The Brussels Post, 1908-5-7, Page 5gMteg leAtitl ?1 i1=11 i 11 1 V PREPARA FOR POSITIONS h it paying from 326 to Slop pet month 1'b 4,D by attrnulug the pupulur ¢,1 a�a ELLIOTT' TORoNTO0 ON 'etre nobool la noted lar Alla near Q' for the superior intimation glVuu to bt the et talents, and for tbo remark - lege able auuouss of (tie graduates. (.1o1• 6A lege upon the ootlre year. Bops now. Our training will make you luuepoudeut. Write to -day fur oat. n1 a10guo. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Oor, Stooge da A,exaudor Sts, => col=lie BUSINESS CARDS. v-%7 EL, Mc01.1A.G EN - os at I •Gr000lseusryr u1 Murrrage Lioenea„ W. n, Turnuerry Nucor, ilruae(111 WM. SPENCE CONVEYANOEIR AND ISSUER OF MALLPIAGE LIOF N.SE8 1114(0 In the rest Office, Ethel., 20.4 MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ,ETHEL. ONT. K. O. T. M. Brussels Toot . I Oen 61a000lnea No 24 bold their regular meetings in the Lads„ R ,on, Beaker Block, ou the let and 11 u A'ue,uay evenings of oaob mouth Maids anv,tya wale( A. 80 R118, (loin, A. Ala IIlit • el R. JAIIES HARKIa, Agent Howick Mutual Fire insurance Compalny (Shea and Resldonce- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN t' 10600214080, FIRE AND MARINI GUELPH AUCTIONEERS. 14, S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION • REA, will sell for bettor prioee, t. better num, m lees time and less obarg0. than any other Auctioneer in East Huron in he wun't charge anything. Dates and orb., 00.81 always be !aroused at this Milne or . eors,ual application, ROBT. H. GARN/SS IlLUWVA LE - ONT Auctioneer for Huron Count). 'Perms r eaeonable. Melee arranged fa et the office of 9'oE POST, Rruseels, 221 VETERINARY. 11 A. CUNN1N&liAM- Vi e Honor ,redeem of the Ontario Vet ermary College, la prepared to treat all alb eases of demusainae,1 anlmale 111 0. Onm900 0111 manner. Partimilar attputlou geld to Veterinary ,)country mud M112 sever l:ulle promptly mtcouded to. Office and infirmary -Four doors North o1 bridge, '.9 , uborry 4(i Brussels. Phone 47 k LE AL Anil UUNVEYANCINA. M. d31NOLAili- V Y • Barrister, Solicitor, Ouuveyalono, Notary Public, 40. O111oe-8 tewurt'l Blom. 1 door Nor th of Oeutrui Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Rauk, 1PIt0UDP00T, HAYS & BLAIR- 13Altitit 1'81118, SULIUITen4S, NOTARt1fb PU141,10, ETO, W. Paounroor, If. O. 14, 0. Liars G. F. Shan. ()Slues -Thus°- formerly occupied by Mueere Otanurob d;' Bolt, G00E111011, ONTARIO. DENUIsTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. nttPerisT ifraduate u1 ale Royal College of Dente Murgeuu8 of ()Mario and 01rat•0l0s„ Houei linduuto of Toronto University. Milo. next to Hrewer'e Pbu.ogrnpe ,talien,. BRUSSELS, r.,= . GC/6/171a1iii` Ei' STRATFORD. ONT. iIS Elle leant, g. hue] lives tra,t 4011 80,,001 , 10 Western Omar!. W„ g,yo u. 100 r- d.l •ougb, pre. It oil Irut. 1 g on rl umer- oi.,i 8abjeel a, Isaac Putnnau,i 1,11,1, baud Totten � 11 uuu Ty allr,> .,,mn 1 ill 10 me, olml curt. ,1lo lumd Oplr418 .1 �p flash department to 0 . euan 1'U student to onioninstrulure. We ootoo 4f students to p004, , ' Our gra00000 ,08 always eueeeed, for our courses are Elie beat, bat our free catalogue mud jleenmore anent us. You may euter {` now. iY ELLIOTT ds 181oL4OALAN, Prinet pals. :P • SGER SEWING MACHINES ARE 'THE BESTI Machines may be seen at MCKAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system way be arranged for. I also handle the Nordbeiln- er Piano. rl'-war ?,Clay '.aw-a YAti`LCA' e2glatr A evPRRioRrn', thoroughness, pr0greselveneas, utility, enthuslnsnl, expertness aro our watchwords, aommer. olnl Stenography, Telegraphy. Moll 00u0300 in oily $ubleet. No yuootlon, Wingham Buslnoss Ooltogo t( Woe, Sputton, Sr'llleipal, 4(4 0 rdvsrteeeceaseees et eatmetettemecraezein. l'",[eaND >'e"PFdNdif Itatawar aRUS3Ei.s (Gonia SOUTH 001801Non,r81 Mall 7135 s m Express . 10:66 a m Express 11:26 a in Mall 1:44 p Express ....,... 8:0211 m Exjlroes ...,, 8:51 p m eatOlieDION WAI.TON To Toronto To Goderieh Express.., .,.,7:90 a mExpress ....... 