HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-23, Page 5•r. a .Sit tt,IiAl yb '1 ti .A ' w,semo. nua: I'OR POSITIONS • Q'( sayibngy treUtteu:?8p to Imo A1ewh 'ptpetrhrrmonth 9i ilr •.u••g Q,1 ELLIOTT // ll TORONTO. ON'. 47 Title etre, le n',•nl terttu4 near fist' too rt', i'i ,1 r,4UOatIuu alvei to Iha tush std, sant tar the rewe:1u 1,1, able aut0n 10 01 130 graduated. %•• l,i.io upon 11 " 0 tiro yt itt. lleldn now, Our trail:tug will mulctyou 1 muepunduut Write 10.11ay tor out. QJ aiugun W. J. I 1 1.102'1 , prineipai. f Unr. Yonuo d:.1.exandor Ste. rtJ1', a sx;t 13tISINESS CARDS, k v1J, b1o01�AO1 iN- 9 • Issuer 0f Marriage Linemen. 01. rice et (,reaury,Turneerry 141.001, Ilrusoolb. WM. SPENCE CON ViiIYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 1e Ulm Poet Ofilee, me•4 ml,tIVIISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ .ETHEL, ONT. _Y K. O. T. M. Droaeele Toot of the Maccabees, No 24 hold their regular meetings in the Lodge Room, Hacker Slims, on the let and 8rd Tueiday evenings or each month Viettire always welcome. A, SO'.ILItt3, Cow. 4. M0t3UIR81, R. E. LAMER HAiiKlsl Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company t(11f un luta lieldouoo- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN L,• 1NB0RANOR, :IRE AND MARINO GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. a S. SCOTT AS AN ATOTlolr e nen, will sell :or O butter1111 eller e. Ue1.ieY to 0:1, m IaBtl time LLlld lase OhLLrger logo arty t.tbor AOcti.•1oo. :nitwit Unroll t1 u'. w:,U't enal'go uuythlug. 001,00 wad 00460.. Jou 419,00 tie arranged at thin pule° or o, p,.re •nal ,.pl'ltoation, ROB T. H. GARN/SS IOLU1;VALle - ONT. Auctioneer for liurou County. '101010 reneuueble. halos arranged for at the ,Nes of reg Poem, Brueeele, 2et1 VETERINARY. A. CUNNIN&JiAN1- V1 • nuuur .1a.lua.e or tart vutrorlu Vet vrmu,y 08110140, is pi °pared to trout all die 00008 Of dumvOilatLed aalmILlh w a 00001100 out maiden. l'Itrtl'alar atteuttUu pa10 t0 Yetaeleary Oorllleere aUtl Allla 101dr Ualnb promptly atmmted to. Utter aim tuIrmwy -,'our 1100r0 verth or bridge, '1'urnberry It russets, Phouo 41 k MAL AND LIONVEYANCINO. A1i. MA.ODUNALD- • barrister, solicitor. Notary, Rte. etotteseor 10 G. V. Blair. Unice over Shut. ttarn 8 ruck, limpets. 8ullet1ur fur Metro - pollute Ifuuk. � M. ,6INCLAIIi- v marketer, euhU ottur, unvoyauo0t, Nuutry marketer, rublio, 'rt'. Ot2011-8tewart'e brook I duo' lvortll 0l °entre: Rotel, gt'llwter for the 8baudard n auk, 1:)80UDh'OU'1', GAYS & BLAIR- lJAitliLd'17vl1H, 801.:IUITtllB0, NOTAlIlr4S 1'URLLU, 14'1'O, W, Peoun9uou, R. 0, 18, U. Nays G. F. HDAx1t. Ulnooe-'Chose 1orwrly ucoupled by Mos0110 Ut0mrou A 14010, (301112111011, 024.11110. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE/LD, mitelTetee Uradtlate of the Royal College of Dental Surgotne-tit ("Marto and Firet•ol1100 Honor Graduate of Torouto University OfRoo next to Brewer's Photogrape Gallery, H1tU8S19148. ��5-�'13,�-.34�t1T-�YIVJctit"�1- 6=�r�t�i14 dfENTF AL ib Ll�i%rUC/ S.TRATFORD. ONT.°t-o 0is the leading Minimise training Baboon BI in Western (Meath), We give a thur- f,` ough, pradt,enl training on UWeimer- otal-Subiootl,, Demo P10mau's Snort-. u Totten T owritu uud in Cow- . 