HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-21, Page 8BLUE
For Sprayi
Now is the time to have your Fruit Trees, &e., sprayed, The
first sprtlyiag Should be done before the blossoms open. Don't neglect
this important work as it -will pay you over and over again. The fol-
lowing fOrnatila is said to give good satisfaction for first aplilieation :-
Blue Stoner ..„.......,, 4 pounds
1.1erreA pounds
Water , SO gallons
For the seooud application, fear tablespoonfuls of Paris Green to be
added to this.
Get Your Blue Stone at our Drug Store
and in that way you can make sure you are getting the best that
be procured and at the very closest price.
Fresh supply of llelehore for Spraying Currant Bushes, &c,
cau II
gram , tth "s
Tits is the growing time.
Toe dandelion crop is good,
5o CENTS gets Tin POST to Jan 1st
Have you, your premises tidied up for
the ,Sanitary Inspector's visit?
ETHEL and Brussels Friday evening
on Victoria Park. Don't miss it.
Messes. PexNE & SON received a car
of oats from Fort William this week.
NEXT Monday will be a public holiday
and the business places will be closed.
Hueco: Co, Council will meet in
rich 'on Tuesday, lone znd at 3o'clock,
DR. HAMILTON, Dental Surgeon, will
open an office in Brussels, about May
You can have the German measles and
yet not speak the language nor love
50 CENTS, in advance, secures Tot
Posr for the balance of Igor to any
Canadian postoffice.
MESSRS. EwAN & Co, disposed of nine
buggies last Saturday and have numer-
ous other sales booked for early de-
Tot lot behind Robt, Thomson's cem-
ent stable has been plowed, levelled and
seeded down, making quite an improve-
A CEMENT block in the sidewalk op-
posite F. R. .Smith's drug store got it's
back up tbis week and will have to be
BELL Ringers in Brussels Town Hall
June 18th. Secure your reserve seats
in good time. Plan of Hall at Fox's
Drug Store.
Tlix street sprinkling cart is once more
on duty, it's necessity being unneces-
sary before this season owing to the
frequency of showers and often down-
THE school teachers are away to the
Conveatioh at Seaforth so schools are
closed for Thursday and Friday of this
week and including text Monday will
give them an opportunitp to recuperate.
LISTowEL foot bailers will visit Brus-
sels on Friday evening of next week,
2eth inst., in the Intermediate League
series. Brussels team will play their
first match away from home on Monday,
June 1st, at Listowel,
THE G. T. R. will issue reduced fares
for Victoria Day as follows :-Siegle
first-class fare, good going Saturday,
Sunday and Monday,
May 23,
24 25,
valid returningfromdestination on or
before Tuesday, May 26tH,
Kafir June 18th clear for the Eckhardt
Bell Ringers iii'the Town Hall, Brussels.
Tbey are worth going miles to hear and
are a wonderful musical family. Plan
of reserved seats will be open in due
course at Fox's Drug store.
ANNUAL excursion to Model Farm,
Guelph, on the Kincardine line will be
run on Friday June 19th. Special train
will be run and an enjoyable outing
promised, There was never more to
see at Guelph than this year.
BRUSSELS Base Ball team was at Blyth
on Friday afternoon and had a game
with the expert willow wavers of that
burg. Our nine did not go over to win
but just to give Blyth a work-out. The
score book was lost on the way home,
SATURDAY the juveniles of the North
and South of the Maitland battled for
supremacy in a e iunings base hall
match resulting in a victory for the
former by a score of 22 to 7. The lads
have heaps of fun in addition to the
physical exercise.
THE Ethel Foot Ball team showed the
stuff they were made of by playing a
tie game at Listowel Monday evening
with the club of that town, Ethel will
try conclusions with Brussels on Friday
evening of this week in this place. A
large attendance will no doubt. witness
the contest. aarsea
LAST Saturday the G, T. R. asked the
seetiou men to take a day's vacation.
As each man draws $1.40 a day it meant
quite a parse full of wages whoa the
whole system is taken into account,.
The section bosses were not called off.
Some say the Company will attempt to
economise by this holiday route in re.
peating as frequently as the men will
submit to it.
