HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-21, Page 1VOL. 36 NO. 46 ie BR USSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2I, igo8 _ _..._.._ W. H. KERR, Prooiriettor� eallInittNEISEntrle 11 MAY SPECIALTIES Hosiery and Underiear a It has now reached the season of the year that you should begin to think about buying your Fancy Hosiery and Light Un- derwear, —Black, Tau and Grey Hosiery in Plain Colors ,.. Special at 25c per pr, —Fancy Brown, Grey, Black and Heliotrope Hosiery in differ- ent clesigne. Good value at... 5Dcp e pair air .—•Mauehaultee's Celebrated French .i3albriggan Underwear, the beet line for the money on the market at 50c a Garment or $1,00 a Suit —Robiu-Hood Un shrinkable Un- derwear, in Grey colors..... i5c.• a Garment or$ $1.50 a Suit —Porosknit Underwear, the cool- est thing yon can possibly Wear • 15c, a Garment or $1,50 a Suit When you think of Hosiery and Underwear for Spring think of Danford & Son CLOTHIERS and FURNISHERS GRAHAM BLOCK BRUSSELS imisurisramsmaci New Advertisements Gold locket lost, Ioe inane—Mrs, Risk, County Council—W, lane, Court ofRevision—M.Marche, a, Good Footwear I 0, Melanie. Single ernes, x, o, lohnede. Wall lar remnants—Jas.o x, Political meetings—Win. Proudroot.Ontario Liquor sioense—Wni. 0l e g , Exoursion—Mona etuns Canoe Club. l:Csttrix tJ �Uf3 McKillop Centre of Reviston on thc Townsi iiI Assessment troll. for this year will be- held eheld at the Commercial Hotel Sea - forth, on Monday June 1st at 10 a. m. Public meetings in the interest of W. Proucifoot, Liberal nominee, will be held at Manley's school house on Friday evening • of this week and at Beechwood school horse Thursday of next week, Opposition speakers in- vited to ettend, Returning Officer Johnston for Cirntre Huron, was rrntncl- posting np theroclamation bilis for the . coming P election. The work onelection day will be handled in McKillop b Y the following Deputy Returning office es No. 1,,Tames Evans •No. 2,J. DivN Goveu1ock ; No. 8. J. J. Irvine ; No. 4, 0. Whites Jamestown Charles B. Forrest hasbeen off work with measles, Matthew Moses is visiting his bro- ther, Jas. Moses, at Kincardine. Mrs Dantean McDonald's sister from Chicago was visiting here a Jew, days. Rev.W. West,of B n le of- ficiated �V..1. I ova o flciatecl in Victoria Hall Sunday even- ing. Robert Shaw, of Binevale,will Hpreach next Sunday evening in the all here. Several from this locality attended the Liberal convention at Seaforth last week. School section No. 10 Morris. was closed for two weeks owing to the teacher, lyliss B. Henderson, being sick with the measles. • Favorable progress is being made by Thos. Mcli venwho hadthe misfortune to break his leg sometime ago. We hope he will soon be all right. Samuel Snell met with a slight ac- cident through the upsetting of a load of hay, striking his shoulder on the wheel in the fall. We hope he will feel no bad effects from it, We are glad to state that Duncan Taylor, who has been in poor health for some time, is getting along nicely and is an occasional caller on his neighbors. He hacl a long pull. Wroxeter Thos. Brown, was in Tiverton last week. Wm. Lacicie was a %V•ingham visitor last week. Miss Russell is visiting with friends in Seaforth. Sam. Barlow, of Guelph, is in the village this week. Miss Mothers, of Kincardine, is the guest of Mrs. L. Perrin. Mrs. M. McLennan has returned from a visit of several weeks in Brantford, Miss Roadhouse, ofFordwich visited over Sunday. with R..B. and Mrs. Harris: Chas. and James 1•linde, of Harris - ton, renewed acquaintances in the village last week. Mrs. John Knutson has returned froxn St. John's, N. B., and will make her home in the village. A load of members of the W. F. M. S. attended the annual meeting held in Teeswater