HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-28, Page 4r��,� i n, the last six years during 4 of which a " xt� �•C ,0 t simple majority was all that was requir- _.. ed for appeal out of 175 oppol•tuoities to THURSDAY MAY 28 1908 repeal local °titian by-laws, only two _.:. _.. have been carried, is 0. fine Notelea•rioes for the Provincial Elec. oflta Minister lu whotob makes a brother-hi-law la of tion will be made. next Monday. For *f30,000 of the people's money to reia- Centre Heron Clinton will be the point [Ives without even being asked to do sa. of assemblage and for North Heron the At Stmcoe Whitney eopsted that he had returned to the people $908,0o0 meeting will take plaee at Wingltam. more than any other; government had Election date is one week later, Jttne 8th, , (lone in a single year. Of the other side of the matter, that he bas taken from Tugmerrierro ram appears to eon-' the people 192,500,000 more than bad p g pp ever been taken by any Provincial tinue as regularly as the weeks roll Government in n single year, he said round and are as dark a dye and in some nothing cases as atrociously devilish as ever, The Liberals used to get along with a While we believe the world is getting Minister of DEeputy at *4,600 a year rand a Depl,ty ;4linister $z,600. Now, better there are still many black Hon• Dr. Pyne, Minister of Eclucatiou,: chapters written proving that the day gets $7,00u ; a Deputy Minister at has not yet dawned when everybody who gets a salarye as tle gen ase the /din - will love everybody, ister In Liberal days ; and an advisory Board of 45, Whitney opposed the Successipn Duties, the corporation tax and the brewers' and distillers' tax, and he op- posed the building of the Temiskamiug Railway, and now he boasts about the revenue he receivesfromthem. He has the late government to thank for them both. THESE should be an emphatic demand for the cancellation of the 3j5 clause in the Local Option law, Why 6o electors of one belief should be equalled by 4o of another view is unfair and uureason- able. Mr. Nlusgrove's and Mr. Porter's views should be ascertained on this sub- ject before election day so that electors will know where they stand on this important question. WHY should not a woman have tbe same voting privileges as a man ? They are intelligent, gain or lose by many of the laws and are more interested in the leading issues than many men. a am in oght about aonumber of reasons•. bretwill This is a subject that bas been laughed At and poohpoohed but nevertheless bas merit that cannot be gainsayed. Often the fellow to make game of tbe ques- tion does not know half as much as many of those be criticises. We:believe But it will not do for the Whitney good would come by the enlarging of organs to excuse the villainous legisla- the franchise so that the women of this tion by which Whitney took away the Dominion could mark a ballot, There I rights of private citizens before the law by saying that lie got some revenue by are some problems before the country doing so. The Premier could doubtless now that would be speedily and wiser obtain some money by waylaying and but ud- u e, si- Id as es- is - tie s es o, nd of he he s - n • n e a e • • e George H. Gooderham, a member of the great distillery firm of Gooderham & Worts and President of the King Edward Hotel Company, has been nom- inated by the Conservatives of Toronto South, "B." Mr, Gooderham, uo doubt, is giving a good deal of attention to the three-fifths local option clause in his campaign as a Whitney candidate. The Toronto Evening Telegram says --The nomination of George Gooder- command the support of no botelkeep_ ers, and will hold the Conservative vote. It is stated that one of the principal reasons in forcing Mr. Gooderham into the tight was for the purpose of making him part owner in the Toronto News. solved if the mothers, wives and sand bagging people in dark steet, sisters could speak with authority on it would hardly be regarded as a la able method of increasing our seven election day. If the Conservatives, while in oppo tion had got their own way, there wou Qtr1TE a bit has been said both for and have been no such revenue producers the succession duties act, the act r against the reason given for the pro- petting the taxing of brewers and d posed removal of the Military camp tilleries, and the supplementary reven from London to Godericb viz. the close act, for all of these measures were o scrutiny that was kept on last year's posed hotly by