HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-30, Page 14.4)t
VOL. 36 NO. 43
W. H. KER R, Proprietor
New Advertisements
lour nolo-R, T. Elagston,
b'resh Ilmo-D. A. Lowry,
:snorting goods -F, 1R, smith.
le et, Iron nod Wine -Jas. Fox.
Varnish Stain -MOW @; Shaw.
The Mtn Gr000ry-w, T. Spence,
Notice to creditors -A. E, Monteith.
Baggies and wagons -D. Ewan & 00.
Fenders Per dredging -Fred. Gollnns.
clay mule or clothing -td. N. Mol Aran,
Horse Ronto-(1ovWnloolt & Archibald,
Bats and shirts -E. 0. Milford & yon.
lst.l"1.C:t Rails
Mrs. ,John G. Mitchell is visiting
friends at Palmerston,
Ed. McKee is not improving as fast
as his many friends would wish to see
Cheese factory will commence busi-
ness on Monday, May 4th. Prospects
are good.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Dins. Jas.
Wright, of Jamestown, were calling
on old. friends.
Miss Mary Fraser able. Miss Elliott,
of Toronto, spent Easter at the
former's home.
Miss Hammond and Mr. Shannon
have returned to thole schools. We
are glad to see them back again.
Miss Nettie Mitchell spent her
Easter holidays at her home here and
has gone back to resume her 'teaching
in Conn.
The Easter services at• Listowel at-
tracted some of our young people who
took advantage of the mule. Spring
evening and fine roads to et tend these
Hats and Shirts
bears tits
The young men
who select the
please themselves, as well as
those whom they meet.
We have the Stetson Solt and Derby
Hat in all thelatest styles.
We have the Largest Assortment of
ever shown in Brussels at
Prices to suit everyone - as
High as $2 25 each.
If you want to buy your
Spring Hat or Furnishings
right call and see us.
Danford &ao
Easter week is over again for an-
other year and Spring is doing Its best
to keep up with the times. The - grass
is springing up decking the roadside
with her Spring alit of tender green.
The fourth Quarterly meeting of the
Bluevale circuit will be held next Sun-
day May 3rd at Bluevale at 10.30 a. en.
The evening service will be held at
Ebenezer at 7 o'clock.
Tho Epworth League held their
business mooting on Monday evening
April 27th, The following officers
were elected :-Hon.•Pres., Rev. Geo.
Baker ; Pres., Colin Higgins; 1st Vice
Pres„ Miss A. Stewart • 2nd Vice,
Pres., Miss O. Masters; 3rd Vice -Pres„
W. Hall ; 4111 Vice -Pres., Roy Patton ;
Cor. -Secretary, Miss 111. IAall ; Secro-
tarn, W. J. Masters ; Treasurer', Neil
Last Sabbath evening Eli Smith
took the service in Victoria Hall here.
The mutual entertainment in Vic-
toria Hall is being planned for. An-
nouncement will be made later.
'We are sorry to state that a baby
daughter born at the home of Gilbert
Stevens on Monday is dead. The bur-
ial was made at S Tingham cemetery.
James T. Strachan is hone from the
Ontario Dental College, Toronto. Ile
will have to attend another session
before graduation, Mr, Strachan has
engaged to fill a position in Dr.
Wigle's office at Kingsville, Essex
Co., during the Summer. We can
heartily commend him to the people
of that community. ,elf they want to
see how football is played in Huron
Co. Mr. Strachan will be able to give
them pointers.
A number from here, attended the
Nominating Convention in Wingham
Thursday and Friday of last week.
Sunday evening the members of
Blyth Lodge No. 866, I. 0. 0, F.inarched
to the Methodist church where Rev. S.
Anderson preached the annual sermon.
Samuel IyicLanchlin, of Blyth, left
by the 0. P. R. on the 14th for Roland,
Manitoba, where he will work with
his brother on a section' of the C. N.
Bev. Thomas Wilson, of Walkerton,
lectured in St. Andrew's church last
Monday evening on the life and work
of the late Dr. Paton, of the New
Hebrides. The lecture was illustrated
with 75 lime -light views.
Conservatives of Blyth held their
annual meeting in Industry Hall when
the following officers were elected :-
President, Tiros Coad ; Vice -President,
Issas Brown ; Secretary, G. M. Cham-
bers ; Treasurer, R. McOomntins.
