HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-28, Page 1111.5
VOL. 36 NO. 47
It has now reached the
season of the year that
you should begin to think
about buying your Fancy
Hosiery and Light Un-
-Black, Tan and Grey Hosiery in
Plain Colors
Special per
eciai at 25c pr.
-Fancy Brown, Grey, Black anis
heliotrope Hosiery in differ-
ent designs. Good value at..,
50cer pair
Mauchargee's Celebrated French
Balbriggan Underwear, the
beet line for the money on
the market at....,.
50c a Garment or $1,00 a Suit
-Robin-Hood Unshrinkable Un-
derwear, in Grey colors.....
75c. a Garment or $1.50 a Suit
or eltnjt Underwear, P o w the cool-
est thing you 'can possibly
wear ,.,.•
75c. a Garment or $1,50 a Suit
When you think
of Hosiery and
Underwear for
Spring think
.�; Danford & Son-
New Advertisements
Card -Dr. Hamilton,
Wanted -Geo. e, Klin g
Camera R, Smith.
Flowers and plants -Mice Kelly,
Money found -Dougall Strachan,
Conservative meetinsR-Mr, Porter.
Cabbage plants -W. .r. AtcCracken,
tst,t i:Ct
Halyard Goriev, of Stratford, visited
over Sunday at the home of item,
Graham, Silver Garners.
klcnfrvrt was quite a busyplace
Saturday and Monday as quite a num-
ber took advantage of the holiday.
A number frotn hove attended the
Football emboli in Atwood Friday
evening, Atwood vs. Milverton which
resulted hi a score of 2-0 in favor of
the visitors.'
Thursday evening of next week a
political meeting will be held in the
Foresters' fall h i torests'uf
1 here in the n
J. T. Gerrie the Liberal standard
bearer. Good program of addresses.
The nominee is receiving the promise
of hearty support and we hope to see
he r
Y p
i the M. ppP. for North Huron on
June 8th. A good many in this local-
ity are down on the Whitney methods
of winning victories, viz„ by the gerry-
Herman and Wesley Downeyare
1 r
playing on Ethel foot ball teani this
Reason in the Intermediate series.
It is saidRev.Dr.Hussar may be
stationed aDutton,Elgin Co., for the
coning term. Tho reverend gentle-
man and his good lady have done good
-work here and the people will be sorry
to part with them. Nothing is settled
as to who will be sent here by the
A political meeting is annauneed to
be held here by J. T. Cantle, the Lib-
eral candidate, on Friday evening of
next week. Many in Hawick are dis-
gusted over the gerrymander and the
wire pulling at the Oouservative, Con-
vention at Wingham and say they
will spring a surprise on Mr. Whitney
and his nominee in North Huron.
The 0. P. R. have a very large force
amen in town rushing the comple-
tion of the road so as to be able to
open the branch by July 1.
The town of Listowel is submitting
two by-laws to be voted on on June
22 for the purpose of establishing their
own electric light and power system ;
also'extendling the ivater maintain the
toperr. The citizens have long ago
made up their mind to have nothing
but their own lighting. and have
had to pay dearly to got back the
franchise they once ave away to the
gas company. And now that the air
as clear the town hopes to have a mod-
iste lighting power plant in operation
before the dark Fall season sets in.
The Dost will be about $21,000, which
will be placed into the new water-
works station on Main street. Listo-
wel will then be one of the modern
towns in Western Ontario.
Mr. Gowland was at Seaforth last
week attending the Teachers' Convec-
Mrs. David Boyd was spendingthe
24th with her sister, Mrs. (RevMc-
Lean, at Toronto.
`Announcements are out for the mar-
riage of Miss Emma Haokwell, daugh-
ter of Wm. and Mrs. Haekwell, to Mr.
Naylor, of llochester, N.Y., on June 2.
Alex. Gardiner attended Maitland
Presbytery at Teeswaterlast week,
He was intending to go to the General
Assembly which is being held at Win-
nipeg this year but will not attend.
