HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-23, Page 4' e Srasses poet. TRIMS ler AY.. APR. 28. 1908 NoetntreriN8 Conveotiono for the pone - frig Provdloiel electlone are all on the go now. Thursday of We week North Huron Conservatives meet in the Town ]3ah, Wingharn, to pink their man end on Friday, 24th inst„ at 1 p, m., the Liberate of the sem riding will oonvone at lila some piaoe to pot a standard beer- ier in the field. Five delegates from each poi lag Bub-uivieion are eligible to the latter and there will nu doubt be it large attendance. A magma of the Liberal Executive of the new riding of Oentre Huron was hold ab Blyth -on Tenredey of last week The )Bair woe taken by W. M Si •elatr, et Brume.%, Preeidenl of the former East Huron riding, and Cbae. Garruw, Secretary of the old West Buren Ae- 8001ation, woe appointed scribe. It was decided t0 oil a Nominating Convention to be held in Ibe Town Hull, Seuforth, o0 Tuesday, May 12th„ at 1 b'oluok, When a o•urdidate vete be obuesu. After Seine diaenaaten it wee agreed that each polling divieien be netted to seed four del.gatee. A Committee was appointed oousietina of Megan. Garrow, Yvung, Heemeo, Sioola,r and MoMti an, to pres801 a draft Constitution sod By•Lewe to the game mretieg. The persona present at Bi) Me were W. M. Bivaeir, J. Yenng, J. T. Bell, 0 Garrow, M Murdie, R He mem, A. Yuuug, W. Camp. bell, T. Melt Ian, J. McDowell, 8 Soott and W. H. $oar Oeutre Huron eonaeets of the Towushipe of Grey, 5iclid-op, Hallett and Oulburoe, the cowrie of aeefurtb, Wotan aid God. erioh purl the visage of Brumes. BIRMINGHAM. Demi SIN. -There is an ancient proverb which says "The world ie a kind of book of welch we have read merely the first page wbeo we have seen only a tittle part of oar own country." The benefit of travel 0000e9 not so =oh from the distauae travelled bet from abs eremitic of iuteheotnel stimulus awakened leading op to a broader experience and wider charity. "Teat etiak, Sir, has beet, around the world" exclaimed a gente- man due day to Sydney Smith ae be bald out to him a valued cane. "Dear tue," was the reply "and after all it as only a etiok." And so it is there has been eaob a rauning to and fro and knowledge iu- areaeed to aouh au extent that now a days even a trip nand the world hi thought to he no 600)0000000 thing. We have seen boo a very small part of the world so that anything ee80 or written about is there fore pretty much common kuo...ledge to everyone, During oar stay i0' Dud ay we visited the famous Dudley aaetle, now l0 ruwe. Tbe 0,d Land is famous for its amities, monuments of antiquity. Old buildings mob as melee, abbeys and oathedrale are fascinating chiefly beaao,e they are old, some of them have existed for seven or eight bemired years and duriug that time they nave suffered many reverses. Generally speaking ell that now remains of them le ruined walla with the wild ivy ciimbmgover the broken arches but stili retaining some 01 the 8uoieot iuviuolbd- ity, I0' oboes days it woe getting by might and hoid:ng by right. I have always had a peculiar interest i0 exam- ining these old rains ; they were suited to the times in which they were baht ; plaoee of security, strongly fortified with walla of pradigtone tbiaknese, Some of the walls are sixteen feet thick and generally Mntlt in the most inaa8888b18 planes and aarrunuded with a moat, or Udall, from Rimy to fifty fret in width and ten feet in depth and filled W1111 water, TnIO m he is monied by a draw- bridge the entrance to the oaecle some- times high op m tb6 wall reached by a ladder 8o that in seasons of danger it could be removed. In some plaoee the entrance is on the level barred by a triple dour end farther in there is a targe groove in the atone arch where the portamlie 000ld tie drop ped down effe0taally mooring the eritranee. Thee if regnlred there was a erneeler groove where melted lead or boiling oil ooald