Mr, Whitney and h assemblycrutinbyfollowers. Last year these measur people• interested in the produced not less than *1,200,00 observance of the License law, If the Wipe out that amount in revenue a statute in this behalf is observed with what would become of the surplus the strictness supposed to be character- $600,000. The Weekly Sun, the organ of t istie of military discipline; then no one farmers, states that the session of t need fear the closest scrutiny but if Legislature just closed cannot be de loose rein were one of the governing cribed as a farmers' session. It says features there is perhaps a soreness "Two important items of legislatio that the law violators were found Ont, witted organized agriculture has pro It may not be a bit easier at Godericb tested again and again. The credit o the Province was pledged for the en now that so much fuss has been made dorsation of two and one-half milli° over the [natter and it is already stated dollars in bonds to be issued by on abet the authorities both leggy and private railway and over a half milli° military—have had their attention called bonusacres to soopubthe lands were voted as another private road. Iu ,th to the camp grounds of sgo8, An case of legislation for the control o effort will be made, it is said, to have automobile traffic, a matter directly of amendments made to the License ant fecting not only the business interests but the safety pf farmers, the reasonabl so that loop holes now open will have a requests presented by a farmers' dele shutter put on them. ' gation were deliberately refused. DID WHITNEY MsSaEnRESENT?—Hon Political Pointers A. G. MacKay made a serious cbarg against Premier Whitney at a meeting Now why did Whitney equivocate in Woodstock, 14e charged that Mr about the reasons for the C, N, R. guar- Whitney misrepresented the facts as to antee ? Why did he try to deceive the the Canadian Northern guarantee in his Legislature that the deal might be rail. Hamilton speech. Mr. McKay stated roaded through ? that it was Provincial Treasurer elathe- Whitney tried to excuse the Govern- son who signed the first guarantee to ment's failure to keep the promises the Canadian Northern, and not Mr. made in igos about labeling the prison- Ross' treasurer, Mr. McKay said : The made goods, pleading that they would James Bay Railway Company (now the be sold more cheaply because on that Canadian Nortbren) were working udder account. Isn't that a miserable effort, a Dominion charter, and the mortgage At Sinlcoe Whitney attempted to de- is registered with the Secretary of state fend his gerrymander as a fair measure, at Ottawa. I find on inquiry that the and then immediately declared that after mortgage was not taken by the Liberal the next census, North Grey, Mr, Mac- Government at all. It isdated July 12th Kay's constituency, would be fixed so as 1906 and it was signed on behalf of the to dispose of hint. What do honest Province by Hon. A. 1. Matheson, Pro - Conservatives think of that sort of vincial Treasurer. In addition I find thing ? that the plan of the road from Toronto The Provincial election date clashes to Sudbury was filed two years before with three Methodist conferences, the taking of the mortgage. It shows This is the list of dates :—Hamilton the road running right through the city Conference, June 4th to Tune 9th. Lon- of Toronto and actually to the Union don Conference, June 4th to June gth ; Station, It goes without saying that the Bay of Quinte Conference, June 3rd to mortgage, if properly taken, covers the June 8th, The delegates to the Presby- Toronto terminals and includes build- terian Synod will also be shut out as ings, etc., then owned or aferwards ac - they leave for Winuipeg Monday morn- quired, In view of these facts, Whit. ing of the election,uey'sstatement thst the first guarantee Mr, Cochrane, Minister of Mines, de- did not cover terminals and that he gave /les the statement that he offered J, a second guarantee to make the Pro- Loughrin $8,000 to induce the lat- vince safe, requires some explanation, ter to resign as a candidate against Mr, Then if the first mortgage was not suf- Cochrane. And since Mr. Loughrin Ocient, whose fault was that? Matheson says be can prove it, and as Mr. Coch- signed it, rane says that he will tak et e matter in- u Geezer IN NEw ON'rA R Io —rE only a to a r ou t, tate result will likely be that fraction of the stories coming from New nothing will be done. After the -glee- Ontario are true, the administration