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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-23, Page 3itelleieletelelletiefeinteeliekieletek Fashion Hints. kiiteirelfeleleleieleielelei'i,.t, elleileleVat 'rr;ninfings aro ultra -fashionable. Linen is one of llw season's lines in rilillinrry, Plaited skirts are pledged to remain us popular as ever, Lingerie frocks are sold at all prices 11 (1 in 011 abadcs, \4'uisis me Alrurt or skirts arc high, whichever you pL011 1', Vague of outline is the most inlpres- &Jve feature ul imported coals. Mast of the tailor made suits shown In the snaps have skirls trimmed with bands, The Louts XV, waistcoat, cold In br4tou (ed damask, is the latest val•ialiuu On woulell'4 vests, The Oalusbn rngh and Romney are sl1 pas 1 millinery that wit/ be found neat becoming. Sleeveless coats of cloth, silk, lace, and pongee arc going to be much worn thin 611M nal'. Youthful looking new wale have bell- ed backs, ie which the ]alt passes through a slit at the side. Some of the jaun1Jest of sloe! models ,have just one wide band, which gen- eraliy (s cut binslvise. All shades ei purple and lavender are splen-fashiannblo, and next In tutor are the smoke emeet now so "meth in vague Blue is considered the luckiest color for the going away suit of the bride, but it seems that gray Is worn as much. One el' !lee, smartest effects of the sea- son is the modified Prince Chap model with new French dip, back and. front, Ono of the most popular materials for summer is dotted Swiss, and this year it is shown in all sorts of designs and colors. Tile big bow with ends which is to be worn at the beck has appeared in Parte and tltl+cate'ned la snake every woman look like the flresiee cat. Satin eitrameuse, which ,)ready has had such wonderful success as .a fabric for gowns, well be nluelh used for ev- ening wraps during the coming seat. sots. Sleeves for the new coals may be either $o tight that they cannel be drawn over the body sleeve or they may have the mandarin wideness of last summer. In mealy new gowns the pure white of the dee-deep spangled net gown Is relieved wild trails of silver leaves In place of fiowcrs, ivy leaves and laurel being the favorites, The enormous pearls introduced Into same of the stone designs and the huge cube lion emeralds which, though ere - talions, l,;ok so real, ere characteristic of the eplenclor that is now the domin-• ant nolo of dram. But there Ls nothing in all this display laY thata t detracts one feta from the stern demand of fashion for studious refinement. Tulle is chosen for the veil in nine cases out of lel!, even when the bride can Vora lace. 1t is soft and becom- ing and drapas .beautifully from the wreath of orange blossoms. The fashion of decorating the hair seems to have returned to popularity, and the most attractive butterfly may be made at home of shirred chiffon on a wire frame and Wings edged with spnngJos 00 peacock green, One of the fads of the moment Is (he matching of the undergarments with the frock, The woman who wears n lire -ss ed pink will start with while and gradually approximate the pink of her garment. Everything in the way of wanton's 'dress is as far removed as possible from the Louis XVI, period. Oriental etfecis of drapery, Byzantine solemnity and simplicity of line, or classic purity 01 design characterize the spring (ash - ions. hl England tiny girls are being sent to purttee In knickerbockers, which, vera under a cunning little smock, serve the double purpose of keeping the child more conlfol'table and reliev- ing the another of beholding a torn party dress. The tanto takes any and every pos- -sibla shape. It may be in the shape of hyo aprons, one behind, ono in front, Goth long, or it may be a single over- skirt, swathing the waist high, reach- ing in front only part way to the knee ande dropping behind into long tails. .A litte fur cravat hes appeared for the protection et throttle used. to the stole. IL is made of chinchilla, seal, or ermine, boned to keep it to place, and fastened under a dashing ribbon bow with long ones. The bow may be ei- ther at the side, under the ear, or even al the back of (he neck, The latest petticoat outdoes all others in the sheath fitting effect of the hips, ?'lure 1s a deep belt that extends t e enter: depth of the hips and from this There tells a flat floliinee trimmed with innumerable insertions or rows