HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-21, Page 5• 's
, rum ronom g
J1 mitcylalt,,d1400?:?,%11="4"ii
Thin 0014001 is noted far and near
for tho superior edueatIon given to
/able Femmes of its graduates, Doi-
the students, and for tho remark -
lege open the (retire year. IMAM
now. OOP training will make yoU
independent. Writo to -toy for cat- ,a
11 olOglio.
W. J. 141,LI01"1`, Prinelpid, 11
11 0 or. Yonne & Alexander Ste. Toronto E
l..-.2.-7-`• ',...2;=-11,......e71, A 2;41,..?.-"JE=f;iegliti
UT H. 141a0RACKEN—
Mee in the Post Oillec, Ethel. 80-4
'Teacher of Plano or Organ
K. 0. T. M.
Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 24
hold their regular meetings in the Lodge
knoll], Beaker Block, on the let and Ord
Tuesday evenings of small month.
Visitors always welcome.
A, 808IER4, Corn. A. mocitHRE, R. E.
Agent Howl* Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Moe and Reetdence—
• noxi, will gen for better priaes, to
better men, in leas time and len charges
than any other Auotioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau alwayo be arranged at thie °Mee or by
personal upplioation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the make of THE PORT, Bruesele, 81(0
kJ; s HonorGraduate of the Ontario Vol.
erluary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeeticated animals in a orennet.
ont manner. Pal:Neuter attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and SOlIlo Fever. (Mlle
promptly attended to, 010oe and Thlirroary
—Font doom North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
Brunets. 'Phone 47
• Barrister, Bolloitor, lOonveyaueer,
Notary Public, &a. Ottlee—S tewart's 810044
I door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
PUBLIO, 0400.
W. Prtorinroom, K. (.1. (0.0. Hags
G. P. linern.
Oilleee—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & Holt.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and First.elass Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, Ottlee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
-17 ie the leading bunnies training sehbol
in Western Ontario. We give a 01,100 -
°ugh, praotioal trainlim on 004011100-
o 101 Subjects, Isaac Pitman' Short -
11 mbaud, 'Pouch Typewriting, and in COM-
enial and Railroad Operating.ei
Rae: department is hi the hands of
experioneed instruefiore. We &Hetet
stations to poeittourt. Our graduates
14 the best, Get our free catalogue and
always 0000004, for 011r Mims ars
ologlwrn more about ue. You may enter
Machines may be seen at
MoliA.Y SD SHAW'S Hardware
Store) Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the „Nordheinn.
• •11, er Piano.
, 1113
thorongliness, eroltreasivantais,
utility, enthusiasm, essportuess
4100 011) watchwords. uoninler• o
Wei, Stenography, Telegraphy, 0,
Moll Oetresee 111 any eubjeet.
No vacation, Sk
WIngharn Business College LI,
.j, i...i.J1 Gm. Spottun, Prim:find, 4,
WCW-i . ,P.PCYMW.A.V.44...Vin.. 'W/..01/4W.X.,4.4
TRdbvDi'C/X1 e flax Avrar
Goaru 801410) (00100) 10010114
7:005)11 mspress le i5e a in
Oxpress 11125 1)111 Min ....... 0 :44 p
Express 808 p 16 Express 8;61p 141
CvaelodiArdX ASCIFIC
To Toronto To Goderiah
Mappens 7:101 11 111 I Express ....11412nm
Oswego 5:131 1118I Exprese........01154>111
tand gibs
It is stated that the date of the an-
nual military camp for the Western
Ontario district, to be held this year
at Goclerioh, has been changed from
June 1) to June 16. This change was
made to afford the militia officials of
the district sufficient time to make th(4
necessary arrangements ancl. also be-
cause of the Provincial elections 'own-
ing but one day before, The ground
to be used for the military camp,
which -Li LO be held here this year, con-
sists of about 600 or 700 acres, which is
inore than twice the size of the
grounds in London. It is situated
across the river from the town and
along the lake shore. The rifle range
is about two miles from the camp.