The Union Sunday School of Bethel•
church opened for the Summer on
Sabbath last. Edgerton Roe, the very
efficient Superintendent, will be in
charge with a very able staff of teach-
ers. A good influence will be felt in
the community.
Good Footwear
We are Agents for the Following
makes of good Footwear
The Diamond
The imperial
The Model
The Astoria
The Imperial
We guarantee all of the above Shoos.
In Children's we have some nice t7esig
-all at lowest prices,
Repairs promptly done.
Hervey Young left a short time ago
for Vasey, Grey Co., where he has a
school for the balance of the year,
Harvey will, no doubt, make his mark
in the profeesion ashe Is a persevering,
ambitions young man,
Bei rave
Crops are doing well aiui a goc�dhar-
vest is hoped for,
A Liberal political meeting in the
interests of ex -Warden Currie will be
held in the Foresters' Hall here on
Wednesday Breading of next week,
Several speakers will be present and a
large attendance Is requested.
1 v
s -
n r
-Cra ok b o
Mise A. Dunlop Sundayed in At-
Mrs. Jas. Cameron has been visit-
ing in London.
W. Gammon and W. Forrecb were
home -from Toronto,
Dr, T. T. McRae is visiting for a
time at the manse.
The Misses Thomson, of Brussels,
were visiting friends here.
Mrs. A. J. afl..Ilelin returned from
r -
Y .. 1 s
' p e,o uvnxrlthh,Cha,.
alkeiWnty t m
I by
Misss Ida Sharpe o s
ant the holiday
visiting Miss Nettie
Ra amt.
Tuesday of this week Athol McQuar-
rie left for the West. We wish him
The Misses Donat�ggh, of Mount For-
est, spent Empire Day at the home of
H. Pyerman.
At the forthcoming Provincial elec.
Hunter be the
tions Jno. ilu Will Deputy
1 Y
Returniothiret at this poll.
Thursday eveningnipg of last week a.
well attended political meeting was
held in the Long Hall here in the in-
terests of the Liberal candidate for
Centre Huron, Barrister Proudfoot.
The chairman, A. Reymann, well
attended to the duties. Addresses
were given by W. H, Kerr, W. Proud -
foot and Arch. Hislop, the latter at
Mr. Proud£oot's request dealing with
"tbe last awful week" and calhng up
the $2,500,000 guarantee to McKenzie
& Mann and the $130,000 to the La
Rose Co. At the close cheers were
given for the King, Sir Wilfrid Laur-
ler, Hon. A. G. McKay and the nom-
inee. The meeting was a good one.
T. W. Craigia and P. McTaggert
were visitors in Toronto for a few
50 cents in advance secures THE
POST to J'an. 1st 1000 to any address in
Mrs. W. Neal was at London visit-
ing Mrs. Miller, formerly of this
McICillop council held a meeting
here on Tuesday dealing with the Mc-
Donald drain. We wont object to
them coming here at leastonce a year.
Misses Johnston and Brooks, of the
Queen city, were the guests of Misses
Relieving agent Hubbell was here
for a few days while agent McKay
took a brief holiday.
Walton circuit Methodists will be
represented at the 'forthcoming Con-
ference to be held at Exeter, by J. J.
Sannin.iel McIntosh, who has been
junior in the Standard Bank at Brus-
sels, has conte to Walton to:succeed
Peter' Healey in the bank here.
The pulpit of the 'U. P. church is be-
ing supplied at present by Rev. J. S.
T. Milligan, D. 1p. He is nob a strang-
er to the people and is it good preach-
Teacher Dodds attended the Con-
vention at Seaforth last week con-
sequently there was no school here
Thursday nor Friday. Moseley was
also a holiday,
A political Meeting in the interests
of Andrew Porter, Conservative
nominee for Centre Huron, will be
held in the A. 0. U. W. Hall Thursday
evening of this week.
