The Brussels Post, 1908-5-7, Page 8Sporting Gi ,(ds FOR THE SPRING DAYS Fishing Tackle -'0"-' Baraboo Poles at roc and 250 each, Lines, hooks and Sinkers, Base Ball Supplies' We are prepared for the added interest that is in Base Ball this year with a splendid line of Base Balls from 100 to $1.25 each. Bats at 5C,:100, 250 and 500. Catching Gloves and Fielder's Gloves from the 550 ones up to the real good ones, All kinds of Rubber Balls -Hard Rubber, Soft Rubber, Painted and Plain, Foot Balls Shin Pads Lacrosse Sticks We handle the Gendron Wagons-' The Rail Wagon, with metal wheels, at $1.50 and the G. T. R. Truck Wagon at $2.75 are our two leaders and cannot be beat for value. A S M DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. racal .Cti)atolls MAY. SEASON is backward. LAST Friday was Arbor Day, GARDENING is in full swing. ASSIZES next week in Goderich. Scnoot Board Friday evening of this week. THE local gunners have been prac- tieing with the blue rocks. Some lively football skirmishes are in evidence ou Victoria Park these even- ings, BusINEss may be a trifle quiet but the number of commercial travellers does not seem to diminish. THE road grader was brought into use last week and the mud scraped off Turn - berry street and hauled away. A MEETING of the Public Library Board will be held Friday evening in the Reading Room at 8 o'clock. A HUNDRED or more G. T. R. freight cars find temporary storage on the sid- ings at the gravel pit near Brussels. FOURTH Division Court was held in Brussels on Wednesday of this week. The docket was light. Judge Holt pre- sided. THE fine half mile track on the Brus- sels Agricultural Park is once more in flue shape and is being used by. the . horsemen locality. alit of the lac SAWING at the Ament sawmill was completed last week, excepting logs re- tained for bill stuff, The heading fac- tory will be busy for some time vet. BRUSSELS Creamery commenced the season's business on Monday of this week.. The creamery wagons are in charge of Eneas Crich, int). Lowe and Donald McKinnon. THE Goderich Signal kindly says THE BRUSSELS POST appeared last week in a handsome new dress. Ng POST is a good newspaper and deserves the prosperity which is evidently coming its way. GEORGE MULDOON is having the old frame house on John street, recently owned by John Howard, torn down. It is among the oldest houses in Brus- sels and was one time the parsonage be- longing to the New Connexion church. INVITATIONS are out for the Reunion of ex -Wardens of the Co. of Huron to be held at Goderich on Thursday, Tune 4th. A Banquet will be held in the evening. The editor of Tee POST is in receipt of; an invitation reminding him the Warden's ' of his year's tenure in Y chair. - ATTENTION OF LIBERALS . -A A nteetin g will be held in the office of W. M. Sin- clair Saturday evening next, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the Nominating Convention to be held at Seaforth on Tuesday, xath inst. Four delegates are eligible from each polling sub -division. J. D. War- wick, V. S., is chairman for this muni- cipality. A POLITICAL, campaign without car- toons is like a book without pictures. The humorous side of the situation is what appeals to the man with the pencil. The Cartoonist of The News (Toronto) pictures the events of the present Pro vincial campaign in a graphic manner from day to day. His cartoons deliver their stories instantly and convincingly. By taking advantage of the special cam- paign offer you can have The News daily to June 13th for 25 cents. A WHGrSCIURCH correspondentspeaks of a former Brusselile as follows :-The butter factory is going to start Monday May 4th. with 1. Sparring at the helm• We feel that Mr. Sparliag will do his utmost this year to make it a successful one. He always has been an A I better - maker, as is evidenced by tbe long term which he has already served in that capacity here, We believe that this year he will try to even better his pre- vious successful record, and why shouldn't he, since on Monday Mrs. Sperling presented him with a fine healthy baby boy to add to the bright- ness and happiness of his home. MUST BE ORDERLY.