The Brussels Post, 1908-5-21, Page 6Fashion Hints. girlitof eleekelloilekeleirivirdrieibirdielettsit FADS AND FANCIES. The coin spotted' fouler,' is son•vice- able and •aLsa is peptides, The foulard 'al all colors anvil designs has again Some to tho fore, Many of the must fashionable dresses this spring are heavily braided. Never has taupe enjoyed u larger cacti ori }upula'ily than it will this 5ea- 8011, Whatever els be the figure e1 1908, the shoulders must be bread end d1Oop- lug. W.hite is sehedu!ed to lead In vpring fabrics, though eeiers will not be Il'g• Laded. FOR 5YEA,RS EACH SPRING FACEANDSCALP EMMONS TROUBLED THIS LADY TILL ZAM-BHS GLIDED, Miss Mary Levesque, sae Stadacina St•, Hochelaga, Mon- treal writer) :-"1 have found Zam-Buk an excellent remedy for skin eruptions, Up to this Spring 1 waw bothered for aimoat eve years with a red rash, small pimples and sores on my face and on , the scalp sloe' the hair. Nothing 1 used would clear this rash from the skin until 1 began using Zam-Bok, This salve has effectually and 1 believe permanently taken off those unsightly pimples and sores from both scalp and face. 1 shall recommend Zam-Bok to all my friends." For healing acaan a and. all skin disease Um. Ileitis without aqui. 15 h good for rheumatism when wall rubbed in. Pilesal o yield to Zn,n1)uk All elutes and druggists, 5x, or gem Irak Co., Toronto. Rolm t Gleaning! Ear it. very Baal mood your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO Look lar aaaal la yaw lawn, or aaud dime. E den tl'oal7Toropto, Ottawa, Quotasa, Send 25 cents for 1908 etltlon of An important feature where hats ,arc 5 000 Facts About Canada concerned is. the velum to fever Of os- I tl'ich tips. Prank Yelgh'a wonder/el compilation of A drti :d1'diy novel lrimmin scheme Main about Canada in a nutshell, is to use velvet buttlemi•]tts ti rid nes ul'terms.u ill tail. Agents wanted, Liber - bands on chiffon broadcloth. CANADIAN FACTS PUBLISHING CO, Never before has Paris se persietentty 087 spapina Ave., Toronto. drelitr:d Visit the season's tasbaonubie costumes shall he of silk. Tsang straight lines, reflec•ling the Creek idea oI feminine drapery, are brought but prr nenty In betas !nudes. A. greet deal of calamd Mello and mousseline s used fur bat crowns. for to be a:ii h ti crrm n must lie Ingle anti Sgathered !o!1- a kind of raised Tam o' han'er, The otdnb]natiam oI taffeta. and cloth is net a novelty; nevertheless it forms a Host exciusice type of costume, anti Noticeably so in black of a. subdued Wolor•. An important innevafion which hes Step Into tire ateliers of Pans and which prom See 1,0 carry all hetere, it ie the vogue IOr large bows and pom- pens o! cretonne, veiled with tulle. Narrow scutache braid is used in great pollsters not only on cloth and silk tut on sheer materials like chiffon. where it is much seen as a trimming o2 impor•let blouses. Even the most enthusiastle nmliners will not reediest that the "Merry Widow' haat will outlast midsummer. They say that the furore has been too un- reasoning. and already the hat Is be - arming "common." Reefer coats ar_•cempany most of the smartest of the mohair and pongee skirls of the utility type, lied are certain to win favor with slight women who gaze envismely after those to whom the natty cutaways are so beeens:ng. Tho vogue for pale soft dote and mist gray, with brilliant splashes of 0(107, Such as are supplied by embroi- dery of almost a:rnhlil maguai4enee. will be pry-(Ilin'•nt. The ali.ianoe of • state gray was parley grren will 8:50 be in high favor. There is a demand for the zeperale coat; this en acrcunt of the many odd silk ire sem worn. 11 54:(1115 strange to think of the seprmile coat as a cut- away model, but this .s the sluartcmt Shape; it is really treirelydcu.,Iy broom - lo _com- S'he '' Roy ub CANOEC9. .ae"SCeeCC6.rBOIty'fo t)rr•TAk/O c.4,50.6,c0 PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Beer anti Cheapest Canoes, Ski0'1tLatmch ee Era SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR, PRICES BEFORE BUYING E 6a HOW DIE BANK WAS SAVE Tells how a young man saved the bank by a wise investment, Every stock buyer and investor should read this:. book. Not for sale. Sent free on request. Your name on a postal will bring it. Write to -day R, W. BAILEY 351 Railway Exohanga sieg., Denver, nolo. SENTENCE SERMONS. Faith easily dies without lefowsl:ip. What Ls given in love never is test. Many mrstuke faultfinding kr fidel- ity. Envy Ls a confeesicn of inner (1011- tulk•11. I: and doctrine dies not cure a dis- ca cd }oar!. Mg, ween ever an ori sk.rt, The pursuit of truth is the secret of All whale drosses prone:se to be naive eleru:,l youth. t1 .h.onable then ever. 