1tu d,YM gr mrol Ts •al amu T;allruad t) intuits of ��pp p g 911 e 141 0 Imp ,,d Luo r 58 td the sou as u . ill It80 experiutimed 1011000, es. We aisiet it BtWdeutn to p8etttm01' Oar 111000 118 anyaya iuueed, for our 4oure0 are Lt I tau beet. Use our free °autumn° and i 11 leanow,rn more 1000110 tie. You may enter I 411 IIILLIoI l' A elol1A011LAN, ,.,,,,-4 eta:' °t,, D id^=dC :s 4,,s—, Are Vane Joints Lame t Httveit'o you a wane opo,, a paten Where thud and infl..mmatluu a,waye 8011100 7 Whether 11 in al tun unmet, aide jambs in I1t11Ue--tht tulle to eimplp-LL Good run 101111 N r..uw 01111 'inn apply NOL'vldhl, Putout, P,usi et £.heal•,. I bell Undiduu8l1a invariably Gore et: alll, UW01111114, weakue0 111111 mUe°Uhtr pato. '!'Cera (silo mystery about 00110, 9orvitine i 1110 1114.0 pelta. ti etitlg lit It',:..0 Ititlptl-tluu0011l °they 11 406 whata 1.,.• lWl,0r lea ly 1. v el'4I.111 Poi. :u Plits.rlo err 4100.. lite,. "1'11 11 ., a . 1.11 .011k, 01,1,. 01111 .1.11 01, ,11 ht3011l ill., n0ue..L11•ba mak' 00'tee W4111t, 0 Suri �g Torin from April 6th morgue into our Slunlner Term from ;filly Ilth, Enter now and be ready for a good oituittion in the early Autumn, New Catalogue free. Write for it, CENTRAL MINES! OOLIZE Yongo ft Gerrard sta., Toronto W. H, SHAW, Principal BRANK TRUNK RAILWAY. 00/7110106 NXT11140I0N W. 6, dt n. rraine trove Brunets Station, North and South, as fotlowe l Oo1No 8000.0 (80040 110110.0, Vail 7001,41i 1 I9xpreso 10:01 0,w Icxp retie 11:42 0.101,1a11 .......... 1:44 11.11 I•)xpreem 0:03 pan I lexur088 0101p,m CANADIAN _P_ACIFIC R. R. Leollowiug is the 0 Pl101, Time Table at Walton :- To Torouto To Goelori4'• Sweatt 7:46 a in I Axpreoe .,.,, 11180 it in 1/0511000 6:0 m 14 p 100.51800 4125 p m Natal Beam gums Colima woollen toque mid other ,sato ea omit' Owner may bav) BB 141 by prov mg property amu paying for One t.Ulaue. 'tug PORT. Quern a comber of enbelriblre hate ueeu earulug the Editur'o thenke by pay• mg ap their eubserlpuoue to Teta Pori, Have yeu ttIt for impulse 7- A Naw Val'a:ltlne Id being pal up at u111101..u1' 1). A Lowry 'it Ilew x043) r, Or, Qfbe11 0treet - He wl,1 hate it tie 0. pl •be wbe'1 hr Iulprut0n0u Le 000 0010,.101011. UN Saluluay af1eruum., 2501 met., at •he Oeutri'I Hotel, Bru emu, lbs Nu Ill toa f ill lut.27,. 000. 8, Morrie, w4, Ito offered fur tam by pituue euw,ou. Bine at 1 p. m , F, d. d0000 being the Ilumtlol1Ber. Uaulpbe,' o Stant 41,01 81001• •Fluieb i8 ,he 111004 uuroble flniab tor flour anti 0urtaub013101 are 01010011 Up011. Mune Lrnua0a1e114 and m (suture ,mllallng na1Lll a, w0ude, 'tlo$ay & Shaw upon requeel and ebuw a aamp.e of ms 11,unug Waled 10IL11 11110 fi,tlull IL W8arel 1• Ager time tok fiver fluid vat web,, ,un.e'er4u e31aeluu ..f the Wn,K- (l,ln D,01riet meeting will be heal It' 11.0 de111. lel uhur1h, 13,1108010, 00 Tu1Onay Sia, 19 it, ko up0'l at 2 p m. '11,8 getter al 000041.10 181.1 fulluw 011 Weuueuay, .peed,° 141 9 a m, if,xe 0ge obi ens 100. -The present law uluie„ 10111 ins Pon offmtl for 1010 Weealy G.ubo emu due juurual (0433 ...spar. on May 1 t Ami who hate ,4,l r, moven ur who un01r0 40 b0 name., uu tub .1118 fur the email 001(11 01 9186, n moyllnee, fur one year 0110410 LU nu til• 41 00. Pein anywhere 0011 be quickly 01Opptit "y win 01 Dr. dinup's Pink Pam 'lablblr, Pon i0lway0 m0008 ouugeet0u-uuu0tura•. 