HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-5-7, Page 6IFI+i4+ri+1-11 .4 1-1**'.P lf^31»ir w
Fashion it
H Ultra.
1144"I t ci •t" k! 3" read" e-eintelaietttat-N
There is a craze fora touch of color
en all summer.shoes,
The tongue of, the evening slipper is
much longer than last year.
Brown' promises to be the prevailing
color for omen's suits this year.
Mirage 1s one of the most fancied of
the weaves of the new summer silks.
The stout woman should beware of
the bordered silks unless she arranges
the decoration lengttiwis'e.
Stripes will bo much used in the quer-
ter inch and In the hair line,
Polka dot silks are more papular than
over, and they require but little trim -
Nearly all the Parisian gowns .have
sleeves without the fullness al the top.
A -popular sleeve device is to simulate
the wide armhole by a band of material.
An innovation 10 the wearing ct tan
silk gloves to match the tan steel:bap.
In millinery the two most insistent
spring shades are taupe and pante-
The latest in gloves is the long cha-
viols with the buttoned strap across the
Cretonne, the most adapted of alt fa-
brics, trine hats, covers buttons and 10
introduced in parasols.
Fancy cuffs have entered the domain
of shirtdem. A popular one is the
turned bacic gauntlet cuff.
Red half shoes are shown for men,
but it remains to be seen whether they
will dare to wear them.
For the enormous sailor there now
Domes an equally enormous veil with
spots the size of dinner plates.
Paris is mad over the wide and se-
:chieftyo sash that swathes the hips and
waist and is knotted at the bust.
One of the touches characteristio of
some of the French millinery Is the pre-
sence of huge loops of lawn ribbon.
Stripes and ,plaits are the ruling com-
bination in the new shirts. Colors are
blues, tans, corn, slate. hello, and green.
Stripes are on nearly everything;
stripes even are trimmed with stripes;
there are striped cloth shoe uppers.
The embroidered and ruffled shirt
which has been borrowed from the
French Is now worn with evening
clothes by many.
With princess gowns of while lin-
gerie or with the corselet skirt of while
serge a sash of cherry color or turquoise
is worn
Late colors include Volga, a new sil-
verblue-green; vert de gels. a mixture
of blue and gray, and bistre and drab
New shades of brown are corfu, ter-
ra colla, &evolo, and chaudron. New
infeetions of gray are elouelte, souris,
and taupe.
Tho latest coiffure ornament is one
which may be repeated et the slightest
cost. It oons1Fts solely of two gilded
lfullls, which are set in the hair like
Sy wearing her famous double .cuing
of pears diagonally across her bodice
—over one shoulder and tender the
other—Cecile Sorrel, the beautiful Pari-
sian actress, suggests a way by which
the possess rs of cheaper necklaces may
give an artistic emphasis to the new
tunic gowns.
One of the latest military fads is the
wreath of sparrows which has renounc-
ed the sombre brown of its pininace
end now wears brilliant hues that aright
do honor to a cockatoo. Anciher nov-
elly. even more atr_lc:ng, is that of in-
trudueing amen,: the feathery geneses
of the new hats .sprigs upon which are
ixiscd shimmering little humming
The entemcue pearls introduced into
same of the stele designs, and the, huge
cahuchen enc relds which, thrugh imi-
tation, look so real, are charac'oristic
et the splendor that now is the domin-
ant nolo ct dress. But there is nothing
in all the display that detracts from
the stern dtmend of fashions for studi-
ous refinement.
The latest poilcnat outdoes all others
in the sheatlrfitting effect ct the hips.
There is a deep brit that extends the
entire depth of the hips, and from this
there falls a flat ll iunce trimmed avidin
Innumerable insertions or rows of rib-
bons, The b Ilam is finishes! with lit-
tle. frills end ruches. Such n skirt
takes up little enough room and adds
impereclptille balk,
Long lines are !]tie most important
feature of the fnrhlonnble costume. and
tr, obtain soh effects ninny resources
are emplaced. Coat offices, tunics that
hang gracefully on the figure Oren
Blonder in ]env point nn the ekiri.
luaus with lane hanging points, eneh-
es. 1nhe, and all the d+'viees known to
the dresamelcer ere brnughi into use.