The presence of the lake adds greatly
to the suitsibility of the ground for
enatiping purposes, and will afford the
bathing facilities which are lacking in
the London camp grounds.
Piles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment.
To prove it I will mail a small trial
box as a convincing test Simply ad-
dress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I
surely would not send it free miless .1
was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic
Ointment would stand the test. Re-
member it is made expressly and alone
for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch-
ing piles, either external or internal.
Large jar 60c. Sold by all dealers.
Inspector Weatherall visited the
Clinton collegiate Thursday and Fri-
Harold Johnson, graduate of the
Clinton Business College, has taken a
position in Toronto.
Miss Flora Cunningham has rettu•n-
ed to town. She has been spending
the Winter in California.
C. Hoare, who recently sold his fruit
farm, is planting another one, and is
uov busy putting in the first consign-
ment, which consists of about 1,000
trees of different varieties.
seThe death of Henry Cole, of Rapid
River, Minh., father of our local
townsmen' B. Cole, is announced. He
was one ofthe old residents. of Huron
and ninety-four years of age.
Frank Watson, who has been em-
ployed at Lincler's grocery for several
years, is leaving for the West, and
was presented with a gold locket by
his companions, who met at the home
of H. Hunt.
W. J. Newcombe wou a lot in a
prize contest conducted by the Cana-
dian Pleasure resort Company of
Montreal, who wanted a suitable
name for a suburban resort The
name he suggested was "Candera."
The Citizens' Band will conduct a
series of sports on Victoria, Day.
There will be a football tournament,
in which it is expected teams from
Goclerieh, Seaforth and other places
will take part, and in the evening
hold a grand concert in the Town
B. P. Sibley, tuner in the Doherty
organ and piano factory, has severed
his connection with that, institution
and is leaving for New York. Both
he and his wife have been active
church workers mid will be greatly
missed, especially by Wesley Sunday
School, where Mr. Sibley has been a
teacher and 1011(114(1 01? song.
Dr. HaMilton follows Nature's Plan
No physician was more successful in
treating stomach and liver troubles
than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh
medicines and produced a wonderful
pill of vegetable composition that al-
ways cures. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
noted for promptly curing biliousness,
sick headaches, constipation and
stomach trouble disorder. They work
like a charm—very mild, yet searching
and health -giving, No where 00,0 01
better tonic laxative be found than in
Dr. Hanrilton's Pills. Try them and
be eonvinced, 25c at all dealers.
O. P. Vandrick resigned his position
as a member of the Board of Health.
13. Rothwell was appointed in his
Chas,Baker rottumed to town from
Caron, Sask., where he has been em-
ployed in the news paper office there
sumo leaving here a few months ago.
Dr. W. 111. Bruce anti family left for
Toronto, thesfamily having decided to
take up fliebsresidence there instead
of at Southampton. Dr. Bruce's scin
Manly is in a bank there and this in-
fluenced the family's decision to go to
the city. Dr. Bruce will leave in a
week or ten days on his proposed busi-
11600 tiip to the Old Land,.
W. W. Nichol, principal of Listowel
High School, and E. G. Macdonald,
principal of the Public School, were in
Stratford attending 01 meeting of the
Perth Teachers' .Assoeiation. The
question of holding a convention in
the Spring or Fall was discussed, and
1(1 411)415 &settled to hold the convention
early in the Fall in Listowel.
Employees of the Morris Piano Co.
met and orgabized a baso ball einb,
With the following officers :—Hon.
Pres., B. C. Thornton ; Hem Vice
Pres., A. 131. Windsor ; Pros., P. S.
Connoll7 ; lst, Vice Pres, G. M.
Yates ; 2nd Vice Pres., Jos, Ainlay;
Sc, TkOLLSr, james Torry; Captain, D.