010U0 preeenr.. ]Jr. Snuup'8 Ptelt Pain l'eblete glmply eons emigrated til t.d a,Vay fr001 p11111 0 114019,Moen Pn01018- kuoWn Uy druggluto rte Lr. SUoup'u Htlao• Nobe4ablete-°imply equalize the blood utrgUlatIU0 and then pawn elwaye ciepto to u 20 121111111013. 20 Teblooe 26 enols. wrOM Dr. Stump, Ra011e, Wye. f.r flee paokage, Bold' by an dealers. Tint Guelph Herold of Ap.i, 11131 8a/01 -the Heald has just reonlv,11 [rum Julie Bulh0rau11, who repreorn,e 13131 G'.re Chariot 9'1re Ounipauy her , o ouegie.lm 25 per um.1. of the pre motto paid by no to the Ownp0uy lit 1907. 'Pule refuu4 boo been an 111,oll auuurreIOe °nue 1118 year 1890, when the Company made its lira dIeLrllU11011 of 20 per emit. The uoob 0ne800 of the "Gore" now amount to a sum egUtVB1e0I to 81x years' of average Imes. It 1s 011 tee 80re11gt11 of the earning poiver of this heavy reserve filed that the Oumpony eau all rd to be 00 Wier, 80 with 140 plttrouo. A Frightful Leath . Is one from euffuea1lui amu •om0llmes 1u110we tv bed ettaek of A -theta. The old faebioned remedies may relieve but never our0. Beet results Dome from OaIarrhozo0e wbieh oasts AOtma after hope ie abandoned. Ids bauau0e Catarrh- oeune Iola the A8thtna germ that it omen. °bokitig opella ani labored breathing are relmvt•d, BUffu0attlg 88neette110 thud 1089 of breach are otlrtd. Every trees of Asthma is dflveu tram the system, 0110 even old uhron100 experlell0e immediate relief and lasting dire. Equally good for Bronehlh0, throat trouble anti Catarrh. Sold by all dealers 11 .25e ani $1 00 comae, Get U0tlrrhuzoue to day - it does mare. r,o 11(1 WjCt1, Geo. and Mre,10831tun'o infant died on Tumidity night 01 last week amu the fevered nook Owe ou Wedneoday. Wm, Browu, or., of Huwiuk, aged 95 ye8r0, died at the borne of hie eon, Wil- lem 011'ruesdly and 0100 curled Thuro day at Redgrave nemetery. 811 " 8 at 0114 etiefu1 ' tit -1t' moat . . PItINO Spring dhow 0000 held 111 Harrieturt wan etteuJed by a targe 0r0wd of farmre from the tlur.onudnk ouudtry. 'There (Vera altogether 47 outride for horses of dif ferent 01aaseu end 9140 - paid out in prize0. The f0 lowing t0 a net of the prime warmer° - imported Olydedale Stanton, over 4 y•aro-WI ktneof tires dip'o(na, It 13en0er Imported O,ytloo• alae -n13.011, 01,4101 4 yearn -B. Bender, f MtEwon. Porohor°U or liet31011- Moon field Syudlua e, li. H. 1.1'urtudr Ayc..11 Ro,1,1810r. Stallion -Wm. F01 - 4411e011, diploma 3 Demuth 111 11,,1110, 040.1(dg0 Stwlmu - Fleury Yodel, G.',an-town ;14. Beewitm, [hue, Fordw1011, 11rnv, drungtyt team-...WIIIOI,au, Bhu• �. 1,V!''On. Agr ion, 10r.,l .te,nl--U, .laolo,'on, Wltltt i00,, Bros. RJadoter team -R. H Fortune, J, 0, Merlituld dtllltn• roudotor D,trre0h tit 11111130, 113.4 or Jsnkaoli, Sn141' 0mlrnle horer-- D (non 4 Hlndet' 1.),o,10014 & 'Rude. 11 .4, .1 M1 In 00,0 tn.tre—h r d W o4, A n'•,: .00 , SIl A P. fitly (a9tlouttut..)-J. L, Oa pow W. ?Y,-eT•wwweeer:•--.-...:r.' .>±^'°Ort•;i".'-" •z.--:-a:,r,,:0 453,14`.. .. 0. Ohambare, John am, 0110ont, St. TheSt 8lury'a lodge Joho Pram, obalrm u of attilW tree i J. M 111e$•y, eeoretory ' 1 511 0 01 41 ar Grocery Pelee are °artily and qulok'y elleolrell won Dr. dimple Biagio O11Itment, I 3 'TU pr1.100 it I 14111 man a mall trial hoe Spring Spring Spring rte a 001vltlantg leaf. Simply address lir 100100(1, Recline Wi-. 