HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-28, Page 5SUPERIORITY,
thgrougltuaes, pttgreaslve
utility, enthueteem, exp 1'r
are our watchwords. Oon
t:6f newt Stenography, Telegraphy,
A_ Mud Uourses in any 1,u
Win¢hamPueinoea oat
(leo. SPotton,.
Principal. s
3,w.AaWatt/.L2.vvACO5itiS v t ilea
Teacher of Piano or Organ
K. o r M.
liroaeols Tent of the Maooahoes, No. 24
hold their regular meetings In the Lodge
Itoont Saeger Block, ou the 101 and 8rd
Tuesday evenings of earth month,
Visitors always wolomno,
A, SO BARS, Coni, A, MoGDI1ZE. R. S,.
Agent I3owick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Moe and Roeldenee—
1 • BEn, will sell for butter prides, to
better met, in lose time end lase Chargee
than any ether Auctioneer In East Huron or
he won't oh ergo anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at this ogles or by
personal applioatlon,
Auctioneer for. Huron County.
Torras reasonable. Salus arranged for
et the oMoe of Tag Pon, Brussels. 22tt
VI• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet -
winery College, Is prepared to treat all die-
eeeee of domesticated animals in a compet-
entmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry mid ruv r Calla
promptly o alt North to. oe and IrtLLarty
—Four doors North or bridge,Tuuberry
Brussels. 'Phone 47 k
P 1' • Barrister, Bolioitox, IOonveya0oer,
Notary Nubile, &a. Unice—Stewart's Sloth
L door North of Central Hotel.
Soneitur for the Metropolitan Bank.
W. Pnonnroo3, II. O. R. 0, Hyo
OBicee—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
GaDEales, 030AnIo.
DR. R, . P. FEILD.
Graduate of Ile Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firat•olaoe Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Olnee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
5is the loading business training school
in Western Ontario. We give a thor-
ough, praotical trailing on Commor-
�1 diel Subjects. Daum Pitman's Short-
hand, Touch Tyl+ewritieg, and in Oow-
lnert,al and Railroad Oporating.r
Saab ilopartme» t is In the hands of
experlenoed instructora. Wo assist
41 students to poeitlo us, Our graduates
t a ao for o oonrsos re
gwe su ood, ur a
th best et our tree oo III u1' and
e G
learn mato about na. You way Cates PF
now, It
Machines may be seen at
MoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheim-
er Piano.
If you want a really good article
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Caber Carriage
Builder on Market Square, Brue-
sola, svhere yon will find a first-
class assortment.
Beat of hand made Farm Wog-
ons with different widths of tires
and different heights of wheels.
Extra large hand made Wheel-
Ile -rimming Light and heavy
Wheels, Repairing, Re -painting
and Re -trimming attended to on
ehorteot notice,
&a:MD raceme lesixtr.vr
(}onNa Sonms 001110 NORTH)
Mail 7:050 111 I Express 10:66-a w
Expross 11131188811 Mail 1:44 p m
Express 0:02 p m )xpreso 0:51 p n1
alis 0.1 m raCIPW
To Toronto To Godoriolt
Express 7:40 a 3/1 I Express 11:60 a 01
Exprses .,,.,,, 5:85 p m Express 9:25 p n1
mai Reivs t.eints
ADvira'1'IsE in THE POST.
50 CENTS, in advance. secures 'TRIS
PosT for the balance of igo8 to any
Canadian postofce.
Sett Ringers in Brussels Town Hall
June i0tb. Secure your reserve seats
in good time. P1811 of Hall at Fox's
Drug Store.
Totten is an opening at TUE Post' for
a lively boy, tom) or country, who
wishes to learn the printing trade.
Apply personally at the ofiiee.
ANNUAL excursion to Model Farm,
Guelph, on the Kincardine line will be
run on Friday June 15th. Special train
will be run and an enjoyable outing
promised. 'there was never more to
see at Guelph than this year.
R:Rtte June 18th clear for the Reichardt
Bell Ringers in the Town Hall, Brussels,
They are worth going miles to hear and
are a wonderful musical family. Plan
of reserved seats will be open in due
ennlse at Fox's Drug Store.