be p..ured down upon the intruders. Tbe lady guide who pointed out these placee to us remarked that teed and oil were pretty severe 0088eore9 but iotrodore had do bueineee in other people's houses. Another preoeatiun taken by the defenders was t p•aoe • themselves behind a parapet on the roof and hurl et,nee and •huot their arruwe. The arrangement Inside the osetle on the groaud flour was the store room with a pit or prison olderueuth, entered by a trap door. Ou the second amt the large vaulted ball where laird and eervaut8 dined at the name table. The (servants slept et night on the Boor. The upper fiat 00,,taine1 the private apartments of the laird and hie family. These lairds, or barons, had eaob an artldoiOl mound (tail- ed the "Hilt of Justine" where they held their courts and a dale tree on which oriminele were hanged. Eaoh baron in early times bad the power of prison or gallowe over hie own retainers and exer- cised tine power at big dieoretion. The Dudley )ride is very moll the e&me as those premoribed and has about severity serer of grounds &herbed. It is owned by the Earl of Dudley and by hie kind permie6ior it le thrown open to the poblio. In the beginning of last century the Viscount of Dudley bad the grounds around the aaetie pleated with trees and now it it nicely wooded with large trees, It is said that the man who plants trees for the benefit of others when he has gone bag dune a noble uueelflah work. The enable 10 situated on the summit of a hili near to the town and a viae drive leads to the ruins. Irieide the wails there le a very large court yard where fetal, are held mnae a year and there le a famous well in the centre of the yard. Although the hill is about five bnndred feet high the well atilt maintains the 811009 level no matter how muoh water is • taken oat. We climbed to the top of the doable peep by the onkel stairway and bad a- magnificent view of towns and rlatlntry ae far rte the eye atm d x00011, Wbut 8 ohauge the tooth of time 118. wrought ; in the long peat within thee) W08118 might be hearts :the Bound of rondo and gladueae but 110W uuthiog le Heard but the [lough of the mon tbrou.b the mute du the broken wane. It ill a etr atlur the a ie the pleasantretreat, pup 0'1 h 40800' is the. Summer time away Among the ehady trees o0' the ea811e 0110, Birmingbam, t n mime rem Dudley, with t pnputetlou of 666,000, 19 the meet progreae ve [Own i0' R„Floud ens the 00090 celebrated for hardware 00un0fu( tore, Dudley sod Birmingham are ooi- ieoted by railway emit etreet oar or tram pare as they are called i0' Ibe Old Laud, The etreet oar. are the Blower way owing t0 the 11000800118 elope and gives 0110 an opportunity to see the aoautry-if it owl be milted country as it 111 almo81 a'ntlm 4008 BMW] and hueeee betweeu the two planes, Birmingham ie a Bue old town with many famous pabue building°, libraries, art galleries, museums mud a very largetown hall. It would take a toile time td Bea all the pieces of interest Ali klutle of eugluee Nutt mauh,nery are watt* there also gout, 61. vat, copper gun maim. Two large ar0ade6, where ail Muds of gamin are displayed for ease, mut one could 'lager long edmirlug all the shops. We had the good fot tune through the influenoe of our friend to be admitted into the exhlbitiou banding or oryatal p88o8 0.,ly 19110 Don 0 m,•„ are a 1008010 to cuter tele exnlbltlo. There rues everything d,eplaye•t one 000141 wish l6 dee, 8..1 ninety madman, aid an &germ at tending each departmeu'. Days oeuld be spent have wuh the greatest p -e ante. Ashton Hall, with forty three aures of ground, mu mesa from the city, woe pn'eb1 ped by the ooepuratluu some years_ ego and eetepart 80 a park 8,.d reere.diou grounds, It le 1 beautiful matte The great Halt i9 need ad a 00u8eum gun pielure gallery and the er8un 606800bly room for eutert810meule and • gimlet ,ie The grooude Ore laid out w th walks bordered with flowers, thereare