Tan License Commissioners net at
the Central Hotel last Friday and trans.
noted business. Representatives were
present asking for hotel licenses in How -
telt township, The Board referred the
natter to tbe License Department of
the Provitoial Government owing to
the fact that the Local Option By-law
bad been disallowed last week. They
will hold their next meeting at the
American Hotel, Brussels, rel June loth.
Is SURE TO DO THAT. --Tavistock
Intermediate Foot 1a11 team defeated
Ayr last Friday et Tavistock by 5 to o.
Dr, "Jim" Anderson, who was the goal
keeper for Brussels' champions last year
and whose parental borne is in this local-
ity; played a splendid game for the vie -
tors, so the repoet says, Jitn sticks t0
his knitting in good style as 'does his
brother Alex, who is one of the sturdy
backs of 13rusaols team. Dr. Anderson
is practicing his calling as a veterinary
at i'nvlstoek,
Goon Morning 1 have you bad the
measles yet?
BLrrrc Janior Baseball team is expect-
ed to play a game oa Victoria Park,
Brussels, Thursday evening' of this
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday after-
noon from 2.3o to 5 and Tuesday and
Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 30 are
the hours Brussels Public Library will
be open from the 1st of June to October
rat beginning on June ist. Readers
should govern themselves aecordiugly.
Dren.-Last Sunday evening, at 6,30
o'clock, the spirit of Catherine McQueen
relict of the late Alex. Campbell, took
its flight attie home of deceased's only
daughter, Mrs. Arch. Thompson, Brus-
sels, Mrs. Campbell was 77 years of
age and bad been in failing bealth for
some mouths although only confined to
bed 3 days. Old age and a complication
of ailments wee the cause of deatb. She
was born in the Isle of Skey,and came to
this countryi4o years ago living near
Goderich and Lucknow the most of her
time, malting her home with her daugh-
ter to years. Mr. Campbell died 17
years ago. Deceased was a fine woman
and had a large circle of friends. She
was a faithful member of the Presby-
terian church. The funeral took place
on Tuesday afternoon, theretnains beiug
conveyed to Lucknow for interment
after a short service by Rev. H. M.
Lang -Ford atMr. Tb meson's home here,
Mrs. Campbell bas a sister Mrs, McLean,
living in Kinloss, who is 4 years her
senior. A brother, M. McQueen died
February, aged 86 years. .,
Sew-aoo, Yellow Leviathan and Sugar
Mangold seed at MCORACKEN'S.
I01 0an3M,-Ott Satm'day, 28rd inst., Mrs.
Kirk will have ice cream as usual. It will be
first-class. One trial will convince any one,
GOLD LOCKET, heart slurped oontaining two
portraits, lost Tuesday evening in Brussels.
Reward will be paid on leaving it at the post.
WHEN your lawn mowers will not eat "n85i Sean tone shay en and adjust snore to your
innsy. V4'ill esopl,ange machine not
Wise have a
number of mowers for sale. T. McGasoon,
Min street, Brussels.
-- ()-
porters of Brussels well known Inter-
mediate champion Foot Ball team were
well pleased with the inaugural game in
1909 season which was played on Vic-
toria Park here on Monday evening in
the presence of a largea number of
P eoP le. Atwood was the coin
petingeleven and came with a sturdy
uncwho stuck to their with
work a
vim that caused our lads to keep wide
awake. Brussels won quite handily
however, scoring one goal, from a
corner kick, in the first half and two
others when ends were reversed. Gor-
don McDonald, who has the game down
to a science, put the ball between the
flags twice and Jas, McGillvray did tbe
trick for the third goal, The visitors
did not score and played a defence game
largely, particularly in the last half.
Elmer Moore, of Winghate, made an
impartial referee and had few decisions
to give. Both teams will improve as
they train down to the work. The line
tip was as follows ;
W 1013aeng Goal H McNamara
W McDonald Goal
aolte F Gray
A Anderson ,.W G Memilton
W Stevenson .,, G Hanna
W Henderson,.. Ralf Backs) ...A.13 Thompson
R Brown J A ltobb
W Miller G W Brown
J McGillivrayI MoParlane
G McDonald Forwards ,.,K M Strnthere
7 Rowley G Peebles
H Lowry 1 1..,..,„. 1, Switzer
Brussels and ocality accord generous
support to our team who well deserve it
both for their past record and for what
they have mapped out for this season's
strenuous program.
