HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-30, Page 5aa PREPA C ran num uu'y ne to from SET to $100 per month y by attending the popular ELLIOTT TORONTO, QNB'. EVUIZtxi rM 'reit `retiMill 1 The following officers were cleated 1 SUPERIORITY, by the Epworth League for the' thoeoughness, progl'rHaiyoness, V) etLr tming year :._•Tion f res„ Rev. Dr. i Pies fills. S _vv. 1 , _He Vi. Pzts„ Th 1+7r1 Rd'irhat d '3rd Vice P • M' • 'raid -0m201 10 noted far and near for the superior aduvation given to the students, and for the remark - 4 bu cess i radeutem, UM - lege mum the entire y oar, 13e1,m a cow, (Mr train/ ug will Make em U ludepoudubt, Write today lur eat• alugne. W, J. 10LLIOTT, Prinelpah Dor, Yonne le Aiesuuder tits, l:V �pp 4i atiblittab tiAISIIIJ. \i H, irloURAUKJ N- Y 1 • issuer 01 fdrorrage Licenced. 01. ecu at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MAlt1t1AGE LICENSEES Iltce lit the Post biline, Elhol. 80.4 MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. K. O. T. M. llruseels ,Taub or rue Maccabees, No. 24 hold their reguhtr meetings 1u the Lodge Room, Banker Biuua, on the 1st out a,d Tu0odsy eyeuiugs 01 each month. Visitors alwaya wcicowa. A, (0141E1 8, (low. A, AIoUUIaE, B. H. JAMES HARRIS, Agent 1Iowick Mutual • Fire luaurauoe Company Office and Resfdeneo- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND• 00382BAN0x, FIRE AND MARINF GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. �, S. SCOTT AB AN AUOTIUI\ • tion, will sell tor batter Prices. t„ /ratter meu, in log8 time and less charges Man any other Aaetluueer ,u blast Buren or h8 won't charge stubbing. Dates and orders earl always be arranged at tine ogler, or oy pereunul application, ROBT. H. GARNISS J3LUEVALII - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Suloe arranged for at the officio of Tag Poem, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. !'t_ A. CUNNINGHANI- V • Sonar urnduu,0 of the Ontario Vet erwury Uollege, is prepared to treat all din. asses of (10m081104118(I aulm010 10 a eompOt eat manner. rar1Piular attention paid to Veterinary 1)eutrecr41 uud Mill/ b'ovur. Ua11e promptly encoded to. Ulnae tea Mammy -Four doors Norbb of bridge, Ternberry eh, Brnssele, Pltouu 47 to LEJAL AND trONVEYANL'INb. AS. MAUDONALD- . barrister, Nolimtor. Notary, foto buuessaor to O. F. Blair. Mee over Stan. darn Sauk, Brussels. Solicitor tor Metro- politan hack. M. 3 N CLAIR- TV • Barrister, nuuuttu,, Uuuvuyuuue,. aetary , obits, au, 0411186—d-0opart's Moira i door lien th 141 U0ucrnl 1!0103. hollei4or tor the otaudard hank, tjtOJIJDi00'', HAYS & BLAIR- 33&141ls'rEBs, 8OLIOI'rulte, NOTA1ii1•:e t'UBLiu, ETC. W. 1'1OUDro0T, K. U. lt. U. Bags U. l . hum. 01uone-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron .n Holt. Goin/MON, UNTAhlo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiL0, BF:NTI1T Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Pirst.olaeb lionor Graduate of Toronto Uuiverelby, (Moe next to Brewer's Photograph' Gallery, B1tUSSEL9, Y.0 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.v is the leading business training sobool Et in Western Ontario. We give a titer- ouqqb, practical trafulog on Demmer- �� dial Subjects, Isaac PItman'e Short- baud Tau i.T ¢writ anti in om- ji al yNN to a U yp Each dl and Railment road. Up.ul,o f al Each ivdnand inatruatO the hands of ,stude students sits uoture, We assist tit ,etudenta to poeitloue. Our gen eluates 19 qqL always ,,uaaeod, for our 0000004 are 5.3 the be � oto r -1x00 ostalu a and AI0 O u a l�V R W3 lodru more about us. You may enter now, BLLIOTT & Mol.AOHLAN, Principals. t 500 ACRES in Nursery Stock Agents wanted itt once to Sell for Fall, 1008, and Spring, 1900, delivery ; whole or part time ; liberal terms ; outfit free. *The Thant It Bowman &Boa Co., Ltdl Mot:m aLLE,aONT. uGiuQy., anthaelaenl, expertness -11 416041 Pl(n II �1 i4He _ 4(34 -Vivo aro our watOhwOrde. (Jammer- :- atei stem/1;214,1e.'oi 9 a r th g8 Y Mali Uounos 1n any sub)8(4. �� nem Johllst(in ,�llh V1ee Pres., Misr, Nowtcetlon. �< a4 V1l I ai1dSu 1t. Jr,eague, Mrs. 1. Wingham business college 1 1 (, Guo, Bpotwn, Principal.1'k Jtee ; Assistant Su4I1t„, Mrs 41', ;h(haef r ; Hee., Miss Nettie Bnnetert ; ” f14:�§yiWiar+vA bla:i 4 �A A4A s" i !1`t sus , Elinor I+allis i Organist, Mise Norma Lowick ; Assistants, Mlsse's ;11, T. Meltoe and Melissa I:,(lwards, Ceti a,,W) Rau, 4" Tho financial report Of 'Trinity church was submitted at the Vestry meeting ell0wiug a good surplus on hand. The report WW1 very satisfac- tory in every way and met with the hcatty approval of all those Kneen. The officers as elected for the differ- ent offices, etre as follows :--I1ect01•'s warden, Wen. W1ttters ; People's war- WAL.TON (len, A, Spence ; Vestry clerk, Wm. Wallace ; 5idesiuee, Phos. Wade and Fred Sothi'vail ; Ushers, 0, 11. Wade and John Dinsmore ; Advisory Board, I4. Gamble, J. Wallace, W. Strong, L. Armstrong and W. P. Wade ; Auditors, Tilos. Goggin and Vlr, 1Val- lace. The delegates from the congre- gation to Synod. of Huron which as- sembles in London on 11.1±0 20th are Alex. Graham 1411(1 W. 1r'. Wade. BRUSSELS GoINO Soma Go1N01801rrn Mail 7:06 a m EOxpress... 10:66 a in Express 11:26 0 m Mall 1:r44 p pl Ex1)1.048 ........2:2211112 Express 8:61p nt Covravzonv Amine' To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:10 n m I Express 11:W1 e m Express 6:115 pm Express O:lt p m Mis hl'zxt Ram Grey Smoot, Remour,---Tho following is the classification of pupils in S. S. 1Yo. 5, Grey, since the promotion examine - tion. --Sr. IV -Etta McDonald, Bert Dunbar, Alex. Collins. Jr. IV -John McCush, Thomas Clark, Ernest Olark, Class Ili --Edith J"lood, Ernest Relt, ILOss Ccatcs, Elsie Rest, Willie Camp- bell, Frank Lindsay, !sane Clark. Claes II -Lizzie Kleioecht•otlt, Alex. McDonald, Maggie Coates, Lyle Brad- ford, Jaznes Collins, John Savage, An- nie Clark. Pt. II -Gordon McDonald, Eva Hudson, Harry Hudson. Sr. 1 - Ida Bremner, Harold Bradford, Henry ICleinschrroth. Jr. I -Johnston Arm- strong, Mabel Clark, Gordon Rea, George Campbell. L. A. MAcKAY, Teacher. Have You Nervous Dyspepsia 7 11ow it shakes one np, invades sleep, destroys strength, acids real misery to lire. Not the stomach but nerves are effected. Starved nerves cause the -whole trouble. You need Ferrozone because it's 1t nerve food. It• supplies the elements that are needed to make eich red blood, This is the savings bank of health. The richer the blood in red cells, the richer you're sura to be iu health. Ferrozone quickly, Makes blood, strengthens the nervous system, invigorates the digestive ore glans and presto l the nervous disturb- ance disappears. You'll .try Ferro - zone, 50e per box at all dealers. Goderich It is said that the wheels will be running in the building recently known as the Engine and Bicyle works before a month passes away. Peter Nicholson, of Monkton, has been awarded the