt 181
Norfolk, N -H. P. Innes, K. C. 00
Northumberland, E -S, Nesbitt 558
Ontario, N -W. H. Hoyle 409
Ontario, S-Oharles Calder 298
W -A. Fripp
Palm Souad-Jo n Gallia
Peel -S. Charters 523
Perth N Tames Torrance 245
Teterboro, E James Thompson 240
Peterboro, W -T. E. Bradburn 471
Port Arthur --Mayor Carrick 400
Prescott -George 11. Pharant
Prince Edward -R, A. Norman
Painy River or Fort Frances -
W, A. Preston
Renfrew, S. -T. W. McGarry
Sault Ste. Marie -W, H. Hearst
Sirnooe, O -James I. F. Hart
Shlrcoe, W. --James S. Dulf
*eSimcoe S -Alex. Ferguson accl.
itm'goon Falls -A. A. Aubin 90
Sudbury -Hon. h'. Ooclirane 476
Temiskaming---R. Shillington 48
Toronto, East A -Hon. lir. Pyne 3180'
Toronto, East B -T. R. Whiteside 850
Toronto, South A -Hon. J.J. 31oy 3718
Teronto, S. ti -G. H. Gooderham 296(1
'Coronto, W A --Hon, T. Crawford4270
Toronto W 13-W. D. McPherson 2988
Toronto, N A -W. 31. McNaught 4391
Toronto, N B -John Shaw 519
Victoria, 3east-J..11. Carnegie two.
Victoria, West -S. J. Fox 70
Waterloo, North -Dr. Lackner 832.
Waterloo South -G. Pattison 830
Weiland -E. E, Fraser 816
Wellington, East --J, J'. Crag 219
Wellington S-1oseph B. Downey 812
'Wentworth, North -G. C, Wilson 119
York, North -T, H, Lounox 000
York, West --Dr. Godfrey 1500
*Formerly East Heron, j::tFormerly
West Huron, tk:tFormerly Cardwell.
lama T500i i'oSPSORIPTs.
We're licked,
Hurrah 1 for Wliitney 1
Stratford swamped Hay.
09 of a majority is a corker.
The gernyroander did its work,
10 out of 106 is poor harvesting.
Was it an election or an earth-
quake P
Governmexrt majority in last house
was 42.
Whitney Government has a 8-5
We can sympathise with the Que-
bac Tories.
All the new ridings formed wont
It might almost as well have been
made unanimous.
Truax gave Dr. Clapp a great spank-
ing in South Bruce.
The Liberals Yvon 8 seats but they
also had their losses.
It was the quietest election cam-
paign we ever knew.
Hon. A. G. MacKay y fought a win-
ning ning fight in North Grey.
A good fight was brut up by J. T.
Currie in the North riding.
Tense, Charlie Smith and Auld will
be missed in the new house.
South Perth may have a recount.
Hon. Nelson Monteith was defeated
by 6.
The so-called Temperance vote did
not cut much of a swath 3n the elec-
Rev. Mr. Hossack should withdraw
his resignation of that Toronto con-
Nature sympathised with the Lib-
erals Monday evening and shed cop-
ious tears.
Centre Huron hiving killed the in-
terest to many on both sides of the
political fence.
Those Toronto majorities make cold
chills run down your vertebrae even
fn June weather.
Automobiles played an important
part on Monday in conveying Toronto
electors to the polls.
Mr. Studholme as representative of
the Labor party, continues to be an
orphan in the House.
There were 12 Socialist candidates
in the field on Monday. None of
them got to the "barn."
Huron's trio will be Musgrove,
Proudfoot and Eilber. They should
represent the Oo. very well.
Even with Local Option in the air
Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth seemed
determined to stick to Porter.
The Liberal contingent of 18 or 20
as against a majority of between 80
and 90 on the Government benches
will not cut a very big figure.
A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. for North
Huron, was given a rousing reception
in Wingham on Monday Bight, The
school pupils took an active interest.
Quebec Liberals had a majority of
34 in the Provincial election last Mon-
day. This fact tends to sweeten the
nasty taste in your mouth in this
Following are the complete returns
from the summingup held by Returning
Officer McQuillin :-
No.1 Currie Musgrove
2 ' 82 (688
8 41 81
4 80 188
88 11.
Majority for Musgrove 141)7
No.1 88 78
88 45 54
4 25 69
6 779 25
7 81 18
Majority for Currie 60 876 816
No. 1 58 68
2 ez 90
5 48 82
Majority for Musgrove 102 242
No.1 07 42
2 58 78
4 60 81
244 186'
Majority for Currie 59
i 9
No. 12 440 50
Majority for Musgrove 8. 86 08
No.1 O6. 82
2 48 42
8 47 48
6 6B 75
Majoribyfor Currie 28 820 8112
or..'61 86
Majority for Civa28
No,1 74 76
8 G8 72 52
4 57' 41
960 241
Majority for Currin 15
, 47
8 40
9 ii
0 61 69
Majority for Musgrove 18661 667
heh lard
( W
Wnet wn v fieri
Kart WnWauoshl " 6b 16
Bl th ,,,
w1111511nm 8
•••.•• 148
Morris 20 ...
Wroxeter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,...,18
Turaberry 15
HoWiolr 1g6
btbiotrity for Musgrove 171