HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-30, Page 8Sp riling Doi s
Dishing Tackle
Bamboo Poles at roc and Ise, each, Lines, Honks and Sinkers,
Base Ball Supplies -t
We are prepared for the added interest that le in Base Ball this year with
a splendid line of Bess Balls from 100 to $1 .25 each. Bats at 5c, 1Oc,
es5c and 50c. Catchi.ig Gloves Rad Fielder's Gloves from the 250 0055
up to the real good ones.
All kinds of Rubber Balls—Hard Rubber, Soft Rubber, Painted and Plain.
Foot Balls Shin Pads Lacrosse Sticks
We handle the Cendron Wagons
The Rail Wagon, with metal wheels, at 51.50 and the G. T. R. Truck
Wagon at $2.75 are our two leaders and cannot be beat for value.
u a1 Reivs Items
FRIDAY will be May Day.
Hbuse cleaning is having its innings.
CoexclL tneetiug next Monday even-
'CHE news is alwa Y s welcome at THE
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of next
A 5 ew flurries of snow and a rattle of
hail on Tuesday.
A. 0. tr. W. will meet Friday even-
ing oe this week.
Bausneis school report may be read on
page 4 of this issue.
K. 0. '1'. M. will hold their regular
meeting Tuesday evening of next week.
IN the Thirty-third (Huron) Regiment
-Provincial Lieut. L. Thomson is retir-
ed, having failed to qualify.
EAST HURON.License Board is in ses-
sion in Brussels Thursday of tbis week
considering the granting ot hotel licenses
for next year.
formerly of Brussels, have leased the
Commercial Hotel at Seaforth and take
possession on May 1st.
Toaoxro Sunday World gave a photo-
graphic group of the 1st year Dental
students in which is noticed the smiling
countenance of Geo. H. Ross, of Brus-
THE Postofftce Department will issue
a new series of postage stamps to mark
the three hundredth anniversary of the
founding of Quebec. Stamp collectors
will be on the lookout for them, and the
Postoffice Department will increase its
A SUCCESSFUL canvass of the town was
made on"Tuesday afternoon, by L. S.
Duafor'd and jno. W. Kerney in the
Interests of the Intermediate Foot Ball
team. The response was evidence of
the interest the townspeople feel in the
IN a Foot Ball game Saturday after-
noon in Toronto between theTbistles and
Little York teams three former members
ot Brussels champions were on the lineup
of the latter viz. Russel Wheeler, Jas.
Strachan and R. D. Cardiff, The
Thistles won
COMPLAINT has been made relative to
the slaughter of robins and other birds
at the hands of gunners. Che law makes
short work of this kind of business.
Tbe killing of three robins in 'Toronto
s elites who
three boys 5 Bru s
cost t �4
disobey tbe statute may Y
be nabbed also.
Tim funeral of bIrs, Robinson, who
died at Wroxeter last Friday, passed
through town to Brussels cemetery on
Monday afternoon. Deceased was the
youngest daughter of Thos. Smith, of
Wroxeter, a former well known resident
of this locality. jno. Smith, of Brus-
sels, was au uncle of Mrs. Robinson.
THE loo acre farm offered by
mortgage sale last Saturday at the
Central Hotel, Brussels, `being North 44
Lot 27, Con. 8, Morris, was purchased
by James Parish, now living on Con, 14,
Grey. There is a small frame house, a
bank barn and 55 acres of clearance.
The price paid was $825.00. F. S.
Scott was the auctioneer.
the renovation and improvements to
the Public Library and Reading Room
are now about completed the Library
will be opened on Saturday evening of
this week for the exchange ot books.
The room has been newly papered, the
shelving increased and oiled and the
books re -arranged. When the hallway
leading to the Library is housecleaned
a very noticeable and very necessary
improvement will be completed.
gratn was presented at the Foot Ball
Concert held in the Town Hall Friday
.evening to an appreciative audience, It
Was as follows :—Instrumental trio by
W. A. Grewar, W. Griffith and Miss
lean VlcLauchlin • remarks by W H
First Step Towards Independence
pretax League entertainment in the
school room of the Methodist church
Thursday evening of this week. A good
program will be presented.
THREE decks of hogs, 270 in, all, were
shipped un Wednesday forenoon by
Messrs. jewltt & Bateman, Coiling -
wood was their destination.