1 surely would m•t alma it free mimes was certain that Dr, 1301.01118 magic ointment wl'uld ptand '.110 00.1. Retnrmbrr it id made exprreely Null alone for 0wellen paulty'),bleeditlg. or 31011,y 0le0, either extnruel or internal Large jar 50e. Sold by all duelers. <:rreo Sano ,o Renee -Report of B. 8. No, 6. Gory, 1ru01,41011 02„m beteg mode in jun or o 08800. Sr IV -L. Ooolouoh, 8. ,1oLeen, J, 0o1m11o011, From Jr 1V to Sr IV -L Whittle d. From 8r, Ili to J1. 1V -G. Oolumogh, Freon Jr I1.3 to Sr. I1I-N. Oarmiohuol, From dr. II to Jr. 11I -N1. MuLeau, A. Attwood. Jr. 11-81, Barrou, 0. Oololough, H 0 MAOGubxvttAY, Teaober B0uo01. R11Po0T -Po lowing ie the report of d, S. No. 8, Grey for Maruti aid 01111 We. It of April, Eaow. in G 00,, 031011,, Arith., Llt., Grum Br 1V1 -- Rowlett V1R wlett. Wllboe, 687 ; 'Hugh Smith, 488 11 1V -Ernie Cardiff, 569 1 Oeuil 11Io Ko4tun, 558 ; 'Porn o°Dulald, 488 ; Burnet Smith, 841; 'Junove Tay lot Sr. IIl-Joao Smith 976 ; Oliver Dolt, 818 ; Morcott Abbey, 759 ; John 001e, 206. Jr. II[ -Jim C Iver. 726 ; /1/01111 Graua11e1,, 614, Fred Coe, 568 ; Written Haze', 514 ; 'John acme, 127 ; 'Kole vloDuual.l, 98 Sr II-Beeeir Smith, 826 ; Marion Smith, 588 ; MAue me- Ferlau• , 491 ; Joe Smith, 808 Jr. II - 17 iza 101wiup, 887 ; Willie Donner, 864 ; dtllar0 Grunt, 881. PL. II -Herod Uar,nt. 868 ; Jambe Lletner, 861 ; Jim •oFer,1114b, 194 Pi.I-Gecrgr Bisbee, 58 111. ZIOMEa, Teacher. Aro Von A Dyspeptic Nine peep,. out of 1.11 suffer from 11ydpepent and dxl'% know it. Half the pale obeek8,poor appetite and -Weep. es eight., are the Orem, re..ult of dyepep,•Io I lir mom lied In tenure of the otomaeh sue kidneys are °tog. ed, and unable to .00 then work. Nothing puts vigor .into Milne °reallm a0 fast 00 Ur- Hamilton', Pl110. They 00,40 op the whole digeetive storm, regulate and strengthen the -tumaoh, absolutely our0 dyepepela Supple to take uud sure to aura, -better try Dr. Hamdtou'o Pills. ♦r w • 0. A. Hauge V. 8. of Atwood, has 0001me11800 a veterinary p41001i00 In 01111 from ee(Holm ea .ee8ha t theegg oil mow them g tie eggs. A F. elm Aire. Piercy have returnee to A wood after being oil an ext011tled rip ,0 &tented. of the E. tan, Y. MW 0. A4, and fornmerly . L Atw oo, ha, beta elected president of the Ed• In '11011 OI y Football League. Organizer ,loon Torrance, of Ltetowel, who was to town tor u few days in the lelereat0 of the 0, 0 8'., imti,.t.d nine 11YJoint AbPur,lbul8has 801m11ehieliarl11 .n 8.11 ounce -fou, Wein, to John B. ael0 401111 Mr, Turn bum and family mil t Ice up their reeiden00 in Atwoodebort.y. Nathaniel Oughliu i0 haviug the brick fr„m the building which was recent y destroyed by lira m Atwood, removed 1. ole farm and 1110en& having hie bootie broke. this Bummer, A a j nut 100,0.0114 of the session anti Board of managers of the Preobyterien u,.uruh it was decided to bold a Jubilee atmver.ary of the organization of the ohuroh as a Niemen elation o4 Sunday, the 6th day of September and the foilew ung lyl.nlday. The former pastors, Rev. A. Heudereoa and Rev P. AI0L od, will o n loviord to ita4i00 In the seri/toes. `10100 FAIR -Th,- Elms Spring