'llal finer grades The "idlest g:f)s conte out of the peer - of rime 810 elaborately trinmled w•iti, e1 poekete. lnserlian of all widths, :peesibly tour or• '1 he life of service has few difficulties of conduct. A man's title to glory does not de- perd on the glory of his title. You never ;nee your own joy by lend- ing an ear to another's woe. It dot'sn t take much fortitude to bear auother'e misfortune. Happy is he who is foci rich in faith 11 Worry over a fortune A square deat hos sc'anc'lhing beside sharp edges and angles to it. The cross is irksome only when we try to climb it to a pedestal. The man who Cit 111101 find a gal in the universe discovers one in a mirror. Only the morally aetionalle mewl !y- nr as the only refuge in, time of trouble. Teo many giving the poor crusts on the street. are stealing their bread in the Wiry. When a man tells the truth about him- self he is anxious for some one kh call Win a tar. IIe who Ix lieves nothing until he un. un- tIersteilde it fully must have a 1imHad Wang•, of knowledge. Poiigion newer melees 11 perlmanenl- ly- powerful impression Without steady practical- expression, There would ),8 little religious Infidel- ity in this world but for one attempts le force the forms of one man's faith on other men. SLEEPING DRAUGHTS SOOTHING AMIXTURES, five different widths appearing in one skirt, often eP.ernato;y plueed with me- dallion insert" n, Faced cloths are more beautiful than ewer, sett. fine, and finished with a satiny surface that gives an added chasm by reason of the variety in shade and sheen, fur 91 these cloths are re- quired 'or draping purposes and must -be of the finest quality. Be]ls (.1 plaited raIllas represent the letest addition: la the 101201 tailor made costume of the menlhne the raffia be- teg woven and iut,rv..Vsn in as many a' nine or ln,•1ve strands and caught in front bill a huge buckle of the same shape, iii,.+ the frame of a Slate. The bilol of Wisdom is still persona genie in the halls of fashion, and ewl heads clever'y 171310ned with straw or worked slit in 1.t beads with gleaming Toby eyes are ]hating their part in the scheme 61 attire. the latest exan'p'e be- ing tarried out in brown with while spec•]tkd straw. Straw Is playing so mans- different talcs 1n the. 2,a1e11le of new headgear as k render net a few of the models indepertdeet of any extra adcrumenl, intro' 71, 1 straw ro'ettes Inking the plume tri the issuer and marabout pompous end berg designed in two or three di/ - Seven(' knee of the color with signal suesie.C4. A YOUNG LION SLAYER. Boer Farmer BOy's Good Shots on the African Veldt. Three Lens were kiifed near Piefe04- berg, Transvaal, the other day by lite Timate ell -year-old bon of Jozof Erasmus, a Beer farmer, says the Pretoria \'allcs- ste111. IL appears that young Erasmus wee en lis way to the Messina 1111110 aid had ouispunned his donkey tears whim IDE EnIlir boy came running to tell hila that Mitre ]tone were lnc•kling the don- keys. Eravnus seized his gun and ran hard in use direction Indicated, On ]ria ala twat al the spot he found the Pons lying around one of the donkeys, tie ftre'd and killed a big li:_neee, '1'lle other two jaunted up but he was ready and shot another !younger) "011 es8 'The young lion which was left ran 'behind a, ane brushword. Et a0nnas first collected his donkeys and brought, Meet Into safety, and then once 08010 rarertl- ly opjwoanced the scene of the light. In order 10 find tett if the two lir:nus5- es wore dead ire fired another