contract for build- ing the sedimentation basin for the town water system. The price is be- tween $8,000 and $9,000. Geoffeey Holt, M. A., of Trinity Col- lege, who had been indisposed for several weeks, was able to return house for Easter. The gentleman will spend the Sumner in Muskoka's wilds. Tho harbor is crowded with min- nows, a sure sign that perch will be plentiful for some time to Como. (mulls are in the harbor in large num- bers and will remain with us while the minnows are present, The Goderich Curling and Skating Association has an madeoffer to p ur- chase the Oostie property to the West of the Association's property, with the idea of enlarging the ruck in that dir- ection and making room for a specta- tors' gallery. Rev. John Anderson died at his home at Tiverton Wednesday of last week, His two sons, Rev. J. -A., of Goderich, and Rev, J. Duncan Ander- son, of Beauharnois, Que., and his four daughters were present at the last. The burial took place at Tiverton Fri- day. Mr. Anderson had been in a critical condition for some weeks, and the end was not unexpected. The sympathy of the members of the con- gregation here and of the townspeople generally will be with Rev. J. A. Anderson in the loss of his aged par- ent. There is a Pink Pain Tablet road by Dr. Shoop, that will ,positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 min- utes. Druggists everywhere sell then! as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they stop other paths as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pant centres that is all, Pilin comes from blood pressure -con- gestion. ,`Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain Is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25c. Sold by 1411 dealers. Fordw- ich L. B. Cook, of Tara, spent the Master holiday at his home here. Miss Carrie Bekmier, of Shipley, spent Easter with Mrs. R. J. Gibson. A. J. and Mrs Lowick spent the Baster holiday with friends in Lon- don. Mrs. A. Brown visited her 'daugh- ter, Haugh=ter, Mrs. P. Moffatt, of Jamestown, for a few days. Miss A.ylesworth, who is attending London Normal School, spent the vacation at hot home here. A Cantata, "The Rainbow Fete" will be given by fourteen rainbow maidens and their assistants, In the basement of the Presbyterian church Monday evening, May 11th. The Springhtank Telephone Co. will extend their line one and a quarter miles West to Orange Hill, three new subscribers, John Padfield, Geo. Gal- braith and Robb. Ferguson being add- ed to the list of subscribers. Howiekring Fair was held oh the p Agricultural grounds I'o1(ttviCll, Frank Brock, of Oakville, acting as judge. The following is the prize list Imported Ol'ycl.os, 1 B. Bender, 2 W, F1eat ; Canadian Olycles, 1 ,ias• Mc. Ewan , Carriage, Henry "Young,S. 33eswitherick ; Roadsters,. R. `vanoe, Jas. 14ict)orinid. A foot race between Thos. Darcy alai ,T• 11. :Johnston was Won by the former, B. Bender worn the diploma for the best heavy draft horse and S. i3eswitheriek won the diploma for the best florae in the light classes. Paralyzed by Lumbago Manuallabor or even light exercise is impossible with lumbago. The mils- elee stiti'oit out like steel --to 1110\'17 111111118 agony. Only a pawei•ful 1111- 31(17t•an penetrate 11ecp enough 4 belle'I'1,i' Hhrest 2(11(rr conies from rubbing in Nerviline. It sinus into the very root of the trouble -penetra- tes where an oily liniment cannot go. Toreve.nt lumbago returning put on a