'T'hnrsdlay 16th inst. at high noon
an enjoyable event took 'place
et the home of the bride's parents
In town when Miss Ada Taman
youngest daughter of Toseph Taman,
was united. in the holy bonds of matri-
mony to John Vincent, by Rev. S.
:Anderson, pastor of the happy couple.
They left on the 0. P. Be 6.20 train for
a trip to Toronto and Eastern points.
They returned last week and have
taken up house -keeping in the resi-
dence at the corner of Drummond and
Mill streets. Their many friends join
in wishing them a long and prosper-
ous married life.
Avery heavy electric storm passed
over here about 4 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, accompanied with a heavy
shower of hail mid rain. No damage
by lightning has been reported, •
The brethren of the Fidelity Lodge,
Independent Order of Oddfellows, to
the number of about sixty, attended
divine service at the Methodist church'
last Sunday evening, when anapprop-
riate sermon was preached to them by
Bev. D. Rogers, pastor of the cliutroh.
Special music was also prepared for
the occasion, Mr. Aficldleuxost, a
prominent member of the Order, con-
tributing a solo.
The death
occurred in Mc ilio on
Sundayforenoon of an old and.res-
pected esident in the person of Wm.
Fletcher Graham. Deceased had
reached the advanced 'age 'of sixty-
three years and six months. He was
a son of the late Rev. Mr, Graham, of
24 years
oft B,uwmfnBri alds lhte sruv
oerd gs
that Ewan & Co, turn out. Our business is increasing
year and our Buggies have improvements tilis year tinea they
never had before; Our steel tires are almost double the thice flees of
any' other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best srand-
arca .cake with extra deep rims.. Have you seen our dash support
braces ? They can't be snrpassed, so there will be no more broken
clashes. This is a preventative. Our Tops are of the BES'.' aud we
have a petent.for the back stayer to prevent them fi'em getting loose
or flapping. Tritndnings aro the very best of No, 1 leather with, eight
different deslgna in Workmanship. Weuse the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light aud Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have 'also Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true,
Also a number of .Farni Wagons always 0)111fntdt made from the very
best of seaeoued timber, Oak gears, oelt wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak hubs, Any width of tire you wish,
als0lany, height of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops billed and covered complete and made as good as new
et small cost. Our famous. Artist, WM. C. SMITH, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy a1111 nude it look the same 08 new, ' It
would really pay anyone tc tape a holiday and speed ars whole time in
Ewan's paint shops end show rooms and see what we have and What
we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Coes elate -date .Carriage
•Shop. Cal) elle get our terms and prices and boy from a reliable firm
and support home tuiustry,
& 00.,
Egmondville, The funeral took place
from his late tonne, lot 28, concession
8, Monday to the place o1' interment
In the Cgmoudville cemetery,
Wm. 1•2enderson, tenses street, who
is in the employ of the Catlada For•
111105(7 Company, happened with a
very dangerous accident oe Saturday,
Ile WES carrying a board, in i he fac-
tory, when one e11<1 of it ('aright in a
belt, causing the other end to bit him
violently ' i1 he fere, o } 1 t f1 [,ivhrg irini 1'u
very nasty cut acmes the cheek, The
force of the blow threw him with the
top of leis head against the end of a
pile of lumber, inflicting an ugly scalp
wound two and a half inches in length
onhe (1001Vn of his 1s head. The
wonncls were both quite deep and blvd
presf111101V. Eight stite hes were neces-
sary to dress the wounds. Mr, Hen-
derson has been rather unfortunate
of late, this being the second accident
he has met with within a year.
37Ti11, Young, formerly on the 0. P,
R. staff here, Was renewing a(Aittairit-
aneos this week.
Earl McLeod left Tuesday morning
for S'Vashiugton State, where be has
secured d1. si:tuetioe with a saw mill
firm there.
Rev. D. W. Collins, of Exeter, wilt
preach itxSt. George's chiu'ch, 2.30 p.
in. on Sunday next. Rev. H. el.
Lang -Ford will assist in the service.
A. E. Calvert loft Monday morning
for Toronto where he has secured a
situation with the Home Bank as
accountant iu the new branch of this
bank which is being opened up )n
Toronto Wednesday. We wish hint
B. Mutch was a visitor in Hamilton
John Brethanei• spent hest Thursday
in Clifford,
Jas, Gibb had a large delivery of
fruit trees last week.
J. R. and Mrs. Wendt spent Sunday
with Mildmay relatives.