BRUSSELS Foot Ball team is open to
enter into an engagement to play a
game with a good outside team on May
25th. L. S. Danford is the Secretary
of the club.
THE Clinton New Era says :--A num-
ber of the friends of bliss McNaughton
met one evening this week and present-
ed her with a handsome umbrella, She
returns to Brussels in a few days.
D. A. LOWRY, Of town, has contracts
for the erection of fuur brick residences
for this season, viz :-1. K. Baker and
McCartney Bros., of Grey township.
and Messrs. Leetuing and Robinson, of
NexT Winter's first delivery of coal is
being made this week. •It gives one a
chilly feeling to think of next Winter be-
ing so near at baud before we have
hardly said Good-bye to the snow shovel
and fur•. gauntlets.
A SI•ECIAI. train was run trom Wing -
ham to Brussels on Monday evening to
provide accommodation for 3o or 40
residents of the former town who de-
sired to attend the Assembly here.
The train returned about 3 a. m. Tues-
day to be ready for the regular run to
London at", o'clock.
8rcrorE supplies and repairs will be cash
Prom this date. MCKAY & Snew.
D}v eLL7xo 5100115 to let above store. Soft
water and other conveniences.
BLACK silk shawl lost between Brussels- and
Ethel on Saturday April llth. The owner will
be greatly obliged' if the finder will leave it at
WHEN your lawn mowers will not eat grass
sharpen and ed est sante to oufancr
I canto 51 1exchange
i y
yWill exchange n,enle, and also have ,
number of mowers for sale. T. McGREooa,
Mill street, Brussels.
Sabbath evening the annual sermon to
the members of Western Star Lodge,
No. 1491. 0. 0. F., Brussels, will be
preached in Melville church by the
pastor, Rev. A. 0, Wisbart, 13, A,
Members of the Order are asked to
assemble at the Lodge room in time to
march to the church at 6.45 o'clock.
A COUNTY Seceretary for work in con -
'r n with the X
M. C. A. movement
nectt �
of L.
rated in theperson
has been appointed
r' Mr.Fleming is
of Exeter:
m g
C. Fleming,
well known in Goderich,
fotnter member of the teacing staff of
the Collegiate Institute. He is now
principal of the public school in Exeter,
and will, no doubt, prove a capable
How To MAKE MONEY.— All shrewd
newspaper readers, especially the ladies,
readily acknowledge that the real news
that affects the pocket is found in the
Advertisements of local merchants, The
merchant who advertises is a reporter.
He reports to the newspapers what he
has to offer and it is real news. 11 some
merchant is making a run on shoes and
selling them, that is news to any one
who needs shoes. If another is offering
special bargains in overcoats, under-
wear, corsets, bats, dress goods, carpets,
furniture, groceries, coal or wood stoves
or anything that the family needs, why
it is news that means money to every
family and the people know it, That's
why merchants advertise in newspapers.
ANNUAL MEETING —Tuesday evening
the annual meeting of Brussels Meth-
odist Sabbath School was held, tbe of-
ficers and teachers being guests at the
Parsonage. Rev, E. G. Powell presid-
ed. The financial report showed the
school to be in a prosperous condition,.
the work of the past year being of a
most harmonious character. Election
of officers resulted as follows :—Super-
iutendent, W, H. Kerr ; assistants, P.
Kerr, the chairman ; duet, violin and H. Gilroy and Chester Armstrong ;
piano, H. L. and Mrs. Jackson ; solo. Secretary,'Tressm'er, W. L. Leather -
Miss Edythe McCracken, of Cleveland ; dale ; Assistants, Miss Lizzie Downing
humorous reading by Mrs. Durdle ; Will. Griffith and W. 1+3. Duncan •
Paperarians, Misses lava McCracken and
solo, Miss. Edith Wood, of Berlin ;
gramaph0ne selections by Carl Holmes:;
duet, Roy and Miss Alta Pryne ; trom-
bone and piano duet, L. S. and Miss
Lulu Munford; piano solo, Mrs. (Dr.)
1lolines ; reading,Miss McCracken ;
trombone. solo, . A. Grewar ; solo,
Miss Kate McKinlay gramaphone
numbers,Carl Hoh>ies ; solo, F, H.