Nerviline Porous plaster which re- moves inflammation and 51Tain from the muscles, and acts as a guard from drafts and exposure. Nothing will s0 quickly owe as these remedies. All dealers sell Poison's Nerviline auil Nerviline Perils Plasters. Refuse all subs titnt PS. Listowel Stanley 0. :Hardie left for Fort Wil- liam where he has secured a position on the O. P. R. Mayor Foercli was presented with a gold headed crone from his family, it being his fiftieth birthday. At the conference of the German Evangelical Association, held in St. Jacobs, Rev. J. H. Grenzebach was appointed to Listowel. Licenses have been granted in Listo- wel 110 follows :-Hotels-Grand Cen- tral, 4, S. Pant ; Station, Wilt. Brig- ,• Arlington. P. Ritter ; Queen's, Jos. iioelu1lc1•, Shop, Aaron Ringler. At an adjourned meeting of the town council a sale by the Nuance committee of the $15,000 consolidated debt bonds and $8,500 electric light bonds. 5% annuities, was accepted [and Confirmed. The Standard says :-A. force of be- tween sixty and seventy men is at work laying the rails and ballasting on the Linwood -Listowel branch of the U. P. R., covering abort a mile a day. They are now within a mile of the station, and expect to be in town by Friday. As soon as they reach here the boarding cars will be brought up from Linwood and the work of putting in switches, ballasting, etc., will be proceeded with from this enol. While practicing football in the park on Good Friday afternoon, Frank Lange met with a rather serious acci- dent, having his leg broken at the ankle. The fracture is a compound. One, both of the small bones 'being ig broken and the niain bone injured, though not broken. The accident was caused by another player, stepping on his foot just as lie wee kicking at the ball, causing his leg to twist and throwing him to the ground. DEATH 0% Mot W4m14RY.-Sat- urday afternoon April 18th, Mrs. Wherry, Division street, passed away at the ripe old age of 88 years And 10 months, The deceaseds Maiden name was Ann Blatchford. Shewas born in Cornwall, Englaud, on June 8rd, 1810, and was married to the later. Samuel Wherry, of the same county, in. 1848. They cause to Canada 1211850, and lived in Port Hope for a time. In the fol- lowing year they removed to Hamilton where they remained an til 1855, when they came to the "Queen's bush" set- tling on lot 0, in the 11tNooncession of Elena. Here they passed their pioneer days, and made for themselves a..00Bl- fortable house, remaining on the home- stead for thirty-one years, and iu 1880 removed to Listowel, where Mr. Wherry flied the following Sanitary: eek OPtICOIAdVICO Enquire from your neighbor Where he got his glosses. You will be sora to find. a re- commend e -commend for N, t1', Stratton. Alvlays here to bo conenite(l, Prices moderate. Call and see us, Jewelry ' 'The most np-to-(late Jewelry 1 17th fu Quality, Style Surd Fiu}sh, - Repairing a Specially, St anon 3111W13LE11 and OPTICIAN Go to e Star 'Grocery For nice, clean, fresh Groceries at the following prices : Corn ,,.,, ,,,,,.4011 a can or 3 cans for 9.5e Peas . 