on 'Tuesday. Our congratulations are extended to Percy Dobson, formerly. Principal of the school here, who has passed his first year examination ab the School of Practical Science With honors. Great preparations are being made for the celebration of the 1st of July here. One special feature will bo a five mile race open to all amateurs for which a gold watch, valued at $20 will be given for theflrst prize and suitably engraved medals for second and third prized. • Good footwear We are Agents for tlte.Followingy makes of good Footwear FOR LADIES The Diamond The Imperial The Model FOR GENTS EN S The Astoria The Imperial We guarantee all of the above Shoes. In Children's we Have some nice Des! ns --all at lowest prices. Repairs promptly done, L 0. Richards L. Palmist. was here this week mak- ing arrangements to have the print, ing plant moved to Dungannon where he intencle publishing a paper. Hallett Crops are making good headway in •Mullett r Centre Huron Deputy Retur'nin Officers for this tort nship, on J tine 8th, in cennectiou with the Provincial 'elections, will be :--No. 1, Robert Clark ; No. 2, Wm, Beeper's ; No, 3, 51. Morrison ; No. 4, 111. Mains.; . No. 5, W, R. Medool No. 0, Oec, BarrPaterson. No 7,W.1 t son. hdatelr. Proudfoot, thlLiberal candi- date for Cl nti e Huron will hold pub- lic meetings tings at Auburn on May 25th Londesboro' on the 2011 and Oen- stance no the 27th, commencing at 8 o elook, He will be assisted by other Liberal speakers and Mr. Porter s' his representative will be allotted time on the program to state his views. Hallett should give Proudfoot e big majority. Forestville ' ' Thos. t kl n c f 11 Jt c r t istalking of going s 1, g r 1'�cntin aNW daye. Harry Grainger is now shipping stock ft. nWroxtherstation: Thos. Patuicl got in a number of stockers during te past week. W. R. Belden and T. R. Bennett at- tended the political meeting held by Mr. Proudfoot on Tuesday evening at Molesworth. The Beef Ring held a meeting on Monday evening at Robt. Ireland's. T. R, Bennett was elected President, theosition havingbecome vacant P owing to the death of Alex. Robert- son. It wasdecided toe • e a eyed slaughter house on June 2nd and 8rd by having a bee of the shareholders on those days. The first beef will be put in on June 15th. Molesworth The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held here on Thursday afternoon; May 28th, at 2.80, • The topics for discussion are "The use and care of inillt" and "The different methods of packing butter." Mrs. D. H. Oampbell is the Secretary. A joint 'Liberal political meeting was held here on Tuesday evening in the Orange Hall. Reeve Fraser was chosen chairman and addresses crit- icising the course of the Whitney Government and showing wherein they had furled to keep their pledges were given by Wellington Hay; of Listowel, candidate for North Perth, and W. Proudfoot, K. 0., of Goder- ieh, the nominee of Centre Huron. Opposition speakers were invited but outside of some questions by T. R. Bennett the invitation was not ac- cepted, This locality will respond generously to etre two candidates on June 811 it is expected. Oran brook Our teachers are attending the Con- vention in Clinton this week. Mrs. Manning and son of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of George Sparling. 