Gilroy ; National Anthem. Everybody
did well and if any fault could be founcl
by the audience it was the declination of
several performers to respoend to en-
mcores. Sousa times local concerts are
disparaged but the musical and literary
bill of fate presented Friday evening
was A stiperior one and most creditable
to tbe.performors, Misses MoLaucblin
And Bailey and Mrs. H. L. Jackson
proved excellent accompanists. The
finAncial proceeds were nearly 535.00.
On the platform were displayed the 1907 deal with the Annual Sabbath School
silver championship trophies won by deal with the to Ian for the 50th
Brussels Intermediates in the W, F, A, P
tbe school to be observed this
and the Ontario series, The boys thanit jubilee of
tbe people of Brussels for support t Kummer. A vote of thanks was passed
accorded then] and hope to put up the to the Orchestra for their faith fel and
quality of pplay on the ball. field this sea- excellent service, The school contfibut-
son that will merit the healty support of ed 5504,00 to allusions rlut'ing tine past
13russela ans.1,.ea1ity. year. After discussing other items of
opens a
Open an Account in the Savings
Department of
times a
Capital Paid Up - - - - $1,000,1100.00
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $1,241,532.26
Farmers with families are specially advised to
open "Joist Deposit Accounts" bywhich money
can be deposited or withdrawn by husband or
wife, and in the case of death by the survivor,
F, H. GILROY, Manager
interest to the school the business teas
concluded. A tasty lunch of sandwich-
es, cake and coffee was served by
Mrs. Powell before the workers in the
Sabbath School army separated for their
homes. The pastor and his good lady
were accorded n hearty vote of thanks
for their hospitality.
MATRIMONIAL. —A pretty April wed-
ding graced the hone of Jas. and Mrs.
Walker, Wingharn, Wednesday of last
week, when their eldest daughter, Edith
became the bride of Clarence Percival
Carlisle, G. T. R. agent at Belgaave.
At one o'clock, as the bride and groom
were standing under a pretty arch of
'smilax and ferns, the ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Dr. Gundy, of St.
Thomas. The drawing -room was 5011 -
ably decorated with ferns and cut flow-
ers. Tbe Wedding March was played
by Miss Merle Mann, cousin of the
bride. The ceremony over, congratula-
tions followed ; during these, Miss Olive
Mason sang an appropriate solo. The
bride was becomingly dressed in a travel
ling suit of navy blue chiffon broadcloth,
with cream Oriental lace blouse over
silk. The wedding luncheon was then
enjoyed. Presents numerous and val-
uable were evidences of kind wishes and
esteem- Mr, and Mrs. Carlisle left on
afternoon train for a trip to Buffalo and
Detroit. Among the out of town guests
were --H. L. Anderson, of Toronto ; W.
end Mrs. Carlisle, of London ; Mr.
Carlisle and Miss Carlisle, of Hensall
Jesse and Mrs. Button, of Lucknow ;
Mrs. R. Mann, and Mrs, J. J. Hiscox, of
Teeswater ; Mrs. Geo. Allen, Wroxeter,
and Miss Mann. of Teeswater, The
bride and greens are both favorably
known in town and their many friends
wish for them much happiness as they
travel lite's journey together. Mrs.
Carlisle was a former resident of Brus-
sels, and her friends wish her and her
busband prosperity.
Jessie Cunningham ; Cdndnctor of the
Orchestra, H. L. Jackson ; Auditors,
Miss Josie Buchanan and W. E. Duncan.
Teachers, B. Gerry, S. Bailey, Mrs, W.
Rands, Miss Minnie McNaughton, Miss
Martha Smith, Mrs. A. J Lowry, J. A,
Hunter, Miss Josie Bueit mane W. J.
McCracken, Mrs. McCauley, Roy
Pryne, Miss Thema Gerry, Chester
Armstrong, Misses Possie Mitchell,
Mabel Zimmer and Hattie Dowing, W,
R. Mooney, and Miss Carrie Hiogston.
Assistant teachere, Misses Ford, Bailey,
Leatherdale, Sharpe and IvlcNaughton,
Mos. Aiulay, Mrs, Duncan, Mee. W. L.
Leetberdale, Eli Smith, F, H. Gilroy
and les, Johnston, Three new .classes
will be formed. 54,00 was voted to the
Sunday School Aid',Fttnd. Committees
were appointed to consider forward
Missionary projects for the year; In
Weak women should read my
"Book No. 4 for Women." It was
written exressly for women who are
not well. -The Book No. 4 tells of Dr.