of rib. Pans. The bottom is finished with Ut- ile trills and ruches, Such a stelrt 101cea up 11(116 enough 000111 and adds imperceptible bulk. Long lines ore most imporlont ren tures cif the fatshi0nnble costume, and to oblatn such effects many resources are employed. Coat effects, 111(0s. that hong gracefully on the figure from shoulder to a point low an (Ila skirt, tunics with tong hanging points, sashes, !labs, and ell the devices known to the ''dressmaker aro brought into use. For warm weather Ilhe coats of ;nee end pongee that entirely cover the gown 11r0 indispensable, Chantilly free is entailer than the crochet and Irish lams Ibnt have 1100,1 urine la teeth dur- ing the last two or three seesonc. Crepe de Mena, too, will be used for the class 0f wrope whose fnnCliens is le complete rasher than protect 1110 tC(lette, 'Tic Woe connectioSl (111.5 year /les between Het hat and iho wrap rethcr than be- twoen (tie hat end the gown. i ftnppy. nnr6 Tho married Couple who 0(0099 a Ilollse in • W)V111 theres Ito ream for doubt, Fire, LtfilhtaIn !asst and Sterna Proof Durable and , Ornamental Let us know the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an interesting offer. etaHHi8 Roofing Co. Limited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WTN1WYY'EG L40A exereeeet SOMETHING ABOUT TEETH OIADE LP OF DENTINE, CEMENT AND ENAMEL. Teeth Vary in Form and Number Moro Than Any Other Animal Organs —Incisive Stories. Toth are not bones, as most people imagine them to be. Though they are attached to the skeleton, they oto not a part of it. They develop Iron the dermis o1• skin, aid aro, as a rule, Meda up of three substance.;.--"dcentne," "ce- ment," and "enamel,' Enamel is the hardest of all animal substances. It actually contains more than ninety-six parts in one hundred of mineral matter—mainly phosphate of lime—while hone contains only 60 per cent, This accounts for the fact that teeth are more indestructible than any other part of the animal frame. What is more wonderful still is that the tooth is the .keynote of the frame. An expert anatomist needs only to be 01100011 a tooter or two in order to re- construct from them the animal from whose ' \ os4 jaw they originally come—and Ibis ullhough the onimal itself !las been dead ten million years, and its lend extinct for almost as long. Not only do the teeth show what their owner looked like, whether it was ani- mal, lizard, fish, or bird --some. extinct birds used to possess teeth—but a study 01 a set of these useful organs will show what the creature used to feed on, and, incidentally, tell a great deal ABOUT ITS LIFE AND HABITS. t 0 II r a s 1 1 e e le 1 c O n I p Snakes' teeth—the poison -fangs, that is—have the same peculiarity; There are always fresh ones ill reset•ve ea take the place of those which get broken. 4 rattlesnake -may have as many as len of these reserve teeth, Snakes' taalgs arc very sharp, very elastic, and, con- trary to common belief, never hollow, Jul provided with a groove, along which Ilse poison flies, The sheep tusks of the crocodile end 1111 flesh -eating lizards need only to be seen once to be easily identified after- wards. Some reptiles are toothless. ?'hese are tortoises, turtles,, and toads. A' frog may easily be distinguished from. a toad from the fact that the latter )las na teeth, while the former !las teeth lin the upper jaw, but none M the lower, As for monkeys, it is Die mere proof. according to scientists, of the descent of 111an (ram these animals that all Mei monkeys end apes have lilirly.(ivo teeth, arranged very similarly Le our own.— London Misty -ors, An A elephant has usually only four a c v 1r teeth in use besides his tusks. Bu they are big enough to make up in size what they Iacic in number. The teeth i the elephant tribe aro so different from those of other animals that, when fos- sil Is dug up, the geologist can at once Ie certain to what race of creatures it belonged, and is able to reconstruct the gigantic mastodon, or hairy ma111110(11, 111 epos* jaw it originally grew. At the other end of the scale, in point 01 number of teeth, comes the nail. The common garden snail is the happy P00110ss01' of 135 rows each of 105 teeth, or a matter of 14,175 teeth in all. The teeth of fish vary more greatly than those of any other known crea- tures, Their teeth are not divided into Meteors, 08l(nes, and molars, as. In mammals, but