11 you want a good washing mach- ine a little butter than the best go to A. Raymanu. Moderator McRae attended the Pres- bytery of Maitland meeting at Tees - water on Tuesday. Master Kenneth Ferguson, of Brus- sels, is visiting at the manse. He is a grandson of Rev, and Mrs, McRae's. J. Byron andwife have come from St. Claire to reside on the 14th con. and is building a new'house and barn on his new property. A public meeting In the interests of Barrister Proudfoot, the Liberal can- didate for Centre Ha on, will be hold in the hong Hall Thursday evening of this week. It is stated that Anthony McDonald will take a prospecting ei:ip to Qu' Appelle and probably to Edmonton. He was through portions of the West' 20 yyears ago. Athol McQuarrio,, who has been on the Signal staff, at Goderioh, for over over le years, is home on a visit with his parents hove preparatory eo going to Govan, Saskatchewan. :He has a brother in that locality. We wish Athol well in his. Western exploits, 40 Walton Rev. Mr. Currrio and Johnlrvinworo at Goclerioh attencling District meet- ing this week. The Synod will meet at Loudon next week. St, George's church lay dele- gate will be John Scarlett, . Rev. A. MacNab, 14 I. A, was at Teeswater on, Tuesday attending the regularemeeting of Maitland Presby- tery. This week Jno. McDonald received a car load of cement which makes. it very convenient for those using cement in this vicinity. • Several Waltonians witrnessed,the Intermediate Foot Ball match ab Brussels on Monday evening between Atwood and Brussels. .. Dr, R..15. 1lurnphries, who for the peat year has been connected with ono of the New "York hospitals, is honto on a two weeks' vacation. ' Richard Campball is at present visit, ing his home here.. tfe has a good position with a leather firm near Winnipeg. It's eleven years since he loft. Saturday evening of this week W. Prondfoot•, Liberal eandic}ate •for Centre Theron,willhold ata blie meet- ing rug in the A, . 1,1, W. Hall in this place, Peter Healey, the popular teller in the Standard Bank, is likely to leave shortly, having seearecl a goal post- tion in the Ilorne Bank, West Toron- to, Success Pete. The many friends her of Thos. W. McLaughlin will be sorry to learn that he is mete serlously,ill and is at present in the hospital at Edmonton, Alta, He may find it necessary to 0o1n13 borne, Robt, Hoy and family left 7.'nesdav of this week for Port Albert, hole has secured a position on the con- ,, struction workof the etc 1' v h. eerie rat road ! Political which is being built from Goderich mum North in connection with the 0, P. It, � Seaforth 7', Walton, the Ontario checker chan,pionleft here for Wallaceburg. While here Mr. Walton has had many apt students, and he will no doubt be much missed. Ou Friday night he plpyed 22 games with 11 Clinton play- ers, playing simultaneously. 01 the 22 games he won 11, lost 4 and chew 4. The people of the 'irstPtesba Presbyterian r t an Church had the privilege o of listening last Sunday to twoelncluent and fnrce- titlserinoes by Professor Kilpatrick, 'of Knox College, Toronto. Mr. Kil- patrick fully vindicated his reputation as one of the strongest 111011 in the Presbyterial' Church in Canada to-. dayy. Lgmondville CluMele held annivex•- sary services Sunday, the pulpit being occupied morning and evening by Rev. Mr. McRae, of London, who also delivered a lecture at their te t meet, Inge Mr. McRae is a strong and very interesting speaker anl his popularity attracted a -large crowdto fhe ser- vices. vices. - By the way he is•an old Brun - eels boy and no discredit to the town either. Ethel It is said S. S. Cole has a contract for the erection of a brick building for Daniel Ewan in Brussels this season. Rev. Jno. Henderson and Jno, Mc- Donald attended the Win haul Dis- tract meeting the a S nit.st church Wednesday, at Brussels on Quite a conbin ent of thel Foot Ball supporters will likely accompany the team to Brussels on Friday even- ing of this week when they tackle the champions of that town. The new hotel proprietor, Jno. Put - land, arrived here this week and is now in charge of the house. He will make a number of changes and im- provements in the premises and will run an up -to -elate hotel. The Beef Ring is