shot at one of then. This disturbed the sur, viving l:cn. who thereupon calve forth rearing, Erasmus was again ready .and 61u.14 lent Med on the spot. Asked by the l'oikeslem cnrr,40lx,nektlt whether he 4.11.5 itlaMO aL 111e LIM*, ltresmus re• pl'.ed; "Olt, no, 'Glom, .I had my little Norio hey with me,° The skins were Sold in 1'lctcrs•burg, Any man Who is smart enough to Make a politico' leader is Capable of earning en 110nes1 1iytrtg'11 Ile Wolds 10, A wise 1114(1(0 r!1l never give her little one a eloc'ping draught, soothing ndX3l100 or npiaic of any kind except itt 011 ilea advice Of o almpetent doc- tor, who has seen the child. Alt these things contain deadly ,poienn. When Y011 give your baby or yrning child Baby: Own Tablets you hel'e the guar- antee et a geeernnn'nt analyst that this Medicine a dors 11(13 cantal8 one particle of opiate or 215000l.ie. and therefore cannot possibly do halon .b11 always dr. good. Mrs. Geo, 31. Eempt, Carle- ton Place, 0111.. gays; --"1 have given Belays Own I ablete to my baby ainee Lo was two weeks old. He was a very small baby, but thanks to the Tablette he is now a big, fat, healthy Loy." sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Coe Brookville, ant. FATAL, Neal -"A girl sltouldut marry a elan till she knows nil about Jinm," Bells--"t;cod grneloust 1f she knew alt eteeri him she weuldldt want to lnad'iy hill." They are Caeefully Prepared.- P111s 14 hoot div, ipale therrtsrl4e; in the eke nitioh cannot be expected Ie have much ides I upon the intee1in: 5. 1,1111 to ever. write coy lirrnc- s Ih.' medicine &Rein- hler':d !mist influence the action ul these canals, Parnietec's \'rgetable Pills rue .no matte. under the .eepervis- inn of experts, that the eubs1Onee fn (Lem intended to operate on the Mies. tines is retarded 1n action 1111411 they pass through the d l0l11ael) to' Ilse bow- els. \V'llic-' I say, father, what is the dif- fenrnce between 'well and '.good • ?' leothe'--"1 have notleed, 211yr son, 11117 bit the (arty time 11110.11 you etre good Is 01111 yell are not w111" TO CURE A COLD iN ONE DAY Taloa LAXATIVE BBOMO quinine Tablets. Druggist; refund money 1t it fails to euro. 8, W'. 01105E8 signature la on each hos. 101. The young girls 110 was pensive. "To -morrow; aha said, enegineld will Milli 1101 nu' Io the altar. 'There," she added, srnilingly, "his ieador5111p wilt end.' -- Let, a Gaal of paint turn your heats c ink n 1101110. Lel Rarlsny's Paints •do ;t for you. They ere made for purify t style. purity of color and wear and Icier. Herts. can guaranteed. Your deteiei' has then!. Write A. Ramsay & Son CO, Mentrcal, for peek of $ouven. it Picture Pest Cords of Homes, Arany ai father hos anode a roan ed his 'bey by not sending him to college. A small Pill. but Powerful,- They tical judge of the powers rpt a pill by 1'; size, would ceneider Parmelecs \'e - getable Pills to be locking, it is a lit- l'e wonder among pills. What it leeks in size it makes up in potency. The remedies which it carries are put up n theee snnall doses, because they are s• • powerful that only small doess aro required. The full strength of the ex- tracts fa scoured in this foul! and do their work thoroughly. She --"I dretent last night you present - el mo with a lovely walking eestllme.' fle--"Sou did, eh? Well, try again to- night. and sea if you can dream who the rrl si:hief is going to pay fie it these hard tames." !TCD, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 Minutes by Wo1• ford's Sanitary Lollon. 1L never fails. Sold by all druggists. unless there are numerous re0S•0115 why she sheuldti t A LITTLE QUil;'f is tbo boat of all diet, yet it will mit matte bone and 10118018 but "Ferruvim wed, Ory it, All drug and general stores. 