HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-23, Page 8House cieaning e Many of its troetils aro right in our Itne Caustid Soda Makes the fittest of soap and at the sante time will use up the greaea, tallow, [kw„ that lite collected daring the Muter. 6 !b, tin 40a. Two Good Disinfectants ZENOL1yTJa1-2Se per bottle. Will make up a large quantity of disinter• tent solution, CHLORIDE OE LIME -10o Tins, Household Ammonia .A. great cleanser, 10o bottles, Moth Sails For putting nuder Oarpets, and with Winter things when storing away. WALL PAPER New that the bright days are bore at room whish seemed to look all right before may begin to appear shabby. It le surprising what a difference fresh paper will matte. Bring iu the ineesuremeute of your roome and get au estimate The met may be considerably low- er than you hail thought. We have many patterus in good tante at a very low pride. Our Papers are selected with a view to looking right when on the wall. See them before you buy. e7 DRUGGIST ANL) OPTICIAN. axe Iixtuse�ns SPRING seeding is at hand, SPRING moving 15.011 the program KEEP your business before the public. PUBLIC schools re -open next Monday. FOOT BALL CONCERT Friday evening of this week. RAILWAY travel was brisk during the Easter hulidays. A CEMENT sidewalk is being put down at George Barkley's new residence. BRUSSELS Creamery will commence work for this season on Monday, May 4. ROUTE bills printed neatly and expediiioi s1y at TUE POST Publishing House. Geo. Etrtt•.ees is making a number of improvements at bis residence and prem- ises on Mill Street. THE regular meeting of tbe W. C. T. U. will be held in rooms on Fri. day of this week at 3 p. m. AFEN young people from town at- tended an Assembly at Blyth on Wednesday evening of this week. THE. meeting of the Loyal Temperance Legion will be held in the W, C. T. U. rooms oa Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. EVERY Brusselite should give the Foot Bali boys a "lift" by patronizing the Buy ticketeven if you can't concert. a y attend. Tint rod awl line are once more in evidence and the members of the finny tribe, whose home is hi the Maitland, will have to be cute if they don't get hooked, A NUMBER from town attended the funeral of the late W. j. Dennis, who was accidentally killed on Good Friday in McKillop. Interment was made at Brussels cetnetery Tuesday afternoon. FOOT BALL CONCERT, -Miss Edythe McCraekea, of Cleveland, and Miss Edith Wood, of Berlin, have been recur. ed as soloists for the Foot Ball Concert Friday evening of this week. They are well worth bearing. HURON OLD Boys. -The annual excur- sion of the Heron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be run to Goderich and Wingham on Saturday, July 4th, The executive Committee will meet at the Rossin House on Friday evening to make full arrangements. SANITARY INSPECTOR OLIVER is ready to make his annual round relative to a general cleaniug up of the town. He will leave a dodger to your possession which shottld be carefully read so that the instructions may be followed and the law complied with. Teeso.v evening James Johnston's horse got frightened and ran away tak- ing its coarse up the cement sidewalk on the East side of Turnberry street. The buggy was somewhat damaged and the driver thrown out. It was a wonder the plate glass windows were not damaged, THE Merry Widow hats are becoming fierce. A lady weariug one of the extreme type tried to enter a Detroit • street car and found both doors too narrow to allow her to go through with- out tilting her bead. The hat occupied the whole space two feet above tbe seat and the woman took half a seat below. BURGLARS Monday night entered W. A. Matthews hardware store, C. E. Stone's grocery and shoe store and R. L. Crokett's dry. good store, Canning. ton. They used a crow bar and hatchet to obtain entance to the two and obtain • ed a quantity of goods and about eight dollars in cash. Mr. Matthews and Mr, Stone are not strangers to ,Brnsselites. BRUSSELS Foo'r BALL TEAM COMPLY- iSENTED.