artwmen tat lake-, bowling mreeua aid tent eat Beide and a,together 18 is a very r,- (reel! hie raison for the weary oo•zen- of the great busy Mowe B rminebam hes beau toe home of a number of distwgUrehen men Dr. Ha. Edwards, toe arra. Soleards& end oeeuver80 of X rays ; Hou Juaepb Chamberl8m, now reed mud, through dlueee, hag proved himself not only a great eteceem8u bot a so a public spirited citizen. While be bee dune a great deal for Birmingbam be would do a great deal more for England if he bed the power. He says, "Drink ie the curse of the 0u0ntry ; it injures the hem 110 ; 0010, the 00rinne8 and de•tr0ye the liven of oue out of every 'weary of oar p .pia cion. If I con d deetroy the lashe for strong drink in the peopie of Eng earl we should then see our taxes reduled by minion and We abouid ser our jells etc work houses empty. It is not a matter of wonder that be problem of the 000 played aid the 0urmployab e le beoomi"e more and more mune to tine beloved land of cure.” Yonne truly, ,A3188 F3111,1,I0 Dapple Grange, Apri, 17.it, 1908. That languid, lifet6.8 feeling that comes Spring and early Sommer, axe 0'e gawk changed to a feeling of ba •yauoy ane energy by the jadewone use of Dr• Shoup'. Restorative The Restorative is a eenniie tomo to tired, run down nerves, a,d but a few dudes to needed to nuttily the neer that Dr Shoop'e Reetorat,ve 1e 8ocu0dy reach mg that tired spot. The ,uduor life of Winter nearly 81w8ve leads to elugg•eh circulation io general. 'Abe onetomlry leak of exeroi.e and ontdeor air tie. ap the five,, stagnates the ktdueys, and et. times weakens the heart's 68ti00, U•, Dr. Suoop'e Restorative a few weeks .nn all will be ahauged. A few days teat win tell you that yon are 0•'lig the right remedy. Yon will easily and Barely cute the change from day to day. Sold by al d ealere. Morris Council Meeting. The Council met according to adjourn- ment in the Maned Rom Morrie o, April111b. Members all preaeut the Reeve to the chair. Mmncei of .sen meeting teed and confirmed. The matter of placing new steel strummer, on the river at tamed Best of the Towu He woe taken op and ,. Was moved by Mr. Shaw, eeoouded by Mr. Taylor that we baud two eteel etr0ocuree eaob 66 feet mem ; that the outer 0bUl00eule be bout inside of the present wooneu ou8• h• brid gee to be rained 0116 foot higher thea at present and that we employ County Engineer P8tlereon to prepay. otos and epeolfioat,one for eeneeet slut 008ut. &leo CO W peat pane submitted for steel straotures and fleetly inepeat the 8000e, Carried. Campbell voting Nev, Hutted by Oampbeil, eecouded by Ma Cntoheon that we ask for tenders fur building clement abutments, tenders to be paned at our next meeting, Carrie, ,bowed by Shaw, seconded by Oampbe.I that By law No. 4 for ennatrauttou of 888011 dram 110 a0w read ea prnviet",aiiy adopted and that the 0 ort of Rrvie,ml 1 00 eaid By law be held on the 29 h of May at 8 u'olock p. m. Oarried Patb- mamtera were appointed aslollowe :- North Boundary, W J Henderson, P Fowier, Jim. McCracken, Geo, Moon old, Juo. Messer, N Thorn on, R. Meatier and P. MoD ing.,l. 1st Lean -D W. Campbell, J. D MoEwati, Jno. Spence, Wm, Thorutoo, Jl1o. J"hnetoo and R MiUmr, 20d Line. -Wm. Ftodiater, Jute Perdue, L, Jewitt, J. Bailers, Wm. Tun vey, Jure Mustard, 0. Forret and L. Eukmier. 3rd Gine.-J, 00uitee, J Hopper, 0. throttle, W. B. Kn,x, Jae. Hawthorn, 0. Oampboll, J H Bel are, W. Furrow and Jae. Ir -laud. 4•h Llhe, -R. Aridereon, R• Proalor, J, N.oltulo u, O. Wheeler, Wm. IMoOreoken, Jeo, Sherrie, Jno. Barr and A Crooke. Stu Line, -Wm Armstrong, Wm. Fermium, W. O. Proctor, J. Rueeell, F, Menlo, Jno. M.oArter, E Nioeo,, D. Sommer- ville, Jae. Davie, El. Marker and W. R. Mooney. 6th Line, -E. Ward, Jae, Kelly, J. H, Hell, Wm. Burd, R B. AI• Omit, Jae. Ntobol, W. J 0000th, F. Mo. Onuobeon, and Wm. Thaws. 