The Brussels Post, 1908-5-7, Page 4EI e 111:55d5 4,1cw
NEW Burri'swxeis Province has had
manly a lively hustle in election
campaigns over the Seott Act, The
other day its repeal wise voted on at
Fredericton and for the fifth time
the act was upheld, It was 20 years
since it came into force in the above
mentioned city. In the majority of
the counties in New Brunswick the
act holds sway.
WITH the incoming of the mouth of
May one huuch•ed hotel bars were
closed in Ontario by the passage of
Local Option by-laws, .Howiek town-
ship, Haien Co., being in the number.
Four licenses are cancelled in Howick,
viz 2 at Gerrie, 1 at Fordwieh and 1 at
Delmore. In the majority of cases
the hotels will be kept open for the
accommodation of the public.
DR. Rxaxs a medical genius of
Munich, has discovered a means by
which a person's stomach may be
lighted up for medical examination by
a small electric'bulbinserted in a tube.
With the X ray appliances and
electric lighting the interior depart-
epartments will soon be as easy of access as
the exterior. Physicians claim the
new discovery will aid materially in
casesof cancer'and diseases of that
O B;ossack
of Toronto,
who scored the Liberal
and used his influence for the return
of Hon. Mr. 'Whitney, four years ago,
in a letter to the press says :-"When
the Government passedthe three-fifths
clause of the Local Option act they
were guilty of reactionary legislation.
Ever since Ontario became a Province
the majority in a municipality has
had the t o right c
1g o decide upon the
granting of licenses. These rights
were firmly established and founded
upon a sense of British justice and
equality. Why have the Government
tampered with them 1"
MoimAY, June 1st, will be the date
of the Nominations for the elections,
June the 8theiu
b g the eventful day
when the electors will go to the polls.
Commercial travellers may be ac-
commodated by the day and elate but
several Methodist Conferences, at
which:hundreds of ministers and lay-
men are expected to attend, will be in
session on June 8th. Bro. Hanna
can't surely be posted on the rules and
usages of his church. It was only the
other day in Parliament he misquoted
the late of the church in attempting to
smooth out the wrinkles in the 8j5
A HoT time is on the political carpet
in Toronto in an attempt to peacefully
get 8 Conservative candidates in the
field for the coming election. If the
Liberals nominate their fullcontingent
and the Labor presents their plat-
form in double quartette form Mr.
Whitney may find that even Toronto
voters don't understand the A. B. C.
of untangling the political skene.
Why could not a few more members
be granted to the Provincial capital,
plus the Cabinet ministers who reside
there, then the Queen city could boss
the whole job for the Province. Hog
town is closely situated to Toronto
The Field of Sport.
Toronto Base Ball team is playing
good ball.
Last week's rain and snow left the
Woodbine race track at Toronto in
poor shape for work.
Premier. Whitney will open the new
Base Ball Park at Toronto on. May
12th by pitching the first ball.
Brussels will show a good line up in
Intermediate Foot Ball For 1008. 1 or
8 of last year's champions will be on
the roll.
Longboat, the unbeaten Onondaga
Indian, is patting in hard practice,
on the reserve near Caledonia, with a
view of the forthcoming Olympic foot
Dundee has dropped out of the Sen-
ior Foot Ball thereby leaving Sea-
fbrth alone in the field in the W. F.
A. The hustlers of Dundas will play
Intermediate so as to secure more
Burns, the Canadian champion
bruiser, is called a faker by Jack
Palmer who says Burns paid him £500
to allow him to Will. Palmer should
be ashamed to tell the story if, even
There will be no shortage of teams
in the Western Foot Ball Association
this year. Whoever 'secures the
silverware in the Intermediate
will have a
often sur.'passed in chamionship
St. Andrew's church, Stratford, has
organized an athletic club and will
play foot ball, basket ball, hockey, five,
This is.a move along the right line and
might be copied with good results,
Stratford has 5 or 6 foot ball teams
A meeting of the Clinton
BowlingClub took lace n Lary e
, p in th(.
Council Chamber, Clinton and was at-
tended by a largo number of the
theal'bowlers. The following officers
Were elected for the year t -lien
Peri. Sohn Ransford ; Hon. Cha i-
loins, Rev. Mr, Gonne, Ray. 11,1is
Jolifine, lieu. rather Hanlon ; Pres,,
W. Jackson ; Vise Pres., C. E. Dow -
swift eauie death's relentless stroke
T7poa that manly form.
As lightning fells the stalwart mak
la some vend. Summer sterni.
We stood appalled inthat sate 10iu',
And gazed upon the Ino
of bun thus torn with ruthless power
From his aoeustoned ideila,•
God oomfort those who mourn for Olin,
Their brother early gone
And he whose aged eyes are dem
With weeping for h. son.
Ilia aoinrades miss the pleasant word.
The kind and genial smile ;
That wen -loved venni no more is heard,
No more is seen that smile,
The dispensation must be kind,.
It comes from God above,
Lord, s eek to each bewildered mind
And teach it Thou art Lova,
Make plain the lesson Thou wonld'st teach
)3y this, Thy chastening rod
It souls are careless, say to each,
"Prepare to meet. WY God."
