HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-21, Page 4g!ae ir1'Cs5eis Vost
Tux votes of many a Liberal will nut
be forthcoming on June 8t11 for the
Whitney candidates as they were at the
last election to "give Whitney A
chance." 'They see where they are at I
and find the government weighed in
the balainees,andfound wanting,
Hon. D1t, Pv:aa is a real nice man,
e great big generous hearted fellow who
believes iu a square deal -when It leads
to suiting the Dr's. narrow political bins,
Here is the medicine he handed out the
other night at a Toronto Conservative
meeting ;-"We must stick together and
stand by our friends. I do not believe
in placating my enemies. I know who
m anomies areand theycan go to
devil and shake themselves," How
elegant for the Minister of Education
for the great Province of Ontario. You
certainly took your own measure very
well Dr. and you have not fooled any-
OFTEN it is said bias or prejudice
blinds the discovery of good iu an op.
ponent or his cause but when testimony
is produced from the words of a friend
it should carry weight. No one will
doubt the political leanings of the Tor-
onto World, whose proprietor is a Con-
servative M. P. Here's what the World
says about the debate on the gerrymand-
er :-"Practically all day was given to
the redistribution debate and it must be
admitted by the impartial auditor that
the speeches of Hon. A. G. MacKay and
C. M. Bowman were not met in any
direct manner." Not only was that so
but amendment after amendment was
voted down that would have minimized
the injustice of the gerrymander, show-
ing the determination to stand by the
work recommended, whether right or
wrong and "not met in'any direct man-
ner" as to fairness nor equality.
LAST week's Winghanl Advance in
commenting on the choice of the Centre
Huron Liberal Convention of a standard
bearer tried to be nice and withal was
mean. Theconditions ofNortb and Cen-
tre ridings were not and are not parallel
as the former was carved out to make
a supposedly, safe seat for a favorite
whose nomination was boomed by the
Advance to the dispargement of the
man who bad been nominated last year ;
who had attended to the revision of the
voters' lists, &c., in East Huron and yet
was jolted out of what should have right-
fully been bis. The Liberal candidates
for West and East Huron not only had
their constituencies stolen from thein
but were hived in the hive and as a re-
sult met one another in the Nominating
Convention. "IE the Advance desired to
deal justly with one who bad strong
claims" why did he not otter objection
to the geographical arrangement as it
might have saved him weeping abucket-
ful of tears now, but not a word of pro-
test when Brussels was planted in
Ceutre Huron. That was part of the
game. As to the whisper that 1 "Bro.
Kerr was once a Conservative" and
should "return to bis first love." We
beg leave to -state that under the banner
of Liberalism we are with oar first and
only love. Had it not been for the in-
justice of the gerrymander we believe
we would have won out in Hest Huron.
"Fair play" might have possibly shed
some new light on North Huron Con-
vention doings had those who did the
"wire work," attempted to make an ex-
cuse for the carving up of Huron Co.
As to whetiher "North Huron is getting
along nicely" will be ascertained better
on June Bth.
Politica Pointers
Great unaaimity prevailed when the
salaries of the Cabinet were "boosted"
$t000 each.
The Model Schools should not be done
away with in the interests of the rural
Rev. Mr, Hossack will lead the Lib•
eral contingent in North. Toronto in the
Provincial Election.
It said Mr. Welch, of Listowel, may
run as an independent j onservative
candidate iu North Perth.
Expenditure for civil governtneut has
increased 45 per cent in 4 years, last
year reaching nearly $303,000,
The Presbyterian Synod, of Toronto
and Kingston passed a resolution • de-
manding majority rule in the License
.It has been a dizzy 39 months as coin.
pared with the Liberal 33 years, The
Premier was afraid to trust to his 42
majority without a gerrymander.
The bona fide settler in New Ontario
who secures a farm should have posses-
sion of everything both upon and under
it, even as far as the Chinese boundary
The legal fees of the government was
$14,000 10,1904 and thought to be large
but in 1907 they climbed tip to $43,300,
ad increase of so per Cent. To be just
i; better than to be generous,
A Government who called the Sun -
cession Duties Act robbing the graves,
while in opposition were cute enough
not to repeal the Act and 1051 year col-
lected $822,000 froth it. "Grave rob-
bing" is too profitable a business to close
it out under the changed Situation,
What right has the Canadian farmer
to be saddled with the expense of
$tytc,9g for sending Hon. Aclatn Beck's
nine high jumping' horses to an Old
Country exhibition? It'was bad enough
to fleece the treasury but was worse to
clumsily attempt to deny it after it bad'
appeared in the Public Aeeenets,,
n S pretty saes
Ontario In e i Is p
With ell Its hills and dacha,
The rivers they it aaoh. place
But Oh the windind 1t chills.