ExevasroN TO Gonne-Tuesday,
mJune 2nd will a the date of a mam-
oth excursion over the new C. P. R.
line from Goderich to Guelph, taking
it] all the stations from the lake port
town as far East as Milverton. The
train will leave Goderich at g a. m„ ar.
riving at Guelph at 11.2o. Returning
the train will leave Guelph 01 7.50 p, m,
In addition to the varied attractions of
the Royal City, including tbe Ontario
Agricultural College and Model Farm,
there will be a number of special events
for the excursion day, Those who like
an exciting baseball game may see the
International League mated between
Guelph and Niagara Falls, N. Y„ en
excursion trona the Falls having been
arranged for the same day. A lawn
bowling tournament, in which teams
front the visiting towns will take part,
is to be held on the handsome lawn of
the Guelph bowling club. Riverside
Park, Guelph's beautiful resort, will
be open to excursionists, and the baud
of the Guelph Musical Society will fur-
nish Music. This is the first excursion
Easta over the new Gueiph-Goderich
line, and the council and citizens of
Guelph will give the visitors an ofAcial
welcome. This excursion is in return
for the excursion from Guelph to God-
erich last Fall at the time of the official
opening of the new line, and it is ex-
pected that a large number will take ad -
wattage of the opportunity to visit the
Royal City, Tloketa will he good to re-
Your Bank Account Your Best Friend
SYSTEMATIC SAYING, even Wit be only $1.00 a week deposited
in a strong chartered bank, where it will bear interest at highest current
rates, is the first and surest way to independence, Begin now to save.
$1 .00
The Metropo
Opens an Account in the
Savings Department of
Capital Paid Up
heli all
Reserve Fund and Undivided
I Profits, $1,241,532.26
interest allowed on Savings Accounts from date of deposit, end compounded
FOUR times a year. No delay in withdrawal 774
F. H. GILROY, Manager
turn Weduesday, June 3rd, See ad-
vertisement in another column tor rates
and timetable.
C. W. Corbett, of Agricola, Alberta,
formerly of Belgrave, scuds a clipping
from a Saskatchewan paper that
pokes fun at, Ontario linters after
the following fashiou : " What'a the
'natter with Sunny Alberto theee
clays or would you rather live in the
East, where theyhave to get up in
the morning and dig the. chimney out
of a snow -bank, before they can start
a fire. liailrvay traffic is demoralized
stud the telegraph and telephone
services are reported at a standstill
owing to snow storms. Ill Sunny
Alberta we have to feed. the chickens
chopped ice, to keep them from layiug
hard boiled eggs these days."
People We Talk About
Miss McKercber, of Howiek, is visit-
ing bet• sister, bit's, Allan Adams, -P,
AnentAutent is away
toSt. Louis on 11 busi-
ness trip. He will call at other points
before he returns. -H. Deuuis, of Chat-
ham, was a welcome visitor to Brussels
this week and received tbe glad hand
from many old time friends. It is 10
years since Mr, Dennis removed from
town to Kent's capital where he has it
good business. -Ronald Sinclair is en-
joying a vaoatl00 of a few weeks at the
parental home in town, 9Ie bolds a
good position in the Bank of Commerce
at Dresden. -Our old townsman, j. L.
Ronald, and his good lady have taken
possessiou of their new home in Strat-
ford which Mr, Ronald had erected
during the past year. We wish them
many years of comfort in it, -Benny
Walker was on the sick list during the
past week with threatened appendicitis
but is improved sufficiently to enable
hint to get about once more. We hope
he will soon be o. k, -Editor Veale, of
the Seaforth News, was i0 town on
Tuesday, -Adam Scott, of Alma, West
of Seaforth, was calling on relatives and
old friends last Monday. -Barrister A.
H, Monteith, of town, will attend the
military camp wbich opens at Goderich
on June t6th. He is the Adjutant of
the 23th (Perth Co.) Regiment. Rev.