100 11 can or 3 01111 for 270 130 It 21111 or 2 cans for 550 200 a can 15c a can NIT) atu05. Saloon Engle $i'und Saline!) Northern 01111s4 Salmon ' too a can Green Japan Tea ...,.2511 a Ib, or 5 lbs. for Iill.2o Bleck Tea z5c a Ib, or 5 lbs, for $1,20 Green 'open z8c „ 5 " 51.35 Blttck'rea 'So " 5 " Ij1.35 3elnda'lea..,.30e a p000d Good Bread always on hand, Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the village. B utter and Egga Trade or Cash W. T. Spence GROCER ETHEL The dummied continued to reside in town with her daughter up to her death. Her kindly and always cheer- ful disposition made her the friend of al] who knew her. Besides her clau- ghtor, Miss Lizzie, two sons, Samuel and William, survive, both of whom reside in Rime, The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Elma Centre cemetery, Be',', D. N. McCtlntus of the Methodist church conducting the services. Low Spring Fever Doctors Report Many Cases. Sante thing happens every year. At Winter's close the body is weak and rundown. Damp Spring weather brings out rheumatic tendencies, ex- hausts vitality, and simply demands everyone to use a bracing, strengthen - 11(' tonic. Time (vont help ; Matters grow worse instead of better if your system isn't riff of its poisonous burden. Your blood is not only thin, but is contaminated with a whole Winter's accumulation of wastes. A stimulating blood tonic is requir- ed. What's it going to be ? Not bitters or alcoholic dope, but concentrated cure in the form of "Ferrozone" which is known as the best of all Spring rejuvenators. It creates keen appetite. Produces prodigious digestion. Converts food into nourislunent. Gives richness and vitalityto the e blood. Makes strong nerves and hardy muscles. Ferrozone possessespower that can't be doubted. It will do for you what it did for Walter Wood, of Beaufort Oar Co., N. B., who writes :-ttI can say that Ferrozone has given ale a new lease of life. A year ago I strifes, - ed much from nervous weakness. I was really scarcely able to drag my- self around. My appetite was gone, Iliad no color or ambition and felt generally used up. The first box of Ferrozone started me bank to health. I took a number of boxes, but it was worth my while as my health was completely restored. - Get back to health with Ferrozone, six boxes for $2.50, or 50c a box at all druggists. Second Term Report. BRUSSELS 'CON'TINUATIOM CLASSES. x00145 1 & 2 FORM III A-Exatniued in Lit., Lat., Comp., Ana, Hist., French and Arith. Total 700. Hon.. 525. Pass 350. It Deadman 654 L Dickson.` 533 I Frain 627 G Armstrong,.r519 M Brothers - 6o9 L Rutherford...482 \V Strachan 592 J Robb 428 F McKenzie..,,567 W Henderson 388 C Speir 562 T Dark 366 Foes/ III 13 -Sema subjects. S Stubbs 567 G Robb - 379 L Evans ...... ....562 P Brenner .313 P Bolter, .,...,..448 0 Scutt 279 J Cuuniugham.389 *0 Holmes - 257 * Missed French. FORM II—Examined 111 Geom., Let„ Ar , Comp, 13. 12., French, Physc , Wr., Dr., Geog. 'Total 1475. Hon, 88 t. Pats 588, C Tnrc}on 1021 0 Armstrong, 657 T Leckie 939 W hlcCutcheon 630 1 Armstrong868 11 McCall 586 *4-I Moore .. 8o6 S Ament - 55o J 1<ilton. .,... 768 A McKelvey... 532 5 dicKercher. 715 *W Scott • 430 * Missed two exams. Foam I -Examined 111 Read.,geom., Arith. Comp., Geo„ B. K, Physc., Hon, 7 t Pass \Vr, Dr, Totalo , ,975• 73 488. R Simpson 896 C Ament 56o K Hewitson .755 W Hislop.... 551 A Forrest 732 K Ament 538 } Biyons• .,..724 P Brewer ,. ••529 P Scott- , ...717 C McMillan 520 '1' Dickson. 7o6 j Artustrong....5o6 SI o 682 F ;err ,., ,cosJones (leery 5 1 Ifenderson,.,,676 A Robb 498 V Bowman 624 13 Leckie 496 N Ewan •59r W Pell . 404 V Walker 577 *fl Curry 376 C Forbes 560 **J Spelr,.. ..... 