HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-30, Page 4iream a ..Sir e:e1TA IM,W o..,+tin..:..." .�..•_. ...ate .m. nese eetwateafl'.�....n.�..�'� .--. . ' - neefiIleo.....r''
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Ike'11"1C1 aft interest betook in the gerrymander of
Huron Co, Harry was evidently on the
seine after the nomination of 1. Keller -
THURSDAY, APRIL. 3o, long uaac, of Dashwood,
tiintT1t Tuttle COSSERVATIV 01
A.•H, Musgrove, of Wingham, was
chosen, the Conservative candidate for
the forthcoming Provincial election at
the first convention of the new North
riding of Huron, held at Wingilani
Tbursehty afternoon,
Every part of the riding was repro.
sented, three delegates from each polling
sub -division being entitled to be preseat
and vote, Of the It7 delegates chosen,
Jif» were present, notwithstanding that
seeding was in progress. Besides the
delegates there was a large and enthus-
iastic gathering of these interested in
the election of the best possible candi-
The first business taken up was the
election of officers, which resulted as
follows :•-Pres„ lohn Joynt, West Wa-
wanosh; First Vice, John Wilford,
of Blyth ; Second Vice, John Griffin
Ashfield ; Secretary, Dudley Holmes,
Wingham ; Treasurer, David Bell,
The following candidates were nomin-
ated :-A. H. Musgrove, of Wingham ;
Matthew Lockhart, East Wawanosh-;
lames Bowman. Morris ; 8, S. Cook,
Fordwich ; Wm, McQuillan, West Wa-
wanosh ; James Johnston, Wawanosh ;
Dudley Holmes, Wingham ; P, W.
Scott, East Wawanosh ; George Spot -
ton, Wingham.
Each of these addressed the electors
briefly and all retired except Messrs.
Musgrove, Bowman and Lockhart,
whose names went to the ballot. On
the second ballot the vote stood Mus-
grove e3 ; Bowman, 35 and Lockhart
18. Mr. Lockhart then moved, second-
ed by Mr. Bowman, that the nomination
be made unanimous.
After the nomination proper was over
the candidates thanked their supporters.
Col. Heals Clark, M. P. P., Centre -
Bruce, addressed the convention review.
ing the legislation of the Ontario
Mr. Musgrove is the Principal of
Wingbam Public School which position
he has held far 17 years. He taught in
Turnberry township prior to going to
Wingham. Some years ago he oppos-
ed the late 'Thomas Gibson in East
Huron but was defeated by a large
majority. Ho is a good speaker and a
prominent Orangeman as well as a mem•
ber of other Societies. A good many in
the riding were disappointed that ex -
Warden Bowman did not receive the
nomination as they considered he had
the strongest claim of any of the
Considering the very busy season with
the farmers, there was a good attendan-
ce of Liberals at the first convention for
the new North riding of Huron held in
the Wingliam Towa Hall last Fridey.
A. new association was formed, a Con.
stitution adopted, and officers elected as
follows; --Pres, James Young, Auburn ;
Vice Presidents, Alex. McLaughlin,
Fordwich ; Richard Clegg, Wingham ;
john, Stiles Kiutail ; Secretary, H. 8.
Elliott, Wingham ; Treasurer, J. A.
Morton, Wingbam.
On the first ballot John T. Carrie, of
East Wawanosh, ex -Warden of the
county, received the nomination as
candidate for the Legislature, which was
made unanimous on motion of Wm.
Baillie, Reeve of West Wawanosh, and
john N. McKenzie, ex -Reeve of Ash-
The selection is a popular one, as Mr,
Currie is a man well versed in municipal
and political affairs, and is well known
and esteemed throughout the riding,
With a united party behind biro Mr.
Currie will hold the riding for Liberal-
ism. The general expression of opinion
among delegates was that, notwithstand-
ing the fact that the riding has been fix.
ed as a mare Tory one by the Whitney-
ites the Liberals can win. The general
cry from this day forward will be, "We
will win,"
Stirring addresses were delivered by
the oandidate ; Dr, P. Macdonald, ex -
M. P., East Huron ; Arch. Hislop,
M. P. P., Bast Huron ; George Mooney,
Elitor of the Ripley Express ; W. H,
Kerr, editor of'I He BRUSSELS POST, and
J. G. Murdoch, Lucknow. All the
speakers praised the successful adminis-
tration of the Liberal Government in
Ontario for thi,ty-three years, and what
a miserable failure the Whitney Govern•
meet had made, in that many promises
made before they gained power had not
been carried out, The increased ex-
penditure was referred to ' in very
forcible terms. The key note of the
addresses was that the new North riding
can and will be placed in the Liberal
column when the elections come on.