-At the annual meeting of the Western ' '' Ball Association, held at Strattot ,,;.;y Friday, President L. B, D ff, of We.ind, in his address said: - It is one thing to make a good athlete out of a man and finite a different thing to make a man out of an athlete. The player or the spectator at a football snatch, who forgets to be a gentleman, has found no rich treasure in his sport. This is an aspect of our pastime which never should be lost sight of. It is un- usually gratifying to me to be able to present to you the report ot Referee H. W, Brown on a championship match played in Brussels 'The manage. )went of Brussels Football Club," he Bays "deserves credit for the admirable provision made for keeping the specta- tors back, and the spectators weep ex- ceedingly fair and friendly. Not a sitgle undesirable or ungentlemanly re- mark was heard throughout the game. No penalties were inflicted on players and the entire match was played with the best of feeling. I understood from the Brussels boys that the match In Plattsville on Friday last was played under conditions similar to these." Iu receiving a report of this kind Brussels was more honored titan in emerging from a score of hard fought contests with the silver cup emblematic of the Assoeiatiotl championship, If our foots ball sloes not breed decency anti a spirit of fairplay it had bettor be banished from theland, James Ballantyne repre- tented Brussels team which is entered with a goodly number of others in the Intermediate seriesfor this season, the sohedale of games Is not out yet, PLUls. STR<tw hats. EARLY Onions. GIVE usthe news. Nevi' Friday will be May Day. AN Assembly will be held in the Town Hall next Monday evening. A cAts of hogs were shipped 1$y G. A. Best on Thursday, $6.10 was spent. PATRONIZE the home mercbants and read their advertisements in Tun Posy. 'nue report of Brussels Public School is crowded oat of this issue but will ap- pear next week. CENTRE Huron Liberal Nominating Convention will meet in Seaforth on Tuesday. May nth. TnE Brussels Salt Works are at work again under the capable management of Gurdon Mooney who has spent a good many years at the business. A. McKenzie has purchased the house andlot onAlexander r known et k v A to n RS the Hunter property, He has bad a new• shingle roof put upon it and has taken Possession. CHE juveniles of the North side of the Maitland battled on the base ball diamond with the South -siders Thurs- day forenoon on Victoria Park. Score was 16 to i6. THE Junior League of the Methodist churchur ose boldin an Entertain ment in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday evening of next week. A choice program is being prepared. Tae initial game of Baseball for igo8 was played on the afternoon of Good Friday between the junior nine and a team made up of older players, several of them being members of former win- ning clubs. At the close of nine innings the latter was slightly in the lead. The younger diamond cutters showed con• siderable ability in wielding the willow and handling the ball. Saturday some of the ballists did not move round with so much alacrity owing to the strenuous exercise the day before, --0 BIOYOLtt supplies and reppairs will be cosh from this date. MO T & Saaw. DwenLrso ROOTS to let above store. Soft water and other eonvenienees. t. O. Rtontane. 1000 emelt rats wanted. Season will soon be out. Bring in your furs. Good pride. 