The sash of the dirdelO'ire ,period—
the brood sash which the leaders of
Frances grant revolulfonnry movement
ilea ernnnd their welsh;✓ -.is one of the.
,most effective of the season's niers.
snrtete, This snsle, which Is swathed
tightly ohne( the hips and waists and
is fastened in n knot low et nne side
tin inch a way that the ends rlrnop (o
rite knees, is used with all killers, But
Yirtl nrnund one nt lite, direetr,r'!e nets
of striped velvet it achievee e. e,urress
that makee one Think that the present
erodes are the most picturesque of many
. a.ycar.
De, Ainley Walker of University Cat -
lege, Oxford, has undertaken to solve
the questen whether, as popular belief
in litany countrieshas long asserted,
the poison of bees' stings eel's as a pro
sphylnrilo n,cl gure in eases of theft.
,measle. As ho has roeenlly Geon able
tr cellecL sense definite evidonee in sup-
port of this belief, ho invites eorrespdn-
. dente from alt persons ]saving personal
imowicdgo of the subject. Among
either facts Witfell he believes to be cs-
.1ab1!slud is a connection between rheu-
4natle fever and the production of fora
mio acid (Lhe acid of bce•polson) in the
ilulnan bodye
" Why l Recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told by a
Presbyterian Clergyman ---The Sufferer Brought
Back from Death's Door.
St. Andrews Manse,
Cardigan, P.E.1„ Jan. 1908.
Thwrgh 1 have never been sick my-
self, and have net had eecueien to use
Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, 1 tle light you
ought to know of the ranlak0,1e cure
they have wrought in Mr, Oldings
During a visit to my benne in Mere
gemi.-h, N. 5., sonde years ago, 1 was
grieved to find our next door neighbor
end friend, \1icltael ending, very low,
"Ile is not expected to live,' my Mother
iefnrmed me, "And you must go over
and son him as he is liable to pass
away at any moment." "Net expected
to live,' that was the opinion net only
of rho doctor who attended hien, but
of his wife and family as well. Upon
vLsiting hien myself I found abundant
evidence to confirm their opinion.
Mr. Olding had for years been afflict-
ed with asthma and bronchitic, but new
a complication of diseases was ravish-
ing his system. Ile had been confined
to his bed for months and was reduced
to a skeleton. Though evidently glad
to see me, he conversed with the great-
est difficulty, and seemed to realize that
1t was the beginning of the end. He
was ,daily growing weaker; his feet were
:swollen to twice their natural size, and
the cold hand of death was upon his
'brow. "ICs no usc,e be said feebly,
"the doctors medicine is not helpingme
and I an going down rapidly' 1 ,prayed
with him as for a lean soon tie pass in-
k, eternity, and when I took his hand
in parting it was the last time I expect-
ed to see him In the flesh.
Three years later while on another
visit to my mother's Michael Olding
was seemingly in better -health than I
had ever seen him, for, as 1 said he
had always been piling. 1n slicer des-
peration he had asked his wife to get
hien Dr, Williams' Pinit Pills, i'hey
seen began to help hem. Ills appeltie
and strength began to improve, and to
the astonishment of the family and
Mende he rapidly regained his health.
New, though the burden of well nigh
four scare years is upon htn. he is able
;o (lo a fair day's work, and is in the
enjoyment of good health, even lie as-
thma has erased to trouble him es in
former years.