Every Liberal was urged to work bard,
and a successful fight Was assured. The
convention closed with cheers for Hon,
A. G. MacKay and the candidate,
A Nominating Convention for the
new Centre Riding of Huron will be
held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on
Tuesday, May 12th, at i o'clock, Four
delegates are eligible from each polling
subdivision A new constitution will
be preseuted to the gathering and a set
of office bearers chosen for the riding.
The meeting of Centre Huron Con-
asryatives held in the Council Chamber
Clinton, Wednesday of last week was
attended by representative men from
various parts of the new riding. D.
Cantelon, of Clinton, presided and J. H
McEwen of Goderieh, acted as secretary.
It was decided that 0 separate Associa-
tion be formed and that a Convention to
place a candidate in the field be held in
Rainton on 'Thursday May 14th.
It is hinted that David Cnntelon any
be the nominee as it is said he is not
averse to undertake the honors of carry-
ing the party banner although none too
well pleased at the Whitneygerrymander
of Huron County.
T11011ELE IN TIM Seem
From South Heron conies disquieting
news of Cceservaflve troubles, and
there Is a well-defined rumor that T. J.
Carling, of Exeter, will run as an In-
cl epee den tagainst ti, Eliber, the present
sitting Tory member. It would sorye
Mr. Silber right if he were defeated in
the South as a rewercd of merit for the
What is Lawful and What is not. -13
cleion of the High Court of Ontario
by Jtiet6CO CINto.
Readers will mind that about a ye
ago Judge Morson, the junior of tl
three County Judges of York, Onteri
reversed a conviction by Magisira
Kingsford, against John Devine,
restaurant keeper for selling eta Su
days caudies, peanuts and other ea
able articles to be carried off the pren
It was pointed cut to the public
the time that this judgment was goin
to result in an immense increase in So
day business, inasmuch as it Intplle
if it did not declare, that any man hold
ing a restaurnut license, and doing
restaurant business, might also carr
on a confectionery business, a fru
business, a grocery business, and
business in all sorts of eatable articles
and could sell freely any or all classe
of these things on Sunday, over th
counter, to be carried away and use
as the purchaser might desire. It wa
evident tbat large numbers of sbo
keepers and their employees were goin
to he deprived of their Sunday teat an
other privileges if this interpretatio
of the law were to inmate nueballenged
The matter was therefore brought t
the attention of the Attorney Genera
of Ontario, the Honorable J. J. Foy
and, recognizing the seriousness of im
port of the judgment, he requeste
Magistrate Kingswmad to grant
"Stated Cese," and requested Count
Crown Attorney H. L. Drayton, K. C.
to take charge of the case in its prep
aratioe, and in its argument befor
the High Court. The case Was dul
granted, and came before Mr, Justis
Clete of the High Court on Friday
April loth, The case was known a
"The King vs. Weatheral." Weatber
al held a restaurant license and di
business at'rOrouto Island, selling re
fresh ments of various kinds, and among
other things he sold on Sunday. June
9115, 1907, candies, popcorn, peanuts
and soft drinks.
The questions submitted to the Court
were as follows :-
1 "Does the mere fact that Weather -
al bolds a license as restaurant keeper
enable the said Weatheral to sell on candies, popcorn, the Lord's Daycan es o pea-
nuts nuts and soft dunks. notwithstanding
the Statute (Lord's Day Act.)"
To this question Mr. Clete replied
"No." Unitise some judgments, this
does not lack in clearness.
2. "Can a bona fide restaurant keep-
er sell candies, popcorn, peanuts, or
other commodities not in connection
with suy meals served on the premises
but done up so as to be taken away by
the purchaser on the Lord's Day."