Small ; Mantuser, W. Morris ; Team
Coins J. Moorellead, J. A. Kilgore
end C. 51. 441)01 1.
U. P, it. emietruction form,: 11104
been making as good progreee as un,
favorablo )M.01111,1' W0111(1 perlidt in
getting in sidings, finishing the y,
mid levelling anci ballesting the llos.
sS bout one hundred men were PEI-
ployed, and %st441 a week or two of
dry 0Vel1.1.11el• tbe 41'D1.1i. 011 the MIA bed
11(114 111 111. yarde would be nearly
natl.( .
There is a Pink Pain 'Pablet leads
by De. Stamp, that will positively 1
stop hise pain, anywhere, in 20 min -
Ides. Ihmggists everywhere sell them
as IJ', Shoop's Headache Tablets, but
they stop other pains as easils as
headache. 1/1.. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets simply coax blood pressure
away from pai1 . centres ---that 113 all.
Pain e0111(05 0'1011111. 0010001 pressure --con-
gestion. Stop that prestaive with Th.,
tilloop's Headache Tablets and pain
is instantly gone, 20 Tablets 25e.
Sold by (1(1 1104011410,
Robt. Ford has had a cement walk put
clown it) front 01 1110 residence.
1ohn Farrell left for Port Perry,
where he will take charge of a creamery
of that place.
Lemuel Pelton, 04 Ford, Mich., is
visiting in town, He reports work ver('
in that city,
'1', G. liallentyne received the sod
neWS of the death of his Mettler James,
at Farquhar, Cleburne towuship. Mrs.
Thos. Dickson, uf town, is a sister of
The township clerk received notice
that the Grand Trunk Railway Com-
pany hove withdrawn their appeal to the
County Judge ageinst their assessment
on the qurnett drainage work
The Atwood Tennis Club had a very
successful i•e-organization meeting and
the following officers were elected for
the coming season :—Pres., W. H.
Brown ; Sec,.Treas., Scott Peebles
Social coin , Mrs. W. J. Powell, Mrs. W.
Cr. /dcCulla, Mrs, H. Porter ; Grounds
cont., Walter Hamilton, Stanley
Frost, Scott Peebles, and Joe McFarlane.
Jacob Minim, of Ethel, took over the
butcher business of R. J, Walker. who
has carried on the mune for the past
three years successfully, last Monday.
Mr. Klump is no stranger in Atwood as
he owned the butcher shop for n good
many years before leaving Atwood,
We welcome Mr Klump and the family
once more back to town and trust that
he will find the Business as prosperous
101 111 the past. • Mr. Walker intends go-
ing West, but the family will remain
Do you lack self-control
If you are constantly keyed np,
nervous, perhaps depressed—look to
your over-worked nerves forthe cause.
They are starving for the nourishment
that Ferrozone so quickly supplies.
Besides its tonic action on the nervous
system, Ferrozone has marvelous
blood -forming properties. It thus
supplies strengthening materials to
every nook and corner of the body
and brings the system to a condition
of perfect health. To be strong, to
eat well, and work long without
fatigue, use Ferrozone Am the best
nerve system tonic known, At all
dealers in 50c boxes.
Grey Council Meeting
The Council tnet pursuant to order on
Monday May 111(1 TownshipHall Ethel,
Members fill present, Reeve n the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and adopt-
Moved by Tohn Grant, seconded by
John Cat, 01)100 0118 Treasurer be author-
ized to pay A, M. Sweeton, Treas. of
Mina, the stun of 835.58, law costs
charged against the corporation of Grey
and lot 35, eon. 16, as decided by the
Drainage Referee, said costs being on
Municipal Drains. Carried.
There being no oppeal against the
assessment on drainage Sy Lew No.
284, known as the Clark Municipal Drain
By•law, it was moved by John BrOW11,
seconded by iohn Cutt, that said Bylaw
No. al, be :sad a third time and finally
passed. Carried.
