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The Brussels Post, 1908-4-30, Page 6
NeteteceooseeeetecOceeNeletereceetteeeeel YOUNO FOLKS gooPOa?t?cetsceocieso-neseeta4 MAKING FRIENDS. Doris Mayhew lives in the real team tiny There are no street -oars within miles of her ]tome, and she can jest see the roof el the bousc of their neur- al. neighbor. There are fields and pastures all abed and at seine little distance back of the bousc is a Thickly wooded hillside, where ninny gray squirrels make their home and where loxes have been sten. There are no children, but Doris does not lack playmates, for when she was a very small girl, not quite four years old, she begun to make friends with the birds who Lunt their nests happily end safely neat the Mayhew farm. The flrst bird that Doris made friends with was, she thought, the most won- derful bird of all. IL built its tiny nest among the jessamine vines on the lat. homer*. close to Doris's chamber win- dow. 11 was a hununing-bird, as beau- tiful as a flower. the little girl thought., as she watched its delicate wings, its swift i c tv it fi girt, and its hovering, swaying motion over some ireney-bearing tiles. sem, By silting very quietly at the window, Doris could see Mr. and Mrs. Humming -Bird going and coming, and gradually the timid birds became used to the little girl by the window, and knew that she was their friend. Some- times Doris would put out n dish on the w9ndew-sill with honey in it, and when the birds came and daintily dipped their bills in it, Doris Thought it one of the greatest things that could happen. Doris lived to play down under the rig maple -tree near the brook. Here she had a broad wooden bench which her father had made for her, and just above the bench on one of the lower branches of the tree Mr. and Mrs. Robin bad bunt their nest They were rather e noisy couple, but It was easier to make friends with them than with the hununing-birds They would lightL on the very bench where Doris sat, and ,pick up the hits el bread, or tiny pieces of fruit. By standing on the bench Doris could see the nests and as she was careful never to disturb it. Mr. and Mrs. Robin rimae no objections, but when the young robins began to flutter out of the nest they were as willing to take food from Doris es from their parents. They would hop along after bar when she started toward the house, chirping loudly. As they grew larger they flut- tered about her, and seemed to be on the lookout for her visits, and would take a berry or a bit of soft cake from her hand. Then, down in the peelere. Doris found the nest of a tiny ground .spar. row, and she made friends with the sparrow family. but very sotilly and gently. 11 took a long time before the little shy brewm birds would venture near the strange visitor: and they never leenrrie so friendly as the rabies. Doris is rimy nearly eight years old, and she is quite sure that the birds who ceme back to these mets every yenr belong to the same family as those with whom she first made friends: because Mx- says they remember her and are not tined.—Youth's Companion. HOW OLIVE OIL IS MADE. Fruit is Crushed to a Perste From Which the Oil is Pressed. The finest olive oil in the world Ls Siena in 'I'rrsenny—the gru'den of Italy. The trios blossom in Tuscany In the smith of May. The fruit begins to ripen in November and is generally 1n dull maluiety by January. It is a risky crop, says What--te-Eat, maturing as it does during winter wea- ther. A cold snap wflh frost may cause great damage to the fruit. Sometimes the fruit remains on the trees iii] May yielding a pale, very thin soil, appreciated in some quarters, but :which speedily develops rancidity. The process of extracting the ell is simple in the extreme; the fruit is first crushed in a mill to a uniform paste, then the pate is transferred to circular shags or receptacles made of vegetable (fibre.. A pile of these are placed in a press and the exuding oil flows into a c electing tank below. Essential conditions ere that the mill lshonld not revolve too fast, or it will ovrn'heat the Clive paste and give a bad Mester to the oil; Mut the bed of the null should not be of metal for the same Poison. Also the degree of pressure, when the object Le to get the finest quality of oil --"ell 'from Ilse pulp," as the terra runs --must not he evessive• Tho finest Clive oil is ecsentally a cold drawn oil. Sleet is prejudiced lo quality. However, when all possible care has Leen taken in the process the fact re - .