To this Justice Clete replied "I take
this question to mean that the articles
there referred to are sold not in connec-
tion with the giving of meals served on
the premises, but in the ordinary way
of business as a merchaut, s0 as to be
taken away by the purchaser. Taking
this to be the meaning of the question
I answer again "No,"
There was a third question as to
whether the restaurant license that
Weatheral holds from the city prohibits
him making such sales on Sunday in
itself apart from the Lord's Day Act,
The Judge gives substantially - the same
answer to this question as to the other
This judgment makes it clear, there-
fore, without equivocation, and beyond
peradventure, that even a bona fide
restaurant keeper, who holds a license
and is running an eating house under
that license, is not entitled to sell on
Sunday anything excepting' what is
purchased and consumed as a meal.
Articles of food may not, therefore, be
sold on Sunday under any circumstance
to be carried off the premises uncon.
sumed, but must be consumed in the
restaurant at the table or lunch openeras a meal.
It is important to observe that this
judgment is binding upon all Magis-
trates and Division or County Court
Judges throughout the Province of
Ontario, and for that matter will be fol•
lowed by Magistrates and Trial Court
Judges throughout the Dominion. It
is well that this judgment he given
prominence it/ the press everywhere
so that restaurant keepers may not un-
awares, during the corning season, corn
mit violations of the Lord's Day Act
and lay themselves liable to its heavy
penalties. The public generaily will
recognize also the reasonableness of the
law in this regard, 1t is proper that
the hungry should have the right of
going to a restaesant and satisfying their
hunger. No one will contend. however,
that this necessitates or would justify
general business in the sale of articles
of food to be carried away, which, if it
were allowed, would result in depriving
large numbers of shop keepers and their
employees of their Sunday rights and
Ammerprivileges. '1'. Ammer MOORE,
Secretary Lord's Day Alliance.
At a specialmeetingof ,the Central
Council of the Church Temperance So.
oiety in London, the Archbishop of
Canterbury presiding, to Bishops voted
in favor of Mr. Asquith's Licensing Bi1l,
Eat, What You Want
Bat P.nd the Way to Digest What
You do Bat
The first thing to do in the case of
indigestion or stomach weakness is to
strengthen the muscular welts of the
stomach and intestines, so that they
will care for the food that is eaten,
Ili nn other way can this be done as
well by takinga Mi-o-na'tabiet before
each meal. This restores strength to
the stomach muscles and, stimulates
the pouring out of gastric juices, then
the food digests readily and yott begin
toga the full benefit from what you
Ilse Zliso- 1 whenever you have sick
headache, heartburn, bad taste in the
lnomIh, roam" tongue, snots bet0re
the eyes sleopltessness and the many
(olive symptoms that are the dhotis:
result or ntiligestion,
ass. Fox gives with every 50 cent
box+of Mi-o.na a gnarantne Lel refund
the money unless the remedy cures,
If all the
E3 0Y S
111 the !.!lace would buy
We don't think there would be a better dressed lot of
boys in Canada.
Our new style this season surpasses anything we have
ever shown. Better fitting, better made Boys Suits are
not made in Canada to -day, and we are the only people
here selling this brand.
Come to us Boys for your new Spring
Suit. All styles and all prices.
The lion Brand label on the Suit is a guarantee that they are good.
We are showing very special values in Lace Curtains
at per pair
25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00 1,25, 1.35, 1,50, 2,00, 3,00, 4.00 and 5,00
Union Carpets
Full yard wide at 30c, 40c, 45c fit: 50c
and Two-ply all wool Carpet at per yard
Our Stock in all Lines is well assorted and values the hest
May Standard Patterns and Fashio,i Sheets to hand,
A Fashion Sheet FREE to those who call for then.
No Fancy Prices
Everything Cheap
Piles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment.
To prove it I will mail a s1n1111 Fria]
box' as a convincing test. Simply ad-
dress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I
surely Would not send it free unless T
was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic
Ointment would stand the test. Re-
member it is made expressly and alone
for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch-
ing piles, either external or internal.
Large jar 50c. Sold by All dealers.
The Apple Trade.
A Disastrous Wind -Up of the
Western as well as Montreal
shippers have fared so badly in their
shipments to the British markets of
late, that they have determined to
make their losses in the home market
on what stocks they still hold. Ship-
ments of fruit frotn the 1Vest, which
wet $3.00 in the Fall have .recently
sold at auction in this market at from
40c to 50c a barrel for the poorest up
to $2.00 and $2,50 for the best lots,
Choice lots sold in a jobbing way have
brought $13.00 to $3,50, an occasional
small lot of£ancystock selling at $4,00.