Moved by John Grant, seconded by
James Merracizean that By law No 282,
known as the Northwest Drain Improve
scent By.Law, be read a cst and end
time And provisionally adopted.
Moved by INS. McFsdnati, seconded
by John Brown, that By-law No. 286,
known as the Walton Sidewalk By-law,
be read a tot and end time and pro-
visionally adopted. Carried.
Charles Cleaver applied to have side
road 6, con. 11. placed 111 0 better state
of repair. Moved by John Grant, seti•
oncled by John Cutt, that Brewn
attend to the matter. Carried.
Moved by Tits, Mal7adoesn, seconded
by John Cott that the claim of Wm.
Heath for damages for horse be laid
over until next meeting of Council, May -
28, in the meantime the Council to In-
vestigate and examine the place where
the accident °courted. Carried.
Moved by Johu Brown, seconded by
Jag, Melzadzean that the Engineer's
Report ou the McDonald Municipal
Drain No, 2, RS read be adopted and
that the copies be served upon the other
municipalities Interested, viz., Morris,
McKillop and Hullett. Carried.
Moved by John Grant, seconded by
Jas. McFadzean, and carried, that the
following accounts be paid
Peter 'Parr, cement tile, S, R. 1
con. 18s... .8 7 00
Neil 4. McNair, salary as Assess-
or .... 100 oo
Neil J. MeNair, postage and sttt-
tiottery 1 05
Thomas Chapman, attendance at
Hall during debates ........ ..... . 3 00
Thos. Chapman, repg. culvert,
S. R., 4, con. 7 t 50
Peter Bishop, piaci ng sewer pie,
lot, 5, cons. 5, and 2 50
Robt, hillier, filling washouts,
lots 4 and 5. 0011. 12 . 2 50
Richard Cardiff, filling washouts,
lots, 10, 011(111, C0)1, 13 . 5 20
Pl'eSer, phone to Goduvich, 05
Jas. Mell'acizean, serving By-law,
No, 284 2 00
john W. Rese, pi, payment repg
culverts, 6th con, Drains., 4 00
110y, rein'', culvert with
cedar top, S. P. 2, and cement
culvert, lot to, coil, es...„.,, 3 go
W. 13, Herr, postal rands for
drains, 81,30 and prhiting By -
TAW No. ...... ..... .1,1011 lo 30
Arrangements have been made to hold
P1114 110411 Meetings in the Interests of
NI R. WM PROUliFOOT, the Liberal
Nominee for Centre Huron on the fol.
lowing dates
CRANBROOK ..... Thursday, May 21
Friday, May 22
WA LroN ...... „..saturday, May 23
Meetings will Ulna at 1 o'Clack
and will he addressed by Mr. Proudfoot
and other prominent Liberals.
Opposition Speakers Invited.
John McIntosh, preparing Clark
Drain By-law, No 28415.00,.. 20 00
John 01 01141.18(4. preparing Walton
Sidewalici,liy•lew, No. 286. ..... . 3c oo
A. W. Sweeten, Treas. Elma,
Law costs 011 Municipel Drains 35 55
Cot.nll then adjourned to meet On
May 28111,
Weak wimum should read my
"Book No. 4 for Women." lt was
written expressly for women who are
not, well, The Book No. 4 tells of Dr.
Shoop's "Night Cure" and just how
these soothing, healing, antiseptic
suppositories can be successfully ap-
plied. The book, and strictly eon-
fidential medical. advice is entirely
free. Write .Dr. Shoop, Racine. IVis.
The night elm, is sold by all dealers.
London Methodist Conference.
The twenty.fifth session of the Lon-
don Conference of the Methodist
Church will be held in James Street
Chnrch, Exeter, commencing on Thurs-
day 30110 4, 49118, at 2 p. 01
The Rev. W. E. Millson will have
charge of the singing during the Con-
Evangelist Walker Russel -will be in
charge of the devotional morning ser-
vices throughout the sessions of the
James Street Cliurch.--r a. m.. Rev.