about ready for business and the first animal will be killed next Tuesday and cut tip on Wednesday.. Jno. McIntosh is In- spector and weighmaster and S. Kleinscroth will be butcher. Our Foot ball team went to Listo- wel last Monday evening and played a tie game, 0-0, with the sturdy kickers of that town in the W. F. A, Inter- mediate series. It was a good start and creditable to the boys. Our play- ers were :—Ed. and Fred. Stephenson, Bert. Eckmier, Downey Bros., A. Smith, R. Davies, Jas. Pearson, I. Rayhard, D. Heuther and W. Goats. We hope to see them do as well on Friday evening at Brussels. On Wednesday evening of this week a political meeting was hold here in the Township Hall in the interests of Mr. Prouclfoot, the Liberal candidate in the new riding of Oentre Huron. ex -Councillor Adam Turnbull was called to the chair and spoke a few in- troductory words. • The first speaker was W. H. Kerr, of TRH Por,T. There hoiug no opposition speaker willing to respond to the invitation of the chair Mr. Proudfoot was introduced. He went into the gerrymander and show- ed the unfairness of it and the right - about -face, of the Government as com- pared witl"itheir record when in Op- position, The financial situation was expiainecl and tbefact called up that no one instance of wr'ongdoingwas trace- able to the forayer Government. An increase of 24 millions is not justified by the explanations of the Govern- ment. Tho expenditure had grown by increases of salaries to Premier and Cabinet lefinisters, which were not even brought into the estimates as an Act of .Parliament now governs it ; by entertainment of guests with a gener- ous hand, the total last year gener- ous'bang $10,905 ; an increased $27,000 in legal foes ; paying $1,700 foe rho transpor- tation of Icon, Adam Beck's horses to the Old Country ; and the mainten- tenanoe of the Provincial University. The speaker deprecated the 3/5 clause in the Local Option law and showed the illogical position of the Govern- ment in reference to it. No better is the Mining Act. Other matters dwelt upon were the.$2,500,000 guarantee to the McKenzie & Mann railway ; the $180,000•grant to the. La Rose mine, Mr. Prouclfoot asked for hearty sup- port on' Jnne Sth and pointed out the necessity of guarding against inclitter- enee in hive. The chairman quoted past election figures and advised a hearty effort. Meeting closed with the' usual cheers. The Annual S. S. Convention of the Ethel circuit will be held on the after- noon and evening of Monday, May 25th in the Methodist : church, Ethel. The previous Sunday, May 24111, will be. Sabbath School Day all around the Circuit, In connection with the Con- vention special services in the in terests of the Sunday school will' be held on Sunday, May 21th, in each of the churches as follows :—Roe's, 10.80 e. m..: •Union, 13p. 1 x. ; ;Ethel, 7 p. nr. At °eels of the services an illustrated seruxon will begiven by the pastor. Special music win be rendered. by the choir and school and a liberal offering in aid of the Sunday School work will be taken, hfonday's program is as follows ..-2-2.15—Opening weer- ctses, J, McDonald ; 2.15-2.80— "The sins of Sunday school teaching," Thos, boa her5 2.30— 2 .15 Dt C ia- sion 2,45-2.55 2.55-3.10 "The Home Department Miss L. Bryans' e.10-9,25—Discussion ; 8.25 —8.85—Singing and collection ; 3.35— 3.50—"The Now Adult Bible Class," Jaynes Peareon, Toronto ; 8.50--4,05— Disenseloe ; • 4.05--4.15—Siligingg 4.15 —4.80—"The essential elements of it successful Sunday School,' J. 11' Baker ; 4,30--4.45—Discussion ; '1,45 4.55—Eleetiot of Nominating Cons. ; 4.55--5.00—Closing. Chelrtneas, the President. The program for the in. Meetings Arrangements have been grade to hold Political Meetings in the interests of MR. WkI