341 * Missed fico exams, ** Omit three exams, 1. H. CAM'atON, H. D. FORn, ROOM 3 Entrance Class , --Examined 1n Cont., Spell„ Phar Gram., Geog., Lit„ Hist, and 'Arit11 'Total 800 Honors (,00, Pass 480 ,... I:; Dead Men ,.,ti4t 441 Wilton 528 H Armstrong .67o V Aielay .525 C %eCitie....,. „611 8 Vex •u.,r525 11 Warwic'1( 58? H 'gooney 418 Willie Long ng ,.54'6 7i PJ,i,ti.,...,.• -sit S , it ,•; t . 9 \ ,� t F i,rLt,t' 8 •SS Long 1, 11 1 J A t uun)r ,.577 L: Boaters 46n hn f ki Cam 1'll. , ••S7S p}( , 11-4.1 1. Ewigh ....,,,4o424t M Thom eon ...54o J hleCa1 irtn.,,.t91 JUNIOR 10 Examined In Arith„ Spell , Oram,,. Gees , Lit, and Hist. 'Total Goo. Honors 450. Pass 360, F Shibhs 580 141 Lm 0324,. ,,..377 W Kerr,,.,,,472 1N Airlift), 370 O Kerr 465 S Burgess 346 P Dark..... .453 0 Melionsld,35.4 IP Robb .......,.443 II Agent ,294 M'1'homsoe...•417 J, 13eleman 288 I Strachan 389 13 Plait .284 P McKenzie..,.387 C 1in,igh.,..•....257 D. Burnt. Teacher. 2(90:14 4 So. 141-i samined in Gram., Comp , Geog., I.1ist., Readl.. Addl., Lit, & Mem. 'Total 500. Honors 450, S Brother's. ,.,,.535 N Fox ...., 435 V Ross..528 H Burgess ,_ 498 C Crooks ....'..504 H Lowry .•.. 386 Hazel Lowry.,. 493 F Friendship- 384 E Barkley...... 445 /A hlonre 375 A Wilton 438 J/JH Shim),+,'4..259 Ja. III -Same subjects. 'r Dead:nat] 564 F Lowry ..,.....405 A Roe525 /1 ft1cl.neeblin,4o5 E Lowry523 R Bailcley .......392 W Lott .... ,520 /1 Elliott '180 W Armstr'ong...502 F Wood ..... .,375 L Ballot) tyae ...482 L Lowry 36r E'l'oole 48. JS ..;29 A McLgtuchli 11472 //M Bishop 2914 W Barris 45c //J Jackson 281 J Habkirk 4444 //Q Colvin •260 H Work 438 R McKay 251 H Fox 416 JJL Holmes 6t B Kerr ...... ,...•. 408 H, M. Dowel4G, Peddler. ROOM 5 Sa. II -Exam. in Rend, Spell., Arith., Lit., Comp. Total 500. G Edwards .... 467 1 McLauchlin.,•394 V alcCrncken•,.452 L 13urgess.....•.375 J 13allrmtyue,...446 0 Crone 361 R Sinclair - 435 T Snider A Thomson 431 G Tamieson 277 H CJlrone n .425 P Tbnell....,.....265 416 JR. II-Lxanl. in Read„ Spell , Arith., Lit., Comp. 'total 500. I Toole 461 /M Mercer..... 340 R Stewart 456 V Sinclair .314 M Friendship..,445 L b4cCracken3o8 L Ament......... 388 JR Ritchie.......293 W Payne ........864 12 Hewitt 257 B Campbell ....36o F Payne .251 / Missed an examination. G, Ross. Teacher. Room 6 Ct./tits IV -Examined in Arith., Read., Diet, Draw., W1'. and Comp. Total 450, Honors 36o. C Powell 430 S McLauchhn.374 R McKay - 426 M Carter A McLauctllin.391 W Buchanan 368 C Jackson .387 P Barkley •351 T McLaucblin.387 0 Crone .... ....326 L Jackson 382 J Thompson . 32" W Somers 38o R Currie "41 These pulpits will be promoted to itliss Ross' department. CLASS III -Examined in Aritb., Read., Dr . \Vr. and Diet., also in Deportment. Total 45o. Honors 36o. W Harkness402 1. Snider 336 W Burgess .....389 H Gerry ..... 329 W McDonald...385 J Jamieson 261 CLASS II -Excellent -O McKay, F McKay, 13 Ross, R Payne, A Fox, M Fawcett, H Stewart. Good -R Moore V Harris Skelton. A Currie, J War- wick, R BM e krewer, C Best. Class I -Excellent -E Powell, 0 Thompson. Good -E Jamieson, H Lott, G Snider. Fair -A Somers, J Harkness. Nl Campbell, - 1, Racing, Teacher. Ruined hie eoi Used a ten rent corn salve, -for a quarter he could have cured his corms with Putnam's Painless Corn Extract- or. Use the best-"Putuarn's." After Once Tasting no one wants an old-fash- ioned cod liver oil prepara- tion or emulsion, because Vinol is a much better body- builder and strength creator for old people,weak children, and for coughs, colds, bron- chitis, etc. If it does no good we will return your