almost every diff 1'e'1t acid of fish has differently -shaped pili. Sharks, for instance, have several rows of teeth, all extremely sharp -pointed. The front .row stands up erect, but those behind ape m0r0 01' loss recum- bent, e11111-. hent, There is never any difilcully in identifying a shark's tooth. Rays, or skates, have their mouths tined with a sort of pavement of bony matte!', quite unmistakable. The wolf - fish has pointed teeth In the front of its Jaws, end strong crushing teethhi the roof of the mouth. Meet fish have.a great number of teeth. The dolpin, for instance, pos- sesses two hundred; but there are others —like the sturgeon—which have. no teeth nl all. Almost all fish—sharks especi- ally—shed 111ei1' teeth frequently, and GROW NE\V ONES TO REPLACE T1IEMM Men should look for this Tag on. 1T Chewing' Tobacco. It, guuranteesthehigh quality of Ce Black Walsh. The Dig Black Pru 2 SITS OD ONOW1Xp(11i. In(ce'cstiag Items 01 Information About 'most ('.very tltin0. The only country in the world where the fashions In woman's dress Ito not Change is Ji pan, It lakes about three seconds for SIPS - sage to go 11mn one Bald of the Atlan- tic cable to rho a1lur Among birds the swan lives 10 be the eldest, in extreme caress reaching 300 yews, The lateen has been known to live over 102 years, 1110 value of all kinds of tleh landed in England and \'v'ale's in eine year L5 oval 935,000,000" and the number a' hien and boys employed over 40,000. Peeing up telegraph wins on poles eests 9155 per mile, Laying the s111110 wine undmllgaould will OW 1010 than len times that suns--11beut $1,850 a 111011, Red glass hastens vegetation, while blue glace snppresees it. Sensitive plullle, like the mimosa. grow fifteen times 'lhigiun' under red glass than un- der blue, Trained falcons, to carry despatches in The time of war, have leen ie\stecl in Ihe Russian army. Their speed is four ernes as rapid as that of ca'rier-pige- CMS. The Town 'cork of Birmingham, Eng- land, Mr. Edward O. Smith, has just re- signed, leis salrry was $10.000 a year, and ho will now enjoy a pension of 9,11,000 a year for lite. da-----_ NR W STRENGTH FOR THE SPRING Nature hoods isaistancn in Making New Health -Giving Blood. In the spring your system needs ton- ing up. In the spring to be healthy and strong you nnrst have new blood, Just as the trees "lust have new sap. Nature demands ft and nature's laws 01`0 inexorable, W14houl new blood you will feel weak and languid. You may have twinges of rheumatism, or the sharp, slabbing pains of neuralgia, there may be disfiguring pimples or eruptions of the skin, a tired feeling in the morning, and 0 variable appetite. 'these are some of the signs that the blood is out of order, that the long try- ing months of indoor winter lite have told upon you, A purgative medicine, such as too many people lake 111 spring, can't help you, Purgatives merely gal- lop through the system, and further \vealeen you. Any doctor will tell you that this is true. What people need in the spring is a tonic medicine, and in all the world there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills. Every close of this medicine helps to make new, rich, red blood—your greatest need in spring. This new, red blood clears the s ul(' n drives out disease and makes weak, easily tired "nen, women and children bright, active and strong., Try this great blood -building medicine this spring, end see what new life and energy it will give you. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any !medicine dealer or by .mail post paid at 50 Celn(s ,.box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. \VAKING UP CUR\IUDGE, "Air, Bong," said She secretory of the Fearful Accident Insurance Company, "be sure and drop h1 at old Cw'mudges as you pass this morning, and express your sympathy over the loss of his bro- ther in the railway accident yestercLay. 