W. T. Cluff, formerly of Brussels, is
Chaplain ot the sante Regiment. -ex -
Reeve and Mrs. McCallum, of East
Wawanosh, were visiting their daught-
er, Mrs. Ed. Nicholson, Brussels, last
Tuesday -A. A. White, formerly teller
of the Standard Bank, Brussels, has
been appointed to a position at the head
office, Toronto. -A, K. Zaft was visit-
ing for a few days during the past week
at Parkhill, -Mrs, Wm. Pryne is in
Toronto this week visiting her mother,
-Miss Rumble has been the guest of
Mrs. Thomas Oakley, Queen street, -
Barrister Sinclair was at Wiarton this
week on legal business, -Athol Me.Q uar-
Tie, who bas spent the est year and a
half in Godencb, is renewing old ac-
quaintances. He was oa THE POST
staff for nearly 3 years. -Wm, Jewitt
made a visit to Lambeth, near London,
where bis wife and daughter are visit-
ing, the former having bad a cataract
removed from one eye by a Loudon
specialist. Mrs. Jewitt is expected to
be able to return bonne in rise course of
a week or so, -Owing to the serious ill-
ness of Mrs. James Sharpe the members
of her family were all called home, con-
sisting of Joe and Saunders, of Toledo ;
Jas„ of Detroit ; Jno., of St. 'Thomas ;
Milton, of Sand Point, Idaho ; Mrs.
Kingswood and Mrs, W. yd. Lowry, ot
London ; and Misses Julia and Lily,
of Ingersoll. The grandson, Oscar
Sharpe, of Toledo, and granddaugbter,
Rata Lowry, of Loudon, were also here
We are pleased to state that Mrs.
Sharpe has greatly improved and will
soon be fully restored to her usual vigor
we hope, -Miss Bella Henderson was off
duty at her sobool for over a week from
an attach: of measles. She was back
to work last week. -Howard Wilson of
Newark, N. Y., is visiting relatives in
Church Chimes
Rev, A. C. Wishart. 5, A., was at
Teeswater on Tuesday at the regular
meeting of Maitland Presbytery,
Next week Rev, 15. M. Lang -Ford
will attend the annual sessions of the
Synod at London, Wm, Bryans is the
lay delegate.
Sabbath morning Rev, Mr, Wishart
spoke on "The Refiner," Mal. 3 and 2
and 3 at the service it] Melville
church and to the evening his text was
"A choice young man," referring to
Kin Saul,
Rev, J. G. Taylor, a colored brother,
from Woodstock, favored Brussels with
a visit on Tuesday. l•Ie was canvassing
in the interest of the purchase and
establishment of an industrial farm and
seboolfor the education of the tegro
race is Ontario, Chatham being the
location decided. upon for the institu-
Last Sabbath morning Rev, Mr,
Powell preached itr the lvlethodist
church. His theme was "Bow to read
History." In the evening Rev. Mr,
)•inkbetner gave a well reasoned otit
discourse from I Cor, set chapter and
2nd verse. The reverend gentleman,
accompanied by Mrs, Finitbeiner aed
daughters left for Didsbury, Stiskatolre-
wan, on Mouthy where Mr. Finkbetter
has been stntloned for the next term.
He is a faithful worker in the vineyard
std will carry with flim the good wishes
of many old felends Iti Ontario,
Opening Session Last Monday Evening,
By way of variety in connection
with the Literary Department of the
Epworth League of the Methodist
church, Brussels, and at • the • same
time desiring to aegttire an acquaint-
ance with manners and customs of
parliamentary procedure n Mock Par-
liament has been established and the
inaugural meeting was held ,Monday
evening the opening being most
auspicious, The Governor General,
(H. L. Jackson), was escorted to the
throne by Sergeant -at -Arms, (;'J;obt.
Dark), the announcement of his com-
ing heralded by Trumpeter Griffith,
and the following Speech from the
Throne was read :-
HousE :-
In the name and interests of the
King we greet you. Aasernblecl in
this our First Parliament we congrat-
ulate our Epworth Leaguer's upon the
success of the past year.
It is my first duty to express a sense
of gratitude to Divine Providence for
His blessing upon our church, oar
League and out• Oomntry.