‘mains that olive oil can be tirade on,y dram freshly gathered, perfectly sound, gripe olives of the preper kind. The fig fat olives of hot, subtropical c1i. mates can never yeild a delicately fia- rvored oil. The newly made ell must be allowed 4.o settle. It Is then earned simply by g,nssing il. through purified eaten in a suitable fiit.er. fleetly fine olive oil calls err no other treatment whatever, cho. rmicai or otherwise, to render 1t fit for ahc bible, On this point It is well to 'the clear, as reference has been made 'ekif•tcme now to proeasses for relining alive- oil 80 a's to obtain n specially line quality --,one might as well try to "paint ehe lily or adorn the 'trose I" After being brought to America the elarifted oil is preserved In warehouses •d.q 'Urge slate lined tanks, holding up toe 20,000 gallons each, wherein the 011 Is maintained at en equable tempera - Ore. For bottling and can filling purr Stows it Js transferred by pipes imam Mhese large tache to other smaller tanks 1e the packing rooms. Why is it that every tine a girl geese but with a young man of Whom she is attained she'ineots all her friends? it a bride jsn't homesick jor her family 'Itee weeks after marriage MI et sign she1 Inairiod the rightthan, BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS Everyone Needs a Tonic in Spring To Purify and Build Up the Blood. It you want new health and strength in spimng you must build up your blood with a tonic medicine. Indoor life dile ing the long winter months is respon- sible for the depressed cunditien and feeling of conslanL tiredness which at- tests so many people every spring, This mention mewls that the blieid is in] - pure and watery. That is whiat causes pimples and unsightly cruptiens in eerie.; ethers have twinges of rtieuene- bism, or Ute sharp. stubbing pains or neuralgia, Poor appetite, frequent head- aches, end a desire to avoid exertion is also due to bud blood. Any or all of these troubles can be banished by the fair times of such a tonic medicine as Dr. Williams' Pirtle Pills. Every dese ef this medicine helps to make new, rich red blood, which drives out fair purities, stimulates every organ, strengthens every nerve and brings a feeling of new hearth and new energy to weak, tired out, ailing men and wo- men. Here is proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the greatest of all spring metllcirnea, Mr. Henry Baker, Chipman, N. B., says:—"Last spring I was s0 weak and miserable that I could harrd- ly drag myself about. My appetite was poor, I did not sleep well, and dread- ed work. My blood was in a terrible condition, whioh caused pimples and small boils to break out all over me. These would itch and pain and caus- es; me much trouble. 1 tried several medicines, but without the least bene- fit, when one day a friend asked me why 1 did not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ile spoke so highly of this medi- cine that I decided to take his advice and give the .pills a trial. I got a half dozen boxes and the result was that by the time they were finished 1 felt like an altogether different man. They puri- fied my blood, built up my whole sys- tem, and I have not had a pimple en my flesh, not a sick day since. FRY this raison 1 can highly recommend. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills es a blood builder and purifier." Sold by all me - theme dealers or by mail at 50 cents a i box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. POACHERS' SHARP TRICKS MOST INGENIOUS CONTRIVANCES FOR CATCHING GA1II5. Snaring and Drugging Pheasants—Arm- ing Gamecocks With Steel Spure. As years pass on, poaching, like every- thing else, becomes more scientific. The old hempen net which the moueher used to hang across a field gat at night fn• hares has given place to one of silken card, and to cheap bullscye lantern to the more costly but more handy electric torch. Perhaps the most dangerous improve- ment, from the game preserver's point of view, is the substitution of the motor bicycle or motor car for the old fashioned <00 horse trap. 11 might be imagined that the motor bicycle would be of little. use for carrying game, says Chembers's Journal, but only the other day a motor cj dist was arrested near a Midland town with five newly killed hares in a box be- hind the .eat. Parisian papers lel] of well organized gangs who raid the cov- erts near the French capital by the aid of apparatus worth hundreds of pounds, who have relief funds for those injured in affrays, and who retain lawyers to