Mr. Olding himself, as well as his
neighbors and the writer of Oils letter.
confidently believe that his rescue from
the wry jaws of death—Seemingly Err
miraculous—ls due under the blessing of
God to the lithely and eonlinuous trse
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Mr. Olding lrhnsrlI writes:— "I am
glad Rev. Mr. Smith has v,Titten you
about my wonderful cure, for 1 confi-
dently believe that if 11 had not been
for Dr. Williams' Ptnlc Pins I would
have been dcnd long ago, It would be
impossible to exaggerate the desperate
cendflion 1 was lin when.I began 10 use
the Pills. No one thought I could get
Beller. 1 scarcely dared hope myself
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would
bring me througb, but they did and 1
have ever since enjnyed good health.
Though 1 am scventy•nine years old
people are always remarking on how
young I leek—and I feel young. 1 can
do a fair day's work, and 1 am better
in every way than 1 had been for year's.
I cannot say too much In .praise of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and 1 'Lake every
opportunity 1 can to reeontmend then)
to friends who are alling."
Elsie (aged five): "I do hope some Dutch-
man will marry me when I grow tip."
Aunt Mary: "Why, dear?" Elsie: "Be-
cause I want to be a duchess."
"Perfectly Trustworthy" is the char-
acter of Sickles Anti -Consumptive
Syrup. It can be used with the utmost
confidence that it will do what isclaim-
ed for it. It Is sure 1n Its effects, as
the use of it will clearly delnonstrate
and can be relied upon to drive a cold
out of the system more effectively than
any other medicine. Try it and be con-
vinced that it is what it is claimed to
"Tommy, you have been to church two
Sunday mornings in succession. Thetis
doing splendidly—for you."
"teem. Last Sunday the preacher
was going to talk about Jonah an' the
whale bul he only talked about Jonah.
Said he'd preach the rest of It today,
and I had to go again to -day to hear
about the whale."
An important medical discovery of last
year was that Malla fever was founts to
be due to a specific microbe, propagated
Ly the milk of infected goals. Nearly
half tine goats in the island were found
to be affected. _ _
for all makes of m hi s iv n s er eek.
ac ei apo a Cc ti p p
ago, and everything olsa portafning to eegtng
machines at groatly reduced prices. Look for the
Red S.
Any Zadp having used any make of sewing
machone for 5 years or more ,write Singer
,Sevin Machine Ca., Manning Chambers.
Toronto, for. bcautitut se6 q/ tet. souvonir
views of Ontario. Fico jot asking,.
"I suppose old Cashman has more
'money than he knows what to do with?"
"Yes; but his wife and daughters are
ready to supply the needed information."
Tako LAXATIVR BR0550 quinine Tablets.
Drn�ggalobs rotund money If 1t fail,to ours. BeW.
oRO1's'S signature Is en oaoh box. 860.
"Naw, for that.," said the bright boy's
mother, "I'm going to spank you."
Say, ma," he pleaded, let's comprom-
ise this thing, Call It quits and 1'11 use
my influence with pa to buy you that
spring suit you wanted."
mod all kinds of house Hangings, also
Write to us about sours.
1011111, Alt4a8IQAS OYais0. OO, to sscasontrea
te hear from Owner haling ,
p000D FARM
for sale, Not particular about location.
0leae6 glso pride and description, and rea-
son roe gelling. State when pongees -10u eon
ba had, will deal with owners only.
L: DarbrehIrer Boit 554, Eoeh,,ter, N, Y,
1$$UENO. i8-48.
Do Not Delay.—When, through debili-
tated digestive organs, poison finds its
way into the blood, the prime-consiclera-
ton is to get the poison out as rapidly
and as thoroughly as possible Delay
may mean disaster. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will be found• a most valu-
able and effective medicine to assail the
intruder with. They never fall. They
go at once to the seat of the trouble
and work a .permanent cure.
The gum usedon postage -stamps is a
specially made compoeillan, prepared
from potato and other vegetable starches
which are dissolved in a mixture of
water and alcohol.
Fortunes Void by English Court of
Chancery Amelia° tilailuauts.