Show whim, wee hell .n the vi ser W 11 110.41/4) 11.4 week was cleoid, dry ouooeefUl, '1'010 cumber of horsemen present, and the oououvrse of Immure showed the deep nf1erest that is tidier] Ln this part of the uovutry in horse breeding The oom- petdtiou in the Imported Clyde, Huult• ley and Standard bred Waimea was very keen. The followi814 are the nem°- of the oreuer0 of the prize wm1100.0 Im- pnrted Olyde, 4 years and over -1, (i. Grapp, Mu%minn ; 2, 0 Eokm'ar, E mel ; 8 And r• w 'Chump,.,,,,, D on... llup„rtes 0 td -s Witter 4 year° -1, Her e 00111011 by D. H. Horse A11131101 1141011 Oo'riage, coital or lack. y-1 ,and 2, W. O Skid, Ltetowel ; 8, W. J Duoklew. Standard bred -1 ai d 2, W. 0, Kidd, Lieoowel ; 8, Soot & Werwiok. DptIcaIAdvice Enquire from your neighbor Where he got his glasses. l m r t find re- commend will be aure o rt e commend for W, P. Stratton. Always here to bo =united. Prime moderate. Call and see us, Jewelry The moat up-to-date Jewelry both it' Quality, Style and Finish. Repairing a Specialty, Stretton JEWELER and OPTICIAN erimmilmompui la here and I have all kinds of Soap9, Whitewash Brushes, Mops, Hurub Brushes, Stove Brushes, Ht•.ve Pol- ish, Stove Pipe Varnish and every- thing that makes houee-oleeniog eltay for the iloueewlfe. My stook of Oroceriem and fanned Goode le fresh and up.'o.dlrte, All khtdo of good Garden and Flower Beetle. I Moo have a stock of the beet Con- fectionery mosey eau buy at price° to suit all purohasere. Goods delivered promptly to all parte of the village. Good Brood always oo hood. Butter and Eggs Trade or bash W.T. SPENCE Grocer and Oonfeotioner, - ETHEL L'ho aughbred -1, W 0 Side. Sweep .takes ( eat heavy borer) -George Grapp. ttweepetakee (bet; light horer)-W. 0 Kidd. Wines tattna. Cassels & R0,i11e0u have diepooed of their livery enamor' to she other two every deslere lit town. Robert Beattie and H Ramsey. Thio wnl leave only two livery buslneesee in town. James Brook died Thursday of loot week in hie 56th y. ar. He hats been ill for oume mouths, and hie dense° wee not onwoked for. Deoeaeed wee a rammer figure on the streets for muiy year , but a parasytto ear k4, las Fah laid nim aside [rum wont, nd crone then he no. been in a 0111,10(0 Ouudltlun. A11h00gh the Wiulham Baptist ohuroh 11011 4,084 error, n fur 87 years, the wed- ding of Mies E lion and Mr. W mfie d, which took pate Thursday tit last week, wee line tire' event of the kind that bee been performed in it. As ie the custom, the temple were the recipients of a h0n100me family Bible, presented by Rev. H. E. A'lau, in behalf of the ton• 3regatlou. III v tit. Wm. Campbell made a bueioeae trip to Toronto for a few daye. Master Curry accompanied him bank Lora visit with hie grandperent8. The following officers; were appointed for the team 1340eoa1l team. -President, J. ibloblurob,e 1 Manager, W. Watson ; dee Trento., J. L Kerr. Mre. George tel1G0wan and Mies Mu Gow..n 010000 to 10w11 and have taken up their home it' the frame bone° owned by A. Steinhoff, near the G. T, R station. W. Oonery, of Guelph, and a former ,es,d0,0 of Morrie Twp. and Wu,gham, 0uuoeelul.y defended the Wurlo'e unempiouohip fur 10 hour roller 8hati, g, He (803440011800 of 1lre. Hood, of town, and Mille Hood and