My Government desires to express
its gratitude at the calibre, stability
anddintegrity of the men and women
the constituencies have elected to this
our Fust Parliament and we trust and
pray that the year will be one Of
Marked progress In all the depart-
ments of church work.
Measures will be introduced for
your consideration by my Govern -
meet as follows
I. A Bill to re -organize the 114is-
sionary department of both Home and
Foreign affairs.; to • start a Mission
Study Class and the introduction of a
simpler and better system of collect-
ing our Missionary revenue.
2, A measure providing for the
continuing of the Young People's
Glass on Friday night of each week.
3, Regretting very much the
absence of flowers from our chinch
last Easter Day a Bill will be in-
tt'oduced providing for the foxnishing,
of flowers for all special occasions and
some occasions that are not special.
Noting with pleasure the progress
made along literary lues, a Bill will
be submittea for your careful consid-
eration providing for the purchase
and maintenance of a monthly news-
paper to bo etltted by Her Honorees,
the Minister of State.
HONORABLU Maximise ob' THE
The Budget ill be brought lo n at
our earliest convenience, asking your
sanction for the estimates for the year
as follows :-Missionary, $130 ; Oon-
nexional Interests, $10 • General
Epworth League Fund, $5 General
Treasurer of our church, $30 ; Run-
ning expenses and emergencies, $20
Total $155.
Among other numerous and well
aimed measures you will fiucl the fol-
lowing :-
1. For transportation to a foreign
country of all members of this House
found guilty of cold water criticism
(our•House critics exempt.)
2. A.13111 to secure the condensation
for illuminating and heating purposes
allthe rxaturgas that mayescape
al P
from the Opposition benches.
3, To provide for the maintenance
ill the douse of correction of all dis-
tuebers,.of the pep,co.
4, To -make it compulsory for all.
children of .Tumor League age to at-
tend the meetings' of the League.
' 6. A Bill by the Minister of Justice
revising our code of laws whereby May
home in connection with ors church
found guilty. of holding a party, tea or
any other gathering, other than of
extreme necessity, on Wednesday
evening shall be brought before the
Quarterly Official Boatel and severely
It is further the purpose of . myy
Govermnont, after, viewing with much
alarm the scarcity of weddings among
our young people, to appoint
a commission to enquire into the state
of all bachelor's and bring In a report.
J. A Hunter was elected Speaker of
the House and the address was moved
by the Minister of Justice, (ll. A.
Pryne) seconded by the Minister of
Minors, (JI. li, Airtlay
The =embers of the Oppisition who
spoke in addition to the Loader', (Eli
Smith) were J. T. Wood, H, R.
Brower, W. J. Fatvoett, Misses Min-:
nie McNaughton, Carrie Bingston and
Thurso, Gerry. 13'or the Government
Misses Ford and Maunders and the'
Minister of Finance, (Cheater Arm-'
strong), and the Premier, (I,'. H. Gil-
roy) also gave short addresses, the lets
tel' moved the adjournment of the
debate, Which veil1 be continued On
Monday evening, June 20th. Speech-
es were necessarily short but were un-
usually bright, cleat and most credit, -
able, the novelty of the s telatioxS add-
ing a new interest. A choice duet
was sung by Miss Alta and Roy
Pryne and a good collection wale taken
before the House, tuljottrnetl.
All 1110 members of the Leagne are
assigned places on either side of the
House and ct'itiee (among whom. will
Head Office • ; - • Toronto
In our Savings Department. Deposits of SI and upwards are received,
on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed.
No Delays in making Withdrawals
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland. AEanager
Broaaclzoleo at Welton.
be 1'osttnaster Farrow, who has had a
wide experience in parliament u'y
u snages) will 'make an attempt to
keep the House down to regular form,
The Cabinet consists of la. II ;Gilrby,
Premier and Pt'egiclent of. the Coun-
cil ; W. J. McCracken, Minister of
Rome and Foreign Affairs ; Chester
Armstrong, Miurster 'of Finance ;
Miss Ford Secretary of State-: D.
Glassier, Minister of Agrioulture ; 11.