11:019 A m Express 6:85 p m l Express 2:25 p m Mistritt Baps Henfryn • The annual meeting of the vestry and congregation of St. David's church, Henfryn, was held on Tuesday evening, April 21st. The financial. statement presented by the wardens showed en increase of $40 paid to the stipend of Rev. Mr. Westgate over the previous year, and a balance of cash on hand of $40,62 after all expenses were paid. Thefollowing is the result of the elections :-Lay delegate to the Synod, J. H. Thompson ' people's warden, Chas. Kerr ; minister's war- den, R. Cunningham ; sidemen, Roy Thompson and Louis Engler. After hearty votes of thanks to various officers ono of the most successful meetings held by the vestry was dos- ed by the incumbent pronouncing the Benediction. There is a Pink Pahl Tablet made by I)r. Shoop, that will posrtivel,. stop any pain, 1003where- in 20 min- utes. Druggists every1Wllere sell them as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, .but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pain centres -that is all. Pain conies from blood pressure -con- gestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25o. Sold by all dealers. Gorrie A; ODD CLAIM. -J. B. Mackenzie is moving on behalf of Richard McGrath to quash the local option by-law of the township of Howick, Oounty of Hur- on. Among the reasons alleged is one the novelty of which is most refresh- ing. It appears that formerly a Mr. Dane was clerk of the township. He died a number of years ago and his widow was appointed to succeed. him. Subsequently the lady married again and is now Mrs. Walker. Her present husband has been doing the work, such as attending council meetings, etc., bat she has been signing all *wit- 10011ls, such as by-laws, etc. It is held apparently on the soundest of legal precedents that as soon as she married again herindividualitybecanle merged in that of her husband, and the posi- tion of clerk became ipso facto vacant. This means that for a number of years the township has in reality been with- out a clerk at all, and consequently most, if not all his proceedings, have been. irregular, among them of course, the bye-law appealed against. There are also a number of other grounds alleged. The by-law was only passed by a plurality of four votes over the necessary three-fifths majority. To Duro Sniffling Colds The easiest and pleasantest cure is "Oatarrhozone" which fills the nose, throat and longs with healing balsams and pine essences that kill a cold in- stantly. You experience a pleasant sensation of relief at once. Soreness, congestion, irritation leave the nose and throat, the head is cleared and every trace of coldor Catarrh is cured. Catarrhozone is so sure, so pleasant, such a safe remedy for Winter ills that you can't afford to do without it. Sold by all dealers, 25c and $1.00. Get Catarrhozone to -clay. Atwood The first half of April cheese, 105 boxes was shipped from Ehna factory to Hodgson Brothers, Montreal. Miss Olive Ballantyne loft for. Alma College, St. Thomas, after spending .liaster under the parental root. At the annual congregational meet - ting in St. Alban's church, Thomas Smith was elected lay delegate to Synod. The following ' aro the Epworth League officers :- Hon President, Rev. li. Bond President -Mrs. J. A.. McBain ; 1st Vice -Pres. -Miss Hodg- son ; end Vice -Pres. --Miss illi. Bo, ti ; • Ord Vice -Pres, -11. Peter ; itis 41ce- Pres. -0, elcUrac,cen ; Secretary - Miss Annie Bolton ; Cot Se(,retine- Miss M. Graham ; Treasurer, Miss Dorothy Freie ; Organist -Miss Sarah Boyd. Another of Elena's highly respected women passed away in the person of Mrs. S. S. Rattan, on April 23rd, in her 03rd year. Mrs. Rattan was cal- led away very suddenly only suffering for a few hours with paralysis. She leaves to mourn her 1oss, a husband, two daughter's and one son, also two brothers and one sister. The funeral took place on Saturday from her late residence on the 10th concession to Elena Centre cemetery. The sorrow- ing relatives have the sympathy of the whole community. A"meeting of directors of the Ehna Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held in the Agi'icultaral I•Iall, At- wood, on April 21st. Members of the Board all present but Mr. Cleland.' the President in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and aliprovecl of, and signed, The President reported having adjusted theQueriu claim fqr $7.00 Which was satiafactary to the Board. A claim was presented by Geo. Diehl, of Ellice, for $45fOr a 3 year old heifer killed by lightning, iThe majority of the Board contended that the valuation was exe0ssively S. CARTER, AGENT high, incl after careful consideration it Was moved bo Cowan, seconded byp Halter t11at 3lz'. DIeh]'s delict be ad• jueted kt is 6 and paid forwitll, Car - teed. 4. 