Shoop's "Night Cure" and just how
these soothing, healing, antiseptic
suppositories can be successfully ap-
plied. The book, and strictly con-
fidential medical advice is entirely
free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
The night cure is sold by all dealers.
People We Talk About
Miss Maud Sholdice, of Leadbury, is
visiting at the Rectory.
Will. Jewitt, of Lambeth, is a visitor
with bis grandfather Jewitt, Brussels,
Barrister McDonald was
visiting et
his parental home
in Ashfield this week.
Ethel McLeod,Em h
of Walton,was a
i Bussels.
visitor with Miss s ReaEmig
Bessie Smith, of Galt, was re
Dewing old friendships in Brussels last
Miss Nettie Brown, and Miss Geral-
dine McEwen were visitors at Blyth last
S T. and Mrs. Plum and Master
Ernest were visiting relatives at Blyth
over Sunday.
Mrs. Durgin, of Toronto, was visiting
her sister, Mrs. D C. Ross, 'I'urnberoy
street last week.
Harry Mercer has been bothered with
rheumatism and was off work but we
hope be will soon be o. k.
Mt•s. Oliver Smith and daughter, Miss
Rosie, of Wroxeter, were visitors with
Brussels relatives last week.
Miss Lily Dale, of Seeforth, who is
Visiting friends in town, is suffering
from an attack of la grippe,
Miss L evise Sinclair enjoyed n visit
with the family of Rev. W. T. Cliff at.
Stratford, arriving home on Monday.
Misses Mina and Clara Hunter are
here on a visit to their home, John.
street, for a few weeks from Clinton.
Elder Stewart, QOeeu street East, has
been botheved with la grippe but we
hope the good weather willinvigorate
Hugh McIntosh, of McKillop, who
recently went West, arrived back on
Tuesday Mrs. McIntosh end children
are visiting at Watrop Ainlay's, her
Mrs, (Dr.) Feild has,,, been quite ill
during the past weep. Twin babies
Were born (premature births) on Tues•
clay. We hope speedy convalescence
will ensue.
Tenses McGregor, who has been in
town for several mouths visiting his Com., Miss Quoriu, S1islaug,
brother Thomas, left for the Northland Miss Hirons, it cons decide s 10
George McMillan has been troubled
with an attack of pleurisy but is getting
nicely over it Dow.
Miss Marton Smith, who was home for
the Easter vacation, resumed her duties
ns teacher at Drayton last Monday,
Geo. Ross is hone from Toronto
where he has been attending the Dental
College. He will spend his college vaca-
tion in the dental office of Dr. Feild, of
The marriage of D. G. McGillicuddy.
physical director of the Stratford Y. M.
0, A., to Miss Devereaux, of T'aronto,
took place in the Queen City \Vndnesdey.
The groom is a sou of Thos, McGilliend-
dy, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels.
Miss Edythe McCracken, of Cleveland
Ohio. after enjoying ap extended visit
in Brussels left for home on Saturday
intending to visit for a weelr in Toronto.
The visitor made many 051111 friends
here who will be glad to welcome her
back again.
Robe Ross is away to Dumbarton,
Scotland, to fetch out a new steamship
for a Toronto firm He sailed for the
Old Land last Saturday. Mr. Roes who
is a first class marine engineer. has made
several trips on similar errands. We
wish him a safe return.
Mrs. Win. Jewitt, who is visiting with
her son, Rev. George Jewitt, of Lam-
beth, underwent a successful operation
the removal of a cataract from one of
her eves and is making favorable pro-
gress and her many friends here hope
she will soon be able to return to her
R. A. Norman, Town Clerk, of Pie
ton. was Tuesday at a full meeting of
delegates iron] the town and county,
chosen as the Conservative candidate
for Prince Edward at the approaching
Provincial election. R. T. Norman, for-
merly teller of the Metropolitan Bank,
Brussels, is a son of the Picton gentle-
Church Chimes
Rev. Mr. Farr. of Gorrie, and Rev.
H M. Lang -Ford, of St. John's ebureli,
Brussels, exchanged pulpits last Sunday.
Rev. D. W. Collins, of Exeter, will
preach in St. John's church both morn-
ing and evening on S nday next. The
rector will assist with the services.