Mrs. Wm. Jaokaun are 3110 a0ume. Nut Woman's Mitt iouary Society of the Al 0011 11181 ohurub held a very eco m'oyful imolai in Ole 1100018et of the (March, A large crowd was present and a very pleasant evening was epeuc by aft, rhe paetur, Rev. B. Anderson, •000upied the °heir and the following uneroetu.g program wag aunouneed by him :- deeding by Mrs. S. H. Gulley ; duet, Mien mil er and Ahem Matted ; 0eleoti0n by the uteheetru, compo -ed of 8. H Gid 0y, vm in, F. E••eretl, flute, air. Roadhoue8, our,.et, Mem Panel Gulley, a00umpaulot ; 1411 oXrrulne by NI Noun Sand ; end, e' gaur'0lte, Maoee F,00ny, Bentley, P G they and Aire 1 B,uwu ; month organ ortrotloll, Geo. Wambold ; reading, vire. C. H Reese.; se action by oyrrubeoora ; instrumental eeleotion, Mies Kennedy ; male quartette, Meagre. Rev Anderson, Wamould, F oody and Gidley : Ieueb, rhe preemie amounted to ovrr 925. t ' I ill torn. 01,NDorIN8/5 HAND,OAP -Au enitlneiaa'i0 oalheru,g tit trmperanae workers trona the eevoral ntelriole of Huron 00111tity met in the Ontario etrret Methodist (Moroi) herr Thursday of suet week and formed an aeooiation to be known as he Ontario Prohibitory 4dtane. The limners lit the ridings necessitated re- nlreatitz.ttob of exle1iug branches and hr 011mm104ee 011 orgaelmttlou reported III favor of one Bet of uffetere for the eonuty, with vtoe preeidente for each of 4be three ridings. Delegates were present fr m Goderloh, Wingham, Olin ton, Si'efortb, Exeter, B.y111, Londes- horo, G rrie, Benmil 0r, Nile, Auburn, V ria, Colborne, Bruoeele, Thames Roan 81111 other please, G. M. Ediotb, Gude. rich, noted he 011 Innen unto the e notion of the new Preuie,t, F. Bonham mit, of Wlneham. The committee on meal option reported me' follows ;-"That we are .f the opinion regarding loom) nptioe that it ie anvieible to get as malty muletoipalihee as poaelble to enter on a campaign at the mime time, end would reoomatend that 814118 be taken by this Orgatneati0h to secure oouerted ammo adjoining uni i alitt80 to m the art of u m o 1 g p 7 P have the by law take effeot at the same time” The dioousefou which followed 'Mowed that local option was the leading g0eetion of the day, and grohflostio0 wife expreaaed at the progrr86 already made, rte there are mow nine "dry'munioipali tete in the o0nmy, and Godorteb and Wingilem are a ready Into a oampider'. O•her putties w,tt fol ow and it 'Mould out be long beture Heron, with perhaps only a few exceptions, will be free from the Seemed barroom. A strong reed u Lion wets introduced and 11118eed, sum phtiniug of the leek of the proper r, hlreement of the Lignor Act in neat and W081 Huron, and the Government will be asked to put In new file re, who will do their an y A re.o wenn web moo pa.80(1 oundelnning the three fiftho 0111,11130, Run asking for its repeal. Another resolution dealt with the attitude of the eaten in eleetiooe .and it 'e e ' ted the earning 1 t xpeu h.'t the tempt -ramie people will not Dnp port m candidate wit does 001 lover the r.prol of the Ih.er At,0,e 8ntae. Rr-, H • S Meat*, Itootmtotlt 98°rotary of v".':3!rd7nZyj45J.,.n'E'.1C'R•..'