When Wintercomes with all its Ittomes,
And the wind goal wlliatltn6• by,
It makes a mason stop and think
And give a Westward nigh.
Sometimes you'll end ' day or two
On whleb you can drive round,
But 0h.: it's nasty when you see
The pitch boles up and down.
Maroh conies in walla look and a grin
As if to oracle fun of the rest,
It leaves mud on the roads, lb would
scanner the toads,
And entices a 111110 think of the West.
The prairie land is something grand
With ail Ole flowers around,
A. traveller tidying down the reed
Shouldnever wear a frown.
But let m0 tell you eolnething else
About the crops out hero,
We grow the best, the very beet
And 0,1, the prioe ie dear,
A dollar a bushel I will say,
1'd be aide in saying more,
But it's easier reckoned you'll admit
For I've counted it o'er and o'er.
has come and the Winter Summer nr w gone
The give me the filth, the he
But give ebr the twelth, the health July
It's celebrated in Portage this year.
Portage la Prairie is a beautiful town
With every convenience at hauld
The park, to the South, a. beautiful place,
And as elegant spot for the band.
I wish Mr. Editor that you could come,
I'maura it would make you sneeze,
If von only knew the time we'll have
You'd cone on your hauls and knees.
Now I think, Mr. Editor, I've told you all
The news as it ought to be,
With beet respeet9 to Tn a Bayssnr.s POST
And all the community.
Keyes, Mao.
Brewer Gooderbam, of Toronto, will
no doubt give the 3/5 clause a good lift
if be is elected au 141, P. P.
The Premier bad not much faith in
his 44 majority or he would never
planned his little gerrymander.
Many an elector will du a lot of solid
thinking before he will mark his ballot
favorable to the $2,5uo,00u to the Mc-
Kenzie & Mann Railway Co.
enema) has been spent in the past
year in Government Commissions.
Why dont the Government save a large
share of this expense by doing their own
work ?
Hon. Dr. Pyne's interest in securiug
a hotel license for a friend who had been
convicted 14 times in the police court
shows how he is prepared to stand by
his friends.
J. T. Cnrrie is most favorably reb'eived
in the gerrymandered riding of North
Huron, He will make Mr. Musgrove's
historic majority ot over 200 look quite
ill on June Sth.
It has required three boards of
License Commissioners in four years
in Toronto between resignations and
"bouncing" by Government. The
License department is still in politics,
Wbat will the price of school books be
after the present bankrupt stock is
cleared out? The Government took
good care that the election will be over
before the salt is rubbed into the book
buyers of the new series.
Old time Conservatives say they will
not vote for Musgrove on June Sth in
North Huron owing to the unfair gerry-
mander of the Conaty and the more un-
fair treatment of) ex -Warden Bowman
ousting him as the candidate,
After 3 or 4 years of office with the
privilege of close and critical examina-
tion of books, vouchers, &c, the Whitney
government failed to show up the
'•scandalous corruption and crooked-
ness" ot the Isle Liberal government.
The grant of $130,oOo to the La Rose
Mining Co. shows the unbounded
generosity of the Whitney government.
Hon. Mr. Cochrane's brother-in-law
chanced to be in the syndicate, Mr.
Dunlop was very fortunate. It's a great
thing to stand in with the powers.
Mr. Whitney said repeatedly that the
redistribution was not put forward for
party advantage but to equalize popula-
tioe and re -unite severed municipalities.
He failed grievously in keeping his
word in either case. Huron, Essex,
Peel and other counties are examples.
113 more officials in the civil service
than at tbe close of 1904.9 662 appoint-
ments to office were made inside of a
year. The distinction of "dismissed"
and "resigned" in the dropping out of
165 Liberal office holders is liable to a
construction outside of the dictionary
A young man in Toronto, 21 year's of
age, who does not possess an loch of
property, by the Witney election law
will be handed two.ballots on Jule 8111,
while the sturdy yeomanry of the
country with their hundreds of acres
will only have one. Is that square ?
Jno. A. Cooper, one of the School
Book Commissioners appointed by tbe
Whitney Government says "I0 the set of
readers is prepared and the printing and
binding brought up to date the price
will go back to the old figures, if not
higher," Mr, Cooper ought to know.