Joseph W. Holmes ; 7 p. m., represen-
tative on the Stationing Committee from
Windsor District.
Main Street Church,—x t a. m., Rev.
Jasper Wilson, M. A, ; 7 p. 01., Rev G.
1-1. Long.
At 10.30 a. m. the Stationing Com-
mittee will convene in the basement of
the Main Street church ; 8 p. m., the
Conference Statistician, Rev. F.J. Oaten
will meet the Statistical Committee in
the Committee Room in James Street
At 8 p, m. Epworth League and Sun-
day School Anniversary. Addresses,
Rey. S. J. Allin and John Herr.
At 8.45, to 9.30 a. m., Devotional Ser-
vices ; 9.3o a. m., Ministerial Session ;
2 p. m., Ministerial Session ; 8 p.
Educational Anniversary, in Main Street
church. Addresses. Rev. Clias. P,
Wells and Rev, W. llurwash, S. '1'. D.,
L. L,, D., Chancellor Victoria Uni-
From 8.45 to 9,30 a. In,. Devotional
Service ; 9 30 a, rn , Ministerial Session ;
2. p. m, General Session of Conference
convenes, Election of officers and or-
ganizetiou of Conference, Organization
of Committee, Resolutionsfrom Districts
to be placed on the Secretary's table ;
S o. rm, Missionary Anniversary ; Ad-
dresses, Rev, Geo. N. Hazeu, President
issionary Training School ; Rev. Al.
irecl Brown ; Rev, A. Sutherland, D. D.
General; Secretary Foreign Missions ;
and representative W. M. S.
1101DAY, JUNE 5
5.45 to 9 30 a, 111., Devotional Service ;
9,30 H. M., General Session ; 2.4 p. 1410,
hearing deputations ; 8 p. 11,, Reception
Service, the reception of dandidates for
the ministry. Moved by Rev, R. D,
Hamilton, ssconded by Rev, James
8,44-9.3011. 01,, Devotional Service ;
9.30 El, 11, General business, 2,30 .p.
Historic& Society will meet in the
school room of the Tames St. Cliorch ;
Addresses by Rev, F. E. iv.knott, B. A.,
13, a. Subject, "Methodism and
Missions" ; 2-5 p. 01., Laymen's As
0(10151101) Will meet in the Main St,
Church ; General business ; Address on
"The Laymen's Missionary Movement";
The Sigulacance of the Movement,"
H. L. Rice, 13. A., St. Marys ; "My
share in the Movement," C. E. German,
London ; Discussion will follow
and other topics will bo introduced if
time will permit ; Election of officers ;
7,30 p. in., (Ile Theological Union will
meet In the basement of the Main 8,
church ; Pres.. Rev, E. F. Armstrong ;
Sec..Treasurer, Rev. W. E. Herr ;
Lecture, "The Necessity of the Atone-
ment," Rev, Jas. Musser, A., B. Ds
Ph, D, ; General Business,
9.3o-40.45 a, m,, Love Feast, led by
Rev. Geo. Buggin ; a 411, Ordination
Sermon, by Rev. W. J, Ford, L. L. B.
ex -President, followed by Ordination
Service ; 3 p. im, Sabbath School
Addresses, Rev, Fred W, Langford,
Rev. Joseph H. Oliver, followed by the
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in
charge of Rev. George Jackson.
Main Street Chureh—ft a, m., Rev,
Geo, Daniel, M, A., Ph. D„. 3 p.
Sabbath School, Addresses, Rev, R. J.
51cCortnick, Rev, P. Wesley Cosens ;
7, p, 11 , Rev, E. 8, Lanceity,
Presbyterian Church—it a. tm, Rev.
les, Cook, B. D., Ph. ; 7 P. in„ Rev,
Joe. Philp, 13, D., P11, D, (1
Gentian tvaegencm, Crediton—Rev,
Harvey D, Moyer.