Mrs. Chas. Andrew, of Gorrio, 01110(1
011 friends in the village on Monday,
Mies Henry returned from White-
church on Monday for her school diet,
les. .
Rev. L. Perrin, B. A., exchanged
pulpits with Rev. Mr. Radford, •of
Behnore,'on Sunday.
Rei*. Mr. Lang -Ford, of Brussels,
occupied the pulpit in the Episcopal
church Sunday afternoon.
Rev. A. L. I$ussell, B. D., spent last
week in Strathroy, at the examina-
tion of probationers to the Methodist
iohn Stewart, youngest son of Done
ald and Mrs. Stewart, of Tarnberry.
left for New Orleans last week, where
he has been engaged as book-keeper
for a lumber fi1'm by whorl Ills broth-
er, S'Vun. Stewart has been employed
for a number of years.
Albert Robinson and Dr. Wilt
Sloan, of 'Blyth ; Robert and Iirs,
Gibson, of Kleinburg ; • and A. Sand -
dere, of Wellesley, were in the village
Last week attending the funeral of the
latter's father, Thos. B. Sanders, who
died suddenly in Wellesley on Mon-
day. The funeral tool: place here the
following Wednesday from the resi-
dence of W. S. Mc1Cercher, service
being conducted by Rev. L. Perrin.
PASSED AWAR.-Muc11 sympathy.
is expressed for Thos. and Mrs. Smith
and family in the loss they have just
sustained by the death of their young-
est slaughter, Nettie Isabel, wife of
John Robinson, of Tara, aged 20 years
and 8 months. The deceased, who had
been in fail'ing.health for some time,
cane to her home here some weeks
ago boning to benefit by the change,
but failed rapidly, passing away on
Friday evening. Interment took
place u1 the Brussels cemetery on
Monday aftor'noon,.servioe being con-
ducted by Rev: L. Perrin.
The death occurred on Saturday last.
at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,„ of Tare Ann
B beloved wits oftvi n
Dt d JI ut
at the , a;e of arLy-
Dne years and three
mouths.' The remains were brought
to Goderich for internient Dlonclay.
The deceased was the second daughter
of Willis 13e11, of -Dungannon, and is
survived by four sisters and four Ma-
thew; : Ith's. Thomas Johnston, Mrs,
John Johnston, Mrs, Robe. Johnston,
of Goderich, end Miss Nettie, at Dun-
gancon, a
Tota and -Io ern of Goderich an
at Doteoit,
V Isl. Robc is has been appointed
chief engineer, and with a staff of
draughtsmen, rodmen and chainmen,
started the preliminary surveys of
the West Shore elect'io road, . which
is to be built from Goderioh to Kin-
cardine, a distance of 80 miles, 1t is
expected this line will take two year's
in construction, It is the intention
of the company to extend their ;line
when built to Goderich South along
the lake shore to Sarnia, a distance of
60 miles, opening ma one of the most,
fertile districts of Onttw'io. • It is said
this line 10 10 be operated by tile C,
P. R.
A PXONTSEYtDIE9,-One of the sturdy
yeomen of Colborne Township, passed
away Monday morning in the person
of Gorclon Young, sr., at the age of
eighty-six�years aid two months.
Mr. Young wee a native of. Scotland
and Caine to this country when only
eleven yore, and ]tae resided ever
since in the township of Colborne,
essis1ie in the clearing up of the
land and sufferingthe hardships its-
lielly incident topioneer life. p 131'r.
Young even until mite recontl retain-
ed a large aino 1n
t tofvi nx'anyyle�
del energy
and a chat with the venerableen lo -
g t
man was always a source of interest
and inst.:wetion of .life in the early
days. He ;WAS a member of the Pres,
bytertan church and in polities was a
staunch Liberal. He ie the last of the t
family, but is survived bythree sons
and six daughters, as follows a ---Alex- t
ander William "Young, of Nile f Gfoz
cion Young on the old hornestead; Jno,
Young, iu West \orltvanosll ; 1'dos, S.
131ssc:tt, (.alhorne towrislxip ; DM's,
Peter 13fssett, near Winnipeg ; Mrs.