Redistribution of constituencies are
supposed to come after every decennial
ceases in a growing country but Hon,
Mr. Whitney, who is "bold enough to
be honest and honest enougb to be
bold," quoting his own words, thought
it was better to make a grab in mos by
way of strengthening his hands before
an election.
School Inspectors, School 'teachers
and Trustee Boards are kept guessing in
the management of Public School affairs
owing to the frequent changes. This
condition is largely caused by having a
mat at the heats of the Education De-
partment who knows little or nothing
abont the work. Hon. Dr. Pryne may
he a very nice man but he caut fill the
bill as Minister of Education.
It is delightfully refreshing to notice
the emphasis placed upon liberality of
thought, creed, &c, by the Conserver
tive press in Huron Co. One would
almost be led. to think that some of the
candidates had 001710 time or other been
standing out "hot stuff" end the account
was beteg squared off by everybody be-
ing "broad." You can't always bury
these old tirades so that they will stay
The government advocated a bill
when in opposition recommending' a
reduction of M, P. P's ; Redistribution
only after decennial census ; Boundaries
of constitueucies to be fixed only by
commission of judges, History of 190&
session wipes out this redoubtable
trinity. Mr. Whitney "fixed the boun-
daries with theasslstancoot wire -pullers,
Even Huron Co. hail its little coterie to
the business and both Silber and Mus'
grove should be defeated over the head
of it,
The gerrymander does not conform
to boundary lines nor equalizing of
population. Batfie
a North and South
Essex the furrier had an exetts0 of Clearly
2,900, yet 'Tilbury tuwu0109 with 2100
was added to it from the South for one
reasdu only viz to try and defeat ,Inn,
Auld, the Littered uunliuee, as it gave
Mr. Auld 14o . at last election and his
whole majority in the ridiug was 179,
"Bold enough to be honest".' 01 yes.
A pateloes Corn cure
I Easily applied -rusts but a quarter
11311', Put C'ujvl !extractor,
arty years h1 use. Insist un Putuatli s
only. I tion. Did you get a Photo, of the baby?
Art Studio
'rhe language of Photographs is the
i clearest form of ,expnwhirl. It specks
111 all tongues and to all peoples ; It ie
understood by the iguorcnit and apple
elated by the cnlunrll. 1)uu't t eget to
get n nice Photo. taken to leave with
your friends. We are second to none
in our line and guarantee You satisfac•
Now is Ude time,
Centre Huron Conservatives
intend to keels in stock n full line of
• Amateurs' Supplies, and also Kodalcs to
I rent, I will develop and melte your
pictures, Give us a call,
Andrew Porter the Choice.
A well attended Convention of Con-
servatives from the municipalities of
the new ridingof ('eutte Huron was
held in the own Hall,Clinton,11on
Thursday of last week for the purpose
of organization and the scleetion of a
candidate for the Legislature. All-
tit'eu' Porter, son of the late Robert
Porter, a former ... P. for Weet Hur-
on, was unanimously selected as can-
didate without a ballot. 1Fu1. Camp-
bell, of Goderich, was selected as
Secretary tary (11101 1. Beuder'iok, of Sthat-
forth, as President of the riding
assuc.i:ition. David Clautelon, of Clut-
ton M. 13roclel'iek and !Bev, Joseph
Elliott, of (+ode rich, were ie also nomin-
ated but atm, t slaking short speeches
all withdrew in favor of air. Porter.
Harry Either, ex -N. P, P., of South
Huron, dealt with the leading issues
of the campaign and was heartily ap-
plauded throughout.
Mr. Porter is highly esteemed and
will poll the full Conservative vote,
He is a p1•iuter by trade but acted as
Deputy Postmaster for his father at
Clinton for tl nlubol of years and on
the appointment of a Mai, P. 110., fol-
lowing the demise of his father, ice
was made manager of the local branch
of the Sovereign .11uuik. The Closing
up of this institution threw him out of
office and it was reported he. would
take stock in the Goderich Star. Of
course Mr. Porter does not expect to
win but if his expenses are paid and
the patronage for the next term plac-
ed at his disposal he may have some-
thing for his trouble. The Clinton
and Goderich people speak very high-
ly of Mr. Porter.
Tired nerves, with that "no ambi-
tion" feeling that is commonly felt
in Spring or early Summer, can be
easily and quickly altered by taking
what is known to druggists every-
where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
One will absolutely note a changed
fueling within 4S horn's after begin-
ning to take the Restorative. The
bowels get sluggish in the Winter-
time, the circulation often slows up,
the Kidneys are inactive, aucl even
the Heart grows decidedly weaker.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized
everywhere as a genuine tonic to
these vital organs. It builds up and
strengthens the worn-out weakened
nerves ; it sharpens the failing ap-
petite, and universally aids digestion.