D. Almay, Mi:tiister of 1lfinoes ; R. A.
Pryne, Minister of J•ustict. ; Miss
Bailey, Minister of Music. Eli Smith,
Leader of the Opposition, The young
people and older folk have entered
u pon the parliamentary ocean with a
large measure of interest anti zest and
there is every prospect of a successful
voyage and the ultimate arrival at the
harbor -Literary attadhment wad the
cultivation of public ease m address,
First Shot in the Campaign.
The initial public meeting in the Pro•
vinciai campaign in the Riding of Centre
Huron was held Monday eveuing in the
Torun Hall, Brussels, in the interests of
Barrister Proudfoot, the Liberal stand
and bearer. Owing to the League Foot-
ball match the audience was slow in as-
sembling but when all arrived there
was a goodly attendance. Reeve Leckie
presided and made a few remarks be-
fitting the occasion, characterizing the
action of the government in the gerry-
mander of Huron as uojnst and grossly
The first speaker. was ex -Warden
Thos. Straeban, oneof the veteran
Liberals of Grey township, who briefly
spoke, dealing chiefly with the Local
Option late and Mr. W hitney'sunwilliog-
nese to remove the 6o per cent hsudicap.
He made a vigurous plea for the aboli-
(ion of the bar,
W. 14. Kerr, of 'Tie Pose was called
to discuss the point raised with Mr.
Southgate at the meeting there. The
Settforthlte thought that would be all
right and be would be sureto be there,
The incidents related had roused the
Highland are 111 Archie Hislop, the 114,
P. P„ for the former East Riding of
Huron for the past to or 12 years, and
on being called epee to speak filled in
about no minutes in a style that evoked
hearty applause. He called to mind the
lergely increased encpeuditure, tile re-
fusal of the government to repeal sets
of the Liberal administration pronounc-
ed to be dreadfully bad when in opposi-
tion or yet to introduce measures faith-
fully promised to be brought forward,
such as late reform, lac. The great lack
of the government was pointed out to be
the want of constructive legislation.
Toronto was getting too much both in
men and money, the University students
receiving an average of $200 while the
public school pupils averaged only ,$2.
Mr, Hislop rubbed it into Mr. Southgate
antionclud d
c e with a denunciation on
the injustice of the gerrymander in view
of all Mr. Whitney's pledges,
The meeting closed at II o'clock with
cheers for the Ring, Sir Wiltrid Laurier,
Hon. A. G. MacKay and the candidate.
Mr, Proedfoot was introdnced to a large
number of electors anti made a favorable.
impression on this his first visit in a
public capacity to Brussels.
OAurn>flun,-In Wroxeter, on May 16th, to Mr.
and sirs, Sam. Campbell, a daughter,
DAvte, In Wroxeter, on May 18th, to Mr, and
Mrs, Alfred Dayis, a daughter.
SxLnans-In Brussels, on May 16th, to Mr. and
r William Sellers, a daughter.
OAstrnslt -In Brussels on May 17111, Cath-
erine McQueen, relict of the late Alexander.
Campbell, of Lueknow, aged 77 years.
LAwanno t -In Buffalo, on Tuesday, May 12tix,
Ohas, W. Lawrence, formerly of Belgrave,
aged 00 years.
on next and dwelt on the unsatisfactory BRUSSELS MARKET
character of the educational policy of i Oy�hent a0 8a.
the government, the school book price ats a6
10 160
reductrou, Hon. Adam Becks horses, Peas
and the gerrymander. •Barley
An enthusiastic reception was accord- 'Potatoes
ed the candidate, who after referring to , BEtglgbsBr
his acquaintance with Brusselities and Hay
people of this focality at the Co. Council Hogs
and elsewhere, spoke at length on the
Co. Council Act, the gerrymander, the
3/5 clause, Provincial finances and the
way expenditure had grown by the in-
crease of salaries to .the Premier and
Cabinet miutsters, legal expenses and
Commissions, the handling of Toronto
University, colonization, Succession
duties, Educational department, unfair
discrimination in favor of Toronto with
their 8 representatives, the -growth of the i
civil service list and numerous other r
items of interest, Mr. Prot ocon-
o -
rdfot en
clud d bykfor
easking a general and
hearty suport at he ballot ox on June
• As Mr. Proudfoot took his seat Mr, I
Southgate, of Seaforth, who bad given
close attention to the speakers with oc-
casional demurs, rose and,enquir'ed rela-
tive to the Whitney surplus. On being
asked to the platform he repeated his
question which was answered by Mr,
Proudfoot: who' stated he would be at
Seaforth on lune 5th and would be glad
iUESOAY, JUNE ind, 1908
Auspices of Menesetung Canoe Club, Goderlch
The Oounoit end Citizens of the Royal Oity
will weleowe the people from Western points
along the Guelph & Goderich line 1n return
for the celebration of the opening o[ the now
line held in Goderioh last September,
The staff of the Agricultural College will re -
eat Bxoareionists and give special demote
strations of the work in the various depart.