7th Line- a Nesbitt, J Phelan, Jntr, Orme, P. A Ki.ly, Thoe nerd, A Q"wie,i, B. Mo e Cell, D. McDonald end H. Beam 5th Line. -R, Fear, 3, R.ohmnnd, J 80 dr, t J, MoOau,'A. Bietby, d. Cueclongh, Jere,' b Jaokeon, G. McOallmo, Geo. Kelly and P A. Knight. 9111 Line-J,o, Pieter, F. t Lonamuh, 0. H Tav rot, T. Oonner, J o W. Shortreed, D Laid ew, T Mo el • P. MaArthar, Wm .A McO.dl and T tv Bolger. Hoath Bo0ddarv.-Gee Grieg T Walton -De, Menzies. Weet Boaudary 10 tar c10.,7 vAsigtvetweizaysignkexs,wimr"voYstnctrearNNANMOMID O 8 ELEGANT MILLINERY Our Spring Millinery Opening was a Decided Success The Latest and Most Fashionable .1. �1 Goons are nn male and at Moderate Prices If you have n t tnatle 3out• purchase for this season call and see our stiles, Your pat- ronage will be appreciated. MISS S T RA.CHA N tee eW 4 /38A03t,10AV1Y v.Ar,+vAWA ,�4Z2aNIAvV*. bv0A=Aew==1Mi>yr % '.0 -Jae, Golley, J. Wiehtman, T Gorman and J Onmuige. Rae, Boundary -A. elf yeah, W Youth, Wm, Dark, and 0. Pai8rd. B. grave -W, J Geddes. The 110an11' then •,njonrned to meet again 00' Vlev 29th at feu u'muok a, m, for Court f Revmrou and other boeineoe. W CLAnx; Olerk. WEAR W melt gnu prompt and Meting Item by mem) Dr. Shoup') Night Care rheas Bombing, healing, eutreepti0 sum p-•sitoriee, with fou information how to proueed are interestingly told of 111 my book "N • 4 to., Women " The book and etieutly to B ie teal medloe ad.ror la en - rely free Simply write 1)r. Shoop, Racine, Woe, for my hook No. 4. Sold by all dea.ere. McKillop McKootoe Cu09OIL -(toenail 0001 at Sealur18, uu Me oil 20th, ail the membere preeeet. The mum.. of law mentleg ,e.re read end 8uet81ned. The Re .e was elitism mat so further ounewer the Gee ph nut) Godes ob oompauy'e b'l, for sue a of right of way of Guelph and Goderwh ,reuub of railway 0'11 1018 opposite M0 $glop, and to pay only the amount to .vh'ah they are eel (tend. 'Phe qu wont t Ih Beit Memorial Fund eeuaurtptleu ,vas mid Over. A few chances were made 111 the pathmaetere' and p.Uudkeepere' rete Aoamuts to the unman, of 6113 25 Here paid 4. reeolntzon faVOrl,1g 1113 .m proveweut of the Goder•oh hat bur wee pa•eed atm tOrwereed t0 Ottawa. The Reeve and Trea•urer were eppoluted to %amen. all morigegee, 810., held ey the .oweeblp 'iUid if any ere O'er100e 0'r out .1 repair to have them reu.wed, Mortal j .0rued to meet et 888(00th oe April 300 .8 1 O'Oh,CO3 1.1.133. NI. MUIDIO, Clerk, Our ational Danger I'nne to ('ry a Hall Before (01111,1 3 Wreck 1168111W. There are thong/Arid-, bulb men and w men, who do 1101 lake time to eat properly. They roan through 1,fe, and ,e a resole we have an age of ludtge611e1, I lervan011e08, irrlt801liey, sleepless hie ht., and morose diapositwa. Our nat10081 Sanger Is stomach 1888160086, due to the etrer0aue life. omit tablate, 1treugtbeo the walla of the etoreaah and et0mutat' ee0rrtioo of the digestive julaem. They make the stomach comfortable and ogre indigee• woe. Siu6 headache., pa ;diatom yellow 0kn1, atm matted tongue are a few at the maty d18treeeing reeul,e of 100188etiou tett Mi 0.118 never tole to tare Jad. F -x sella .111-a.ua 10' 50 oent boxe , tad gna,entees 10 refund the money of It do -e uo1 give complete satlefaotlon. 4Htt forth. A Ore incurred here Friday night by which the etoreboue0 of John R. Gov -ii took, Owrtaming 8.310,8 furry roue of bay, wee totally destroyed. A oar flied with bay wee etandieg alone by and it also wee completely destroyed. Thi- hay was alto the property of Mr. Govenlook, mud as there was 0o ina0rail06 it was an entire toes The elate elevator of Mr, Remise, near by, aleu took Are, bat woe put out before much damage was done. A quirt but pretty weeding took piaoe here Saturday munnoe, wbeo Mut- Ruby Baker, eldest daughter of Tboe. 11,11 Mee, Baker, wag muted 1n holy wed rook to Louie 00.we,l, a1-,0 of Be8forth. Tee oeremoov wee performed al 6 80 by Rev- Nei Shaw, of Egmoudville, a the home 1•f the bride's permits. The young )maple left by the