It always quickly brings renewed
strength, life, vigor and ambition.
Try it and be convinced. Solcl by all
The non -jury sittings of the High
Court were announced to open at Gode-
rich on Tuesday of last week but owing
to the non -arrival of the Judge an ad-
journment was made until the following
day, when the following cases were dis-
posed of by Judge 'Teetzel, morning,
afternoon and evening sittings of the
court being held.
Kreuter v. Dixon -Action- dor value
of timber taken off Crown lands near
Parry Sound. The plaintiff was Wm.
Kreuter, a lumberman, residing in the
township of Grey, Huron county, and
the defendant a sawmiller residing at
the village of Rosseau, in the district of
Parry Sound. 'rhe plaintiff purchased
certain property from the defendant in
the district of Parry Sound, the defend-
ant, as the plaintiff claimed, represent-
ing that he was the owner of all the
timber on the property, but when the
plaintiff proceeded to cut the pine on
the property he was forbidden to do so
by the Parry Sound Lumber Co„ who
it appears were lessees of the right to
cut the pine timber. The defendant
claimed tbat the plaintiff was familiar
with the rights and reservations of
settlers with regard to timber upon
Crown grant lauds, Aetiou dismissed
with costs. Win, Proudfoot, K, C., and
W. M. Sinclair for plaintiff. P. R,
Powell, K. C., for defendant.
Cattelon vs. Cantelon-Action for a
reconveyance of lands ou time ground of
undue influence, On the application of
plaintiff trial was adjourned until next
aesizes, plaintiff to have leave to amend
by adding all necessary parties. The
plaintiff, Wm. Cantelou, now of Clin-
ton, conveyed to his nephew, Juhu
Cantelou, of Goderich township, a farm,
a provision of the mortgage being that
the defendant was to provide for the
plaintiff during his lifetime, which the
plaintiff claims was not done, but which
the defendant claims was fulfilled,
Wm, Proudfoot, K. 0.. for plaintiff, E,
L. Diakiueon, Ir, C., for defendant.
The Jones & Lawson Machine Co v.
The Rogers Manufacturing Co. -Action
to set aside as frauduleut assignments of
patents. This was a motion by the
plaintiffs, who had a claim of $1,277,59
against the Rogers Manufacturing Coe
for a declaration that assignments by the
Rogers Co, of patents were fraudulent
and void ss against the plaintiff and
other creditors, The other defendants
were M. j Reitz, H. Meade and F.
Il'essel, to- whom assignments were
His Lordship directed that judgment
be entered for the plaintiffs declaring
that the assignments of patents in the
statement of claitn set forth ere frauclu•
lent and void as against the plaintiffs
and such other of the creditors of the
defendant the Rogers Manufacturing
Co., Ltd„ as may come in and con-
tribute to the costs of this action, the
defendants to pity the costs of this
action. M. 0. Cameron, 74. C„ for
plaintiffs. Dc fen dents not represented.
Smeeth Y. the London and Western.
'frust Co, et al. -The action was
brought by Mrs. Smeeth to recover
is head -quarters for Fresh,
Pure, No. 1 Lime, Highest
recommends given as to the
quality of it, Laving proven
itself No. 1 on Government
25c per Bushel, Delivered
Write or Telephoue to
dower in the planing 'mill which was
conveyed by the late le. Smeeth in
December, 1903, to J. T. Goldthorpe for
$6,000, Mr, Smeeth egreeolg 111 the time
of sole to give his wife -iter inchoate
right to dower and to allow the sante in
the meantime to be iuclnded in a
mortgage 011 the property, which was to
be paid when the mortgage was paid
off, and Mrs. Smeeth executing the
deed of conveyance barring her right to
dower. Besides the Trust Co , which
is executor of the estate of Mr. Smeeth,
the other defendants were Mr, Smeeth's
daughter, Mrs. Pridhnm and her
children. His Lordship directed that
judgment be entered for the plaintiff
tor $6&o and interest on the same from
the 4011 of 14larch, 1903, and 005(0 of the
nutiou; costs of ell the parties to be paid
out of the estate of the late - Francis
Smeeth, the executors' costs as between
solicitor and client. E. L. Dickinson,
K. C., for plaintiff. G. F. Blair for
London & Western 'frust Co. NI. G.
