HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-28, Page 6YOUNG FOLKS j(S 0 LITTLE WATER PEOPLE, Uncia t eery was sitting by the kitchen fire,, with Jessie on ono Iwo and Tam on the ranter. ;"here was a. wearing tiro in the stove, and by and by the big tea- kettle begat to sing. At first It was a soft, low Srtnnming, end then. It rose to a sweet Mlle song that sounded like some one whistling away off in the distance; and it kept getting louder and louder, as if be were coming nearer; and then 11 was almost like a scream, and the cover of the ket- tle began to bob up -and down. It was such a funny noise that Tom and Jessie both laughed, "What makes the kettle sing that way? What does it make that noise for?" asked Jessie. - "Why," said Uncle henry, "that is the Little Water People asking to be let AUL" "The Little Water People!" cried both the chMldren together, "What aro they? bo they live in the teakettle? We never heard of them 'before," "Well," said Uncle ,Henry, "I can't tell you what they look like, ,because nobody has ever seen them, but we know they are there because we see what they do. "They are very funny Little People— .'o email that hundreds and hundreds AS them can live in a teaspoonful of voider and have plenty of room." ItDo they always' live in the water?" attired Jesele. 'Yes, always in the water. \Vhen it iscold they keep perfectly still, They neer sing or talk or shout then, But when the water begins to get hot, then tip Little People rush around every way, trying to get out. I! they and they are shut in, they begin to sing a little h semg, all together.lar. in ai I to n votes: 'Oh,lease lot Y, piping gP ur out! It's very warm in here. 1 mese let us out!' That song Is very pretty Pe hear, because all the people are po- lite, and say please. "But in a little while, if you don't do anything, they begin to shout in a loud- e•voice: 'Let us out! Let us mutt Let es out! Let us out!' And then the Lit- tle People begin to scream and climb up on each other's shoulders, and jump over each other, to get out. "A few of them squeeze through un- der the lid of the teakettle, and others come through the spout; but they can't get out fast enough that way. They are lice the boys ever at Tommy's school, when they ell try to get through the door at the same time." "But what if'ou 3 dant let them out? ,\Vha6 do yShey tie than?" "Weel, they all bend their heads down and get their backs end sllguld,rs against the' under side of the kettle cov- er and dress hard with their hands. rfid Tree they give a great shout and push all together, and lift 'the lid a 1!t- t1r way. And every lime they do that a lot of them get out." - - '"lhey are doing it nowt" cried Jessie, eagerly, as the kettle cover bobbed up end down. "Are they good or bad people?" asked Tommy, "They are pool," his uncle answered. 'I' Lhcy are shut up in strong iron pre san-houses, where they cannot get out, they wilt work hard day and night. They are so strong when they work to- gether that they can do mere Than a thousand inen. It is these Little People of the Water who pull all the big trains of ears and push all the steamboats," "I wish 1 could see them or catch tame of them." said Tommy; and be- fore Uncle Henry could step him, he ad stretched his hand out to the tea- ettle cover. He drew it back very uiclsly. "Yes," said Uncle Henry, "they are good, but sometimes we get in their ray, and Lhsn they give us trouble.'— Youih's Companion. SLEEPING IN FACE OF ENEMY. Uncontrolablle Desire in Situations 01 Great Tension. It es not an unknown thing for a sol- dier to fall asleep even when osten- sibly taking an active part in an ac. tion, says Lha British Medical Journal.. A ease in point is supplied by an in- teresting communication from a Lon- don surgeon who served in South M- elee. He writes: Any one who has sten men in situa- Lions of great tension knows that some of them— in fact a small minority of then—may be overcome by an =con- trollable ncontr;llable desire to sleep. 