Not the _icast remarkable feature con.
cerning the nnclalmect wealth held by
the Courts of Chancery and ethers is
that in some cases the next of 1510 have
Been ineeLug for between 100 and 200
wears, says London '1'it.Bi(s., Them is
for iuslailce nearly £0,000 waiting for
persons who can prove themselves to
b, relatives of one Edith Goddard, who
married 5, Trees -nun in 1772; while there
is something of advantage to be Ioarned,
by the descendants of Ann, the wife of
Joseph Mason, who died 1n 1770, The
deseendants of James Johnstone, too,
who died at DalIly, Ayrshire, in 1702,
are also wanted.
Unclaimed funds are due to the un-
known heirs of many persons who have
oiled intestate in South Africa. These
Include the estates of Edward ilevan
Thomas, £2,040; WillISTO Roberts, X1,.
e74; Isabella Novella, £] 582; George
Neale, 41,445; Ernest A. Lehman, £1,-
090, and John Williams, £1,702.
Tho trustees of an estate In Sunder-
land, whiclA probably belongs to the
their-st-law of Hem'y Mearhouse, who
in 182(1 was a Captain in the army,
would like to find the person who is
really entitled to the property. When
Lewis Moore of London died in 1837
he lett trust legacies amounting to L1,-
000. These have now become payable,
but no one has comb forward to claim
Matilda Cotton, Harriet Cook, Amelia
Masters, Elvira Webber Snaith, wife of a
lieutenant In the navy in 1839. are being
diligently inquired for. They are all
heiresses to considerable annuls. A
sum of money is also payable to Isabel-
la Corner, last heard of in London In
1887; and Edmund Cooper, who left
England for New Zealand in 1868, is
es absent legatee,
Among other missing beneficiaries are
Herbert Biilen, who in 1888 resided at
Croydon; the children of Mary A. R.
Clay; Ilse children of Henry Coe, brush -
maker, who is said to have emigrated
to Canada many years ago; Hannah
Jelgate, who married George Dyke In
1847; Thomas Keen, who left for Cape
Colony in 1893; John F. N. Murray. last.
heard of In 1.879 in New South Wales;
'and John Nelson, son of David Nelson,
of Batten Garden, in 1812.
Included among persons inquired for
ly the Courts of Chancery may be men-
tiened John 1 -Dobby, who went to Ja-
maica in 1847; Arthur Stevenson, who
left for Australia many years ago and
went on an expedition into the hush;
Lieut, C. W. Hill, last heard of in 1826;
the daughter of Richard Williamson,
who died in the California gold fields;
Henry North, last heard of at Bristol
Ln. 1882; Harriet G. Mannion, formerly
an inmate of a lunatic asylum; Martha
Gibson, who in 1871 was a barmaid al,
Bristol: George Walker, who married
Mary Barber in 1843 and deserted her:
and David L. Tones, last heard of as
being an inmate of a hospital in Bris-
Conduct is simply cbaraelor vitalized,
A geed lover is sues.to be a frst.oiass
Ole rejects ltapptness who refuses all
The Father never drove any into tIue
far country,
);All earuhot find a martyr by looking
in the mirror. .•
To sow selfishness 1s certainly to reap
11's hard to believe in the goodness of
the grouchy.
The most wasteful thing in this world
1s selfish economy.
A not scolding from the minister 1s
the quiolsest way to cool any meeting,
The soul is simply that which sees the
supremo and 1,110 sublbne.
trio church Is almost sure to have per-
aesis following a 11 over dogma,
Your use of your leisure often deter.
mines the usefulness of your life,
The man who says Ito is too poor to
glob will never be rich enough to be outer
than poor in heart,
He can novel' he more than half edu-
cated who Ls not educated in heart.
The greater the opportunity the less
lilrelp 11 is to have an advance agent.
Infinite love would be a mockery with -
ma infinite hatred of things that harm.
