HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-28, Page 8Carnra Suppl ies Everything for the Amateur Photographer We have received the agency in Brussels for the goods of the Catlacliau Kodax Co. and will keep Kodaxs and the "Brownie Cameras." These have giveu great satisfaction and are the kind that are need by the majority of Amateur Photo- graphers in Canada. They are most reasonable iu price, We have a "Brownie" at as low a price as one dollar. All supplies for sante, including Finns, Printing Paper, 'Mouuts, Post Cards, Developing and Fixing Powers, etc. There is no more Fascinating Pastime than Photography and furnishes delightful souvenirs of a day's outing or holiday trip. We shall be pleased to silow you the Cameras. Before throwing away your last year's Straw Hat see what a J package of Straw Hat Cleaner will do for R. Price roc pkg. F. R. 3Fka. T H. DRUGGIST AND OP1'.ICIAN. ram]. getvs Jk Flt MONDAY will usher in the month June, Tuxsnnv evening's rain storm was regular old splasber, Tun POST gives the news. Will y help us ? Our telephone is No, 20. SOME departments in our public ecbool were nearly cleared owing to the prevalence of measles. BRossets Foot Ball team will play an exhibition game with Mildmay at Wrox- eter on Dominion Day. Howler Mutual !Fire Insurance Co, will hold their monthly meeting at Ger- rie on Saturday of this week, Two perambulating umbrella menders paid Brussel visit i s a v sit th s weak and put numerous sun shades and rain shedders to rights, THE footbridge has been rebuilt over the Maitland near the old flax mill• It is a great convenience to many as scores cross it every day, THE Council should devise some plan whereby people desiring it might be granted authority to mow the long grass on some of the streets as feed for horse or cow. Coux= meeting and Court of Re - 'vision Tuesday evening of next week instead of Monday, as the latter is the Nomination day for the Provincial elections. NEXT Monday Brussels Foot ball tea will play in Listowel in the Intermediat series and on Friday evening of nex week they go to Milverton. We hop to see our boys win both matches. Tam Posy to new subscribers from now until Tan. 1st, 1gog, for 5o cents, or tbree months' trial trip for 25 cents. Show these offers to your friends who are not subscribers and help boom the circulation. THE date set by the sanitary officer is long past and a good many premises have not been attended to yet. Next week delinquents will be brought to book before the authorities to explain the reason for non-compliance with the statute. THERE is a rumour current among our military men that the headquarters of "E" company of the town will be moved to Walton in the near future. The reason given is that the Armoury would be handier and nearer to the homes of the members of the company. A HOT TIArE.—A short handed ganie of Base Ball was played last Friday be- tween Bob Leckie, M, Ament, C. Leckie, S. Fox and C. Emigh on one side re- presenting of the river and V. Ross E. Plum, H. Mooney, W. Bell and W, Long championing he South. The score was 23 to 24 in favor of the Northenders. Bass BALL,—A closely contested and well' tinied game of baseball was played on Victoria Park here Thursday evening of last week between the Juniors of Blyth and Brussels. The score at the close stood 6-5 in favor of the visitors. Many good plays were recorded, white- washes were frequent and some of the midgets provoked a good deal of sport for the onlookers. Following is the list t of players and the score :— THE Lady Maccabees will meet on Monday evening of next week. DR. Frtxi» will visit Ethel profession- ally next Monday and may be found in of rooms over Mr, Thompson's store, A LARGE number from town went to a Ethel Tuesday evening to witness the I Foot Ball match and carne home well 00 ' pleased at the result. THE first Spring lamb arrived iu town on Wednesday of last week. It was a dandy, weighing 75 lbs. It was bought by A. T. Currie, butcher. COUNTY Council opens uext Tuesday at Goderich. The ex -Wardens and