900033023109.tion wets read from the Secretary of the 'I7sboone and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., advising the calling of 0' coliven- tion in June at Dublin Ont., to discuss the proper way to died with the gaso- line engine also the incubator asking that delegates be sent Troll, this Corn- ppany. After considerable diseneeion it was moved by Grieve, seconded by. Cowan that the Pz'osident and Score-' i tart' be delegates to attend the con- volition if held. Carried. Applica- tions for insurance were accepted alnorlutin to $120,050.00. Meeting adjourned 4111 '1'IleedlLy 10t11 inst. to meet at usual time and place. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it 1 will mall a shall trial box Its a convincing toot. Simply ad- dress 1)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I. was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand the test. Re- member it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch- ing piles, either' external or internal, Large ,jar 50c. Sold by an dealces, Clinton Miss Mary Stewart and her friend, Sties McDougall, of linen, rammed to Toronto, We nederst.etld Andrew Porter, of Goder'irh, auil formerly of Clinton. will take an interest in the Goderich Star. Another prominent stock buyer, a Mr. Marshal from Vermont, visited Clinton and made several purchases of registered ares. mares. During the holidays the Collegiate Institute was thoroughly cleaned and the floors oiled. The principal has added about $100 worth of science equipment. Rev. W. Kettlewell, field secretary of the Dominion Alliance, was in town fu'r tinging for a temperance Sunday in Clinton, ,June 7, when all the pulpits will be supplied by Alliance speakers. I. Bowman, of Guelph, who w105 t vi'ito.r to Huron County last week. visited the stock farm of John Rens- toed and was delighted to see the splendid stock of Aberdeen Angus cattle of which 5'lr. Ransforcl makes a specialty. • Pity this poor Girl Growing fast -yes into weakness, but without strength. Tired of course she is -pale and thin too. Sire doesn't eat enough and digests far too little. This condition is so 00m111011, but how seldom noticed even by fond parents. (,rive her Ferrozone-then watch her appetite improve -see her cheeks and lips grow rudely -watch her spirits rise. This gain is simply the result of eating and digesting enough, and thereby nourishing blood, brain and nerves. To a woman, Ferrozone re- stores strength she has lost -to a girl it brings strength perhaps she never know. You'll try Ferrozone, 50c at all dealers. Listowel Celebration has been arranged to be held here ,n1 'victoria Day, May 25th. C. H. A, Lees, organizer for the A. 0. IT. W., who has been in town in the interests of the Order, is meeting with success. .1. Cecil Hamilton, barrister, who has been confined to his home for about two months with pleurisy and rheumatism, is able to be clown to his office again. He has not yet recover- ed the use of his right arm but is hopeful of doing so shortly. A. and Mr's. Macdonald and Miss MacDonald left for San Fran- cisco, Cil. Mr. Macdonald's two sons are in banks there, Lloyd Mac- donald being manager of the Amer- ican -Scandinavian flank. The fam- ily will probably take up their resi- dence in Berkley, a suburb of 'Frisco, over the bay. On Tuesday afternoon of last week the C. b',.:.R. construction train crossed the Elma sideroacl at the East of the town, and since then the force of fifty or more men accompanying it has been laying rails through the Flaher- ty property, and Thursday afternoon had passed the water tank. Some de- lay was occasionedby running one of rails, also by a small land -slide on Sunday at the Gordon cut. The rails will be laid to the station in a day or two, and 11017 that the boarding ears have been brought to town the work of putting in the sidingsand setting PticalAduice 15, qi.,8 1 in y nr ,'diti,b. Where he get hi -',inoses. You will be. eel 1', find n re- 0onnm•ud 681' 41', F N repro,, Always here to be roneltsd. Prince moderate. Call and see us. Jewelry` The Most up-to•dnte ;Jewelry b ltli in Quality, Style and Finish, Repairing a Bpeclaaity. Stretton JEWELER and OPTIC/AAI GO tO4 The star Grocery For nice, clean, fresh Groceries at 1(111 following prices Corn 100 a can or 3 cans for 25c kaas . 