F1'ecl, Seeds, at Saskatoon ;lairs. Love
at itillsgreen ; Mrs, C.`ilaa. McPhee and
MN's, Thos. MTPhce, o1' Colbor' 10. 1011',
Young was pro -deceased. by his part-
ner in life, fornrerl' a bliss Smith,
about eight years ago,
The. death of William McCrtu', of
Belgt,rave, on Sunday, 1'01..0 es another
of the pioneers of this district. De,
ceased. was in his 76th year, and was
very hi ggh ly sateen. ed. Ile was a mem-
ber of Trinity Church, Belgrave, and
in polities a ('onservative. The fuller
41,1 took plar•e on 'Tuesday.
Thursday of last week Robt. Mc-
Gillivr`ay had delivered to him, at his
2110111 on the 6th con., five miles from
Lr.teknow, a disc harrow, and on Fri-
day he purposedlputting theimplenlent
into practical use. Having taken his
team, whichis a span of very spirited
animals, to the field, be proceeded t0
hitch them to the implement, - In lids
he was but partly successful, While
next the tongue attaching the tugs the
team became unmanageable, and in
his efforts to cheek their onwaxcl
movements the livres broke, and at the
salve tune he was knocked to the
;around by one of the horses, with the
result that the harrow passed over
his entire body, inflicting many cuts
tend bruises, 105ether with the break-
ing from the spine of four' ribs. 1\1'1•.
itleGillivra 's injuries are of a very
serious and painful nature, but the at-
tending physician has every hope of
his recovery.
Oran brook
Walter Pennington is busy erecting
his new dwelling.
Mrs. H. Tyermau is visiting her
daughter near Alen Park:
Mese Brown, of Ethel, is visit-
ing at D. McInnes' this week.
Miss Blair is having a new piece of
fenceput alone the
t 'oat -viers the
olcl stable stood which is quite an im-
Miss Lavinia Alderson, who has
spent the past six months in Loudon,
has been home on a visit, She likes
the Forest City.
We are pleased to notice that Rev.
J. F. Knight, M. A„ of Dawn Mills,
formerly of Oranbrook, has passed for
the degree of B. D., at Victoria Uni-
versity, Toronto. The rev. gentle -
mail is a great student.
The Trustee Board has engaged the
services of Miss Jennie, slaughter of
Wm. Armstrong, 1)tb con., as assist-
ant teacher in our school. She com-
menced work on Monday aud as she
is bright and tactful she should do all
right. The salary is at the rate of
5360,00 per annum. Better work than
ever should be done by the school now
as the teacher's will not be so badly
Crowded, We wish the teachers and
pupils success. -
The Thompson store is being bright -
ailed up by a new dress of paint,
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson spent• Easter
bolidays with relatives and friends at
'Wednesday of this week John Bate-
man shipped 121 hogs from _Ethel to
Miss Ida Cole, who was Koine from
Alma Ladies' College, .for Easter, Ms
returned to'St.`Thoinas.
Cheese factory will rasume : business
for this season next Monday under
the ilxanagenlentof 7. K. Brown.
School re -opened Monday. ItCiss
1 onieroy, assistant teacher spent
Easter vacation at her home in Fuller -
Our cement builders have several
ooutrIbets in bridge abutment obn-
struction and will push the work' as
soon as weather: permits.
Ethel Court of. Canadian Order of
Foresters will be represented at the
HighCon' i
z which meetsat is
N 1'a
Palls next month; by
G. W. Pollard.
An up-toelato barber shop has been
opened at the '.li,oyal hotel by Roy Mae
Zoltan where lee will be glad ee attend
to the 'wants of the, public in the
tonsorial line.
Quarterly communion service will
be held in the Methodist church next
Sabbath morn' n
m commencing n'
cl at
7.0 S0. 'Tile actor will ba in charge.
The Oflioial,Boarel will meet iVlon�(ey
The Page Fence Co. offered prizes
to their agents doing the largest can-
vassing in the last two weeks of bfaech.
Robert Close, the local agent Here,
secured the lot price aptievas awarded
516,00. Ile is still in the business and
bettor' eble than, ever to supply the
needs of the public,
1000T BALL, -Foot ball is proges-
singg very favorably. The boys aro
getting down to practice
g g and to all.
appearances will play, much better
ball than they did. last year, 11 was
at first thought that there would be
a shortage of forward players hitt
upon examenatiotr
of the list '
the a -.rune rued
e f ]lowing forrvarcis ; S>v , Free-
men, W. Jacklin, Berg. Eckiniex',
Goongo and Will. Balmier, • of the
1007 All Saints teem, Dan. lietithex,
A. Smith, Wi11. Cameron, of the '1907
Seaforth 501110rs, and the Downey
Bros., 1;200 spoody forwards from
Forclw ch, who have signed as non-
t'osfclet,ts, It is probable that Sas.