Co. Councillors' Baequet comes off Thursday evening of the same week. SEVERAL lads were before the Reeve for improper conduct toward some ladies on the street. Anod g warning, with the penalty stated for repeating the offence, was given. TURNBERRY street received a good tidying up this week. The business people should aid in this matter by keeping refuse paper, bananna and orange peelings, &c., off the street. LISTOWEL VS. BRUSSELS Friday even- ing on the Park here. There will ouiy be one more match here in the District series so there should be a big crowd to encourage the boys in their champion- ship march. --0 CEBne0B plants at McCracken's. icsapad.�nqayloerpriAayuntitf butter and m eggs. GEO. B. KING. 47-tf e Ion CnEAar.--On Saturday, 28rd inst., Mrs. t Kirk will have ice cream as usual. It will be e Sret-class. One trial will convince any one. GOLD LOCxaw, heart shaped containing two portraits, lost Tuesday evening in Brussels. Reward will be paid on leaving it at the poat- oflice. Sum of money found on the gravel road North. Owner may have the same by proving Wool peofyOaUApLaDyiSRfAns, mwReO- Wants your lawn mowers will not eat grass I can tone, sharpen and adjust same to your fancy. Win exchange machine and also have a number of mowers for Bale. T. MOGBEOos, Mill street, Brussels. —0— DR. MCRAE IN TOWN,—Dr, T. T. Mc- Rae is in town and purposes opening an office for tbe practice of his profession, He is well and favorably known so re- quires no introduction. The Clinton New Era of last week says :—'•The peo- ple of this town and vicinity will learn with deep regret that Dr. T. T. McRae, who has been a partner with Dr. Gunn, has decided to leave town and start a practice in Brussels, He is a young man of recognized ability and skill, with a courteous andnt e e t bearing that has made him many friends ads and his contemplated removal will leave a vacancy not easily filled. Brussels is to be congratulated upon securing so estimable a citizen, and so proficient a medical man." The News Record of the sante town remarks :—"Dr. MORae, who has been for some time assistant to Dr, Gunn, is leaving Clinton to take tip a practice in Brussels. The Dr. departs from Clinton with regret and many friends here are sorry to see him go." Dr, McRae is a son of Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae, of Cranbrook, where he was born, so that he will be quite at home in this location. His coming to Brussels puts us in possession of five good medicos with possibilities of the number being increased, A TIE AND A Wir.--Friday evening Victoria Park was a lively spot hundreds assembling to witness the meeting of Ethel and Brussels in a Foot Ball League game, It was expected that the play would be of the strenuous character and so 'r was, vas although g t h Bro can Jackson, ot Seaforth,asr referee, kept iIit well iu hand. Whie Ethel lacked combination they often broke up raids on their goal by vigorous kicking and showed that they were in earnest. Finding that the home team were bent 0,1 capturing their official they combin- ed their eleven before the goal and de- spite all the shooting of Brussels team (some of it none too well judged) the sphere was kept out to the close, no goals being scored. Much of the credit was due to Goal -keeper Smith who worked like a Trojan. Goal keeper Young, for Brussels, did not get a chance to even kick the ball. The line up was as follows :— BRiOSSSLB 11. BLYma R. J. Leakie, 8b I. R. Denholm 1 C. Scott, p ............. I A, comber 1 0. Ma/Killen, se ,.,,., 1 Me0ummine 0 G. Roes, lb ...,..«,.., 0 F. McGaughey 1 0. Holmes,. .,,,. 1 R. Sims 1 W. Henderson...ef.., 1 Burling 0 A. Jackson, 2b 0 Anderson. 0 W. Soott, If 0 S. McCaughey ... 1 R. Emigh rf...,.....,0 J. Bons 1 Total 6 Total 0 CAMP AT M GaAERIatt. !