1t affects some hien mare than others. At Henning epruil, lune, 1000, the writer happened to die the only surgeon on the spot When Col Bullock (now Gen. Bullock) Pas attacked for about nine hours by a Boer force double his own in num- ters, better armed and assisted by ar- tillery. We were without this invalu- able assistance. The Boors failed to take the post, During the attack the writer visited a trench in which one man was badly bit pad another was lying apparently dead, except that he had not the color of a man killed in. action. The writer turned him over to get a better look at ni him and found the man had been emend asleep; and this was not the only Ease of sleeping that day. Col. Bullock's force were called upon to repel an attack at about 7 a. ne on panpl.y stomachs, wore obliged to lie face downward in shallow trenches and en- ure the -shell and rifle flee from all ut lnvieible foes, and in the sun, after o slrepietos night of travel in railway trucks, a few of them went to sleep. rho main cause, the writer believes, was tiro tension of the situation in the iesence of active physical exertion, The writer felt the same desire for Amp, but active employment kept him 'wake. The wountled,except the, most leverely wounded, soon sureumbed to Nee loaut'Cui action of this natural 9nars thea c. ABOUT PAPERHANGERS. Wo don't ]snow what it is to have 4 ryeienr *it our home, hue we clou't believe It could 'mike more muss about Ila place fieri llho poems hangers do. FARMS FOR SALE.. "Arcola Farms and Moos. Mountain Banishes. Farms strong, permanent and well located, Terms to suit any permit cal farmer. Improved farms $15 to $25 per acre. Ranches $3.40 to $6 per acre, Mortgages and Land Agreements for sale. Tho Coolc Brothers, Arcata, Stasi(, Write to -day. Improved Farm, 640 acres of splen- did wheal land, a rich chocolalo loan 011 a etas, subsoil. Sixteen miles from Warner, a thriving Lown on 1111 A, I1. 35 1, Co.'s road forty-eight miles south o1 Lethbridge, fifty acne cultivated, house of seven rooms, stable for eleven horses, all fenced and cross -lathed, Price $17 per acre. Terns eight dollars cash and balance easy, Also unimproved land In selected districts at from eight to fifteen dollars per acre, If interested let me furnish you with full particulars. Av-e erage yield last year, 95 bushels wheat pee acre. Not one bushel of frozen grain raised in the Lethbridge District, T. E. PATTESON.h LM blid{,e, A14n. AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in ever city and town In Canada with waterworks to sell a patent article needed iu every home, hotel and public building, Sells at sight, Hustlers can and aro making 56,00 a day Write at once for ' particulars, Geo. T. Cole, Owen Souud, Ontario. FEATHER DYEING Oloantos end Oerlln5 and Aid alar.. oleanod. Theq Oen bo.00t 1, 80.0,105.5 or, this 0,.t el.oel. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL WANTEDEffel to hear from owner haling GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about location. Please givo prion and description, and roe. eon for ceiling State when posseceiun can be had, will deal with 0150050 only, L. Darbyshire, Box 084, Rochester, N. Y, F EE BO a " HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Tells how a young man saved the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and investor should read this book. Not for sale. Sent free on request. Your name on a postal will bring it. Write to -day R. W. DAILEY 361 Beltway axohange Bldg., Denver, Delo. Zhe U1' 50,0 GId �v �3+roa CANOE CO. r •�•sUCCE55al(.�Te dYTifR10 CA.S'aC CO PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Best an8 Cheepeat Canoes .670`,,,Lsrtnches Eta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING THOUGHT IT FLIPPANT. The brave ship was wallowing in the waves that threatened to engulf her at any moment. Hastily the captain or- dered a box of rockets and flares to be brought to the rail, and with his own hands ignited a number of them, in the hope that they would be seen and the passengers and crew rescued. Amid) tic rackets' red glare a tall, thin, austere individual found his way with dif ieully to the rail and spoke to the captain. "Captain,' said he, "I protest against this dare -devilishness. We are now fac- ing death. This is no time for a fire- work display." A. J. PAT'FSSON & CO. Weekly Market Leiter, A. J. Pattison & 0o. in their weekly news letter to clients, report as tolluws: Tho municipal Bond market has been more active during the week than for some time past. Large blocks of muni- cipal Bonds have been taken up for in- vestment to yield from 5 to 534 per Bent. The Stock market, both in Toronto and New York, has shown unusual ac- tivity and advances in prices for the higher class of dividend payers was in a number of cases substantial. Some of the changes were from 5 to 8 points. The evidence of returning confidence in gen- eral conditions and the