- Occasionally a thoughtless person in visiting the Read- ing Room of Brussels Public Library does not act in a becoming manner, annoying both the Librarian and:others desiring quiet and orderly °abduct, The law is very poiuted on this matter and as the Directors purpose upholding it we reproduce the Section of the Act referring, to misconduct :-"Any per- son who wilfully interrupts or disquiets any Public Library established and con- dttcted under the authority of this Act by rude and indecent behaviour, or by snaking'a noise, either within the Lib- rary or so near thereto as to disturb the persons using the surae, shall for each offence on conviction thereof before a Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace forfeit and pay for Library purposes to the Municipality within which the offence was committed a sem not ex- ceeding $2o together with the costs of conviction as the said Police Magistrate MAY flowers are on the program, Mime DAY was observed by several of the public schools in this locality. GRANOLITHIc sidewalk has been put down at the residence of Councillor D. A. Lowry. He is determined to have everything nice. AN upper story bas been added to the kitchen at Samuel Wilton's, Flora street and a bedroom, bathroom, &c., arranged for. It will add much to the comfort and convenience of the home. MRs. (Da.) GRAHAM, Of tOwn, was awarded a $75.00 bond applicable on the purchase of a new piano from the Wil- liams Co„ Toronto, as a reward for correctly ciphering out the 15 arithmetic- al puzzle propounded by the Company. A EASE cast. game was played on Sat- urday between the juniors representing the North and South of the Maitland, captained by Harry Fox and Wilton Payne. The former won 'by a score of 27 to 25. G. Armstrong was the um- pire. THE Provincial election is now on and interest is increasing from day to day. Party readers are touring the Province and issues affecting Ontario electors are being discussed on all sides. The News (Toronto) is reporting very fully the events and speeches of the campaign. For twenty-five cents The News will be sent to you daily to June 13th. a Moore,who -kits. Thomas THE Slcx. the past 8 weeks e laid u for has been P from the effects of a fall, is able to get about the house with the aid of crutches and will soon be able to dispense with them we trust. -Phe condition of Mrs. J. J. Gilpin is favorable although re- cruiting will be necessarily slow. She is able to use both hands, the right one nearly as well as ever and this week movement of the right limb and foot have been acquired. Each day she is placed in an easy chair to permit of change of position and developing strength. Mrs. Gilpin's appetite is good and sleep is becoming more natural. When she is able to get out doors res- toration will no boubt be accelerated. B. Gerry was a real sick man last week with an attack of pneumonia but is able to get about once more, When be stays in bed it is only because the urgency of the case demands it, -We are pleased to record progress iu the case of David Ross who was quite ill and we hope will continue to gaiu. His hearing has been seriously effected since he took sick but returning health may restore this very important sense. --0- Blcrota supplies and repairs will. be cash from this nAWdate. MOBAr & � y . SAW -LOG, Yellow Leviathan and Sugar Mangold seed at MCCRACEEN'S. BUGGY rug found. Owner may have same by proving property and paving for this notice. THE Pow, Brussels. WHEN your lawn mowers will not eat grass Ican tone, sharpen and adjust same to your fancy. Will exchange machine and also have a number of mowers for sale. T. McGRSGOa, Mill street, Brussels. -0- TUNICA LEAGUE. -Thursday evening of last week a very entertaining pro gram was presented by the Junior League, under the direction of Misses Thursa Gerry and Alta Prvne. The children did splendidly, the program being as follows :-Opening Hymn ; chorus, "Maple Leaf" ; prayer ; in. troductory speech by pastor; flag drill and song ; recitation, "What a boy can do," Mtndred Smale ; recita- tion, "Song of the rye," Beatrice Curry and Lloyd Jackson; song, Irene and Vera Wilkinson ; recitation, "A little boy's wonder," Clarence Anderson ; dialogue, "The Sick Child" ; song, by Hazel Simmons, Pearl Dark and Myrtle Friendship ; recitation, Earl Powell ; recitation, "A little girl's troubles," Viola McCracken ; dialogue And song, "Rock of Ages," by five girls ; recitation, Hazel Lowry ; Kindergarten song, gentleman and lady workers ; recitation, Oscar Crone ; recitation, Fanny Stubbs ; solo, Min. dred Smale ; recitation, Laura Bate- man ; recitation, Cora McDonald ; solo, 011a Armstrong ; dialogue, Orval Crone and Myrtle Carter ; duet, Vera Ainley and Laura Bateman ; "All hail the power" and Benediction. Con- fectionery was distributed during en intermission in the program. $i1.3o were the financial receipts, $to,00 of this amount bLing devoted to Missions. 