de- fend those captured by keepers. Happily this sort of thing is still unknown in Eng - lend. Not unnaturally the pbeasent stands al the head of the poacher's list. if a pcacher can be sure of a quiet half hour 1n the covert he slips in, sets a net across e. run, sends his lurcher slinking around through the undergrowth, and presently., WITH A FLUTTER AND A FLOP, n fine cock bird is fast in the net, next moment to be transferred to the poach- er's pocket. A method of taking pbeesants which was more common a few years ago than it is new was that of "smoking." The Prsl essential Is to discover a tree where the birds roost. Then, up a dark, still night, the poacher goes to the spot armed with a handful of sulphur anu the lid of an old biscuit box. A fire of dry leaves ,e lighted upon the lid, the illumination being carefully concealed by a coat hung around it. As soon as the leaves have blazed up, the sulphur is flung on the fiances, and the lid held up under the bough on which the pheasants are meet. lag. Soon the suffocating tunas Lake effect. With a rustle and thump a fat bird Thuds upon the ground. One after another they drop, end with luck the pcaeher may get half a dozen from a single tree. Another favorite plan Is to Saab bar- ley or wheat for some hours in warm water. When the. grain is thoroughly softened the water is strained off and strong spirit poured over the wheat. The swollen grains absorb the spirit, and the dcelored bait is then spread In one of • L 1acR atch Chewing! Tobacco The big black plug, 1160 the glades where the birds feed. It is an odd fact that most blinds seem te like alcohol. Pheasants are no exception. 'Ilia not unnatural result is that Ilea finest birds --those which have secured the lien's share of 1110 feast --are soon reeling el:oul helplessly drunk. '1'lie palette'', who has been lying "doggo" isear by, hos nettling to do but jurlip up and wring their necks. Another method of the pheasant ponc11- c r deserves !meeker for its very ingenu- ity. It owes its success to Um well lufon n !mention.): of our finest gene bird, A gallineock is neared with steel spurs of great length and keenness anti dropped where a pheasant has been observed .td ('taw, '1'lle ph+aeant will allow no rival within lie domain and presently comes STRUTTING OCT OF COVERT. Naturally he stands no more Munro than a 1111115 armed with a paper -knife would against a Western desperado with a iet1'ie. Ile Ls killed in a few seconds. The poacher lecke up the deed birth catches his gamecock and 1110008 on in search of fresh victims. An old fashioned way of catching rooks when they became too numerous to suit, the farmer was to bury In the plough land little centre] bags of paper, the Wes smeared with bird line and a bait at the Lotion. The seine plan has been e to adopted d v wl U1 considerable suceess for tl 1 capture of pheasants. The bait is barley and Etre bird, oompleloly blinded by the cap which slings so tightly to its head, falls an easy victim to man or deg. In en open field you will often .see small pieces of brushwood steak into the ground at intervals. These an lel by the, keeper for the purpose of hooking up the nets of eight poachers for part- ridges. Partridges roost upon the ground, and by means of a long, light net dragged across the grass by two men it whole covey is often captured al one swoop. This form of poaching is only possible on a dark night, and at such a time the poachers cannot, of course, see the branches, and therefore they get their nets entangled in them, But some have nowadays taken to lining the ground side of their nets with some stiff glazed stuff. A net so protected will slide over most obstacles, INDIAN CURE FOR SMALLPDX. \Ve publish a simple cure for smallpox kindly sent by a corirspondent. "One ounce of cream of tartar, dissolved in water, drunk at intervals when cold," is the recipe, and in recommending it the correspondent says 11 "has cured thous- ands, never leaves a nark, never causes blindness, and brings speedy relief.'- Advocate of India. I DISFIGURING FACE SORES. Pimples, face sores, and the .kindred eruptions common le late winter and early spring, are the worst disfigure- ments the fair sax have to bear. To re - 'eve them the pores must be opened and the functions of the skin stimulat- ed by the vigorous applications of Zam- Buk morning and night, and washing frequently with Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap, 'Lam -Bute reaches the root of the disease by soaking through the skin and tissue and its powerful herbal juices expel d:stase and make the skin do its work, which can't be done simply by the use el internal medicine, Miss Ellen Smith, of Sommerville Ave., Toronto, says: "My face was greatly disfigures] by a skin eruption which annoyed me. dreadfully foe months. 