•'in 1 a arrange- ments have been made for the Great Military Camp at Goderich and it looks as if there will be a large number of troops on the grounds for the training, A despatch states that the counties of Lambton, Middlesex, Wellington, Wat- erloo, Bruce and our own county will be represented. The trip to Quebec has as yet not been decided upon, at least as far es tbe Regiments going are con- cerned, The Militia orders issued some time ago stated that only man who ,have one year at least at training woud be allowed to go. The training at Godes. Loh Would qualify for the trip, The local company, it is expected, will be up to full strength, Any young plan will be allowed to enlist for Goderich Camp. Capt. W, W. MacVicar will be in Bru5sels on t til x Cs and 25111 arranging for enrollment. }Itruoat•rss will be interested to know that the Huron Old Boys' Association in W the est is meetingwith great All who have friens iu te Wesco will help the movement along by sending names and addresses of snob friends to A. L. Simpson, Sec., box 765, Winni- peg, and any in the West who may read this notice are requested to send their names to. the Secretary for full infor- mation, F, A. Wood is the President and the other officers are: --1st Vice - President, Thos, P, Sell, Manager Bell Engine and Thresher Co. ; 21n1 Vlce- President, L. J. Elliott, Barrister Treasurer, 1, C, McGavlu, Merchants Bank Building ; Secretary, A. L, S im p • sa] Publisher,.toe KingStreet Ex- ecutive Committee, Henry BeAttle, A. G. Carter, Dr. H, S. Auderson, D. T. Gardner, G. H, Bissett and C, L, Fisher, W E Toting • Goal W McDonald ,. Beeks A Andereon.,,.,. W Stevenson W Henderson... HniPBnrofs R Brown W Millar W $endersou .: G Mollenald,,,,,, Forwards JRowley w A Lowry y T1150 A Smith J Pearson Stephenson1!' E BJ Pearson J aynard on I I:M o ler BEowiier ...,HDowte D Reuther W Downey Owing toa change in the schedaie the return game was played at Ethel Tues- day evening and was a great drawing card. The grounds were a trifle soft, owing to the downpour of rain, but the committee bad everything in good shape, Ebner Moore, of Winghanl, was referee. Brussels had underestimated their opponents in meeting them before so resolved to set the pace in the open- ing of the match, l.'bis they did so suc- cessfully that they scored three goals be- fore le hat time f im and kept the home boys s ao busy in the last half that Brnssels goal was never in danger. Owing to the death of Jas, McGillivray's brother, the At Good Ilab t to Cu t vote:.tl ,, ,.; `Phe way to iadependrnce is to reserve xamrthing from your aernings eve Y weeks then regularly deposit the amount ($1,00 will do to begin with) in the Savings Department of ltoset•ve Fund and U'ndi•yidad PY'o$tar $1s2411832,2 P The Metropolitan Bank Capital Ps.ld Up, $1,000,000,00 8 Interest on Savings Accounts allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year, • No delay in withdrawal. 775 Special attention given to FARMERS' BUSINESS. SALE NOTES Promptly Collected. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS Bought and Sold BRUSSELS BRANCH, • P. H. GILROY, Manager Liberal CONSEQVATIVE Meeting A meeting in the interests of MB. POLITER will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels Tuesday tv'g, June tad beginning at S o'clock, The candidate, Mr. Porter ; Rev. Joseph Elliott, B. A., of Goclex'ich, and other leading speakers will be present to address the meeting. All are cordially a invited to y be present. forward line was considerably weaken- ed in both games by Jim's absence but the same team was played as at Brnssels, excepting that Ashley Lowry took Herb, Lowry's place, Will. Hender- son, of Morris, and Will. Henderson, of town, were substituting and gave a good account of themselves. Ethel was considerably strengthened Tuesday by Will. Freeman, of Hamilton, and Jno. Gibson, of Mt. Forest, both of whom are exeelleat players. The game ended 3 to o in favor of Brussels, It was a good match and full of interest, A PoLrrxcAL meeting, open to the public in the interests of A. Porter, Con- servative standard bearer in Centre Hur- on, will be held in the town Hall, Brus- sels, next Tuesday evening, commenc- ing at 8 o'clock, The candidate, Rev. Joseph Elliott, of Goderich, and others are expected to give addresses. Church