Cameron, K. C., for iufanrs.
Andrews v, McCarthy et al. -Action
10 set aside conveyance as fraudulent
against creditors. The plaintiff in this
ease was William Andrews, who had a
claim for a butcher's bill of $109.522
against Patrick McCarthy, one of the
defendants. Mr. Andrews sued on be-
half of himself and all other creditors of
Mr. McCarthy and asked to have a con-
veyance by Mr. McCarthy to his
nephew, John Hurley, who 0700 made
co-defendant in the action of lot running
number So in the town of Goderich, de-
clared 11011 and void, the claim beiug
that the conveyance was fraudulent and
made for the purpose of placing the
assets of the defendant Patrick Mc-
Carthy out of the reach of the creditors.
The defence, however, succeeded in
showing to the satisfaction of the
judge that there Win no fraud. Mr.
Hurley paid $1,000 for the property on
which there is a house erected, lifting a
mortgage made to Martin Connell
mut paying the balauce of the purchase
price in cosh, which was afterwards
handed over to Mr. Hurley's sister, Mrs.
Muirhead, with whom Mr, McCartney
went to live after the transfer of the
property in December Igo6. Mrs.
Muirhead gave en account of how this
money had been expended in paying
some of his debts, of the existence ot
Which she said she was not aware at the
time he went to live with her. It was
also sought to show that Mr. McCarthy
at the time of the conveyance was not
in a condition, mentally, to transact any
business, Uut his lordship held other-
wise. Action dismissed with costs to
the defendants, fixed et the sunk of $15.
Wn1. Proudfoot, K C„ and L. E.
Dancey for plaintiff. M. G. Cameron,
K. 0 , and j. L. Killo•tm for defendants.
Breathe Help
For Catarrh
Druggist Jas. Fox is having splendid
Reports from Hyomei
It's the poison germs in the airynn
breathe that creates and feeds catarrh.
Hyomei simply catches these germs
on their way to work and dostroys
them. The flet breath of Hyomei
air kilisall cat ivhal 100ison.
This makes the air youare breathing
inward helpful, it goes on its way
through the air passages, bronchial
tubes and lungs chnegecl with germ
destroying power that cannot be re-
sisted, it soothes and heals the Wound-
ed and inflamed membrane.
That is why Hyomei is so instantly
helpful for any distress of the breath-
ing organs, colds, croup, bi'olichitis,
asthma or dreaded imellntonia, they
are the germ life that Hyomei kills,
Complete guaranteed outfit 01.00.
Sold by Jas. Fox talk to thele ltbontit.
Ono in seven called by Consumption
.A, ctreaclful plagne indeed when yon
consider that in incipient stages it can
be cured. Take care of the little colts
before it becomes a big one• Whelt
the throat is sore and it hurls yeti to
expand your chest, rub in Nerviline
and immediately apply one of Polson's
Nerviline Porous Plaster's. Pain and
tightness are at once relieved, in-
fiammation and soreness gratlnai.ly
disappear and fatal illness is thus
d, Nervilina Plasters eat its a
vomiter irritant deer the seat of pain,
and 00 101 extorter applecation in erre
Ing colds] in the 1nn5eles, in pioutfs
and headaches they live no equal.
Veep these r0100cfiea eight 01 peal"
The four-year.old sun of Mr. Palen,
of Piston, was drowned in a creek veer
hem,. -
Ten soil, is best their houses and farm
building • b1 prairie ales ie Leofold di a.
Mint, Sabk.
At Huntsville Nelson Smith, of Allen-
dale. shot his wife dead and then 10111
nnitled suicide.
=eel (A1,11. --A general purpose chestnut
mare, 7 years old 1 will work in any lir.
nese. Due to fuel on ,11150 28th.
45.2 , 13, GIERRY, 13russele.
WANTED, -A person with R0n10 11101(0y 10
juin in an extremely profitable business
in which large profits can be nide without
risk, References given. Investigate.
L Box 24, Brussele, Onb.
QUARTER AORE LOT, tlith six -roomed
house for sale. Cellar full size of !tuns° ;
walls built for veneer. Stable mid drill.
8000N4AIlln let., West, Enquire of 11.. T.I.14 f
,1 14
Vacre of land, felsale, TSInb(11y 0blae,
North Brussels. Good well, fruit trees,
Possession could be given at once Tor further
particulars as to prioe, terms. &e„ apply on the
premises. ALEX. MOLAUOBLIN. 42.4 I
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &e„ successor to
A. B. Macdonald, Oitiae over Standard Rank,
The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll
for the Township of Grey, for the year 1008,
will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, on
Thursday, May 2811i, 1008, at 11 o'clock a. 1n,
All mutate interested will please take notice
and act oeeordingly. JNO. MOINTOSH,
Grey, May 11th, 1008. Olerk.