unprecedented nem:mutation of money at financial cen- ters are factors ]n these results. We look for temporary recessions, but feel that purchases of the better class of stocks can be profitably made. The mining stock market has experienced very marked activity in the developed properties. Trolhewey, Foster, Silver Leaf and Crown Reserve advanced from 5 to 8 points on increasing shipments of ore, Several of the most prominent mines have, for some time been making large and ,profitable shipments and it is ex- pected that some of these will '1e places on a dividend basis within a short time, Teethevoy and Foster appear to be well managed and are making an excellent showing, Following are the weekly shipments from Cobalt camp, and those from Janu- cry laL to date: Week ending May 0111 since' January 1st Buffalo 46.200, 563,810, Carriages 380,• 910, Cobalt Lnlec 180,610, Crown Reserve 40,0(50, Cobalt Central 107,180, City ,, Cobalt 338,600, Drummond 02,940, Faster 10,800, 238,400, Kerr Lake 830,710, King Married 127,240, La hose 40,000 1,001.- 652, ,001;65t McKinley 60,000, 1,183,000, Nipissing 112,240, 1.230,870, Nova Scotia 120,700 Nancy Ilelen 140,420, O'Brien 127,500, 1, 163,010, Right of Way 60,470, 120,080 Provincial 143,21.0, Standard 30,730, Sil- ver Queen 524.200, Silver Cliff 52,000, 511 ver Leaf 132,800, Towesite 85,100, Ternis- lfaming 237,250, Temlekaming 1•I. ' & B. 590.000, Teethewey 670,016, Watts 114,- 430. TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT. "Ali wish ter announce befoh do col- lcxshun am taken up's" said Parson Snowball, "dat Ah has totally cenval- escated from de cold dat Ah had las' week, Dorfoh hit will not bo steces- sahry toh do congregashun ter put no moll oough tozeingahs in de contribus- fin box dis muwnin'," A Wide Sphere of Usefulness.—The cousumpLlon of Dr. Thomas' Weenie OD has grown to great proportions. Not- withstanding the fact that it leas now been on the market for ever thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that period has very greatly increased, 11 is beneficial in all countries, and wherever introduo- e,i flesh supplies are constantly asked for, Mrs, N. Peoic—"Sir] Before I married J'ou 1 was used to having the best of everything," Mr. N. Peek—"And you dc still, my dear. For when 1 propose ed you said that I was everything to you, and ever since you've ahvays got the Hest of me." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol. ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never tails. Sold by all druggists. The colony of Barbary apes on Gib. railer, the only one in Europe, Is re- gareled as sacred, apd none of the ani- mals may be killed. How to Cleanse the - System, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of scientific study of the effects of extracts of certain roots and herbs upon the di- gestive organs. Their use has demon. striated in many instances that they re- gulate the action of the Iver and the kidneys, purify the blood, and carry of all morbid accumulations from the sys- km. They are easy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial. NOT CURIOUS. A certain employer of lobor had re- ceived many oolnplaints from his fore- man as to one of the hands, who, though an excellent workman, and one whom it were undesirable to disnhiss'al- tog:hler, could never be induced to ar- rive at the proper time in the morn- ing. So the -employer, determining to ex- postulate with the offender personally, arrived early one morning and laid in wait for him. Ln due lithe the dilatory one strolled in and was accosted wrathfully: "Do you know what time we begin work here in the morning?" "No, sir," was the calm reply, "1 know they're ahvays at it when I get here." I ELLS OF BAB/HOOD - AND OF CHILDHOOD The ills of babyhood and childhood are many and may .prove serious if not promptly cured. In homes where Baby's Own Tablets are kept there is a prompt cure at hand for such troubles as indi- gestion, sour stomach, colic, conslipa- , diarrhoea, worms, teething troubles and other minor eiiments and the Tab- lets can be adminLstored as safely to a new born baby as to the well grown child, Mrs. Octave Paulin, Caraquet, N. ii„ says: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets ableis for Loth my little boy and girl for the various ailments of childhood and have found them always a splendid me- dicine. No mother should be without the Tablets in the home-" Sold by medi Wee dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cie., Brockville, Ont, ONE ADVANTAGE. "1 m glad I m not like man," remarks The oyster with a snicker. `t simply can't get in a broil As long es I am in liquor," Not a Nauseating P11- 1.