Pearson, of Toronto, will be home and
will also have a spite at the ball. A
great deal of discussion is being held
its to whether W, McDonald and W.
J. Stevenson, of Brussels' last year's
team, Will. play with Ethel or with
Ben, end ld t
n, o those -who ase not
acquainted with the rules wo w0nfcd
say that it is im possible for these melt
•o play with I'lleussels„ The Ethel
boys Would certainly be glad to have
holo and they would no doubt be a
strong addition to any team, batt for 1
them to play with 'Brussels is out
cf the question, and to those who
doubt this etatamc ut I submit a camp
of Hie rule which will be found on
page 84, item 0 :-"A player -shall
register with the nearest clnli and up
to 1t Melanie, of 0 111110 front the elltb
grounds shall not be cnneldered a non-
resident lmk'ss ill the opinion of the
registration committee his ease be an
unusual one. in the case of a player
wbose place of residence is 1 11 ane
municipality and whose place of bust-
neer is 1u another, it shall be permis-
sible for hila to choose to affiliate with
either one club n1' the other without
being regarded as a non-resident of
that club," The fact that the Brussels
Couueil has given StevelIa 11 a little
crmtra(L will make no differt'nee What -
The Clinton New Era says of a form-
er Ethelito :-The wife of D. Balmier
who is in delicate health went to Tor-
onto last week to undergo x-ray ex-
amination. Her Many friends hel'e.
will regret to learn )ler con/lition is
not very satisfactory.
We welcome to Iiltbel Thos. rand
Mrs. 'Williamson, olcl residents of the
76111 2011. of Grey. They have leased
S, S. Coles house opposite the school
house. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson will
take - a trip to the Northwest next
Summer. They rented their farm to
Messes. Evans, of efox'ris township.
IlyerExnxL,--On April 14th Miss
Annie, daughter of Robert and Mrs.
Close, (3111 con., urns united inmarriage
at 'Winnipeg, by Rev. Gilbert B. Wil-
son, pastor of Augustine Presbyterian
Church, to A. G. f:Ianna, ofaMilestoue,
Sask. They left the next clay fox'
their home. lir. Hanna was a former
resident of McKillop township. The
many old friends of the bride will be a
unit in wishing the happy couple pros-
A number of Morris fanners are go-
ing into the Field crop competition be-
ing conducted under the Last Huron
Agrict,lttral Soeiety.
The usual Sunday afternoon service
in Sunshine Methodist dearth wilt be
cancelled next Sabbath owing to the
Quarterly service being held at the
Blick church, Wawanosh.
We are sorry to learn that William
MCA1'ter. a former resident of the 7111
lino, died at laartney, Manitoba, last
Friday morning, very suddenly, aged
07 year's. Decesect was a brother to
James Mc iter, of Brussels, and Mrs.
George Kirkby, 8th line. His many
olcl friends in this community will be
sorry to hear of his demise.
SOnOOL REPORT. -The' following is
the report of S. S. No. 3, Morris, based
on the results of the promotion exam-
inations. -Sr. IV -Lilian Watson,
Mary Spell., Elia Clark, Lizzie I)en-
man. Sr. IIT -Myrtle Wheeler, Janie
Alcock, Kenzie Sherrie, Jr. III-
Harolcl Kerney, Janet Oonnon, Mag-
gie Speir, Brazel Nichol, John Little,
Willie Deumon, A. Bradshaw. Sr..
II -Ernest Michie, Sam. Alcock,
Elsiedonnori, Gladys McNeil, Willie
Clark,, Andrew Nichol. 7,. II -Ivan
McArter, Norman Speir, John Mc-
Neil, Russel Bradshaw. Sr. Pt, 1 -
Russel Marks, Bena Cloakey, Annie
Little, Barbara Bradshaw, Jr. Pt.
I -Anne Alcock, Maggie Clark.
E. M. WILTON, Teacher.
Township Council will meet on
Monday, I'day llth, at Ethel.
William Oarnochan,. of Linwood,
called on old friends this week.
Sohn Buttrey, who leas been laid up
with blood poisoning in his foot, 15
able to be out again.
30 neve model desks have been placed
in the school. .rouse in el, S. No. - 3.