eight o'clock tram for a short honeymoon to points Met, after which they will take up their r08ldene8 in Seatorth, Good Friday was fraught with joy for many, in this 0gm00uu by, bat with deep sorrow to many also. Death entered an nn0e0m, v ierg9 number tel homes. Margaret Stewart, age , 74 veare, reliot of the late Wm. 131.,ok, deed Friday morning about 9.80, st the home of her eon, Wm. B auk, uonoeeawu 8 Tuekuremith, Nie had been 111 for 'some ten weeks, the reset of a severe 611,8k of pneumonia. Five weeks ago ehe ail fermi a great bereavement in the death, f om pneumonia, Of her eon, George Black, who lived in the name home. Shaw there sur has been gradually sink Tbe funeral took plane on Monday afternoon et 8 o'clock, to the prime 0f interment in tleitlandbank cemetery, '1'be death took piece at hi. home On '18mee etreet, about noon Fri•lay, ar ndrew Onlder, who brie Men a patient uffarer for many years from a dleeee'•d Mb, Some Lim • alio et hie men request, he limo 8080 amps etl•d, the operation eine vary eam0#e8001, but hie reapeolive ower° were apparently ►0o far spent. llterment took plane in Maltiandbank erne' ery, Mies He„riotte Smith ,teed et the fnm residence, Seaton'', Pettey afrero, en hie death has amused deep regret owing the tads that the deoeaetd bad featly BUGGIES WAGONS If yon wnut a really good article in the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable Oober Cerlinge Builder on Market Square, Brus- sels, where you will And a firet. class uesort,ueut. Beet of bund made Farm Wag- 0ne with different widths of tires end differ eat heights of wheels. Extra large baud made Wheel- barrows. Re -rimming Light and Heavy Muse's, Repniriug, Re -painting and Re -trimming attended 10 on shorteet make. JOHN COBEk given up her death t., wait upon an m - valid eieler, ao11 the strain had been .o0' moult for her, The few rat was n Mends) afternoon to the Ma,tlanliba,lk ormeIery. Mutt, infant Bug of kletthew and Mrs A.metroug, died Friday night from au attack of pneumonia, following mete e8. Tbe anent left the family borne, •ot 2 ouuo.60, h 8, Hallett, on Monday, to Buren' 080061ery. Never Cry Quito You ma,be wreka, o.eep108e, nervo te,- nlgeanon may be poor, but don't d,epair. N ver say die till yen have aced Ferro zone, the must wooderfal body builder, the beet nerve and system 10100 known, herr, zine shone tone alba Yager to the allure body ; 01 make you eat, Douse queu1iy It pr.avlues Increased nnur,eh• meat. Day by day you grow w strength -weaknese, lose of sleep, apprehension all pima 8wey. Yee get wet., stay wen, rook well. Do try Ferrezoue it's sure to benefit. Au healers In 5a buxee. LiNtee 8 r•1. 011 We t10'day •,1 last week at high uouu, Mies Carmine Mathew, third daughter of J. M. acid Bire. Oartbew, was tweed in marr,ave to Gere H, Muelarroli Mitchell, of 0 arkeburg. Rev. N. A. F. Bourne 00110181ed. The wed tone wee of a quiet 'nature, only the im- mediate relatives beteg preeaut. 0,. odeHCh. The marriage of Mies Wyoma R. Reid, daughter 1 Mrs James Rem, took plane at uta o'oiook Teur8day morning of last week at the North street Methodist pareouage, Rev. G. N. Hazen performing the ceremony, The groom le Wido,m Howan, a pat-ere'maker at the Doty En gone /Turks, Mr. anti Ma. Bogen left o0 the G '1', R train for a visit at Brant ford, Termite and other pointe, and o0' their return will make their home in Gude' lob, At high noon Wednesday of last week the marriage of aline Ethel L. Sharman, o0,y daughter of Wm and tire. Bhar• m8u, took puce at the reeidenoe of her parents. Fred. L.liwkley, of Guelph, formerly of this town, Wa0 the groom, anti molg the ,fiesta war, hl- father and mother, Taus nut Mre, .4.ak16y, et Guelpb. '1'be bride wore white silk end 18101811 a buquet of white mime and. maiden heir tern, Brion and groom were unattended. The groom was fwm- arly emp•oyed with the father of ube bride, but for eume time hue beau