of tions the Minister will have no further the present Government in that part of interest in the "subsequent proceed- the province is decidedly had. In in� serious matters relating to the disposition of RAT Trfxsx-rierxs CLAUSE,— the mining In view of the importance attached by charges armade, Sand s11 elliquor license many people to Whitney's three-fifths administration also is an object of open I vote in local option contests, it may attack. At a meeting held t Po s P g ly001- an • be interesting to onrtreaders to consider recently bIilton Carr, the leading mer - how this provision has affecied the result' chant in Cobalt and formerly a member of elections under the eat, The Hamil- of the Legislature, declared there was ton' Imes says :—Since the measure bas more graft to the square itleh in New been placed on the statute book it has Ontario now than ever before. Mr. been the means of defeating Local Carr did not stop there, but went on to Option in 73 municipalities,, fn which tell of some specific instances of graft, there were 242 licenses, although in He reviewed the history of the Nancy every case, the by-law hada majority of Helen mine, which was cal the Cobal the vetet•s. In the same time, 38 muni- town site and claimed that the 'r. & N. oipalities having 203 licenses gave a 0. had spent $25,000 trenching and ex• majority against local option. Within plaiting there, Silver had been found the Mlle two ears 72 municipalities, Ysillies and d the discoveries 11 at minis Then having 16.9 licenses, carried local option i it was aun0unced that minis lots of the by the requisite three-fifths vote, The town site would be putg showing is then, in brief, that while Cobalt men bitl u upei for auction,uh- local option was, on five lots that s cop- punderthe three-fifths queat[Y became the Nancy Helen prop - vote, carried in 72 m,lniclpalities, it was erty, but found these had been v i111 - by the three-fifths clause alone defeated drawn and sold these in Toronto. "Sub. in 73. The excuse presented by Mr. sequently," said Mr, Carr, "it Whitney Was for requiring three temperance learned that the lots or aportion of then[ votes to be the evuivaleht of two liquor had gone to W. R. Smythe, M,€P, P," votes is that the carrying of local option The people's undersuelicondition showin such people's money, ho claimed, held 1a and n e tg g 1 a prat been spent i e ds of the for the melt, l p ora r n favor nf, the measure, that of such friends of .the Governmen tends to its permanency. It is interest- Mother than who wen t' 9utr, in view 01 this, to note that its inforreation,'Mr, Carr t age Cobalt on ' alleged, obtained LIBERAL Political Meetings Arrangements have been made to hold Politica! Meetings in the interests of MR, WM, PROUI)FOOT, the Liberal Nominee for Centre Huron on the fol- lowing dates : Bl1,NMILLER ...Saturday, May 3o CLINTON(Nonlln'n)., Monday, June 1 GODERICH ...,'r hul•sday, Juue 4 SEAFORTH Friday, June 5 SMITH'S HILL Saturday, June 6 Meetings will Open et I °'Cloak and will be addressed by Mr. Proudfoot and other prominent Liberals, Opposition Speakers Invited. GOD SAGE THE KING. by means of Government prospectin was Thomas Kilpatrick he described a "Hon. Mr. Cochrane's right bower Kilpatrick be said, had gone right to tit vein of the present town site mine, an mined silver from the start, He furthe ventured' d the opinion that when Girlie limit was opened up friends of th Government would be allowed in on 111 favorable locations. TE,tciinlnn' SALARIES,—We hav always advocated paying good salari to good teachers but the size of tit school and merit on the part of the teach er should govern the amount and th school trustees should have a free ban as to the anpunt of salary to be pail The Whitney Government took a differ ear view, however and showed distrus of the trustees and the people which they very naturally and properly resect ed. Liberal members took a strong stand against fixing rural public school teachers' salaries according to the assess- ments of the school sections as propos- ed by Dr. Pyne, Minister of Education. It was natural that the Liberal party strongly oppose this foolish plan and suggested that, instead, if the Minister desired to encourage the employment of senior as sgainst junior teachers, and experienced as against inexperienced teachers, he ought to give a general grant to those sections which would em- ploy experienced or senior teachers. By doing this the Liberals argued that he would be co-operating