011l'rt1ARV.-There passed away from his earthly home, in Peterboro', on Saturday 2nd inst., Thomas Anderson, in his 52nd year. He was the eldest son of the late Thomas Anderson, of Brus- sels, and WIS a one 'time resident. A widow, 2 sons and a daughter survive, Deceased's three sisters are, Mrs Dan. Kennedy, of Blyth ; Mrs. P. MtQuarrie and Mrs. Geo. Colvin, of Brussels. Robert Anderson, of town, is a brother, Mr. Anderson was a staunch member of the Presbyterian church and a faith- ful teacher in the Sabbath School, He bad been ailing for the past 4 or 5 months with Locomotor Ataxia and his demise did not come unexpectedly, A Theo yeti-opo1itan Bank Farmers' busii err a specialty [Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits. 51,241.532.26 With $1.00 you can open al any branch of The Metropolitan P auk a "JOINT DEPOSIT AC- -COUNT "particularly vat _',:: andconvenent for fumes, Pzrmnsdepo.itingorwldndrawal of money by husl.L'l or wife. FARMERS' SALE NOTES PROMPTLY COLLECTED DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS BOUGHT AND SOLD ITN' THE SAVIArGS DEPJIRTMENT 77. $1.00 or upwards opens an account, Interest allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. You may deposit or withdraw by MAIL. • BRUSSELS BRANCH, F. H. GILROY, Manager Harriaton where interment tool: place. Many and beautiful were the floral tributes. The bereaved will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sorrow. George and Mrs. Colvin, of town, attended tbe funeral at Mar- riston, ODD FELLOWS AT CHURCH, -Last Sab- bath evening 5o or Go members of West- ern Star Lodge I. 0, 0. F„ Brussels at- tended Melville church, marshalled by W. Griffith and W. C. Smith. Rev. A. C. Wishart, 13. A., preached a practical and very appropriate discotu•se from Job 29th chapter, 11th, 12th and 13th verses, "When the ear beard me then it blessed nie ; and when the eye saw;me it gave witness to me; Because I deliver. ed the poor that cried and the father- less and him that had none to help him, The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me ; and I caused the widow's heart to sing with joy." The history of the Order assembled was briefly noted by the speaker nod the benefits arising from membership re- ferred to, Three notes of warning were sounded before closing (t) Dont put the Lodge ahead of the church ; (a) Dont absent yourself from church and Sab- bath school when able to attend Lodge ; (3) Dont aim to reach heaven through the Lodge instead of the churcb. Ou return to tbe Lodge room a vote of appreciation of the sermon was passed. This was the 98th anniversary of .the founding of Odd Fellowship in America. In 18t5 the triple lick Order was r estab- lished in Canada During 1go7 IG new lodges were started and over 2800 mem- bers have been added n 1 i Ontario. Total Over 3,500 re ershi is 37,700. memo P ceived sick benefits in 1907, $75.62o befog paid out, Tho total for sick and funeral benefits and relief for the year was $128,299, a -daily average of $351.50. 308 members died• Total invested funds now reach 1} million dol. bars, The Grand Master is R. R. Brett, of Essex. Western Star Lodge is in a flourishing condition with a membership of about 150. Thursday is the regular night of meeting. There is also an Encampment which- meets semi-monthly. PRESENTED WITH GOLD HEADED CANE. -After a sojourn of 4k years in the practice of law in Brussels, A. 13. Mac- donald, Barrister, left town for Cran- brook, 13 C., where he purposes becom- ing a member of the legal firm with which his brother is connected. As a mark of appreciation in which Mr. Mac- donald was held the members of Brus- sels Lawn Bowling Club assembled at the parlor of Dr. Feild, last Friday even- ing, when the following address was read by Dr, Feild and W. L. Leather. dale presented a fine