1x cess mine also to ;him." " "But old Curmudgo had no brother in the accident," sold the canvasser. "Well, what has that got to do with 117'' said the secretary, cheerily. "All he can do is to tell you so." "But 10 might unnecessarily alarm him," persisted the canvasser. "'that's the point; that's exactly the pcint," returned Ole secretary, cheerily. Alarm ;him as much as possibie. His own policy runs out next month, and IL is one of our duties to remind our patrons that in the midst of life we aro surrounded by accidents, ' And, Mr.. Bong, he added, ,as Me patient crane vesser departed on his errand, "take this piece of orange peel and put is carefully en the front steps. It is by attention to details that the syrnmellry of perfect business is built up." HEALTH EOR CHILDREN E ASE FOR MOTHERS Baby's Own Tablets will promptly and ;surely cure all the "minor ailments of bnbles and yovfg children, such as constdpation, colic, indigestion, dine- i'hoea, worms, teething troubles. They break up colds, present croup and cure simple fever, The 'Tablets contain no poisonous opiate or narcotic, as he tes- tified by a government ennlyet, Mrs. Ronald 9, Scofield, Palmer Rapids, Ont., says..—"1 have found Baby's Own "Tablets so satisfactory in curing Ihe "lined s of childhood that 1 would not care to be without them in the hmne.0 Sold by medicine dealers, or by Moll alt 25 cents it box from The D1'. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, WINDS AND FISH. A simpler correspondence has late- ly been -thought to light between the prevailing direction of the wind on the const of New nouth Wales end the av- erage catch oe fish. The winds infiu' once the ocean cllrreuls, lvhicil in turn inthemce the course of lila 11sh. 'These influences have Periods of three or four years. Thus in 1805 there was a mole nl scarcity of fish,, but afterwa'd they became mord end mora abundant up to 1001, In 1005 thele was 11110111er scae- cily of fish, but the next year they be- gan, to rotui'n in lneree5(09 numbers. '1110 effuse Of these variations was a mystery until the co1n0id01Ce with the prevailing dlrectien et the coaatnl winds 111179 noticed, Now 11 is thought that • b sl ul the winds lir r. as 1 1 w o s ( 1 0 0 cots y Y p p of the fishermen may be predleted two ee three years 151 advance, A CHOIR MDR Tells flow Pe-rsr-ia Riad !Iiia of All Catarrhal 7roubtes, PE -RU -NA SCORES Another Triumph in Canada, A Relief to Breathe Freely Once More," in R. 0. \V, MARTIN, Hertford, 1 $ Ont., choir leader at St. Paul's Episcopal church, writes: "Peruna is a wonderful remedy for catarrhal troubles. "I have been troubled with catarrh for a great many year's, and always trying something for it, but was eble only to secure temporary relief until 1 used Peruna, "Only flee bottles rid my sys(en1 0' oli traces of celarrh, and 1 have not noticed the sltgblest trouble for several months. "Aly !lead was Stopped up, my breath offensive, and it Is a relief to be able to breathe freely once more." BLACK RAIN. One of the services of science is In drylroying superstition, find a notable extunple of this was afforded recently In lrcland, On the night of October 8111 last, a fall of black rain, leaving inky peels in the reads, occurred in many parts. of the island. It was noted at Lord Rosse's famous observatory at Bier Castle, and an investigation of (ho meteorological conditions prevailing al the time followed. The result was 'to show that there had been a movement of h air over the central r the part of the P British Islands such as to carry scot from the manufacturing districts of :England aver the Irish Channel. Ex- amination of the black rain showed that IIs color was due to the presence et an extraordinary amount of soot. If your children moan and are rest- less during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a ioss of appetite, pale counten• lance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator effectually removes these pests, at once relieving the 11111e sufferers. MALIGNANT. Mrs. Chugwaler looked up from the newspaper she had been reading. "Josiah," she asked, "what is the on ion curer" •• "There's no such thing as an 0111011 cure," answered Mr. Chugwater. "Any- body that's got the onion habit is in- curable." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 15 DAYS. TUE YOUNG MAN RECOVERED, !lad Eaton o "Sacred Potato," and a Missionary Saved Ws Life, If It be the ease that the imagina- tion leas much to do in the healing 01 the stek, as ell physicians adm11, It Ls not unreasonable to hold the same man. toile faculty responsible for "!any 111 - meows. 