40.2 • MORAY & SHAW, BLAOR silk shawl lost between Brussels and Ethel on Saturday April llth. The owner will be greatly obliged' if the finder will leave it at Tun Pose, WHIN your lawn mowers will not eat grass Scan tone, sharpen and adjust same to your fancy. Will exchange machine and also have a number of mowers for salt. T. MCGREaoa, Min street, Brussels. -0- People We Talk About I. W. and Mrs. Kingswood and son, Roy, of London, were holiday visitors at Jas. Sharpe's Princess street, -Russel Lowry was bomefrom St. Thomas for a few days, -J. H. Cameron took in the Convention of educationists at Toronto this week. -Miss Iva Govier, of Paris, and her brother, Sam„ of Auburn, were visiting relatives in Brussels during the past week. -Mise Annie Grieve, Will, Grieve and George Harvey of Paris, spent the Easter vacation with Mrs. and Miss Grieve, Brussels. -Miss Hattie Downing enjoyed a visit with old friends at Toronto. -Will. J. Stewart, manager of the Standard Bank Agency at Ailsa Craig,, made a brief visit to his horse here He is a son of Alex, Stewart, Queen street East, - Miss Edith McLaucblio, of Toronto, was the guest of her parents' for Easter. -F, and Mrs. Durcile spent a few days with Walton friends Jno. and Mrs. Simmons and Miss Hazel were calling ou Wroxeter relatives.- Miss Annie Forden, ot Beeehville, was a welcome visitor at the Methodist Parsonage dui, ing Easter. She was a college chum of Mrs. Powell's at St. Thomas. -Russel Zimmer, of Hamilton, and Miss Tillie, of Gowanstown, spent the Easter holiday at their mothers here. Will Marrs, of Hamilton, accompanied the former, - Druggist and Mrs. Fox combined busi- iness and plesure in a trip to Toronto during the past week,-fuo, and Mrs. Coates and Miss Mary left town on Wednesday en route to Idaho where they will make an extended visit with relatives and friends. We wish them a pleasant stay and a safe return to Bris- sels,-Miss Carrie Edwards arrived !tome this week from a holiday outing with relatives at Moosomiu, Soak, She visited at Chicago and St. Paul, Minn, on the return trip. -W. 1-1. Ardell, or Gorrie, is visiting old friends in town for a few days.- Mrs. Dr, T. G. Holmes And Miss Gertrude, of Detroit, were looking up old friends in Brussels during the past week, with headquarters at Mrs. George Rogers'. Dr. Holmes, who is a surgeon in the American army. and daughter, Miss Stella, are away to the Pbill'ipine Islands at the present time. The Dr, practiced his profession in Brussels for some years, -Miss Nina Rogers, of Mount Forrest, ate her Easter eggs at tie home of her mother, Frederick street, Brussels, -Miss Henry, a former Brusselite, was visiting iu town lest week. -bliss Maggio McNaugiton ie home from Clinton, The New Era o£1 Systematic Saving Paves the Way $1.00 to acquiring the "uapital" for future busi- ness chances, or a "reserve fund" that will moke you independent. Begin NOW to save SYSTEMATICALLY. stoo THE METROPOLITAN BANK receives deposits of $l.00 and upwards in its Savings Department, interest allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year, All departments of banking conducted with satisfaction and security. FARMERS' BUSINESS LIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. capital 'Wel Up Reserve bund and Undivided $1,000,000.00 I Profits, $1,241,502.26 BRUSSELS BRANCH, F, H. GILROY, Manager '1 that town says of her :-"eliss Mc- Naughton, who has held a responsible positionwiththe T ackso Mfg, Co, forr some time as foreman in the suit depart- ment, leaves for her former home in Brussels in a few days where her time will be devoted • to an invelid sister, Miss McNaughton is spoken of very highly by her employers: She has also been an active and zealous member of Wesley church, being a teacher in the Sunday School, and will be missed, She will carry back to Brussels the es• teens of many friends in Clinton. -Bert Lott who i5 attending the Institute for the Blind at Brautford, took advantage of Easter to take a run here to say good day to relatives and friends He re turned Monday. -Miss Edith Wood, of Berlin, spent tate Easter vacation, with the family of her brother, J. 1'. Wood, Elizabeth street. She will be welcome back. bliss Wood is possessed of mare than ordinary musical ability. --Henry and Mrs. Bunston, and Harry, of Brent- ford were visitors with W. L. and Mrs. Leatherdale. The latter is a daughter of air. and Mrs, Bunston, who will be remembered as former residents of town. -Ira iar.er of iu t -m, was calling on friends in Brussels, We don't blame brief is' bine-Lorne Pringle made a ilio visit in town from the Queen city. -George Buchanan of Toronto Medical College, and Miss Floreuce,who is a student, o t the Normal School, London, were visit- ors under the parental roof. -C, H. Nortb, of Picton, was au Laster visitor at J. F. Rowland's. He is a brother to Mrs. Rowland and has been in Brussels on several occasions.