with the rural school trustees and not playing the roll of dictator as be dill. Besides, the Liberals opposed it' as that it was elites legislation inasmuch as it applied to the townships, S11 s but no such principal was es- tablishedwith reference to city, town or village. The discussion of this clause of the Public School Act Was adjourned after strong opposition by the Liberals and the clause was modified. The school trustees tt tees coo ' sldered Dr. Pyne's dictatorial Act au interference with their powers and so it was. Watch Y $ur Tongue If furred and coated It's a looking Glass St t each Warning When it is the morning after the night before, you do not have to look at your tongue to know that the stomach is upset, the head is aching no appetite, nerves on edge with all the sunshine of life clouded The real time to watch the tongle is all of the time. It is coated with a white fur or possibly with dark trim- mings, even though the stomach does not tell you by the acute pains of iu- i0digestlon that it needs help, yet the coating shows that you are getting in- to a bad way and that there is need of Mi-o-na. Mi-o-na is so positive, 80 sure, so re- liable in its curative action upon the stonaeh that Jas. Fox, the local agent gives a guarantee of satisfaction with every 50e box or money back. Hon, le, R. Latchford, K, C„ teas sworn in as a Judge of the High Court of Justice, Something Can Be Done To Stop the Increase of Catarrh in Brussels. Catarrhal troubles are increasing, not only in Brussels but all over the country. Catarrh is a germ disease and to clue it, germ life in the nose, threat and li lungs most be destroyed, °stroyed, and this can be done only by breathing Fivomei. there Poe ' 18 no dangerous ]t,crous 8tolnacln drugging in when gg Id •om . g e1 is used sed • no tablet or liquid mixtures whereby the digestion is often destroyed, Breathed through a neat pocket in- haler that conies with every 0ttlit, its healing balsams penatrate the most remote air cells, destroying the catarrhal. germs so that quick re- covery follows. The complete outfit costs but '1.00 and . + � las PDX agrees to refund the money should Ilvomei fail to do all that is claimed for it. The Essential Facts in • Railway Taxation. The' combined Municipal and Pro- vincial tax o0 railway pro erty in Ontario figures out about 1100 per mile. 1'110 State tax C1 11. railways was across ss the line, in sections of lila Upafon in which earnings are about on a pin with those in Ontario, is over $400 per mile. A. thousand dollars' worth of farm property In Ontario pave More than three times the tax pard bya thonstted dollars' worth of railway property. At, inerense in railway taxation in the United States has not caused an increase in freight fates. 'heaven[ e ustinesaciarsucaustammesenews A dough Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is a regular cough medicine, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take It. Never go contrary to his advice, We publish our tormniss we bpulnk elenhol ers Prom ourmedlonaut We arta you to consult your doctor The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only one at bedtime. As *rule, laxative doses are better than cathartic doses. Forton- stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick - headaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. —Made b)' 100.7. O. dyer Co., Lewd!, xrut,— even after allowance is made for this, there will still Ix' found a material ad - Vallee 111 the average ,late of taxation in these states in the two vea1:s. In the same time the average change for hauling a ton of freight one mile in the same territory has been reduced from 0 1-5 mills to less than 13 mills. The average charge for hauling a ton of freight one mile in these three Stakes in 1006, taking in all the rail- ways therein, was more than a mill less than the rate charged for the same 8111'v100 by the fire lines imOauada, The present rate of taxation on rail- ways in Ontario is grossly 000(40221 as compared with the taxation imposed on American lines under similar con- ditions ; and increasing that rate would not, taking the experience of the United States as cone lmive, rause. an advance in the cost of transporta- tion. In the Legislature which. Game to an end in 1904 M3, Pettvpieee had. 1t bill before the Assembly which, if adopted, would have provlclecl'for the taxation of railway property on the same basis as farm property is taxed now. Mr. Whitney and his followers voted for the