1 was advised to try Zem- Buts and I am glad I did for it quickly removed the trouble and my face is now clear of all eruptions." Zarin -Bute contains no animal fat what- ever, but is a pure healing salve. 1t cures cuts, burns, chaflngs, cold sores. itch, eczema, running sores, ringworm, piles, bad legs, inflamed patches, and alt diseased. Injured and irritated con- ditions of the skin. Obtainable al all druggists end stores 50c., or post-paid from the Zam-Buk Go., Toronto. MEDICAL ITEM. A doctor can hardly be blamed for los- ing his temper when be gels out of patients. A NEW FINANCIAL FIRM. The firm of A, J. Pattison and Com- pany, bankers and financial agents, has been formed in Toronto. The senior member of the firm was until recently president of the Brantford Street Rail- way, the Grand Valley Railway and the Woodstock Thanes Valley and Ingersoll Railway. Mr. Pattison sold the control- ling interest in his railways to a Pitts- burg railway magnate. Mr. Pattison is a Canadian by birth, a Lanibton county boy, and hes been in business in a fidu- ciary position in Toronto for twenty-five years and has been a resident of Toron- to for over thirty -,five years. The record of the Canadian Homestead Loan and Savings Association under his adminis- tration for over twenty years, loaning upon mortgage that Is one foreclosure, has not been equalled by any Toronto loaning coming. The new firm will have a strong reputation for integrity and ad- ministrative ability, and a. high !Man- cini rating. Direct New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Montreal Stock Exchange wires with one of the largest New York and Boston firms has been arranged for. The firm will have direct wires also to Chi- ergo and Cobalt, and are in a position to give not only excellent service but the most conservative advice upon finan- cial investments that can possibly be had. The firm's acivertisemernt appears in an- other column. ' -ir QUEEN WiIO OBJECTS TO CORSETS. Amenia of Por(1fal Attributes iter Fine Figure to Outdoor Exercise. Queen Amelia has the most wonderful torte in dress, and Paris oosturners are never tired of sounding her praises. At the same time her Majesty believes It quits an easy matter for a woman to Lave a perfect fitting gown without the Ric of corsets. When the Roentgen rays were (Metre ered she had It tight laced lady photo- graphed in order to demonstrate sofen- tifraally to the ladies of her court the evils of the practice, l -ler Majesty has very pracfleal ideas on the advancement of her -sex, and Con• sidaits that Yfursing is ORA ef the best LiC CEU GS Aro Artistic, DURABLE, SANITAi%Y, atati Fl EFIBOOF Easily applied, Cannot Crack no Fall Off Send us a sketch showing shape and exact measurement, of year oeilitias or walls, and wo will submit doolgns, estimates and Illustrated booklet free. WRITE US NOW Metallic Roofing Coag LIMITED Mannfactnrera TORONTO & WINNIPEGi Gbe l� ORO 11 O Q Ltd. S rs Che C6O sssoR.I, ro Jiynolgo CANo6 CO (471 PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Best en0 Cheapest Cedes,Skffs,Lacrnchea. to SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND (TET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING professions for women. She herself is famed throughout Portugal as a nurse, and is well known in the hospitals of Lisbon. Above all Queen Amelia is never tired of preaching the value of outdoor and athletic exercises for women. She is a magnificent swimmer, a wonderful rider, an untiring cyclist and a good shot. And to such pursuits she attributes the beau- Uful figure which she possesses. I•IIS AWFUL FEAR. "Oh, the sorrow of iii" sobbed the fair maid. "Last night 1 refused Mr. Blank and this morning hts body was found in the river." "Poor fellowl" murmured her girl friend. " suppose the was afraid you might change your mind," Be There a Will Wisdom Points the Way.—Tho Mali man pines for relief, but he disllkes sending for the doctor, which means bottles of drugs never consumed. He has not the resolution to load his stomach with compounds which smell villainously and taste worse. Bul if he have the will to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct les attention to Parmelec's Vege- table Pills, which, as a specific for In- digestion and disorders or the digestive organs, have no equal, The world may owe you a living, but try to collect 1t and it will have as many excuses on tap as a mon who is asked to pay a bill. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 15 DAYS. PASO OINTMENT is gu,aauteed to care any case of Itcbing, Blind, Bleeding or Protading Plies 111 a 1014 days or ninny refunded. 600. THE RUDE GIRL. "1 wish sometimes that I could fly And soar through he air." So quoth the callow dude. Then said filo maiden rude: "0f flying Ilsh I've often heard, But flying lobsters, on my word, Are rare, oh, very rare." A Clear Healthy Skin—Eruptions of the skin and the blotches which blem- ish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy 'action of the liver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills will at the same lime cleanse the blood, and tine blotches and eruptions will disappear without lea\;ing any trace. Insurance Omeial—"0f what oom- plaint did your father die?" Applicant —"'The jury feud hila guilty." SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT. by week or month, at low rates, The Singer, and Wheeler & Wilson aro acknowledged Tho lightest intoning and most convenient of. any. Try one and bo convinced, Only at the Singer etoros, Look for the Red S. Any lady having Used any maim of sowing fnach,ne for 5 years or more write Singer Serump Machine 0*, Manning Ohainbarf. Toronto for beast •A,t act of tat souvenir views of Ontario. Ieree for asking. Did you ever hear a man with an obese blink account say that the love or honey was the root of all evil? Use the safe, pleasant and effectual worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator; nothing equals It. Procure a bottle and take it home. HOW D0 YOU WALK? This is not the simple question it ap- pears. Many people naw believe that a person's character may be foretold from bis method of walking. Firm regular tsteps aro said to denote a steady, re liable nature, while jerky, uneven movements inchoate tiro reverse. no energetic person walks quickly and stops suddenly; the dreamer saunters along with slow, abstracted mien. The obstin• ate man goal straight ahead, recusing to turn aside for anybody. On the other hand the person who is ready to step out of everyone's way is not neccsserily wean -willed. IIo may be abllieted with too much courtesy. The long swinging step usually merits Uso generous broad -mind, a,l parson while the small petty tread shows the walker to be of a mean and narrow c)iaraefor, This last rifle applies, ofcourse, far more to mien than to women. GOCI(ED AWAY P0011 AIDE. Young Irishman Avenge Wrongs of Pretty Mary Herteln. 'Tile aristocrats of Dublin Castle, the fashionables of London, the anillionolres of New York--everyono who lightly makes love or beaks his vows, whether before or after Marriage --should be in- formed of the punislunen1 which his humble but true -]fended ucighlwls UPS in - Hiding upon a faithless flirt, Hobert Flynn, once all artilleryman, now a small fanner near Carrick -Re - Shannon, made love to Mary Durkln, a girl as pretty as worthy. They engaged themselves to marry; the dale for their wedding was axed. Mary prepared her irusseau with )ler swat needle, but, with each stitch slip felt hopes as pure, tremu- lous, es ever aelulated a princess. Suddenly, and without the slightest cause, Flynn transferred Ills effections, so -colied, to Anne Farrelly, another local beauty. The priest, Moe everyone in the country round, knew of Flynrl's faithless- ness to Mary Durkin, and, after giving hire and Anile Farrelly a severe lecture, lolling them he questioned if they could be happy after breaking poor Mary's heart, the good father refused to marry than. Flynn and Anne were married by civil process, This the farmers living near Carrick -on -Shannon regard as impious. Besides they aro angered by Flysin's treatment of Mary Durkin, So when the bride and bridegroom were returning from the civil ceremony thirty young men met thelll. Without wasting words these rural de- fenders of the faith and of constancy in love seized Flynn and took his bride back to her father's house. Then they carried the struggling bridegroom to Ills house. For ten days and nights the young far- mers kept constant guard over both hcusns, have had Mr. and Mrs, Flynn un- der unceasing surveillance, and have pre- vented them /tont rejoining each other. 