-lvirs. Day, of , e G rriholidayingwith relatives in Gerrie, was -NIoears of I ersol has v rs B u g1 been visitiug her sister, lairs, F. S. Scott, William street. -Miss Pauline iolciiweu, who is attendiug St. Thomas Ladies' College, was a visitor at her uncle's, J. Leckie, over Easter. -Miss May Skene took a brief holiday from her position in Toronto and visited her oarents and numerous friends in this place. -Mrs. Reading, Miss May and Sterliug, of Wingham, were visitors at the home of George Brown, Queen street. Mrs. Reading is Mr. Brown's sister. --Miss Helen Ford is speeding her vacation with friends In Toronto, - Norman McGuire, who is a typo on the Milverton dun, was renewing old ac- quaintances in Brussels during the past week. -Mrs. George Banker was visit- ing with relatives in Zurich. -Both 13. and Mrs, Gerry have been on the sick list with the prevailing lagrippe and a touch of pleurisy but are making good progress toward complete recovery now. -Miss Edna Cuvler; of Whitechurch, was a welcome caller on old friends in Brussels. -Hugh Crlch, who acquired the tonsorial art in the. W. E. Duncse shop, left last week for Peuetanguishene where he has taken a position. We wish him success and be should do well as he is a competent hand,- Miss Eva Camer- on, who is teaching at Squire, was home for the Easter holidays, -N. F. and Mrs. Gerry, Stella and Harold visited rela- tives in: Guelph during the past week. - Miss Jessie Elliott, who is instructing the young -idea, in Lincoln Co„ petit her Easter holidays at her parental home, Alexander street Brussels.-Brus- selites were very sorry this week to part with most worthy and highly esteemed residents'. in tbe persons of Juo. and Mrs. Pugh and Miss Edua who removed to Mitchell, where they purpose malting their home, at least for a time. They have lived in Brusseis for a good malty years attd leave a wide circle of friends Mr. Pugh may go West again this Spring. THE PosT Very om•rlially coin mends Mr. and Mrs. Pugh and daughter to the good people of Mitchell. While sorry to part with then, we wish them every success, -Reeve Leckie was at Goderich last Thursday attendiug a Commate meeting in reference to the proposed ex•Warden's re union to be held in the Co. town in lune, -f. R Grant, of Winnipeg, has gone to Loa. don, England', where Mrs. Grant and Miss .Jessie have spent the Winter. They will malce a tour of France, Italy, Switzerland and other sections of the Continent cud will no doubt have a very enjoyable tiive,-1 no, Currie jr, Was partially disabled, owing to a sprained knee but is able to get about again now, -Geo. Eddy has gone to London, where he has accepted a position in the railway freight office. He will make his home in the Forest city. We wish Mr, and Mrs. Eddy prosperity. --Mrs Joo Fer- guson and Master Kenneth were visitors with Clinton friends during the past week, -Mi', Hayden, of Fergus, was visiting in town last ween. fie was a former resident of Grey • township -r, S. Ardell, of Lethbridge, was a visitor in towtt this week. -Miss Lillian Ross, of Wingham, is a visitor with Edith and Irene Toole. -Mrs, G, A. Deadman stent Easter with Woodstock relatives.—Mrs, Angus Campbell and Miss Marjorie were holidaying with relatives in London. - Percy Richards was home over Sunday, -Miss Alice Pennock, of Drew station, is the guest of Miss Gertrude Ross. - Among the victims of la grippe attacks have been S. Bailey, D. Rose Sr.,Miss Lizzie Ron, Mrs. W, W. Harris and Mrs, A. M. McKay, some of them being real ill. -Mise Avery is here from Lon- don,- C. Jones, of Newry, Inctconte to town. He will assist G, A, Deailtnan in his apiary for the corning season. -G, H. Santis, manager of the Standard Bank at Grafton, was here for Good' Friday renewing old friendships.