Chimes The Epworth League held a picnic on Victoria Day in Jas. Burgess' grove and had a good time. The pastor in the Methodist church last Sabbath morning preached from the text "Come and see." In the evening the topic was "The glory of this mystery." "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst fterrighteousness, a &c," was Rev. Mr. Wishart's text last Sabbath morning in Melville church, In the evening he continued the series on "Saul." The following ladies attended the W. F, M. S. Convention at Teeswater on Wednesday of last s ell from Melville church, Brussels, chaperoned ha eroned byRev. p A. C.Wishart, �B. A, the pastor :— Mesdames P.tuent, 'N. McLauchlin, D, Glassier, A. M. McKay, D. C. Ross, A, McGuire, I C. Richards, G. Thom- son, D. Moore, A. D. Grant and Miss M. Strachan. Au adjourned meeting of Maitland Presbytery will be held in Kincardine next Monday at x p. m., to consider the question of the resignation . of Rev. J, L. Murry, D. D. He has been pastor for over 30 years and desires to retire next Fall. The Dr, is upward of 7o years of age and has rendered splendid service as his congregation bears evi- dence. pignut LEAGUE.—The half yearly elec- tion of officers for the Junior League took place on May 6th and resulted as. follows: --Superintendent, Mrs. N. Mc- Cauley ; Asst. Supt, and Organist, Mrs, T. Johnston; President, Isabel Strachan'; ist Vice, 011a Armstrong ; Ind Vice, Fred, Wood ; 3rd Vice, Lloyd Jackson ; Secretary, Stella Gerry ,Prea , Vera Ainlay,� ook•ont CaraiPearl Dark, Elsie Cober, Garfield Jameson and Har- old Gerry ; Sunday School Com,. Vera Ainaly, ivlindred Smale and Carman Powell ; Floral Cotn., Hazel Lowry, Beatrice Curry. The League meets every Wednesday afternoon at 4.15, Visitors are cordially invited. People We Talk About bliss May Deadman was home from Torooto for Victoria Day. Mrs. Ament, of Seatorth, is visiting at her son's, P. Ament, Brussels, H. Riesberry, of Bright, is the new bsggageman at Brussels G. T. R. Thos. Moore was on the Melt list this week, something unusual for him. Robt Ross, � Of Kincardine, was calling g at the parental home hem last week. Miss Maud Hanna, of Winghanr, is the guest of Miss Margaret Ament. D. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Teeswater, g spent -a dayor SO in town last week. F. H Gilroy spent the Victoria holi- day with relatives at Mount Forest. Alfred and Edward Lowry wets at Loudon for a few days during the past week, Mrs. Watson Atnlay and Mrs, Heigh McIntosh spent a few days with Listowel friends, - Mrs. Leckie, Ivies, Strachan and' Mrs. Cameron enjoyed a few days with Listo- wel friends, Dr. McNeughton, of Fordwin, was in Brussels last Saturday shaking bands with many old friends, Miss Ella 1' lumen 1 Aa 1 returned to Chicago atter a visit with het• mother, Mrs. James Wilson, and other relatives, in Brussels and locality, . Brussels Greenhouse PLANTS AND FLOWERS Any quantity of 'Tomato, Cauli- flower, Celery and .Cabbage Plan ts. . Tomato Plants loom box or So a dozen loose, Fine Collection of Fln.vcring Plan Is. Choice lot of Go an in ins and Annuals for beddiug, Bosom or Japan Ivy can be put our any time in Summer -15, 20, 250 each. Floral Designs made to order. Agent for Dale's Cut Flowers, Miss Kelly, YT�P7`� W. J. Murray, f F.xe Exeter, was het' e on May 25th. H. M. Smith, of Goderich was in town on Friday. Miss Possis Mitchell was visiting rela- tives al Dundas, R. D. Cardiff, of Toronto, was here for Sunday and Monday. Miss Annie Gilchrist, of Winghanr, visited Miss Margaret McLauchlin J. H, McGuire, :of London, spent Victoria Day with friends in town. Miss Mabel ll F up ad and Mr. Moffatt, of Clintou, were in town on Sunday, V. S. Campbell, el n pb 1, of Hepworth, was visiting friends in town for a few days. Mrs. Pugh, of Wingham, was the guest of Mrs, R. Paul, Princess street. Miss Rhea Emigh and Miss Katie Amens were visiting at Walton last Mon- day. Miss Grainger, of Atwood was a visitor with uncle and aunts here last week. Misses Mary McClure and Annie Ross