PROUDFOOT, the Liberal Nominee for e r C tit a Huron entie fol. i c1 lowing dates ltlta5: g CRANBROOK Thursitil., May 21 MANLEY SCHOOL, Mel.iL1.OP, Flb.tay, May 22 WALTON ...,Saturday, May 23 AUBURN .,,.,,,.....eilouday, May 25 LONDESBORO' Tuesday May 26 CONSTANCE...,..Wednesday, May 27 BEECHWOOD..,..... Thursday, May 28 $L+ NMILLER Saturday,. May 3o CLINTON O (Nominee,Monday, ane 1 GODERICH ..... June ae 4 SEAN RT 0 H Friday, Y. ane 5 M I'L ' S H S HILI. ..... r Satu da June jane b Meetings will Open at't a'CInik and will be addressed by Mr. Proudfoot and other prominent Liberals. Opposition Speakers Invited. GOD SAVE THE KING. terror 'onfollows _ — est will be as folk s :—Lunch pw. L nch and games ; Boys' races—Boys under 10 years : Boys under 15 years ; Boys' running hop, step and jump. Girls' races—Girls under 10 years ; Girls under 15 years : Girls' driving nail race. Mon's Foot Ball—Married men vs. Single men. Ladies' .Base 13a11— Married ladies vs, single ladies. Lunch will be served in the Hall, Evening Session-7.80-7.50—Opening exercises, J, Bryans ; 7.50-8.00—Re- port of nominating cons. and introduc- tion of new officers ; 8.00-8.10— Chorns by the united choir ; 8.10-8.80 "The Sunday school and temperance," B. Jackson ; 8.80-8.40—Chorus by Union church choir ; 8.40-8.50—Reacl- ing, Elsie Pomeroy : ‘8.50-0.00— Chorus by Roe's church choir ; 9.00- 9.20—Address, Rev. G. Baker, Blue - vale ; 9.20-0.30—Chorus by Ethel church choir • 9.30-•-9.50—Question Drawer, W. Ii. Kerr ; 9.50-10,00— Chores by the united choir ; 10.00— Collection and closing. Chairman, Rev. J. :Henderson. The officers are : —J McDonald, J. K. Baker, Robt. Carr, Superintendents ; R. McKay, President ; Elsie Pomeroy, Secretary ; S. Chambers, Treasurer. Blyth The Liberals hope to show a tidy majority for J. T. Currie, the Liberal candidate for North Hutton, on June 8th. Blyth Base Ball teams will go to Goclerich next Monday and try their prowess with the circular town slug- gers. Last Friday our Base Ball nine had a merry-go-round with a team from Brussels. The visitors did not see the plate until the Oth innings. At a recent meeting of the board of the First Methodist church, London, Rev. Selborne A. tinderson, of Blyth, was invited to take charge of the Richmond Street and Kensington Missions in that- city after July 1. The present pastor, Rev. J. B. Free- man will move elsewhere. Rev. Mr. Anderson is a good preacher and a fine worker. London should snit him well for High Scbool purposes. Belgrave Gordon and Mrs. Hewer, of Bri"- den; are spending a 'few days with Rev, anti Mrs. G. W. Rivers at the Parsonage. Rev, P. E. and Mrs. Sawyer, of Lucknow, spent Monday night at the Parsonage, Belgrave, on the way to the District meeting at Brus- sels. A political meeting in the interests of A. H. Musgrove was held in the Foresters' Hall Friday evening of last week and was attended by a good audience. The nominee will not poll all the votes in the locality, so it is stated, as there is a feeling that he should not have superseded Mr. Bow- man. OnxmoAly .—Theis died in Buffalo on Taesday morning of last Week Charles W. Lawrence,• a • well known and highly respected resident of Mor- tis. 51lr, Lawxencewae born in Prince Edward county . 