They are the Preston make,
Mies Ida Drinkall of Detroit and Miss
Rachel McOurdy, of Belgrave, were
visitors at L, Frain's for :Easter.
Mies, Ella McKinnon, who was home
from her school' at' efonkton for her
Easter.vacation, returned to her work
on Monday.
O teiles Oa9cle of
y Linwood, has
been engages as assistant cheesrnaker
at Silva'' Corners. etc conies Highly.
Hugli Riclnliond has vetted his
farm,knpwn es the Pickrell farm, to
Mr.`Clu.•aln, of Trowbridge. They get,
possees10n at once.
Several Groy bowlishilla-inne04 have
entered for the oat crop competition
ender he direction ' 1'
i t tiro of estteal
Ht 1
Agricultural Society.
Richard Robinson lltlu con is hone
from Edmonton where he has spout
the past seven Months. Dick looks.
well and is welcomed back.
The Sabbath : School held in 1110
school house 81 S. 5. No, 3 will re -open
after the Winter holiday next. Stab -
bath at 3 o'clock, P. A, x�1foArthtiris
the Superintendent
Next Sunday afternoon Ulla Sabbath
School ae. Shines' school blouse, iyhieh
was closed during the Whiter mentis,.
Will resume work under the Superht-
tonderrcy of bliss Betz.
A -.limber of Gi'eyyites ebeeedarl the
funeral of the late Mrs. Robinson last
'Monday. She was a sister to Arthur
Wel Oliphant Smith, of this township,
Mrs. Iiol ineme was a flue women.
After a 90100011 of three months at
Winnipeg, liistevan and other pointe
Miss Bello M0EEMnan, 7th con., (steels
eel home on Tbreeday evening of last
week. Shelled a flue .time and it
evidently agreed with hey.
Service will be withdrawn in
roe's chureh next Sabbath morning
awing to the Ceetieterll" meeting al,
Ethel. On the following n
i g sal bath
meeting, Sunday school 237111 be 1'c -
opened 'tor the coming setteen,
A device for opeeing' and closing
gates has been completed by .Alva
Oloso, which appeal's to be what
people are looping for, He .is iapltly-
ingfor it patent. Mr, (7108c ]las visa-
eel Toronto and Walkerville•where the
Page fence end gates are lnanefaetttr=
eels The Co. gives well pleased With
the design,
.6 welcome visitor to this section of
the eount:fy is Ja111es II:eines, a ferni-
er resident of the lith con, who spent
7 years in Grey. It Is 16 years since'
bre left goingflrst to ParltRiver, North
Dakota and afterward to his present
holm between Regina and Moose Jaw,
He and his 5011S load 6,000 bushels of
wheat last liar'vest for which they re -
tee ved
t eevecd from 92 to 98 cents per bushel.
They had (11)0 (11110s in all under crop.
1Ms lfohnes is well pleased' with his
situation in the West and has an in-
telligent grasp of the situation gener-
ally. He and Mrs. Holmes have spent
the Winter it Ontario visiting rela-
tives and Mende.
Newry cheese factory commenced
operations Tuesday.
The Cement Works started to run
on Tuesday of last week,
Wnl. Greensides and son 'Riese, of
Brantford, spent Easter at his home,
with E. T. 11trd Mrs. Greensides.
Miss Mamie 'Watson has returned
from Whitby College. Mamie has
finished her course at the College.
J'. A, McBain left for another trip to
the coast as traveller for the firm of
Nickleborough & Moldh'ew, Toronto.
5. S. Meyers was the recipient of a.
handsome token of the esteem in
which he is held by his staff of the
Cement Company, when on Tuesday
of last week, five of these gentlemen
met in the office and presented him
with a gold headed cane.
The concert held in the Music hall
on the evening of April 16tH, under
the auspices of the Foot Ball club met
with very good success. The program
was given chiefly by the boys, and was
of a varied kind and well received by
those present. Proceeds 524.
HTMENsA.L.-A very pretty wed-
ding was celebrated at the residenceof
Wm. and Mrs. Graham, lot 5, con. o,
Elmo, 011 Wednesday, April 15111,
when their daughter Maggie was
united in ,carriage to .Alonzo Heath,
of Mildmay, Ont., 10 the presence of
the ietimate 'friends of the bridle and
groom. The bridle tittered in a white
crepe-de-chene dress trimnlecl with
lace and chiffon carrying in her hand
a bognet of Easter lilies and ferns,
leaning on the arta of her father,
entered the parlor to the strains of
the wedding march played by bliss
Bessie Johnston, of Listowel, and took
her stand beside the waiting groom,
under an arch of evergreens, where
the mystic knot was tied by Rev. Mr'.'