Tuescav, Thursday and Saturday after-
from 2,30 to 5 and 'Tuesday and
Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 30 are
the hours Brussels Public Library will
be open from the tat of June to October
1st beginning on June 1st, Readers
should govern themselves accordingly.
A ToeoN'ro "Housewife" says :—''If
you ,wring a sponge out of cold water
and rub it well along all the wooden
part of the windows every morning iu
the fly season you will not be troubled
with flies. It kills the eggs. This cold
water takes a very short time to per-
THE Brussels merchant who goes out
of town for his printing should be the
last to complain when people go out of
town for their goods. We know of a
merchant who lost a Seto sale by saving
5 cents thus. He has been whistling a
soft retrain ever oince,
A GENTLEMAN at one of our boardiug
houses, after having beans shoved at
him tor eight:straight weeks, asked the
waiter to please read the eighth verse of
the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews
omitting the first two words
This will no doubt cause some of our
readers to get the dust off their bibles.
like to secure some good correspondents
from all the outside oast offices. We
will send stationery`aoll give THE POST
while the correspondence is sent
regularly. It any one wishing to corres-
pond will kindly write to that effect we
will act accordingly.' We do not
divulge the name of correspondents.
Personals and news of all kinds that is
of interest to the public is asked for.
but nothing offeusive or spiteful will be
inserted. We wish to ren a clean,
newsy, bright paper, one which will be a
help ars well as a passtitno to our read-
ers. Bright,'erisp and newsy correspond-
ence will help very much, Kindly let
111 knowifYou wish to help u
Women's period of pain
Regularity of the system can only
be seeared by maintaining strong
healthy circulation. If feeble, run-
down, 110rvmis, be sore that circulation
is poor. The natural result is conges-
tion that exacts so severe a penalty.
Besides being a food forme!' and nerve
tonic, 1rerrozone adds additional
vigor to the heart and ensures strong
blood circulation. This is the only
Means of preventing congestions that
cause pain, headache and nerve weak-
ness. The whole system is renewed
ancl fortified, with strength, vigor and
endurance, For girls and women
nothing equals Ferrozone 50c at all
Contractor Birmingham has started
work putting a casting in position 'for
the breakwater and intends commenc-
ing the cement work right away.
The death took place in Goderich on
Saturday afternoon of Mrs. James Cox
at the age of 8,4 years. Mrs, Cox's
maiden name was Mary Logan, and
she was bora in Aberdeen, Scotland,
coming to this country when she vas
about) years of age. After her mar-
riage sire lived in Goclerich Township
until a little over 20 years ago, when
they moved to town. Mr. Cox died
a short time after coming to town,
and Mrs, Ccx and her dao 1 ter Miss
.Liklphetnia, had lived together since
then. Mrs. Horace Newton, of Tor-
onto, is another daughter of the de-
ceased, ancl W. J. Cox, of Goderich,
and Thomas Cox, of Goderich Town-
ship, are sons of the deceased. The
funeral took place Monday afternoon.
paving to the resignation of Dr. W.
J. It, Holmes as medical health officer
of the town of Goderich, Dr. Hunter
was appointed to the position at the
meeting of. the Council Friday night.
The comingof the military camp to
Goderich next -month was discussed at
Considerable length at the meeting
also. The rental of the ground and
the provision of light and water for
the camp, which the town was asked'
to assultro, was estimated at from 8800
to $1100(). A subscription list was cir-
culated in the afternoon among the
Merchants and hotelmen of the town
to raise a portion of this amount, and.
a 'Very gratifying atikalllt Was raieed
in this way, which it hi expected will
b5 still farther largely increased. .A.
special meeting of the n0ltncil EMS
held Satut'd0.y morning to come to ati
agreement with the lessee Of the
property intended to be need for the
camp and an agreement wag duly
signed. The local ol11cers of the mil-
ltlaal'e In good spirits over the change
of the oamp to ()mimic') and the pros-
pective speeding of something like
875,000 in Goderich it: looked upon as
tt groat boon by the business amen ui'
the town,
Advertising Talks
The newspaper 18 It 117[51' shop Wi11-
daw, eaarl'ied and delivered into many
thousands of helntes, to be examined
at the lelsureof the reader. This shop
window is unlike tiro actual plate
glass show case only in one respect --
it makes display of descriptions in-
stead of articles.