91 bottles. There are a g+:ed twiny men behind Hie bars in this g:orietus land of the free, It Retains Old and Makes New Frietels:--Ttun was when Dr, 'Phomas' liele •lric Oil 11nd but a 21111111 Bold of e!ieirubtlion, but 1111Y fes territory is widespread. Those who first recogniz- ed its matte's qualities still value it es n speeill0, and while it retains its old friends it is •ever making new, it, is curtain lint whoever came uses it will not be without ft, POLICE SPIES IN PA111S. Legithe sf Leader Mystified Over a Reve- lation by Prefect Lepine, Paris Gil Blas gives the world an il- lustration of the wurklltgs oI the French secret ;pollee in an anecdote which it publishes with an assurance that the incident happened recently. A distinguished number of Parisian society sent out invitlti.i011S for a large seises. at his itemise in the Faubourg St. Gdruladu, Ifo Is a legitimist, and it was hardly concealed that 1110 gathering was to have n certain political slgniflcanee. As seen fig he heat] of It Pollee Prefect 1.0J11114) called upon elle host and with the utmost politeness .oiiotled a couple of invitations for agents on his staff. "efOnsieue le Comte," 2a1d he. "1 give Yon my word of Honor 1115 men to whom I enh'ust then] will 1.,.11 like perfect gentlemen; they will net like gentlemen; in it ward, they will be worthy of the hono0 you confer on tient by making them your guests," The Count was very hatigitty, how- ever. tie explained with 111 concealed disdain that. his party would be made up o1 the bluest blood in France and any outsider would be at once corm/cu- .:111S, Thea Is Only One Th. # gahl r Quip in Q bane OSF,rn Tells' WOfLfl OVER TO 13001110 A COLD 1111 ONE IOAVc AlWaya remember the full name. Lok for this elgnatlire on Avon/ box. 28e. M. !.opine appeared 10 bo convinced; at least ho yielded the point grcefully, merely adding: "At least, Monsieur le Comte, you will allow me 10 see the list of your guests, hiy duly compels me to know who will be there," Illonsie1r le Comte Banda ria objec- llon. f)o prcdured the 1:st 811(1 Lepine scanned 1L carefully. Ile was wreathed in smiles 112 he returned 11. With many bows he apologized ter 'having treuh1d Monsieur le Comte. "II, was so 11n110C ssa'y," stud he, "1 really would have no use for those 111- vilatusn,. 1 see that Monsieur le Comte already has on lits list of gue:Is the 118111e0 of flue of my meet foisted intact Ve70." The. Count rind his friends have been eoudering ever since whether- this was literally true n.r whe1hen it was a shrewd devloe to render the gathering Lnnocu- ou5, SKIN ERUPTIONS AND PIMPLES Disappear Hadar a Treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pillar Their can be health and 51(:er only when the blood is rich and red. There oro thons0nds of young Wren just ap- proaching nlnnhOnd w11O need the rich, red blood that only Dr, Williams' Pink Pills can make. 'They have no energy; ILt'e out at the least exertion, and who l' e1 by the lime they have done their day's work; its though the day was a Week long, In some eases there is a further sign of danger in the pLmples Arid elisfguring eruptions which break out on. the fore. 'These are certain signs that blood is out of order and Mat a complete breakdown may result. In this emergency Dr. Williams' Pink Tills is the medicine these young men 5110111(1 lake. These pills actually slake rich, reel blond, They clear the stein oI pimples and eruptions and bring health, strength and energy. Here 1s the eXperienee of Adolphe Rolland, of SI, 3er0me, Que.. wlso says: "Far more than a yens I suffered from gement weakness and I gradually grew so W01111 that 1 10118 forced to abandon my work as n clerk, hey appetite toiled me, 1 had occasional Violent headaches and 1 began to suffer from indigesllon, 1 was failing so rapidly that 1 began to fear that consumption w'ns fastening itself upon ale. Our (am- ity doctor treated me but I did not gain under Isis care. I was in a very dis- couraging slate when a friend from Alontreai came to 1105 lane, 11e strong- ly advised ma to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pllis. 1 d:r1 so and inside of Three weeks I began to feel better, my ap- petite began In improve ani I seemed to have a feeling of 114)75 courage. I Continued the pills 1111 I had taken len boxes• end I um 11011• enjoying' the lxsl health I ever had. My cure surprised many of my friends who began to re- gard me as 'mumble, tinct 1 strongly advise other young num who are weak to follow my example and give 1)1. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial.' Bad blood Is the cause of all cent:non dis- eases like anaemia, headaches, neural- gia, rheumatism. scuttled, indigestion, all 11050110 troubles, general weakness and the special ailments that only wo- men fol11 know. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the one cure, became they go tight to Elie rout of the tremble in the blood. They change the Ind blood in - lo good blood, and thus bring health, strength and energy. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail nt. 50c n box. or six boxes for 82.50 ('em the Or. \\'Illhuns' Medicine Co,, 131adcville, OnL. AN ARCTIC ROMANCE. A pathetic tale of Esquimau love is told by Lieut. Shackleton, the lender or an Aretio expedition. A young Esqui. mats loved an Esquimau lass, but us 11e had not the uc1essary number of sealskins to provide the marriage por- tion required by her fatten, Is met with no encouragement from. the stern par- ent. A yawning chasm separated the respective dwellings of 111e ardent ley - et' and his beloved, 15111011 could be 01051rd only by a snow bridge. The youth eence:ved a plan. lie would crus the snow bridge in the night, abduct the girl and after recross'ng destroy the bridge and so prevent ;pursuit. Ile car- ried the plan into cl•IecL, One night he crossed the bridge, invaded tho hitt of his Wel, 50105'el a sleeping hag end de- parted, destroying the bridge oiler he had crossed. Then he opened the sleep - Mg bag and discovered that he had ab- ducted. -slot the girl, but the old anent We have no 11es41ali011 in saying that Dr 3. D. Kellogg's Dy.,enlery Cordial S without doubt (lie Lest medicine over introduced for 1138011lory, dlatrrhoen, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. 11 promptly ghee relief and never fats to effect a positive cure Mothers should novel. be without a bot- tle when their children are teething. G1i0 \'N UP'wrni 11131. An Irishman was to trouble about a gut found 111 his possession. The law, unfortunately for him, adopted the un kind suggestion that iha 1111( stolen it. While awaiting itis tial, 110 was visit- ed by a friend, who urged him to sload- fasily adi.er'e, le the stolemeet that ho had owned Ilse gain for years. 'The friend, furthermore, eited how he 111171• self, when in similar difficulty about a hen, had p?esevved loth 111e hen and ills character by wearing ho had nos. messed the bird slew 14 was n. chicken, The wisdom 01 this advice was not last On Pat, and ire henceforth regarded hls trial wilh the settled serenity oi, if not conscious innocence, sanguine an. ticipation. On the day appointed, when conclu- sive evidence against him had been ten- dered, he Was asked formally Whether he had anything to say for hirns011, Pal thlrewing a glance of shrivelling eon - tempt at the proseeuter, turned to the judge and said: "The titan's a perjured villain, ser hon. or. •'That gem's lite in my possission; yes honor, Iver .since 11 was a pistol.' 13s 'dilfleu13 kir a .silver -longue'; c,rar tar its shake sliest Work of n spews, IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY filAUL ABOUT JOAN BULL AND 1118 PI3OPLI. Oceurrenees in the Land Thal Reigns Supremo In the Commercial 1101111I•e+',5ds $(15 1', {1161.,000C, , A. new buildings cost Drub Le let 1'o the Cotler of the Tor Mortal Army uniforms, A thrush's nest was found reeenlly in an Old shoe in a 11e1d in Sussex. A farmer who 1111 117 finger Bac died 111 .5t, Helen's Hospital from lockjaw, The Frnneo-ti0itish exhibition at Shepherd's Bush will occupy 340 acres Tho coins found in Liverpool tram- cars In a year amount to 52,11)5. In- clue1ng 1110 0111110 00111(11114)01 In 1,430 purses, The Chancellor of the Exchequer 11118 n sllrfhlus eI nearly feel' millions ster- ling with '11!011 10 slnrt elle rase fin- ancial 3,e11'. flee I3rilish. 