with MuD.,"eio Sloe , Guelph. The minuet meotmg of t11eeboreboutere of the (Wdarten E evator and 08.1811 Company, Limited was held here, emmlg the eherebul11e80 meow, being Mk, Genial, of Ayr' William Clark, of St, Mary's ; Jobe I. A, Mut, of L 1111011, and S• R. Stewart of suluheli Divteuu BI fretgtlt agent - PI tbigrew Was pr880ht ✓ epreeeutlog 1h• Grand Prank RKuway, The uhi Board of dimmers end the aid °elder, were re appoint• 11. John I A Hoot, of Lenore., le preeliou1; S•ewei t, of t1'L tollai1, 06108 p ooldetlt, tine W. L Horton, of 000ellob, ee0retary tr880urer and moue, The B a ma e tetlmant shown air appropratiou to p y seven per 0 nh ulvlttenu, the ',Minion of $18,615 09 .11 the ocntiugent fund and the payment of $20 400 eala0re on the boon inn soldered '1'h lbrr-o,',ra aro m It ei q Ince, 01.11 1,000 p i,18 al r .d. 01 to til 113 081 Mu 10 dopnb the daph8hy o the pr .adbullring, and one 0'1 160 1101801000 10 et proma in Englund eh. denVoring 00 ralae the n80esser3 capital, Tu, bundiug will probably be Warted tltp8 Fall if the nee on'e bneiheea oar mite it. A. party of Grand Trunk railway I oliialale woe lo 0,108) Wedoesdoy of 11128 w,eI Olnreleung of G T Hell, general pa e.ugor aurin, Montreal ( J. D 410 llonald, duatrlot pa80rneerag01t, Toronto, Saperinlendeut Gil an, Trainmaetor Baker 0101 ,i4vehing 8a.80nger agent Duper, 1n8reaeed fanihties for handling export gram from 10118 port 10 one of the 006110.x3 .engaging the etteur ow of the 0r811d Trunk, and this visit Very eleorto after the yfelt of another party of o1lolarr taken fn o••njuuotion with the propooen enhtrgemeit of the elevator, may be Wien am un indication that Goderroh 1• to tote erge1y "oreo.ed grain .1.A1 110"u,;h tide pert. A mower veonrl 8.00 18 011 111e lege le ' 1,01, O'the 11101. Ileo been propos,' by the Grand 1 'Trunk Rail- way Company before and the id.a has not been dropped. The rehlying of the IBM between Goilerioli and Stretford w11) heavy steel is exp001811 to be ,pru0eelled with early tide 8ea8o0. Doctors All Advise Suitable Spring Tonic 1413'91'00 to Cat Strong and Nohrlser the Blood During Change of Seasons In the Spring time the viuor and resist. ing power of the body fall very low. Ill• steed of being riob and nourishing, the blood ie thin and watery. As a reenit the bodily forces become leve motive, sleep fails to rest, An ever iuoreasiug tired nese develops into over powering weak - 1006. People °offering from this Spring Mati- nees feel heavy nod drowsy ; tbey don't want to eat; they don't enjoy work - about bait wick and half well. This is jeep the condition that favore pneumonia end typhoid, and you must bold up as goiokly ae poaeible. 100 must iuoreaee your blood supply sed make it rich and red, The only way this ono be done ie by ming Ferrrzune, which Is aokeowledged to be the con 9.111 800 Spring 0181110um 'i'nr 01 roe t,M• per 1lga 81111 trite prnperrlte. 0't b'14,,.0,11.8 oft. mum, y I0 bra,aee the h out 1a et ogee eupph.d tvnh the a emen80 it ueede to become rtoh eon red. It is iroil&ed, vitalized and rupin,t br„ag11t 10 tot nurm,l etr8ugth. Tee very heat ingredients for Conine tip the ryettne ere 01 alto do F, •- rezone,:e.d1 1f you use ,t you are Imre to get book your old time 0tr0ugih mid ep1rets. If you suffer from debility, dne,00an I, eery, 088818, lose of opt auto, or au) • ( the et mp,onle of disordered 11000,1, 110111 ing wi' 00 rapim% to, a you op as clue gre,t food tondo, Ferrozw.e I e 'e1mn 0't 018008.0111 unreel, its 1801 mmrgdanng bir 111r pub in, by 11,0)0,810 hull 000tor, w,mmrulle it 10 •very 1h1,kiog person. Y a 'teed F,rroz-uo to melte you welt. Wh of 'L t _ n 01 1 0 d a y k •Id 7 B byall re. -Biers ; price 60 • per 1101 0t 81% ax1 fo $2 50 Bon Ww Peasley announced in the Muse that he was rnneidermg the gees 1 ion of deepening the harbors o0 the ekes to ttvr,tt five fret. I ep00rur Leako ,e working on a plan to give oirme.1-ollool poplin three 0000111 0 81 Guelph to take a 0,180.0 in induelri,l training before graduating as teauhere. 