Two cars of apples shipped to the
English market by a Toronto firm diel
not return one cent, and unfortunately
the same can be said of other lots,
whilst scarcely any shipments -of late
gave returns covering cost, and many
showed heavy losses. The American.
situation is no better, but even worse,
the New York Commercial of April
14, reporting as follows :-Ori the
authority of One of the best posted
MOH On this market, it lie stated, that
the losses on apples this year will
reach the enormous total of $5,000,000
Out of a 19,000,000 barrel crop opera-
tors (shippers and growers) are carry-
ing 1200,000 barrels or fully 700,000
ltahmels more than at this date last
year. There is no outlet for export,
and dotnostie consumption has dwindl-
ed to less than 60 per cent. of the nor-
mal. It is asserted that t11OIlsands of
barrels will never be marketed and
that many holders are asking for any
reasonable bid. Of the large stocks
now seeking a market, it is stated
that a very Considerable share is unfit
for sale as even choke grade, and that
for even -tits: good stock holders worth"
be glad to move the fruit at $1,50 a
barrel average f, o. b. shipping point,
The story of this season's losses is a
sore subject with .large operators here.
So serious have been Conditions that
as laid as last March commission
houses and speculators made au effort
to !prevent the publication of facts
connoted with the losses in apples.
Is Your Throat Husky 4
This is the first step towards Ca-
tarrh. Everything depends on your
remedy. A. cough mixture slips quick-
ly over the weak spots, drops into the
stomach and dues little but harm
digestion. I't's altogether different
with Clatarrhozohe-it cures because
it gets right at the trouble. You in -
halo Cataerhozone, breathe in the
vapor of healing balsams that strength-
en and restore the weak throat tissues.
You'll not have colds or coughs,-
Throat trouble and catarrh will dis-
appear with the use of Catarrhozon.
At, all dealers 25e and $1,00. Get it
to -day.
East,Huron Farmers will Enter:
At the meeting ot East Huron Agri.
cultural Society Directors in the Council
Chamber, Brussels, Saturday afternoon
April 1811., considerable business
of importance was transacted, Presi-
dent Leckie occupied the chair and there
were also present Vice -President, A,
Stewart, Secretary 'Treasurer Miller and
Directors, R. Niohol, C. Eckntier, 0.
Turnbull, T. R. Bennett, Geo. Robb,
D. blilue, W, H. McCracken and W. H.
It was decided toast: Lucknow Soeiely
to exchange judges in live stock classes
with East Huron Society at the next
Fell Fair, The arrangement made
with the Eckardt Bell !lingers for an
entertain/lenton. Jima 18111 Wfts confirm.
Directors end members were urged to
boom the annual Excursion to the heedel
Farm Guelph, in June, date to be an-
nounced shortly.
Anteudmenls and alterations were
made lo several rules of the Society
concerning tite Fall Fair and the Prize
List revision and extension will be made
at the next meeting,
'Phe question of running a Field
Crop Competition was discussed and
1115011 ll)lOtlSlo adopted, seven o +
p rlthe
Di'ectos premed agreeing to undertake
the experiment rand urge others to do
the settle so as to secure 23 entries if
possible, 'Those desiring to take part
should hued 10 their names at once, It 1
was decided to make lltis sensoa's trial
1111The (1.114,
1'ldlowieg are the regulations
under which the 00 11)8lition will be
-Codec on and should not only be rend
carefully but reservell for !noire refer-
Nature of Competition - Conn
petitions shall be limited to one crop, to
tie selected by the society, which 5110013
he the one of most ituplrtnnce to the
farmers of the disu'ict, Entries for
uun,prldion moat consist of a field of
not less than five aures, and where beans
and potatoes are entered, the minimum
plot not less than one acre.
Selection must be matte front 1110 101
lowing crops, viz :-Spring, Fall or
Goose wheat, oats, barley, corn, peas,
atsike clover, red clover, potatoes, beans
or any other staple crop produced for
seed in Ontario,
2. Competitors,- Competition shall
be limited to members of Agricultural
Societies, and the fields entered most
not be more than fifteen miles (rain its
headquarters, Competitors shell be
allowed to slake entry ha only (1110
Society and but one entry can be made
by each competitor.