'rhe author of "Forty Yews len New 200101111" leas a mi siof1J'y among the itaoris half a ceetllry ago, end bad to cure tar Ibn (adios as wen an for ihe souls of las people, one of his medical tiusl.s lyes of peculiar lamest. As all taalnp:e, 51175 the missionary, I may elle the eats of en athletic young; marl who was brought to ale one day I, a venerable) old IJJieltain. Frem Tread o feet the yeeng elan was trembling with excitement, lin had eche for sarrie reedieine. The rause of his illness was that he 11/111 by aceidrnt eaten it "sae. rel polul,." (1' Jno-1 firmly i-e;icve,i (11,l. for suet1 an Lel. of sacrilege the ellen hal god lied eetere1 his etuniiieh it - ihe term of a lizard, nod was co11- etiming les viten., L11Ie.s 1 could de. - liver hien he wed Me. !l was equally vain to 1a gh. or to rea5011 w:lh super - 0l8l x,113 frau', Atter 11101iirg the orthodox examina- tion of ray poi:oni, I gave frim ,some arel'i^111 ,pit? : anal t'r1d him 10 leerp quirt for a while and. 11e would recover, The next. clay 1 was 10111 shut. the young plan eves still ill, and would die Ile - Wring t0 the ening., i found him pale. haggard but resigned, sitting at one en.1 of a long hut open in Irene From twenty to thirty chlefe were sealed near him, .erreekeig their pipes and discussing the current ere '1'113 31,1 1vemen vele preparing lire Diens for the ea • terteinnlent of his [e'en le, who would flack 10 the place on tee report of his death. Ie three days he leas to die, and they were making preparations for ale coil!, I repressed my regret and disappoint- ment., and re-examined my patient. 1 found out my mistake; had given him medleino internally. 1 would now ap- illy it externally; and with an air of the greatest confidence, I assured then! (hot he w•oul'l re'o\'cr immediately on its taking died, and (his they would know by its producing a stinging pain. On this I sent 111111 a blistering plaster, with direction le apply it to Ure chest. In less then ern hour the young man cried out, "It bifesi it bites!" and all said, "Now he will recover," and so he did. WHAT CAUSES IIEADACITE. Prom Carobs, to May. Colds are the most fre- quent cause of Headache, LAYAT(VU BROMO QUININit remoras 001740. RR..\v. Grove on box 260 MORE OF IiiM. Miss Mugley—"Tele idea of his call- ing me homely. I may not be very ptaliy, but I'm certainly not as homely as he is." Miss Knox—"Ne, dear; but that's simply because he's bigger than you u are For Inflammation of the Eyes. — Among the tunny good qualities which 1'arnlelee's Vegetable Pills possess, be- sides regulating the digestive organs, is their efficacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of reeomnlendation from those w110 were afflicted with this complaint and found. a cure in the pills. They affect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result is almost immediately seen, YES. It Sakes a mighty bard, ling, tough cid winter Lo affect a girl's appetite for ler cream soda. Tiny tubercles on the skin of scrofulous pee, pie producethe hideous disease called lupus. Weaver's Cerate, used in time, will sane the skin from destruction. Apply to all alieoted parts. Oioaose the blood with weaver's Syrup. AN ANCIENT MARINER, Old Lady (who had given the tramp five cents)—Now, what will you do with It? Hungry Hobo—Waal, ye see, mom, et I buy an auto, there ain't enough It to hire a shofur. So 1 guess '11 et a schooner of beer. 1 kin handle hat nleself. (PALO OINTMIDNT is guaranteed to curs any 1,0 pap. of Roiling Blind, Bleeding or Frotndiq. ula86015dayaormoney refunded,- 590. - 1• The meson some men like to go t%me at night is because of the plea- sure it gives them to go away again the next morning. Everybody in town should get the best paint to paint their houses. It is Ram.. say's .Paints that have stood the teat as the best paints for over 60 years, Your dealer has Just received a big stock with handsome color cards to show you.. Write A. Itamsay A: Son Co., 1doutroal, for pack of Souvenir Picture .Post Cards of Homes. A woman's idea of economy is to take en old ;90,98 hat and. fix it over at a cos4, of $12, so that it will look like new. Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are covered o\'er with warts. Why have these dis- tlgurements on your person when n sure remover of alt warts, ceras, etc:, lean be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. The Duke el Por(land's extensive ea.. bates comprise 100,000 acres in Caithness, 17,000 in Ayrshire, 12,000 in Northumn- bcrland, 1(1,000 in Nottinghamshire, and 5,000 in the Midlands, 2115 coffins are largely used, let Vien- ne, but the more expensive ones are mato o1 copyler, .and cost as much as $2,500, while n bronze and copper 001' tin recently made for a Russian arch- duke east over 95,000. Wiens got tired as well as living things. 