�•F F -y ooh, Ball ! eo1llcert TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS , FR1OAY EVENIIVIE 1APR. 1 Reserve date WaLch for particulars firse7fTecti7>M lar E2afit 113 s� E Choice Program present and oondooted an open con errant o- in the afternoon and uddreeed a man meeting at night. ETHEL. LiNIy0R'rnxmNc.-Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No. Is 28a and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable anti satisfaction always as- sured. Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fot which we hold diplomas. LEA'I'HEIt1Ai,g & SON, This locality has as its residents some of the worthy pioneers of the bush dans in Grey. Among them are Law- rence Dobson, 1Vm. Hall, Conrad Ber- nath and Wm. Cook. Old Mr Watson is probably the oldest man in the com- munity, he being along in the nineties. The others mentioned, and possibly some whose names do not appear, have spent over 4,o years in Grey township and know something of the ups and downs of those early days. A shipment of living lobsters is being sent from Halifax to the Pacific ooa01. J A McAndrew, 810tie100. of the Court of Appeal and 011ioml Referee, tial re- eignrd. rho difference between the C. P. R. and its moohauioal stuff in the West is approaohiui a 00iei8. George W Sutherland, of Welland, was nominated for the Legislature by the Welland Liberals. A deputation of Canadian manutootur- ere waited on the Government to apk for an increase in the duties on woollens. R. T Dunlop, formerly of the Bover• mien Bank staff here, has taken over the management of the Farmers' Bank of Canada at Deellwood. Wm.Oudmora f well o i e th It n e PP known a exporter, b eX r 4,r ea Note to give a 9 P P av P farming end will probab'y take up hie residence in Clinton daring the Doming Sommer. The °tonna' visitation for Confirma- tion by the Bishop ie expected to take place on Hnonay morning, May Srd,.at 11 e.. m. His Lordship will not be here on the evening of that day A young boy, eon ,f Donald MaLsod, had his leg Raverlysprained, Fie wife trying to o'imb on the and of 11 wagon when hie leg onugho in the wheel, told he got tweeted around. A laborer named Allen, living at Tbumreford, had a thrilling ee0ape from death He was returning home from Ingersoll, driving a blind horse, which, engnided walked off the abutment of the bridge over the Thames and into the river, twenty feet be ow. Neither the horse nor the man were injured in the leant, and the buggy only slightly damag- ed, 1001.3V ASHTON-111 Howiok, on April 121h, to Mr s-ud Mre. Geo, Mtn on, a son. WVRIGHT-In Ford mob on Lori 18th, to Xlr. and Mrs John Wright, a dough• ter, nI;E a. BRo1WN-In Howiok, on April 16111, Wm. Brown or., fn his 96th year. Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Betterthan old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sici uer•f,, colds, coughs, bronchitis cr..'. 1 .'' 'i !.goat and lung, tro'uN .. Tv t G.1 James Fox, Druggist 1610118,31189 Heart Strength HeartStrengtli, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, erNerve weal00s8-nothing more. Poe- itivOlY, not one weak boort in a hundred 10, in it - gait aetu11117 diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve -the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve --s#m(lyneeds, and must have, more power. more stability, more controlling, more governing 008509th. Without that the Heart must