An interesting letter on Cumberland
and Keswick, from the facile pen of
James Smillie; will appear in next,
week's Post. Mr. Stu -title's letters are
well worthy of perusal.
We hope the arrival of good
weather will tend toward the more
rapid; impr'overuent in the health and
vigor of Thos. McFaclzean, jr. He has
been tau since ince)a st Christmas.
Lieut, J. M. Dennison is calling for
recruits for 'Brussels Co. 33rc1 Regi-
ment to attend camp at Goderich from
.Tune 10-27. It may be that those who
attend drill this year may go to the
celebration at Quebec.
Saturday everting of last week Mr.
Proudfoot hold a political meeting in
the A. 0. U, W. Hall in Walton which
was well attended. In addition to the
candidate T. McMillan and A. Hislop
also spoke. Neil Duncanson occupie
the chair,
The driver of G. A. Best, Brussels,
broke loose from the tie post last Sat-
urday evening and made off for Brus-
sels, in attempting to stop it at the
schoolhouse the buggy was left there
and the runaway was captured
further North,
Tuesday next is the date set for an
extension along the 0. P. R. line from
Goderich to Guelph. Train leaves
here at 9.50 a. in, and is billed to start.
from the Royal city on the rotate trip
at 7,50, Return fare is $1.10 for adults
and 55c for children. Tickets are good
to return on Wedheaday. Further
particulars on page 5 of this issue,
Copies of the cement sidewalk By-
Lawside of our
asit relates taGrey
served village weres Wed 00 the interested
parties this week. The work of con-
struction will lkely commence early
next month so as to catch good. weath-
er,Estimated cost is set down at
$12410. Tide amount will be divided
over 15 years on clebentnres. beating
interest et the rate of 5 %. When the
Morris side of Walton is sidowalked it
will add very materially to the ap-
pearance, convenience and health of
the place,
Rev. Mr, McNab, M, A„ will leave
have on June 8th for Wieei eg whore
he will attend the Assemblyy of the
Presbyterian church.
Next Sabbath at 11 a. in. the regular
communion service will be held in
Duff's clam'cb heli:, Preparatory ser-
vice on Friday • at 2,40 Ia. m:
Next month George and Mai. G II Grigg
purpose taking u. holiday trip to the
West to visit relatives and old friends.
new have 3 sons and 4 daughters out
there. The boys farm on a good big
scale, Fred. owning a section and
Will. and John a half section each,
Last year the latter had 2,700 bushels
of «lsatvhis
r he told. at$ 1.00 per
bushel, a tidy torn -over for one Ben-
son We wish the boys continued
W. Doherty, who owned a fine
firm in Tuckersmith, has disposed o;f
the same for a good sutra,
The Clinton Collegiate foot ball cli'(b
played a Hough cup match in Galt. on
May 23rd but didl not win.
Dr, 7'. T. McRae,, who has been in
.I rtn aship
Dr. Gunn,inn bas decid-
to o I ien : n ii t v of For himself in
J s G. Ohowsn traveler for h
dt i ox the
O n Goa was married to
Mrs. M. Dost ger Thur sdlay of last week
and left for a trip to the East,
Council meeting Friday of this
Mrs• Allan Adapts 5th line was ris-
iting relatives at Hdwick last week,
Mrs. D. Lamont, of Rosebt h
.is visiting her parents,Wm. and Mrs.
Victoria Day holiday brought Jas.
Gook, of Hamilton, to his old home in
Morris. We are always glad 'to see
the old boys. •
Chris, and Mrs. Michie, of Hespeler,
were here on a short visit with rela-
tives during the holiday. They are
welcome visitors.
Herb. Cunningham, of Palmerston,
was a holiday visitor at Mrs. John
Manning's on Victoria Day. We are
afraid we will lose Miss Susie yet over
these calls.