An Iaternationnl League Base Ball match
Will be played at :6.00 between Guelph. and
Wager(' Fa11s, N. Y.
A Lawn Bowling Tournament and other
special attractions have been arranged for the
Loavo Adult child
0.00 a, m, God G&W ...... $ 1 26 66 cents
0:16 Macaw 160 00
0:67 Aubure 116 60
0:!)8 Blytlx 120 00
8:60 Walton 110 rib
1000 MaNnu ht 1 00 60
1012 W. Monckton 06 60
10;00 Mtiverton 80 40
Arriving at Guelph at 11:20Returning will
leave Guelph at 7:66in„ arriving in Gods,
rick at M:tO p, m, Tickets good to return
Wednesdey, ,utleOrd,
Don't fall to take part Jn this first Ex.
oursion East ovor tho new e,P.R. ileo.
Tho Chao* Roadbed in Canada.
Officers of Monesotung Canoe Club:
TtrnNnuLL •U.W.BnorutlY (.o0.MAnsn
President Treasixrer SetreICsy
5 05
50 00
15 00
Well Paper
'We have just gone over our
Wall Paper hack and hale
picked out some very hire
Remnants suitable for shall
rooms of ,every description
which we have bundled up
and offer at prices in many
eases much below wholesale
price. Just the thing for
Kitchens, Pbntrys, Closets,
&c., at •
Meeting of the Huron County Council,
The Connell of the Corporation of the Conn•
ty of Huron will meet in the'Colmatl Chamber,
in the Town of Goderich, on Jana the Ind, nt
the hour of 0 a'eloek p. nt.
Accounts against the County, requiring set•
Moment, must be placed with the Clerk prav-
Bain to ttte „sous do to. W. LAMB,
Dated at Goderich, May 10th, 1408. Clerk,
Go to a_
The Stir grocery
For nice, clean, fresh Groceries at the
following prices
Corn , roc a can or 3 cans for 25c
Peas 1oc n can or 3 cans for 270
Tomatoes.. 130 a can or 2 cans for 25e
M.'L, Salmon, 200 a can
Eagle Brand Saluron... ...15C a Can
Northern Coast Saluron roc a con
Greet] Japan Tea. 250 a ib. or
5 lits. for $1.20
Black Tea,,,,..25c a lb, or 5 lbs. for $r.2o
Green japan 280 " 5 " $1.J5
Bleck Tea. ..... 2So " 5 $1.35
Salada Tea....300 a pound
Good Bread always on hand.
Goods delivered promptly to all parts of
the village.
Butter and Eggs Trade or Cash
T. Spec ce
Brussels Day -light Stare
a°' t
May rlot&
Sade �-.
Special Offfering in Men's and Boys'
Clothing for May.
We have one of the largest and best stocks of
Ready-to-wear Clothing in this section. They Fit
Right, Stjiles are Right and wear well.
We ask
you to comparequalities
Men's Suits $ 5 00 to $I6 00
Young Men's Suits 5 00 10 I2 b0
Youths' 3 -piece Suits 3 75 to 7 6
Youths' 2 -piece Suits 3 Oo to 5 00
Boys' 2 -piece Suits 2 0o to q' 50
Men's Topper Coats 7 5o to Io 00
Men's Rain Coats
3 oo to . 10 oo
Men's Odd PantsI 00 tO 3 so
Boys' Knicker Pants 35 to I o0
Com fete
SDc '
. t k ��� Boots a �I
� �, a Shoos
At Lowest Prices
q Stock
f Hats and
are the Latest and Best on the Market.
Goods flight or Your Money Bock