Society's Entries. -Societies de-
siring to enter this competition must
notify the Superintendent not later then
the first day of May, anti must make not
less than ten entries nor more titan
4, Individual Entries must he fpr•
warded by the secretaries of societies to
J. Leckie Wilson, Superintendent ot
Agricultural Societies, Parliament build
tugs, 'Toronto, before the first of lune,
Prizes. --The Ontario Department of
Agriculture will contribute $30 ao to
each society- n condition flint prizes to
the amount of $511 on he m, erect, 111051
prizes to be not less than H15, I12, SimS8, sud $5.
The Seed Branch of the Dominion
Department of Agriculture will provide
expert judges for these competitions
free of cost to the societies.
Any other particulars may be obtaiuefl
by applying to the Directors of East
Huron Agricultural Sc'
Tired nerves, with that "nn ambi-
tion" feeling that is (Ommouly felt.
in Spring u1• early Sommer, eau be
easily and quickly altered by taking
what is known to druggists every-
where as Dr, Shoop's Restorative.
One will absolute! note a changed
feeling within 4S hours after begin=
ning to take the Restorative. The
bowels r
l tt els
t get sluggish i
n the 1 into �-
� i
c the circulation Often 5!11115 up,
the Kidneys are inactive, and. even
the Heart grows »ieculedly weaker.
De. Shoop's Restorative is recognized
everywhere as a genuine tonic to
these vital organs, 1t builds ❑p and
strengthens the worn-out weakened
nerves ; it sharpens the failing ap-
petite, and lmiversally aids digestion.
It always quickly brings renewed
strength, life, vigor nuc! ambition.
:Craylers. it and be convinced. Sold by all
"Show Me" Proof
That is what Hyomei will do in
all forms of Catarrh and
Troubles of the Breath-
ing Organs.
It's not a question of Hyomei hay-
ing erred some one else but will it
cure veer own particular case. If
its Cold in the head., Catarrh, Bron-
chitis, Pneunionitt, Croup or any af-
fection of the breathibg orglins Jas.
Fox says Yes, and will refund the
money if it fails. No other prepara-
tion for the saute purpose can success-
fully do this, because the hyomei
treatment is different from anything
You simply breathe and inhale its
medication in dry air forrn which des-
troys the germ life that causes op-
pressed breathing, Nasal Catarrh,
Throat Irritation and Lung Troubles.
It brings to these suffering organs the
balsam laden air they would get in
the Pine and Euealyptns forests,
'l'he air that stamps out Bronchial
The prince of entertainers Marshal
P. Wilder soya; Hyomei is easy to
use, and swift to cure. It insures
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of neo8 r-
BOOTm 8 WAItwsON, Props.
Molloy, May 11111, will leavehis own stable,
Brussels, and proceed to Mason's Hotel, Blyth,
for noon • Hence via Londesboro', to tiro 0010 -
morale Hotel, Clinton, for night. -Tuesday, to
the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth for noon; then
via Walton to his own suable where he will re -
stain until ]Friday morning. 1''ridny, will pro-
ceed to the Hotel, Atwood,' where lie will re.
mein from 10 a, m. to 9: p. m„ then to his own
stable where ho will reamie until the following
Moodily morning.
GOTHNLOCR ,1 Anan08ALD, Props,
Monday, May 91h will leave his own stable,
Lot 80, Olen, 12, Mollillop and proceed to It,
Dodd's, Lot 52, Con, 8, lOeKillop, for noon ;
then to Dick'd Hotel Swarth, for night. -
Tuesday, by war of the Zed 0011. of Twitter -
smith to Time, Coleman's for noon: then North
to John Cnrter'e Lot 9, Con, 2, Mullett, by way
of Alma, for night.-Wednesdayy North to Hen-
ry Taylor's, Lot 8, Con, l 1, Hallett, for noon ;
then to his own stable for night,-27mrsday
noo t;stthenSNortte to Oliverl3Tur,bull Manion,
Cwt. 16 *my, for night.-2'ridtty, West then
North to Mr. Tvermen's Lot 8, Con, 12, Grey,
for noon; then North to American Hotel, Brus-
sels, for night, -Saturday, South to Janes 1361-
gm•'s, Con. 8, Morris, for noon; then to his own
stable whore he will ronndn until the following
Monday morning,
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is anon -alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows,
Wo publish our formulae
Wo banish gasohol
ersfrom ou�oiirouto
Wo urea you to
tumult your
Ask your doctor, "Wb at is the first great
rule of health?" Nine doctors out of
ten will quickly reply, "Keep the bowels
regular.' Then ask him another ques-
tion, " What do you think of Ayer's
Pills for constipation?"