money. James Fox, Druggist 141(1155(18,5 Weak Women To weak and ailing women, them is at least one way to help, 1301101t13 that way, two treatments, m1,at he combined. One is local, one is (10114(00. tinnah but doth are important, both essential. Dr, Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. l. The former -Dr. tSl oou SEight Ouro-1 opical mtwons membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. Shoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat. meat. Tho Restorative reaches throughout the entire system seeking the air of all nerve, all tisane, and repall blend ailments. The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does its work while you Sleep. It soothes sore and inflam. ed mucous surla1(4, heals local tyeakeessos and 'd1 4110 gas, white the Restorative, eases nervous ,excitement, Ricca renewed vigor and ambit(01 builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength,. vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop'* Restorative-TAbletsorLieuld--ass general toms to the Odom. For positive local help, use its wen D I[inh 'I 1Rn 010 'Abell" .,. )'Wens :Dress Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn out. - Prices are right for right goods: HARNESS DEPART MEAL T We offer you Team Harness for $ 26 00 Genuine Rubber Trimmed Single Harness for 17 00 Trunks and Satchels low in price. ta''Comfartable dwelling for sale or to rent. S acres of land ; fruits of different Muds ; hard and soft water ; every convenience ; close to school ; nice locality. I. C. "It's A11 Right" CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN The oridlnal and only real Varnish Stain For Re-staluin44 and Varnishini Furniture, Floors and Woodwork Prepared 4a In POPULAR COLOR For sale b' Mckay&Shaw Brussels Cure for Sick Women and lodgee in the small of the e back - When pains gather around the Jips BuGGIEs • when to stoopor bend seems impos- sible, 1 es t ezill I sidle, 1011011 111227 spells and bearing' down pains are ever present, -.that's the time to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Vital energy is restored, back trouble is forgotten. The ailing sick woman gains strength, improves in looks n1- 0001(0es in spirit by using Dr. Hamil- ton's pills. They euro the eon(litions that rob her of health and vigor. No medicine so helpful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c at all dealers. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers • ' by coming to the Brussels Salt Warks can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. rte, 1:17.,1711 WAGONS If you want a really good artiole in the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable Cober Carriage Builder 011 Market Square, Brus- sels, where you will end a first- olaes assortm e e t. Best of hand made Farm Wag- ons with different widths of tires and different heights of wheels. Extra large !laud made Wheel- barrows. Re -rimming Light and Heavy Wheels, Repairing, Re -painting and Re -trimming attended to on shortest notice. JOHN COBER NATIONAL Roller Flour Mills OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses try our New BREAKFAST FOOD - Corneola IvEade from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating, Don't forget that OUP t'White Loaf" Plour is still taking the lead for Bread Flours. r. Shoop s , MI hinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. S i. .....: > �Y -...2 . & - e A. r i7 awiw N ght Cui�re :`ALL DEALERS" I BRUSSELS