MONDAY, 311N10 8
8,45-940 in„ Devotional Serviee;
9.30-1 311 a. inMinister's Pastoral
Con ferenee, (1)111, Minister's
12), "The
Duty to 0itim.11 111 iwoo 01
tho ssieredness and Dignity of His
Th05, Manning, 13 A. ; (3)
"What we owe to one another as Am-
bassedors of Christ end Ministers of the
Methodist church," Rev. Stephen Bond,
I iiscussion of these two topics ; 2 p. m.,
General nosiness ; 11p. m , Temperance
nod Meral Reform Anniversary ; Read-
ing the Report of the Temperance and
Mural Return.) Committee ; Addresses.
los. Gibson, President of Ontario Tem.
iterative Allianee ; Rev 11. A. Magee.
Associate Secretary Temperance and
Moral Reform.
TlIFS1,A1', JUNE 9
8.45--e 3o a. m., Devotional Service ;
9.3o a. 411 , General business.
All meetings to be held in the Con-
ference Church unless otherwise indic-
Blood -Cleansing
In The Spring Time
From the earliest time it bas been
universally acknowledged that the
transitory period between Winter and
Spring is the seed time of disease,
-Col 'momently it novpssnry for us
all to take suitable 111ellki
A delay gives the germs and weak-
ness a betterchance to take hold.
Don't, wait, think of your small
resisting powers, and begin building
up today. For weakness, overwork
and debility the doctors prescribe
Ferrozone ; let it help you HOW.
Vitality and pmver are instilled into
the blood ; this means new strength
for all weak organs.
The fire of youth 144111 (11111)1- 3•our
-veins, and new found energy will in -
precise your desire to work.
Ferrozone supplies the nourishing
and tissue -building material your
system lacks. Isn't this "a reason
why ?"
From Combsmere, Ont., Mrs. Jim.
Oram writes as follows :---"For a
number of years I was sickly in the
Springtime. I felt tired, nervous and
had headaches. My blood was weak
and damp days brought on -rheuma-
tism. My nervous system was un-
strung and 1 felt, utterly worn out.
Ferrozone revived me in a short time.
In two days my appetite increased
and. I could feel a budding -up process
going on. This great tonic made a
new person (40 1110 and 1 don't think a
more strengthening medicine for the
Spring can be found."
-Wouldn't it be just fine for you to
got back your old-time spirits and
vigor ? Easily done with "For -
ozone" ; commence to -clay. Sold by
all dealers, 50e. per box or 6 boxes for
The new tobacco act comes into force
01:1 June r.
Herbert M. Sperling was drowned in
Labor Lake.
W. P. Stuart, Bursar of Mimico
Asylum, is dead.
The United States Customs office at
Stratford will be closed.
The Port Hope electric light and
power station was burned.
lames Watt, for some years Secretary
of the Globe, Toronto is dead.
There is reported to be a large deficit
in the St. Tan's, Quebec, Bank,
Earl Grey will unveil the Queen Vic-
toria statue at Hamilton on May 25.
An attempt was made to wreck a train
near Peterhoro' by placing ties on the
[melt .
Item A. G. MacKay was nominated at
Owen Sound by the Liberals of North
Fred, Robinson, a horse-traiuer, was
crushed to death in a box car at St.
Captain Colin C, Harbottle was sen,
tenced to tour years in Kingston peni-
After Once Tasting
no one wants an old-fash-
ioned cod liver oil prepara-
tion or emulsion, because
Vinol is a much better body-
builder and strength creator
for old people, weak children,
and for coughs, colds, bron-
chitis, etc. If it does no good
we will return your money.