—Tho excipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds this ingredients and slakes up the pill mass, That of Parmeloe's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without Impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in pow- ders, which prove nauseating to tie (este. Parncelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. "Why do so many of you go round playing together?" the schoolboy asked Lhe leader of tie German band. "It vas safer," was the thoughtful reply of the music -loving foreigner,' SCALD HEAD is a dlsguating and obstinate' disease, frequent In children. Treatment: Per. fent cleanliness and a, generous application of Weaver' Cerate. Mothers will be glad to learn this, It's easy for the defeated candidate who was promised the support of his friends to believe King David was right wean ho said "All men are liars.' Spm° time ago an office boy, answer- ing first time in telephone the hone p thefore his life, and not knowing how to use R. was told that, when the bell rang, he was to answer it. When, therefore, lie heard U. ring, he picked up the re- ceiver and shouted: "Hello! Whos there?" Tho answer came back: "Pm one hundred and five." "Go on," said the boy. "It's time you were dead." De Long --"I hear you are hunting for a rich wife." Shortie!glu--"Right you are," De Long—"Bag anything?" Short- leigh—"Nothing but my trousers." ii ®ca The latest suCCesS. �'d The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2265` BLOOD MAKING TONIC TREATMENT A. Ouse for Anemia That is Show- ing Remarkable Proofs of Cures in Stubborn Oases. When the body becomes wealc and run down, either from overwork, worry or severe illness, an examination al the blood would show i1 to bo weak and watery, This condition is called tome ntla, which Is the medical term for "bloodlessness." The common symptoms are paleness of the lips, gums and cheeks, shortness of breath and patet. tatlon of the heart after the slightest exertion, dull eyes and loss of appetite. Anaemia itself is a dangerous disease anti may gradually pass into consump- tion, It can only be cured by treating 113 cake—which is the poor condition of the blood. Tho blood must be made rich and red, thereby enabling it to car- ry the necessary nourishment to every part of the body. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great- est medicine in the world for making new, rich blood and they have been curing anaemia and other blood diseases for nearly a generation, and are now re- cognized the world over as an invalu- able household remedy. Mrs. D. Estabrook, Brooklyn Road, N B., says:—"My daughter Gertrude,', who is now in her sixteenth year, was sickly from early childhood, we were constantly doctoring for her, but it did not seem to help her in the least. In fact es she grew older she semcd to grow weaker. She was always pale and listless, suffered from headaches, dizziness and palpitation of the heart, She did not rest at night, and would often toss and moan the whole night. Finally she had to discontinue going to school, and as she was continually tak- ing doctors' medicine without benefit I grew dLscoura , ed and feared we would. s lose her. Friends urged us to give her Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and I finally decided to do so. By the time she had taken three boxes there was an improve- ment, and a little later she was able to return to school. From that on she grew stronger, had an excellent appe- tite, slept well at night, and is now as healthy a girl as you will see. I be- lieve that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life, and as a mother I would re- commend these pills to every family in which there are young girls. All medicine dealers sell these pills, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or sex boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. 