Ernest A. Wheeler, who is a tele-
graph operator on the G.T.R., is home
on a visit for a few weeks. He is now
located at Paris where he bas spent
the past 10 months. The visitor is a
son of Chas. Wheeler, 4th line.
A Riverside Social will be held at
the home of Jas. Russell, Sunshine, on
Tuesday evening, June 10th, under the
auspices of the Sunshine Methodist
churelr. A splendid time is expected.
Keep the date in mind and be sure to
A political meeting was held in the
Township Hall .last Friday evening in
behalf of A. H. Musgrove. The chair
was occupiecl by Robt. Murray and
speeches were given by Mr. Musgrove
and Jas. Bowman. The attondance
was not large.
A family gathering was held at
Chas. Wheeler's, Rh line, hest Monday
afternoon. All the children were pres-
ent and with croquet, base ball, foot
ball, music, &e., a fine trate was en-
joyed. 20 sat clown to well spread
tables prepared in Mrs. Wheeler's best
style and the company voted Mr. and
Mrs. Wheeler a first-class host and
This Week Wm. andMrs. Robb leave
for a holiday outing. It is 17 years
since Mr. and Mrs. Robb were married
so that Morris is more like home to
them than anywhere else. They will
visit A. Mills, at Georgetown, Mrs,
Robb's brother and then go to Totten-
ham where her father resides. Early
in Auto they will turn Westward
taking tickets to Edmonton. ,En
route visits will be inane at Winnipeg
Deloraine, Napinka, Frobisher, Mile-
stone, Maidstone and other points,
We wish them a safe journey, a
pleasant time and a safe return batik.
Mi.. Robb sold his faun last Winter
but may buy again if he finds what
suits him.
Goon REASON Fon Ir. --I have been
shown a copy of last week's Wingham
Advance which has a letter headed
"Warning to Conservatives" and
signed' "Morris Voter." I am also a
Morris voter and a Conservative and
I believe Mr. Bowman was not treated
fairly even before the Nominating
Cao entisome people he diel
Convention, a a osa y
not, know when theorganization meet-
ing was held in his owndivision where
Mnsgrove t'.-Jegateswore chosen. The
Advance itself stabbed Bowman be-
hind his back in praising Musgrove to,
the skies before the Convention mot
to the detriment of other candidates
who were well known to be in the
fleld. No better evidence need be ask-
ed as to whether Mr'. Musgrove is so
great a favorite as the cool reception
he receives from good straight Tories,
some of thein not, even residents of
this township. The Township Hall
meeting last l`riday did not set fire to
anything on account. of ib's great
warmth. If Mr. Bowman was not,
side tracked by a determined plan
then I wonder what all the rush was
about in loading up the Convention?
No honorable man should defend a
gerrymander whether the work of a
C rib ,or Tory. "Fait play is bonnie
play, and the Whitney party has
nothm to cheer over in their dealing
with Huron Co. When North Huron
Was created Bowman should have had
it, The Advance cant soft soap a
timber of us at this stage and swing
us into line as it was tonn i
a x ons to
toot its little horn when there was no
call for it only to knife Bowes/M. It
has outdone itself in testifying to the
liberality of his candidate when every
one who ever' attended a 12th of July
gathering has opinions of his own and
the patty referred to will trot forget
the insults: "Mr. Bowman's turn will
come'' says the scribe not if the same
croolteaness is 00 the job as was prac-
ticed en him this time. Ire can der
what he pleases but I will record bey
vote against both the gerrymander
and Musgrove even if the ranks have
to be broken onJune 8th. You should
have sounded "beware" before the
Convention. A MORRIS Irma.
ENTERED INTO REST. -After a long
and happy life the cull that no one
can refuse to obis Cann'
to Jetta( t
Lauchlauti relict of the late Gilbert
Speir last Sunday evening at the resi-
dence of her son Allan, 4th line, where
she made her home and at the ad-
vanced age of nearly 88 years, she
passed peacefully away to her reward.