principle. of that bill. This constituted a pledge to the people of the Province. Mr. -Whitney says his Government has =vied out all its pledges except that relating to law reform. }Ie forgets railway taxation. This is Best Time For Spring Medicine Taken, now the blood is renewed disease germs are destroyed, good -Summer health is assured. That peculiar weakness so common in the Spring, is demoralizing to body and mind alike. Stupid, absent minded and dull, you feel the need of a stimulating tonic. To impart quickness and great vitality to the entire system nothing acts like Ferrozone. In a short time it makes you feel. fit anti Bios, creates a feeling of youth and strength that's surprising. Ferrozone revives and braces the sickly because it nourishes and builds up the organs thin are weak. As a Spring tonic, appetizer and blood strengthener it is unequalled. A well known resident of Utopia, Ont., H. R. Postle, writes :—"From long experience T. am convinced that everyone requires medicine in the Spring. As a rule the blood is thin and impure and the whole system is congested with poisons that should be carried oft. I use Anomie because it clearsup the system gives you an appetite and ]mites you feel well. One Winter I bad serious palpitation of the heart, nervous headaches, and an extreme tired feeling. Sleep was not restful and by Spring I was in bad shape, .I took six boxes of Fe1•rozone and was made the picture of health." y'rrozone makes permanent clues, Absolutely safe because it is purely vegetable and contains no alcohol. Concentrated clue in tablet form= that's Forrozone, 50e. per box or sit boxes for $2.50 Popular Stallions Following will be the routes" of the horses named for season of 2908 • SUNLIGHT It. H1aNILY BOND, Proprietor, Monday, will leave his own stable, Lot 20 8rd line !Valls, and go to John Mol5wen's 2nd Cott. 1, Gro for night. girt, J.or n to r Tuesday, A thus Shaw's, Is v t lin la orris, D.otPisa fur noon' then to Johneton's Rotel, Blnevnlo foe- nn llom•. and then to Wm. Vanstone'a 4t), Con. Turnberry, for night, Wednesday, to Alex. Forgie's 0th Con, Tnrnberry, for noon t then to Robb. Nogg's, Tttrnbosry for night, Thursday, to Hanson's Hotel W111 item, for an hour ; then to D. Campbell's, lsS lino Morris, for noon ; then to hie own stable for night. IRIDAY, to Hill's hotel, Belgrove, for noon • then to Alex. McNeil's, 502, line, Morris, for night. Saturday,itoCentral 2sl blO Where 00 n until the following Monday. SCOTLAND'S HOP1, No, 1151801 Vol, Pe Guo. MTJLDOON, Proprietor This Imported Clydesdale ',Florae will melte the season 001008 at his own stable, Brussels. Torras—To insure $16,00, payable February let, 1000, 1,1a'es most be loturned regularly to the horse or they will be %Merged whether in foal e' not. — 44,4 CANONGATE AND! ] t tw F. Ea1D 1. t kY al'�'°N, Props. Monday will leave his own stable Lot 21, Ord Lino, Morris, cul mooed West t,� aIle, to John Garnier' for noon ; then West Ls� miles, then South by way of gravel road to HiI7's Hotel BolgreV°,fornight. Tuoadny, W111 ,r0• coed East along 4th Line, Morris, to Allen Spolr's for noon , then North to his own stable where ho will remain until Wednesday noon, Wednesday noon will leave his own stable and go Ener 2'� With to Jna,Parrs, gravel road, for night. 'l.luraday, East to'Oliphant Smith's elnher, Oren then South1�111i105, then Post tlzh ' °'T"1E-IE ma .iia of many housewives is, THE in doubt blame the flour.," This is unfair, if your baking goes wrong, investigate --find the cause. Look to your stove, your yeast, your baking methods, If you succeed in pinning the trouble down to the flour ---if you clear yourself then take up the flour question in dead earnest. Consider that flour, to be successful from 'a baking standpoint, must be line to produce light bread or pastry, pure to make that bread or pastry wholesome, and riclz in nutriment to make it nourishing. The good housewives all over the country are learning that Hve's Ryal c� i' it s W„Y' .. s F] 'itOg�IIt J■L +� has these three dualities in the greatest degree. Ogilvie's Royal Household is milled by the most modern methods, purled by the only process that makes for absolute purity and made only from Mahitoha Hard Wlzeat which contains the highest percentage of nutriment. Royal Household Flour, in competent hands, never disappoints. Your grocers will guarantee this and gladly furnish the flour. 