You have often been impressed by
the ditiereuoe between decorations of
two window trimmers, each of whom
employed 7110 1,111)15 materials for his
work. The one drew ycut' attention
and held it by grace and eleverness
and art manifested in his display.
The other realized so little of the pos-
sibilities in the materials placed atlis
disposal that unless some one called
your attention to his banbbling you
would have g1 one on lmeonsetous of its
existence. An advertiser must know
that he gets his results in accordance
with. the skill exercised in preparing
his verbal displays. He most snake
people stop and pause. His copy has
to stand out.
He »rust net only ni ince •t show of
things that are attractive to the nye
but are attractive to the peoples needs
as well. The window -trimmer unlet
not make the mistake of thinking the
Showiest stocks are the most saleable.
The advertiser must not make the
mistake of thinking that the showiest
Words are the most clinching.
Windows are too few in number to
be used with indiscretion. The good
merchant puts those goods back of his
plate glass which nine people out Len
will want after they have seen them,
The good advertiser tells about goods
which nine reader's out of Len will buy
if they can be convinced.
Why CoughSyrups 8 s fall
They slip over the sore irritated
membranes, drop into the stomach
and do little else but 110.11)1 digestion,
Its different with Catarrhozone—yon
inhale it. Every breath sends healing
balsams, to the inflammed tissues.
Tightness, soreness and inflammation
are cured by healing pine essences,
The cough goes away; throat is
strengthened, huskiness is cured.
Nothing so simple, so convenient, so
Certain to cure as Catarrhozolle. Try
it. 25c and 81.00 sizes. Sold every-
The annual Convention of the East
Huron teachers was held in the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute on Thursday and
Friday of last week. There was a good
attendance of teachers and the Conven-
tion throughout was most interesting
and instructive,
After President Hartley had conduct
ed the opeeing exercises, Mayor T. E
Elays,-in a neat but brief address, wel-
comed the teachers to the town, and ex-
pressed the wishes of the citizens and
Council that their visit to the town
)night be a very pleasant one,
The following committees were then
appointed :
Program committee—Messrs, Scott,
Shilliugton and Holman.
Resole tion Committee—Messrs. Stalk-
er, Cameron and Fowler.
Reporters—Messrs, Ansley and Mof-
The minutes of lost year's Convention
in Guelph were then read by Secretary
W. 1. Mollntt and on motion of Messrs.
Holland and Langdon were adopted.
A very interesting paper WAS given by
Miss Weida i Stevens, her subject be.
Mg "How to interest pupils and par.
ents." Mies Stevens gave many val-
uable hints as to methods by which
parents could( be interested, and seg.
gested buying 'parents visit tate school
and also that teachers keep in touch
with parents. Several of the delegates
congratulated Miss Stevens on het paper.
Mr. Beaton gave 0 very elaborate pap
00 uu "Patriotism in the school '' 1`he
speaker considered that patriots were
TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1908
Auspices ot Menesetung Canoe Cluh,`Goderich
Tho Coattail and Citizens of the Roel Cit
will welcome the people from Western points
along the Guelph & Goderich line in return
for the celebration of the opening{, of the new
tine held in Goderich last September,
The staff of the Agricultural College will re.
calve Excurstonlets and give Amadei demon-
etrations-of the. work in the V5r7o00 depart -
An International League Baso Ball match
Will be played at 2.80 between Guelph and
Niagara Falls, N. 0,
A Lown Bowling Tournament and other
special attractions have been arranged for the
Leave Adult Child
9:00 a, In. Godbrieh J 1.25. 05 cents
0:16 MoGew 120 00
0:27 Attbttrn 1.15 00
0:68, 1315tH 116 00
0:60. • Walton , 1 10 65
10:00 0.feNauglit,100 60
10:12 W, Meil:ton ,05 50
10:110 Milverton 80 40
Arrivin at Guelph at 11:20. Returningwill
leave Guelph nt 7150 pv , m arriving in Gudo-
rich at 10:10p,1n. 31011015 good to return
Wednesday June Ord.