She knew very little of illness in her
Icing life and a doctor was almost un-
known in her home. On Januar
10th she Yell and brake her S ai;,li and
this with resultant troubles (Iowa
her decease. Mrs, Speir bad been in
failing health for some . ears, Mr.
Speir died in January of 1871, The
subject of this notice was born in
Argylcshire, Scotland, and was mar-
ried over 00 years. They carne to this
township in the pioneer days, - over 50
yearn •e. and knew the hardships
and straggles of those early days.
Deceased was industrious,re
thrifty and
hospitable in be,'honie, kindly in her
manner and generous • s con to all. She
scores hal 1
t o Yr der ds deo
a among both
young and old. For many years she
was a faithful member hfn rube of the Presby-
terian churh at Brussels and passed
away in the triumph of her faith in
the Master, The surviving children
are Allan, James and John, all well
known residents of Morris. Bella and
'Win. are deceased, Mrs. Wnt. Shed-
den, a worthy old resident of the 4th
line, is a sister to :airs. Stair • Mrs.
Hamilton, of Glasgow, is another ;
and 'Wlri.L h ml
La is la d ofshay •a
O t is a
brother. L 17 grandchildren and great
grandchildren are llvleg. The funeral
Wednesday afternoon was a very
large one showing; the high respect
in which Mrs, Speer was held. Rev.
A. 0. Wishart, B. A., conducted the
service, interment being made in the
family plot in Brussels cemetery.
Grey •
Hay is going to be a great crop.
Township council Thursday of this
The crops are growing flue and the
country looks good.
Wire fencing is adding to the ap-
pearance of numerous fauns.
A number of our school teachers
were at Seaforth last week attending
'the Convention.
W. J. and Mrs. Hemingway, 10th
con., had visitors from Bruce Go. to
see them during the past week.
Bert. Martin, formerly of Grey, is
now leader.of an orchestra in Hamil-
ton drawing a big weekly salary, We
are pleased to hear of his success and
hope it may long continue.
Au auction sale of a 100 mere farm,
farm stock, implements, &e„ is an-
nounced by Chas. Eveleigh, Lot 29,
Con. 0. It swill take place Friday
afternoon of next week with F. S.
Scott as auctioneer.
W. J. Savage, formerly of this
township, but now of the State of
Washington, where he has spent the
past nine years, is calling on old
friends here and is atiweleome visitor.
He is still a bachelor.
Archie Close writing from Elk Lake,
New Ontario, under date of May lath
says -I noticed a piece in a recent
copy of THE Blrussar,s POST speaking
about July skating. If you want July
ice I think you will treed to come to
this country for. 1 was walking on
snow and ice to -day. Last year I saw
snow on July 5th, It seems funny to
think about the folks at home seeding
and me walking on snow shoes up
During the past week Wm. Bishop,
of Komoka, a former well known
Greyite, was renewing old friendships.
He is a brother to Jae. Bishop, of this
township, and Peter of Brussels, and
a brothbr-in-law to Angus Shaw. It
is 18 years since Mr. Bishop left Grey.
9 of which he has spent at his present
home, Mr, Bishop came to this town-
ship in 1858 and was well known
owing to the fact that he was Assessor
forlyears. The passing years are deal-
ing kindly with him.
Another death is that of Alre. Kate
Whiting, a sister of J. Garrick, of
town, which occurred on Wednesday
of last week in Detroit. The body
was brought here for interment.
The death took place in Godori h of
Thomas McKee, a retired farmer,
formerly living on the 4th con. of
Goderich township, but latterly of
town. Mr. McKee was born in 1884
and was thus 71 years of age.
The officers appointed at the session
of the West Huron Teachers' Institute
Saturday afteruoon are as follows :-
Pres., J. W. Hogarth, Exeter ; Vice
Pres., Miss L. Cunningham, Belfast ;
Soc. Treas., W. H. Johnstone, Bruce -
field ; Councillors 10. Mustard, Port
Albert ; S. Beatty, Varna • G. W.