111es romps ;so as anally as 1,000 islands and 1E1110, 81111 Ibis number does not include insignificant jutting rocks and pinnacles. '\ codfish caught on the llatldinglon- shire coast lefts found to toitleln n pair of 0 0121ed: gloves, a donee fish 23. pounds In weight and a whole herring. Dnring their visit to Lord lis cbery al the Durdens Epsom. moonily, bolls the Queen and Dowager Empress of Russia planted lime Imes on the lawn. Adam, Noah, Elijah 51101 Zaecheus are the Christian name's of four candidates who are seeking e'.eeliun to the d's'rict, council 01 a small village in East Nor - s. Tr'ying to tip a sack of matt into a vat of boiling beer, a stonemason named Iltthrrt Digger, at Wsreesier, overbal- nnced, Anel falling into the. liquid, was scalded to death. A woman charged recently at Wil - leaden with begging from men indig- nantly denied it, declaring that she had a conscientiousi objection to mel, and certainly would not beg h•om them. 1t was slated of J1 ous Heath, agf' d G0, who was found guilty of house- breaking at Clapham, that he was a trainer of young thieves, Isis three chil- dren having served terms in prrs011. John Harvey, a well-known Sandwich 1'ceneed victualler, oalnl:tied st4cide In a remarkable manner. 116 drowned, himself in a tub of water in his stable yard, placing the weber pipe 111 his mouth. Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, a Bolton magistrate, has presented his residence to the lawn us a convalescent home and 081111.01,111m for consumptives, with 8225,000 for endowment and alterations. A famous Cumberland cragsnharl, Mr. John 1303)1115011, is to have his memory preserved by a bronze tablet fixed above the Pillar Rock. Before be died he made his bundredth ascent of the fain nus phmacie,. British regimental officers aro to he armed with swords again. Among the lessons too quickly learned during the Boer war was ono that swords were useless, and another that bayonets W01•e,.cut 01 dole. The Earl of Crewe has been appoint- ed a Knight of lite Garter, in place of the late Duke of Devonshire; and Lord Tweedmoutlla hos been made a knight of the Thistle, in place of the late Mar - gels of Linlithgow. A Roman altar about 5 feet high, With the sacrificial axe on the sides, and in an cxeell: nt stale of preservation, has lien found during some ploughing op- erations on a farm at Calthwaile (Cum- berland). WANTED to hoar from owner having tl� A. GOOD FARM rL for sale. Not part•lonlar about location - Please give prion And description, and son. non for melting 5tato lvhon posseriion can bo had. Will deal with owners only. •; L, Darbyshire, Box ass, I1oohoeter, N, Y, A. J. Y A Li G I S1tfr & COMPANY Y BANKERS AND FINANCIAL, AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO PHONE tls 1811 Stooks bought and sold on NeW York, Boston, Morllreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges for cash or .margin. Orders lop' Cobalt Stocks execut- ed .081 Toronto alining Ex- (105.5ltle or .Boston and New York curb for cash. PIIIVATE WiRES. Correspondents•--Chae. Heed & Co., members of the New York And Boston Sleek Exchange, ISSUE NO. 20-08. QUEEN OF AC -DRESSES 0.e...000000000•0000000 00 00000000 0 0 00 00 4)1-0 00G0 "1 Am Glad To Write iffy Endorsement Of The Great Remedy ,�8^y;£'v�7iida I Do So Most Heartily." u11a 1ktarlowe. IYlr0,7 YV11H IYIH,Ia.v..,- /t NT remedy that benefits digestion .C9 etrengthons tbo nerves. The nerve confers require nutrition. 71 the digestion is impaired, the nerve canters become anemic, and indigestion le the result. O e-o-e-a-.-e-w-e-o•-s-e-re Parana Is nota nervine nor a stimulant. It benefits the starves Ly benefiting digestion. reruns. Tracts the etomach of catarrhal congestions and normal digestion is the result. In other words, Peruna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty, when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. LC. Jamieon, 61 Marchant street, Watsonville, Cal., writes: "I was troubled with my stomach for sax years. I tried many kinds of medi- cine, also was treated by throe dootors. "They said that I had nervous dys- pepsia. I was paten a liquid diet for three months. a'I improved under rho treatment, but, as soon as I stopped taking tho medi-• eine, i got bad again. 