There must be something queer about
any faith that needs perpetual defend-
A man's confidence in goodness is usu-
ally dependent on ifs own reserves of
ICs easy to be pious when the children
are aslep and the neighbors have left
The religion that does not improve hu-
man relations has no business with
"You say the victim was shot in the
head?" queried the coroner. "Yes, sir,"
replied the witness. "Previous to Lhe
shooting, hal there been any trouble or
threats that would have led the victim
to expect the shot?" No; sir; 1 don't
think such a thing ever entered ]vis head
-- 3+ -
Mothers who have used Baby's Own
Tablets say that they feel safe when
they have this medicine In the mouse,
es they are a never -failing cure for the
LITS of babyhood and childhood. And
the mother has the guarantee of a gov-
ernment analyst that this medicine con-
tains no poisonous opiate. It is always
safe. Good for the new born ba,he or
well grown child. Mrs. Alfred Sud-
dard, Haldimand, Ont., says:—"I have
used Baby's Own Tablets for constipa.
Hon, vomiting and restlessness, and
have found them a splendid medicine.
In my experience no other medicine can
equal the Tablets for little ones." Sold
by medicine dealers or by mail et 25
cents a box from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mr. William C, Edwards, Peter Street, Toronto (late steward Elba' Club), sustained a severe
cut on the middle finger of the left hand, Blood poisoning ensued and the finger caused him excrutiating
agony, He says: "My hand was so swollen and painful that l had to carry it in a sling for some months.
I was under the care ofa well•known doctor in Toronto for several weeks. The wound got no better, and one day
he said my finger would have to be taken. oft The pain from the wound was terrible and was extending right up
the arm. I consulted another medical man and was treated by him for some weeks longer. He then suggested
that the finger be opened and the bone scraped. At this stage a friend advised me to try some Zom-Buk which I
did. I bathed the wound and applied Zam•Buk as directed. Next morning the wound began to bleed. It was a
healthy sign so I continued with the treatment, and in a weeks
time I was able to discard the bandage. A little more
perseverance and Zam-BUk cured the wound completely."
dam -Mak dhrre5 cuts, burns, chafines, itch, eczema, running
sores, rinswmm, piles, bad legs, poisoned wounds and all skin diseases.
All druggists and stores. 500.,or postpaid' from Zom• auk Co„'J pronto.
OUT and mal 10 the
Zam.Bok Co.,
Toronto, with to.
stamp and receive
sample box
Prevent Disorder.—At the first symp-
Ims ofr
ate nal disorder, Pa'lnblees
Vegetable Pills should be resorted to
immediately. Two or three of these
salutary pellets, taken before going to
bed, followed by doses of one or two
pills for two or three nights in, succes-
sion, will scree as a preventive of at-
tacks of dyspepsia and all the discom-
forts which follow in the train of that
fell disorder. The means are simple
when the way Ls known.
Just after last year's San Francisco
earthquake a large new voh'nnic island
appeared in the Behring Sea. It is
known as 13ogoslotf No. 3, for tie si-
milar islands have previously risers and
disappeared in the samo locality.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch in human.
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol•
ford's :Sanitary Lotion. IL never Tails.
Sold by all drugglsls.
In a little town a few years ago there
wes. a shiftless colored boy nand
Ransom Blake, who, after being caught
in n number of potty delinqueincies, was
at lest sentenced to a short term in the
penitentiary. where Ole was sent to learn
a trade, On the day of his return
home he filet a friendly white acquaint-
ance, who asked:
"Well, what did they put you at in
the prison, Ranee?'
"Dey started in to make an honest.
boy burn me, sob.”
"That's good, Manse, and I hope they
"Dey did, sah."
"And how did they teach you to be
"Dey done put me in the shoe shop,
soh, tlailin' pasteboard enter shoes fo
soles, sah,"
Whenever linmsay's Palnits ercapplied
to any house in town, that house im-
mediately comes Into prominence for
style and beauty, These paints are sold
by your dealer, and his price is just
right for good honest paints. Asa: to
sou Color Card. Write A. Ramsay dc'
Son Co., Montreal for peek of Seta
venlr Pioturo Post Cards of homes,
in three years the progeny et a pair.
of . rats number 1,000.