ebony, gold headed cane to the guest ToA.B. Meedonald:,-- DEAR Sto We have ea sembled here tonight t to express our deep regret that you are about t t u ied good is and r extend to you our united good wishes for a Prosperoui and ,happy career in the new field of departure re which you are going. ta your standpoint of good of sa ben hip andel from the ioiansaof goad i tegrrty, and of professional and willbusfeel We; oer depally away because you have always oaken u .ively ao t former P et d the he Brim - eelsOlub. As a former President of the Brus• cele Bowling Olub you were a worthy repres- entative of us upon all occasion and mnselltieir- ly upheld the Club's best interests, sometimes to the exclusion of your own, so that today while we feel that you are grateful to the Brussels Bowlers for many a good outing, we nevertheless realize that most of the in- debtedness is upon our side and that the Olub owes much to you. for its present prosperous and harmonious condition, we ask you to kindly accept from the members of the Club a slight token of its esteem for you in this gold headed walkingstick and trust that its use wil often remind you, just as the Big 8'a will remind us, of the jolly good fellowship that has always existed between you and our bowlers and be a tangible assurance of our tcod -will and best wishes to you and yours in he years to come. Signed in behalf ofthe Olub, R. L. LkATHERDAttn, . President. Mr, Macdonald macle a brief but appro- priate reply, thanking the Bowling Club for their generosity and good fellowship and expressing his sincere regrets at the severance of tbelreciprocated friendships as far as bodily presence was concerned. He would never forget Brussels and the very enjoyable years spent in it and wished the town and all concerned the prosperity they desired end deserved, While not requiring so handsome a gift to remind him of Brussels he would valae it as a souvenir of the carpet town and its big hearted residents who had treated him so royally. He would always have happy recollections of Brussels Bowlers and the champion Foot Ball team of the town with whom be had been so closely associated, Impromptu speeches, ex pressing regrets and good wishes, were given by President Leatherdale, J. F. Rowland, of the Standard Bank, D, C. Ross, Barrister A, H. Monteith and others, and the interesting function was brought to a conclusion by singing "Should auld .acquaintance be forgot." The cane was purchased from H. L. Jackson and on the nicely.cuased Inmate was the inscription "Presented to A. 13, Macdonald by Brussels Bowling Club, May Int, 1908." Mr, Macdonald was not only President of tbo Bowling Club but tools a very active and practical interest in the Foot Ball team, being President last year when the Intermediate Cham- pionship was won and the Ontario Tank- ard also. He.had a large and lucrative or Justice may think fit." Lards with funeral service was held on Sunday law practice aid by his geniality and the above law prfuteci upon theta haste afternoon by the Ancient and Canadian straightforwatd dealing made many been placed in the Library so thnt if Order of leoresters, of which the subj- Waris friends both in Brussels and tato persona transgress and get into trouble ect of this notice wag an esteemed nme111 surrounding country, He disposed of they will have no exnuse to offer as to bel and in tate evening the Presbyterian his praetioe to Barrister A.,1-1. Monteith, unaoquaintauce with the statute on the minister conducted a service. Monday I of Stratford, who assumed oherge on matter, morning the remains were conveyed to l May tat, Monday afternoon's S o'clock Bodmin Lime WORKS is head -quarters for Fresh, Pure, No. 1 Lime. Highest recommends given as to the quality of it, having proven itself No. 1 on. Government buildings. 