--Mode by rho T. C. Ayor Co., Lowell, Mace. ---
against coughs and cold. It. gives
you pare stir atel kills the gel »i of
disease. It helps the yoke.
Hyouiei complete outfit $1.00.
Watch hepairhij�
¶We make a specialty of fine
watch woi'it and use the best
No job
tan small or difficult Ifficult For
us. All work guaralteed A
trial will convince you of our
shill and moderate charges.
fresh Le
Just arrived, a car of
Fresh Linie,
SHAL11D TENDI5RS addressed to the under-
signed tied endorsed 'Tender for Dredg-
ing," will be received until Pricier, ably 16,
1008, at 9,60 p. m., for dredging required at the
following places in the Province of Coterie :-
Burlington, Blind River, Benvorton, Oohing-
wood,Oobourg, Goderloh, Hamilton, -Kincar-
dine,Little Current, Mid to ed, 2'11.0 rand, Owen
Bound, Nigger and Telegraph 1•.I,nds, Point
Edward Penetnngnisbnne, Port Burwell, Port
Elgin. Pluton. Sondem, Sul inerstow 11. The men
River, Toronto, Thornbury, Trenton Finreone
and Dark Ohannel, Wanbaahuuo, Wiarton
and Wingfield Basin.
Tenders will not be considered unless made
on the form supplied, and signed with t110
nettled signatures of tenderers.
Combined specification and foam of render
eau be obtained at the Department of Publiu
Works, Ottawa. Tenders hast include the
towing of the plant to and frons the works.
Only dredges can be employed which aro regia -
triad is Canada at the time of the filing of
tenders. Contractors must be ready to begin
wade within twenty cloys after the dote they
have been noticed of the acceptance of their
An accepted cheque en n chartered bank,
pnyttble to the order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Works, for six thousand
dollars (05,000). must be deposited as security
for the dredging. which Ole tenderer offers to
perform in the Province of Ontario: The
cheque will be returned in c1Se of non-accept-
ance of tender,
The Department does not bind itself to act -
cent the lowest or any tender.
By order
Department of Public Works,Sooretnry.
Ottawa, April 22nd, 1008.
Newspapers Will not be paid for this adverti-
sement if they insert it without authority from
the Depnrtinent, 48.2
Allan Royal
Mail itTs
Corsican sails Friday, May -1 0 a m
Virginian sails Friday, May 8 0-a in
Tunisian sails ' • Priday, May 76•0 a 111 sans Friday, May 22 2 a in
SSaperian sails Sntnrdey, May 0
Ionian sails Saturday, May 18
Grampian soils , Saturday, Mny 28
Hesperinn sails.,...», . ............ Saturday, May 80
'Por callings, llatg''lind 0011 information apply
1 W. H. KERR.
Agent Allan Lino. Brussels,
Friars Cough Balsam
One of the good, old-fashioned things that has
never been improved upon.
Infallible for toughs, colds, bronchial and lung
It is the largest and best 26c remedy for coughs
and colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale dui house i g
If your druggist does not Handle it, letf1usikn arid,
NATIONAL dna 8 CHEM. CO., Limited • 00 LONDON, Oat,
Machines may be salon at
11IoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, i3rllssels:'
Nagy payment system may
11 •
arranged for,
I also bundle the Nordheiln-
er Piano.
The undersigned is prepared
to attend to all worst en-
trusted to him in the above
Tines with neatness and des-
patch. Prices reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
07-8m - BRUSSELS.
Sp1hiL Perm
from April 8th merges into onr
Summer Term from July 0111,
17uter now and be ready fora good
situation in the early Autumn.