05 years ago, and when a,young man caiue West and settled in Stanley to'lvnship, near Kip - pen, fora few years. From there he proved td Morris, where he purchased a fano about a n'tile South of Bel - grave, and lived on it 25 years. Mr. La vrenee's health had been .failing for a couple of years. Our Canadian Winters were rather severe ort hurt and he spent the last two or three Winters with his daughter, Mrs. Coultes in Buffalo. He belonged to the A. d. U. W. :tnereligion lie was a Methodist, and always took an active path in church and Sunday scbool work. '0 ,le was a uxember: of Metho- dist Official Board for many ,years: He leaves to mourn his loss, three sons and five clexlgbters. The sons are James, Charles and George of Buffalo, His- daughters are 'Mrs, Coultes, of Buffalo, Mrs. Best, of Chicago, Mrs. Pattiiron, of Wingham, Mrs. Miller Proctor, of Morris, and Mrs. R. J. Clegg; of Belgrave, The rernains wore lard to cost by the side of les wife, who predeceased him 22 years ago in the Brandon cemetery, on Thursday afternoon. The femoral service was conducted by his pastor, Rev. G. W. livers, The A. 0.17.. W. I lodge of Belgrave, paid their last tribute of respect to their decottsed brutlter. Grey 'township Council on Thursday of tai week,L£k rust. This ill also be Court f Revision of the Assess- ment. i tent Roll, Model learnt excursion to Guelph will be run this season on Friday June 19th, and will attract a good many Greyites, 8. R Crerar, B. Sc., and wife, of ar Ton bei, are visitors with relatives in Over and Brussels. 51t, Crerar. will go t0 the West ou an extendeddei sur- veying expedition but Mrs.G crar will probablyspend the Uwe visiting in Ontario. Deputy Returning ofdeers for the coming Provincial elections on June 8th will he as follows for Grey town- ship :—No. 1, Edward Bryans ; No. 2, Wm. Rands No, 3, John Barris ; Nu. 4, J. Whitfield ; No. 5, Jno. McIntosh ; No. 0, Jno. Pearson. ACCIDENT. —Ou Saturday, May 2nd, Ethelbert Colelough, son of Jas. H. C'olclougli, 17th con., was out u t t 1 iuntinIT a Mosten. tic '4I osteo. Stska r w an crit • five miles from ou Hanley, with his uncle, Rob - ext err Blair. Inurn s e manner a charge of shot froze the latter's gun lodged in his heel inflicting a nasty wound. Immediately the young man was taken to Hanley by his father and uncle, asthis was the nearest doctor to them, 10 pieces of bone to addition to the shot were re- moved from the injured foot, The patient is now at St. Paul's hospital, Saskatoon, where at t , til r he will have to spend the next month. nth. Bert.s mak- ing ak i - ingfa'torableprogress and will have the good wishes of many old friends here for a speedy recovery. Morris Large consignments of pressed hay have been delivered at Belgrave sta- tion, V(re are sorry state that S. McCurdy lost a valuable brood mare by being cast in her stall, John Sellars has arrived home from Moosejaw, Man., where be has been for the past year. Mrs. Gilbert Speir has been quite ill but we hope a change for the better will soon take place. Seeding is well nigh completed in Morris although it was long delayed by so much wet weather. Court of Revision will be held Fri- day of next week and general Council business transacted as well, W. J. Jordan, who has acquirecl the tonsorial art, has started up business in liaydeld. We wish him every suc- cess, Miss Nettie Ke}lington has returned home from Toronto, where she has spent the past Winter, She is wel- come back. Win. and Mrs. Lauchland, of Oshawa, have rettuned home after visiting with Mr. Lauchland's sisters, Mrs. Gilbert Speir and Mrs. Wm. Shedden, 4th line. There was delivered to A. C. Dames, Brussels, by John Clegg, 55th line, 4 fat cattle which tipped the scales at the top notch. If there is any fine art in putting on choice beef John certainly can do it to a finish. A political meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Morris, Friday evening of this week in the interests of. A. 11. Musgrove the North Huron Conservative candidate. ex -Warden Bowman is also announced as a speak- er. Several from this township attended the Liberal political' meeting at Brus- eels last Monday evening, held in the interests of W. Proudfoot, nominee for Centre Huron. It seems strange for us iilorrisites not to be sailing m the same boat with Brussels. 