100 a can or 3 esus for 27e iUinatoes.,.,.,090 fl can or 2 cans fora5c M f., Salmon 203 a 11081 Nagle Breed Snlinoo.., )50 0 can Northern Coast Salmon . lee a can Green japan Tea 250 a ib, or 5 lbs, for 57,20 Black Tea 25e ,t lb, or 5 lbs, for f$1,20 Green japan 23e 5 " $1.35 Black'l'ea 28e " 5 " $1.35 'alacla '1`ea1oc a pound Good Bread always an hand, (foods delivered promptly to all parts of the village. Butter and Eggs Trade or Cash W. T. Spence GROCER ETHEL the "Y" ill shape for use will be pushed ahead. Connection will he made from the town waterworks to the tank at once, so that the construction engine will not have t0 go to Linwood for water, The cement foundations of the freight shed are nearly up, and the plumbing is being done in the pas- senger station previous to plastering. The road should be ready for running in a month's time. About 0 o'clock on Thursday night the skating rink was discovered to be on fire. The fire was burning���around one of the windows o13 the West side. It was quickly extinguished, other- wise both the skating and curling rinks would probably have fallen a prey to the Hames. How the fire started is not known, but it looks as though it might have been set 011 fire. Ho died of' Kidney Disease How often we hear of these sad cases. The back -pains and headache were noticed -but not treated. Dizzy spills frequent calls and languid condition appeared, but nothing was done till the disease was far advanced. Cure invariably results from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They restore perfect hoalth, destroy every symptom of diseased kidneys, build up constitutions that defy further outbreaks. Because purely vegetable and free from injuri- ons materials, no remedy equals Dr, Hamilton's Pills for Kidney and Liver complaint. Sold in 25e boxes by all dealers. Fordwich Jas. Oattanach started the brick work on Wm. Baircl's new grouse on Tuesday of last week. Police Trustees met and arrange- ments will soon be 'completed to have the street lights lit on dark nights. On. Wednesday evening April 201:11 Melvin Gilkinson, of town, and Miss Annie Cook, of Gerrie, were united in wedlock's bonds, Rev. T. H. Farr per- forming the ceremony. They will make their future house in Fordwich. On Monday evening of last week the Mayne Sunday School was re -organiz- ed tor the Summer with the following officers :-Geo. Magee, Superinten- dent ; Finlay Lynn, assistant ; John Hayden, Sec. Tress ; Mrs. F. Lyon, Organist, Miss Mamie Ronald, assist- ant. The following teachers were ap- pointed :-Mrs. D. Cooper, Mrs. JJ Lambkin, Miss Kerr, Mrs. Alex. Mc- Cabe and Miss Annie Faust. The Epworth League also decided to hold their annual Lawn Social on the church grounds on Tuesday evening, June lath. Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 for Women." It was Written expressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's "Night ()nee" and just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully ap- plied. The book, and strictly con- fidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The night cure is sold by all dealers. Belgrave " AFINE Max GONE. -There passed away in Belgrave on Sunday after- noon the 208011 tilt., William McCrae (brother of Chas. MoOrae) of this village. This has removed another of the itlndmarks of the 10151 pointing back to the pioneer days in the county of Huron. About three months ago! Mi'. McCrae's foot became seriously irritated and blood poisoning set in necessitating the amputation of the 6 p foot.. Ill tbe meantime, the poison had gone so much through the system Outbids life appeared to be hanging in (1 balance, The lastmonth he recover- ed considerable strength, the wound healed nicely and he was able to be out of bed, with every prospect of getting better until about ten days ago when he . took a relapse and gradually sank away. Deceased was born in the county of Fermanagh, Ire- land, 75 years ago and ho with his parents ,(end family emigrated to anada 57 years ago, settling in West willinsburabout., the year 352, The fancily then moved West to the township of Morris where Belgrave now is) when the whole country was a wilderness, taking up it large block of land of which deceased settled on a part, cleared it up and has lived con- tinuously on-ti niously on it until his death. Mr. MoOrae was married 43 years ago to Mies Margaret Corbett, daughter