The Court of Revision en the Assessment Roll
tor the Village of Brussels, for the year 1008,
will be held at the Town Hall. Br useels, on
Tuesday, June Ind, 1008, at 8 o'elook p. nl. All
parties interested will please take notice and
not accordingly. F. S. SCOTT,
Brussels, Oday 11th, 1008. Olerk,
The Court of Revision en the Assessment
Roll for the Township of Morris for the year
1908, will be held al the Town Hell o11 Friday,
May 20th, 1008, at 10 o'eloek a. 111. All parties
interested will please take notice and net ac-
cordingly, W, CLARK,
Morrie, May 8th, 100P. Clerk.
The first sittings of the Court of Revision for
hearing complaints against the Assessment
Roll of the Mmlictpnlity of the Township of
Mcltillop,for the year 1908. will be held at the
Oommeroial Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday, the
1st day of June, 1908. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a, in. Persons having business before the
Court are hereby notified to govern themselves
accordingly. M. MURDIE,
McKillop, May 16th, 1008. Olerk.
NOTIOE is hereby given that 3. A. Klump, of
Ethel has made application for permission to
transfer his License for the premises in Ethel,
known as the Roy al Hotel, to John Putlatal, of
Belgrave, and that said application will becon-
sidered et the meeting of the Board of License
Commissioners to be held at the American
Hotel in the Village of Brussels, at 11 o'clock a.
in., on the 10th day of Jnne, 1008. A11 persons
interested will govern themselves accordingly.
Dated at Brussels, May 18th, 1008.
46,2 WM. OLEGG, Inspector.,
Stock for Service
BOAR FOR SERVICE, - The undersigned
has purchased the pure bred Yorkshire
Boar, "Woodstock Master," from the celebrat-
ed easy feeding herd of H. J. Davis. of Wood -
stook. This animal is bred direct from hn-
ported stook on both aides and is a good one.
Terms, 8t.00, at time of cervica, with privilege
of returning.J. M. KNIGHT, Proprietor, Lot
21, Con. 12, rey, 46-tf
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of Igo& :-
Haler BONE, Proprietor.
Monday, will leave his own stable, Lot 20
god line Morrie, end go to John Ma0wen'e 21311
don. Grey for night. Tuesday, to Arthur
Shaw's, 151 line Morrie, for noon • then to
Johnston's Hotel, Blnovolo for an hour, and
then to Wm. Vanatone'e 4th Oon. Turuberry,
for night. Wednesday, to Alex, Forgie'e 0tH
Con. Turnberry, for noon then to I'tobt.
Hogg's, Taeoberry • for night. Thursday, to
H11118011'9 Hotel Wingham, for an hour ; thea
to D. Campbell's, 1st line Morris, for 7300n ;
then to hie' own stable for night. FRIDAY.
to Hill's Hotel, 13elg6rave, for noon • then to
Alex, MolSoil'e, Otto lino, Morris, for night..
Saturday,to. Central Hotel, Brussels for n0011;then to hiown stable where he will remain
until the following Monday.
No. (18180) Vol. 28
Gzn. MELDOON, Proprietor
ThieImported Olydodalo Horse will make
the Benson of 1008 at hie own stable, Brussels.
Terme-To Insure 516,00, payable February
let, 1000. Mares must be returned regularly to
the horse or they will be emerged whether in
foal or nob. 44.4
OlsAnne"s. Kean, Manager
Monday, will leave his own entitle, Lot 20,
Con. 7, Grey, and go North to 0,m. 6, to ,Tohn
Jackson's, Lot 12, for noon ; then South via
Sideline between Lots 5 & 0 to Andrew Lam-
ont's, Lot 0, Con. 10, for night. Tuesday, to
Geo. Spolrah's, Lob 24, Con, 12, Grey, for noon ;
then East to Side•oad, then South to 10th Con.,
then East and South 10 Angus McKay'a Lob 80,
Com 17, Grey, for night. W edneadhy, South to
12th Oen, Logan, then East to Peter Gaffney'�a�
Lot 24, Con. 1a, Logan, for noon ; then East Gaffney:
miles then North to John McCartney s, Lot 11,
Oon. 14 Logan, for night. Thursday -will go
West via 14th Oon„ and North to Boundary be-
tween Grey and Logan to Fred. Hullett's, Lob
4, for noon c then North to Oon. 17, and East 2,1
miles, the North to Henry Runebur 's, Let 7,
001,..10, Ehna, for 111 •lit. Friday will go West
told North to 30sep1, %Vhiteeld'9, Lob 80, Con,.