0 i'ruixty. :It• is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs, John Brown, which occurred on the 1811 of April at her home at Massey Mine. Mrs. Brown was the third daughter of Archie A. and Mrs. McDonald, formerly of the 1st line of Morris. She was a great favorite with all who knew her, and her death will be heard of with much regret. An impressive service was ' held at the home in the morning, conducted by Rev. C. B. Jef- frey, IVIethodist minister of Watford, after which the funeral ,proceeded to Walford Union cemetery. When the colo a arrived at the Union church, notwithstanding the very. bad condi- tion of the roads, a large crowd of friends and acquaintances had already gathered,, the church being filled to the doors. A sympathetic and touch- ing service was held, everyone feeling deeply the sadness of the occasion. Rev. 111. Jeffrey conducted the service .and spoke earnestly from the words, "Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from'henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." She leaves, behind to mourn her decease, her now bereaved hus- band and infant son, her parents, her brother Michaele eat present quite ill,) and her sisters, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. W. Phillip1s, Mrs. George Newman and Miss Star McDonald. b WINGRAM DISTRICT MEETING The 811111tal meeting of Wieghanr Drs• tract of thebethodist church was held in Brussels this week, Rev. H. Locke, of Ktuoardiee chairman and Rev. T. W. Blatchford, B. A„ of Ripley, Financ. ial Secretary, Tuesday the mtu}steriai session convened the following pastors being present,—Revcis, Howson, Ford, Powell, Locke, I-Iendereen, Husser, McTavish, Russell, Baker, SawYer, Fydell, Blatchford Patterson, Cook, Rivers, Finlay, Wilson and . Burgess,' ltevds, liurwash and Pomeroy, Super animated men, were also in nttendauce, Rev, T. 7. Sawyer was elected Secre- tary, Candidate recommended to the ministry, 'Frank Burgess. Rev. F. M. Smith, of Ifiocardhae, a sulierennnated minister died during the pact year, The superannuated men 011 the .District are N. S. Burwash and J C. Pomeroy and T. R. Fydell asked for a year's super - sou Dation. 'Thee. Hail l5 continued as a supernumerary. A C. Haynes is at- tending college. Interesting discus - Mons ensued on the work of the District. Iu the evening a public service,, was held Mr, Burgess preaching a very creditable sermon. Wednesday morning the laymen join- ed the ministerial brethren when the general business of the District was en- tered upon,the following being Pr se tl —Jno. Kerr, noHiles, D_ Taylor. r. B Gerry, S wing j McDonald Jno. Topham, W. H. Gregg, Jos, Higgins, T. McKeitb, H. 'Thompson, W. H. Wray, F. Stanley, G. Clark, R. N. Blair, J. H. Taylor, Win. Wray. Rev. T. E. Sawyer was chosen Journal Secre- tary ; Rev. G. W. Rivers, assistant ; Rev. W. A, Finlay, Statistical Secretary and Rev, Geo, Baker and Jno. Kerr were appointed Auditors, The various schedules were read and commented upon. 4s79Ofan increase in 1iSSiOn ar Y co t ibutiunswas reportedoi ted and a de- crease of8 in n the church membership, year after deaths and removals for past were deducted. Deficiencies existed in the ftnauces of some charges, Applica- tions will he made to the Contingent Fund in favor of Rev. F. M. Smith's funeral expenses ; Rev. A. L. Russell for $75 medical expenses ; Mrs. (Rev.) W. W. Leech, $35 for hospital treatment and Rev. J. E. Cools Inc funeral ex- penses of his child. Resolutions were passed expressing g sympathy with the brethren on the circuits who have to ,report deficiencies on their fields of labor and urging Official Boards to make a vigorous effort to make up the shortages before Con- ference meets. Motion was carried recommending that the