of Christopher Corbett who predeceased 111023 years. No man will be more missed m this locality than Mr. Mc- Crae. Thera was seldom a day that he was not sect.' in the village. He was of a Hind and jovial nature, mak- ing it the desire of neatly every per- son to converse with him. In religion he belonged to the Church of England, and in politics he was a Conservative, He leaves to mourn his loss, four daughters"' -Mrs, Millet, of Manitoba, 1r elte rtes. Getty, of California, liar's. 13rydges, of .ltiforris, and Mee Bella at home. There fn Alen one deter, Mrs, John °wane, 4.11 of these will feel tbe he1'vy loss of a kind father end brother. The remains were interred 4z the McCrae ''a4( 11 burying ground on Tuesday. The funeral service wee eondneted by his pastor, Bev, W. I•I, Bartley, of Blyth, assisted by Rev, G. W. lleivers, of Belgrave, The deep- est empathy of the community goes out for the bereft family, How to remove mo o Warta It's really a simple matter to re- , move warts and callouses if you apply Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor. Cure is certain -failure impossible -if you use "Putnam's." Cause For Alarm Epidemic Influenza, Grippe, Catarrhal Troubles, Pneu- monia Increasing. A marked increase in troubles of the breathingorgans is noted in many localities. f you will only have Hyomei at hand to use with the first attack of Cold in the head, Pneu- monia, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Twat, Croup, he fait any respira- tory affection, the trouble will be quickly overcome. If the attack is neglected and be- comes severe, speedy relief will coxae in 111081 cases and a persistent use of Hyomei will cure. The directions for using it vary, but the principal is always the same, that of destroying all the germs in the air you breathe and having it reach the air passages with dry medif cation from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Rememberthat liquids or'moistu re is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. .Td's the dry air of Hyomei that reaches the spot. Jas. Fox guar- antees it. Complete outfit, $1.00. Exeter Frank Weekes left for Virden, Man. to take charge of a photo. studio at that point. Jos. Snell still continues in a very low state of health with little o4( no signs of improvement. 0. Pym has a novelty in the shape I of a duck egg. It measured 0 3-8 in- ches one way and 7 1-2 inches another and weighed six ounces. The scarlet fever patients in town are all doing nicely, and the epidemic will likely be confined to a few 'as the disease is of a mild type. Mrs. A. Q. Bolder sold her residence and property on Main street opposite Ross & Taylor's mill to William Cud - more, of Iiippen, Mr. Cudmore will take possession May 24th. Dr. Robert Barnes, V. S., of Ottawa, formerly of Exeter, who has been travelling inspector for the Dominion government under the meat regula- tions act, has been appointed chief government Inspector of meat for the province of Ontario, In the results of the London Medical College examinations given out the I name of Will. Knight, son of F. J. and Mrs. Knight shows prominently among the first year students. He took first class honors in Anatomy ; second in Physiology ; pass in Chem- istry ; first class in Botany ; first class 10 Zoology ; second in Materia Medica and first in Practical Anatomy. It will be seen that he t5ok four first class honors and was successful in passing in every subject on which he wrote. Wingham G. A. Reid, son of Adam Reid, of this town, has been re-elected. as Presi- dent of Royal Canadian Academy of Art, The Postoffice Department has de- cided to put email clerk on the morn- ing C. P. R. Bain, thus giving an open mail We Sell on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis- faction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We mean this -- and ask all those who are sick and need Strength to try with this understanding. It t d g. James Fox, Druggist nnlr551l.s. Ptill icsll�".1 . IN Pain in the hold --pain anywhere, Molts emus Pain is congestion, pain l8 blood 000$00ro-nothme else usually 1t lent, so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it lie has ereatnd a little pink tablet, Thai tablet -called Dr. snoop's Headache Tablet- coax05 bleed pressure anmy from rain canters, Its easotls charming, pleasingly delightful. eoutly, .though lately, it Surely nano.lixeO the blood 0Ir010 lotion. If yen have a hendarilo, it'ablood pressure. 