Salton, of Trowbridge. Oongratula-
tions being over the guests repaired to
the dining room and there partook of
astunptuouswedding repast. Guests
were present from Dutniries, Guelph
Listowel, Atwood, Trowbridge and
Gerrie. The large number of hand-
some and costly wedcling presents
showed the high esteem in which the
bridle and groom were held by their
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Heath deft the
day following for their new home in
Mildmay, the bride's travelling suit
being navy bine Venetian clothwith
hat to match.
Bev. G. B. Sage, rector of St.
George's church, London, will occupy
the pulpit of St. Paul's church next
The first meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
was held on Tnesdav evening in their
rooms in the McDonald Block. The
meeting was conducted in the form of
Bible study.
The Young Conservatives of town
EDS getting in readiness for the poli-
tical battle that is soon to be fought,
and a meeting was held on Tuesday
evening for organization.
Wingham is hound to have three
livery stables. Rabb, Tennant, who
owns time building eecen1ly vacated by
Cassels & Robertson, will stent a livery
himself in ease he cannot rent his
Large congregations gathered in St.
Panes church last Sunday to hear
Bev. T. S. Boyle's farewell sermons.
The morning J
sttb'oct was "Faithful -
nese," and the evening subject "Life's
Rev. 13. E. Allen preached an ap-
propriate sermon to 'Wingham Coun-
cil, No. 223 0. 0. 0. le., on Sunday
morning from the text, "Ointment
twn.d perfume rejoice the heart, so cloth
'the sweetness of a mans friends by
Mat3 Counsel,"Prov. ai xsiu
0. Thole
'teas a good attendance ofme membersoff
the Orcl i
Sundey'Scheeltannivelsar services
will be .meld in the Methodist church
next Sunday, ' Rev. II'lr. Rankin,
pastor of Carleton Street Methodist
churdh, Toronto, will be the preacher
for the dee'. A platform meeting will
be held in 010 attornoon, when there
rvi11 be addresses, presentations, re -
omits, etc. Special music will be ren-
deredat all the services.
Tho annual:meeting and election of
officers of the Epworth League of the
Methodist o8uroh was held on Monday
evening. The. pastor, Rev. W. G.
Howson, oecuplod'the chair, Reports
from the various departments showed
that the League had a prosperous
year. The monlhership at present is
about 120, which. is a flight decrease
from last year's report. Notwith-
steen .lugg' the 48008ase the givirigs to-
owyards th0 lb/ward movement for mis-
signs went up with 11 bound, and
to alled about 5816. Perhaps 110 ether
league in the London conference,
meinbetehip considered, can equal this
record, The following officers Wove
elected for the ensiling year :-P.e :s
dont, Walter ' T. Hall 1st Vice-
Pres., Miss Laura 11:elvey ; and Vice -
Pres, Miss Maggie Tibbs 3rd Vice -
Pres., Bensolx 41h Vice -
Pres., Miss Lottie fittest ; Cruickshank; Beoordiztg
Secretary, Frank Its. I:Iowson-; eor-
responclit g Seeretaryr Alex.. Coutts ;
Treas., Mies Georgia, Dunnage; :.pian-
ist! Miss Minnie l (.swat ; • assistant
pianist, Miss Laura Keri repres-
entattve,.to Astrid executiare, Lloyd
The Methodist Sunday School will
treat the scholars aud members of the
school to a supper on Thursday even-
ing of this week.
W, A. Noble, of Hamilton,' gave an,
address to men only on Sunday 'allele!'
noon in the parish ball, There Was
a good attoudance and the speaker
gave an exeellent address on the sub-
ject, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap."
A meeting orate public schoolBoard
was 11016 on Saturday evening, Prin-
cipal Dlusgrove was presnl and applied
for a few weeks' leave of abseuee. His
request was unanimously granted.
Geo. Thompson, of Stratford, will sup-
ply ISIr. Musgrave's work during• his
absence. Mr. Musgrove has served.
the board for the past seventeen years:
If elected to the Legislature by the
oleotors of North Huron, he will retain
the position as principal of the school
until Christmas, and then tender his
Is North Huron - Non
bythe Machine ?"