14, Grey. for noon ; then North to Guo. Kenai,
Lot 80, don, 8, .for eight. Saturday will pro-
ceed Best mites and North 194 miles to Cone
6 & 6, tilmn, then West to Ilia oivn Mettle for
noon Whore he will remail until the following
Monday morning, 46.2
GOVsN1i0Oaf tri Ah0OnrnaTM, Preps.
Monday, May 4111 w111 leave 11)9 Own stable,
1o0 00, Oon. 12 McKillop, and proceed to 10,
Dodd's, Lot 2t, Oen. G, MaKillop for n00n;
then to Ainh a Hotel Seaforth, for night.-
lnesdny, by way et the 211d Con. of Tucker•
smith to Thos, Coleman's for noon; then North
to John Oerter's, Let 4. Oon, 2, Mullett, by way
of Alma, for night. -Wednesday North to I•Ien-
ry Taylors, Lot 0, Oen. 11, Hullott, for. neon ;
then to his own stable for night,-Thnrsdny
will go INA to S, Anima', Con. 14 McKillop,
20' noon) then North to Oliver ITurnbull's,
(1011. le, Grey, for eight, -Frida , Wast then
North. to Mt'. Tym'mntl a Lot 8, (300.12 Grey,
for noon ; then North to 1merleim Hotel, B3'11s-
Ree, for night,-Snturdey, Soutlt to James Bel-
gor's, Oon, 8, Morris, for noon; then to his awn
stable where he will remain until the following
Monday meriting.
A Strong Tonic WithoutAlcohol
A Body Builder Without Alcohol
A Blood Purifier WithoutAlcohol
A Great Alterative WlthoutAlcohol
A Doctor's Medicine WithoutAlcohol
Ayer's Sarsaparilla WithoutAlcohol
We publish our formulae
iWe baeleh eiaollui
from Our timetables
0 rcti"e Wo urge you to
lie/6I 8.) °Des It your
Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act
directly on time liver, make more bile
secreted. This is why they are so valu-
able in constipation, biliousness dys-
pepsia, sick -headache. Ask your doctor
if he knows a better laxative pill.
-Mede by the J, O. Ayer Co., Lovell, Mass;
Start in
or June and finish a good course
of training for Stenographer or
Bookkeeper by November, when
good positions are best obtained.
Enter any cloy. No vnentious,
1?rce catalogue.
Yongo & Gerrard fits„ Toronto
W. 13, SHAW Principal
Have a choice stock of Buggies
manufactured by the Barrie
Carriage Company for sale.
Both steel and rubber tyres,
They nre A t and sold from
8160.00 up.
Guarantee with every rig.
Don't buy nutil you visit my
show room. You can save mon-
ey thereby.
S. N. Jacksonj Brussels
Ail El, RoyalMail ;
Tunisian sails Friday, Mny 16 9 a in
Victorian sails Friday, May 22 0 a 111
Corsican sails Friday, May 211 5 90 a m
Virginian sails Friday, 3elle 6 6 n 111
Ionian sails Saturday, May 10
Grampian sails . Saturdn),, May 28
Hesperiau sails Saturday; May 80
Hesperian sails Saturdny, June 8
Snl'diltten ,... Tlluradny, May 14
Parisian sails Wednesday, May 20
Sicilian Rails Saturday, June 0
to ror settings, lists and full information apply
Agent Allan Line. Brussels.
No 1-1i';' tR
You know from daily expe-
rience, at home or in the barber
shop, that the question is-
' Why •doesn't•a razor hold
its edge uniformly from heel
to head without honing and
grinding?" Whether it is a
safety, with the certain tax of
new blades, or the ordinary
open -bladed razor does not
alter the, question. You want
the comfort and satisfaction of
a clean, smooth shave every
morning with the confident
knowledge that your razor
will be ready for instant use
the next time needed,
The Carbo Magnetic razor is
the only razor etnoontERrrr:r.
ally guaranteed to do this.
Thirty years of study on the
razor situation has perteotett
a. new secret process of
positively merges every par-
ticle qf carbon (the life of Oteel)
into the metal -giving a dia-
mond -like hardness uniformly, ,
throughout the blade --some-
thing absolutely impossible
with fire tempered steel -used
in making all other razors.