0Qllvie Flour Mills Co., Limited Montreal•, Which Liniment is best? For Muscular pains and aches a thick ]c] oily preparation can't penetrate —that's why Nerviline beats them all —it sinks right in. "I wouldn't live without Nervilinefn myliouse," writes J. B. Oottam, of Mastown, N. S. "If you have rheumatism enmatism or soreness in the muscles or in fac&any need of an honest liniment, Nerviioe fills the bill. I cats recommend it highly be- cause I have proved in one application of Poison's Nerviline there is more virtue u than in a Whole bottle of ordin- ary liniment," Try one of the large 25c. bottles. ' THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN eon SALE,—A general purpose chestnut inure, 7 years old ' will work in any har- ness. Duetofoal on ,Tune 28th. 45.2 B. GERRY, Brussels. WANTED,—A pert5on with some money to 3oin in an extremely profitable business, in which large profits can be made without rick. References given. investigate. L Box 24, Brussels, Out. ^DARTER ACRE LOT, with six -roosted `C house for sale. Cellar full sizo of ]louse ; walls built for veneer. Stable and drill- ed well on the place. Enquire of R. T. RING - VON, Millet., West, Brussels, 4812 COMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 34 acro of land for sale, Tm•nberry .street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &o. Possession could be given at once. For further particulars as to_ pries, terms, &c., apply on the premises, ALEX. MOLATJOHLIN, 92-4 A. H. MONTEITH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c„ successor to A. B, Maodoaald, Moe over Standard Bank, Brussels. Meeting of the Huron .County Council. The Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron will meet hi 01,e Council Chamber, in the Town of Goderioh, on June the 2nd, at the hour of 8 o'clock p, Accounts against the County, requiring sot. tloment, mast be placed with the Cleric prev- ious to the above date, W. LANE, Dated at. Goderioh, May 18th, 1908. Clerk. Notice I The Court of Revision on the A5se5ement Roll for the Village of Brussels, for the year 1008, will be held at the Town Hall, B, u00ele, on Tuesday Juno 2nd, 1008, at 8 0'0loo1c p, n,. Ali parties interested will please take 1106105 and Set n000rdfngly. 1P. B, 00000, Brussels, May11th 1008. r Clerk, COURT Of REVISION The first sittings of the Court of Revision for ]tenting eomp]ai,lts against the Assessment. Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Mo$i11op, for the year 1008, will be Iteld at the Commercial Hotel Seafo•th, on Monday, the 1st clay of June, I0i18, at the hour of 10 O'oloolc a. m, Parson,, having business before the Court are hereby notified to govern themselves ecoordtngly. ld. MURDIE, MOSillop, May 10th, 1008. Clerlr, ONTARIO. LIQUOR LICENSE, LICENSE DISTRICT -DE EAST HURON,. NOTICE ie hereby g4iven that J. A. Minim, of Ethel, hos made application for permission to traleefer hie License for the premises in Ethel, [mown as th° Royal Hotel, to John Pntlond, of Bolgrave, and that said n plioatian will be con. aidored at the meeting ep o the n lin rd of Li can o Gomm ie91gf10 rx to be s hot d at the American Motet in the vilingo of B110, 11)08, 11 o'clock o i m„ on the 10th tiny of Jnne, 1008, All persona interested will govern themselves accordingly, Dated at Brussels, Mn 18th 1008, 40.2 Wm. OLIt'GG, Inspector'., Stock for Service - n I% nrd Armstrongs, Jr„ for noun then �Dfa MD SERVTOE. —'oho untterniggned ter per nlfla of taxation in Ohio, 4'861'1', es t ba grnv0l r0nd to Alexnndor ritoLanuh- ]>,ns, per chased the pare hied 1o'miro lnliana and 1Michigan ill 1004 was lits 8 fol• 1dg11t. TI`ridny, South to American 'hoea Wediing ho Moate"' from e, o fe Wood- • II ed o feeding h Ii d o hen eat atop Gbit ,e ren from ln• \a i orris 11 mil g °•ted stook on ut][ eidoa n bit 0 n w0ro ,e w} ...bid. Hutu the tori° • - • gg,, rino o sorv]oo, with privilege r g' - 21,. don, 12, C}toy. M, KXt?IGH� r Proprie• 4G 1)105 i L Hotel, Brussolx, for noon t7 flet one'JT1 pOrte Dec ung nrd of T, Davis of Woo - 914. The avet'n•�r. !'ate in I90G Ives a ws, of rev I road, th Ttds airy Summer Session for Teachers a and others during July and August ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Remains open throughout the Sant- inet•and really students enter at this time. We have greater attend- ance this year the v n ever before. Graduatesreadilytor secure handsome catymene. It pa today rtee bcatalogue. It pays to attend the best. W. J. ELLIOTT, Cor. Yonge & Alexander sta., Toronto, in Start or June and finish a good course of training for Stenographer or Bookkeeper by November, when good positions are best obtained. Enter any day, No vacations. Free catalogue. CENTRAL MINNS COLLEGE Yonge & Gerrard fits„ Toronto W. H. SHAW Principal tau pal 1 No lioning— o rinciin You know from daily expe- rience, at home or in the barber shop, that the question is— Why •doesn't• a razor hold its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety; with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open -bladed d ra P 20T docs not alter the. nes ' tton Y.o . 