-•-Cltas. Dodds and Arthur Smith watt to Mo - . for Good Friday and brought some fish back with them. -1. C. RicU- ards was at Bayfield this week. Heac- companied his mother aud sister. who have spent the Whiter here, back to their home by the lakeside,-Jno Sher- rie was elected delegate from Brussels C. 0. F. to Lhe High Court which meets at Niagara Falls, Ont„ early in June, - Monday's Stratford Beacon says: - "Don. McGillicuddy, phl•sieal instructor of the T M. C. A., was hist night re- moved to the hospital suffering from a slight attack of blood poison'rg in the leg. This morning he rues improved and no serious results are antk.ptted." The yeti ng gentleman is a son 01 'Phos. McGillicuddy. of Toronto, and a nephew to G. A. and Sirs Deadman of Brussels. els. - J. '1'. Curtis, of Milverton, well known in Brussels and locality, MIA elected a member of the Executive of the Teach- er's Alliance at Toronto on Monday, i "ferry" will do more than 111 n chair, - Inspector Robb was at Toronto this week attending the Educational Coun- cil. -An old resident of Brussels was calling on former iriends here last Mon- day in the person of Alex. Brock He lived here in the heyday of baseball and filled the important position of catcher io the tea r h m, SY en we sayfilled e, 1't" f we mean that be was a dandy behind the bat. Although zo years have rolled bysince then he a to appears be much the u same Alex. as of old. His home is at Owen Sound. We were glad to grasp his band.aad chat over the days gone by. -Art. Jackson is taking up the art tonsorial at W, E Duncan's shop. He should fill the hill, -Miss Claudia H. Brown, of London, otdon, s e nt the holiday with Mrs. Geo. McKay and daughter hers. Miss Brown is engaged as trim- mer with Miss Boyd, of Wingham, this aeason.-Mrs Juo. 'Thomson has beeu visiting relatives nt Seaforth.-S. Wilton was ou the sick list but is able to be about once more. -Miss Ailie Beck- with, of Wingham, spent Easter with Olive and Jeau Jackson, Church Chimes Last Sunday morning Rev. M Wish- art gave a discourse on "The Resurrec- tion," The text at the evening service was "What can we say to these things ?" Special Easter music was given by the eboir. The Easter Vestry meeting of St. John's church was held Monday even• ing end shnwerl a very encouraging con- dition et t'lThirs, n sol plus of about $Soo 1 , , , I portal. Following of. fleet's vole elected :-'Phos. Newsom, People's Warden ; Wm. Smith, Alin ister's Warden ; Harry fames, Vestry Clerk ; Wm. Bryaos, Lav Delegate to Synod ; Messrs, Cardiff, Bryaos, Col- vin, Langdon and Beddy sidesmen. Rev H. M. Lang -Ford, the highly esteemed rector,ts being sought after by another townbut the congregation hope he will not accept. ittyxaLltweo leant THE SI[ANDAItIT1� E K OF CANADA Heacl Office - . - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. • Deposits of $l and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed, No Delays in making Wittadrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. st BRUSSELS BRANCITI J. 1?. Rowland, Manager Branch also at'Waltoua. The service iu St, John's 'chinch last Sunday was ill keeping with Easter, as were the sermons and special music 1 Last Sabbath morning the pastor of the Methodist church prenchecl an Easter sermon. Miss Edith Wood. of Berlin sanga choice solo entitled "0 Loving Father." The same lady gave at fine Missionary address to the League Sabbath evening which was much en- joyed, PRAISE .SERVICE -The Easter praise service in the Methodist church SRbbath evening was probably as good as those of any farmer year Program was varied and well rendered and was as follows :-Organ Voluntary, Miss Bailey ; Anthem, "The first fruits of then that