008388tar7.. Not a drop oAlcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days, They prefer strong tonics and altera- tives, This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar- saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. We publish our formulae Wom b8naones idle_% Wo urge you 00 00auult your deetor iJnless there is daily action of the bow- els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. —lOado by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, MBee,•�. J. Goer; an employee in 3, X. Griflin'e pork peeking plant Winnipeg was impaled aft two meat hooka and eo horribly injnr ed that he died, Mee. Currie Rowland, Seareterv•Treae neer of Grano Darling Lodge, Daughters of Engiand, of Toronto, woe arrested, charged with theft of fends of tbo lodge. But'nt. Ills Toes Badly But he will never legato 'hie n cheap Dorn ours onnteining aside, The only o,fe and palnleee Dore is Polnam'e Corn Exuactar. It never barns, always aerie -buy "Poo,emer." HOME8[[K[R32 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 28 June 8, 23 Aug, 4, 10 May 12, 28 July 7, 21 Sopt. 1, 16, 29 Tickets, dood to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES from all points in Ontario. Ranging J Winnipeg eonn < return n 50 1Edmotn and -o Tickets issued to ell Norsk -West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Oars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured andpaid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. Rates and full information contained in free Homeseekere' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P•R. agent for a copy, or write to C. B. POSTER, Dlslricl Puss. All., 0,0.0., Toronto IMIRMIllidllilllliillpilbltmttii ... >ynar0Malfts ntlingitttttt11H1 IfttP 1 ruMuII1utHmluHIIIiiHIP% ( i111I1111il O )Ten's»ess hoes' must he fashionably correct. Ours are, These shoes are comfortable ber:auscl :hey fit inside. The outline is handsome and :he shoes are made to ikeeb_their shape and appearance till worm out. Prices aro right for right goods HARNESS PE' P.RT NMENT We offer you Trate Harness for ....... ......$ 26 00 Genuine lialbber 'I'rlmlu• d 1;1e Harnl'a- for.. ..... . .. ........ 17 00 'rrltl km and-atchele low 111 price. 1 '0otnfortuble dwelling for gale or to rent. I. •lor'a of I rid ; fruit• of different kiide ; hard and eelt water ; every 1nnve„imn10 ; Mose to erh 01 ; nice 1oa0111y. I . C. Riellar tIminemmersrecmcralrommesanwessemos Best 25o. Cough Cure 250 will cure your cough. 05e pays for a big bottle of Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam and .001e'e Preparet on be a sovereign cure for coughs, Whether you have'' just taken cold' or have a trough that has been hanging o0' fot months” -Bole's Preparation of [Metre Cough Itelsam 18 what Vett need Exeenent for children especially Preparation they are 'dmupy bfbots es, s50. Prepared by the largest wholesale drug company in the World, 40 rtw=ONAL ono c cschocAL CO.,,. or CANADA LIMITED. LON DON, QNT; GREY Urs. Duncan Livingston is visiting at Detroit with her daughters, Mrs, Amos Smith, while engaged at work one day recently, slipped from the platform, her face coming In con- tact with some bricks, hs which were lying on 11)8 ground,tme inflicting a 1 nalsty gash on her forehead, which necessitated the attendance of a doctor to such alp the wound, 500 AOFE8 +:'. rrl Nursery 8toc{ Agents wanted at once to sell for Fall, 1908, and 1priug, 1909, delivery ; .whole or part time ; liberal terms ; outfit free. The phos, W. Bowman & Son Cal) �tdt RIDGEVILLE. ONT. IMPORTANT NOTICES j,1IABM FOR SALE, BEING Lot 10, 00u. 18, Dray, containing 100 scree. App!y to WM. WOODS, O!