9 You .want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor.. will be ready for instant use the next•time'needed. The Carbo Magnetic razor is the only razor anconditlon. ally guaranteed to do this. Thirty years of study on the razor situation has perfected a• new secret•process of £lEOTROQ 7EMpLRINQ that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life ofstee]) into the metal—giving a dia- mond -like hardness. uniformly, throughout the blade,—some- ' thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steel—used 10 making akin all her razora. azoro But teat this razor in your own home—or if you prefer, have your bather usc iton you, Give us your namer--- or call and see the"Carbo 1Vlagnetic" ,razor, and we will, atato our proposition for test-. Ing these razors Wlthou,a obllgatlest on ,Your pars to patrobase, together with` our free booklet (( Hints on Show. 8." This book illustrates the correct razot position for having every part of the face. is bs d dt 508. ?'art of this increase Was dile � gW i; i t(p � ea, 'then Not thto ilia otytt p nd is n goad oen, p r f r g aylnonts in arrears 1n 'Michigan, t, erma $t 06 at t iilT�onchtuy too ni» w i of l °locale J mai Agents, Wilton & Gillespie T Farmers mere or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels 'Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels, IMPORTANT NOTICES TOAR1( F017 SALE, BEING .Lot 15, Con. 10, Grey, eontalulug. 100 acres, Apply to Wel, WOO US,Craubrooa P. 0, 2141 OUSE AND } ACBE OF laud for sale, Comfortable dwell- ing ; hard and soft wider undercover; ap. pie, plata sed cherry trees, do, PO0seesl on cue he given at mum, Par prlop, terms, 010, call at TEE POST. HOUSE AND ACM; LOT far sale-6lneft et r e ot, comfortable home in good repair, Small stable, good well, eleteru, &o, 001),sossiou any t1mo, Ivor further CRAW ORD, apply Brussels the premises 1..i1011 8E11I0E,• , T.HJa, CJN- nanstskeep NxD will Grey, for h aHolat On Fri s to and 1, Sir P GroyI the Holstein. 6500121 oou "Sir Pio, Wo Burke;' (1'e t), bought from P. D. Ede, wuodstook, Pedi- gree may be seen on applioatiou Service ,42.00 with privilege of returning if mous. etry payable Februar�y ]at, 3000, 4l Lm JUE T, wELBH, Proprietor, For Sale In order to (doee the estate of the late Thus, McLattehliu the Executors offor for sale bho real estate consisting of a comfort- able0•noomed house and new pelmet 011. ohm boli) in 1007, 4 aero of land, hard cud soft water, together with a large oenunod. lone stable, drilled Well , and 6 sores of good land diagonally morose1 t 10 a t 1eet f f pm d w n b Ung home. Par ur2inulale cud price up!IYtoP. SCOTT,or 8, 81PWAitl, Quetta at,Woet, Stunts. 88-tt Synopsis of Canadian Northwest - 'HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered:section of Dominion Lando neptniug2at°esevaAlber'xceig8adhoreserved, be 1otneateade1 b any person who in the lisle head of a family, 0r any Malo over 18 years of ago, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 aores lucre or lose, Entry may be ,rade personally at the local laud oigno for the dietrlot in which the land la tyiomontoadtuato. theOle herctequlrod to perform conditions connected d t ler Droit h one of the following plans; uudar (1) At toast six months' rsldenee upon and obit]vatien of the laud 15 eaolt year for three years, t 12) If the fatber'(or mother, 1? Itite father 9 de06008d) of the 110u1086504er 5 Upon alarm to the eland entered for the requirements a oto laud demi° may he satisfied by such as to reel• person re, siding with the father or mother.(8) ut t1tD lather hue bis permanent dunce upon farming land owned byUi0(, In the vtoinity of 1110 homestead, the re glliromo»ts to to reilidei 0e may r0• Md by residenou open the said made sells- slxtnontinenotion in writing should be giver to tie 00100.1350i0ttor 00 Dominion La11d9 alt Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, 0, Verbieou0ub Will 806 bo 10puts,oftheMlhiater tinterior. Nblieatiou o1 tide alt. 61514 for( 0 tY 41.4 4 2