slept," Choir; Invocation ; Hymn ; Prayer ; Anthem, "Softy now the light of day," choir; Scripture Lesson -St. Luke24: 1-e; Duet, "Glory to Thee My God 'this night," Miss Edythe McCracken, of Cleveland, and Miss Alta Pune; Solo and Chorus, "The Holy Dawn," Miss Bertha Sharpe aid choir ; Scripture Lesson -r Cor, 15: 12.20 ; s'Phes. 4: t3 1; ; ll vain ; Ad• dress, "Easter Anniversary," pastor ; Sole "Giver of Ltfs"Miss Edith Wood,d, of Berlin ; Quartette. "The Nicety end Nine," "Lad!es Quenelle ; Duet, "Pilot of Galilee," T. Leslie and W. Kerr ; Anthem, "Remember now Thy Creator" choirI Address "Immortality\ Proven," Pastor ; Solo and Chorus, "Calvary" Miss Hingston and chair ; Offering and announcements ; Anthem, '•Lift your voices," choir ; Hymn ; Benediction The eboir was assisted by Miss Mc- Cracken, Miss Wood, Dr. Cavtutgh, of Owen Sound, and H. L. Jackson. Miss Ida Bailey, performed her part as organ- ist rga -ist and accompanist splendidly. St4.co was added to the treasury of tbe choir by the offering. Cranbrook School will re -open next Monday. Miss S. Nicholson spent Raster at her house in Bleevale. Robt. and Miss Mymtle McDonald visited Molesworth friends on Good E'riday. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, of Listowel, spent Easter at the home of J. Switzer. Peter Sinclair has been in poor health for a couple of weeks but is iu1- provin Miss Bella McTaggart was the guest Of Harriston friends over the Easter' holiday. Miss Olive MacGillivray (teacher) left Good Friday for Toronto to speed Easter week. The trustees are arranging to secure an assistant teacher for the school as the work is too heavy for one teacher. Jas. Cameron anc10. Seele have the contract of cutting down the large poplar trues in front of the school. The visitors for Easter holidays were Misses S. Seale, E, Calder, Norma Sperling, Myrtle Spieling, Laving Alderson incl Tessa Switzer, H. and W. Tyeeman and W. Camer- 0u. if a.ii the BO YS In the place would buy The:t4,.. Lon Brand We don't think there Would be a better dressed lot of boys in Canada, / Our new style this season surpasses anything we have ever shown. Better fitting, better made Boys Sults are not made in Canada to -clay, and we are the only people here selling' this brand, Come to us Boys . for your new Spring Suit. All styles and all prioes. The Lina Brand label an the Suit is a guarantee that they are goad, uson -... A. Reymann and alias Mamie Cauuteou spent Easter in London.. Miss Beatrice c, t1eu Neil., a former well known t tsiileut o1 this place, has teono into twilling as a, mime, to the' Ruusovelt hospital, lttt York city, She should luake nn 1,xcolle116 otic and her many old friends wish her success in the puce he, of the heading tart. h essam rt Lt (nine-Tuesd[ty even - big. an :Hayworth League trots organiz- ed 0 the Methodist church with, the following otlicers :- lion. President, E. G. .Powell ; Peesident, Barry A.iulev ; 1st "Vire Pres., A. M. Belo ; 2nd Vice -Pres., Maggie Switzer : Secretary, Annie Menzies ; Trcasiu'er, Fred. Osler ; Oiganist, Emma Hunter. 25 members ,joined and an interesting and profitable time is counted upon each Tuesday event- ing. MARRIED asi n - tr - , OA [o n. \yl '. L Perrin, M m on April isth, t rev. L, OnsMies Maggie Wright to Air, Wm. Cnaemora, both of Turnberry. DIED 'Bnow's -At Harpers Corners, on April loth, Isabel beloved daughterhter of R obert and Eva Brown. es 0orays, omnod 10 days. BnAbxOIR-in Gorrie, on April 18th. Mar- garet Martin, wife of David Bradnock, aged 0yearsand z7 clays. Win, ItsNxas.-Tn McStilop on April 17th, Tas. Dennis, aged 58 years and 4 months. stig °Irmait SALE of Fm•m Property its the Township of Mom'slo.