4. HEALTH FOR THE BABY. A mother who has once used Baby s Own Tablets for her children will al- ways use them for the minor ailments that come to all Mlle ones. The Tablets are the best medicine in the world for the cure of indigestion, colic, constipa- tion, diarrhoea, teething troubles and breaking up colds. And the mother has. the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine contains no poison- ous opiate or narcotic. Mrs. \Vm. F. Gay, St. Eleanars, P. E. i„ says:—"1 have used Baby's Own. Tablets with the Lest results and know of nothing to equal them for the cure of stomach and bowel troubles. I do not feel safe unless i have a box of Baby's Own. Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine dee- lers of by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. \VIFE \VAS IT. "Well, and what did the doctor say?" "Said I must diet and get a divorce." "A divorce!" "\Veil, practically that. I-fe said f must give up whatever doesn't agree with me." P,ickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup needs n 1 recommendation. To all who are familiar with it, it speaks for itself, Years of use in the treatment of colds end coughs and all affecuibns of the throat has unquestionably established Re place among the very best medicines for such diseases. If you.give it a trim you will not regret it. You will find it 25 cents well invested. HAD PRACTICE. "Miss Blond is so sweet; she knows 'hew to slake every one at ease." "She ought lo. She's been at it a long time." WIIAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May. Colds are the most ure. gqvent nous° of Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININIE removes cause, E. W. Grove on bus 260 DIFFERENCE. Don't I give you all the money you need?" her husband complained. "Yes," she replied, "but you told me be- fore we were married that you would give me all I wanted." Put nut the fire in a hot, Itching, anhe0tby Otis with Weaver's Cerate. Use It for eczema, nettle rash, letter and salt rheum, Tess: "There goes Ursula elope with leek 'I'immid." Jess: "Yes, she's setting her cap for him:" Tess: "Do you really think she earns for him?" Jess: "Yes, indeed! You know her full name is Ur- sula May hope. Well, she slangs all her letters to him now, 'U. May Hope.'" ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious'Itch In human or animals cured in 50 minutes by Wel. ford's Sanitary Lotion. 11 never fails, Sold by all druggists. IT ALL DEPENDS. "Things is blessin's or otherwise," said Uncle Eben, "'cordite to, bow you uses 'em. }lope Is what keeps some men worlfin' deir best an' what amour - ages others to run into debt." Convalescent (effusively): "Hold can 1 ever repay you, doctor?" Doctor (prae- ticnily). By ehoqua, notes, om' gold, and I hope soon, my dear sir." • ISSUE NO, 17--08. or A STRIKING OFUR. Iron beds never wear out, Note the bosuli hi finish and trimmings. Older early. Write today for on now Spring and Sumner Catalogue Or for by this number 1{ 1-28/06 T.U. The above Iron Bedstead, very neat design, r 1-16 inch peste. 3-8 and 3.8 inch fillings, heat! end 94 inches high, foot end ¢¢ inches high, brass Carobs and caps, beautiful snow white enamel finish, Supplied in four sizes, 3 ft., 3 R, 6 inches, 4 feet and 4 feet 6 inches wide. If this bed is not entirely satisfactory in either quality or price, wo will exchange or refund your mono and payall transportation ha • 90 Y P charges. gee. Bed only � 'dcfr u EAT1 v'il LI MITE© TORONTO, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR CANADA INSTANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM 25 AND So CENTS, BY RAIL. THE PANGO CO., WHOLESALE LVinAN BROS. & CO., LTD. LYMAN, KNOX & GLARKSON, LTD. Toronto and Montrkol Toronto and flon.real 11, SLIGIIT OBSTACLE. Knicker—Did Jones wake up to find himself famous? Boekor—Yes, but he couldn't wade the neighbors. THERE'S E\'ERYTHING iN BEING FIRST. The first train in Canada was operated on whet is now a part of the Grand Timtk Rall ey and this great system has ever been on Lhe alert to stay in the first rank. In keeping with chit general policy the "International Llm- ite," the premier train of the Grand Trunk System, is also the finest and fastest train in Canada, and one of Isle fastest long distance trains in Lhe world, Leaves Montreal every day at 0.00 am., Toronto 4.40 p.m., arriving at Detroit at 10.00 pen. and Chicago at 7.40 a.m. ' Employer (to his clerk)—"Is it true that when the clock strikes six you put down your pen and go, even if you are in the middle of a word?" Clerk—"Cer- lainly not, sir, if it gals so near six at that I never begin the word at all." It Is Known ,Cverywherd,r-There as not a elle, town or hamlet in Canada where DI'. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil is not known—wherever Introduced it makes a foothold for itself and maintained 11. Some merchants may suggest some other remedy as equally beneficial. Such recommendations should be .received with doubt. There is only one Eeleclrie Oil, and that is Dr. Thomas'. Take no- thing else. A poor men Is always talking about what be would do if he were rich, but a rich mon newer talks about, what he would do if poor. Regain Your Strength by taking '•Ferrorlm." It's the best tonic everomnpoundod. It nourishes and strengthens tiro whole system.. A FREEHOLD. He—"Would you give me a place in your heart?" She -"Yes, if you can pay lire rent." TO CURE A COLD iN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money If It fails t0 sure. E. W. GROVE'S signature 1s on enob box. 260, A tumbler contains 10oz,, a teaecup 6oz., and a wineglass 2oz. \Vhen a man marries a girl for her beautiful face an<i graceful form the joke is apt to be on hie later, It's easy to paint with good paint, it works so nicety and looks so freeb. Ram. say's -Paints are good paints—good all the way through. Every house in town should be touched up with Ramsay's Paints. Your dealer has a full stock. Ramsay's Paints tiro right paint to paint right. Write A. ROOMY & Son Ca, Montreal, for peek 01 Souvenir Picture Poet Cards of Homes, Even n first-class woodworker cannot necessarily MI a position in a chop house. (lave you tried Holloway's Corn Cure? It has no equal for removing these troublesome exerosonces as many have testified who have tried its AS DAD AS CHICAGO. Wellington, New Zealand, one of the Windiest Cities In the World. Wellington, the political capital of Nese Zealand, is ono of the windiest cities in the world, and onto a building there gets "well alight" there, Is little chance of sav- ing. Ttacellly the Parliament buildings 'were destroyed, and St, Mery's Roman Catholic Caihednal, close by, has been iwida burned down, Everybody In Wel- lington eletahes his hat on rounding a street, corner to prevent the being blown into space. A Wellington man Is always kro\vn In Sychseyl Melbourne and other• cities by holding on to his hat through (once of habtL YOUR OVERCOATS end fWod autte world look bettor dyed. 11 7.°0;751t of sora i0 your town, write dlreot Montreal, BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ 00. . FREE amend ue 7]our fn 000dace of or 12 nlooax of J worry to rc11 at 10 costa each. When 0014 send co ltd 1.20 nndwowuleoud yco thrao 2w0 001.1000LD' 141.14 a, wotru.tyoewnh ahoJowelry dwlli.Ond: It al l otargee nNd. 6004 uayour name and uddremnow. STAR MFO, CO„94 Boy Dt.,PBOVIDEN03,2.i.,gA.i. j GENTS, S133.50 PER MONTH selling those wonderful 6elssors. V. col Olebnir' !Cembus, 0., p eu a .anua ll" hours, made 510' you artmlutauo, o eau do 1t wo obowliow. FRltit OUTyIT. apodal Inducomonts to CanndlanAgents. Thomas M'f'g Co., 1302 K St. Dayton, O. WANTED to bear from owner baring A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about location• Please giro price and description, and run, son for selling Stato when possession can be bad. w'111 deal with ownors only, L. Darbyshlro, Box 081, Rochester, N. 1', Al J. PATTII&TN & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS TORONTO Transects an Investment and financial business. Stocks bought outright or on margin. Direct wires to Boston, New York Phila- delphia, Chicago and Montreal. Also a direct wire to Cobalt CORRESPONDENg_E SOLICITED References:—R, G. Dun & Com - tinny, The IIradstreels Commer- cial Agcnoy. WHEN 'I'IHE QUARREL CEASED, They were having the usual family' quarrel. As was also usual she could not convince him .that she knew where- ef she argued, "Didn't I go to school, stupid," she screamed. "Yes, dear, you did," he replied calm_ ly "And you came back stupid," ARE YOU? Are you hall es anxious, neighbor, When a fellow's down and out To go down to him a -smiling, And to help him right about, As you are to cllnlb the ladder Where some lucky fellow stands, And give him a cordial greeting With the strength of both your hands? I Quick ease for the worst cough --quick 1'chef to the heaviest cold—and SAFE o take, even for a child. hat is Shiloh's Cure, 'L4ures{�- po1d under a guarantee Couij17Z9 to cure colds and coughs 1� COldat quicker than Any other edjcine—oryour money back• 84 years f euccees commend Shifoln'e Cure, 26c,,1 c, 1, 1 � 8C8: ttI >4