Shore, Dashwood ; Miss W. Howard,
Eiteter ; Miss V, A. Watson Gocle-
rich. The examiners elected for the
Public) school leaving examination are
G. Baird and Miss Oonsitt, The fol-
lowiug resolutions were adopted :-
Toa a Provincial tr- a Deamination be held
at the end of the eighth grade of the
Public school course, and ancients
who pass this moon -nation shall be
entitled to attend any High school or
Collegiate Instituto or Continuation
school in the provtnee. That papers
be sob on the followiug subjects of .the
course :-Reading, writing, spelling,
arithmetic, grammar,composition,
llteF?tbur'e, gcograplry, and at modified
coarse in history. That the result of
this examination be considered in cons
nection with tho°teachors' estimate of
the sttvucling of the pupil in eaph
subject/ That the mark requit'e±1 foe
passing be forty per cent cm each
subject and sixty per cent. on the
total, That one-half' of the marks in
literature be assigned on prescribed
wane, •and at least one-fourth of the
hoicks in arithmetic! be on mechtanieal
work on the four simple rules. That
a detailed corriculuxn of the world in
these subjects be drawn up for the
province, and that local authorities be
allowed the privilege of extending
this course by including certain
optional subJects in accordance with
curriculum which shall be supplied.
J• N, Allan took a trip to Toronto
on Monday.
D. Fisher took a short holiday,
spending it in Paris,
B. la and l
isCarr returned td from
T Iro n x Tuesday
Mrs A, L. Russell. visiting isitiug rela-
tives near For lit ich.
Mrs, D. Orr, of Wingham, spent
Satutrlay with friends here.
Wm. Jexancl family spent the holi-
day with relatives in Listowel.
Robert lVliiier, of West Toronto,
spent lastThrrsday in the village.
Miss Jennie French, of Toronto, is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Tina
Thos. e
11t s. Ras is having sal of his
g a
household effects on Saturday, y Ma -
Dr. W S. B Striate left Chi
for Chicago
last week, where he
willspend several
J. R and Mrs. Wendt visited over
Sunday with friends in Harriston and
T. W. Gibson, Deputy .Minister of
Mines, was up for a few days seeing
his old friends. -
Miss Clara Rutherford spent Mon-
day with her sister, bliss L. Ruther-
ford, f I'd in nss a Bi ls .
tonITartley, Principal of the Glut-
ton school was renewing acquaintan-
ces here this week•
John J. Montgomery, of Owen
Sound, called on friends in this
vicinity on Tuesday.
Chester Smith, of Oolpoys Bay,
visited over the holiday with his
parents, John and Mrs. Smith,
John J. Gibson, Manager of the
Title and Trust Go., Toronto, spent a
few days with his sister, Mrs. F. V.
Wroxeter was fairly deserted on
Victoria Day. Nearly every one
seemed to take advantage of the cheap
rates and spent the holiday elsewhere.
Mies Alice Hamilton left on Friday
for a visit in Toronto and Picton.
She will attend the wedding of her
brother, ilairis Hamilton, in the lat-
ter town on June 3rd.
Much regret was expressed when it
was learned that Rev. tT. H. Farr,
who has had charge of the Episcopal
ehurch here for it little over two
years, was likely to be moved to
Seelboerne shortly.
Township Council on Thursday of
this. week.
Our schoolteachers did not attend
the Convention at Seaforth last week.
bliss Lyda McGallum was home for
Victoria Day. She holds a position at
50 cents pays for THE Pose to any
Canadian post ofitce to the 1st of
January 1909.
/Miss Emma Colvin, of Brussels,
-.sited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell,
here last Monday.
1 Numerous flags flew from the busi-
ness places aucl homes of our resi-
dents on Monday.