25c per Bushel, Delivered Write 'orTelephone to A. NICHOLSON & SONS, Belgraue train bore away our former townsman en route to his new home at Cranbrook. British Colombia, a number of citizens accompanying him to the depot. If good wishes have potency in the furtherance of weal in this life Mr. Macdonald should certainly prosper in the West. We hope to see Mac. occasionally. at least, back to town and trust he will climb to the top of the ladder in the profession of his choice. Brussels commends him to the good people of Cranbrook. People We Talk About Barrister Sinclair made a business trip . to Goderich ou Monday. as in Toronto • uce Lowry w visiting for a couple of days, Dr Graham was called to Toronto last week professionally. Jno. Emigb and Miss Alfie, of Blyth, were visiting here this week. A, R, Smith, formerly of Brussels, has gone into business at Stratford. Miss Lizzie Downing was on the sick - list during the past week but is better again. Postmaster Farrow attended a meet - bug of the Postmasters' Convention at Exeter this week, Robert McCallum. Princess street, is on the sick list this week but we hope he will soon be restored. George and Mrs. Brown, Miss Nettie Brown and Miss Bertha Sharp visited with J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr at Blyth. Miss Lottie Budd, John street, is not enjoying good health but we hope the coming of nicer weather will aid in her restoration. Capt, Shelton left last week for Port Arthur Where he e'i11 visit his sou Wil• liiam for a month or so. He is planning a continuation of his trip to Kansas and otherpoints. Pnts. t Rev. R. Gray, B. A., a nephew of G.Pow Rev. E.visitor at the Powell, is a parsonage and will probably preach at one of the services next Sabbath in the Methodist church. THE POST was favored with a tail from the genial Jnclge Holt, of Gode. rich, on Wednesday. We had the pleasure of being associated with him for years in Huron Co. Council in the bygones. Owing to Mrs, Jas. Sharpe not being as' well as usual her daughter Miss Julia, nurse. of Ingersoll, was called hone on Wednesday to look after her, We hope Mrs Sharpe will soon be as smart as ever. John Ament, jr., of Millbank, former- ly of Brussels, is -now attending the Stratford Business College, taking the commercial course. He is a bright young roan who will no doubt improve his opportunity, Barrister Monteith, of Stratford, who purchased the law practice of A. 13 Macdonald, arrived last week and as- sumed the duties of the office, Strat ford people say good things about him and we welcome him to town. Mr, Monteith is a bachelor at the present time. Miss Mary Oliver and Miss Geraldine McEwen were called to Thessa•1on last week owing to the illness of Mrs. W. A. McEwen, sister and mother, respective- ly, of the iadies mentioned. A staccess- ful medical operation was performed on Mrs McEwan Saturday afternoon and we trust her many old friends in Brus- sels will soon hear of her recruited health. Mrs. N1cEwan is a sister to Mrs. Leckie, of town. Rev, and Mrs, Finkbeiner and daugh- ters are visitors at Mrs, T Maunders', Maple street, Brussels. Mrs. Finkbeiner is a daughter of the hostess. The rever- end gentleman has been appointed by the recentConference of the Evangelical church to Didsbury, Alberta, not tar from Regina. He has shipped a ear of household effects, &c., which was ac. cempanied by his son, and he and the remainder of the family will follow in a few weeks. Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner has been stationed at Canpdeu, Out., dur- ing the past term. While sorry to see him remove from Ontario we hope he will be prospered in the Groat West, Seth Miracle, an Indian, was killed by a train near Marysville. Quebec Provincial elections will he held on June 8, the same day fie the Ontario elections. Charles Dean, a hotel porter at Lon- don, Ont., committed suicide bywallow ing carbolic acid. Deputy Surveyor -General Flewellieg, of New Brunswick, Who committed suieide, was short in hisaodomtts, gloR do 41.11.1101.1111. gSiArrit.i$iiK 5073 woo 771E STAND • -1 S OF CANADA Head Office - - • • Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposit. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 19 BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland, Manager Branch alio at Walton. Toronto city council struck the rate of taxation at 18 mills. Customs returns for Toronto for April show a decrease of $167 030. • L. G. McCarthy announces that he will not again contest the constituency of North Simcoe. Ten thousand dollars' damage was done by a fire at the Academy of Arts, at Toronto and a number of paintings were destroyed. It isstated at Montreal that La Petrie will hereafter support the Conservatives. D. W. Bole, M. P. for Winnipeg, is retiring -tram politics for business reasons. Church Chimes There will be mass next Sunday in the Brussels Cetbolic churnh at' 10.30 a m. The ministrations of Rev. 114x, Collins. of Exeter, last Sunday in St. John's church were received with mush accept- ance. Resolutions have been sent to the Dominion government by the Sabbath Schools of Melville church and the Methodist church asking for the prohibi- tion of the manutacture and sale of cigarettes, THE Fordwieh Record sees ;-Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, of Brussels, had charge of the service on Sunday and preached an excellent sermon from the text, "We have done that which was our duty to do." At the Missionary service in the Meth. odist Sabbath School last Sunday after- noon a recitation was given by Irene WilkinsonMissionary readings were g given by Mrs Rands and Mrs.. A j. Lowry.The collectionwas 6. this $ S4. being the commencement -of a new school year for Missions, Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner preached in tbe Methodist churcb here and gave an excellent discourse. His text was St. Mark a and part of verses Vaud 5. "Jesus taketh with hint Peter and James and John and leadeth them up into a high mountain." "blaster it is good for us to be here." The sermon was earnest, encouraging and thoughtful: A large number took part in the communion service which followed, The pastor preached in the evening, his theme being "The anchor of the soul." Following the sermon the usual quarterly testimony service was held in which many took part, At the Official Board meeting of the Methodist churcb, Tuesday evening, en- couraging reports were presented, both numerical and financial. 32o were re- ported by the pastor, 52 belonging to Cranbrook. The present staff of Stewards, Class Leaders and Local preachers were re-elected. H. D. Ainlay was added to the list of the lat- ter, 13. Gerry Wg es elected delegate to C v the District meeting. Resolutions of sympathy were orderedto be sent to the homes where sickness and death have come during the year. Rev, IS. G. Powell was granted 3 weeks vacation in the month of August. About $roo.00 is required to complete the present Conference year which ends on June rst. A complete canvass of the congre- gation will be made for next year's fin- ances. - No Honing - o Grinding You know from daily expe- rience, at home or in the barber shop, that the question is-- 'tWhy •doesn't• a razor hold its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open -bladed razor d., ca not alter the, question. You want the comfrt and :ostlers ;[fon of a clean, smooth shsva, every morning with the coelident knowledge that your r:,zor will be ready for instant arc the next- time needed. The Carbo Magnetic t r:. the only razor stasoosseoasse any gnanaaateod to d.) Thirty years of study on the eater situation has porreeled w new secret proem se of ELEOTRIQ TF-'MPEIW'i.1J that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life of steel) into the metal -giving a dia. mond-like ha•dr,csa tniforntiy throughout the blade -:erns - thing absolutely impassible with fire tempered steel -used in making all other razors. But teat this razor in your Own home -or if you prefer, Have your barber one it oh you, Give ua your panto. - or call and see the "Carbo Magnetic" razor, and we will stets our proposition for test- ing these razors wifhouf ob9lgatlon ®n yawn !sant to fsssnohase, together with our free booklet "Hints 0n Shav- ing." This book illustrates the correct razor position for ',shaving every part of the face, Local Agents, Wilton & Gillespie MOCK PARLIAMENT. -By way of eerie.. ty in connection with Brussels Epworth League a Mock Parliament has been formed and the House is called to meet on Monday evening, 18111 lust., when the Speech from the 'Throne will be read and the Address will be moved and seconded by Rt. Hon. 'H. D Ainlay, K. C„ L. L. D., Minister of Minors, and Rt. Hon. R. A, Pryne, 13. D., V. C., M inister of J ustice. The officiary is made up of the following ;-President and Speaker of the House, J. A, Hunter ; Governor-General, H. is lacltson ; Ser- geant -at -Arms, Robert Dark ; Critic, W. H. Kerr ; Assistant Critic, Miss Josie Buchanan ; Cabinet -Premier and Pres. ideut of the Council, Right Hon. F'. k1. Gilroy, Bart. ; Minister of Hosie and Foreign Affairs, Sir W J. McCracken, G. C. B. ; Minister of Finance, Hon. Chester Armstrong, 13. S. A. ; Secretary of State, Her Honor Helen D. Ford. M. W. R. ; Minister of Minors, Rt. Hon. H. D. Ainley. R. C., L. L. D. ; Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Daniel Webster Gins - sten, P. J. ; Minister of (ustice, Rt, Hon, R.: A. Pryne, 13. 