Con'tfall til take part In thin first Ex-
Gurelbn East over tho new c.P.ft, lido.
The flndiat Rondhaod In Canada.
1800re et Mouea8tua Cameo Club;
0 g
'W.S. Tnruniera, P,W, Tinnily L,DI. Manta
A''residotit Treu05ret Seoretery.
Have a choice stock of Buggies
manufactured by the Barrie
Carriage Company for sale,
Both steel and rubber tyres,
'Phe[' are A 1 mot sold from
Seo.00 up.
_, Guarantee with every rig.
Don't buy 111711 you visit my
show room. You Cat1 save mon-
ey thereby.
S. N.
Jackson, Brussels
Art Studio
The language of Photographs is the
clearest form of expression. It speaks
in all tongues and to all peoples ; it is
understood by the iguorant and appre-
ciated by the cultured. Don't forget to
get a nice Photo, taken to leave with
your friends. We are second to none
in our line and guarantee you satisfac-
tion. Did you get a Photo. of the baby?
Now is the time,
I intend to keep in stock a full line of
Amateurs' Supplies, and also Kodalis to,
rent. I will develop and make your
pictures. Give us a can.
divided into two distinct classes
1. ')'hose whose patriotism vents
itself in cheers, etc, 2 Those
whose patriotism is well found-
ed in a heritage knowledge of our e as
citizens of the British Empire E and as
Ctl 5h nl pl
heirs to the great Dominion of Canada,
whose resources are almost unlimited,
He also outlined how it plight be taught
incidentally in connection with geogra-
phy and history.
Miss Clara Heston read a most ex-
cellent paper on "First days at School."
The excellence of the paper consisted in
the fact that it was precisely what Miss
Huston puts into practice in her own
school, and in primary work Miss Hus-
ton bas indeed few equals. 'Phe paper
advised teachers to endeavor to place
themselves in most sympathetic relation
with fathers and mothers, especially
when their "little man" started into the
new world of experience. The paper
received the most flattering comment
from the Convention,
In the discussion which followed, Mr.
Robb, Inspector of Public Schools, em-
phasized the necessity of visiting the
homes to know the environment of the
pupils and to become acquainted with
the parents, es the boy may be known
by his parents. Iu this matter he paid
Mrs. Coulter, late of Seaforth public
school, a very high compliment for her
knowledge of each of her pupils, and at
the same time paid the citizens of Sea -
forth something other than acoutplitnent
for allowing her 25 years of most faithful
service to pass almost without recogni
The afternoon session opened with a
paper by Miss Hess on "Composition for
Senior Classes." Composition notwith-
standing its great practical value, was
almost totally ignored in some schools.
This was 101501y due to the difficulty in
teaching the subject. The work should
be graded, plenty of practice given, and
as much as possible of the cor-
rection 0t essays should be per-
formed by pupils. Criticism by the
teacher should be constructive rather
than detive
estrt t
1 s the discussion on the
tlttheco.enfdiscs, n
subject, Inspector Robb explained the
basis of the grants to the different
schools„and asked the teachers to ex-
plain them to the trustees. He also
took up the subject of Summer Schools
Ontario Teachers' Alliance, The ques-
tion of excursions to the old country was
also mentioned, A. F. Johns read a
paper on, "Simplified Spelling.” The
extensive use of the English language
anti the amount of time lost in master -
Mg spelling should in the opinion of the
speaker. make the subject one of great
importance. He then gave a history of
the organization in the United States,
which has ter Its object the simplifying
of the language in the matter of spel-
Principal Rogers, of the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute, gave an interesting
and very instructive paper on Entrance
Requirements. Candidates he believed,
reached the High Schools before their
minds were sufficiently mature, and
that this might to a large extent bo con-
trolled by public school teachers. The
writing of Entrance should possess two
characteristics-- speed' and legibility.