Rev. Mr. Wishert's discourse last
Sabbath morning was based on St.
Paul's letter to the church at Smyrna.
In the evening the text was. "Will ye
also go away. 7"
Next Sabbath the quarterly sacrament-
al service will be observed in the Metho-
dist church. 5110 pastor conducting it.
Fellowseli.ince, ingat the close of the
eveniug sermon.
"The test of profession was Rev. E.
G. Powell's topic last Sabbath moruing
In the even -
in sett
in the
Methodist church.
las rhe three worst
the subject l
bargains in hISIOty
The Methodist Church boundary com-
mittee, appointed at the last Methodist
conference held in Goderieh, met in the
lecture room of the First Methodist
churcb, London last Friday afternoon to
discuss the necessity of changes in the
boundaries of the different circuits in
theLondon district. After considering
the different fields several recommenda-
tions were made which will be present•
ed to the stationing committee Of the
London Conference when it meets at
Exeter in lune. Some other mattersof
minor importance were discussed,but
these were laid over to be further con-
sidered at an adjourned meeting to be
held on May 28th. The following mem
bets of the committee were. .10 attend.
Ance: —Rev. J. R. Gundy (convenor),
St. Thomas ; Rev. H, A. Graham, J. E
Chapman, E, S, Hunt, and -Rev, J,
The A. Y, P. A. of St, John's -church
held their annual business meeting on
Tuesday evening. The reports showed
a most successfa l year's (work,, A eon-
,nenicaliou froth the vestry of the
church was presented conveying their
thanks for the financial assistance the
A. Y. P. A. had given then] during
the year. Besides this, the c eo>let y
undertook and completed the painting
and decorating of the church at a cost of
52oo.00 The officers elected for the
cunning year are :—President, Mrs.
James ; Vice President, Mr. Lang-
don ; Secretary, ;Miss Ina Hirohs ;
Trees , Miss McMurray ; Organists,
Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Feild, Miss M.
Wilson ; Look•oot Cotn , Miss S.
Mantling, F. Cantpbeli, Miss Watson
Miss Querin, Miss Askin. Chancel
itSy'APiLISHit11 /'675
Head Office - Toronto
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household.
This form of account is specially sultable for those living in the country, as either member
can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn
by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or tall for feeler particulars.
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
3. F. Rowland, Manager
rsranch also at' Walton.
space is a revelation to even a well in-
formed Canadian of the standing and
resources of the country. The book is
published at 25 cents a copy by The
Spadlna Avenue, Toronto, Canada, or
may be had from Newsdeaiers,
Temperance Nuggets.
On the same date there were 10,000
votes cast in Chicago for prohibition
alderman candidates_
On the 711, of the month, in 5 of the
Northern States, they carried Local
Option in 1,500 municipalities.
The town Council of Longueil, Que-
bec, last week passed a motion to 5111 off
all the 7 licenses iu the town.
The churches ot the United States
contributed during last year, 5500,000
toward the Anti -Saloon League Fund.
John R Booth. -Ottawa, who has
thousands of amen employed, has asked
the Ottawa City Council to have tbe
licenses witheld from hotels adjacent to
his mills. and has- offered to hand over
to the council $2,000 to recoup the city
for any financial loss it -tnav suffer by
the loss of license fees.
Political Pointers
Hon Dr. Willoughby, of the Ontario
Cabinet, died at his hone at Colborne,
Ont., un 'Tuesday morning. He was
born in 1844 and had been the Conserve=
tive M. P. P. nE East Northumberland
nearly ever since tSS6, Cause of death
was Brights' disease with which he has
beep ailing for the past two years. Dr.
Willoughby belonged to the Anglican
Rev. Mr. Hossaek, of Toronto, who
rained bot shot on the former Ross
government and who was so largely
quoted by Conservative speakers and
press, seine said proffered a seat in the
Whitney Cabinet, is out with a lengthy
letter in which be combs the hair of the
Whitney government for broken and un-
felfilied pledges, class legislation, &c.
We dont expect the Mail -Empire will
devote many columns to the reproduc-
tiou of Rev. Flossaek's pointed criti-
cisms particularly in reference to the
gerrymander, McKenzie guarantee and
the three fifths handicap.