0., V C. ; Minister of Music, Her Honor Ida Bailey, M. M. P, & 0. Opposition-Leacler of Opposition, Rt. Hon. Sir Eli Smith, Bart. ; Front benches of Opposition, j, T. Wood, H. R. Brewer, W. R. Mooney, Rev. C. G. Powell, W. J. Fawcett, Minnie Mc- Naughton and Thursa Gerry ; Clerk of the House, Her Honor Possis Mitchell. Nineteen hundredimmigrants arrived at Quebec by the steamers Virginian and Lake Erie. The burial plot where the soldiers who rest at Stony Creek t va s consecrated ecrated by Bishop Du Moulin. Hun. A. G. MacKay closed his North- ern °uteri° tour with liirge meetings at Burk's Falls and Powassan. North Essex Liberals nominated Hon. R. F. Sutherland Inc the Commons and J. A. Tremblay, for the Legislature. The furnaces of the Algoma Steel Company at Sault Ste. Marie are being blown out, and the whole plant will shut down until the demand for rails improves. The Angus shops of the C, P. R. at Montreal' are closed for a few days for stock -taking. Both the C. P. R. and the Grand Trenk am reducing their clerical staffs. inks Duud Tastes Dowd Does Good One of the most nttraetive preparations we sell, both in appearance and taste is Our Beef,' Iron and Wine This in one of the simplest as well 89 the best general tonics. It is specially valu- able es n Spring tonic for debilitated women and is also very desirable for children who are not thriving property. This remedy is both a food and a medi- cine. It gives quick strength and sup- plies material for enriching the blood and building up the nervous system, F Try it at 9 DRUG STORE The C. N. R. omen at Winnipeg have aucepteda slight reduction in wages and the fact is expected to have an import- ant bearing in the ease of the C. P. R. then. BORN MAOEWAN-In Morris, 0n April 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, Alex, MesEwa,, a daughter. Niaaot.-In Morris, on May 8rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Nichol, 9th lino, twin daughters. Saumu,-In lllnevalo, on May 511,, to 25', and Mrs. Milton .7, Smith, a daughter. MARRIED Br es5-Bras.-in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Woodslee, Ont. on April 201h, by Rev. Pr. Hodgeltinson, 'Dr. John Blake, of Detroit, to Miss Bertha Veronlea, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, James Byrne, of Woods - lee, DIED ANDERSON. -At Peterboro', on May 2nd, Thos. Anderson, formerly of Brussels, in Ids 52nd. year. RIIMMAN-In Dime, on April gird, Orph.. Resell. beloved wife of 5, S. Rattan, aged 08 years, 10 months and 28 days. .4. H. MONTEITH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &e, enaceasor to A. 13. Macdonald. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. tl : BRUSSELS MARKET y'�/fi! Wheat s0 86 50 87 Oats 45 48 i Peas 80 80 0- 06 Barley y 0 Butterea 12 22 1 so Eggs 15 16 May 11 00 12 110 Hogs ' E 10 0 10 SCOTLAND'S 1.10P13 No.118180) Vol. 28 0,10, MULDOON, Proprietor This Imported Olydaedale Horse will make the season of 1908 at his own stable. Brussels. Terms -To insure 815.00, payable February let, 1909. Mares must be returned regularly to the horse or they will be charged whether in foal or nob. 444. Brussels Day -light Store May Sale Elf El thin NiThe D. N. McLaren Special Offering in Men's and Boys' Clothing for May. We have one of the largest and best stocks of Ready-to-wear Clothing in this section. They Fit Right, Styles are Right and wear well. We ask ybu to compare qualities and prices. Men's Suits5 0o to $$16 00 Young Men's Suits - 5 0o tO 3 00 to I2 00 Youths' 3 -piece Suits $ 3 75'tO 7 00 Youths' 2 -piece Suits5 00 Boys' piece Suits 2 00 to 450 Men's Topper Coats - 7 5o to Io 00 Men's Rain -Coats 3 dO to ho 00 Men's Odd Pants I oo t0 3 50 Boys' Knicker Pants 35 -to i 00. in Complete Stock Boots and Shoes p At Lowest Prices Our Stock of Hats and Men's fur nishin s are the Latest and Best on the Market: HIGHEST PRICES FOR' PRODUCE Coeds Right or Your Money Back I I t6 G. N. McLaren