PLEASE n1 Alt IN 51N'i1 that what
fo called it atilt disease may be, but a
aymptotra 'of ball blood. In that MOM,Weaver a (erste, externally applied
hound be supt1�16mented with `♦Venice's
syrup, taken patty,
The "International Limited,'' the pre-
mier train of Canada, is indorsed by
everybody who has ever had the experi-
ence of riding oo it. 1t leaves Montreal
et 0.00 a.m. every—day in the year, ar-
riving at Toronto at 4.30 pen., Ilam-
illon 5.30 pm., London 7.48 p.m., De-
troit 10.00 p.m., and. Chicago 7.42 a.nt.,
following morning. It is a solid vesti-
bule train --modern equipment through-
out—with Pullman sleeping cars
through to Chicago; also Cafe Parlor
and Library car service. have the ex-
perience on your next trip west.
Sunday School Teacher—"1f your
enemy should smite youon one cheek,
what would you do?" Tommy Tuflnut—
"Dal, would depend on how big he was."
These two dcsirnble 'gttalifications,
pleasant to the taste end alt the same
time effectual, are to be found in Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator, Chil-
dren like it.
A vessel's tonnage is found thus: Mul-
tiply the inside length of the ]reel in feet
by the length of the midship beam, and
that result by the depth, Divide the pro-
duct by 04,
P57.0 OINTMIIN't' is gu'sranloei 51 0810 any
caro el Itching, Blind, -Blooding or protudiag
Pllo,In 0 to 14 days or mosey refunded. 50o.
"My five daughters are all married
"I suppose you bad considerable d!fR-
culty in getting' so .large a 'number of
girls off your hands?"
"No. The dlllloully is in keeping so
large a number of husbands on their
A new
Black sensation.
A real
Watch pleasure.
The big
Chewinj black
Tobacco P l u . S .
The earth is 5% times heavier than a
globe of water of the sane size would
It is nn Officer of the Law et Health.—
When called in to attend a disturbance
it searches out the hiding -place of pain,
and like a guardian of the peace, lays
hands upon it and says, "I arrest you.'
Rcsistanco is useless, as the law of
health imposes a sentence of perpetual
banishment on pain, and Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oil was originated to enforce
that sentence:a"
Twenty yeans ago there were in the
United Kingdom 2,362,000 persons em-
p'oyod in agriculture. To -clay the num•.
1>er bas fallen to 2,1.09,000.
From October to May. Conde are the most fro-
gguent canto of Iceadasho, LAXATIVE 511.01110
!diJTNINR romovdscause. Id. W. Drava on box 95o
Every time we hear a man abused
behind" its back it reminds us of the
fact that we all calci it when we are
not present.
"I`iin.RO VIM" 78 A GENTLE
27151ULANT to the stomach, thereby
aiding digestion. As a tonic for
patients recovering froth fevers and all
diseases lowering tho vitality, It is
without a rival. At all drug and gen-
eral stores.
There are those who when they hear
Gabrtel blowing itis horn will want to
know'What he gets a day for doing
that. •
When all other corn preparations fail,
try Ilolloways torn Cure. No pain
whatever, and no inconvenience in Us-
ing it.
'I'—' --
Pour llundrod Took Possession of
Steamship Braunfels.
Dour hundred drunken moskcys,
stoggerhlg about the decks of the Brits
ash steamer Braunfels, Which enema
at Philadelphia recently from Calmat.
la, served to banish. 0110111 from the
lives of the officers and crew 'on a 'dull
Sunday at sea.