They should be nbleto perform accurate-
ly and speedily the four simple rules in
arithmetic. .They should be able to ex-
press themselves in clear, simple Inn;
guage, and to construct grammatically,
correct sentences. In Ole matter of
literature he advised more extensive
reading, and classes should not be som
fined to 4131 reader selections. 'rhe
question arose here as to whether the
standard of the Entrance Examination
was not too low and provoked an in-
teresting discussion.
A paper by R. Langdon on "Habits
in Relation to Teaching," was read,
Mr. Langdon defined "110bit" and after
showing that life 7vas largely made up
of habits, showed the necessity of foster-
ing right habits in pupils especially as
the children are under the teacher's con-
trol at n formative age.
At the evening session addresses were
delivered by Thos, ivlcMillan and Rev.
F, H. Larkin. Mr, Mathieu delivered
an excellent address 071 the influence of
the teaching profession on the agricul-
ture of Canada. The speaker pointed
out, that of live great sources of national
wealth, agriculture, forests, mines,
fisheries and manufactures, the first WAS
flu' in excess And in fact went fat• to-
wards rq allitlg the combined wealth of
the others. "Yet there 7005 r1 rush 10 the
cities. This was tate to tt mi50oueeplioh
in the minds of nicety people as to the
wealth to beobtetned from professional
calliug5, and to the )set that our schools
fostot the s0(t10 idea by not giving'
Agriculture its due in their eerticulam.
Tile add(ess was greatly soleet:late(1 by
the 4'01vet] WM.
Re . air Larkin gave ill a very pleas-
ing .t�v "Au onlooker's !view of the
work u .c t the schools." Ile maintained
that although teachers were prone to
disbelieve it, the public wete strongly
insympathy with theta in their work,
He also gave many helpful suggestions
bearing un the work. The evening
program was nitre more attractive by
alt instrumental by Miss Durand, a
recitation by Mr.Foley, a solo by
Diaster Harry Stepheos0u, and a duet by
W, and 5lrs, Pickard.
Friday's forenoon session opened with
the election of ofli:ers, which resulted
es follows :--President, Miss M. McKtty ;
1st Vice fres , lames Stalker ; and
Vice Pres., Kiss Ritchie ; Sec, Treas.,
W, J, Moffatt ; Executive committee,
Misses Hein and Courtice and Messrs,
Cameron, Scott and Holland ; pnblic
school leaving examiner, J. H. Camer-
on. The financial statement showed a
balance 017 band of x!54.35.
The subject of "Discipline" was then
ably handled by Mr. Holland. Dis-
cipline must be obtained at arty cost,
hut should lead to self control. Tea5h-
ars should endeavor to win the respect
of the pupils, but should, if urcessary,
enforce It. The subject was well dis-
Mr. Cameron, of Brussels, gave a
paper on " Beginning of Bird Study."
In order to beget in pupils a love for
the subject, the teacher must himself
be an enthusiast on the subject. The
equipment included a held glees, a hand
book and a good book of refer-
ence, Mr. Cameron gave a day's ex-
perience in bird study, and his imita-
tion of the various bird calls delighted
the Convention.
Principal Gundry gave a very scholar-
ly and instructive paper on. "'l`he
Teacher, his Equipmeut, etc." He
advocated some system of vacations
which would enable teachers to attend
university and thus keep advancing,
The teacher should not isolate him-
self from other citizens, and the pub.
lie should recognize his right to freely
express his opinion on any topic. More
should be done by teachers in matters
1 uitte etc a: relating of 1,t as re t n to .11'
A other
q g
teachers and as to pupil,.
Dr. F. J. Burrows gave a most prat.
tical paper on "Early indications ot
Contagious Disease," He carefully out-
lined the history of the most common
contagions diseases, and also gave
many useful suggestions whereby they
might be recognized. The paper was
mueh appreciated.
After resolutions of thanks had been
tendered to all who in any way assisted
in the meetings, and to the officers for
their work a very successful Conven-
tion was brought to a close.
Contains no caustic acids
It's healing and drawing—that's
why Putnam's Corn Extractor is
better than cheap acid substitutes.