James Fox, Druggist
Stomach trouble is ME a symptom of, and not
80 106044 a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia,
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet
they tun SYmploins only of a certain Specific
Norvosieknese—nothing 11100,
It WAS WS Met that first cerrectlyludDr.Shoor
In the Mellott of that noW very poptilar Stomach
Reinady—Dr, Shoop's Restorative. Going atreet
to the stomach tiOrveS, alone brought that success
and favor to Dr, Shoop amnia Restorative. With-
out that original and highly vital principle, no
sileh lasting aCCONEillslim ants were ever to he bad.
For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad
breath and SILITOW complexion, try Dr. Shoop's
RestoratiVe—Tablete Or LRAM—arid see lor you.
id! what It can and will do. Wo soli and ehoor,
gully roconnnend
Dr. Shoop's
May he Among Your Wants
We are prepared to supply you 10
Genuine Rubber Mountings, ,Imita-
Linn Rubber or Solid Nickel—any a
which are popular Trinuninga, Onr
prices will suit Sou,
We have Dusters, Lap Rugs„
Trunks. and Satchels, all at Lowest
Dwelling to let or sell,
Dwelling above store to let -
Now Covered Buggy for sale.
1. C. Richards
Mrs. Thomas Hughes, who was injor-
ed in a meaty:Ay at Ower Sound, died
from her wounds.
Hugh McGuire died from the effects
of a fall down the elevator of Sleeman
& Co,'s brewery, Guelph.
Stephen Swyrydu, a Pole was arrested
charged with the murder of Heksa Loci -
tick in a bush near Erinclale.
Catarrh cured or money back
The ceuse of Catarrh is a germ. It
multipliem in the lining of the nose and
throat, spreads to the bronchial tubes
and finally reaches the lungs. Cough
syrup can't follow to the lungs—it
goes to the stomach and fails to mire—
t,atarrhozonc is inhaled. It goes
everywhere—gets right. after the
gcrnis---ki 1 is t tielf1.—heabi the MeV:less
—stops discharge and hacking—cures
every trace of catarrh. You're ab-
solutely certain of cure for Catarrh,
throat irritation, colds or bronchitis,
if you use Catarrhozone. 2:ie and
$1.00 sold everywhere.
Few People In Brussels Really
Know How
Slow eating and regular meals is of
great benefit to a wrong acting stoms
ach. Those who suffer with indiges-
tion and weak stout/tell can with care
and the use of Mi-o-na stomach
tablets restore the digestion to a
healthy condition, so that they can
eat what they want at any time with
out fear or distress of suffering.
After a few day's use 'of Mi-o-na,
stomach tablets, the, headaches, dizzy
feeling, drowsitiess, bad taste in the
mouth, coated tongue, flatulence,
sleepleasnees, distress after eating—
wilt disappear, and perfect digestion
and good health will be restored.
James Fax has so much confidence
in the power of Mi-o-na to cure indi-
gestion that he guarantees satisfac-
tion or money back. PAM. 50 cents.
24 Years oiftyBuwsionrelicins) in nexsliip tain odnrability oorf OTee swurereiioeici. r
that Ewan & Co. turn out. Our business is increasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they
never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand-
ard make with extra deep rims, Have you seen our dash support
braces? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
dashes. This is a preveutative, Our Tops are of the BEST and we
have a patent for the back stayes to prevent them from getting- loose
or flapping. Trimmings aro the very best of No, i leather with eight
different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired. Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a number of Farm Wagons always on band made from the very
best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheels aud spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish,
alsmany height of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new
at small cost, Our famous Artist, WM. C. SMITH, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and maks it look the same 05 1100,. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what
we turn out. You will be convincecl to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up.to-date Carriage
Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy from a reliable firm
and support home industry.
- "It's All Ridht"
The oridinal and only
real Varnish Stain
For Re-stainind and Varnishing
Furniture, Floors and Woodwork
Prepared In
por nolo 033,
McKay &Shaw
Roller Flour Mills
is now in fall operation. It will save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
rry our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating,
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.
ir4.•Y'All kinds of Feed kept constantly 011 band.