11 it's painful periods with women, same cruse, If yon nye sleepless, reslle05, nervous, it's blood 500900tiun-''b10011 presstu'o. That surely is N certainty, for).. 918009'5 Ifondaebe Tablets etas ft In 50 lninutsa, and the tablets simply distribute theamnattlral blood pr,SOure.. Ilruise your finger and doesn't it get rod, and swell,end vain you? OI course it does. It's Con. *eaten, blood pressor,. You'll find it where palm a-01wa0. Its simply Coalman souse. W 8011 at 25 dents, and Cheerfully recommend Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets "CALL DEALERS" £cid est' Fine Shoes. Handsome to the eve Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard. them you want another " just like the last ones," Then our prices are not the least pleasing part or the buying; Here are a few:— Ladies' Dongola But- Matron's Solid toned or Laced 1.50 Comfort Shoe 1.35 Harness Department Single 1 -farness, all our own make, from $1 0.00 to 1$30,00. Team Harness at lowest prices consistent with good leather and workmanship,. la -Dwelling rooms to let above store. Comfortable house to let or sell. One new buggy, never used, for sale, All complete with dash apron and hood. McKay & Shaw Solicit your trade. We carry the lardest and most complete stock In thin section,, comprislad Hardware. Woodenware, Cutlery, Garden Seeds. Iron, Steel, Carpenters' Tools, Paints. Varnishes and Brushes Ifyou need o flnlsh for FURNITURE, FLOORS, OR ANY INTERIOR WORK We sell and recommend CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN 20 years on the mnrkei, It Ialways dives satisfaction t dries oulck and hard Makes a durable finish 10 COLORS CARD FREE McKay & Shaw Hotel licenses are renewed in V'ing- I ham. to J. E. Swarts, Alex. Orr, L. W. I Hanson, 0. E. Leppard and M. Algie. M. E. Zubrigg iptuchasecthe proper - ty occupied b hmself asaphotograph gallery, J. A. IcLean's office and. Glias. R.intoul'slimber shop, from Geo. McKenzie. • Tuesday evening, May 12th, is the date of the organ recital and cantata, "Nativity of Owlet," which are to beeven in St. Andrew's church. W. . H. Hewlett, of Hamilton, will give It tprogram on the pipe organ. The junior branch of the Women's Auxiliary of St, Paul's church met in the school -room. The Winter's work of the auxiliary was placed on exhi biti.on and refreshments were served to the visitors, from 4 to 0 o'clock. As this was the last opportunity of assembling together before the re- moval of the President, Mrs. Boyle, the members of the auxiliary partook of lunch together. Before rising from the table, Mrs. Boyle was presented with a piece of hand -painted china and a souvenir spoon, accompanied by an address, read by Miss Corn- yn, the presentation being made by Miss Olive VanStone. il'Irs. Boyle acknowledged the gift in suitable words. Rev. T. S. Boyle and Rev. C. H. Sanders, of Lncknow, also spoke briefly. Rochette was found guilty at Quebec of the murder of his wife. Mike Arouse, a Russian, being refus. ed admission to a street car at Hamilton because ho was drunk, drew a 'revolver and fired at the conductor, but missed him. Docs your Side Ache? When the first symptoms appear, rttb with Nerviline-rub it in deeply. It penetrates to the muscles and chords that are sore takes away stiffness - removes all strain and inflammation. If the eondition is chronic, put a Ner- viline Porus Plaster on the affected spot. This draws out any virus or neuralgic irritation, restores the tissue to their wonted healthiness, perman- ently cures anyweakness or tendency to pain. Nerviline Plasters absorb all the deleterious secretions tluough the relaxed pores and when used along with Nerviline itself, every muscular pain or ache must go. PA/NT/NG AND PAPER— HANGING The undersigned is:prepared to attend to all work en- trusted to him in the above lines with neatness and des- patch. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. T. NICHOL.ALS 87-3m BRUSSIILS. NATIONAL s Roller Flour Malls OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feedinghorses d 8 Try our New BREAKFAST FOOD OOD Corneola Made from. White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating, Don't forget thatLoaf" g our "White Flour is still taking the lead for Bread Flours. r"AII hinds of Peed kept constantly on hand. WM. do, R. A. PRYN] BRUSSELS