Colonel Belcher, of Southampton, has
issued a card to the Couservatives
electors of North Bruce along the fol-
lowing strain :—In the past I have been
loyal to other candidates, many times
sacrificingmy own political ambitions to
do so, At my age the time has come
when I cannot afford to treat lightly tlV
large e and enthusiastic support so
; and think the time is
t o me
ripe for me to tke a stand, which I hope
my old and other friends will be
generous enough not to attribute to any
improper motive on my, part, but to
secure what many think is now due to
tae. So much notoriety has been given
to me, not only by the local but by
the provincial press that I cannot afford
to have my name discredited ; 'dor do I
intend to. Willie there are other
deserving men in our party, many of
them are yonug enough to wait. It has
come to my knowledge that some say I
am pushing my candidature ; quite true.
The man, politician, business Wren or
town that doesn't push for supremacy
seldom attains the top place. As to the
expressions of opinions of others regard-
ing me and the many complimentary
newspaper comments quoted, those who
uttered them are responsible, not tne.
Surely they do others no harm, and it
should be some credit to a candidate to
be well spoken of and have the good will
of Ontario where he expects to spend
rhe Summer, EIe may come beck here
text Fall
Grand Trunk Statioi Agent O'Neil
has been incapacitated from attending
to his regular duties at the depot, owing
to an attack of rheumatism, which has
bothered him for the past five weeks.
We trust he will soon be quite restored
to his old time vigor.
George E. Bishop, of town, who hue
spent the past two year's et Woolsely,
Sask., left last Saturday for Crsnhroolc,
B. C„ where he will follow his trade as
Winter and papa Cranbrdok. Both thatsger. His brother are
Walter is alsq i
sons of Peter.. Bishop, Brussels.
Mrs. Cavab'a h, who 11AS heen in town
e week's
nursing her
for the est fiv U
sister, Mrs. J, J. Gilpin, returned to her
limed At (jwen Sound last Monday. Ill'.
Cavanagh is resuming the practice of his
profession in Owen Soled, His health mining, railways, 011051 fields, etc, The
is eoeaiderably improved, wealth of material eentalned in small
meetings on Tuesday evening' at 6
o'clock. The new President will
present the subject at Ute next meeting,
5,000 Facts About Canada.
'Tho 10o8 Edition is out of that most
useful acid valuable booklet, "5,000
Facts abont Canada," compiled by
Frank Yelgh, of Toronto, who is widely
known throughout the Dominion tis an
authority on things Canadian. Nearly
25,000 copies were sold of the 1907 edi-
arm, the demand coming from every
)art of this continent and the British
Empire. The idea worlted out, that of
S concrete fact in a sentence, is alt ex-
cellent ole, the data being arranged
under shell self Indexing titles 518 area,
agriceltru'e, banking, commerce, lnancea
RE5 tatt0
ndla r, Huts
u Nin
of the press, C. M. Bowman is the
present 114. P. P, and is tt Liberal,
Richard Gray is on trial at Wood-
stock, N. B., for the murder of his own
Martin Price was sentenced at Guelph
to fifteen years in penitentiary for bur-
The pilgrim Doakhobo•s who are be-
ing transported back to Saskatchewan are
giving trouble through their attempts
to disrobe in the train.
The Cauedian Northern employees in
the West are expected to follow the lead
of the C. P. R. tree and ask for a con -
carnation board under the Lemieux act.
ltmeGVeoN: to Clinton. on April20111to Mr.
and Mee, John Ferguson, of Brussels, a Son.
HAnKNeeS: In Brnesela, on April 24th, to Mr.
and.Mre. ROA. Harltnesa, a daughter.
JOHNSTON.—111 Win hate, 011 April 22nd. to Mr.
and Mrs, Ivan Johnston a daughter.
JA2IItteoN.-11, Brussels, on April 28th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson, of Virden, Man ,
a son,
PALnma.—In Brussels, on April 17th, to Mr,
and Mrs. W. J. Palmer, n son.
ST Lsrteato Mr. and
Mr, Gt beSSevns, daugler
These are English Felt,
made in the latest Arneri.,
can styles and conformed
to fit any head, We in-
vite inspection of the new -
OAILt6Lts—WALKER.—A1 the reiaidenee of the
bride's patents on April 22nd, by Rev. Dr.