0-- TI•IOUGHTFUL MAN. A lady who is subject to heart dis- ease took tea last Sunday with a neigh- bor, and while silting at table her hus- band rushed in without a hat and in his shirt -sleeves. "Be calm!" he exclaimed hurriedly to his wife; "don't excite yourself—you know you can't stand excitement, and it might he worse!" "Good gracious!" cried the wife; "Lhe children--" "They're all right. Now, Mary, don't get excited; keep calm and cool 1t can't be helped now; we must bear thea visitations of Providence with phil- osophy," "Then it's mother!" gasped the wife. "Your mother's sale. Get on your things, but don't hurry or worry. lt's too late to be of any use, but I'll fly hack ens' see what I can do. I only came to tell you not to get excited." "For mercy Saks," implored the al- most fainting woman, 'tell mo the worst!" "Weil, if you will have it, the con- sequences be on you own head, Mary. I've tried to prepare you, and if you will know—don't excite yourself; try and keep calor—but our kitchen chimney's on fire, and all the neighbors are In our front garden!" She survived. Cucumbers and melons are "forbidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medi- cine that will give immediate relief, and Is a sure cure for all summer com- rner complaints. "That lady," said the new assistant, "wished to know if these eggs were fresh. How do I tell when eggs are not fresh?' "You don't," replied the grocer. Why not keep up your home with a bright cheery appearance, It mime everybody happy, jt makes you happy. Ba noay'e paints are happy paints. They make things clean and new and give longer life to the home. Lott, your dealer show you the colore with suggeetidne bow to do It, Write A. Ramsay do Son Ca, Montreal, for pack of picture post nerds of Homes. Old Gentleman—"Have you no fam- ily ties?' Willie -"Oh, yes, sir! Father makes me wear all his old ones]" Corn Cure is a Holloway's specific for the removal el corn's and warts. We have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind. READY TO RISK IT. Dinner was a little late, so a guest asked the hostess to play something, Seating herself at the piano, the lady executed a very classical composition with precision, She finished and there was still an interval of waiting to be bridged, In the silence she turned to an old gentleman, who was sitting near the piano, and said, "Would you like a so- nata before dinner?" He gave a start of surprise and plea- sure. "Why, yes, thanks," he said, "I bad a couple on my way here, but 1 thine 1 could take another. EASY. "Carl any BUM boy," asked 1110 11ew Leacher, "tell me the difference between a lake and an ocean?" "1 .can," replied Edward, 'Whose vor- %non had been learned from experieliee "Lakes are .much pleasanter to swallow viten you Call ln,' HOUSES CATCII CONSUMPTION, Become Saturated With Va'lous. Dis- ease Germs. Tho Paris municipal council has just Made the alarming discovery that some 'hundreds of houses to the wonting -class districts of the city are smitten with consumption. This means that they aro literally dwellings of death, since any, body inllabttaltng ono aof them for any length of lime is practically certain to catch the complaint. That butid,ings can become saturated with disuse germs after this fashion has long teen known to medical men, "Gen - se' houses," for instance, were dlscov. erect by i41r, Semmes Smith in the Line celeshire Fens, England, and elsewhere, which were literally oaten up with this enost terrible of melodies. Another, In. slanted by Mr, D'Arey Power, claimed tor victims three tenants, who inhabited It ono after another. It was then set light to by the landlord, and burnt all standing together with everything that It contained. Plague, too, has been proved to in- fect certain dwellings after a like fash- ion. In one ease, mentioned in a re- cent report of the Indiun Commission- ers, a large tenement house in Bombay was so badly diseased that 1L meant death to anyone rash enough to enter It It was, therefore, boarded up, and remained empty for over a year. Then Iwo families of vagrant beggars, num- bering eleven persons in all, broke in, and took up their abode there without the knowledge of the authorities. With- in a week not one of them was left alive. Perhaps, however, the most extraor- dinary instance in point is afforded by the case of Amber, the ancient capital of Jeypore, which contracted leprosy so badly that no one would dwell with- in its walls who could help it, for fear of infection. So, eventually, Jey Sing, •the then rajah, ordered a general exodus ;rt all the inhabitants that were left alive, The edict was duly carried out, and Thom that day to this the city has re- mained unPeo ] d a prey to loathe - some disorder that recent experience has shown to still linger in its silent streets and deserted squares. d• SLIGI-IT MISTAKE, Jim