Our station agent is partially dis-
abled with a sprained aukie but we
hope he will soon be o. k.
Dr. Ferguson, of Owen Sound, was
a visitor with his brother, Dr. Fergu-
son, during the past week.
We are glad to hear of the improve -
anent in the condition of Miss Alice
Davies and trust she will soon be , con-
valesces t.
David Dobson, of Kansas, a brother
of Lawrence Dobson, of this place,
has been visiting here. He was a wel-
come visitor.
Rev. Geo> Baker and song of Bine-
vale, and George and Mrs. Belo -Mer
and daughter, of Jamestown, were vis-
iting at Wm. Hall's on Victoria Day.
An addition is being built to the
East of the Kreuter he . i 'vee store of
20x50 feet. It will ba :i lized as an
irnplemeut warerooru ,a'? 1 for other
purposes. 1
A 35 foot pole was plated in position
for the new school flldag.. The ling is
2 feet 8 inches wide by.0 feet long and
floated from. the new staff on Empire
and. Victoria days.
Sean., son of John McIntosh, Ethel,
has been changed from Brussels to
Walton branch of the Standard
Bank. He is a steady going youth
who will succeed well.
A new piece of cement sidewalk has
been put down in front of the hotel by
the new proprietor as a hint to its ex-
xtension. Mr. Putland will also build e
modern verandah with balcony.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Elsie.
Pomeroy, assistant teacher, purposes
removing from Ethel as soon as this
berm ends. She has madoherseif very
useful outside of the schooland will be.
much missed.
Samuel Llbambers, an old and well
known resident, has been on the sick
list with pneumonia and other com-
plications bat is improving nicely now
we'are pleased to hear and we hope
he will soon be o. k.
.Last Sabbath evening the pastor
preached 0 very interesting and in-
sbructive sermon in the Methodist
church on "The Diving Magnet" It
was illustrat=ed by the properties of
attraction in a m e
attt a a no
Dr, 'Whitfield, who here for
leve. a months, Chas left for Oineago,'
where he will bake a special worse tor
some weeks in . treattuent of eye, ear
and nose. Prom Chicago he will, go
to Port Scott, .IC.ansas, where lie
practiced for some years before and
where he will open up an alalic. The
Dr, is a gonial good fellow, well post-
od in his profession and sure to
succeed. He carries with Iain thobest
wishes of a wide circle of friends hero,
Mr's. 'Walker has been (111 the sick
list but is better xxow we are pleased
to state,
Jno. Gibson, wire is employed as
baker in Mount Forest, was visiting
his brother, Robe. Gibson, this week,
Jno 'Colmar, of Bruasals, and Miss .
t> of
Dv Luber and C,la dna
were holiday visrtoi•s with old Mende
7 etraar.--Dr, Feild, dentist of Wes-
sels, will be in Ethel next 1Mlonclu.y,
June 1st, and may be consulted in
rooms over the Thompson stars,
Will. Freeman is borne from I3aiii-
h situation Ilton where he olds t v ituat ri s a
bookkeeper. He is the eldest son of
F. F Freeman and is always 'welcome
Milverton Foot Ball team will be
here next Monday evening to meet
our boys. The visitors play a good
strong game so a lively anal .(h way be
There was a big crowd here Tues-
day evening to the Foot Ball gauze be-
tween Brussels and Ethel, the gate ire•
ceipts being over $50. .Although the
visitors won In a scorn of 8 to 0 they
had to work for it. with
practice in
e our
boys will t to the bon' too. 5r.
Moore, of lingg
raan'was the
A large number from L pel and
vicinity went to Brussels last Monday
to witness the Foot Ball match be-
tween our boys and the champions.
Our lads held their opponents down to
a tie, the score being 0-0. There was
great jubilation here over the game
and the team received $15,00 in thine
$5 donations for their good work.