11I took the medicine for two years,. the I got sick 'again and gave up all onicured t, attin ho eea g p "I waw a testimg al of a man whose+ rtomi mine beingcured was simile case w by Poruna, so I thought I would give 1t a trial. "I procured a bottle at onoo and com- menced taking it. I have taken several. bottles and am entirely cared. a,1 have gained in strength and feel like a different person. 1 be. !leve Perrtna Is all that is claimed Oar it." : No/vines, such as coal tar prepare. tions, are doing a groat deal of harts.. Sleep medicines and headache powders• are e11 alike, -heart depressants, and ehould not be used, Tho nerves would bo all right, i1 tho digootfon were good. Portions corrects tho ctlgeation. Our readers to note that the celebrated French remedy, TANGO, which has been and 10 301d 7mics a guoranleo-that In cases where the outward application, as eirected, tails lo relieve pain, moneys paid w11] 1)e refunded -still stands. In no case, not- wilhetanling the large art* Increasing sale, 1102 a refund been asked for. Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, still joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a substitute. You will be pleased with ft. Price 25 and 50 cents. The Paiigo Company, Toronto or -wholesale Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, Limited, Toiont►. Lynton Bros. & Co., Aioltteea1L Toronto. `A man should think twice before he 53081ls," "Andy 11 woman three tines bo - fore she sings." Tho never failing medicine, 11011n. hay's Corn Curr removes all kinds of corns, warts, Mos even the most di11t- cult to remove cannot withstand this wonderful remedy. Husband -ills darts' told me 1 must go to a 'ra 3 0tl05,' ' Wife-"Ubd he look at your tanIgl,e' Ilusband--"No; 1 told him about yours." ONE OF TUB MIST old time remedies for alll kin alfectionn such as Bosoms, Ringworm, Scalds cad and similar aa'oottol)s Is Woavor's Carate. u lo an ointment that bas brought relief to thousands, it ioa said td be anhlcky for any one to put up an umbrella in a h'e01n-sae- cent an auctioneer, WHAT CAUSES I1E a11ACHE. From October to gay, Oolco a =.silo most fret; qquontoaau° of headache. 1,AYATIVR I1IOOM0 QUINI21E removes aaase, It. W. Grove on box zea 'd'IIE DOOR TO OUR Irlsli!.INos. Every per'son's feelings have a front door and a side door by Mitch they may be entered, '1i.e front door is on 1110 street. t osec keep It always open, some keep it latched, 501110 locked, sonic bolted !vitt is chain that 'I let you peep in -but not get in, and 5010* nail 11 tip, so that nothing can pass Its threshold, This front door Leads 11.10 a Passage which opens into an ante - 100111, and Itis into 111e interior apart - metals, . 'The side door opens .et once Into the secret chamber, There is al- most 1most always dile key to the side door. This 12 carried for years hidden in a 1101hat•5 bosun, Fathers, brothers, sis- ters, and friends, often, but bye e sneers so univOIselly, have 01upilea(*s Of it, The wedding -ring ConVeys a right t0 ono; Alas, if 110110 le,given with itl Bo very eareftfl le whoa ,you trust tank of tl1610 keys Of the •side door, PASSING OF '1'1130 PATENT. 'Begin s-"Whn3 are ,you blaeking those mho's fur --aren't !hey patent lea- ther'!" \Viiggino-"'they were, but the pat- ent has expired,` PILES CURED iN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OCNIYREEN a is guaranteed to cure any case at ItchinS Blind, Blooding or h'rotuding Piles in 0 to 14 days et money retundod. 600... If a girl is pretty she knows 11 just RS well as a. mein does, hut she wasn't t1ink any Ile less cl him 11 he lens her s0. 1lotfier Graves' \''t'rm Exterminator does not require the help of any par. galivo medicine le complete t31e. cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. \WIIA.'r IT SAYS. Sl1 aWley-"Do you believe that money talks?' Ardupp-"'You bet, I do. 1 no aoc11- er get my hands on a dollar than it says 'Good-bye'" Borbor-•"Prolly, short, sir?" Custo- m:er•-••"Well, yes, 1 awn. Just pal It darwa on the slate, 1vi11 you? Much obliged tea you for speaking of It., Fn -.re ra,i ,,ei Slao 551.1 "Biggest and Dust" Plug Chewing Tabasco