To the Editor of Tye 1.050:
DEAR Sla,-1 see by the press that the
arrangements made lest Summer by the
Organizer ot the Conserystive party for
Ontario with A. H. Musgrove and tew
Conservatives of Wingham has been
ratified by the Whitney Government
and by the Conservatives ce North Her-
on at their Convention last Thursday by
patting A. H. Musgrove in the field as
the Conservative candidate.
For the past year the Conservatives
of Wingham, at least a few of .them,
have been laying scixemes 1ur the over-
throw of Jas. Bowman, wbo was selected
by the Conservatives of East Huron as
their candidate, in fact he was the only
one who would face the Music even if he
had been defeated at the previous elec-
At the Convention a candidate was
also selected for the Commons but while
after it, he did not accept, giving sever-
al reasons For not theu accepting but the
real reason looks as it he was laying a
trap for Mr. Bowman to fall into which
be did and be did not accept either
leaving it partly an open question so
that the Conservative of Wingbam could
say he did not accept.
The next move was to get the County
gerrymandered so a riding coild be
formed with Wingham as near the center
as possible so tbey could have the, most
influence. At that time they had a
young ambitious defeatedclindidate who
was stili looking for honors and he
thought with such a riding he could' be
elected by legislation if not by the Votes
of the people, as be knew that even his
father looked on defeat as the fate 01 the
family and such it was in both East and
West Huron and even in East Huron
for the Commons tbe lay out teas framed
by the said Dr. now of Goderieb, as
what he considered as a Conservative
seat and whicb he expected to get at
the first Convention but the party , stood
by Mr. Farrow and he was againthe
candidate, The Dr. had a fling at it
later after Mr. Farrow was defeated by
Dr, MacDonald but bis fate followed
hint and he was defeated by something
like 400.
As soon as the Conservative party got
into power in Ontario the doctor was
again planning, as he in the past has
been an adept at gerrymandering and as
Mr. Either, of the South, wanted his
riding made a sure thing (as he has been
there for some years and even bis Con-
servative friends look for a change and
are beginning to think he should step
aside and give some else a chance and
this Either knows) so with Silber in the
South, Dr, Holmes in the Center aud the
Wingham pe,rple after a change finding
1. P. Whitney an easy mark for such
work, notwithstanding his strong pro.
testations to the contrary, he carved the
County as we now have it. Mr. Whitney
says it was not done for political effect,
but it was uamed by the patties I have
meutioued last Summer,
and the
oiotmento eco
f amities bythe'
was only a farce, as it was arranged in
the constituencies not is the Reuse as
it was only made law there. .
Part of the game went astray as the
Wingham Conservatives were not look-
ing for the new riding for either :.the
defeated'oeRast lir West Hiit`ztc bp,`for
Musgrove and an arraegelueu Made
t veal" de
bythe organizer 1 0 niz for O
r Ontario 1
g ear
with s
t 1 Mu novo that he :was to
Musgrove p the
l indtclste aud 'Hie a rid dill
a won�d
formed for h1p a sine tl�ng Mus-
grove bad his previous election experi-
ence in view acid it is said provision was
proffered that should be be defeated in
the sure thing, as sometimes happens,
he was to get from the Government a
better position than he then had at
Principal ot the Wfnghm school, This
was consented to by the organizer so
rumor seven..
The next trove was to get the Conven-
tion. The defeated of West Huron was
got out of the way in some manner, how
11 \RS managed has not been divulged,.
uutess the letters IC, C. to his nacre wag
the reward, and the next thing was to
get rid of Bowman and that must be
done at the Convention. the officers of
wbieh,were mostly in Wingham and
favorable to throwing Sowmau overboard.
To work they went with a will, . every
leading Couservative in the ridingwas
interviewed and as an. as possible
were got into line for the execution andd
now Bowman may say spare me from my
I think I have made it plain that the
North tiding of Huron ass Conservative
riding is bang run bye machine, baying
its head'm Toronto with aiti'00loe '
Wingham. Its object was the eiiry-
tuenderiu Y
of Huron
tvts 1•h
two Saye seatsn ' : ii +t, �Ve
a d getlotltll
y the dyer•
theme of Bowman 'aped which' fdas 1110
time they have evidently' anteeditedint
tiding. :r'¢
Thetking you for so much of your
valuable space rot this time I will' alb-
scribe myself, ' Pala P1.hv.
April ay, %cog;