spent the holiday with Kincardine rela- ti ves. B, Wilson, wife and son, of Bright, were visitors. at James Elliott's, Mill street, Jno. and Miss Jean Habkirk and Miss Marie Forbes were visitors in Goderich for the holiday. - P. S. Roddy, - of the Standard Bank, took a run to Hamilton and Brantford during the holiday. Mrs. Hatbotrle, of Welland, was visit- ing her parents, 'no. and Mrs. Howard for a week or so. Gordon and Mrs. Hewer, of Brigclen, were visitors with W J. and Mrs, Faw- cett last Sett:m ay, They are old friends, Mrs. Morrow and her mother, at Mid- land, visited with the former's daughter Mrs. G. N, McLaren, in Brussels, during the past st weak. 1 W.F F. and Mrs. Stewart, wa of Guel b p were in town for a few days renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. N. F. Gerry is heir daughter, Councillor Seeker and Will. Ament were away to Preston on Victoria Day visiting the stock farm of Miss Wilkes, the noted horse owner. Mrs, David Ritchie and sons left Brus- sels this week for Saskatoon ,to rejoin husband and father who is farthing out there. Success to them, Miss Millie Grewar has gone to Bran- don, Mom, where Mlle has accepted a situation. She carries with her the good wishes Ot many friends. F. Fishleigh, father of Mrs. B. Gerry, who is over 85 years of age, is confined to his bed for the past two weeks with little probability of recovery. Old age is the chief cause. J. T. Ross, daughter and nephew, ✓ ernon Ross, spent Victoria Day at Chesley visiting the former's brother. There was a big colebratiou on in the town. Alex, McKelvey is hums from rTor- onto for a short visit. He returns to take a position aS House Surgeon and may take a special course in the Old Country, Mrs, Chas. Dodds and Miss Gertie Dunoan were visitors at John Pugh's at Mitchell. Roy Pugh was also home from Peterboro'. He has taken a posi- tion at St. Catharines, George Buchanan is home Irani the University, 'Toronto, for a brief visit be- fore leaving for Esteva n, Sask„ where he will teach for the Summer. He has completed his third year in Arts and we predict a bright career for him. W. J. Fawcett spent Victoria Day at Uarriston with his father. The old gentleman has been blind for several years a co is not able to do much getting about hence puts a high premium on the coining of his friends and relatives, Mrs, Will, Jamieson and son turned their Owes Westward and home- ward on Tuesday and expect to reach their home at Virden hlan., by the end of the week. We expect the happy daddy will think the baby a treasure, Last week a former old timer of this locaiity arrlyed in town from Kansas .for a visit in the parson of David Dob. son. It is 8 years since lie was here but he changes very little and although 78 years of age gets about as lively as a cricicet, Mr, Dobson has been in Kan - gas 21 years and nae done well, He lives in D'Alene now, 2 daughters and a son are married, He says things in Kansas C. a al's it] good n 1 ,ba With land shape w t la 1 rfcee c g uthea grade, Ml r. Dobson ' pekoe visiter,, He lived here for 34 years, tS ABUSHED 10'3 THESTAND BANK OF CANADA Head Office Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In out of death, the money -play be withdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or tall for further particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. i2. BRUSSELS BRANCH J. IG'. Rowland, Manager Branch also at Walton. Vern Ford, of Guelph, was a visitor at Mrs, John McKenzie's, his aunt, H, L. and Mrs. Jackson and Lloyd spent a few days with relatives et God. 