Wednesday evening a Gousei a
political meeting was held in the
Town lull here. Edward rad
To'd i ,. BrauY s
s e
Are id d a ev. Joseph s e rad R Elliott,PlhoB.
., of Goderich, was the speaker.
Mr. Porter, the candidate, was unable
to be present as he was attending a
meeting elsewhere. Opposition speak-
ers were not invited hence no one
took part.
CAL,r ED AWAY. --The ix:ws that
Aaron Telfer had passed over to the
Great Beyond last Monday night came
as a great surprise to many as very
few knew that he was ill, although he
had been laid aside for a week and
was under medical treatinexit for
urinary and other troubles from
which he had been a great sufferer at
times. It was expected amedical
operation would be performed but he
sank to rapidly. About 9 o'clock the
vital spark fled and another ofthe.old
residents had answered tbe roll call.
Deceased was born in the township of
Vaughan and came to Grey township
with his parents in 1808. In [870 he
was united in marriage to Phoebe
Fulton, who with one son, Telford,
who resLles on the homestead, sur-
vives. Last January Mr. and Mrs.
Keflex• left the farm 11, miles West of
here and took up residence in .Ethel
little thinking that the shadow would
soon cross their door. The subject of
this notice was 58 years of age ; was
a Liberal in politics and adhered to
the Presbyterian church. He was an
honest, honorable man and held• in
high esteem by all who knew hixn.
Deceased had lost his bearing some.
time ago but kept well posted on the
affairs of the day by reading. The
funeral took place on Wednesday
afternoon, Rev, D, B. McRae Conduct-
ing the service. Pall bearers were A.
Reymann, J. Oster, P. Lamont, J.
Yeo, Geo. McCall and II. Vogel.
Peter Keller, a brother of deceased,
died 2 years ago and Mrs. Keifer sr.,
last July. To the bereaved the com-
munity will tender sincere sympathy
in their sorrow.
Miss Ixia Bryaus wa,s away to Tor-
onto for a holiday during the past
Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Baker, of Bluevale, will preach in the
Hall here,
Very little improvement is notice-
able in the condition of Mrs. Joseph
50 cents in advance pays fol TELE
Posr to any Canadian Address to
January 1st. 1909.
John Strachan is home from the
University, Toronto, and will likely
spend his vacation Isere.
Misses Moses and Henderson and F.
Fraser attended the Teachers' Conven-
tion at Seaforth last week.
R. II. Cott and
and • r.
McEwen of Goderich, ,
ei hand J. Clutt and
fancily, of Blyth, were here for the
holiday to visit relatives.
Last week James Strachan, dentist,
left for Kingsville, where he will put
in the Summar. We hope the girls
of Essex Co, will take good care of
We hope some of the rubbishyub-
lisheii in Wingham Advance from
Jame towxi is not from the pen of
the regular correspondent. It is
no credit to the paper.
ex -Reeve T.,,Strachan, ex -Deputy
Reeve Bryans and ex -Reeve Turnbull
have been invited to the Go. Council
banquet at Godor'ich tobe held' on
June 4th. They will likely attend,
Fred. Bryans is home from the
Medical College for his holidays. Dr.
W. E. Bryans rs'also expected horn as
he is contemplatitif, a trip to the West
with the possibility of locating there,
Morris and Turnbozrry tbwnships
arenot going to give the sweepfor
the Whitney oandrdatotiratwas hoped
for as many electors say the Govern-
inept need to be taught the lesson that
they cant pull and . haul municipalities
wherever they choose by gerrymander
without a being = broughtto booki
for t,
Mr, Currie should be heartily support-
ed to impress the lesson.
CLosi CAT.n•Tuesday evening dur-
ing the thunder shower a poplar tree
near ex-13.seve' Tu nbttll s residence
was struck by lightning. Will. Turn-
bull was standing in the doorway and
felt the heat from the electric charge
but did not surfer by it, The air was
heavily charged with the smell of
sulphur. It was fortunate no serious
damage was dollen