•anbloolt P. U. 21.11 DINING ROOM GIRL AND KItekeu Girl wanted at the Central hotel, Brussels. Amity at Omen t0 1,1000NAL0 & E01000. I10 RENT—A COMIORTABLE eovnu-roomed ootteg8 fu Brussels 8.1111. Fur further particulars .apply to TIIOn. BALLANTThE, G G S FOR HATCIIING- From Pr.xe-wiuoug Rune Oumb brown Leghurne. 011e dmLar per setting. 10 0 1). A. lit. WRY, Brussels. c r1.ED OATS AND PEAS -THE iJ nudoralgoed bad m quaotlty of 0111.100, 8108000adoe818(or 0110. Apply 00' 1.a0811, .:0n 10,G1:ey,to WM. u,Ntilt, 811-81 Bruasele P.O. IjOUBE AND I ACRE OF luudlor Bale. Ootiorteole dwell mg, hent and soft water u„wr o0 ver ; ap- ple, plum awl (Murry trend, ate. Poo•leseum auu 130 glean at moue. 1'or price, terms, Ate, eta at P1114 004'T. 1 OUSE AND I ACRL+' LOT yet 0W0-elue,l 011001, 00m/enable ems 111 g0uu repair nmah 0mmble, good 11,100 •, &o Poo,00,lou any dole. 1'.,r u,tue, getl,0r1ar, .q,p,y o0' -he ,err tutees to ti 3111 1 0 1 010,', lituo,ula 48 .1 Ob H1.ANY DRAFT 1.0,1-8, 111..,,. ,(1.11,.g, 111000 l 30.10 1 , Wed nem •CO.I,thdfiu ' .08 ,' sole Thug joint wu.vue 1, 890 1 780 e: •9y 01a, to a r..eeuumul pllrauaa•,r. W.11001, t n,w .,, Luer al. 91) 0r.. s a n m 00.40.E',atilt but, 15. Lou 4, Aisne s7m, o ULL FUR Sl•.itV1C1:.-TLi11' uuourdignod Vint keep f .r .nrVrue 00' ..v 14. .in O,10rey, 110 ,vjll 110..80, thuro' brow Lu.hn30 hod, "no0ttile 011101-” Venue Sl Ott ,1 pale at tine a1 8er1lOo, meet wlae el 00, with p Iv11ego 0't retul'ulug 1, ue080• 0 .4 Y. J, 111,11 11, P.upr,utur. 1� Olt Srll6V10E.- THE OV- A- oil! keep lir service On ,,otel7 .lug 10, t.uu. 0, they, the hulat8iu• F,luaim. auu, "81r 1•leterejt nurse;' (01.10), u,.uyh. Crum 10,11 patio, w uudetuok, Ludo- rce um) 18 08nu 00' a11pt/01Ltlou Osrviee 00,00 *vial 18/1611690 OL rnt0. owe I1 00000• aa. y, pay .1018 000001 ,ry lat,1000. 3u-111.1 Jujl 1. WELah, l'lapllotor, For Sale In order to close the estate of the late lltus ltiObu1llldu tb . axeunters offer for hale the reel 1,08810 mtuate31eg uta comfort. mule 0•ruuwad uuue, Bud how vetheut Oleg built re 1027, 4 pure 0t laud, Lard 011 A loos 1 statue, ti lluuew,1 i'u"d b 8 a commun. . l 1µ1.d diegen,11, ethos. tee street trout omit - Imo h"uaa. 11 or partes u dura au,l wee. elm ly Wu P. . 001', 0r A. 61'k1WArtr, Queen se. ent, lireseeta. 4841 Synapsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, ANT 87001 uumuerad section of Dominion Laude I0 Manitoba, Boa&.toltowau and Alberte,exaepting 8 mat 21i, not reeerved, may be homesteaded 0y auy purlieu who is the 0018 hn8d of a fatally, or any male over 18 year& of age, to the extent of outs -quarter semiotic,/ lou mune more or teas. Entry may be made personally at the twat laud oi0oe fur tele dlema01 in whioA the laud le situate. The homesteader la required to perform th0aaudtlfuu00000eet80 therewith under 008 01 We 101lulviug plana (1) At leaeb mix 01001010' residence Upon and outtl7ation of the laud to ea01t year 101 throe years, (0) 11 the father (or mother, if ,tho lather le 1eeeuae0) of the homesteader resides upon alarm In the 910lalty 01 the laud entered for the requirements as to reel• deuce may be sa,latiad by snob person ro- aiding with Lbs lateer 0r 000081. (5) 11 the Battier ham ate p8lweneut rest - dotted 0Pua Armlet.; laud owned ,y Ulm l0' 1h0 v10l1.11y of lila uuweotead, the re- qufremeutd ae 10 residence may Oa male - tied 0'y rueldeuee Upon the ea., ,auu. 01004001he'n 1118e an writing should be elven 1e the U0WIisolu1er 01 1)umloiou Lands at Ottawa of loteul,ou to apply tut potent. WDeputy of the Minister o0loterior, h. B, Ltuouthormed puulfo•ttwu 0t this ad- vortlsuWeut wilt out 0e pawl for. ALL 1MAILL LINE Turbine Steamers SAiLINGN TO LIVERPOOL N rum -•11 1..11 ttmhfax Tnulet, at. Apr 18 - Vteturlau , Ort, Ant. 24 •a Apt 20 sAIu.Nas ro GLASGOri l'rOtu--prntleud 04190'00 Oren Wog---- ap 03 Nuwi0leu Thor, April00 MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL Vir0oni11, eaile .,.....,tiiia.y. el 8, Nu, iv tri, 8,1,1 figs, het, 86,r loo inlet „moon ahirly to W II, 1111U11, ' Agout AIIItu,Lft e, ,81ru988l8, .r.