'erleb,. Miss Isabel Strachan visited at Moore- field at Walter blues' over Victoria holiday. Miss Mildred Scott was holidaying with relatives at London and Ingersoll during the past wegk. Miss Eva Cober, of Moorefield,. and her brother Clarence were visitors with their grandparents in town. Misses Edith Colvin and Mend Stemn, of Stratford, were visitors at the form- er's parental home over Victoria bellday, Miss Theresa Cunningham, of God- erich, was the guest of her cousins, Misses Rlila and Jessie Cunningham, Brussels. • Miss Claudia Brown, of Winghanl, and Miss Nessie Brown, of London, visited over the holiday with their grandmother, Mrs, Geo, McKey and Miss McKay, s �a , A. E. Mellish, of. Pe r li t o a, formerly of the Metropolitan Bank here, accompani- ed by Mrs. Mellish, was calling ou old friends in Brussels during . the Victoria Day holiday, Mrs, Leslie O'Connor anti son, St, Clair, of Thorold, were visitors at Post- master Farrow's for a few clays. The former is Mr. Farrow's daughter and a former resident. W. F. Scott, of Ottawa, was in .town this week renewing old frieudships. He was attending the races in Toronto and continued his trip to Brussels, He was a former resident for years. N. 13, and Mrs, Gerry and children left Brussels this week for Fort William where Mr. Gerry will open a hardware store. Many old friends in this locality will be glad to hear of their prosperity. The Blyth stock was shipped to Fort William. Ethel Circuit Convention. was taken charge of by W. H. Kerr, of Tsnc Powr who dealt with numerous queries as to Missionary and Temper- ance work, the boy problem, &c, Mis, and Mr. Wilson and F. Bennett weve called upon or a musical number and responded with a choice trio.. The united choirs gave two choruses, the last being most appropriate "Life time is working time and the Nation- al Anthem and Benediction brought to a snccessful conclusion a' Oonven- tion 'enjoyable and helpful. Miss Laura Spence and Mvt. Wilson pre- sided at the organ most competently. The collections will bo applied to cir- cuit purposes atter the necessary ex- penses are deducted. President Mc- Donald is the Superintendent of Ethel Methodist school, and should make an efficient and industrious official head in the forthcoming year's work. Many a time 25 cents is spent as ad- mission to a sacred concert whose pro - gran] was not at all comparable to the Pleasin musico lbilloffar e presented Monday evening. A very pleasant evidence of unanixnity and kindliness between the members of the three ap- pointments was not wanting and good will assuredly accrue from these Con- tentions. The pastor was thoroughly interested in the various details of the gathering and aided in no inconsider able degree in the successful issue of the gathering. BORN HAxsm.—In Brussels, on May 20th, to Er, and Mrs. W. B. Hoist, of Atwood, a son. MODowae .—In Brussels, on May 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDowell, a daughter, Mcosnme2.—In Morrie an May lady to Mr, and Mrs. Milton Me'V'ettie, a sots. DIED KEegan.—In Ethel, on May 26th. Aaron Hoffer, aged 68 yearn. 2 months and 8 days. by ui.—Tn Morris, on May 24th, Jeanet Leach - land, relict of the late Gilbert Speir, in her 8815 year. AUCTION SALES l!RT1SAY, Sass 6on.—Iferm, farm stook, im- _ elements, &c„ at Lot 20, Con. 0, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Clens. Evelelgh, prop. ; V, S. Scott, SABBATH SCHOOL WOOERS HALLY. au • Monday, as per announcement, the annual circuit Sabbath school Conven- tion was held in the Methodist church here and was an occasion of interest and profit although the attendance at the afternoon session might have been larger. J. McDonald, conducted the opening exercises after which the President, Robert McKay, presided with neatness and dispatch. The various topics were well handled and evoked animated and practical discus- sions. Among the subjects presented were :—"The aim of S. S. teaching," by Thos. Dougherty ; "Home Depart. lxient , Miss L. Br a ns The new Adult Bible le C lass ' James a Pearson I "The essential elements of a successful S. S.," J. K, Baker. Musical exercises were interspersed and the afternoon gathering concluded at 5 . m, with the appointment of a Nominating Committee. A tasty lunch was serv- ed in the Township Hall after which the company enjoyed a free and easy time, base ball andfoot ball occupying an hour or more or gooclly number of the young People. The evening session attracted a crowded house, many not being able to sectue seats, Jno. Bryans was in