That solemn hour roust come to all,
May we be meet' for heaven,
If. to our souls should come the call
With little warning given.
ding ; Sec. Treas., John Wiseman
Ground Com., G, L. Courtice, John
Hunter, John Johnson, W. Graham
and W, J. Stevenson, Fees for
members were raised from $5 to $6.
A large nnieber of new members will
join this season and a splendid season
is looked forward to.
Next July 23 Canadian lawn bowlers
will tour the Old Country and demon-
strate their ability as "kitty" finders,
The dates for the Olympic trials
throughout Canada have been handed
out by the CanadianAmateur Athletic
Union. L 1 n. The Western Provinces are -
holding their meets on. May 16, and 001
June 6 the final meet of the winners
will be held. The dates include all
the Provinces. ou ccs. The
events at
Halifax will be the trials for all the
Maritime Provinces. St. John's, N. B.
was billed fora meet, but New Bruns-
wick will throw in their lot with the
Nova Scotians at Halifax. The list of
meets is :-May 16 -British Colum-
bia at Vancouver. May 16 -Alberta
at Calgary. May 1U --Manitoba at
Winnipeg. May 23 and 25 -Ontario
at Toronto. May 30-V1'aritinoe Pro-
vinces at Halifax. June 6 -Final
meets of winners at Toronto and Mon-
treal. The trial regatta will in all
likelihood be held at St. Catharines on
Friday and if necessary, Saturday,
June 26and 27,
Covering the present Provincial
election campaign, The Globe, daily,
may be had at the remarkably low
rate of 25c. Everywhere The Globe is
recognized as Canada's National
Newspaper. Always clean fair r and
accurate, the Globe is pre-eminently
the paper for the home. As a news -
gatherer and exponent ofpublic
opinion The Globe stands unrivalled.
The best interests of tbe people has
been its guide for sixty- four years.
Tired nerves, with that "no ambi-
tion" feeling that is commonly felt
in Spring or early Summer, can be
easily and quickly altered by taking
what is known. to druggists every-
where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
One will absolutely note a changed
feeling within 48 hotus after begin-
ning to take the Restorative. The
bowels get sluggish in the Winter-
time, the circulation often slows up,
the Kidneys are inactive, and even
the Heart grows decideclly weaker.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized
everywhere as a genuine tonic to
these vital
organs. s It builds flys
strengthens g
s the worn-out out �
weaken d
g e
nerves ; it sharpens the failing ap-
petite and universally aids digestion.
It always quickly brings • renewed
strength, life, vigor and ambition.
Try it and be convinced. Sold by all
Church Chimes
The 25th session of the London Con-
ference of the Methodist church will
be held in the James street church,
Exeter, commencing on Thursday,
Jive 4th, at 2 p. m.
Among the business transacted at the
executive meeting of the Women's
'Methodist Society Board of Manage-
ment, at which Mrs. Ross, of Ectmi1-
tan, presided, was the appointment of
Miss Lawson as nurse to China ; Miss
Lena Snyder, teacher to Japan ; Miss
Virgo, teacher to China ; Miss Mar-
garet Keagey, B. H. Sc., to Japan ;
Miss Mary LL5wson, B. A., to Kita-
maat, B. 0. ; Miss Lizzie Donogh and
Miss Eunice Fisher places to be
designated later. A new Chinese
home is to be erected at Victoria and
also a girl's home at Kitamaat, the
estimates for the two being in the
neighborhood of $20,000. 'Thelans
and tenders for these were approved.
Dr. Hodgins was spending a week
with friends in Lucan.
Henry Laskin has taken a position
as reporter for the Stratford Beacon.
Mrs. Mullin, of San Francisco, is
spending a few weeks with her par-
ents, L. L. and Mrs. McFaul, God -
mid] street.
M. Sundy, of ` Dunnville, has now
assmned possession of the grocery and
meat business lately purchased from
Kruse Bros.,
R. E. Cooper, M. D., G. L. Chesney
and D. J. McCallum attended a
Masonic banquet in Stratford 'Thurs-
day evening, the occasion being the
visit of the clistr'ict deputy.
At the regular meeting of Britannia
Masonic Lodge, held in the Masonic
ball here on Moncla - evening,
District Deputy Rt. Wor, Bio, White,
of St. Marys, paid his official visit.
B. and dirs. Duffy will leave short-
ly for
hort-lyfor New York, Mr, Duffy has for
some years been employed in Stewart
Bros. clothing department, but has
accepted a position with a New York
firm. •
At the animal meetingnf the Metho-
dist Sunday' school
etho-distSunday'school the following of -
Peers • were elected for 1008 :-SripL•„
Wm. Rartry ; 1st ctss't.' Supt. J. Ii,
Reidt 2nd ass't, Supt., M. Wilhelm ^,
5ec'retary, 11 Daley ; Treasurer, 1)i
Burrows ; Teachers, Rtnv. D. Rci rcrs U
W. D. ]aright, Mrs. B. B, Gunn, R.
Coates Miss Brownell, tv t 11 Miss 111:. Beals
tie, S. Archer, Miss L,, Rogers, I. II.
24 worms of liu*lness is Hrtlssels is full proof ut the superior 5)11111•
itY. worhmnnship nod durability of tit led ut
that li;wan & Cu, turn out. Our business is ineicietiu,;