But test this tytzor in your
own hornc-or if you prefer,
have your barber use it on you,
Give us your name.or call and see the "Carbo
Magnetic" .razor, and we will.
state our proposition for test-
ing these razors without
ofillegtatiose on your part to
part:hasg, together with our
free booklet " Hints on Shav-
ing." This book illustrates
the correct razor position for
shaving every part of the face.
Local WiltonAgents, g � & Gillespie
Round -Trip Excursions
AprIl 14, 20 June 9, 28 Aug. 4, 10
May 12, 26 July 7, 21 Sept, 1, 16, 20
Tlakete dood to rotate within 00 dayp
VERY LOW RATES from all pointe
In 0510.r30.
Minting/ Wleuipea and returA 922.00
between tEdmonton and return 542.60
Tiokote issued to all North-West pointe.
number of
Tourist Sleeping Care will be run on each
exoureion, fully equipped with bedding,
eto, Berths should be secured andpaid for
through local ngeat at least ex days
before exoureion loaves.
Rates and full information 000taiaed
in free I•Tomeseokere' pamphlet, Ask near-
est 0.P,R. agent for a Dopy, or write to
C.11, POSTER, Malik! Pear, Atl., O.P,R., Tornio
If you want a really good article
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Culler Oarriage
Builder on Market Sgnaro, Bons-
eels, where you will find to first-
olaes assortment.
Best of hand made Farm Wag-
ons with differsut widths of tires
and different heights of wheels.
Extra large hand made Wheel-
Re -rimming Light and Heavy
Wheels, Repairing, Re -painting
and Re -trimming attended to oe
shortest notice,
Farmers Or Stoi'elteepere
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any hind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
Lot 16, Cos, 15, Grey, containing 100
acres. P . Apply to WM, WOODS,Orabrook
land 1'Ol' sale. Oomfotteble dwell -
log; hard and soft water uu dor cover; ap-
ple,plum and aherry trees, &o. Possession
eau be given at once. lmr price, terms, &o,
pall at THEE POST,
for Bale -Albert street, comfortable
home in good repair. Small stable, good
well, cistern, &m. Possession any time, Por
further particulars apply on the premises
to 5, ORAWCO1t0, Brussels, 4841
3111150I(317110 will keep for aervlee on
Lots 17 awl 18, Oen. 0, Grey, the Holstein-
Frioable Bull,"Sir 01000001 Burke," (01'30),
nMight from P, D. Ede, Wooiteteek, petit -
gree may be seen on applleatiou Service
52.00 with privilege of returning it nacos.
eery, payable February let, 1000,
40'Jm 3011 0. WEL813, Proprietor.
For Sale
Thos order to
the Ex outotate to offer lax
sale the real estate ooeaietlug of u comlort-
ab1e6-roomed batten mud new oem00t alt-
ebon built in 1047, I torn of land, hard and
soft water, together with a large oonimod•
lose 'tattle, drilled well . mud S acres of good
laud diagonally morose the street from awol•
llug house. For pertiou)ara one price apply
to P. SCOTT, or A. STEWAR'1', Queue at.
West, Brumes.88-tf
Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest
A uvea numbered smitten of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Saskatohewon anea
Alberta, cementing 8 aua 26, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person wile 10
the nolo bead of a ramify, or any tattle over
18 years of ('0, to the extent of cue -quarter
lection of Wu 00105 more 0r less.
Meal 1t1 ua toalooefor made
epdiebriu611u at
tbe laud to situate.
Tho homesteader Is rognirod -to perforate
the condition s oon0ooted therewith under
ole of the following plana :
(1) At least six months' reBdeuee 5000
and cultivation of the laud iu each year for
hree yearn,
12) If the father (or mother, i1 ,the falba
ie deeeased) of the homesteader resides
epee a tate In the v(oluity of the laud
00bored ler the requirements as to real,
douoe may bo satisfied be lush P0rao0 10.
aiding with the father or mother,
(8) It the settlor bas 1110 iformano,t
donee upon 0 !dr
u land owned by Wei
in the cents as 1 lig hoe mayd, ore ro-
IMO by 0eta as to residence may 4, sans•
IMO By reetaonoe neon the said laud,
Nixmoutbe beano in writing should bo
Oven to the Oommissiou,or of Dominion
Lands atmbtawa of intention to apply for
Deputy 0111hn Minlate• or tutnrlor,
N. B. Unautltorlaetl publi df o, of this ha-
vertiaomontwill 1)111 bo pall for,