'rhe condition of the animals wns the
result of -a prams three days ago by
Lizzie, a pet baboon, which has been
aboerd the 13raufeis for two years..
lavidontly sympathizing With the lot of
the several hundred . members of her
tautly, LIesto, who had 110 freedom of,
the vessel, made her way between decks
where the monkeys Were confined, and
E -R -NA
lir. J. E. Carson, 218 St, Clarens Ave,, Toronto, Canada, Inspector Lon.
doer Life Insurance Co., London, Canada, writes
"I have used the popular remedy known as Peru -eta, and I can testify as
to its merits, I regard it as one of the best tonics now on the market."
T0R01'ITO is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 1t is a
city of homes and churches, a city of Intelligence and good govern-
ment, a city of healthful climate and beautiful scenery..
Among the many beautiful hunt es which matte up the city of Toronto,
Is the home of 3. E. Carson, 218 St. Clarens Ave. In this home Peruna 1s
revered as a family medicine.
Peruna can boast of being a ,fixture in over a million such happy
homes on this continent, where it is used for the potty ailments that af-
fliet the family,
Coughs and colds, catarrh of the head and throat, sero throat to vari-
ous forms, disturbances of digestion, catarrh of the stomach, and, other
internal organs. These ailments, petty in themselves, are often the be-
ginning of very serious diseases.
A dose or two of Peruna taken in the beginning may quickly avert
tedious if not fatal illnesses.
Bead Slopped Up. Lungs and Bronchial Tubes.
Mr. G. W. Martin, Hartford, Ontario, Mr, J. C. J•Ier'us Pelletier, Dept_
choir leader at St. Paul's Episcopal de 1 Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont., writes:
Church, writes: "The Peruna 1s particularly efficacious
"I have been troubled with catarrh for in the cure a/ catarrhal affections of
a great many years, end always trying the lungs and bronchial tubes.
something for it, but was alble only to "Six bottles cured me tats winter of
secure temporary relief until I used Pe- thl'onchftts. I am completely restored
runa. Only five bottles rid my system ,and 1 owe thanks to the Peruna,
of all traces of catarrh, and I have not "1 have recommended this remedy to
noticed the slightest trouble for several ,a large number of my friends afflicted
'months. My head was slapped up, me with the same trouble, and they havo
bncath offensive, and it is a relief to be ,verified my good opintonn of this valu-
able to breathe freely once more." able remedy."
Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus,
Ohio, C. S. A.
Toronto and Montreal
Toronto and Montreal
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4,411 MVIN
14. lea d A ■ TtiSUYI741
Bankers and Brokers
Transact a general flnancial busi-
ness, Stocks bought and sold for
cash or margin on all exchanges.
Orders lojr Gobah Stocks execut-
ed Ydr caste.
Correspondents New York, 1303 -
ton, Philadelphia, Montreal.
liberated four hundred of the six hun-
dred from the large cage,
They scarpered about this docks of
the vessel, chattering wildly, Foe two
days there was no rest among the of-
flcers or crew, Parties of the monkeys,
led chiefly by a crafty simian, knov\n
as the pigtail monkey, frequently rush-
ed down on the docks, picked up a be-
laying pin or other honely objeol, and
quickly climbed back up ,the rigging.
Then, when an officer or member .of
the crow walked across the decks, the
animals would letr fly their belaying
pins or other missiles.
Nettling could be done to round up
the mutinous animals. At last, as the
ship was being Mowed up the river th1
morning the captain decided en Nemec
measures. lie tools a large quantity of
molasses, mired it with three quarts of
There is Only One
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CANOE': CO. Ltd..,
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brandy, and putting it in pans placed
it about the decks.
All ]lands disappeared. 'attracted by
the sweat oder from the pens, the pig.
tailed leader• descended, followed by the
others. Cltatleeing and screeching, they
devoured the brandy and molasses.
Soon there were four hundred monkeys
staggering. This ended the trouble, for
lust as sown as any showed signs or
stupor the animals were plotted up and
placed In the cage. Lizzle is a prlsener,
Shirov` use 5hiloh's Cure
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thesbarpest cough
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