New Catalogue free. Write for it.
Yonge h Gerrard sta., Toronto
W. H. SHAW, Principal
EINGLot 10, Con. 10, Grey, containing 100
amen Apply 10 WMl, WOODS, Cr,wbro,2
P. U. 21-11
itltehen Girl wanted at the Central
Motel, Brussels, Amply at once to
MODONALD ik 51121(8,
Sova-roomeel 0011:tge ih Br'leaeli
South. FOr further purticnlurs apply to
1J lludoreiguod hail a gnnntity of «bolas,
eleun seed oats for sato. Apply 011 Lot 11,
t.0n. LO Grey, to WM, dluNAIti,
08.41 Brussels P. 0.
L ,a u,. (0r salu. tlowfortaute
Ibg, bar and sort ,vatar un•ter 1111, er ; up -
pin. pnl10 00,, cherry treed, Eco, PUOAL9sb,n
0110 0e given at upuu. Poe 11151, 0811112, M0, -
5 ,l,et 1'(111 POA1',
1 J
flit sole -Alpert street, oumiurtabte
111)/012 012 g000 1'011011 nmol( scalae, good
atter., tit0. 20131331161011 bey ilaie. Par
int tiler parttomare apply ou ,he prom, sa
to B, 0112 wl'•OI1U, )Brussels, 18.41
undersigned wan ken
p f0 vu tee 110
brut 1D Jou 5, 3111,, the welt kuuw" 5(2010
broil Uuthuw Bun, •'Scottisu UbteL" 'farms
$1.00 it 50141 at 41100 01 seri/Ion, othalwlse
0100, with p,lvtlugu of retention it metes.
4 • 0, J. hien uP,
bete17ant is �uuu,will
0, ((•Erogl Ler teeservice
FL testae Bun, "Sir rletero3i hurtle," 16120),
bought (ruin 2, U. kale, Woodstock. 1 edl-
,,rne may be aeon on apslteaLiou 5orviva
02.00 with privilege 0t returuiug if nacos-
ear 5, payable 1'e ornery 1st,1009.
4U -2m .1.018 2, W111L,H, Proprietor,
For Sale
In 0rdor to elm the estate of the late
sato the real estate ic the
120 ettugr of s uoroler t.
able 0•roomed house and new oomeet lilt•
ohm' built to 1007, 1 taro 01 laud, hard an 1
soft wutar, tugetuer with a Terms common.
tills acacia, drlllol troll and 0 aures of good
loi,d diagonally no ro es the street from ower
!lug house. 0 or particulars aid price apply
tU P UO2n1' yr A, WAIST, Queen in.
West, Brussels, 48-11
Synopsis Of Canaelan North west
ANY even. numbered seotton of Uomiuio,l
Albs nwnexeeti iugi5 om20 anotores rved
way be hemeoteaded by suy person (5111 le
the solo bead of o hthtity,. or 0,0y 011210 over
18 yours df u,Je, to the extent of :0120.411.x105
section of IOC items more or lees.
Autry may bo made personally at the
Weal land o1Doo for too diotroOt iu wliloh
the laud is situate.
theooldf it) 00/1ueooea11ltherewith undo
nue of tee IbllOwiug 1111100
II) At least 14x months' res Wooed upon
bad ou(mvutiou oI thu laud to 85511 year for
tbroo years,
(2) 11'10I tither(or meteor, if the father
is deuoaoeu) of the homoeteauer resides
use. alarm fh the Yml.,lty 0t the laud
teamed 12.1, the legnm0n
lrnt5 all to rosl-
dMoue way be sa,lehled by atom person re-
tailing With rho father lir mother.
(0) If the settler 0a0 hie p0 w,uleet rosl-
rtee"e upuu 10450:11011 1040d ownud by hien
10 the vwinity of Ms homestead, the re-
9ulrumeh1s as to rain donee May be wale'
Lied uy rusldeo00 ((POO 1118 sant land.
moathe` n.tloe in writing should be
t»the Omit oils ,loth 0' )iumfhlon
.•stud., aL (1DtaWa of in100 tent to ttp,..ly for
• 1wnput.t ofthe14111001,• oltitotot.
1s. 13, 'Oeautliurtaud puelleatioh Of this ad,
wertls(mout will not be pail tor, -