continue di fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have 4,1° same Clearly ex ll n nerves. This sl early exile aihas why, as a medicine, lye. °hoop's Restorative has 111 the post done so much for wank and tilling Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought tho heart of all thisr.Shpainful, Palpitating, suffocate Ing beat distress. Dr. a lone directed popular prescription -le alone directed to 61001 week and 0100010,R1 nerve centers It butldal 1&strengthens; #t oaure real, Mennen° heart bele. If you would have strong HOarts, strong df. ,cation, strengthen those ,servos - re-establielt Mom 00 needed, with Dr. ®'. c � �7 for v4, Vemperanoe ttud Moral Reform, was 1 "ALL DEALERS” Are you U U In Looking for We 11flYe it o Lyou 1 rice Looking for j j (i{'y We can met't any competition. ALreookiyngou for Quality Our Hats will Pleailo you. A wide variety of Styles from which to make your selection. Don't fail to call and see us. "'� NABKIRK Go to Skene's FOR Dress Goods, Shirtiaas, Cottons, Flannelettes, Laces and Hosiery Teas and Coffees a Specialty Prices no Higher but goods the Best. Always stocked with a full line of High Grade Groceries AT S IK lE N ,E' S Catarrh Now Curable But never byMedlotne swallowed, Snuffs. :prays or Douches. Catarrh is not a blood disease and that is why it oan0ot be oared by any medi cine taken into the etomaoh. ()moral is a germ trouble contracted from the germ. ARE THE BEST ! laden air you breath inward. These germs fasten themselves in the tissue and air delle, of the breathing organa, multiply by million., emcee 000021034, =telling, raising of mucous, dieoharge from the 11oee, diftioo ty in breathing, boarseueeo, dryneee and stoppage of the nose, tiok,ing in the throat and other symptoms that oao only be reaohed by the dry e1r prioaipal of Hymnal. It =Winces the air you breathe with the enrative properties of the Australian Eucalyptus Foreate where catarrh 38 on known. The reae011 you get relief in a minute or two from Hyomei is beoanee it de. etroye every catarrhal germ in the air you breathe, and tee dry penetrating aroma will reach the in0ermo00 recesses of the air paosoges, killing millions of germs a minute. Their destruction mentos freedom ter oppressed respiratory organa. Jae. Fox sella Elynmei under a guarantee of satiefaelion or money back. Pride, S100. AND -- SINGER SEWING MACHiNES Machines may be seen at McICAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT PAINTING HAPER— SALT G Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works, can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. The undersigned is prepared to attend to all work en- trusted to him in the above lines with neatness and des- patch. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. T. NICHOLLS 37-3m BRUSSELS. NATIONAL Roller Flour Mills OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL” is now in full operation, Itwill it 1 save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses Try our New - BREAKFAST FOOD - Corneola Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating, Don't forget that our "Wh.ite Loaf" Flour is still taking the lead for Bread ]lours. lAll kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. W & RA. PRE BRLJSSELS