'Telegraph wires tire better eon- ducdons on Monday than Salut'dsy, on account, of Ririe Sunday rest, and a rust of three wakes adds 10 pet cent,. It the colnductv.ily Of a wire, Twenty vote ego the wngee of Nol.- tingllem, 1311glnricl, 159emn1ccrs were as higih as 930 end 935 a week, and the profits of the employers ranged up (o 100 cent. C' p l To -day, if n man is work, Ing full limo, he may carr! front ;$12.50 to $20 a Week, • A Good Name is to be Prized: There have been imitations of Dr, Thomas' Ecleclrlc 011 which may have been in- ju1'lous to its good name, but it so, the injury has only been temporary. Good- ness must always come to l,he front and throw into the shadow that which is worthless. So 11 has been with Belem Vie Oil; no Imitation can maintain it- self against the genuine article. H0\V DIFFERENT I'T SOUNDS. "Mother," whispered Jock Graham, "I have a great secret to Leif you, Mary Brownell proposed to 010 last night, and .I accepted her. Oh, mother, she's such a lovely girl, and so roman- tic! 1 am sure we shall be so happy;" But why carry it .any further? It's tee ridiculous, even 11 11 is Leap Year. OF COURSE. "I hear your old minister has gone in for ritualism?" "Yes, hes gone wrong completely.. "Why, hew can you say that? He's all rite now, isn't hes" ISSUE NO. 16--08. There its Only One 'soar That its r �® �q �g� �pw ` ,gip Lrs" dvEis. fJ3 1F' a iI Ili! .�ffiii iii✓ USED THE iRJORLD OVER TO CURE A O0LD IN AME 12111x. ,Always remember the full name. Look for this s{gn tare en a everyhoz, 260. `>�aa' ete o QuIn6�w PP Tat® Croat External Remedy French — W111 Relieve Those Suffering From Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Cofde, Sore Threat Sprains ural Patna Prlct 53 sndgo Cents. All Druggists. or by mail from The Pango Company, Tcronto WE GUARANTEE RELIEF. HOMING ME gr. '1I1E TR',1N DE LUXE OF CANADA. The "Ilite•national Limited," the pre- mier train of Canada, is indorsed by everybody who bus ever bad the experi- ence of riding on it. It )eaves 'Montreal ut 0.00 a.m. every day in oho year. ar- riving at 1'oronlo at 4.30 pint., Ham- ilton 5.30 p.m., London 7.48 p.m., De- troit 10.00 p.m., and Chicago 7.42 mine following morning. It is a ;solid vesti- Lute train—modern equipment through- out—with Pullman steeping ears through to Chicago; also Cote Parlor and Library car service, have the ex- perience on your next trip west, WARNING WORDS. "Don't expect to 19e loo independent in dis lite," said Uncle hhen. "Do man dot kill git along wifoul everybody else Ls mighty liable to be a man dun everybody eke kin git Meng wifoul:' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT LALtTIVJd lilt0140 Quinine Tablets, Prof/gists refund money it it falls to cure, 11, W. GROVE'S signature la oneach box. 055. JUST AS GOOD, BUT— Biggs—"What do you knew about B1ankse Is he as good as his word?" Diggs—"Oe, yes; but I wouldn't be- lieve a word he said." ' Some persons are more susceptible 10 colds than others, contracting de- rangenlents of the pulmonary cegar8 from the slightest causes. ?'hese should always have at hand a boodle of Sickle's Ant? Consumptive Syrup, Ile .resent clay sov0101(11 remedy tor l Y P coughs catarrh and inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cure no mat- ter how severe the cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy like 1111kle's, for it is the best. HE WAS RIGHT. "You are too fly,' he said to her, In a straightforward fashion; And then, as If to prove his words, She flew Into a passion. After Wasting Fevers hasten recovery to health by the use of "Porrovim.,' It is the best touio. It builds, strengthens and g;vas now vitality. Tfq it, it will make you feel strong. NO BETTER. Scrappeigh—I was a confounded fool when I got married) Mrs. Scrappeigh—Well, John, mar- ried life hasn't changed you any! DON'T USE P0011 OIL. For metal eewlog machines, bicycles and all purposes requiring a atm lubricant, the best is cheapest 111 the end. Genuine Singer oil can only bo obtained at Singer st0res. Look for the Red 8. Amp hay having used any maks of sewing machtno for 6 gears or more write Sapper Semi" flfathauo ('o., ilfat,nirtp Chambers, To1•onto, fol• beatetitlll sal of tern` souvenir views of Ontario. Free for asking. SO MAN YDO. Bank—"At the beginning of the year I started to keep a diary." Winks—."And did you carry it out?" Bink—"Yes, I carried it out the other day in the ashbox." They Drive Pimples Away.