charge of the song service lead by the massed choirs of Ethel, Union and Roe's churches which .was .most in- spiring: Rev. George Baker, of Blue - vale, offered prayer and the pastor, Rev. John Henderson;,. took the chair and piloted the program through in first class style. Report of the Nomi- nating Committee was presented and adopted and bhe officiary for the next year will 1 be : Pres , Jno:'McDonald ee.Miss Lizzie B 1ya ns Treas., Sain'l, Chambers Executive Conn„ J. K. Baker, R. Carr, Joseph Ames,Tilos. Dougherty and B. Jackson. The President and Secretary were felicitously introduced and .fittingly responded, Mr, Chambers, the faith- ful Treasurer, was unable to be present through illness. "March, I4laroh .Away' was well sung by the union choirs, "The S. S. and Temperance" was practically yet briefly setforth by B. Jackson, Three points were out- lined (1) How to reach : (2) How to teach ; (8) How to hold. J, IC. Baker, R. McKay and the pastor took part in the discussion. All agreed on prom- inence being given to the pledget the necessity of increased activity and fah play bYt the parliaments. eats, Uni ou church choir did themselves credit by the anthem they sung. Miss Elsie Pomeroy gave a reading "Trouble in the Amen Corner" in 11lea in p s g man- ner, "Colpo Holy Spirit" was the title of aMuet sung by Messrs. ,]ones and Stagg with good effect which will. en50re a welcome balk. Rev, Mzs Baker's address was thoughtful, hope- ful and explicit, his theme being "Re- ward of Service." He sucoeecled in condensing into a few minutes many cheerful thoughts that should stimu- late the toilers in the vineyard who heard them. Four rewards he re- ferred to were :—(1)The conscientious eonvir'tinn in attempting work 1 (2) Diligence and attention of pupils; .((8) Conversion of scholars ; (1) The promise an l ultimate mato 11n, o ' S&1 45 077 of Heaven, Anthem by Ethel ohoir was well chosen and received an apprecia- tive hearing. The Question Drawer DR, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon, graduate of Toronto Univer- sity Office over . T. Rosa' grocery, Brussels. Will Jopen Monday, June 815, fall ?gaper Bernuaots Wit have just gout) oyer our Wst]1 Paper Rack and have picked out some very nice Remnants suitable for small rooms of every description which we have bundled up and offer at prices iu many cases much below wholesale price. Just the thing for Kitchens, Panttys, Closets, &;c., at 9 DRUG STORE BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat $0 SO $0 110„ Oats 48 60 Peas ................. ,... , 80 80 Barley ........................... en no Potatoes 45 18 Eggs 16 10 HHogs 675 I60 75 NV 10 12 Go to4..,_ The Star Grocery For nice, clean. fresh Groceries at the - following prices Corn . roe a can or 3 Gnus for 25c Peas toe a can or -3 cans for 270 Tomatoes 13c a can or 2 cans for 251 L. Salmon20C A Call Eagle Brand Salmon 55c a can Northern Coast Salmon ... 100 a can Green Japan Tea......25c a lb. or 5 lbs. for $1,20 Black Tea est alb. or 5 lbs. for $1.20 Green japan 28c " 5 $1.35 Black Tea 280" Salada Tea.,300 a pound St•35 Good Bread always an hand. Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the village. Butter and Eggs Trade or Cash W. T. Spence GROCER ETHEL. Brussels Da -li ht Stare • G. N. McLaren n May Sale of kithn Special Offering in Men's and Boys' Clothing for May, 3. we have one of the largest and best stocks of Ready-to-wear Clothing in this section. They FR Right, Styles are Right and -wear well. We ask you to compare qualities and prices. sommumartimaimemmesmaiummair Men's Suits $ 5 0o to $16 00 Young Men's Suits 5 00 to 12 oo Youths' 3 -piece Suits Youths' 2 -piece Suits Boys' 2 -piece Suits Men's Topper Coats Men's Rain Coats Men's Odd Pants Boys' Knicker Pants 375to 700 3• oo to 5 00 2 00 t 450 7Soto I00o 3 0o to lo 00 x oo to 3 5o 35 to 100 Complete Stock tock Nn Boats and Shoes At Lowest Prices Our StockOf Flats and hen's furnishings are the Latest and Best on the Market. HIGHEST FRiCE5 FOR HOME ■ Ili Goods Right or Your Money Back McLaren