re•arrangernents of weak circuits on this District be re- ferred to Conference Committee ap- pointed ;for the purpose. Improve- ments':e.vet been made in Whitechurch parsonage to the extent of $325 ; Bel - grave horse shed, 91425; Brick church Belgrave circuit, $300 ; Fordwich churches, $240; new parsonage at Gerrie costing $4,000 and furnishings, $200. Elections resulted as follows :— Rev. Dr. Husser to the Stationing Com- mittee and Rev, Mr. Blatchford as the reserve. Class Leaders, Local Preachers and Lay Agencies :—Rev. W. Patterson and Mr. Hiles ; S. S. Committee.—Rev. E. G. Powell and R. N. Blair ; Epworth League,—Rev. T. E. Sawyer .and J. Kerr; Contingent Fund—Rev, G. W. Rivers and Geo. Claris ; Sustentation Fund, --Rev, G. Baker and E. Ewing ; Temperance and Moral Reform,—Rev. 1. Henderson and D. 0. Taylor ; Memorials, &c, --Rev. W. J, Howson and N. Rivers ; Sabbath Observance.— Rey. H. Watson and John Topham ; Church Property.—Rev. A. L. Russell and 3. McDonald ; State of the Work. Rev. H. W. McTavish and A. Rnttel ; Nominating.—Rev, J. E. Nord and T, Higgins; Educational, --Rev. J. E. Cook and F. Buchanan. Laymen were chosen to go to the Con- ference as follows :— W iugham— Jno. Kerr and F. Buchanan ; Kincardine— Jno. Hiles and Too. Kaake ; Lncknow— D. C. Taylor ; Ripley—J. S. Robertson ; Bluevale—Lewis Jewett and Thos. Higgins ; Teeswater--C. S. Ewing and N. Rivers ; Gerrie—Thus. ' Andrews ; Wroxeter—W. C. Hazelwood; Ethel— J. McDonald ; Brussels—W. • H. Kerr and B. Gerry ; Pine River—.Adam Ruttell, Amberly ; Ashfield—Thos. Me - Keith, Lothian ; Belgrave—H. Hopper; Fordwich•—Jno, Topham,—Newbridge ; Whitechurch-Jno, Joynt,--Luckuow ; Tiverton—R, M. Blair ; Bervie--Henry Stanley,— Ripley, Geo. Clark -Millar - ton. Total membership of District, $4,525 ; decrease 8. Missionary givings, $4,612. 74. Total amount of money raised $35.595.97. In reference to Sabbath. School work 47 schools are reported. Total scholars on roll. 3, 500 ; Total money raised, $1845.82 ; for Missions, 51349.06; perannuation for EducationFund, .al $Fu1x,n42d, $x5. S,23;S. Aid, $52,42, 26 schools out of the 47 did not contribute to Missions in the past year. Recommendations for aid from Sustentation Fund were put in for Rev, Mr, Fydell, Bethel. Inc $35o ; Rev, C. Cook Tiverton, fin, $290 ; Rev: W. A, Finlay, Whitechurch, 519x; lkev. A, L. Russell, Wroxeter, 4200. Owing to the expected removal of Rev. Mr. Locke to Tomato Rev. J. E. Ford, of Luokuow, was elected as his successor as chairman until the tleetion at the coming Conference, The latter eulogized his predecessor serer thankfully. accepted the office, On motion the next May District meeting will be held at Gerrie in re- sponse to au invitatiot from that village. The date of next Sabbath 'School and .Epworth League Convention' was re- ferred to the Executives of these two bodies to decide. ]Moved by 12ev. Mr, 131etehford, sec- onded by Mr. Howson that we tender our retiring chairman, Rev, H. W. Locke, our very best thanks for the ability displayed in connection with the discharge of the ittlportantduties of the cream and that we express our regret that the ties that unite him to this Dis filet and Conference are soon to be severed, We pray that tho richest blessing of God may follow him in all the future of Sts life. This WAS uuaai- tnously carried and was responded to by Rev, Mr. Locke who spoke in his characteristic manner expressleg his thanks and good wishes for his lerethren iu W Ingham District; A resoluttoti of appreciation pP ahou to the people of Brussels for their to the delegates was passed andsreplied reet liey p p d • appropriately to by Rev, E. G. Powell, this pastor; Pito District meeting was brought. to a close with the Benediction by Rev. • Mr. Sawyerat4,45 p,,n,