—A face covered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal Irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys aro net per- forming their functions in the healthy Reay they should, and these .pimpiesere le let yea know that the blood protests, Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, andwill leave the skin clear and clean, Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. TIIE QUESTION. Guide(showingplaces of historic in- terest)— It was in this room that Wel- lington received his first commission. Yes, sir, 11 is a tact." Mr. Einstein "Vet percentage of com- mission did 11e get?" (('Cn, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious I(eh in human or animals cured In 30 minutes by' Wel- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails: Said by all druggists. HIS REWARD. A faithful screen!' had grown old in the service of a rallwey company, and M last became too feeble lo work. The genaral "tanager was asked if the company evoldd not do something for him, as i110 tuns very poor. "How long has be been with us?" the e[ildlal inquired. "Over forty years," "Always slid has duty?" "Never missed a day," "Veil say be is very old end feeble?'' "Yrs. The chances .ere that 110 will never ieave his bed again,' "il'ml Pocr ?'attest \Vo must do somaihhlg Ior him, 1'11 give 111111 a flee pass for life over all the 00nlpany`a railway 570101". CARPET DYEING and Oleoma(. This 1a a apeolalcy with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING# O0 Scud pertteulore by poet and we ore sure thee/Esti 884reou gox 164. A:entrppl. FREE send a your nam, ana pddrenq for 12 pt eco 08 Jewolry o ooiln810 cents oneb, whoa 89e41 0058 00 torr Lao Nut Ivo w111 aond you threo TWO SOLID 00L 6fled 1411409. Wotruat you 0010 rho earn:? nd willaen It all charges paid. Soadus your Ramo sueuddrase:on:' 1411409. 6714R INFO. 00.,40 soy 5t.,rsoseeseteset eiele. AGENTS, -$103.50 PER MONTH selling theta) wonderful 8oigoors. V. 0. Weisner, P60116:,tij� ,) Columbus, 0., sold 22 pairs In. 8 hours, made 813; you ansm can do it, 100 show ;bow. MSS OCerrr Special lnducomoots to CanadianAgents. Themae M'f'g Co., 802 N; 8t. Dayton, 0. TD to hoar from owner having 0000 FARM for sato, Not particular about locetioo- Cleesogive price And description, and res - son far selling. State when posoeselon can be had. Will dual mitt, owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 991, Rochester, N. Y. -� 1NVESTMEi,V ., l T BOWOS TO YIELD FROM 3 TO l PER GENT, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. NORTHERN SECURITIES, ) trot TORONTO. kOUChe r� ._?' Lia 1� CANOE C9. 6t'CCESSeR.E, r0✓1,2101,10 CANOE CO PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Best en8 Cheapest Canoes• Stryf y,Levnchee Ere SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUIt PRICES BEFORE BUYING PLANTS LIAVE EYES. . Potatoes have "eyes,' as most people know, but how many ere aware Iha' certain =exam garden and wild now. oro are similarly equipped? The nastur- tium, begonia, clever, wood -sorrel, and bluebell, anung others, have eyes placed on their leaves. They are tiny ,protu- berances, filled with a transparent, gummy mixture, which focuses the rays of light upon a sensitive patch of tis- sue behind them. A nasturtl un plant has' thousands of such "eyes" on 115 loaves, but it is not yet known it the plana, can actually ,see, Are the sense impressions telegraphed tosome central nerve corresponding with the brain at the animal kingdom? In aiddi(ien to this visual organ, many plants show a touch of sensitiveness that ;points to further resemblance to animals; while certain senw•eeds and ;mosses 111 .11/1 curly sta.go of their existence are•able Le nein, ally swine through the water. Probo.bly the most expensive of fur teats Ie. the one a man is apt to and on his tongue the next meriting. Shiloh'„ the Shiloh's Curd t1�10 Sfor the worst cold, thasharpest cough —try it ort a guar- antee of your CCmoney back if it ures doesn't actualiy, CURL ,quiolyd than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,--natlliug in it to hurt, even l ,s baby, 04 yeam at success c0lnmend SlhiloIt's Cure—, 20e., 600,1 41. ells Cure Coughs and Cords Ij�--'�ttKY Ill l.7