Gundy, of St. Thomas, Mr. 0. P. Carlisle,
G. T. R. Agent at Belgreve, to Miss Edith,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jell. Walk-
er, of Wingtlam, formerly of Brussels,
HANNA—CLAM—InlMr.yR.B.ison, A G. AHanna, of
o{eas to roP daughter M,nd MrRobet Olose, Ethel,Ont.
bLo Win, McAr e ,. lorili Man.,
of Morris,, ag d
07 yenta.
RonsNSON.—in Wroxeter, on .April 24th, Net.
tie Isabel, wife of John Robinson, of Taira,
and youngest dnuchter of Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. Smith, of Wroxeter, aged 28 years
and. 8 months.
SANnaae.—Suddenly, in Wellesley, on April
20th, Thos. B, Sanders, aged 71 years.
FERGUSON & ROSS The leodiog
50 86
60 Barley
0 10
50 96
11 00
0 10
Looks Good Tastes Good
does Good
One of the most attractive preparations
we sell, both in appenrtulce end taste is
Dur Beef, Iron and Wine
'flits is one of the simplest es well es the
beet general tonics, It is specially vole--
ole-able ns n Spring' tonic for debilitated
women and is also very desirable for
children who are not thriving properly,
This remedy is both 0 food and a medi-
cine. It gives quick strength sed sup;
plies material for enriching the blood
and building up the nervous system.
Try it at
During to months past, the temper-
ance novemeut carried on under the
direction of Archbishop Bruchesi, of
Montreal has secured 6n,000 signatures
to the total abstinence pledge.
QUARTER ACRE LOT, with six•roomed.
!mese for safe. Cellar full Mies or house ;
walls built rot' veneer. Stableand drill•
ell well on the place. Also aood Jamey pow
foe tulle, to calve in Mey. Inquire of R. T.
BINGSTON, 80111 mt., West, Brussels. 48tf
acre of land for Sale, Tomberry street,
North, Brussels. Gond well, fruit trees, &e.
Possession contd. be given et once. For further
particulars an to Mine, terms &c.. apply on the
premises. ALEX. DIobAUGHLIN 42-9
WANTED—A.person with 1101115 money to
Join in an extremely profitable business,
in which largo profits can be mode without
risk. References given. Investigate.
L Box 24, Brussels, Ont.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of James PPer-
gnson, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, in the County of Baron, gen-
tleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to ^The
Revised Statutes or Ontario, 1897, chapter 120,
end a'endo, ants thereto, that all creditors mid
others having claim against the estate of the
said James Ferguson, who died on or about the
22nd tiny of March, 1908, are required on or be-
fore the let day of June, 1008, to send by post,
prepaid, or deliver to Elizabeth Ferguson, of
the Village of Braysels, Admtnistratrlx of the
estate, their Christian and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full perticulnrs of their
claims, the statement of their Meconate and the
nature of the securities if any) held by them.
And further take nodes that after Ruch lash
mentioned date the said Admioiatratrix will
ed. wmo amongst thtO e partieseribute ntittled thereto, having
regard only to the eleims of which site shell
then have notice, and that the said Administra-
trix will not be liable for the said assets or any
part thereof, to any pereou or persons of whose
olnim notice shall not have been received by
her at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels 20A. th H, day of ANNril.ITH11108.,
49-0 Solfottor forr Admi Admtniatratrlx.
Brussels Day -light Store G. N. McLaren
y �{ "Fa
y■■ 1',
e. T' e.
s. .
k .,
,. 3
Special Offering in Men's and Boys'
Clothing for May.
We have one of the largest and best stocks of
Ready-to-wear Clothing in this section. They Fit
Right, ' Styles are Right and wear well.
We ask you to compare qualities and prices.
Men's Suits $ 5 00 to $16 o0
Young Men's Suits 5 0o to 72 00
Youths' 3 -piece Suits 3 75 to 7 00
Youths' 2 -piece Suits 3 00 to 5 00
Boys' 2'piece Suits 2 00 to 4 5o
Men's Topper Coats 7 5o to 10 00
Men's Rain Coats. 3 0o to To 00
Men's Odd Pants I oo to 3 5o
Boys' Knicker Pants. 35• to 7, 0o
Complete ' Stock in Boots and Shoes
At Lowest Prices
Dur Stock of Hats and Men's Furnishings
are the Latest and Best on the Market.
Goods Hight ar Yoiir Mosley Rook