Insist on Putnam's only.
Hon, A. G. MacKay, addressiug the
North Oxford Liberal convention,
brought out the fact that the first Cana-
dian Northern guarantee was signed by
Hon. A. J. Matheson in )906. In round
terms he accused Premier Whitney of
misrepresenting the facts in his Hamil-
ton speech as to the Canadian Northern
guarantee, and also accused the Pro-
vincial 'Treasurer of being guilty of mis-
Aro You drowsy after meals?
Is there a fullnes in your stomach
—a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep—this
isn't natural in healthy folks and only
occurs when the liver is torpid. You
need a stimulating tonic—need Dr.
Hamilton's Pills to stir your liver and
put life into sleepy organs. You'll
feel brisk and lively—you'll eat, digest
and sleep well after regulating with
We Sell
on the positive guarantee
that if it does not give satis-
faction we will return the
entire amount of money paid
us for it. • We mean this—
and ask all those who are
sick and need strength to try
it with this understanding.
James Fox, Druggist
Shoe Polish
A wise dealer will always
show his honest desire to
serve you by giving what
you ask for.
yam. Blick sed elf colon,
ION .ad .25c
k Eel.
May he Among Your Wants
Dr. IfamiIton's Pills. No medi-
cine so universally used, so mild, 50
slue to benefit as Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Solt. by all dealers in 25c boxes.
Bothtiin Lime
is heaclT quarters for Fresh,
Pure, No. 1 Lime. Highest
recommends given as to the
quality of it, having proven
Itself No. 1 on Government
25c per Bushel, Delivered
Write or Telephone to
We are prepared to supply you in
Genuine Rubber Mountings, imlta.
tine Rubber or Solid Nickel --one of
which are popular Trimmings.. Oar
prices will suit von
We have Dusters, Lap Rugs,
Trunks, and Satchels, all, nl Lowest
.')welling to let or sell,
.)welling above store to let.'
New Covered Buggy for sale,
i. C. Richards
Allanit I Line
Tunisian sails '1+'riday,M0y 15 0 o m
Victorlansal7s Friday, Mal 22 gnat
Corsican salla., .......Fnidlty, may 20 8,80 a nt
Virginian sane Friday, June 5 Sant
Ionian sails Saturday, May 16
Grampian sails Saturday, May 28
Hesperian sails... �................ - Saturday, May 80
HesperiensailsSaturday, .Tune 0
Sardinian , -. -Thursday, May 14
Parisian sails
Sicilian soils
Wednesday, May "'li
Saturday, June d
1701' settings, lista and full information apply
Agent Allan Line. Rruosols•
ry/ of Business in Brussels is full proof of the superior qual-
4�a sty, workmanship and durability of rho wheeled rigs
that Ewan & Co, turn Cyt. Our business is increasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they
never had. before, Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and -our wheels are all the best stand -
and make with extra deep rims. Have you seen our dash support
braces? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
dashes. This is a preventative, Our Tops are of the BEST and we
have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose
or flapping. Trimmings are the very best of No. x leather with eight
different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also ,Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a number ot Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very
best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish,
alsolany height of wheels.
01d Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new
at small cost. Our famous Artist, WH. C. SMITH, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what
we turn out. You will he conviuced to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repaihted at Ewan & Co's up-to-date Carriage
Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy from a tellable firm
and support home industry.
mammon.. mnimminfanniMMOB
z■mss , ;.::
C`D `
9' `N
M' Kay &_Sh
SolicitY our trade.
We carry the lar and
most complete stock in
this section, comprising
Hardware, Woodenware.
Cutlery, Garden Seeds,
Iron, Steel, Carpenters'
Tools, Faints, Varnishes
and Brushes
If you need n flglsh for
'We sell and recommend
20 years on the market. It
always dives. satisfaction
It dries quick and hard
Stakes a durable finish
McKay & Shaw
Roller Flour Mills
is now in full operation. It will save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
Fry our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating,
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lend for Bread Flours.
ra-Al1 kinds of reed lie 1 )t constantly on band.
WM. & 4