-Himmler and by virtue the o ere ntninit in n • a v u f t w co a certain I 1 oslo, a winch will be produced •ea , he mortgage, 1 i[. at time 6 P of sole there will to offered for solo by public unction on Saturday. the 25th day of April, A. D. 1008 et the hour of one o'clock in tate after, noon, et the Central Hotel in the Village of Brussels, by F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, the follow- ing property, namely: 13e1ng the North Half of Lot number Twentyseven in the Eighth Concession of the 'township of Morris, in the County of Huron, containing one hundred acres of land be the same more or less. On the property there is a small frame house with stone foundation ; there is also n good NOM With celllelit foundation and stebiuig under- neath. There ore about fifty -live acres of cleared land, The soli is good, This farm of- fer's a splendid opportunity fora person with limited means. It is about three miles from Brussels; Terms of sale -Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down nt the time of sole to the Solicitor for the Mortgagee and the balance inthirty days. For further maw. ;l'tioulars and conditions of sale apply to F. S. SCOTT. Auctioneer, or to A.B. MACDONALD, Solicitor for Mortgagee. ALL PAPER ateassenre TT gives as epeeial pleasure to refer to 1.l. title year's stook of Wel/ Paper. We have had the opportunity of eeleeting our stook from the two leading Canadian factories to well as several Amerleae houses, choosing from each of titans twine of their prettiest meetings and designs. Pretty enntbinreiolte in Tapestries and Embossed Papers suitable for any style of a room front the emelt penny to the meet elegant drawing room, Wo will be pleased if you will tlo ns the favor of see - tag our samples, lar.malde ,y de 4101111ALDEBYDE to the euocessfnl I 1 farmer has become a enmity, not only front ft sltuitoybut afinanaial stand- point. The out of application is small compared with the satisfactory restate attained. A pound bottle eulllioieub for 100 bushels of grain costs but 40 cents. Full diicetiuns for using on each bottle. We guarantee every bottle we eell to be fully up to the standard at t S Drug. Store •TILE PEOPLE'S COi,UMN COtlFORTA13LLr COTTAGE, stable and ;f novo of land for Pale, Turnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &u. Possession could be given at onoo, For further particulars IN 10111150, terms• &o., apply en aha premises, ALEX. MOLAUCiiL3N. 42.4 WANTED -•-A person with kerne money to ,join In an extremely profitable business, in which large profits eon be made, without risk. References given, Investigate. f. Box 24, Brussels, Ont. ASSISTANT TEACIHI I8 wanted for A. S. No. i, Grey, duties to Commence after Easter. Apply to J. M KNTGLIT, Cranbrook P. 0. CI= a SUPERIORITY, =Ithoroughness, prog ,•s8sivanese - �..,' .enthusiasm, expertness e aro our watchwords. Comm et, srt mat,Stenography, Selo rPx,h . ' Mail ea ttrsea in any subject. ' WN vacatiat. r i-+ Win has B n usinase Collo go o Q t; 1300 lotion Pri tlCi Ai. W , p ;� rvt�,t rv'Av,-,rt��, � slur,• �.d�vAu;rA�s�Gu"�J Watch Repairing 1jove make a specialty of due watch work and use the best material. Van job too small or difficult for tis. All work guaranteed. A trial will convince you of our skill and moderate charges. Ct L JE Ck � SN, - JEWELER Brussels Boy -light Store,, anteeteeteeteeeeeameweessteesereeeseeseesteell r 4c' f l9 f •- Go We SF wad Y`a�ti tNtD Bee Our New White Shirt Waists freta! 75o to $8.00. Our New jleadymede Skirts in Panama, Venetians, Poplius•ttaad Tweeds from $2 00 to $7,50.• Our New '-pring Jnel'eks, $8 00 to $10.00, New Dress Goods, Nruslius, Prints and Ginghams. New Embroideries end La e04. •New Lade Curtains and flour Oilcloths. We are Of' erin Special Values User New 3111'4 Hats for Men aro Bandies The very latest shapes in best qualities of English Fur Felt", .oft and hard. Prices the Lowest. en'st y a l� t l.- irtl thin 1 Emil have, without doubt, one of the 1itreest and best stocks of Reftd,y'ti•wenr Clothing for IVfen and Boys in this seeti,tn of the Gorinty. Wo lire offer- ing iipeeial values and would be pleased to show yotl Qualities and Prices before you boy. RIOREST PiICES FOR POO➢OCE Coods Sltjht or Your Money lack