was the village neer-do-well; al- ways in some scrape or other, nothing daunted by repeated thrashings admin- istered to him by his father. At the age of fourteen he ran away to sea, but was glad enough to return borne again at the end of six months, hav- ing had a. very rough time of it. On the second day after his return, he was walking, or, rather, limping, through the village when he met the parson, who stopped him. "Well, Jim," said the minister, "glad ter see you've come back home. Did your father kill the 'fatted calf?'" "No, sir," replied- Jim, "but he- very. nearly killed the prodigal son." —off 9 YEARS BAD LEG HEALED BY ZAM-BUIL. Mr. C. Johnson, of Poplar (1111 Creek, Athabasca Landing, Alta., says: "About nine years ago a running sore com- menced on my right leg caused by a ruptured blood vessel. As limo went on it got worse and my sufferings were intense. I had a very sore leg indeed, and had very small hopes of ever see- ing it healed, in fact I was told -by sev- eral who had known such sores that I would suffer with it for life. When 1 - was almost in despair I heard of Zam- Iluk and commenced using it. Other salves I had used caused me much suf- fering, but Zem-Buts soothed. the pain, and as soon as the wound became clean it was only a matter of -theca or four cloys before it was healed." ' Zam-Buk cures outs, burns, pimples, ulcers, ringworm, and all slain dis- eases. All steges and druggists, 50e box, or from Zam-Buts Co,, Toronto. SHE SQUINTED. SQUINTED. A schoolmistress asked a child what S -e -e spelt. The child hesitated. "What Gs I do when I tools at you?' said the teacher. "Thquint," replied the pupil. Pale, sickly children should use Mo- ther Graves' , Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in chlldrgn and. should be expelled from the system. Few men have their faces on ,bank- notes, but most of us are satisfied if penrnilted to get our hands on them. WEAR WATERY 41LOOD causes mach trouble. That tired feeling and many more symptoms follow in its wake. Try h'errovim." It 1s the best tonic to make you strong and well All druggists nen it. Looking ep from his magazine, an Essex farmer said vehemently to his wife one night: "Do you know what I'd have done if 1 had been Napoloon?" "Yes; the woman ' answered. "You'd hove settled down in Corsica, and spent your life grumbling about bad luck ami. hard tines.'' The house -surgeon of a big hospital was startled one morning re0enty by the request of a young girl patient for an extra allowance of butter, "But why, pray?' he demanded, "don't you get sufficient?" "Well, sir,'' she explained, "you see, my sweetheart is corning to see me to -day, and I want my hair to look nice" ISSUE. NO. 21-48. A Special Sale -1t -AT— BARGAIN PRICES - Did you ever decide that if you purchased an organ, you would like any C01, tain make of instrument? If so, you will probably And it on this list. Every organ 1s an exceptionally good one and is priced away below usual eoll- ing values. An early order is advisable to secure the organ of your choice. .Bettor send your second and third choices in case the first should bo sold before your older is received. TERMS OF PAYMENT—Organs under 850-55 cash, and 53 por month without in tercet. Organs over 050-610 cash and 84 per month without Interest, A discount of 100/ for Dash. TERMS OF SALE Every organ fully guaranteod,l Every organ shipped subject to approval. Wo pay the return freight if not fully satisfactory. A handsome stool accompanies each organ. B ELL-5.octavo organ,, by W. Boll & Co., Ouolph, In attractive wglnut ones 0 with music rank and lamp etande; hag 10 stops, 2 Beta of roods in the 11 treble and ono in the bees, coupler and knee well. Special Salo Price DOMINION-5.oetavo organ, by the Dominion Co., Bowmanvillo, in solid wal- nut ease with extended top; has 8 stops 2 seta of roods in the treble and 413 0 ono in the bass, lamp stands, 2 knee awere, oto. Special Sale Price W c KARN-5•oatave organ, by D. W. Kern k Go., Woodstock, in very handsome Wal• nut ease attraotively carved and panelled; has lamp stands, music rack, 9 stops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in tbo base, couplers, 2 knee $45 swells. Special Sale Price .....................:.... ,...... DOHERTY—A vary handsome 5 octave walnut organ, by W. Doherty & Co., Clinton; has 12 stops, 2 sots of reads throughout, lamp ataads, mueio reek, 514 2 couplers and 2 knee swells. Special Salo Price ............................... DOMINION—A very handsome organ, by The Dominion Go„ Exhibition model design of case, mirror, brackets aad cupboard for music under the musio desk; has 10 stops, 2 sots of roads throughout, coupler and 2 knoo molls43[fi p 6 ecial Sale Price WUO SHE LOCWMANNINC— r 1 n Sherlock -Man - fling R A very beautiful b•ootavo orgy by this oc ping 0o., London, with high back, attractively carved, with mirror; has 13 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, mouse -proof 4160 pedals. IIsod leap than six months. Special Salo Price .. ;Pup THOMAS-6.oetay° walnut pfano•caso organ, by Tho Thomas Organ Co., Wood• stook, with mirror, rail top and fret•earved panels; has 11 stops, 2 sets of 1fl3 reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price ,,.,........ DOHERTY-6-ootave piano -ease organ, by The Doherty Co., Clinton, in ebon- ffip ized oasis, with mirror top and lamp stands; has 11 stops, 2 Bete of reeds p l throughout, couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price .................... B ELL -6 -octave pinnaces° organ, by W Boll d; Co., Guelph. in attractive will. nut naso with mirror, rail top and Prot -carved panels; has 11 stops. 2 sots I83 of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, Special Salo Price .. 0 D OMINION -6 -octavo piano -case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co, Bowman- ville, in solid walnut case, with carved panels and mirror rail top; has full length music desk, lamp stands, mouse -proof pedals. oto.; hits 11 .tope, 2 Bets of rends throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Cannot be told 088 from new. Special Salo Price ............. ........... W THOMAS -6 -octave piano -eerie organ, by The Thomas Organ Ca., Woodstock, la handsome mahogany case with mirror, rail top and attractive marque- try design in the panels; has 12 stops including couplers, vox humane, ate., 2 complete sets of reeds, knee eweI1s, mouse -proof pedals, eta, $87 alightly used instrument. Special Salo Price t9 SHERLOCK-MANNING—A very beautiful Sherlock -Manning organ inmahogany ones, double veneered and piano finished throughout, with full length plain panels and music desk; has 13 stops, 2 sate of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, mouse -proof pedals, etc. Used less than a year. $88 SpecialSale Price.......................................................... DOMINION—Six octavo piano case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co„ in hand- some solid walnut ease with mirror, rail top and full swing carved panel; has 11 stops,including couplore, vox humans, ole., 2 complete sets of A reeds, mouse -proof pedalo, nmoisier folding pedal cover, oto. Special Sale WW1 Price .................................................... .......................... ESTEY—Six octave piano ease organ, by the Eetey Organ Co., Brattleboro, Vt. This superb make of inetrumont. "the standard of the world in organ build. ing," is in solid walnut ease with carved panels, 11 stops, 2 acts of reeds throughoutPrice , 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. •Used loss than a year. Special Sale 105 ...................... .. COURLAY, :4, INTER ISO Y©NHE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. A. J. PATTISO 3ES...a...I403ECDEifib, 0. 33 Scott St„ Toronto, Phone, blain 1311 Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-2% always on hand in amounts to suit investors requirements, Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin on New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges. Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, Foster and all other Cobalt stocks executed for cash in New 'York and Toronto. Correspondents—Chas. Head & Co., Members of New York and Boston stock exchanges. WANT Our readers to note that the cerebrated French remedy, PANGO, which has been and Is sold under a guarantee --that in cases where the outward application, es directed, falls to relieve pain, Moneys paid will be refunded—still stands. In net case, not- withstanding otwithstanding the largo ane increasing sale, has a refund hens asked for, Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, stiff joints, etc, Asic your druggist for a sample and do net accept a substitute. You will'ba pleased with it. Pelee 25 and 50 cents. The Pango Company, Toronto or wholesale Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, Limited, Toronto. Lyman Bros, &-Co., Motntrealy 'Toronto. v. ,4 A3